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Arabia : poem by Walter de la Mare.
... will. His Throne comprises the heavens and earth; the preserving of them oppresses Him not; He is the All-high, the All-glorious. 4 (ii.256) It is afar, far cry from the gods of pagan Arabia carved in stone who were worshipped until the voice of the Prophet swept across the land. I Translation of A. J. Arberry in The Koran Interpreted, (London: Oxford University Press, 1983) ... wisdom. People trusted him and called him al Amin: the One who was honest and in whom they could have confidence, a quality illustrated by the following story. The Kaaba, the most holy shrine of Arabia, was and still is, a solid cubic structure. In a comer of it is the most revered Black Stone, which is supposed to be the stone that the Angel Gabriel brought to Abraham from Paradise. By the days... decreed that no unbeliever should ever be allowed — to set foot on its sacred soil. His two remaining years — spent mostly at Medina — were a continuing triumph. After some minor rebellions all Arabia submitted to his authority and creed. His days were filled with chores of Government. He gave himself conscientiously to details of legislation, judgment and civil, religious, and military organisation ...
... something deeper 1 ARABIA Far arc the shades of Arabia Where the Princes ride at noon, 'Mid the verdurous vales and thickets, Under the ghost of a moon; And so dark is that vaulted purple Flowers in the forest rise And toss into blossom 'gainst the phantom stars Pale in the noonday skies. Sweet is the music of Arabia In my heart when... and gleaming and delicate. The sound-suggestions are perfect. I suppose it comes from some plane of intuitive inspiration." A Comparison between "Pharphar" and Walter De la Mare's "Arabia" 1 "It is indeed charming—De la Mare seems to have an unfailing beauty of language and rhythm and an inspired loveliness of fancy that is captivating. But still it is fancy, the mind playing... earth I see But shadowed with that dream recalls Her loveliness to me: Still eyes look coldly upon me, Cold voices whisper and say— "He is crazed with the spell of far Arabia, They have stolen his wits away." I am speaking—a spiritual state not hinted at or abstractly put as the metaphysical poets most often do it but presented with a tangible accuracy ...
... lines as 1 ARABIA Far are the shades of Arabia Where the Princes ride at noon, 'Mid the verdurous vales and thickets. Under the ghost of a moon; And so dark is that vaulted purple Flowers in the forest rise And toss into blossom 'gains the phantom stars Pale in the noonday skies Sweet is the music of Arabia In my heart when out of dreams... subtle and gleaming and delicate. The sound-suggestions are perfect. I suppose it comes from some plane of intuitive inspiration." A Comparison between "Pharphar" and Walter De la Mac's "Arabia" 1 "It is indeed charming—De la Mare seems to have an unfailing beauty of language and rhythm and an inspired loveliness of fancy that is captivating. But still it is fancy, the mind playing... beauty on earth I seeee But shadowed with that dream recalls Her loveliness to me: Still eyes look coldly upon me, Cold voices whisper and say— "He is crazed with the spell of far Arabia, They have stolen his wits away." Page 179 That would be an instance of the concrete convincing reality of which I am speaking—a spiritual state not hinted at or abstractly ...
... God upon earth. Even before his death, all Arabia had submitted to Mohammed; Arabia, that had never before obeyed one prince, suddenly exhibited a political unity and swore allegiance to the will of an absolute ruler. The great work of unity succeeded and at the time when Mohammed died, there prevailed over the greater part of Arabia, a peace such as the Arab tribes, with their love of plunder... of the National life of Islam. It established the Kabah at Mecca as a religious centre for all the Muslim people, just as from time immemorial it had been a place of pilgrimage for all the tribes of Arabia. Of similar importance was the incorporation of the ancient Arab custom of pilgrimage to Mecca into the circle of the religious ordinances of Islam - a duty that was to be performed by every Muslim ...
... civilisation and protected in that community with each other and in their diversity from others by favourable geographical circumstances. Thus Greece, Italy, Gaul, Egypt, China, Medo-Persia, India, Arabia, Israel, all began with a loose cultural and geographical aggregation which made them separate and distinct culture-units before they could become nation-units. Within that loose unity the tribe, clan... the governing State impelled by the military impulsion which had carried it so far attempted immediately to form by the same means a larger empire-aggregate. Assyria, Macedon, Rome, Persia, later on Arabia followed all the same tendency and the same cycle. The great invasion of Europe and Western Asia by the Gaelic race and the subsequent disunion and decline of Gaul were probably due to the same phenomenon... origination or self-regeneration; vitality could only be restored through the inrush of the vigorous barbarian world from the plains of Germany, the steppes beyond the Danube and the deserts of Arabia. Dissolution had to precede a movement of sounder construction. In the mediaeval period of nation-building, we see Nature mending this earlier error. When we speak indeed of the errors of Nature ...
... system of medicine. It was from India that this science went to Greece and then to Arabia. Indian physicians used to go to Arabia. What Hippocrates and Galen speak of as the three humours is an Indian idea. India also discovered the use of the zero with mathematical notations. Astrology too went from India to Arabia. NIRODBARAN: At Calcutta, people are trying to found Ayurvedic schools. That will ...
... are expressly informed that Paul did not "go up to Jerusalem" but "went off to Arabia at once" . The mention of going "straight back from there to Damascus" does imply that Damascus figures in the "crucial event": still, it is as if it took place in this city itself where he was staying before going off to Arabia and not on the road to Damascus. The road, however, is not quite ruled... might preach the Good News about him to the pagans. I did not stop to discuss this with any human being, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to see those who were already apostles before me, but I went off to Arabia at once and later went straight back from there to Damascus. Even when after three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas [Peter] and stayed with him for fifteen days, I did not see any of the ...
... of mankind without various and mutually dissentient revelations of his will. Now imagine a physician with theosophical power who for purposes of gain so modified the climatic features of Judaea & Arabia that the same disease required two distinct methods of treatment in the one & the other. This he does wilfully and deliberately and with foreknowledge of the result. As soon as his end is assured,... the sole remedy for their disease, but all others are the property of quacks and will eventually induce an increase of the malady. Five years later the same Page 15 physician goes off to Arabia and here he gives them another drug of an accurately opposite nature about which he imparts the same instructions. Now if we remember that the climatic conditions which necessitated the deception, ...
... do in the world," said the Prophet. That is why his noble life was a simple one. Believing in his mission, he wanted to instruct the whole of Arabia. He did not care for luxuries: his heart was set on loftier thoughts. The following story from Arabia shows that to a healthy soul the simple life offers more happiness than any other. Maisun was a daughter of the tribe of Kalb; she had spent ...
... procurement'' of nuclear materials and missile technology from China and North Korea. In order to hide the establishment of the nuclear weapons program, the division received funding from both Saudi Arabia and Libya. In addition, proceeds from heroin and opium smuggling were deferred to the program. Finally, the ISI also began smuggling nuclear technology out of Europe, all of which the United States... een and Harkat-ul-Jihad, provide food, shelter, and clothing for trainees at these camps. In addition, the ISI has contracted militants from Afghanistan, Bahrain, Chechnya, Iran, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkey, and Yemen to fight in Kashmir.40 Finally, the ISI is known to have supplied Islamic militants in Kashmir with assault rifles and more advanced weapons systems, which included the Russian ...
... artisans, a flourishing inland commerce, a large export and import trade. We hear of busy Page 698 and flourishing ports through which the manufactures of India flowed out to Europe, to Arabia and Persia, and from which, in those early times, we sent out our delicate cotton textures, our chintz and muslin, our silk cloth and silk thread, a fine quality of steel; indigo, sugar, spices and ...
... rest of Europe! If an Indian were to set about the same task in the same spirit, he would no doubt similarly pour out an interminable list of Indian names with some great men of Europe and America, Arabia, Persia, China, Japan forming a brief tail to this large peninsular body. These exercises of the partial mentality have no value. And it is difficult to find out what measure of values Mr. Archer is ...
... civilisation of early Asia, flanks her on the right and has already arisen. The Mahomedan world, preserving the aggressive and militant civilisation of Islam, flanks her on the left and in Egypt, in Arabia, in Persia, is struggling to arise. In India the two civilisations meet, she is the link between them and must find the note of harmony which will reconcile them and recreate a common Asiatic civilisation ...
... The Caliphate now abolished could only have survived as a purely religious headship and even in that character its unity was threatened by the rise of new spiritual and national movements in Persia, Arabia and Egypt. But the one real and important fact in Asia of today is this that the whole active force of its future is centred not in priesthood or aristocracy, but, as it was formerly in Russia before ...
... perfect. I suppose it comes from some Page 511 plane of intuitive inspiration. 15 October 1936 I wonder whether you would indicate the resemblances and differences between De la Mare's Arabia—a charming poem—and this one written by myself [Pharphar] which was partially influenced by his. It is indeed charming—De la Mare seems to have an unfailing beauty of language and rhythm and an ...
... emperors became Christian did the cult spread. Epiphanius (Haereses, LXXIX) locates its beginning in the East where the imperial decrees against the old religions first took effect: he mentions Arabia and Thrace and the details he provides show that it replaced the popular cult of Ceres and Cybele. In Armenia it supplanted the cult of Anahita. In places like Rome where paganism continued a long ...
... towards the end. And in the somnambulist scene she would not have been rubbing her hands and trying to wash them. Nor, if she had been a born murderess, would she have exclaimed that all the perfumes of Arabia would not sweeten the little hand that had once the smell of blood on it — that is, when she had gone into Duncan's chamber to smear with his blood the faces and clothes of the grooms sleeping there ...
... The Divine Love is the essence of Truth and cannot be affected by human confusions. Page 116 An Old Chaldean Legend 1 Long ago, very long ago, in the desert land that is now Arabia, a divine being incarnated on earth to awaken it to the Supreme Love. As one would expect, he was persecuted by men, misunderstood, suspected, hunted after. Mortally wounded by his assailants, he wished ...
... Fischer quotes several sources who state: “The Germans pursued in the Ukraine a precise economic and political goal. They wanted to keep permanent possession of the most secure way to Mesopotamia and Arabia, and to [the oilfields of] Baku and Persia, which they had won by their invasion of the Ukraine … [One policy maker] went so far to postulate that, ‘as long as England blocks Germany’s expansion toward ...
... of you all. With affectionate remembrance in the Mother's Truth and Love Huta On December 30th the Mother sent me a painted card depicting a white bird—the Phoenix, the mythical bird of Arabia—coming out of leaping flames. These elevating lines accompanied it: 30.12.55 Bonjour! My dear little child, I hope this day will be a good one for you with my love always near you ...
... packet of pomegranate flower petals (The Divine's Love) attached to it. The inscription was in French. Later it was translated like this: Long ago, very long ago, in the desert land that is now Arabia, a divine being incarnated on earth to awaken it to the Supreme Love. As one would expect, he was persecuted by his assailants; he wished to die alone, quietly, so that his work might be accomplished; ...
... we turn to the Lord of the universe and to That which is beyond in a great aspiration towards the new Light. 31 October 1955 Kali Puja 1955 Long, long ago, in the dry land which is now Arabia, a divine being incarnated upon earth to awaken in it the supreme love. As expected it was persecuted by men, misunderstood, suspected, pursued. Mortally wounded by its assailants, it wanted to die ...
... might preach the Good News about him to the pagans. I did not stop to discuss this with any human being, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to see those who were already apostles before me, but I went off to Arabia at once and later went straight back from there to Damascus. Even when after three years I went to Jerusalem to visit Cephas and stayed with him for fifteen days, I did not see any of the other apostles; ...
... carry out researches about the impact of Islam on Indian society as well as effect of Indian society on Islam. It is a tribute to the accommodating spirit of Indian ethos that Islam that came from Arabia did not remain a "foreign" religion and developed a unique Indian flavor, which may not appeal to some puritans but inspires common Indian Muslims immensely. This unique intermingling of Hinduism and ...
... the experience of the Jamia Hamdard. Highlights of the presentation of Shri Siraj Hussain are as follows: *It is a tribute to the accommodating spirit of Indian ethos that Islam that came from Arabia did not remain a 'foreign' religion and developed a unique Indian flavour, which may not appeal to some puritans but inspires common Indian Muslims immensely. This unique intermingling of Hinduism ...
... loyalty to the Crown. Unfortunately, the plate too shared in the bliss, and if one pressed one's fingers a little hard on its surface it would start flying in a circle, like the whirling dervishes of Arabia. And then one had to use one hand for eating while the other held the plate in position. Else, while whirling, it would attempt to slip away with the incomparable grub provided by the prison authorities ...
... about what secrets of their trade were discussed by Pakistani nuclear scientists with Bin Laden. Furthermore, Pakistan has been selling its nuclear weapons technology to North Korea, Myanmar, and Saudi Arabia. There are questions about whether Musharraf has full control over his military and intelligence apparatus as well as his nuclear arsenal. U.S. policy toward Pakistan has failed to consider the cumulative ...
... The quiet beauty and rhythm of Nature permeate the limbs if one lives in close proximity to Nature. We in our country had, no doubt, the advantage of forests. But even in other countries like Arabia or Egypt which had no forests but only desert tracts with their wide stretches of bare sand, the same method was followed. There the seekers and the saints and mystics lived in the heart of the desert ...
... Aesop, 21 Agastya, 74 Agni, 133, 138-40, 144 Ajdeb, 277 Algeria , 12 Amrita, 38, 192, 194 Andamans, the, II Androgyne, 296-7 Anu, 71n Arabia (L'Arabie), 1I8 Arcturus, 297 Arjuna, 38, 68, 112 Asura, 148,272 Aswins, the, 144 Ashram (Sri Aurobindo), Iin., 63, 70-1 BACH, Richard ...
... pictures. At level 5, history will be the study of the daily life in various countries at different times, starting with tribal life (Red Indians, present day aborigines, Eskimos, nomads of Arabia), then proceeding with ancient Egypt, India, China, Pre-Colombian civilizations, Greece, Rome, Japan and other countries at various epochs. The heuristic work of the work-sheets will be carried out ...
... and so nothing is unnatural for him. (Laughter) (After a pause) Ayurveda is the first system of medicine; it originated in India. Medicine, mathematical notation and astrology all went from India to Arabia, and from there they travelled to Greece. There three humours of which Hippocrates and Galen speak are an Indian idea. Disciple : At Calcutta and other places they are trying to start Ayurvedic ...
... related the humorous episode of the tank which was much enjoyed by all. PURANI (after some time, smilingly): Have you read in the Sunday Hindu the article saying that there are Hindu tribes in Arabia? SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): Yes. It is like the Tamil Christ and the Madrasi Virgin Mary. SATYENDRA: What is that? SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, you don't know? A Tamil scholar discovered that Christ ...
... been a god, I would not let this cruel thing have happened. DIOMEDE Why do you weep for them? they were not Syrians. PRAXILLA Not they, but barbarous jabbering foreigners From Indus or Arabia. Fie, my child, You sit upon the floor and weep for these? ANDROMEDA When Iolaus fell upon the rocks And hurt himself, you did not then forbid me To weep! PRAXILLA He is your brother ...
... new lease of life and a great dynamic impulse. Of the Mahomedan races, not a single one is decadent. Persia rises from her weakness full of youthful enthusiasm and courage though not yet of capacity. Arabia in her deserts surges with life. Egypt after her calamities is undergoing new birth; as far as Morocco the stir of life is seen. And today Turkey, the sick man, has suddenly risen up vigorous and whole ...
... the few fundamental principles it needed and, feeling obscurely the necessity of completing itself by physical science, as soon as it entered that field, far outpaced the accomplishment of Europe or Arabia, ended in a defeat & collapse necessary for the final salvation of humanity. Its defeat necessitated in the divine scheme the later arrival in India of an intellectual & rationalistic civilisation ...
... in order to give my sister and me a home. I did not like her husband and having developed a stammer I began writing poetry. I knew nothing about other religions but wanted early on to be a hermit in Arabia or a “tramp” (vagabond or gypsy) in England! At one time I entertained the idea of entering the church ministry but the stammer ended that. I also wanted to be a fashion designer. Were you aware ...
... She acquired fame by her magnificent terrace temple at Deir-el-Bahri and by her Obelisks at Thebes, the expenses of which were partly met by the treasure-hunting expeditions which she sent to South Arabia. The long military inactivity of her reign, during which state affairs were in the hands of her partisans, shook Egyptian power in Asia. In 1841 her tomb was discovered on a cliff behind the valley ...
... For such a spirit would be entirely opposed to the Truth I am here to manifest. When I came here in the beginning, X told me that Sri Aurobindo said: "Mahomedanism was all right for the people of Arabia and those countries. I don't see why it should have come to India." Had Mahomedanism no message for India? Is this a teaching of the Ashram? No, certainly not; it is a sheer misinterpretation of ...
... So nobody has an interesting question according to the definition just given...? Page 372 APPENDIX An Old Chaldean Legend Long, long ago, in the dry land which is now Arabia, a divine being incarnated upon earth to awaken in it the supreme love. As expected it was persecuted by men, misunderstood, suspected, pursued. Mortally wounded by its assailants, it wanted to die ...
... without further delay. These last two days my health has been better. I am no longer constantly tired as I was before. In the evening I take a walk alone in the vast dunes near Rameshwaram, it feels like Arabia, and no loudspeakers! You rest in a sort of tranquil infinity. ........ The monkeys stole my mirror while I was taking my bath, and after marveling at themselves in it at length, they broke it ...
... Bangladesh, China, Chinese Taipei, Page 324 Honking, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Syria, Thailand.) 2nd Asian Winter Games: 1990 Sapporo (Japan) Due to various difficulties, India had to renounce the privilege of hosting the 2nd Winter ...
... loyalty to the Crown. Unfortunately, the plate too shared in the bliss, and if one pressed one's fingers a little hard on its surface it would start flying in a circle, like the whirling dervishes of Arabia. So that was all the property we had! The vans came one by one, filled with people shouting 'Bande Mataram'. Then we all met and there was such a pandemonium, all enquiring about ...
... greater chance of bringing about a happier solution for the nation too, and not the other way round. The more significant urge today is towards this greater aggregation – Pan-America, Pan-Russia, Pan-Arabia, a Western European Block and an Eastern European Block are movements that have been thrown up because of 'a greater necessity in human life and its evolution. Man's stupidity, his failure to grasp ...
... for trade: the voyage of Nearchus connected his new colonial territory in India with Babylon; he himself intended shortly before his death to connect Babylon with Egypt by an expedition by sea around Arabia; he rendered the Tigris navigable, and a "new Phoenicia" was designed on the coast of the Persian gulf; great harbour works were begun in Pattala and Babylon for the pro- motion of navigation and trade ...
... brief replied and now very few write to me. X says that I should support her at least on the basis of old family relation. What a wonderful principle of conduct for an Asram! It might serve in Arabia. Corsica or ancient Greece. About X's novel-affair, you said it is her individual concern True, but poets and artists have to take their occupation as sadhana. There is no objection to that ...
... which had been lost in the last round. They called upon their confused comrades and converted victims to revert to the old medieval ways when Islam had converted the pagan and peace-loving people of Arabia into a group of marauding conquerors. India with her powerful assimilative capacity had absorbed the earlier aggressions of the Greeks, the Sakas, the Kushanas and the Hunas; and it is certain ...
... created; this was to be an army not just for Pakistan, but also for the greater glory of Islam. It was, after all, a different historical epoch. The global jihad industry, financed by the US and Saudi Arabia, welcomed it. Political Role and Attitudes The Pakistan army has four key interests that it will always want to protect: • Absolute control over its own institution ...
... proceeds further: "What is then the remedy? I am not afraid of the seven crores of Mussalmans. But I think the seven crores in Hindustan plus the armed hordes of Afghanistan, Central Asia, Arabia, Mesopotamia an Turkey, will be irresistible". "I do honestly and sincerely believe in the necessity or desirability of Hindu-Muslim unity. I am also fully prepared to trust the Muslim leaders ...
... military that directly consumes a very large portion of its budget after debt payments. The military has gained strength by opportunistically aligning itself with the United States, China and Saudi Arabia. It has directly ruled the country for most of its history and has cultivated relations with the fundamentalist Islamist clergy to strengthen its hold. In fact, the military is a bastion of Islamists ...
... Satan does a thing, if he means it, he does it well. One remembers the frightful picture of Lady Macbeth trying to rub out the damned spot on her hand: she found it impossible and "all the perfumes of Arabia" would not sweeten the hand that bore it; the spot corrodes, eats into the being carrying with it infinite pain and weird misery and madness all through eternity – "the murky hell." Dante then turned ...
... the only trouble was that the very sight of my joy would send the dish into such transports of rapture that at a slight pressure of my finger, it would start pirouetting like the whirling Dervish of Arabia. I had, then, no go but to hold the dish with one hand and eat with the other. Otherwise, in its giddy whirligig, it would scuttle with the handful of incomparable food supplied in the jail. The bowl ...
... greater chance of bringing about a happier solution for the nation too, and not the other way round. The more significant urge today is towards this greater aggregation—Pan-America, Pan-Russia, Pan-Arabia, a Western European Block and an Eastern European Block are movements that have been thrown up because of a greater necessity in human life and its evolution. Man's stupidity, his failure to grasp ...
... "discover themselves and follow a path of right and beauty". The stories are garnered from the whole world, the accumulated memories of the human race. Fable, fiction, history, myth, legend - India, Japan, Arabia, Persia, Jerusalem, Italy, Guyana - Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Islamic, Jewish, Christian, Zoroastrian all agreeably mingle in this humanistic pot pourri; and the result is an utterly wholesome meal ...
... swift and straight and frank. A love that strengthens. Divine Love. Years before, Mother had related to us an ancient Chaldean legend. "Long ago, very long ago, in the arid country which is now Arabia, a divine being had incarnated upon earth to awaken there the supreme love. As one would expect, the Incarnation was persecuted by men, misunderstood, suspected, hunted down. Mortally wounded by assailants ...
... The Man of Secrets The pilgrims were praying to the sun, waist-deep in the water, the high dunes sloped down into the sea, so pure, so soft, like a white. Arabia; one felt like staying there for ever, watching the suns go by, without wanting anything but that smooth luminous whiteness which flowed into the rippleless water, that simple perdition without a murmur ...
... Irremeable Ocean Canto XII–The Journey of the Land without Pity Epilogue–The Arabian and the Caliph Prologue Alnuman and the Peri In Bagdad by Euphrates, Asia's river, Euphrates that through deserts must deliver The voices which of human daybreaks are Into the dim mysterious surge afar, The Arabian dwelt; after long travel he. Regions deserted, wastes of silent sea, Wide Ocean ignorant... with summer, forth Page 147 The Arabian rode from great Bagdad and turned Into the desert. All around him burned The imprisoned spirit of fire; above his head The sky was like a tyranny outspread, The sun a fire in those heavens, and fire The sands beneath; the air burning desire And breathless, a plumb weight of flame; yet rode The Arabian unfeeling like a god. Three hours he rode... Experienced; but before the serpent sprang, Wrathful, the Arabian seized the glittering neck And twines of bronze burning with many a fleck Of coloured fire. His angry grasp to quell Vainly the formidable folds rebel: Not all that gordian force and slippery strength Of coils availed. Inanimate at length, The immense destroyer on the Arabian's wrist Hung in a ruin loose; and to resist His wrath ...
... "had with him for many years an illustrated edition of the Arabian Nights which he had himself selected as a prize." Dinendra Kumar Roy, who was in Baroda for two years to help Sri Aurobindo improve his Bengali, recalls with enthusiasm the deluxe edition of the Arabian Nights. "Never before had I seen such a voluminous edition of the Arabian Nights, it was like a sixteen-volume Webster 1 And with i ...
... played the part [of a] demi-official organ of Sir Andrew Fraser's Government, that Sir Andrew "has not the remotest idea of laying down the reins of his office before time"—and like the old man in the Arabian Nights he will, in spite of the repeated snubs he has received from his official superiors, continue to embarrass us for two more years. It matters little who rules the province. The policy of the ...
... tapers to a point at Kanyakumari (Cape Comorin). The point is the meeting ground of three seas. It is washed by the Bay of Bengal from the east, and by the Arabian Sea from the west; mingling with them is the Indian Ocean. Bordering the Arabian Sea are the Malabar and Konkan coasts. The western coast extends from the Cape almost in a straight line towards the north up to the Gulf of Khambat, where... Nilgiris. The Deccan has a distinct slope towards the east. Most major rivers that rise Page 113 on the crest of the Western Ghats course down to the Bay of Bengal, and not to the Arabian Sea. From very ancient times, from the mouth of the Narmada to the mouth of the Ganges, there were well-known port towns studding the long coast lines of India. Among the ports on the Coromandel ...
... assist. In Page 391 the teachings of Buddha, the speculation of Shankara, the poetry of Kalidasa their souls could find pasture and refreshment. The alien form and spirit of Japanese and Arabian poetry and of Chinese philosophy which prevented such an approximation with the rest of Asia, was not here to interfere with the comprehension of the human soul & substance. There was indeed a single ...
... Being is eternal and universal and infinite and cannot be the sole property of the Mussulmans or of the Semitic religions only,—those that happened to be in a line from the Bible and to have Jewish or Arabian prophets for their founders. Hindus and Confucians and Taoists and all others have as much right to enter into relation with God and find the Truth in their own way. All religions have some truth in ...
... only 10% is so covered. The flora and fauna of the Pleistocene began to resemble those of today. Among the significant mammals that evolved during the Pleistocene were humans. 2 Now called the Arabian Sea. Page 96 as the lost civilization of Atlantis. But they were no longer living. The civilization that developed along the banks of the Saraswati had something different in... Ganga and Narmada, of Godavari and Krishna, of Kaveri and Tamra-parni.... From the Himalayan peaks to Dakshina Jalanidhi (Indian Ocean), from Purva Sagar (Bay of Bengal) to Pashchima Payodhi (the Arabian Sea), India's air filled with a strange aroma. Swami Vivekananda of our own times put it so well. "India," he said, "shall rise only through a renewal and restoration of that highest spiritual con ...
... John's Gospel: "I and my Father are one." Richard Burton, the famous nine- teenth-century translator of the unexpurgated Arabian Nights which he entitled A Thousand Nights and a Night, a version Sri Aurobindo intensely admired, wrote a long poem called The Kasidah with an Arabian atmosphere. Among the lines I remember from it are these two: "I am the truth, I am the truth," we hear the God-drunk ...
... led by Dr. S.R. Rao and sponsored by the Union Department of Science and Technology, has claimed more discoveries connected with the legendary Dwaraka site during the underwater excavation in the Arabian Sea in April [1986]... "Dr. Rao said... that the expedition found the remains of a temple, a stone-built jetty and perforated stone anchors. This led the expedition to conclude that Dwaraka was ...
... but that most unexpected symbol of his country — the mango! In the world of fruits the mango is as essentially Indian as olives are Greek, grapes French, figs Spanish, oranges Maltese and dates Arabian. Even more so — since it is a stauncher nationalist than any of them inasmuch as it has refused to thrive to any marked degree in a non-Indian soil, although Burma, Ceylon, Egypt, Brazil and the U ...
... Karl May, fertile writer of some seventy adventure stories for the youth. “Adi” (Hitler’s pet name) had also liked Don Quichote , Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver’s Travels, Uncle Tom’s Cabin and The Arabian Nights , but May remained his favourite author even in adulthood. “Hitler’s cult of May weathered time unscathed. It is said that even when Chancellor of the Reich he took the time to read May’s complete ...
... wrapped in gold-trimmed saris and jewels as they entered the palace. Tehmi said the streets were sometimes filled with parades of camels and that the Nawab (Begum’s son) had a stable of beautiful Arabian horses that were also often paraded through the streets during times of pageantry and festivals. Tehmi went to Queen Mary School in Bombay and was finely trained in the arts, academics and gymnastics... ns fled Persia in search of religious freedom and came to the Udwada section of Gujarat in India. They brought burning lamps with them from their temples in Persia on their ships that crossed the Arabian Sea. The ruler of Gujarat welcomed them and gave them religious refuge there. They promised to live as his own people. One of the Zoroastrian High Priests asked for a cup of milk that he then mixed ...
... with me, I am your friend for ever." This boy had controlled his anger as Caliph Hussein had done. But there are many other things that also need to be bridled. Page 175 The Arabian poet, Al Kosai, lived in the desert. One day he came across a fine Naba tree and from its branches he made a bow and some arrows. At nightfall he set out to hunt wild asses. Soon he heard the hoof-beats ...
... enter the room? You take a key and open the door! You must find the key. Or you sit down in front of the door until you have found the word, the idea or the force which opens it―as in the Arabian Nights tales. It is not a joke, it is very serious. You must sit down in front of the door and then concentrate until you have found the key or the word or the power to open it. If one doesn't ...
... Aurobindo said one evening to his disciples. "Her father, King Revat, wanted to get her married and wished to consult Brahma, the Creator, about it." King Revat was the king of Kushasthali on the Arabian Sea; it is over its ruins that in another age Krishna built his Dwaraka. Revat lived in Treta Yuga when men mingled freely with gods. Princess Revati accompanied her father. "So he went to the Brahmaloka ...
... again Sri Aurobindo made a speech. On the 23 rd the train reached Bombay. This was the terminus. Everyone got down. Another train would take the party to Surat. On Bombay's beach, lapped by the Arabian sea, a meeting was arranged to be addressed by Sri Aurobindo. "We could hardly walk to the place through the living streams converging by the streets and lanes towards the chosen spot, automatically ...
... the entire fleet, _______ 1 Adversity: distress; affliction; hardship. 2 Laconically: (of a person's speech) using very few words. Page 73 would explore the sea route from the Arabian Sea to the Persian Gulf. As for Alexander, he had decided to reach Pasargadae and Persepolis by passing through Ramballa, Poura and Hormuz, that is to say following the Southern road, the closest ...
... began in the eighth century. In the eighth century A.D., there began a series of invasions, which had a profound and lasting effect on India. These were the invasions of the Muslims, first through the Arabian Sea into Sind and later, by the Turks through the passes on the northwest of India. These invasions came through the northwestern passes, the Khyber Pass and the Bolan Pass. This was the beginning ...
... civilised than the Negroes? Have you read Phanindra Bose's book on the Santals? He says that the Santals are not at all inferior to other classes of people in the matter of ethics. So also with the Arabian races. Wilfred Scawen Blunt praised them highly as a very sympathetic and honest people. Do you think the average man today is better than a Greek of 2500 years ago—or than an Indian of that time? ...
... factor. Here is a piece of land cut off from the rest by the Himalayas on the north east, the Hindukush on the north west; in the south are the three big seas — the Bay of Bengal on the south east, the Arabian Sea on the south west and the Indian Ocean on the south. It is as if Nature herself had marked out this piece of land as a distinct unit and a separate entity. India is the name given to the... India as being "constituted with a four-fold conformation" (chatuh samasthana samsthitam). On three sides, the South, West and East are the three great seas, the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal; while the Himavat range stretches along its north like the string of a bow". The name Himavat in the above passage refers not only to the snow capped ranges of the Himalayas... Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, and Sutlej —that give Punjab (the food bowl of India) its name as the "land of five rivers," join it. It is this very same river that flows into Pakistan and then into the Arabian Sea. However, much of the myth and sentiment attached to India is related with the Ganges. The gushing waters of the Ganges are at once peaceful and tumultuous. Nature's glory and ...
... published in the Sri Aurobindo Mandir Annual , as well as separately. The source of the plot of The Viziers of Bassora is "Nur al-Din Ali and the Damsel Anis al-Jalis", a story told in the Arabian Nights (thirty-fourth to thirty-eighth nights). Sri Aurobindo owned in Baroda a multi-volume edition of Richard Burton's translation of the Arabic text (London, 1894), which he considered "as much ...
... Mooltan weighed anchor on the morning of 15 February 1870. Steaming south in the Bay of Bengal, the ship's ports of call were Madras on India's Coromandel coast, Galle in Ceylon; then crossing the Arabian Sea she made a halt at Aden, in Persia; there they witnessed the "gigantic steamer, the wonder of the age," the Great Eastern laying the Anglo-Indian telegraph cable. The Mooltan then passed through ...
... soul? Well, it means reincarnation; the soul, whatever that may be, had got out of one case of flesh and is now getting into another case of flesh. It sounds simple,—let us say, like the Djinn of the Arabian tale expanding out of and again compressing himself into his bottle or perhaps as a pillow is lugged out of one pillowcase and thrust into another. Or the soul fashions for itself a body Page 270 ...
... gold A wave disguised in moonlight seemed, Whose every curve and curious fold With opal facets gleamed. Her nestling mass of rounded curls Were soft as velvet cloths, Once fingered by Arabian girls Or piled in Syrian booths. She was an ebon-framèd lyre Where wind-waked murmurs dance, A tinted statue of Desire In studios of Romance. Her glowing cheeks just ripe with youth ...
... Pentaur's poem on the conquests of Rameses in ancient Egyptian or at least the fragment of it that survives. I don't know Arabic either but I don't mind that having read Burton's translation of the Arabian Nights which is as much a classic as the original. Anyhow the gaps are vast and many. 13 July 1937 Old Forms into New Shapes Jyoti doesn't want to rest content with the forms. The yugadharma ...
... photography. It flowed down from the Himalayas reaching the plains near Ambala in Punjab, then through Rajasthan and the Rann of Kutch in a course roughly parallel to the Indus, and finally into the Arabian sea. It was indeed a mighty river, six to eight kilometres in width, with the Sutlej, the Yamuna, and even at one time the Ganga as its tributaries. Detailed studies have shown that it changed course ...
... attention to school studies. However, Sri Aurobindo did in fact find the class lessons quite easy and secured many prizes. I remember his mentioning to us that one of these prizes was a full set of the Arabian Nights which he read with great pleasure. In the final examination, the young scholar did very well, securing prizes in literature and history; he had already shown exceptional proficiency in Latin ...
... ringing formula about Krishna, "The Son of Vasudeva is the whole world", the post-Christian Plotinus's Upanishadic leap of the human soul into the World-Soul, the similar surge of the Persian and Arabian Sufis - all these are clear and concrete realisations, experimentally verified in a decisive way and directed by deep ethical disciplines preparatory to mystical vision. To dub them "dreams of metaphysics" ...
... marriage was celebrated in grand style in the government palace; the Viceroy and the Ministers were present. I wore a superb dress and they found me more beautiful than my daughter." Finally, this little Arabian who took Paris by storm with her sky-blue pourpoint and her tarbush tipped low, who read The Origin of Species and created havoc in the Grand Hotel, retired to Nice and spent the last years of her ...
... imaginative tension. Thus, when Othello, in his speech before his suicide, tells us of himself as being one whose subdued eyes, Albeit unused to the melting mood, Drop tears as fast as the Arabian trees Their medicinal gum, we get a picture that, unlike Chapman's of tear-towers, has a pathos appropriate and keen at once by the extreme simile the speaker fetches and by the romantically ...
... rhythm and the lord of architecture. The rhythmic unit in Savitri is the blank verse line, the iambic pentameter, and this has been likened by Lytton Strachey to, ...the Djinn in the Arabian Nights; it is either the most terrible of masters, or the most powerful of slaves. If you have not the magic secret, it will take your best thoughts, your bravest imaginations, Page ...
... happened or how long I slept; I was walking across moutains of red silk—brilliant red, cherry red—which undulated like a sea, and I was sinking into it up to my knees; I was ascending and descending red Arabias as far as the eye could see, all alone; each step fell in, I had to make a tremendous effort to unstick myself; I was trying to hang on with my hands but they also were sinking and slipping into that ...
... residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappado-cia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabians' [Acts 2:9-11]." The long and short of my contention is that there is nothing in the Matthew sentence to alter the expectation of a near-at-hand Second Coming. Jesus could have meant by ...
... itself there is evidence for at least five such floods, each lasting for several decades, even up to a century. Evidence has also been found of considerable rise in the coast-line of the Arabian Sea. Hence, there is no need at all to posit a horde of invading Aryans for demolishing imaginary dams where natural forces are found to be responsible. Chattopadhyaya also fails to notice that ...
... the Indus plain near the city of Hyderabad in Sind, had suggested an affirmative answer. In 1960 the field-workers sent by Pennsylvania University, examining Harappān settlements along Pakistan's Arabian Sea coast, could not help concluding that the coastline had risen considerably in the past 4000 years and the initial rise appeared to have occurred during the period of the Indus Valley Civilization ...
... 525, 536, 540 Amrita Bazar Patrika, 229,309, 312 Anandamath, 76, 194, 219, 337 Andal, 497 Andre Morrisset, 726 Andromeda, 128 Anger, Roger, 775,780 Appian, 135 Arabian Nights Entertainments, The, 129, 177 Archer, William, 490,49 1ff Archimedes, 416 Areopagitica, 200 Argov, Daniel, 228fn Arjava (J. A. Chadwick), 514, 575ff, 594, 639 Arnold... of Science, A, 159-60,161,169 Vivekananda, Swami, 15, 16, 48, 63, 184, 195,197,235,258,278,287, 305, 321, 336,338, 339, 389 Viziers of Bassora, The, 69, 119-20, 129ff; source in Arabian Nights, 129; action of the comedy, 129ff; the Caliph as "masked Providence", 132; a legend of likeable women, 133,139 Von Kleist, Heinrich, 639 Vyasa, 10, 84, 605 War and S ...
... 214 Allies (in World War II ), 226, 236, 238-239 altruism, 80 , 102, 112 Ambedkar, B. R., 204,205 America , 59 , 81 , 174,237 Americans, 77 , 239 Andhra University, 247 Anushilan Samiti, 13 Arabians, 190 archaeology , 98(fn), l001(fn) Arjuna, 51 , 125,206,240 art, 65-68, 103, 127, 182,220 Indian a r t, 59 .60, 67, 68 , 168 Arya (English monthly), 83, III Arya Samaj , 170 Aryan, 49 , 106 ...
... of Indians. The blue flag figuring the great Indian subcontinent stretching from Kashmir to Sri Lanka, from Sind to Burma, environed by the Himalaya in the North, the Indian ocean in the South, the Arabian sea on the West and the Bay of Bengal in the East, and with the Mother's symbol of her Shakti, her four powers and her twelve emanations concentrically arranged as the heart of the living Mother of ...
... swamps, old walls ravaged with cracks or shining in every color, floors upon floors stacked like sad, gray apartment buildings, hovels, the flying wings of Japanese roofs, openwork partitions like Arabian lattices, and sometimes a solitary tower, closed like a fist, or huge and suffocating Gothic structures ... It is interminable, as varied as the world itself, but it is always a construction, that ...
... verse as is evidenced in Urvasie, Love and Death, Baji Prabhou and the several dramas (including The Hero and. the Nymph). The late Lytton Strachey aptly compared blank verse to the Djinn in the Arabian Nights story: it is either the most tyrannical of masters or the most obedient and efficient of slaves. But one must know the mantra of metrical mastery to be able to awe the Djinn into utter obedience ...
... they halted atCalcutta. The ‘City of Palaces’ was quite different from the village of Shivhati and young Nishikanto, who had heard the stories of the Arabian Nights from his sister Bela, tried to identify Calcutta with Baghdad, the city of the Arabian Nights. All the descriptions he had heard about the city from Bela matched with Calcutta, so when he asked Sudhakanto: “Is this the city of Baghdad ...
... studies. Though some of his teachers used to regret his preoccupation with general reading, he was nevertheless able to win many prizes. He had with him for many years an illustrated edition of the Arabian Nights which he had himself selected as a prize. He was also able to secure an open scholarship to King's College. Aurobindo began writing poetry at a very early age. Even while he was at Manchester ...
... cuckoo; a bee; a kind of fragrant mango tree मकरन्दं a filament मकुटं crown. मकुतिः a Government order addressed to the Sudras मकुरः a mirror; the Bakula tree; bud; Arabian jasmine; the rod or handle of a potter’s wheel. मकुलः the Bakul tree मकुष्टः, मकुष्टकः a kind of kidney bean or rice मकुष्ट slow मकूलकः bud; tree called दन्ती मक्क्... strong man, wrestler, athlete; drinking vessel; remnants of oblation; cheek and temple; mixed caste (outcast Ksh. [Kshatriya] by Ksh. woman); the Malla race and country. मल्ला a woman; Arabian jasmine; ornamenting with cosmetics or coloured unguents. मल्लकः lamp stand; oil vessel; lamp; cup of cocoanut shell; a tooth; a kind of jasmine. मल्लारः one of the six Ragas. मल्लिः ...
... education of youth, a whole manhood and Page 34 a whole nationhood." Sri Aurobindo is referring to the Arya Samaj founded by Dayananda. The West coast, lapped by the Arabian Sea, is the home of the Parsees. Hounded out by the Muslim conquerors from their age-old homeland in Persia, these followers of Zarathustra had taken refuge on the hospitable shores of India. It was... , and became a Jain monk. His grandson Asoka was the emperor who proclaimed, "All men are my children." The boundaries of the Maurya empire stretched from the river Brahmaputra to the east to the Arabian Sea to the west, and included Kabul, Kandahar, Herat, Kashmir, as well as some portions of Nepal. Just as his forefathers, through their colonies, had spread India's arts and epics and creeds in the ...
... turning from the storm-tossed ocean ruled by Poseidon to the Palace of Marvels in Haroun al Rasheed's Garden of Delight. And the source is not Hellenic myth or Euripides or Corneille but the Arabian Nights Entertainments. Sri Aurobindo won the book as a school prize in England, and seems to have loved it. The Viziers is principally based on The Tale of the Beautiful Sweet-Friend', a delightful ...
... complex, and most of them quite urgent. In fact, if I begin telling you about my political activities my stories will resemble the Arabian Nights! And I am not sure whether you children will begin to grasp or even enjoy the twists and turns of politics." "But we love the Arabian Nights!" said Aditi. "All right, I'll tell you my stories at the right time." "You mustn't omit anything, we want to hear the... Latin as their written language. I was rather good at Latin as well as Greek. I wrote some poetry in them and won prizes. I remember once I was asked to select a prize for myself, a book. I chose the Arabian Nights. It was beautifully bound and illustrated and I kept it for years afterwards. Have you read it? What fantastic imagination fills its pages! I think only easterners can have this kind of fantasy ...
... to talk to him. I took him to the sea-shore and we settled down in one of the benches in a special structure constructed by the municipality. The sun was descending on the Western sky and the vast Arabian sea was preparing itself for the evening tide. Everything was quiet and we too were alone. I was eager to talk and to learn. Naveen Chandra broke the silence in which we were entranced for more ...
... My seal and signature were on the script And they are mightier than a thousand armies. If he has disobeyed, for him 'twere better He were a beggar's unrespected child Than Haroun's kin;—the Arabian simoom Shall be less devastating than my wrath. Out, Jaafar, out to Bassora, behind thee Sweeping embattled war; nor night nor tempest Delay thy march. I follow in thy steps. Take too this damsel ...
... record marks in Latin and Greek in his I.C.S. examination. He had received heaps of books as prizes from the London University. Among those books, there was an exquisite illustrated edition of the Arabian Nights... in sixteen volumes, which I later saw in his study. I had never seen such a voluminous edition of that book - it dwarfed even the Mahabharata in bulk, looking, as it did, like sixteen volumes ...
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