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Basanti : Chakravarti, Sri Aurobindo’s cousin, daughter of Krishna Kumar Mitra, the first person to receive a letter written by Sri Aurobindo in Bengali. (See Mrinālini)
... Whenever he could, Sri Aurobindo would take time off from his Baroda job to rejoin his family at Deoghar. He had a large family on his mother's side : uncles and aunts and cousins. One of the cousins, Basanti Chakraborty, gave reminiscences of her 'Auro-dada' in a Bengali magazine, Galpa Bharati. Sri Aurobindo was very close to her family, and whenever he passed through Calcutta he always dropped in to... Rajnarain Bose, did not. Rabindranath Tagore composed a song for the occasion, and Narendranath Dutta, better known as Swami Vivekananda, sang at the ceremony. The Mitras had three children: Kumudini, Basanti and Sukumar. Kumudini (1882-1943) was beautiful and straightforward. She was to become one of the first two women councillors of the Calcutta Corporation. That was in 1933, the year my Page... in his or her hour of need ? Lilabati was exceedingly fond of her nephew Auro. In fact, her son Sukumar says that she nursed her sister's third son when Swarnalata's fourth child died. As for Basanti (1884-1965) she was a good writer, and edited with distinction for ten years a Bengali magazine for children, Mukul. She, in her article 'Our Auro-dada,' recalled her childhood's joy-filled days ...
... Bengali painter, Shashi Kumar Hesh, came to Baroda during this period. He did a portrait of Sri Aurobindo in oils. Sri Aurobindo's cousin Basanti, the daughter of Krishna Kumar Mitra, was the first person to receive a letter written by Sri Aurobindo in Bengali. Basanti bitterly regrets the loss of this letter during the Hindu-Muslim riots in Bengal after Pakistan came into being. Afterwards Sri Aurobindo... vacations in Bengal, especially the second vacation which generally coincided with the Puja holidays. The two vacations were from 15 April to 9 June and from 30 September to 2 January. His cousin Basanti has given her reminiscences of his visits to Deoghar. She was then a girl learning at school and used to go to Deoghar to visit the family of her grandfather Rajnarayan Bose. There were hills around... his aunt at Calcutta. Indeed, whenever Sri Aurobindo passed through Calcutta during this period (before 1906) he used to stay with her and Krishna Kumar Mitra at 6, College Square. Basanti Devi writes: "Auro Dada used to arrive with two or three trunks. We always thought they would contain costly suits and other luxury items like scents, etc. When he opened them I used to look and wonder ...
... h, 285, 286, 288,289, 321 Banerjee, Jatindranath, 62ff, 189,208, 281 Banerjee, Surendranath, 14, 190, 205, 220, 226, 269ff, 349 Baptista, Joseph, 521, 523, 531,727 Basanti Devi, 48 Bases of Yoga, 598 Basu, Arabinda, 752 Baudisch, A., 753 Beachcroft, C.P., 325,328,329 Bengalee, The, 34,183, 281, 312, 332, 335, 338 Bentinck ...
... library thus came to include some of the latest books in English, French, German, Latin, Greek — and of course all the major English poets from Chaucer to Swinburne. A cousin of Sri Aurobindo's, Basanti Devi, has given us this amusing account of his addiction to books and his habit of carrying trunkloads of them wherever he went: Auro Dada used to arrive with two or three trunks. We always thought ...
... fields and meadows. Pilgrims from all parts of India go there to worship the symbolic image of Shiva, carrying with them pots of pure Ganges water from long distances to pour upon the Deity. Basanti Devi, daughter of Krishna Kumar Mitra and a cousin to Sri Aurobindo, says about him: "Auro Dada used to arrive with two or three trunks, and we always thought they must contain costly suits and... books? But because he liked reading, it was not that he did not join us in our talks and chats and merry-making. His talk used to be full of wit and humour." 12 Sri Aurobindo wrote a poem on Basanti on one of her birthdays. At Baroda Sri Aurobindo "was put first in the Settlement Department, not as an officer, but to learn the work, then in the Stamps and Revenue Departments; he was for ...
... sometimes went up to Sri Aurobindo when he was writing and said, "Auro, please just come along with me, I am going for my bath in the Ganges." Sri Aurobindo would leave the writing and accompany her. Basanti Chakravarty (daughter of Krishna Kumar Mitra) writes: "I never saw [Sri Aurobindo] getting angry. Auroda is sitting and writing. His sandals are lying at a little distance. My mother comes, puts on... knew Sri Aurobindo through the secret society organisation and because of his previous initiation by ¹ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1972), before text. ² Basanti Chakravarty, "Amader Aurodada", Galpa Bharati , Vol. VI, No. 7 (Paush 1357), p. 783. Page 116 him. Amar went to the Sanjivani office to fetch Sri Aurobindo. He found him absolutely ...
... Luckily he was not dependent on brain-thought like us! Interruptions? Well, yes, there was no lack of that I He met a lot of visitors. Young men also came regularly in groups to meet him. Basanti Chakravarty, Sukumar's sister, recounts an anecdote or two. Father was in jail in Agra. Mother, always sickly, became very sick with worry. Their doctor, Dr. Col. U.N. Mukherji, Surendranath's son-in-law... go for a bath in Ganga." At once Auro-dada would put down his pen and leaving the writing in the middle, accompany her. Page 504 "I never saw Auro-dada getting angry," marvelled Basanti. "He is sitting in the hall and writing. His sandals are lying at a little distance. My mother comes, puts on his sandals and goes up to the terrace to take her walk. After some time people come to ...
... here in the order in which they appear in Sri Aurobindo's notebook. The Spring Child . 1900. As recorded in the subtitle, this poem was written for Sri Aurobindo's cousin Basanti Mitra, who was born on9 Jyestha 1292 (22 May 1886). The title and opening of the poem involve a play on the Bengali word bāsantī , which means "vernal", "of the spring". ...
... during the College vacations. In Calcutta he often stayed with his maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, an ardent patriot, who was later the editor of the Nationalist weekly Sanjivani. His daughter, Basanti Devi, has recorded her impressions of her cousin: 'Alin) Dada used to arrive with two or three trunks, and we always thought they must contain costly suits and other articles of luxury like scents ...
... had learnt to play the piano in Calcutta, I could play the organ too. This happened on one such evening at the Library as I was coming out after finishing my singing. I noticed Niranjan-da and Basanti talking to each other in the centre room. On seeing me, they complimented me on my singing. Without reacting to it, I came back home. I used to live in the Red House that was opposite the Library ...
... teacher of French, the experimenter with mediumistic automatic speech, this Yogi, this Nationalist, this Fighter was also gentleness incarnate in his relations with those near and dear to him. Basanti his cousin** has given us this intimate glimpse of Sri Aurobindo at this period of his life: I never saw [Sri Aurobindo] getting angry. Auroda is sitting and writing. His sandals are lying at ...
... himself with the prevailing situation there. In November or December 1909 he was in Calcutta along with his wife. At Sukumar's invitation they paid him a visit. "My mother, sisters Kumudini-didi, Basanti and Sarojini-didi welcomed them and offered them sandesh, rosogolla, kochuri, singara) and other Bengali food items." When in 1911 his book, The Awakening of India 1 —highly appreciated by the ...
... Baroda (Circa 1898-1902) Baroda (Circa 1898-1902) Short Poems from Manuscripts (Circa 1900-1901) Collected Poems The Spring Child ( On Basanti's birthday–Jyestha 1900 ) Of Spring is her name for whose bud and blooming We praise today the Giver,— Of Spring and its sweetness clings about her For her face is Spring and Spring's without her ...
... am for Time prepared. 8 Page 158 marvels of sound and sight - a bird's song at dawn, lustre in midnight - e a reminiscence of the drama of creation.9 The celebration of the child Basanti's birthday becomes an occasion for the inference of immortality in mortal things: O dear child soul, our loved and cherished, For this thy days had birth, Like some tender flower ...
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