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Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [3]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [6]
On The Mother [1]
Patterns of the Present [1]
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Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [3]
Record of Yoga [3]
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Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [2]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
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The Problem Of Aryan Origins [7]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [2]
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The Siege of Troy [2]
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The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
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Words of Long Ago [1]
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A Captive of Her Love [1]
A Centenary Tribute [2]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
A Vision of United India [2]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [3]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [2]
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Bande Mataram [4]
By The Way - Part II [2]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [2]
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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [1]
Early Cultural Writings [6]
Education For Character Development [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [6]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [2]
I Remember [2]
India's Rebirth [1]
Innovations in Education [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Karmayogin [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [4]
Letters on Yoga - I [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [4]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [3]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [6]
On The Mother [1]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [3]
Record of Yoga [3]
Reminiscences [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [3]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [3]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo And The New World [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [2]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [1]
Sri Rama [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [2]
Talks on Poetry [2]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [5]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [7]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [2]
The Secret of the Veda [2]
The Siege of Troy [2]
The Story of a Soul [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [5]
Words of Long Ago [1]
Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit [1]

Balaram Ram : The Puranas, which identify him with Lord Vishnu’s Seshanāga, speak of him as the fiery tempered Lakshmaṇa, younger brother of Sri Rāma, in Tretā, & the fiery tempered elder brother of Sri Krishna in Dwāpara. “Symbolically Balarāma is the second of the four Powers of God (Srikrishna-Balarāma-Pradyumna-Aniruddha) who rule the mighty game of evolution & govern each a cycle of the Chaturyuga, the other three incarnate to help him. In the Tretā Yuga, Balarāma, the Kshatriya, manifests God’s force & strength & wrath; he is identified with Rudra & his Shakti is Mahākāli.” [SABCL Vol. 3:452-53; s/a Yuga(s)]

156 result/s found for Balaram Ram

... thousand human years had passed and all was changed! The father asked Brahma what was to be done. He said, 'Well, Krishna and Balaram and others have gone down to humanity, you may go and give your daughter to Balaram.' "So, Revati was married to Balaram. When she came to Balaram after marriage, he looked up to her Page 70 as she was very much taller than himself. He said to himself ...

... fiery, the Bull, the Lion and the Scorpion; three earthy, the Twins, the Crab and the Girl; three aerial, the Ram, the Balance and the Archer. The only ethereal sign is the Ram, and it is ethereal only when either the Sun or Jupiter occupy it. Each alternate sign beginning from the Ram is moving; each Page 759 alternate sign beginning from the Bull is fixed. The names of the signs... Astrology Early Cultural Writings The Signs The signs of the Zodiac are twelve in number, beginning from the Ram, in which the Sun reaches its elevation, and arching back to it. They are, in order, the Ram, the Bull, the Twins, the Crab, the Lion, the Girl, the Balance, the Scorpion, the Archer or Bow, the Crocodile, the Jar and the Fish. The sixth sign is... inappropriate. Each sign has a devata , a god or spiritual being in charge of it. He is not its master, but its protector and the protector of all who are born in the sign. Indra (Zeus, Odin) protects the Ram, Agni (Moloch, Thor) the Bull, the Aswins (Castor & Pollux) the Twins, Upendra (Baal) the Crab, Varuna (Poseidon) the Lion, Aditi, called also Savitri or Sita (Astarte, Aphrodite) the Girl, Yama (Hades) ...

... Bureaucracy 11-March-1908 We publish today a brief account of Lala Gurdas Ram Sawhny and the circumstances which led up to his death from a correspondent intimate with the deceased barrister. It will be seen that the utterly unnecessary and unwarranted incarceration was the cause of his death, as Lala Gurdas Ram was rapidly recovering when the fury of a panic-stricken bureaucracy selected him... that imprisonment would not be injurious to the prisoners, but rather beneficial. This official medico had certified that there was nothing so much the matter with Gurdas Ram's heart as to justify his being let out on bail. Gurdas Ram has proved by his death the inaccuracy as well as the brutal levity of the report. But the Punjab Government must no doubt be well-pleased with itself and Sir Denzil Ibbetson ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... in awe of his wife. XIII Next morning, as soon as Shyamlal had gone out Ram stepped into Narayani's room. She drew him to her side and stroked his head tenderly. "I'll tell you what, Ram: you are grown-up now and ought to go and live somewhere else. Couldn't you, my pet?" Ram smiled, Ram beamed, Ram nodded with alacrity. "Of course I could," he answered. 'You and I and Govinda—and... Suddenly, Ram, who had been making a bird-cage under a guava-tree at the edge of the courtyard, looked up. "You stay at home, Netya!" he cried, "I'll see to it." Narayani sat up in alarm and squeaked an instant appeal to her husband. "Do stop him!" Then louder, "Oh, Ram, let him be, I say, Ram! I beseech you; stay where you are, my pet! Why fall foul of people?" But Ram paid no attention... fixed anxiously on the flitting shadows outside, when Ram returned and gave the order to his little nephew, "Govinda, come on; hold the sticks again!" "Ram, I want you here!" cried Narayani, in a temper. Ram passed a stick carefully through a twig and replied, "Later! I'm busy now." "Come, this instant, I say!" she rapped out angrily. Ram pulled a long face, put down the sticks, made his ...

... consult with anyone nor to pack a change of clothing. He said, "I shall go to Chandernagore." "Just now?" asked Ram babu in astonishment. "Now. This very moment." Sri Aurobindo stood up and left the house. With him, and walking by his side and guiding, went Ram babu. Biren followed a little behind, keeping them in sight. Moni brought up the rear, keeping Biren in sight. That particular... maze of lanes and by lanes and alleys. Ram babu, a resident of the locality, seemed to know every byway. Taking the shortcut thus shown, the four of them reached a Ganga-giar 1 A ghat in Calcutta in the 1900s 1. Ghat : harbour, quay, wharf, moorings. Page 529 within ten or fifteen minutes. Next day when Ram babu went to inform Sukumar of Sri Aurobindo's... sudden departure, he told him that they had gone straight to Ahiritola Ghat. On arriving at the ghat, Ram babu hailed one of the boatmen and asked him if he would take a fare ; and the two talked in a low voice for a few minutes. Sri Aurobindo then got into the boat. Biren and Moni followed. Ram babu took his leave. The boat sailed off. "It was a common Ganges boat rowed by two boatmen," Sri Aurobindo ...

... life. How then can we live Swaraj? By abandonment of the idea of self and its replacement by the idea of the nation. As Chaitanya ceased to be Nimai Pandit and became Krishna, became Radha, became Balaram, so every one of us must cease to cherish his separate life and live in the nation. The hope of national regeneration must absorb our minds as the idea of salvation absorbs the minds of the mumukshu ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... deep in stilled meditation, to this almighty Being Siva, I make my Obeisance. Page 398 Ram Gopal with Retna Mohini-Cartier Bresson Ram Gopal as Siva in the Temple of Belur Ram Gopal as Siva, God of Dance Page 399 ... Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body Ram Gopal's Training Ram Gopal was born in Bangalore early in this century, from an Indian father and a Burmese mother. He received a complete training in Kathakali dance with his gurus Meenakshisundaram Pillai and Kujun Kurup but he was also interested in other forms of folk and temple dancing. He went... went abroad several times before and after the second World War and was the first Indian to dance the age-old legends of India in a Japanese theatre. Ram Gopal went to America, Poland, France and was happy to feel that he could understand completely the classic storehouse of European and Indian music. After his return to India, he continued to use the Kathakali dance teachings, gestures and rhythms ...

... human years had passed and all was changed ! The father asked Brahma what was to be done. He said : "Well, Krishna and Balaram, and others have gone down – to humanity – you may go and give your daughter to Balaram." So, Revati was married to Balaram. When she came to Balaram after marriage he looked up to her as she was very much taller Page 145 than himself. He said to himself ...

... Source unknown ) Om. Raising the Jiva Shiva from the mountain of bhutas along sushumna canal I unite him with that state which is called Parama Shiva, Swaha. Om. Ram. Burn, burn up the limiting bodies. (Prayer to Agni Devata, ram being the bijaakshara of Agni). Om. Paramashiva. Along the path of the Sushumna, on the mountain of matter, blow, blow upon, inflame, inflame, illumine, illumine. He ...

... of the remnants of false tapas in the lipsa and the full replacement of the Aniruddha bhava by the Balaram-Aniruddha in the Master of the Yoga. Kamananda now possesses the whole day in the subdued form with the intense rising out of it; it is discontinued at night. 12 February 1913 The Balaram-Aniruddha Bhava suffused with Pradyumna and based on concealed Maheshwara now governs the Yoga; but ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... necessary? He is individuality, he is force, he is capacity; he is the second power of God, wrath, strength, grandeur, rushing impetuosity, overbearing courage, the avalanche, the thunderbolt; he is Balaram, he is Jehovah, he is Rudra. As such we may admire and study him. But the vibhuti, though he takes self-gratification and enjoyment on his way, never comes for self-gratification and enjoyment ...

... wanderers, homeless. But they are still more powerful and auspicious when elevated. The Sun is elevated in the Ram, dejected in the Balance; the Moon elevated in the [ ], dejected in the [ ]; Mars elevated in the Jar, dejected in the Crab; Mercury elevated in the Balance, dejected in the Ram; Brihaspati elevated in the Crab, dejected in the Jar; Shukra elevated in the Twins, dejected in the Archer; Shani... friendly, is a mighty influence. The Sun is master of one sign, the Lion; the Moon master of one sign, the Crab; all the others except Rahou and Ketou are masters of two signs each, Mangal of the Ram and the Scorpion, Mercury of the Twins and the Girl, Brihaspati of the Archer & the Fish; Shukra of the Bull and the Balance; Shani of the Crocodile & the Jar. These are their homes and, when they are ...

... The Name-Mantra The Mother, on hearing the name of Sri Aurobindo in a chant, entered a state of samadhi-like trance. It is said that the divine name is divine power. Sri Ram Thakur [a well-known yogi of Bengal] always told his followers: “Repeat the name, just go on repeating the name. There is nothing more you need to do in life.” One day when he wanted to give us... this anytime I want, then I will accept a name-mantra from you.” All those who were sitting in the room started laughing. Oh, how old must I have been at the time? Nine or ten at the most. Sri Ram Thakur, however, did not laugh but replied: “That’s fine. You can repeat the name whenever you feel like. You can do it while playing, you can do it while eating, even while studying, if you wish... faces, I felt a great purity in their expression. When I came here that name-mantra of childhood blended with the names of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. When I showed the Mother a photograph of Sri Ram Thakur, She looked at it for a long time and then remarked: “He is with me always.” The Mother Herself used to tell us: “Keep calling ‘Mother’. You will see all obstacles vanish.” Such is the ...

... ' Ram the pundit asked his name. 'They call me the unbeatable pundit,' he answered. 'Well, then, let's begin.' The two pundits arrived at the debating venue. The villagers streamed in. It was an assembly of all the fools of the village. Then the unbeatable pundit peered intently at Ram and asked him: 'Tell me, pundit, what do the words 'gabya gadang' mean?' Ram plunged... and pleased handed him some money and packed him off. Dada continued: "Well, since we've started with a story of a pundit, let me recount one more about two pundits this time. Ram and Shyam were brothers. Ram, the elder, was a real pundit. He spent all his time reading and writing. He would be surrounded by documents and manuscripts. Shyam, the younger, was just the opposite, without the... a wrestling-pit and ran it with a few of his students. He had a formidable, muscular figure. One day Ram the pundit set off to conquer the world with his learning. In those days pundits used to wander from place to place to participate in intellectual assemblies. Being a true pundit Ram naturally made a lot of money and his fame grew far and wide. On his return back home he had to pass through ...

... Yagnalakshmi have arrived and she would like to receive them at her place — that is, at Aroul House. She asks you if she may. I saw those people when they were talking on the footpath of Aroul House with S. Ram and Yagnalakshmi. There are two children (a girl and a boy) and a man and a woman. If she receives them downstairs, it is all right. Upstairs, it is not possible. 11 April 1936 ...

... How vehement the stand can be against putting the Harrappā Culture posterior to the Rigveda may be judged from the reaction of a German Indologist to a preview leaflet sent by Mr. Sita Ram Goel, the publisher of my second book in the historical field, Karp ā sa in Prehistoric India: A Chronological and Cultural Clue. The scholar had already placed an order for the book, obviously taking... with a covering note that its author would be most interested to have his brief torn to pieces by an expert. There has been no response up till now. I have been asked by my patron - now Mr. Sita Ram Goel in place of Mr.Tarapada Majumdar of the first edition - to make whatever revision and enlargement of The Problem I thought fit. I cannot thank enough so generous and open-minded a helper, ever ...

... bull or the cock the duck the ox the cow the hen the female duck the calf or the heifer the chick the duckling the sheep the dog the cat the ram the bitch the she cat the ewe or the lamb the puppy the kitten ...

... few fruit-bearing trees, and a little garden to grow flowers and vegetables. Khudiram's wife Chandromani was very simple and very kind-hearted. She was already mother of two sons and a daughter —Ram Kumar, Rameshwaram and Katyayani. A poor but contented family. Page 5667 One day Khudiram was returning home from another village. He felt quite tired and sat down under the shade... the sky. He lost his outward sense, for he was taken into the Infinite. That indeed made sense to him. But his father died in 1845 when he was nine years old. Life began to change. His brother Ram Kumar finally went to Calcutta to improve the family's situation. Three years later he called his youngest brother to join him there. By then Gadadhar was seventeen years old. He served as a family... Rasmoni had purchased some land in a locality called Dakshineswar which was around eight kilometres from Calcutta. There she built temples and temple gardens. On 31 May 1855, the temple was dedicated, and Ram Kumar was appointed the first priest of the Kali temple. Kali here is known as Bhavatarini—the Deliverer of the world. Gadadhar also was a frequent visitor, and after some time he too became a priest ...

... Sadhan is said to have been written by the spirit of Keshab Sen. SRI AUROBINDO: Keshab Sen? When I was writing it, always at the beginning and at the end the image of Ram Mohan Roy came before me. Somebody has evolved Keshab Sen out of Ram Mohan Roy. Do you know the origin of the name "Uttara Yogi" who is put as the author of the book? DR. MANILAL: No, Sir. SRI AUROBINDO: There was a famous Yogi ...

... painfully & monotonously repeating like Valmekie under his mound the lesson with which he has been crammed. But he is far more unfortunate than Valmekie, his mar mar mar has not been converted into Ram Ram Ram; for while he thinks he has been repeating the saving word which gives intellectual salvation, it has been unknown to him converted into a death dealing word which causes intellectual sterility & ...

... students and numberless people participated in the huge procession, walking barefoot to the river, which was quite a distance away, clapping their hands and singing: Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram, Patita Pavana Sita Ram. I went along with my fellow-students. We had to pass through a long bazaar street to reach the river. We were very thirsty, and our bare feet were scorched in the heat. Every shopkeeper ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... name?" "Sir, we call it Ram-tulsi." "Fine., Go and get me your Ram-tulsi," the Westerner said scornfully. Page 110 The clever boy went and got a branch of nettle from the forest. "This is our Ram-tulsi. Bow at His feet. Sir." Contemptuously the Westerner taunted him: "Oh, I've seen your Ram-tulsi. Just look, I'm rubbing your Ram-tulsi on my feet, on my body... body, on my face. Your Ram- tulsi won't be able to do anything." A little later because of all that rubbing of the nettle leaves the poor saheb's body began to burn. He began fidgeting and jumping desperately, uncontrollably. His whole body was aflame and swollen and came out in a rash. The saheb was restless and he was jumping and gasping for life! The boy then said: "What, saheb. What ...

... across the country asking for alms. In a meadow he met a ram. The furious animal got ready to rush at him, and to do so, took a few steps back and lowered its head. "Ah!" said the monk, "here is a good and intelligent animal. He has recognised that I am a man full of merit, and he is bowing down before me to greet me." Just then the ram rushed forward and knocked the virtuous man to the ground ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... exclaimed: 'My dear Lakshamana I think Ram is in danger. Go at once and save him. 'No, adorable one, danger can't touch Ram, Lakshamana replied. This must be some demon's trick.' Page 32 The zamindar jumped to his feet again: 'That's right! Lakshmana's speaking the truth. You silly, sentimental girl! I am telling you nothing's wrong with Ram!' Now Lakshmana drew a circle... a strange girl you are!' Ram left to go and capture the deer. The zamindar stood up, his voice was quivering with rage. Over the heads of the seated audience he pointed at Sita menacingly: 'Listen to me now, young lass, I am warning you again! What's happened has happened. Don't you send Lakshman now. Lakshiman must remain with you!' Just then Ram's anguished cry was heard: 'O Sita... circle around Sita and warned her: 'Don't go beyond this circle. Until I come back with Ram don't step over this boundary.' The village zamindar broke into sweat despite the winter- coolness. Wiping his face with his shawl he said: 'At least, try and remember this much, young lass. Otherwise you have only sorrow in your fate!' The 'jatra' was now becoming really gripping. The violin ...

... × Ramdas : a yogi from Northwest India who followed the path of love ( bhakti ). His whole yoga consisted in repeating the name Ram . He founded the Anand-ashram in Kanhargad, Kerala. He was born in 1884 and died in 1963. × Bishnupriya ...

... divided they must also have a separate India. I was not quite wrong when I said that barbers also would now start an agitation for an India of their own. (Laughter) (Still greatly amused ) Chhotu Ram has said that the Sikhs will resist partition at any cost. They will not live under Muslem domination, be it under a Khoja Baniya (Jinnah) or a Hindu Baniya (Gandhi). (Laughter) Jinnah is now piping ...

... say that 'Yogic Sadhan' was written by the being of Keshab Sen? Sri Aurobindo : Keshab Sen? When I was writing it, every time at the beginning and at the end the image of Ram Mohan Roy came before me. So perhaps, Ram Mohan has been changed to Keshab Sen. Page 1 Do you know the origin of ...

... so and in the utmost secrecy and silence. He followed Ram Majumdar to the Ghat, Suresh Chakravarty and Biren Ghose following at a little distance; a boat was hailed and the three got in and went off immediately. His stay in Chandernagore also was secret and known only to a few like his later departure to Pondicherry. Sri Aurobindo never asked Ram Majumdar to arrange for a hiding place; there was no ...

... Delhi- 110 016. SHRI P.S. SARIN: Lawyer, C-141, Preet Vihar, Delhi- 110 092. Tel. 224 1848. DR. RADHIKA SINGH: Scholar, 149, Vaishali, Pitampura, Delhi-110 034. Tel. 745 6495. PROF. RAM MURTI SHARMA: Professor Emeritus, Department of Sanskrit, Delhi University, B-S-5, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-110 052. Tel. 721 3672. Page 89 SHRI RAMJEE SINGH: M.Phil. Student, Dept... SHARMA: Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Education, University of Delhi. C-4/18, Model Town, Delhi-110 009. Tel. 725 1051. DR. SWADESH SHARMA: Reader, Dept. of English P.G.D.A.V. College, Delhi. X-491, Ram Nagar, Gandhi Nagar, Delhi-110 031. Tel. 242 0289 (R). DR. S.C. GOSWAMI: Reader, Dept. of Chemistry, Dayal Singh College, University of Delhi. 67, Vaishali, Pitampura, Delhi-110 034. Tel. 721 8331 ...

... describing how the great, ancient Vedapurishwar temple was razed to the ground. "The first incident at the Veda Puri Temple took place Ananda Ranga Pillai on March 17, 1746," begins Sita Ram Goel, from whose book History of Hindu-Christian Encounters 1 we are quoting. " 'On Wednesday night at 11,' writes Pillai, 'two unknown persons entered the Ishwara temple carrying in a vessel of... translated into English in 1904 by the Madras Government's efforts. 8 (Published by Voice of India.) For the full report please read the book. A few other facts have also been taken from Sita Ram Goel's book, as well as Yvonne Gaebele's Histoire de Pondichery, and from Revue Historique de I'Etat de Pondichery (1955). Page 155 part of building which had been demolished ...

... poet Joy dev, because they are not essential for our Yoga which is to transform the mental into the spiritual and supramental consciousness for which Sri Aurobindo came. He is also an Avatar like Sri Ram-Krishna. The Avatars help in the progress in the evolution of consciousness—that is, why there is a progressive gradation from inferior grade to superior consciousness. Sri Aurobindo represents ...

... Inquisitor-General, sentenced over 114,000 victims—of which 10,220 were burned. When Napoleon conquered Spain in 1808, the battle- 1 History of Hindu-Christian Encounters, by Sita Ram Goel (Voice of India). All quotes from this book are with the kind permission of the author. He even gave me carte blanche to quote from any book published by Voice of India. Isn't he nice ! Page... soil and plant Christianity instead. So it was sauve-qui-peut with our Saraswat Brahmins. It was a precipitate flight. Hugging the coast they sailed down south 1 As quoted by Sita Ram Goel in History of Hindu-Christian Encounters. Page 141 and found their new home in South Kanara "where life and religion were quite secure under the Nayaka rulers of Keladi." They ...

... greater impetus to the Boycott, to National Education, to the organisation of discontent, with a view to leaving the aliens severely alone. But hitherto our Moderate friends have rather been anxious to ram their heads more vigorously against the stone wall of bureaucracy than to learn by their failure the necessity of taking our own road. They still persist in trying to resurrect the dead phantom of British ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... otherwise in a protracted case an innocent man may suffer seriously for the sole offence of being accused. In the Rawalpindi case there was not the least possibility of men like Lala Hansraj, Gurdas Ram or Janaki Nath absconding from justice and the apprehension of further riots in a city commanded by siege-guns and crowded with military was a contemptible and hollow pretence. Yet without hearing the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... chant." × The strainer in which the Soma is purified is made of the fleece of the Ewe. Indra is the Ram; the Ewe must therefore be an energy of Indra, probably the divinised sense-mind, indriyam . × The ...

... यस्मिन्नश्वास ऋषभास उक्षणो वशा मेषा अवसृष्टास आहुताः । कीलालपे सोमपृष्ठाय वेधसे हृदा मतिं जनये चारुमग्नये ॥१४॥ 14) Fire to whom are loosed and offered our horses, our bulls and oxen and heifers and our rams, to Fire the nectar-drinker who bears on his beak the Soma wine, to the ordainer of things, I beget a thinking full of beauty from my heart. अहाव्यग्ने हविरास्ये ते स्त्रुचीव घृतं चम्वीव सोमः ...

... life; 2.Teaching that aims at awakening and infusion of inspiration and enthusiasm to learn; 3.Care and health of the* physical body which can be vehicle of sustaining ideals of life {sari ram adyam khalu dharma ); 4.Pursuit of knowledge, heroism, harmony and skills. There will be many other benefits to the country's system of education resulting from the work of the proposed ...

... construction that now stands against man, against his farther progress, it is agreed, has to be broken down, thrown aside, but in what way? By mere physical force, brute force, by pushing and dashing and ramming from outside – well, perhaps the thing can be done, but destruction of form is not elimination of the life or spirit behind it. The past still in its present form continues because it maintains its ...

... stage a rationalist and a great reformer, Raja Rammohan Roy (1772-1833). He is considered to be the inaugurator of the modern age in India. He was against all social evils and did a lot to end them. "Ram Mohan Roy arose with a new religion in his hand." In 1828 he started the Brahmo Movement, which recognized only the Formless One. He insisted that true Hinduism was and should be based on the Vedanta ...

... of India's indigenous historical traditions. All of them recognize K.D. Sethna as the forerunner in the field. Future generations are bound to hail him as the harbinger of a new dawn. SITA RAM GOEL Page 400 ...

... I remember an amusing story about this. Ram and Shyam were friends. Ram believed in miracles whereas Shyam did not. And very often they argued over this. One day Ram decided to bring Shyam round to believing in miracles in some way or the other. A lot of speeches and arguments followed but Shyam could not be won over. Then Ram said to Shyam: "Imagine a person fell off a four-storied... him. What would you call that?" "Why? That would be an accident," Shyam replied. Ram was slightly angry: "Okay, now imagine this same person jumped off once again from the fourth-floor and nothing happened to him. What would you call that?" Without the slightest hesitation Shyam replied: "Coincidence!" Ram was now seething with rage: "If this same person jumped off that floor for a third ...

... Cognition that they were detectives. I heard immediately afterwards that they had asked for "[The Indian] Sociologist" and "Liberator". 7) I had a cognition formerly that the man calling himself Ram Rao Yogi was a detective—independent of all inference. Learned on Feb 1 of a police report in which he is mentioned as watching the trains and taken for some time by the others as a Bande Mataram man... by fact. Feb 10ṭḥ 10) A man came calling outside. Immediate cognition by prakamya on seeing him and revelation acting in confirmation of each other that he was a detective. It turned out to be Ram Rao Yogi, the detective from Maharashtra side. 11) Trikaldrishti that Sri [Srinivasachari] etc would not come this evening.    Confirmed. 12) Trikaldrishti that tomorrow S. [Saurin] will be restored ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... construction that now stands against man, against his farther progress, it is agreed, has to be broken down, thrown aside, but in what way? By mere physical force, brute force, by pushing and dashing and ramming from outside — well, perhaps the thing can be done, but destruction of form is not elimination of the life or spirit behind it. The past still in its present form continues because it maintains its ...

... telegram of four Conservative meetings which were of a disorderly nature, while Lord Kesteven and Lord Harris were refused a hearing, but the windows at Mr. Ure's last meeting were broken with a battering-ram and several of his audience were cut; and the other day a Conservative meeting was broken up, the agent left senseless by his assailants and the candidate only saved by a skilful flight. Nor were the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... of the national radio network be Aakaashvaani - the Voice of the Heavens? Where else would you find establishments with names such as "Krishna Dry Cleaners", "Laxmi Eye Clinic" and "Ram Silk Store"? Where else would vehicles stop on the highway at a temple to take the blessings of the goddess for a successful journey? And what of Indian names? One commonly meets people with names such ...

... March 28, 1938 Mrs. Sankar Ram has a very bad defect of the eyes—The ophthalmologist suspects something wrong in the fundus of rt. eye (she had an accident). To be sure, he wants to dilate the eyes with Homatropine—but he doesn't promise a cure. Shall we dilate and see?... [ Mother :] No, it is better not March 29, 1938 Mrs. Sankar Ram wants me to ask you whether new glasses ...

... original and substantial. At present what both are doing is only prentice-work." 16. Ramdas: a great devotee of Ram and saint of Kanhangad near Mangalore, who got spiritual inspiration from Raman Maharshi and attained a great spiritual height by becoming a Sannyasi and repeating Ram mantra. Dilip wrote, "Years ago, I had visited Ramdas's ashram and had been captivated by his radiant personality... Page 403 144. Baba Lokenath Brahmachari: born on Jamashthami day (August 1730) at 3 a.m., in Chourasi Chakia, a remote village in 24 parganas, West Bengal. He was the 4th child of Ram Narayan Ghosal and Kamala Devi. At age 11 his thread ceremony was performed, when he was initiated to the Gayatri Mantra by a householder- sanny'asi and a great scholar, Bhagawan Ganguli. Lokenath went ...

... Fabulous were his exploits, such as drinking up the ocean to expose the demons hidden in the dark waters so that the gods could wipe them out; eating up the Rakshasa Vātāpi, who had taken the form of a ram, and digesting him instantly, then destroying Vātāpi's brother Ilvala by the flash of his eyes. So great was his power and light, it is said, that 1 Kinnars dwell in the heaven of Kuvera ...

... of the Press. Max Miiller calls Ram Mohan the father of Comparative Religion. Monier Williams says about him: "Ram Mohan is the first earnest investigator in the science of comparative theology which the world has produced." In Ram Mohan's personality and his life-work we glimpse the wide, cosmopolitan, international, universal consciousness 83. Ram Mohan - the Man and his Work, edited... sweetness. Ram Mohan was also the father of constitutional political agitation 82 in India. He was a passionate lover of freedom. 81. Ram Mohan was initiated by a Tantric named Hariharananda Tirtha- swamy, and practised Tantric Yoga on the lines of Mahanirvana Tantra, a Tantric scripture of great authority. 82. "If religion is from God, is politics from the Devil?" — Ram Mohan Roy.... the spirituality of the land, and Rajnarayan, discarding the eclecticism of Ram Mohan, upheld the cause of the pure essence of ancient Hinduism. Keshav Chandra Sen, upon whom had fallen the mantle of Debendranath, but who later broke with him and formed a new Brahmo Samaj, reverted to the eclecticism of Ram Mohan (in fact, Ram Mohan's tentative attempt at a synthesis - in the external formulation of ...

... We have to take into account two points about it. First, its "material." No doubt, it is said to be made of a ram's or sheep's wool (IX.75,4). But we have to weigh Sri Aurobindo's gloss: 5 "The strainer in which the Soma is purified is made of the fleece of the ewe. Indra is the Ram [1.10,2; 51,1; 52,1 & VIII. 2,40; 87,12]; the Ewe must therefore be an energy of Indra, probably the divinised sense-mind ...

... bear the promiscuity of camp life and she left the settlement in search of work. She knocked at many doors, but they were all closed to her. She went on inquiring here and there and finally arrived at Ram Allah, where she presented herself at a boarding school for Arab girls. The headmistress was a Dutch lady who had been posted there by a Quaker association. She felt very sorry for Janina, whose qua ...

... child's mamma left the room in shame and anger at the insult to her guests. Her uncle started looking at the ceiling in embarrassment, and to change the subject he started calling to the servants, "Hari, Ram, what a lot of dust is here!" Nirodbaran's story was enjoyed by all immensely. The Mother and Sri Aurobindo looked happy. Then the Mother left. SRI AUROBINDO: What this girl does is remarkable for ...

... to them revolution. At that time everybody wanted some kind of revolution. I myself met several Rajput Thakurs who, unsuspected by the Government, had revolutionary ideas and tendencies. One Thakur, Ram Singh, who joined our movement, was afterwards caught and put in jail. He suddenly died there in a short time. Moropant said, "He died out of fright." But he was not a man to be frightened. They may ...

... beauty. This is indeed the note of Bengali literature and the one high thing it has gained from a close acquaintance with European models. The hideous grotesques of old Hindu Art, the monkey-rabble of Ram and the ten heads of Ravan, are henceforth impossible to it. The Shakuntala itself is not governed by a more perfect graciousness of conception or suffused with a more human sweetness than Kopal Kundala ...

... April 1979, p . 93-94 68 . Ibid., 15.605-606 30. Ibid., p . 94 69 . The Renaissance in India , 14.426·433 3 1. See Th e Politics o f History , by Na varatna S . Raja ram ( Voicee of India , 1995) 70 . Th e Foundations of India n Culture, 14.1 -11 32. Thoughts and Aphorisms (in vol. 17) 71. War and S elf-Determination, 15.588·597 33. The ...

... British over Rivals in India (ii) War of Independence of 1857 (iii) Rani Lakshmibai, Nanasaheb and Tope IX (i) Renaissance in India and struggle for Freedom (ii) Raja Ram Mohun Roy, Dayananda, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda (iii) Birth of Indian National Congress (iv) The first demand. The Moderates: Ferozshah Mehta, Ranade and Gokhale (v) The demand of the ...

... He reminds us that all spiritual development is "individual-centred", and asks: "If I am determined to stay ignorant, can the Divine descend in me?" What he suggests is that Sri Aurobindo tried to ram the Divine down people's throats, whether they wanted the Divine or not. Obviously, such an absurdity could never have been perpetrated by Sri Aurobindo or, for that matter, by any spiritual guru. Again ...

... outlook. Some have declared Annam comes first, Annam is of primary importance, Annam is to be increased, Annam is to be worshipped: or again, earth is the firm status, be founded upon earth – ś ar ī ram ā dyam. On the other hand, it has also been declared that the Spirit comes first, the Spirit is the true foundation, the roots of creation are up there, not here below: if that is known, then only ...

... nonce, not laid, he had to appeal to his one Extricator, Ram. To his amazement, in the dead of night Ram Himself formulated questions and answered them back, point by point, of which he kept a record. Next morning he showed these to his intellectual friend who found it all but incredible: the very questions he wanted to ask had been answered by Ram, the questions which he had not even hinted at to Ramdas ...

... 35 30 25 25 20 20 years " " " " " " " " " " " " " Ram Goat Cat Wolf Fox Porcupine Squirrel Hare Rabbit Mouse Guinea-pig 15 15 15 15 15 15 12 10 8 6 6 ...

... they say. Hanuman is one. SRI AUROBINDO: That may be possible considering the length of his tail which even Bhima could not raise! Here Purani brought in the topic of the Mahabharata, mention G. Ram's interpretation of that poem as symbolic, Bhima symbolising military genius and Draupadi... SRI AUROBINDO: Nonsense! It is something like Byron's joke on Dante's Divine Comedy, that Beatrice was a ...

... have had the case of a woman suffering from TB. She was kept together with all the other inmates of the Ashram and shared a common life except that she used to have her meals in her room. When Dr. Ram Adhikari, a well-known TB specialist, visited the Ashram, I showed him the case. He was surprised to see her living with the others and pleaded with the Mother to send her to a sanatorium. The Mother ...

... Heaven (of mind). (Heaven was seen streaming out far & wide.) Page 443 [2] [RV I.51 – 52] Hymns of Savya Angirasa (1) मेषं. Say. स्पर्धमानं. A proof that mesha does not always mean ram. वस्वो अर्णवं cf महो अर्णः 3.12. Say. धनानामावासभूमिं । मानुषा. Possibly “mental”. (2) जवनी सूनृता ie Ila, the goddess of revelation. Say. प्रेरयित्री । दक्षास ऋभवो gods of discernment... Purification; xάϴαρσɩς. (15) वृजने. Say. वर्जनवति संग्रामे । सूरिभिः. “By the gods of light” or “with the wise ones”. Sukta 52 (1) मेषं. Again a clear proof that mesha does not mean Ram. सुभ्वः Say. स्तोतारः or अश्वाः but see Verse 4. Say. सुष्ठु भवन्तीति सुभ्वः । अत्यं न वाजं. Say. गमनसाधनमश्वमिव । ववृत्यां. Say. प्रत्यावर्तयामि । सुवृक्तिभिः.. महया. Helpful passage to... used for वृद्ध; the verb वृष् to have supreme power, to strike, hurt, वर्षयते to be powerful, वृषः a strong man, enemy, also virtue, cf Lat. virtus, वृषण strong, stout. वृषः, वृषा, वृषभः, bull, वृष्णि ram, वृषलः horse must come from the sense of male, stallion, the sprinkler, impregnator (cf वृषणः scrotum, वृष्य aphrodisiac, वृषली a girl in menstruation); वृषभः in fact means any male animal. The idea ...

... Aurobindo with a chuckle. "At that time everybody wanted some kind of revolution. I myself met several Rajput Thakurs who, unsuspected by the Government, had revolutionary ideas and tendencies. One Thakur, Ram Singh, who joined our movement, was afterwards caught and put in jail. He suddenly died there in a short time. Moro-pant said, 'He died out of fright.' But he was not a man to be frightened. They may ...

... permission to mint money locally to pay wages to the workers, such as weavers, bead-makers, carpenters, and so forth. 1 Pondicherry was no ' The Dutch had bought Pondicherry from the local king Ram-Raja, for 'perpetuity' for the sum of 25,000 Pagodas. Page 149 longer dependent on Surat. Francois Martin gave assurance on behalf of France that it would respect the ways and customs ...

... Then on 10 February: "A man came calling outside. Immediate cognition by prakamya' on seeing him and revelation acting in confirmation of each other that he was a detective. It turned out to be Ram Rao Yogi, the detective from Maharashtra side." There were others. In an undated letter he wrote to Motilal Roy, who had sheltered him at Chandernagore, 'Your R.S. Sharma ' Prakamya: ...

... evolution, so as to show that the idea of evolution is implicit behind the theory of Avatarhood. As to whether one accepts Buddha as an Avatar or prefers to put others in his place (in some lists Balaram replaces Buddha), is a matter of individual feeling. The Buddhist Jatakas are legends about the past incarnations of the Buddha, often with a teaching implied in them, and are not a part of the Hindu ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... referring to the movement from Derozio to Raja Ram Mohan Roy, the establishment of the Brahmo Samaj in Bengal, the Prarthana Samaj in Western India, the Arya Samaj in the North and the political, cultural and educational offshoots of these events. The Indian Renaissance, as it is called, is rooted in our spiritual traditions.   II   Ram Mohan Roy is rightly called the father of Indian ...

... proves that there is some kind of occult vision there very near to the surface. 25 February 1932 If seeing the Divine depended on the developed occult faculty, how do you explain people's seeing Ram, Krishna, Shiva, etc. in you at Darshan?—I mean by people who have apparently no such faculty. We've heard about Krishna presenting himself before small boys, taking them to school, etc.—fables? ...

... cartridge. The projectile for the new Enfield rifle was part of a self-contained paper cartridge that contained both ball and powder charge. It required only the end to be bitten off and the cartridge then rammed down the muzzle of the weapon. To facilitate this process the cartridge was heavily greased with animal fat. The Indian soldiers heard this and soon the news was passed around that the grease was a ...

... The first two parts of my Megasthenes are almost ready. They have been enlarged now and can very well make the first push of a battering ram against the strong-hold of the current chronology. If my effort has the Divine's blessings, we may speak of my "Battering Ram" in the Lanka of fixed historical ideas.   After this I left Mussoorie, served in Murshidabad and was transferred to Kolkata where... You have left behind a lot of warmth in my heart and a glow in my mind. Thanks to you a lot of things got done also. One of the results is the letter whose copy I am enclosing. The letter was Sita Ram Goel's enthusiastic response to the typescript of Cotton , stating that he started on it at 8 pm on 19th January and read up to page 138 "in one breath" when he had to stop at 2 am, and that he had ...

... gives an example of his strength in comparison to normal men: "A single pine beam held the gates [to Achilles' camp] and it took three men to ram it home, three to shoot the immense bolt back and spread the doors — three average men. Achilles alone could ram it home himself." Others concur with Achilles' glowing self-evaluation. He is described by Odysseus, another of the great Greek heroes as: ...

... heard seven great notes; flooded her the sound Occult soham ̣ - om ̣ - ham ̣ - yam ̣ - ram ̣ - vam ̣ - lam.̣ 26 May 2002 Brahmāndhāra : Darkness of Brahma or the Great Night, the Night of God; Dryden's is genuine night full of idiocy and ignorance. soham ,̣ om,̣ ham,̣ yam,̣ ram,̣ vam,̣ lam ̣are the seven sounds that come from the seven Chakras, from above below, in the ...

... has a touch not quite alien to us; but the quiet with open arms, that receives it, allows the divine tone to keep ringing over every other note. Both types of art are precious, yet this is indeed a ram avis - Sri Aurobindo's Swan of the supreme and spaceless ether wandering winged through the universe, . Spirit immortal! Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is an example of the second type ...

... too when he took his seat under the Bodhi tree is supposed to have said, "I do not rise from this seat until my aim is attained, even though the body dry up or fall" (: ihāsane śusyatu me śar ī ram ). The site once chosen and the seat established, Sri Aurobindo had now to prepare the ground. There were, as Page 48 I have said, shifting sands all around symbolising a changing ...

... মহাসভার অভিনয় বিলাতে অভিনীত হইতেছে ৷ এখন দেখিতেছি ৷ বড় বড় রক্ষণশীল রাজনীতিবিদও বাধা পাইতেছেন ৷ আরও উগ্র লক্ষণ দেখা দিয়াছে, প্রাণহানির চেষ্টা ৷ উরের একটী সভায় সেই ঘরের কাচের দরজা একপ্রকার battering ram দ্বারা চূর্ণবিচূর্ণ হইয়াছে, অনেক লােক আহত হইয়াছেন ৷ আর একটী রক্ষণশীল সভায় বলে সভাভঙ্গ করা হইয়াছে, সেই দলের স্থানিক কর্মকর্তাকে নির্দয় প্রহারে অচেতন করা হইয়াছে, নিৰ্বাচনপ্রার্থী পলায়নপূর্বক বিপদের ...

... made possible a gigantic efficiency of organisation which has been used on one side for the economic and social amelioration of the nations and on the other for turning each into a colossal battering-ram of aggression, ruin and slaughter. It has given rise on the one side to a large rationalistic and altruistic humanitarianism, on the other it has justified a godless egoism, vitalism, vulgar will to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... indeed a stain on the social scheme that had got established in India. But with the advent of the modern age the conscience of the best Hindus has always rebelled against it. As far back as the days of Ram Mohan Roy the progressive movement started and reform organisations like the Brahmo-Samaj and the Arya-Samaj fought untouchability for decades on end. The biggest uproar against it came from a Hindu ...

... Bengali books from the Gurudas Library of Calcutta: "He liked most of the titles published by the Basumati Press." But Sri Aurobindo's main supply of books came from Bombay's two big booksellers: Atma-ram Radhabai Saggon and Thacker Spink & Co. "He seldom received books by book post; they came by railway parcel in great big packing boxes. Sometimes the parcels came twice or thrice in the course of a month ...

... Sector 21-A Faridabad 163.Saraf, Urmila H-21 Maharani Bagh New Delhi-110065 164.Sarkar, Tripti 61 Aravalli, DDA Flats Alakananda, New Delhi -110019 165.Seetha Ram, A.R. Principal, B.Ed. School Ramakrishna Institute of Moral & Spiritual Education Yadavagiri, Mysore - 570020 166.Sengupta, A.K. Senior Addl. P.I.O. P... Chairman, National Open School Shri F. Fanthom, Chairman, ICSE Professor B.P. Khandelwal Director, NIEPA Professor A.R. Seetha Ram Principal, Ramakrishna Institute of Moral and Spiritual Education 12.45 p.m. : Open Discussion 1.15 p.m. : Chairperson's Address 1.30 p.m. to 2 ...

... श्वरन्ति. Sense to be fixed. × मेषं. Lit. him who looks and sees. Rt मिष्—cf मिषत् Ait. Up.—by slesha the Ram. × भृण् to bring and pour in, to pierce, etc. ...

... each bigger than our Ganpatram's, were situated on it — an English restaurant, a French, a German, an Italian, each with its own national edition of a laughing and welcoming Ganpatram, a Mister Ganpat-ram, a Monsieur Gannepatramme, a Herr Gaunpautraum, a Sig-nor Ganpatramo. From the very top floor I could see taxicabs looking as small as beetles. I have been on top of the Rajabai Tower of Bombay and the ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... the rough places. It seems you were not Krishna after all? Page 876 SUNGRAM Why, take me for brother Balaram then. Is not your name Revaty? NIRMOL It is too early in the day for a proposal; positively, I will not say either yes or no till the evening. On, Balaram! I follow. Exeunt. Page 877 Scene V The forest near Dongurh. Enter Bearers with Comol Cumary ...

... can be done any day, if necessary. [ Mother :] She believes it very necessary as she is convinced "she is fast declining" (her own words). Of course all I tell you is confidential. Mrs. Sankar Ram has a lot of sugar in urine even after giving up rice. Shall we analyse her blood to see how much blood-sugar she has? Perhaps. but is not the illness the result of a rheumatic tendency and if this... Give subcutaneously. Dyuman buys vegetables for the soup, once a week. It would be good if Z could have' a "garde-manger" for storing them. [ Mother :] Yes—ask Sahana for one— Mrs. Sankar Ram doesn't want to go to the hospital since her nail pain is gone and sugar less, she feels better. I explained that it's better to ascertain [diabetes], but to no avail. So, shall we wait? [ Mother ...

... two lines of mine, which are some of my best according to Sri Aurobindo:   Flickering no longer with the cry of clay, The distance-haunted fire of mystic mind...   The whole mystic-ram-aesthetic effect here depends on a few special points. Perhaps the most telling is the present participle "Flickering" rather than any possible equivalent like "Quivering" or "Wavering" being used and ...

... addresses Rudra - the terrible and destructive aspect of the tradition al Shiva - as "most bounteous", "the good, the best among the Gods", granting "health unto our steeds, well-being to our rams and ewes, to men and women, and to kine" 19 Here Rudra is, as Ralph T.H. Griffith notes, "a gentle and beneficent deity", 20 the typical Shiva. Hymn II. 33.8 calls Rudra "fair-complexioned". 21 ...

... showered His arrows marble-dinting, not flower-tipped Page 91 As our brief fading fires,—naked and large As heaven the monumental loves of old. On their rich bed they lay, and the two rams That once the subtle bright Gundhurvas gave To Urvasie, were near; they were ever With her and cherished; hardly even she loved The tender faces of her children more Than these choice from flocks... flashes stealing came The subtle-souled Gundhurvas from the peaks Of distant Paradise. Thunder rolled out, And through the walls, in a fierce rush of light, Entered the thieves of heaven and stole the rams, And fled with the same lightning. Shuddering The exile of the skies awoke and knew Her loss, and with a lamentable cry Turned to her lord. "Arise, Pururavus!" She wept, "they take from me my ... place all empty to him. Silently He lay down whispering to his own heart: "She has arisen and her shining dress Put round her and gone into the cool alcove To fetch sweet water for the heavenly rams, And she will stay awhile perhaps to look And muse upon the night, and then come back, And give them drink, and silently lie down Beside me. I shall see her when it dawns." And so he slept. But ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... is proved to have 1.Editors' Preface, The Cultural Heritage of India (Calcutta, 1958), I, P- xlvi. 2.New Lights on the Indus Civilization, with an Introduction by R.K. Mookerji (Atma Ram & Sons, Delhi, 1957), pp. 110-17. Page 57 known the domesticated horse, it cannot automatically become Aryan in our eyes. As late as that time we may believe the use of this animal to ...

... India", in The Cultural Heritage of India Vol. I (Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta, 1958). Sastri, K.N., New Light on the Indus Civilization, with an Introduction by R.K. Mookerji (Atma Ram, Delhi, 1957). Sastri, Srikanta, appendix to "The Aryan Problem", in The Vedic Age, ed. R.C Majumdar and A.D. Pusalker (Allen & Unwin, London, 1952). Schrader, O., Prehistoric A ...

... Gaul, 18 Geldner, 103 Geography, Strabo's, 86 German, 90 Ghirshman, R., 73 Ghosh, B.K., 11, 12, 13, 32fn., 90-94, 110 Goel, Sita Ram, iv Gomal, 14 Gomal Valley, 98 Gomatī, 14 Gordon, D.H., 61 Gothic, Gothic Bible, 90, 91 Grassmann, 115 Grave People, The, 99, 100 Griffith, Ralph T.H., 43, 44 ...

... History of India, edited by E. J. Rapson 1922, I Gokhale, Sobhana, "Andhau Inscription of Castana, Śaka 11", Journal of Ancient Indian History, II, Parts 1-2, 1968-69 Gopal, Ram, India of Vedic Kalpaiutras (Delhi, 1959) Gordon, D. H., The Prehistoric Background of Indian Culture (Tripathi, Bombay, 1957) Goyal, S. R., Kautilya and Megasthenes... 1953) Advanced History of India by K. A. Nilakanta Sastri and G. Śrinivasa-chari, (Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 1973) Sastri, K. N., New Light on the Indus Civilization (Atma Ram & Sons, Delhi, 1957) Saraswati, S. K., "Art: Architecture", The Age of Imperial Unity, edited by R. C. Majumdar and A. D. Pusalker (Bhāratiya Vidyā Bhavan, Bombay, 1953) ... 331 Daśapura. see Mandasor Dasaratha, 231, 342, 594 Dasasiddhaka, 176 Datta, K., 210 Dattabhata.499, 500 Davāka, 213 Davids, Rhys, 545 Day Lewis, C, 174 Daya Ram, Rai Bahadur, 30 De Guignes, 1 Deb.H. K., 292-7 Deianira.87, 88 Dejja Mahārāja (see also G6kak Plates), 27, 228, 335 Demetrius/Devamitra, 280, 366 Deva-gupta, 487 'Deva ...

... patient. Yes, you can insist on his forking out that, if he is unwilling. Luck for the guinea-pig! If seeing the Divine depended on developed occult faculty, how do you explain people's seeing Ram, Krishna, Shiva, etc., in you at Darshan?—I mean by people who have apparently no such faculty. We've read about Krishna presenting himself before small boys, taking them to school, etc.—fables? ...

... who betrayest Me." 277 He keeps watch over us all the time. As I said, some of my old friends will be surprised to hear all this from me - one who has been a doubter throughout - "Bhoother mukhe Ram Nam." 278 They forget that the 'bhooth' has been transformed into Hanuman; and slowly, the light is growing in the East, the day is not far off when what our great poet 279 has sung will come ...

... assurance of the coming of India's freedom. 1926 November 24: The Day of Victory. 'The descent of Krishna into the physical.' Silent celebration by the then 24 inmates of the Ash- ram. The day became another Darshan Day. Sri Aurobindo went into complete seclusion leaving entire charge of the Ashram to Mother. The Ashram, as such, began to ...

... 12. Champaklal 13. Punamchand, and 14. Kanai Occasional participants : 1. S. Doraiswamy Aiyar 2. Rojoni Kanta Palit 3. Anil Baran Roy 4. V. Chandra Shekhar 5. Kodanda Ram Aiyya 6. Purushottam Patel 7. Naren Das Gupta 8. Srish Goswami From 1938-1950 1. Nirodbaran 2. Champaklal 3. Satyendra Thakore 4. Mulshanker 5. A. B. Purani 6. Becharlal ...

... actually practiced a little in 1891 during protest against the Consent Bill. Perhaps the real originator of the idea of boycott of British goods was an Arya Samaj activist from North West India, Tahal Ram Ganga Ram who visited Calcutta during February-March1905 and inflamed the youth to boycott British goods. This was followed by successive calls for boycott of British goods through Krishna Kumar Mitra's weekly ...

... and round it built their king a spacious courtyard fenced with close-set stakes. A single pine beam held the gates, and it took three men to ram it home, three to shoot the immense bolt back and spread the doors — three average men. Achilles alone could ram it home Page 35 himself. But the god of luck now spread the gates for the old man, drove in the glinting gifts for Peleus' ...

... but there was a rare instance of psychic love, which brought about this identity. There are similar stories of love between two souls in our ancient tradition: between Savitri and Satyavan, between Ram and Sita; this was the identity-experience all these fine, great, ideal women had in our stories. So this is what, I believe, happened in this way. I should not talk about love very much, because ...

... 12. Champaklal 13. Punamchand, and 14. Kanai Occasional participants: 1. S. Doraiswamy Aiyar 2. Rojoni Kanta Palit 3. Anil Baran Roy 4. V. Chandra Shekhar 5. Kodanda Ram Aiyar 6. Purushottam Patel 7. Naren Das Gupta 8. Sris Goswami From 1938 – 1950 1. Nirod Baran 2. Champaklal 3. Satyendra Thakore 4. Mulshanker 5. A. B. Purani 6. ...

... coruscating monologue Shaw said that male judgment was always superior to female judgment. "Of course," Mrs Shaw coolly replied, "after all, you married me and I you." It was the one time the old battering-ram was silenced. As Shakespeare's Hamlet would have put it: the engineer was hoist with his own petard. It is doubtful whether Ibsen and Strindberg will last as long as Shakespeare: it is certain that ...

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