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Bacchus : Roman god of wine, identified with Dionysus (q.v.). He was also a god of vegetation & fertility, & the protector of vines. [Cf. Soma]
... Megasthenes, which can bear upon our problem. 1 Pliny (VI. xxl.4-5) reports about the Indians: "From the days of Father Bacchus to Alexander the Great, their kings are reckoned at 154, whose reigns extend over 6451 years and 3 months." Solinus (52.5) says: "Father Bacchus was the first who invaded India, and was the first of all who triumphed over the vanquished Indians. From him to Alexander... a few analytic observations. After making them, we may pass on to the first important issue involved: "What historical or legendary figure mentioned by the Indians became identified with Dionysus (Bacchus) in the Greek mind to serve as the starting-point of Indian chronology and of the line of Indian kings?" To begin with, we may note from the more expansive versions of Solinus and Arrian that... ground keeps open for us to infer 315 from Arrian. Thus Sandrocottus's coronation must have been not 6042 but 6462 years after what Arrian calls 'the time of Dionysus' and Pliny 'the days of Father Bacchus'." It is worth pausing a little at 315. It happens actually to be one of the dates picked out by an eminent scholar. A. A. Macdonell, 5 1.According to both Plutarch and Justin (The ...
... Greek religion. Its deeper life fed itself on the mystic rites of Orpheus, Bacchus, the Eleusinian mysteries which were deeply symbolic and remind us in some of Page 117 their ideas & circumstances of certain aspects of Indian Yoga. The mysticism & symbolism were not an entirely modern development. Orpheus, Bacchus & Demeter are the centre of an antique and prehistoric, even preliterary ...
... πράσσῳ, περɩττóς for περɩσσóς तु (त्वां) σύ (M. तू, B. तुइ) περɩσσóς परित्यः σάβανoν towel, napkin, cloth σαβoί priests of Bacchus obscene rites σαβoῖ shout of Bacchanals σαβάζω to riot, indulge indecently σαβάζɩoς Bacchus σάϒαρɩς,-ɩoς battle axe, hatchet sword, scimitar, Persian sword σαϒή covering, cloak armour, harness, trappings σάϒμα ...
... is also a good account of Greek religion in J.E. Harrison's 'Prolegomena of the Study of Greek Religion’.* The Greek religion was not connected only with the Olympians but also with Dionysius or Bacchus, who was originally a Thracian god. The worship of Dionysius in due course of time developed a spiritualized form, and this form is attributed to Orpheus. It is maintained that Orphic doctrines contained... their lives on the earth. According to them, man is partly of earth and partly of heaven, and one can increase the heavenly part by a pure life. According to the elaborate theology that is available, Bacchus with whom one can be united by increasing development of the heavenly part that was twice born, once of his mother Siemele, and once from the thigh of his father Zeus. The Bacchic rites, it was believed ...
... employed speech? To say nothing." Julian felt that the tone of talk was becoming too serious and he glided away from the subject. During the flow of the wine someone coupled the names of Aphrodite and Bacchus. "Ah yes" said Julian "how is it that we have not honoured the goddess who presides over this feast?" "Let Julian do it in his master's fashion" suggested Corydon. "I cannot tread beaten ground ...
... Greek Anthology meets us with yet a personal accent in the earth-wisdom of A Doubt: Many boons the new years make us But the old world's gifts were three, Dove of Cypris, wine of Bacchus, Pan's sweet pipe in Sicily. Love, wine, song, the core of living Sweetest, oldest, musicalest, If at end of forward striving These, Life's first, proved also best? ...
... between man and woman, but not in their sexual relations. The so-called "left-hand Tantrics" (of the Vama Marga) are to true Tantrism what Boccaccio's tales are to Christianity, or what the sodden Roman Bacchus is to Dionysos of the Greek mysteries. I know Tantrism, to say the least. As for the Cathars, whom I hold in the highest esteem, it would be doing them little honor to believe that they followed a ...
... between seeing me and drink — for I would not see you if you went on drinking — but I am glad to hear that you have made the resolution already." (11-10-1935) Actually my dallying with Bacchus lasted no more than a week. My fondness for gambling at cards persisted longer. Udar and the Gaebelés proved very good company for this indulgence. From my college days I had the gambling instinct ...
... perceived that, though a certain itch for drink had been brought about, it was only a temporary development and I really had no special complex for alcohol. The seven days' experiment with a bit of Bacchus seemed over. Then I fell asleep and had a most frightfully realistic dream in which my teeth broke off in my mouth and fell out in my hand and on the floor. Thinking—in the dream itself—that this ...
... 34 Apollo 34 Aristotelian 49 Arnold 43 Arya 90, 92 Ashram 92 Asuras 5 Athens 47 Atri 8 Atul Gupta 102 Auchathya 8 Avatara 27 B Bacchus 34 Balaka 92 Bamardo 23, 24 Baudelaire 72 Bauls 84 Beethoven 9 Bengal 91, 104 Bengalis 98 Bengal mysticism 88 Bengali Poetry 82 Bhakta 78 Boris ...
... Dyaus, is the world of light, and earth or bhu is that of delight and enjoyment. We have already said that high above, up there, dwell Apollo and Zeus and Juno, and below here on earth, Dionysus and Bacchus and Semele and Aphrodite. However the poet says that as the toadstool is born in the midst of thunder and lightning, his strength and capacity are of the nature of thunder – enduring and hard and ...
... at ease, you are in peace .... Equanimity is the essential condition of union and communion with the Divine. 18 Anything that sparks off excitement, egoistic exultation or even a frenzy of Bacchus exhilaration, may be deemed to come, if not always from the undivine, at least from brazen vitalistic impulses. IV It is a fact of common experience that in sleep we are often as active ...
... elegantly effective. A Doubt is from one of Sri Aurobindo's posthumous collections: Many boons the new years make us But the old world's gifts were three, Dove of Cypris, wine of Bacchus. Pan's sweet pipe in Sicily. Love, wine, song, the core of living Sweetest, oldest, musicalest. If at end of forward striving These, Life's first, proved also best? 8 ...
... (Circa 1900-1901) Collected Poems A Doubt Many boons the new years make us But the old world's gifts were three, Dove of Cypris, wine of Bacchus, Pan's sweet pipe in Sicily. Love, wine, song, the core of living Sweetest, oldest, musicalest. If at end of forward striving These, Life's first, proved also best? ...
... beyond their own dull hearts and labouring minds. Perhaps we may say that even a true poet has his versifier-spells when the genius in him withdraws for some reason or other. Possibly then the aid of Bacchus would be fruitful — but just to sparkle up the versifying intelligence and quicken it to call out the hiding poetic intuition. That intuition itself comes with its own bubbling store of the Vedic ...
... can be pardoned. 284) Who shall slay thee, O soul immortal? Who shall torture thee, O God ever-joyous? 285) Think this when thy members would fain make love with depression and weakness, "I am Bacchus and Ares and Apollo; I am Agni pure and invincible; I am Surya ever burning mightily." 286) Shrink not from the Dionysian cry & rapture within thee, but see that thou be not a straw upon those billows ...
... On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 286, 287, 288 286—Think this when thy members would fain make love with depression and weakness, "I am Bacchus and Ares and Apollo; I am Agni pure and invincible; I am Surya ever burning mightily." 287—Shrink not from the Dionysian cry and rapture within thee, but see that thou be not a straw upon those ...
... Śri, see Śri Aurobindo Āvanti, 242 Āvanti-varman, 490 Āvasyaka Sūtra, 178 Avesm.281, 315, 333 Āyu, 96 Āyudhajlvi Sahghas, 250 Babylon, 55, 56, 466, 482 Bacchus, 61, 62, 65, 66 Bactria, 250, 528, 529 Bagchi.P. C, 505, 574 Bāhlīkas/Vāhlīkas, 13. 527-33, 596 Bahrain, 328 Baithana, 476 Baktrioi, 530 Bālāditya, 403, 507, 508, ...
... Classical spirit in a happy mood I may cite two stanzas, titled "A Doubt": Page 10 Many boons the new years make us But the old world's gifts were three, Dove of Cypris, wine of Bacchus, Pan's sweet pipe in Sicily. Love, wine, song, the core of living Sweetest, oldest, musicalest, If at end of forward striving These, Life's first, proved also best? ...
... Arjuna, 254 Arnold, Matthew, 71, 189,234 -Essays in Criticism, 234n Arya, the, 131,227-8 Asia, 284 Asuras, 159 Aswins, 45 Atri, 162 Auden,88 Aurelius, 70 BACCHUS, 182 Bacon, 108 Banerji, Sanat Kumar, 230n Banquo, 171 Barnardo, 173-5 Baudelaire, 66, 78, 94, 96, 214, 287 -us Fleurs du Mal, 95n -"Correspondances", 287n -"L'Aube ...
... is the world of light, and earth or bhu is that of delight and enjoyment. We have already said that high above, up there, dwell Apollo and Zeus and Juno, and below here on earth, Dionysus and Bacchus and Semele and Aphrodite. However the poet says that as the toadstool is born in the midst of thunder and lightning, his strength and capacity are of the nature of thunder—enduring and hard ...
... Sunil-da's originality shone through the melody unmistakably. Those who had participated in its realisation were: Debu and Manoj on the sitar, Anil-da (Sunil-da's elder brother) and Bacchu on the sarod, (Debu and Bacchu were Pranab-da's younger brothers), Runu (Manoranjan-da's son) on the flute and Sunil-da himself on the harmonium. The musical composition on bhakti was extremely sweet and melodious ...
... also practised on the malkhamb and had become very skilful. Amita used to perform the Swiss drill marvellously. From among all the girls she would stand out. Among the men captains, Mona, Sumantra, Bacchu, Batti, Narendra, Manoj, Ranjan picked up everything beautifully with exemplary concentration. We had absolutely no difficulty in discovering or understanding this new life. The Mother was constantly ...
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