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Bharat Bharutha : son of Dushyanta & Shakuntalā & one of the greatest Chandra-Vamshi rulers; his empire became known as Bhāratavarsha & his descendants Bhāratas. The name is especially applied to the Pandavas, whose ancestor Kuru was ninth in descent from King Bharata.
... again. Yogananda and others talked or questioned Bharat Brahmachari about these claims. An hour or two after one such causerie, Bharat Brahmachari came out on to the verandah and said: “Mayer khata dekhechhi. Oi khataye kono nam nayi — ek Sri Aurobindo chhada.” (I have seen the Mother’s book. There no name was written but that of Sri Aurobindo.) Bharat Brahmachari passed away in 1928. His guru Loknath... it in Yogananda’s room often enough. I for one think the picture and the symbol are clear — and Yogananda’s question is answered. Yogananda and others sometimes talked to Bharat Brahmachari about Sri Aurobindo. What he (Bharat Brahmachari) had to say about Sri Aurobindo is also significantly revelatory. Even before they brought in the name of Sri Aurobindo, the Brahmachari used to talk of a Mahapurush... Sri Aurobindo the freedom fighter left Calcutta, many hoped he would come back and lead the nation. But Bharat Brahmachari shook his head and said: “From what I can see, this is not to be. Anyone who has reached the Upper World, He (Sri Aurobindo) is in, does not come back.” Sometime in 1920 Bharat Brahmachari said that the VishnuShakti had gone from Badrinath (the deity at Badrinath is Badrinarayan ...
... Yogananda Among the Not So Great Bharat Brahmachari To better know and understand Yogananda and his life it is necessary to know more about his first Guru — Bharat Brahmachari. It is he who moulded, guided — one can say almost gave “re-birth” to Yogananda’s life, from 1918 to 1932, from the time he joined the Gauri Ashram to the day he met Sri Aurobindo... Aurobindo took up the “adolescent”, impatient and impetuous Jogdananda. Yogananda had written to Sri Aurobindo about his first Guru, Bharat Brahmachari. Sri Aurobindo spoke highly of him. Some letters from Sri Aurobindo to Yogananda provide an exceptional testimonial to Bharat Brahmachari and reveal what he really was and achieved. ...
... ashram. But Jogdananda, hardly having gone a small distance, realised his folly. He ran back and apologised to Bharat Brahmachari. He wished to stay back. But it was too late. The guru said: “No. You have given me up; so be it.” Jogdananda left with a heavy heart. When Jogdananda left, Bharat Brahmachari remarked: “Koli amar shorbonash korlo.” (Koli = Kaliyug personified, has dealt me a good blow.) ... overwhelmed, filled with joy and a sense of fulfilment. He felt that he had at last arrived at the end of his seeking. His guru Bharat Brahmachari’s words came flooding back. All indications given to him seemed to fit in. There in front of him sat the universal Mother of Bharat Brahmachari’s vision — a vision given to him in Brindavan, in 1926, of a ‘white’ form of the Mother! Jogdananda wanted at... 17th of August 1898. A sister preceded and four brothers followed him. They lost their mother early. Their father and his mother brought them up. Around 1918 Jotindra came under the influence of one Bharat Brahmachari of Bairati (not to be confused with Birati, another village near Calcutta). The Brahmachari had founded an ashram — the Gauri Ashram. The Brahmachari was an unconventional and not a tr ...
... I received a letter dated 17.5.74 from Vikas: 17 May 1974 Dear Huta, I thought to tell you the more complete story about the trees at Bharat Nivas. The fact is that it was the architect of Bharat Nivas, Mr. Chakrapani of Madras, who refused to change his design in anyway in order to save some of the trees. Roger was quite happy that the trees might be saved, but ...
... princes of ancient India go out of their way to kneel before their throne? Was that the glory of Hinduism? Or are we witnessing a revival of the days when Asoka ruled over the Asiatic peoples? The Bharat Dharma Mahamandal aim at the revival of Hinduism but they are working for its final extinction. Minto Worship When we speak of the Notables bowing at the feet of Minto, we are aware that we shall... Who made Lord Minto ruler of India? Not the hand of any earthly power but the decree of God, and if the Hindu people bow down before Minto, it is only as the Viceroy of God. Is that the logic of the Bharat Dharma Mahamandal? If so, it is a logic based on outward facts, not on the inner truths. God is today manifesting himself again, but where? Not in the glory of England, which is on the wane, but in ...
... the Ashram at Pondicherry. His younger brothers, Bimalchand and Sumatichand assumed charge of the business which flourished and prospered by the Grace. Presently under the able guidance of Sri Bharat Kumar, son of Late Rishabhchand, Indian Silk House will be celebrating its Platinum Jubilee in the year 2001. Books containing excerpts from the letters written by Rishabhchand to his relatives and ...
... fragrance of flowefs and leaves. And as if from nowhere rain drops were felt. Everyone had to hurry back to their rooms at last. Mona and Bharat went straight to their windows to look for the glow-worms. “They must have taken shelter just as we have,” Bharat said. “Yet the outside looks so fine at night” Mona said, as she gazed at the trees swaying in the wind that was gaining force slowly. ... get into bed,” Virat Uncle called them. “If the storm comes, the rest of our picnic may not be such fun as it was today.” Bharat was worried. “But we shall have a rainbow in the sky when the sun comes out in the morning.” Mona jumped out of bed early. She woke up Bharat and both of them tiptoed out into the garden. The rain and the wind had made their retreat. The clouds broke up and parts... tenderly. “Is she dead?” Bharat asked gently. “No, she is so perfectly lovely she cannot be dead. Besides, I don’t feel sad. So she must be alive though she is hurt,” Mona explained. She bent on this precious form and blew a whiff of light air on her. There was a faint little thrill in the tiny form in her hand. An answering thrill of joy ran through Mona and Bharat. More softly, tenderly they ...
... the service of the country.' Bharati saw India as his motherland - Bharat the Divine Mother - in diverse attitudes and situations: he saw her fettered, struggling valiantly to free herself, hoping and despairing alternately; he saw her as a veritable Kamadhenu, unfailing giver of unending bounty; he glimpsed too the resurgent Bharat of the not distant future, active, puissant, prosperous, gay and wise... Bharati's poetic achievement. In the collected edition referred to above, Bharati's poems are arranged under the following heads and subheads: Part I - Patriotic Songs 1. Songs on Bharat Land 2. Songs on Tamil Nadu 3. Freedom 4. Songs on the Freedom Movement 5. National Leaders 6. Songs inspired by Freedom Movements in other countries ... surely off the mark: freedom in Bharati's songs is an elemental thirst, a basic aspiration and need of the human soul. Besides, these songs of freedom are often linked up with the concept of India, Bharat, as the Mother. No mere metaphor, this, but - at any rate for Bharati as it was for Sri Aurobindo - a reality, an Page 81 article of religious faith! It is not patriotism ...
... A thirst of knowledge and a sense of power, A passion of divine beneficence Pursued me through a hundred lives. I rose From birth to birth, until I reached the peak Of human knowledge. Then in Bharat born I, Kuthumi, the Kshatriya, the adept, The mighty Yogin of Dwaipayan's school, To Vyása came, the great original sage. He looked upon me with the eye that sees And smiled, august and awful... work released Into the worlds of bliss for endless years To rest, until another aeon comes, When of the seven Rishis thou art one." I sent my knowledge forth across the land; It found him not in Bharat's princely halls, In quiet asrams, nor in temples pure, Nor where the wealthy traffickers resort; Brahmin nor Kshatriya body housed the Lord, Vaishya nor Sudra nor outcaste. At length To a bare ...
... Culture", Mother India, March 1952, pp. 1-2. Page 67 A message was given by the Mother to the Society for the Spiritual and Cultural Renaissance of Bharat on 23 August 1951: "Let the splendour of Bharat's past be reborn in the realisation of her imminent future with the help and blessings of her living soul." Throughout his life K.D. Sethna has followed the method... India , February 1952, p. 2. 3. Sri Aurobindo on India , Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Society, p. 50. 4. Ibid ., pp. 14-15. Page 63 The living idea in the inner being of Bharat is the attempt to achieve a resolution, a reconciliation, a harmonisation and synthesis of the oppositions, contradictions, riddles and paradoxes of this world. The seers, who saw oneness in the manyness... thread of the unity, how the one unites the many and how this is the answer to the problem of existence, this the explanation and this the synthesis. It was then that the idea which is the soul of Bharat was born. What is the ideal of Mother India ? K.D. Sethna published his first editorial in Mother India on February 19, 1949 under the title "WHAT WE STAND FOR". I am quoting the ...
... A Birthday Talk Delivered at Sri Aurobindo's residence in Calcutta on 15 August 1909, his thirty-seventh birthday. Text in Bengali published in Bharat Mitra on 21 August; subsequently translated into English and published in a police intelligence report. In my childhood before the full development of my faculties, I became conscious of a strong ...
... Editorship of Sri Aurobindo with Speeches Delivered during the Same Period 6.Feb-3.May.1908 Bande Mataram Loyalty to Order 14-March-1908 The action of the Bharat Dharma Mandal in presenting themselves before the Viceroy as representatives of Hindu society and offering their loyalty and the post of defender of the Hindu faith has been so severely criticised ...
... Aurangzeb, 85 Avidya, 29 Ayurveda, 104 Badarayana, 88,95 Bedekar, V.M, 71,75,78,82 Being, Pure, 58 Bhaga,10,11,12 Bhakti Yoga, 7 Bharadwaja, 31, 34 Bharat Muni, 102 Brahma Sutra, 88 Brahmacharin, 33,37,63 Brahmacharya, 33,52 Brahman, 24, 28,30,37 Brahmanas, 66,87,89 Brahmin, 42, 52 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 30,70 ...
... addition to the earlier announcement dated 21.2.74, there will be the following:- 8.30 a.m.—Planting of creepers around the Matrimandir Garden's Model Dome in the Matrimandir Gardens. 9.00 a.m.—At Bharat Nivas:-start of 4 State Pavilions construction work by Auroville. 9.30 a.m.—"POUR TOUS" at Aspiration will open. 25.2.74 Shyamsunde Nolini-da gave me two blessing packets for the occasion ...
... or draft, payable to Auroville Trust, accompanied by a note specifying it for "The Spirit of Auroville" and indicating to which address it is to be sent. Please send it directly to Auroville Trust, Bharat Nivas, 605104 Auroville, Tamil Nadu. They took blocks of the Mother's facsimiles from me to put in the book. Unfortunately, the book never came out because of controversies, clashes and oppositions ...
... and a Resolution 1890-1906 Bande Mataram Unity: An Open Letter An Open Letter to those who despair of their Country To the sons of our mother Bharat who disclaim their sonhood, to the children of languor and selfishness, to the wooers of safety & ease, to the fathers of despair and death—greeting. To those who impugning the holiness of their ...
... not see any alternative and then Mother gave me the Matrimandir project as well. The other project to which Mother gave great importance was the construction of the cultural pavilion of India, Bharat Nivas. It was a costly affair with no Bank balance for support. The architectural design had been chosen after a competition and the land required for it was with us. Offers were invited for ... a few days and by the time our cheque of five lakh came to the Pondicherry Bank from Madras for realisation our Bank account was rich enough with the five lakh just received by way of grant for the Bharat Nivas. Mother again gave me a happy smile. At this distance of time I am again thankful to Andre for his part in the matter. Once Andre was asked by Mother to see and report the correct position ...
... before the murder, two revolutionary leaflets appeared in Tinnevelly, Madura and other places, the first entitled "A Friendly Word to the Aryans" and the second "Oath of Admission into the Abhinav Bharat Society". They both purported to be printed by the "Feringhi Destroyer Press", both referred to a prophecy of Vyasa that "the white empire will be destroyed between the Page 70 ... Nandana and Andana", and they contained many other points of resemblance. Internal evidence therefore suggested that they came from the same source. Again the second leaflet was all about the Abhinav Bharat (New India) Society. This was the name given by V.D. Savarkar to the secret revolutionary society started by him in Nasik and continued in London and Paris. When it is remembered that Aiyar was V... invocation at the end had been used by V.V.S. Aiyar on former occasions. It appears, therefore, that V.V.S. Aiyar brought to Pondicherry the name, and with it the principles, of the Abhinav Bharat Society, and that the Pondicherry gang issued the revolutionary leaflets which appeared before the murder of Mr. Ashe, and were largely, if not entirely, responsible for the murder. It will be remembered ...
... generous in the life of a country. True patriots feel its presence as a tangible reality. It is this, which has been made almost into a divine being and all who love their country, call it "Mother India" (Bharat Mata), and it is to her that they daily address a prayer for the welfare of their country. Mother India is not a piece of earth; she is a Power, a Godhead, for all nations have such a Devi supporting ...
... could see even at the time of the Partition the ensouled image of undivided India - Greater India - and she could also transmit that Vision and that Faith to Bharat's awakened children. Towards the end of 1950 some Ashramites made a map of Bharat-varsha with scented leaves and flowers on the wall outside her room in the Playground. 21 A few days later she herself drew an outline of the map on the same... was still Bharat's destiny to be the Guru of the World, and so the Mother articulated this prayer on 23 September 1967: O India, land of light and spiritual knowledge! Wake up to your true mission in the world. Show the way to union and harmony! 23 It would not be wide off the mark, then, to say that the Mother, in one aspect of her life, symbolised the spiritual force of Bharat, and she saw... touch. And this mystic relationship between the Mother and her children remains unchanged. But these her children, and others too, have also felt drawn to her in a special way, identifying her with Bharat. She once declared: "From the first time I came to India - in 1914 - I felt that India is my true country, the country of my soul and spirit." 19 And when Mountbatten publicly proposed the partition ...
... Russianism. For such last relics of the old superstitions, for such over-charitable speculation there is no longer any room. The whole country owes a debt of gratitude to Sirdar Ajit Singh and the Bharat Mata section of the Punjab Nationalists for forcing the hands of the bureaucracy and compelling them to change definitely indirect for direct methods of despotism. It has cleared the air, it has dispelled ...
... Indian languages and continue to study Sanskrit when I have time. * Page 60 The Sanskrit ought to be the national language of India. * Let the splendours of Bharat's past be reborn in the realisation of her imminent future with the help and blessings of her living soul. * what is the duty of every Indian today in the present emergency? ...
... criminal breach of trust in respect of more than fifteen lakhs of rupees of Government grants. The Central Government and several States had given more than seventy lakhs as grants for construction of Bharat Nivas (cultural pavilions) at Auroville. The CBI found that all the grant monies had been recorded as received by the Sri Page 97 Aurobindo Society in its account books which were audited ...
... of my country which led me into danger, it is also the love of my countrymen which has brought me safe through it. Aurobindo Ghose 6, College Square, May 14, 1909" Commenting, the Bharat Mitra (Calcutta, 22 May 1909), wrote admiringly that the letter "shows the purity of his love for his country, like gold after it has undergone a fire test." In fact, unlike the Anglo-Indian ...
... Shavilik Apartments Alaknanda New Delhi -110019 Page 731 67.Gulati, Neelam K. TU 78 Vishakha Enclave Pitampura Res. Scheme New Delhi 68.Gupta, Bharat J- 53 Ashok Vihar Phase-I New Delhi -110052 69.Gupta, R.R. Principal Gyan Mandir Public School Naraina , New Delhi -110028 70 Gupta, Renu A-27, New Rajendra... 38/11 ProvynRoad Opp. Law Faculty Delhi-110007 Page 733 87.Jhingran, Saral 136-C DDA MIG Flats Rajouri Garden, New Delhi 88.Jhunjhunwala, Bharat 732 Modern Society, Sector 15, Rohini, Delhi -110085 89.Joshi, Kireet Chairman Indian Council of Philosophical Research 36 Tughlakabad Institutional Area New... R-30 G.K -I New Delhi -110048 94. Kakoti, U. National Open School B-31-B Kailash Colony New Delhi-110048 95. Kalra, Bankim Mohan Auroville's Future Bharat Nivas Auroville-605101 96. Kalra, Rajinder M. S-82 Greater Kailash-II New Delhi -110048 Page 734 97. Kapoor, Kapil Rector, Jawaharlal ...
... "which set forth the services he had rendered to the country in developing the national ideal. Arabindo Ghose—was visibly moved and made a suitable reply." A Bengali newspaper of Calcutta, the Bharat Mitra, faithfully reproduced the reply in its 21 August 1909 issue. "In My childhood," began Sri Aurobindo, "before the full development of my faculties, I became conscious of a strong impulse in ...
... venerable Rama (and persuade him to return to Ayodhya and accept his father's throne). (29 34) Approaching the high souled Page 35 Bharat comes away from Chitrakuta carrying Rama's sandals on his head (Mewar ) Bharat installs the sandals at Nandigrama (Mewar ) Page 35 Rāma of unfailing prowess, Bharata, rich in noble sentiments, actually implored (Srī Rāma) ...
... the cells which go to make up Her living tissues. Our literature is Her memory and speech. The spirit of Her culture is Her soul. The happiness and freedom of Her children is Her salvation. Behold Bharat as a living Mother, meditate upon Her and worship Her in the nine-fold way of Bhakti----' "During the Partition [of Bengal] movement, Prof. Arvind Ghosh resigned his post of professor in our College ...
... generous in the life of a country. True patriots feel its presence as a tangible reality. It is this which has been made almost into a divine being and all who love their country call it "Mother India" (Bharat Mata), and it is to her that they daily address a prayer for the welfare of their country.'2 It was this feeling that was at the psychological root of most of the freedom fighters whether ...
... been first unfurled on 15 August 1947 and had since then been saluted as the symbol of the undivided eternal Bharat, the Greater India that includes Nepal, Myanmar and Sri Lanka as well as Pakistan and Bangladesh. There is a Truth, Power, Knowledge, Love that sustains the unity of this real Bharat that transcends the truncated political India, and the Spiritual Flag was meant to project this essential ...
... incarnating not only the "Wisdom-Splendour" that is the universe's fount - Creatrix, the Eternal s artist Bride but also that particular face and front of the Infinite, the Goddess Bharat-Shakti Who watches over India till the end - mothering especially the India of the Rishis, the Yogis, the Saints and, above all, the Avatars. How would a fortnightly with ...
... used to take place.... The book of Rig-veda, a dead man's skull and an unsheathed sword were the articles used for the ritual — Rajnarain Bose was its high priest — there, we were all initiated into Bharat-deliverance." This, according to Tagore, "was basking in the fire of excitement." Sri Aurobindo was to become the fire. "Although gentle and humane," wrote Rabindranath about Rajnarain ...
... inadvertently her infatuation for a mortal, and no wonder "a gust of laughter" rocks the assembled gods. But Bharat, Master of the Revels, sees his glorious art shamed and stained, and banishes Urvasie from "Swarga's streams and golden groves". Indra intercedes on her behalf, and Bharat is sufficiently mollified to set a natural limit to her exile from heaven. Escorted by Tilottama, Urvasie commences... needs heroes of the stamp of Baji Prabhou who can break through the shell of the ego and live a larger, richer and nobler life. There is also the potent suggestion that it is really Bhavani - Bharat Shakti - that takes charge of the situation, invades and possesses Baji with her invincible strength, and accomplishes the miraculous rout of the Mogul and Rajput hordes. There is the further suggestion ...
... dance, and drama the most important one is Natya Shastra of Bharat Muni. There are two Samhitās on Nātya Shāstra, namely, dwādashasahasri and shat sahasri. The traditions established by Bharat Muni remained prevalent for more than thousand years, and even in the book Sangeet Ratnākar of Sharangadeva of 13th century A.D., the authority of Bharat Muni has been acknowledged. Thereafter also there has been ...
... it? Page 55 On 22 March the Amrita Bazar Patrika reprinted the above text as Editorial Notes. Among the papers which retorted to the sarcastic remarks of the Pioneer, was Bharat Mitra (2 April 1910): 'You may cut jokes at Babu Arabindo Ghose's cost; but all his countrymen know that prestige of the Government will no doubt be raised by admitting him into the Council. ...
... er as incarnating not only the "Wisdom-Splendour" that is the universe's fount — Creatrix, the Eternal's artist Bride but also that particular face and front of the Infinite, the God-dess Bharat-Shakti Who watches over India till the end — mothering especially the India of the Rishis, the Yogis, the Saints and, above all, the Avatars. How would a fortnightly with a spiritual ...
... and honest that you can best serve your country, make it one and great in the world. October 1948 ( Message for the Society for the Spiritual and Cultural Renaissance of Bharat ) Let the splendour of Bharat's past be reborn in the realisation of her imminent future with the help and blessings of her living soul. 23 August 1951 Page 352 India must be saved for the good ...
... easily! But how can unrest be Nirvana? Some misconception. Perhaps it is Prakritilaya [to be dissolved in unconscious Nature] you are aiming at! Perhaps you are moving towards a repetition of jada Bharat [Bharat the inert] and when you are sufficiently jada and able to enjoy it, the Nirvana and all the Knowledge will come to you. 37 (16) On Fate and its components: NB: I am tempted to ask ...
... one ready to sacrifice one's personal happiness, one's very life even, at he altar of a noble cause. Pururavas failed; Rum failed; Sunjoy was weak and miserable. They failed their people, they failed Bharat; and Sunjoy wished to seek noble ease in preference to possible death in battle. There was no doubt a touch of greatness in Pururavas and Rum, for they were willing to give up everything to gain an... corroboration of his intuition that the one thing necessary for the effective propagation of the new revolutionary gospel was a Temple consecrated to the Divine Mother, a Temple invoking Mother India as Bharat Shakti, as Bhavani Bharati. Sri Aurobindo fell in with the idea, which was to find a solitary place somewhere among the hills and erect the proposed temple there and train a band of sannyasins solemnly... "nuclear" action. It aimed at releasing infinite energy in every Indian and fusing these three hundred million such infinities into one gigantic, one irresistible, one inimitably stupendous dynamo of Bharat Shakti. It was but an idea as yet, a visionary possibility, but even so its utter mathematical simplicity and its terrifying cumulative grandeur inspired, astonished and frightened all at once. Besides ...
... the life of the country. True patriots feel its presence as a tangible reality. In India it has been made into an almost divine entity, and all who truly love their country call it "Mother India" (Bharat Mata) and offer her a daily prayer Page 42 for the welfare of their country. It is she who symbolises and embodies the true ideal of the country, its true mission in the world. The thinking ...
... spirit in humanity, and lives by the principle which it embodies. India is the Bharat Shakti, the living energy of a great spiritual conception and fidelity to it is the very principle of her existence. "² It was the feeling and living out this great spiritual truth, the feeling of a living spirit of India, Bharat Shakti that enabled the small band of Nationalist leaden to fire the imagination ...
... during 1893-1906 was taken over for establishing a permanent memorial, and a "Sri Aurobindo Bhavan" came up at Bhubaneshwar as well. Liberal grants were also made for the construction at Auroville of Bharat Nivas, After School I and II, Mandala, and the Pavilion of Consciousness. During 1971, the political situation in the Indian subcontinent had been distressing in the extreme. Yahya Khan's ruthless... excitement and significance, and happily elicited the enthusiastic cooperation of a very large number of people from different levels of life. It was somewhat like the construction of the bridge between Bharat and Sri Lanka, for even the squirrel's contribution was relevant in its own way and was hence readily acceptable to the Divine. Wherever people gathered to celebrate Sri Aurobindo's birth centenary ...
... cal ecstasy. The reflective adult could never be the hero gladly throwing away his life for the sake of a Cause that is most sacred to his inmost heart though most intangible to the sober mind: a Bharat Mata, a Mother India — not the monthly review of culture whose editor I am but the ageless Goddess who is the Nation-Soul enkindling all our culture, the Mother India of whom I try to be not too unworthy ...
... ideals of Indian art are of immense value to the world of art to-day. It should be the privilege of Indian artist to contribute to world art. Let the Indian artist have confidence in himself and in the Bharat- Page 79 Shakti, the soul of the race that gave to the world Ajanta and Ellora. In the Ashram at Pondicherry each artist is left entirely free to follow his own natural ...
... freedom the demand was not based on economic or political rights only but on the need of freedom to express ' the national soul. ' The collective consciousness awoke under the name of ' Bharat-Shakti ' or ' Bharat-Mata 'when the national movement started in India. The collective life of nations has been dominated by the vital-ego of the collectivity, not by its deeper soul. It is in Europe that ...
... Auroville Foundation Act. * * * Krishna and Kamla continue actively in their work for Auroville along with their family. Krishna is in charge of the Auroville Archives and can be seen in the Bharat Nivas offices of the Archives on a daily basis. Kamla helped to organize an Auroville Health Centre in the early 1990s (previously there was nothing of this caliber in Auroville) and she continues ...
... not only the "Wisdom-Splendour" that is the universe's fount - Creatrix, the Eternal's artist Bride... 1 but also that particular face and front of the infinite, the Goddess Bharat-Shakti Who watches over India till the end 2 - Page 290 mothering especially the India of the Rishis, the Yogis, the Saints and, above all, the Avatars. ...
... front by the Hindus and the Muslims and, by a firm co-operative experience in government, tended to prevent the fissure which led to the tragic break-up of the country into Page 184 Bharat and Pakistan some years later. What you write about yourself and me is full of inner truths. That "beautiful white glow or flame" in the centre of your forehead each time I was in your thought ...
... if we look into the real nature of our perceptions —we do not realise any difference between them. And the Scripture saith "One God hidden in all creatures" and the Smriti also: Know me, O son of Bharat, for the knower of the body in all bodies. I stand undivided in all creatures and only seem to be divided. 3) Be it noted that though Visva works indeed in all the organs of sense without distinction ...
... and witness those exceptional individuals whose lives and examples have moulded the national thought and character and shaped the course of events. At a still deeper level, we discover Mother India, Bharat Mata, protector and nourisher of her children, inspiring them and helping them in their battle and victory, and leading Page 435 them to the gradual revelation of her intention and will ...
... version published in the Centenary Edition (1972). Purnananda and Yogananda were both sannyasins from Bengal who settled in the Ashram in 1938 and 1932 res- pectively. Yogananda's former guru, Bharat Brahmachari, was a great Yogi known to Mother and Sri Aurobindo. Dilip's English translation of this song is published in Hark! His Flute (p. 93), under the title "The Agressor": "Onward ...
... exceptional individuals whose lives and examples have moulded the national thought and character and shaped the Page 61 course of events. At a still deeper level, we discover Mother India, Bharat Mata, protector and nourisher of her children, inspiring them and helping them in their battle and victory, and leading them to the gradual revelation of her intention and will for her children as ...
... wall-map of India and called it Bharat Mata's, Mother India's, portrait. The geography was the body of the Mother: the people were the cells that made the living tissues: the languages and literatures were the Mother's memory and speech: the spirit of the nation's culture was Her living soul: and the nation's freedom and happiness Her only salvation! "Behold Bharat as a living Mother," Sri Aurobindo ...
... Nehru's cabinet, first without portfolio, then, after Patel's death, as Home Minister. He was Chief Minister of Madras from 1952 to 1954. On leaving government, he was among the first recipients of the Bharat Ratna, the Indian government's highest civilian award. Cripps failure to an agreement propelled Congress with Gandhi's leadership to a civil disobedience movement called Quit India Movement ...
... of pots with ferns and flowers in a variety of colours, and there was also a tank of white lotuses, emblazoning the Mother's symbol. Then she attended a programme of dance recitals representing the Bharat Natyam, Kathak, Manipuri and Kathakali styles. On the 21st, there was a march past in the same courtyard, and a presentation of the dance-drama, Devī Māhātmyam, and a Garba dance by the Ashram artistes ...
... be an effective force in certain human collectivities or nations, but not every collectivity or nation possesses it, whereas the sense of a Britannia, a belle France, a Cathleen ni Houlihan, a Bharat Mata is most vivid. Millions have lived and died for the national Being. Even avowed atheists are instinctively awake to it. Even the Russian Communists have a feeling of "Holy Russia", and if there ...
... on Ved Prakash's letter, Your collaboration would be extremely useful and fully appreciated. * * * 5.4.71 The following note was prepared by Roger:- On the subject of Bharat Niwas Mother had said to Roger:- "I see no reason for not engaging contractors. How to build Auroville without help ! What I have said to Shyamsunder is that for the Matrimandir it would be preferable... constructions it is different..." Question: Does Mother agree on the following points ? —For the Matrimandir in the present situation, neither contractors nor paid labour. —For Bharat Niwas, schools, etc, until the new order Auroville can utilise contractors under the supervision of the Architectural Office of Auroville. My noting: Mother agrees. For Kuljian Corporation... after the birth of the baby, Mother said that she is not in the Ashram and one can not prevent her from staying in Pondicherry. * * * 18.4.72 Placed before Mother the position of Bharat Niwas : financial shortage; cutting of airconditioning, acoustics and restaurant equipment; difficulty of maintenance when ready; attitude of Aurovilians who think these things to be against Auroville ...
... cost him his life. But the jail, where his cell is now a shrine, turned into his “cave of tapasya ,” and when, after one year, he came out of it he was no longer the agnostic. His political work for Bharat Mata had turned into a spiritual Work for humanity. As he said in his Uttarpara speech soon after his release: “There is a word to speak and a work to do,” but nobody understood him at the time. ...
... years and more. And beyond the values of this great culture, patriotism is in its heart-illumined worship of the smiling and beneficent and strong and powerful Shakti, which we call Mother India, Bharat Mata. As Sri Aurobindo wrote, a nation is not a piece of earth, nor a figure of spirit, nor a fiction of mind, it is a mighty Shakti composed of the Shaktis of all the millions of units that make ...
... Later, the Hindu Mela organization was formed to revive the pride in Hindu civilization. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar founded the Mitra Mela in 1899 in Bombay. It was later known as the Abhinava Bharat Society (Young India Society). It advocated armed struggle to throw off the shackles of foreign rule. But the most famous of these organizations was the Arya Samaj formed by Dayanand Saraswati in 1875 ...
... long time to develop fullness and maturity. In truth, this is the third stage we have already referred to. Throughout the era of the Vaishnava Page 49 poets, coming down to the time of Bharat Chandra the same line of sadhana, of spiritual practice, continued. The Bengali poets who flourished after Chandidas have hardly made any new contribution, they have not unveiled another layer of the ...
... started, he joined it. I used to conduct the gymnastic marching of this group of Grown-ups. Sudhir-da was very enthusiastic about this marching. He used to cry in delight, “Pranab, they perform the Bharat Natyam, but we perform the Mahabharat Natyam!” As I was his neighbour, whenever I got the chance, I would go to him and listen to stories of the old days. Oh, innumerable were the stories he told ...
... departed mother. My elder brother had passed away some time earlier and so I thought I could perform the rites for him as well. That was the reason for my accompanying her. We were staying at the Bharat Sevashram Sangh. They had arranged for a priest. The priest was reciting the mantras while we were making the offerings to the manes by announcing the names of different people one by one. ...
... particularly to these episodes in the main Mahabharata story? Wasn't it because they gave a clue to the working of the mind of Krishna, the real sutradhara behind the vast drama of the epic of Bharat? A later edition of Vyasa and Valmiki (1964) included also a fragment from The Tale of Nala and two different versions of the Chitrangada story (one of which had appeared in the Karmayogin... shapes our ends, and thus all is well at the end. One may call it the ne plus ultra of romance: we visit arbours and are ravished by the moonlight; we scale great mountain heights, we visit Saint Bharat's hermitage in heaven, we watch the adorations, the fertile tears, the queer antics, and the blissful-cum-agonied ecstasies of Pururavas and Urvasie. And The Hero and the Nymph does succeed to a ...
... generous in the life of a country. True patriots feel its presence as a tangible reality. It is this which has been made almost into a divine being and all who love their country call it "Mother India" (Bharat Mata), and it is to her that they daily address a prayer for the welfare of their country". 4 The need of a political unification We thus see that from the very ancient times ...
... heavens, you have reached Nirvana so easily? But how can unrest be Nirvana? Some misconception. Perhaps it is Prakriti laya you are aiming at! Perhaps you are moving towards a repetition of Jada Bharat and when you are sufficiently Jada and able to enjoy it, the Nirvana and all the knowledge will come to you. MYSELF: You spoke of the supramental coming as fast as we will allow. If ...
... ]aat chheleyr haateyr noy to moya Hoonkor jol aar bhateyr haandi, Bhabli eyteyee jaatir jaan, Tai to bekub, korii tora eft jaatikey eksho khan. Ekhon dekhish bharat-joda Pochey aachhish baashi moda, Maanush nai aaj, aachhey shudhu Jaat-sheyaleyr hookkahooa. Jaanish na ki dhormo shey jey Bormoshom shohonsheel, ...
... preparation of food and designing clothes! Then another line of work came into my orbit and that was the attempt to set up a Centre for Research in Indian Culture and a Centre of Indian Studies at the Bharat Nivas [the Pavilion of India] in Auroville. This work had resonated with me in the past but this time it was with another poise and movement of consciousness. Thus began a round of exploration and ...
... an Ashram. Our Ashram is legally now called a 'public charitable trust'. 'But, Dada, my question is: do we, as we are a charitable trust, engage ourselves in any charitable work? Like the Bharat Sevashram Sangh, the Ramakrishna Mission, etc. Bringing relief to people, to the sick, the poor, constructing schools, colleges, hospitals, etc'. Yes, you are right about that. We don't ...
... free and united India. India today is free but she has not achieved unity.’ To Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, India was not a mass of land but a being, a goddess, ‘just like Shiva is a god’, called Bharat Mata, Mother India. The visible land mass is the material body of this very real being, venerated as the soul of the nation. In the same way other nations too have at their centre a living Being always ...
... now tell you of the booklet Bhawani Mandir which Sri Aurobindo wrote at this time. It was Barin who conceived the idea that a temple consecrated to the Divine Mother, invoking Mother India as Bharat Shakti, Bhawani Bharati, would be extremely effective for the propagation of the new revolutionary gospel, and at his request Sri Aurobinclo wrote the booklet. It begins: 'A temple is to be erected ...
... Mataram is a salutation to the Supreme Mother India, that's all. It only speaks of concentrating the will and the attention of the people on an objective: the collective entity, Mother India, the Bharat Shakti, as they call it. The attention of the people was drawn to that. And it is that for which many people went to jail, surrendered their property, sacrificed Page 2 everything ...
... your difficulties will disappear. 15 V At Auroville, things were on the move; there were dreams, plans and promising starts. Models were finally selected for the proposed Matrimandir and Bharat Nivas, foundation stones were laid for Last School, Sanskrit School and Auropress, and the first issue of Auroville Gazette came out in December 1970. For the settlement Aspiration, the Mother sent ...
... motherland.) However, his categorical condition of India’s full and effective participation in the one world of tomorrow – the complete unity of her physical body – has not yet been fulfilled, for Bharat Mata remains divided into India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. What seemed just after the Second World War an idealist’s fancy, has now become a daily item on the world’s news bulletins: Asia has awoken ...
... heavens! you have reached Nirvana so easily! But how can unrest be Nirvana? Some misconception. Perhaps it is Prakritilaya 206 you are aiming at! Perhaps you are moving towards a repetition of Jada Bharat 207 and when you are sufficiently jada and able to enjoy it, then Nirvana and all the Knowledge will come to you. Examined Mulshankar. Most of the trouble is in the abduction of the hip joint ...
... DAWN OF A NEW AGE I should like to begin by giving some historical back- ground. In the last decade of the last century there was a profound stirring of the spirit of India, Bharat Shakti. ___________ ¹ I am inclined to give these quotations because we in India have hesitation and are slow in recognising greatness in our midst. Tagore got his place in our country ...
... Aurobindo, Rabindranath bows to thee!... When I behold thy face, 'mid bondage, pain and wrong And black indignities, I hear the soul's great song Of rapture unconfined... the spirit of Bharat-land, O poet, hath placed upon thy face her eyes afire With love, and struck vast chords upon her vibrant lyre. 34 Page 16 Twenty-one years later, Rabindranath saw Sri Aurobindo ...
... dropsy in Berhampur. At the time it was called beri-beri. Many people were dying of it. I remember on the roads of Berhampur some one going round eating the drum and announcing that mustard oil from Bharat Mills was safe. A boy of our age caught beri-beri, his name was Sadhu. Thanks to some treatment Sadhu was cured of beri-beri. An. attack of beri-beri weakens your heart however. Sadhu was very ...
... see us. He would not do any harm to us even with his mind. (13) I wonder when and what offence did Bharata give to you in the past and when he said any such alarming thing Page 125 Bharat with Sri Rama ( detail of page 120 ) Mewar Page 126 Chitra kuta Datia-Jaipur style tom: Rama bowing at the feet of Kaushalya bottom: Vasishtha ...
... nt that it undermined his health and was indirectly responsible for his death in May 1964. The Mother followed the evolution of the situation closely, not only because one of her emanations is Bharat Mata, Mother India, but also because her spiritual support was entreated from several sides. Private conversations demonstrate her constant attention to the happenings at the front, where she said ...
... always stood for India’s complete independence which he was the first to advocate publicly and without compromise as the only ideal worthy of a self-respecting nation.’ 19 But the body of Bharat Mata, Mother India, had been split into two states, so-called India and Pakistan, which itself was grotesquely divided into East and West Pakistan, distanced from each other by no less than thirteen ...
... himself no protector, even though I am here, the servant of thy will? Today shall the Rakshasa be slain by my angry shaft and Earth drink the blood of Viradha dead. (The wrath that was born in me against Bharat Page 313 for his lust of rule, I will loose upon Viradha as the Thunderer hurls his bolt against a hill.)" Canto Three1 Then Viradha spoke yet again and filled ...
... Victorious Mother... Be victory ours or defeat or death, We stand united And raise the chant Mother, we bow to thee! Again: We'll bow to the Mother To Bharat the Mother... Ashamed of subjection The toil, shame, and blister, We shall now end it all And sing in chorus Vande Mataram! 3 While returning after attending ...
... vital forces). Disciple : It is very easy to become jadavat – like one inert. Sri Aurobindo : I don't think it is so easy. I think the only man who came very near to it was Jada Bharat , the sage. Disciple : Even he burst out while carrying the king's palanquin, – the occasion was too tempting ! ( Laughter ) Disciple : But Shankara must have got into the Brahman ...
... wind. This shameful thought of thine, monstrous as a human voice in a dumb beast, makes the hearts of Pandou's sons to sink like (shipwrecked) men that have no raft. Look on thine own deeds, O seed of Bharat, remember thy lofty birth! arise, put off thy weakness; be firm, O heart of a hero; unworthy of thee is this languor; what he cannot win by the mightiness of him, that a Kshatriya will not touch." ...
... Kalidasa were also among those books. He was very fond of Russian literature... "After learning Bengali fairly well, Aurobindo began to study Bengali classics, Swarnalata, Annadamangal by Bharat Chandra, Sadhavar Ekadashi by Deenabandhu etc .67 66. Charu Chandra Dutt, an I.C.S. and a friend and fellow-worker of Sri Aurobindo in the political field, relates an incident which... the cells which go to make up Her living tissues. Our literature is Her memory and speech. The spirit of our Culture is Her soul. The happiness and freedom of Her children is Her salvation. Behold Bharat as a living Mother, meditate upon Her and worship Her in the ninefold way of Bhakti.' " — From Bhavan's Journal, dated 22.7.62 Page 149 In 1902 Sri Aurobindo went to Midnapur ...
... Rietberg, Zurich Page 118 Rama, Sita and Lakshmana in the forest Kangra late 18th century. Courtesy: Govt. Museum and art Gallery, Chandigarh (India ) Page 119 Bharat approaches Chitrakut with the army Mewar Page 120y ...
... stay at his house so that he could be properly 81. Bankim-Tilak-Dayananda by Sri Aurobindo. 82. Gerard Hopkins. 83. Upendra Chandra Bhattacharya, author of the Bengali book Bharat Punish Sri Aurobindo. Page 217 looked after. Sri Aurobindo accepted the invitation and moved to the palatial building of Subodh Mullick at 12, Wellington Street. The Bengal National ...
... University of Mumbai Fort, Mumbai-400032 Prof Hoshiar Singh Pro-Vice-Chancellor Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra-136119 Haryana Dr. Bharat C. Chhaparwal Vice-Chancellor Devi Afiilya Vishwavidyalaya R.N. Tagore Marg Indore-452001 Dr. S. M. Sajid Department of Social Sciences Jamia Millia Islamia ...
... lakhs of rupees are poured into this by Nava). (...) On the 24 th , the C.B.I. raided Nava's house in the Ashram, the S.A.S's office, Madanlals (the manager of All India Press ) and lastly the Bharat Nivas in Auroville ... where they Page 168 discovered, in the basement, thirty-two bags of "papers" that Nava, warned by his spies, had had the time to hide. It was the first victory at ...
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