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... had an excellent nature. He was as simple as his aspiration was great. I liked him very much.’ 34 Baha Ullah (1817-92) was a follower of the Bab, who had declared himself a manifestation of the Divine, and whom the Persian Government had executed in 1850. After the Bab’s death, Baha Ullah took over the leadership of the community and declared himself ‘Him Whom God Shall Make Manifest.’ The followers... They know this. It is even written in their books.’ 33 She had not forgotten anything. And there was Abdul Baha, about whom the Mother said: ‘I knew Abdul Baha very well, the successor of Baha Ullah, founder of the Baha’i religion. Abdul Baha was his son and lived in prison till he was forty, I believe … After [Baha Ullah’s] death, his son, the sole heir, became determined to preach his father’s... followers of the Baha’i religion believe him to have been the most recent in a series of past and future divine manifestations including Zoroaster, the Buddha, Jesus Christ and Muhammad. Baha Ullah spent most of his life in prison and was often subjected to torture, first in Persia, afterwards in Baghdad and Acre, where he died in 1892. Abdul Baha (1844-1921), his eldest son, succeeded him. Today, there ...
... Baha I knew Abdul Baha very well, the successor of Baha Ullah, founder of the Bahai religion; Abdul Baha was his son. He was born in prison and lived in prison till he was forty, I believe. When he came out of prison his father was dead and he began to preach his father's religion.... 1 He was the son of the famous Baha Ullah who had been put into prison for spreading ideas that were... the necessity of living their revelation in daily life. All have declared that they show us the path but that we must tread it ourselves; no being, however great, can do our work in our stead. Baha Ullah was no exception to this rule. I shall not quote the texts to you, you know them as well and better than I do. How many times Abdul Baha has said: "Do not talk, act; words are of no use without actions... his power of persuasion. Indeed, who has seen Abdul Baha and not felt in his presence this perfect goodness, this sweet serenity, this peace emanating from his being? And the revelations of Baha Ullah imparted through the mouth of his son are all the more comprehensible and convincing to us since he is living them within himself. To some of you, perhaps, this reflection will occur: "If Abdul ...
... Sunday Times too. SRI AUROBINDO: I think Abdul Baha was the son or grandson of Baha-ullah who established the Bahai sect. It is a modernised and liberalised form of Mohammedanism. They believe there is truth in every religion, and they believe themselves to have gathered all the essential religious truths. This Baha-ullah was imprisoned in Turkey for thirty or forty years. He was kept in a tower; about ...
... qualities and defects to lay at her feet in loving self-surrender. In connection with prominent spiritual figures I have heard the Mother speak at first-hand only the Abdul Baha, son of Baha-ullah, founder of the Bahai religion. She knew him intimately in Paris and some notes of hers regard him as a truly God-realised leader, though he never drew complete adherence from her and she refused ...
... know the Sufi master and musician Inayat Khan, on a European tour with his “Royal Musicians of Hindustan”, and she had become especially well acquainted with Abdul Baha, the son and successor of Baha Ullah, the founder of the Baha’i faith. Mirra had now become so well trained in spirituality and occultism, and she had assembled such an ample experience in these fields, that she might be considered ...
... Raja Yoga. In her social life she tried to contact persons who represented some aspect or other of her newly discovered values. She became acquainted with Abd ol-Baha, who had succeeded his father Baha Ullah as the head of Bahaism. Inayat Khan, the prophet of Sufism in the West, gave a talk in her house. She also visited occult séances and addressed various circles. And there was Alexandra David-Néel ...
... ) so one speaks of sacrifice, but it is probable that for the Divine it was not painful and he did it willingly, with all the joy of self-giving. I knew Abdul Baha very well, the successor of Baha Ullah, founder of the Bahai religion; Abdul Baha was his son. He was born in prison and lived in prison till he was forty, I believe. When he came out of prison his father was dead and he began Page ...
... the Upanishads, the Gita and the world's other scriptures. If we are to run down those seers and later mystics like St. Francis and St. Teresa, Rumi and Baha-ullah, Ramakrishna and Ramana Maharshi as deluded fools, we needs must keep away from Sri Aurobindo. But all these mystics were, in a high sense, empiricists, practical ...
... 785ff, 808, 810 inauguration 760-3 hierarchy 769 future development 772 place of religion 786 qualities needed 756, 777, 788 administration 757, 787 Matrimandir 726, 763, 791-4, 803 Baha Ullah 40-1 'Bangavani' 679 Bapat, Senapati 682 Baptista, Joseph 199 Barindra Ghose 200, 209, 215-6, 235, 241, 247, 339 Baron, C.F. 571, 662 Page 898 Becharlal Bhatt, Dr ...
... long as he is in communion with the Eternal. (Ramakrishna) Deck thyself now with majesty and excellence and array thyself with glory and beauty. (Job) Thou belongest to the divine world. (Baha Ullah) The race of man is divine. (Pythagoras) ...
... A letter from an American lady who is a preacher of Bahaism was read out. Sri Aurobindo : Do you know about the man who started Bahaism ? Disciple : I do not know, but it was Baha Ullah perhaps who started it. Sri Aurobindo : It seems he was an ignorant man in the beginning, but had a sort of vital being which received Page 245 the Light – perhaps, not ...
... with him on Les Paroles Éternelles. 1911-13 Associates with several related groups of seekers, one of which is the Union de Pensée Feminine. Meets Abdul Baha (son and successor of Baha Ullah, the founder of the Bahai religion) 'who by his presence alone transmits spirituality'. Gives talks to his followers but declines to take responsibility for them 'as I did not myself accept the beliefs ...
... by a kind of rancour for what exceeds it. To illustrate her remark, the great narrater opened her granary and pulled out a grain for us. "I knew Abdul Baha a lot. He was the successor to Baha-Ullah, the founder of the Bahai religion. Abdul Baha was his son; born in prison, he lived in prison up to the age of forty, I think. When he came out of prison, his father was dead and he began preaching ...
... new light and life. This sequence of spiritual phenomena is as real as Nature's physical laws, and concerns us as intimately. In 1911 Mirra first met Abdul Baha31, the son and successor of Baha Ullah founder of the Bahai religion. Page 40 Abdul Baha had spent 40 years, from the age of 24 to 64, confined in and around the 'prison city' of Akko (Acre) in palestine. 32 He informed ...
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