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Bug : a tributary of the Vistula, rising in western Ukrainian. For about 125 miles of its course she forms the international frontier between Poland & Russia.
... As bugs in a solignumed cot are a violation of the law of Nature, Mother proposes to send a Committee of Enquiry composed of Y (who is both scientifically and officially interested in the solignum-bug problem), yourself and Z for investigations. Page 795 You have full authority to interview the bugs and demand an explanation of their conduct. Y and yourself are officially in formed;... or, still better, a gargle of hydrogen peroxide (one-fifth of a glass in a glass of water). The best and surest hydrogen peroxide is German sold in bottles marked Merckozone. 31 December 1934 Bug bites are not usually red—red swellings usually come from Page 804 some small flying insects which come into the rooms here and have a rather poisonous bite. 27 January 1934 These bites ...
... the sphere of Poetry. The work of Science is to collect facts and generalize from them; the smallest and meanest thing is as important to it as the highest, the weed no less than the flower and the bug that crawls & stinks no less than man who is a little lower than the angels. By introducing this method into criticism, we are overloading ourselves with facts and stifling the literary field with the ...
... all "enjoyed it very much", but you must have been in the same position as I shall be if 1 get the text; that is, you must have enjoyed it by reading it rather than by hearing it, since that blasted bug which has been afflicting England this winter has somehow disastrously affected your ears - for the time being, as we all hope. Having gone through a partial impairment of hearing after a bout of flu ...
... vital being. I myself, when I was young, could not read anything related to cruelty without feeling that repulsion and a feeling of hatred for those who practised it. I could not kill an insect, say, a bug or a mosquito. This was not because I believed in Ahimsa but because I had nervous repulsion. Later, even when I had no mental objection, I could not harm anything because the body rejected the act. ...
... work, taking walks and telling stories if and when we needled him. Then, one fine day, he just lifted anchor and walked away, again on his wanderings — bitten by the migration bug. It was probably not just the migration bug that bit him: He had an ear-ache that seemed to increase when he approached the Ashram and diminished as he went further away. One day he walked on and on and in a couple of months ...
... according to the wild chimeras born of unreasoning fear but in its real aim and purpose? What is it that we seek? We seek the fulfilment of our life as a nation. This is what the word Swaraj, which is a bug-bear and terror to the Europeans, really means. When they hear it, they are full of unreasoning terrors. They think Swaraj Page 39 is independence, it is freedom and that means that the people ...
... but there are hostile elements in America which militate against that dream. Parting with her old friends of the Triple Alliance she embraces France, her ancient and traditional enemy; she courts her bug-bear Russia and many of her publicists are ready to excuse and condone the most savage, merciless and inhuman system of tyranny in the world provided she gets a friend in need. But these are uncertain ...
... any truly rational man with a free mind (not tied up like the rationalists or so-called free thinkers at every point with triple cords of a priori irrational disbelief) must not cry out at once "Hum bug! falsehood!" but suspend judgment until he has the necessary experience and knowledge. To deny in ignorance is no better than to affirm in ignorance. If your method h saved you from quack gurus, that ...
... breast.. hip, lap contain embrace contain Saturn outcast, barbarian कोलं Tola black pepper a kind of berry कोलपुच्छः heron कोलकुणः bug कोलंबकः body of a lute काला, काली कोलिः jujube plant कोलाहलः, -लं uproar कोल्या long pepper कौलः a lefthand Tantric कौल्य कौलं lefthand Tantra कौल ...
... 2) The successful resistance of the forts of Liège. 3) The impending of a naval battle in the North Sea. 4) The French successes on the Lorraine frontier 5) The Russian successes on the Bug & Dniester. 6) The crossing by the Austrians of the Save & the Drina. 7) The purchase of the German cruisers by Turkey. (Ishita)? 8) A long-standing Ishita, powerful recently in the thought ...
... really go to work for Sri Aurobindo, that's all. But no spiritual responsibility; I have nothing to teach to anyone, thank God! (Pavitra.) But Mother, A. has also been bitten by the propaganda bug; in the by-laws he sent, he put: 'The goal of the Centre Page 181 d'Etudes de Sri Aurobindo [Sri Aurobindo Study Center, in Paris] is to steer people towards Pondicherry and the Mother. ...
... in touch with your hidden person, your soul. Perhaps you know this much, that nowhere else do educationists speak of the soul. And our politicians speak of a secular country. It is a bug-bear! Mother says that that small voice is very shy, very sensitive. ...
... method to all is always an error. The higher pressures have become very sharp and powerful. Page 99 They impose a silence upon the entire being. Especially my bug-extermination work disturbs the inner and higher working which is going on very strongly now. In spite of all that if you want I will continue the work. If you could continue it would be ...
... movement in the vital being. I myself, when I was young, could not read of any act of cruelty without feeling that repulsion and a feeling of hatred for those who did it. I could not kill an insect, say a bug or a mosquito. This was not because I staunchly believed in Ahimsa, but because I had that pity and nervous repulsion. Later on, even when I had no mental objection, I could not harm anything because ...
... cruelty then a feeling of revulsion would grip him. When young he could not even read anything that related to cruelty. "I could not kill an insect," said Sri Page 110 Aurobindo, "say, a bug or a mosquito. This was not because I believed in Ahimsa but because I had nervous repulsion. Later, even when I had no mental objection, I could not harm anything because the body rejected the act." ...
... his health. After some time The Mother came in and sat on the spare cot. DR. MANILAL (addressing The Mother) It is a sin to kill scorpions, bugs and mosquitoes? Somehow I can't kill bugs but I kill mosquitoes. THE MOTHER: Why because of the smell of bugs? DR. MANILAL: Probably. THE MOTHER: Put your question to Sri Aurobindo (smiling to Sri Aurobindo) When I first came here, I used to drive... we breathe micro-organisms. THE MOTHER (smiling) : Don't doctors kill? DR. MANILAL: Yes, Mother, but our killing isn't intentional. NIRODBARAN: It is said that the Jains hire people to feed bugs. DR. MANILAL: No, that's just a story. SRI AUROBINDO: At any rate I know a story that is historically true, in connection with the Jains. When Mahmud of Ghazni invaded India, he defeated a Jain ...
... Talks with Sri Aurobindo 13th January, 1939 The Mother was present when X put the following question to her. Disciple : Mother , is it a sin to kill bugs, mosquitoes, scorpions etc.? "Ask Sri Aurobindo "; The Mother replied smiling. "When I came here I used to drive them away by yogic force. Sri Aurobindo did not approve of it." Sri Aurobindo... breathing microbes. Mother : The doctors don't kill? Disciple : Yes Mother . But I mean their killing is not intentional. Disciple : It is said that the Jains hire people to feed bugs! Disciple : No. That is only a story. Sri Aurobindo : At any rate, I know of a story in history. When Mahmed of Gazni invaded (West) India he defeated a Jain king through the help of ...
... (Laughter) DR. MANILAL: I forget the other one. NIRODBARAN: Ahimsa. DR. MANILAL: Yes, the most important. SRI AUROBINDO: That we half observe—for instance, the killing of mosquitoes and bugs is allowed! ...
... it's so strange, I've got insect bites on a spot that's completely covered ( Mother touches her leg ); for a mosquito to reach it is impossible. And, I don't know... I am told there are no fleas or bugs here! There are ants, Mother! Do ants bite? Yes, Mother, certain kinds of ants do. Aaah! So that's it: there are ants here. Oh, there are ants that bite! Yes, yes, Mother! I learned ...
... Bengali verse, important and unimportant, and happenings of the day. Once it was about my bed infested with bugs. (I was yet to learn of hygiene.) Sri Aurobindo wrote back humorously that a deputation headed by Amrita was being sent to investigate the state of affairs and exterminate the bugs. The Mother wrote to me to say that running in the street in the sun was not the way to cure a cold. Once ...
... outside and have his own food and room. I can't accept him." Poor fellow, but he was not discouraged. He took a room somewhere, a very dingy, small room full of mosquitoes and perhaps a bed full of bugs, but he didn't mind it at all. So he stayed on, cooking for himself. Then Dilip Kumar Roy came to know about it; that such and such a great poet has come here from Shantiniketan; he had made a name ...
... be a great blessing after ten years or so, and people say that their real life began only after that mishap. 22 Another evening Dr. Manilal asked the Mother whether it was a sin to kill bugs, mosquitoes, scorpions and the like. She answered that in her early Pondicherry days, she used to drive mosquitoes away by her yogic force, but Sri Aurobindo didn't approve of it. On this Sri ...
... must ask Patanjali for it ( Laughter ). Disciple : The question is : what is to be done with bugs ? X can stand any number of; them ! Disciple : X's capacity depends upon the size of the bugs ; if they are big he minds them ! ( Laughter ) Disciple : Y is an executioner of bugs ! Page 184 Sri Aurobindo : When a thing is to be done then it is kartavya karma ...
... eating for 1 This paragraph is an adaptation from The Life Divine, pp. 670-71. Page 33 fear of indigestion, nor does one forgo the use of a blanket for fear of the bugs." 1 ) So the highest end of man's conduct and the summum bonum that an individual can achieve is the attainment of maximum amount of pleasure in this very life. A really good life is, according ...
... If animal sacrifices are to be made, they may just as well be made to Kali as to one's stomach,—the Europeans who object to it have no locus standi. Buddhism says the killing of mosquitoes, bugs, snakes and scorpions may be done mercifully or mercilessly for self-protection. Certainly. One might just as well object to the killing Of germs by fumigation or otherwise. What about the sacrifice ...
... move in the midst of plague and cholera and never get contaminated. Plague too, rats dying all around, people passing into Hades. I have seen that myself in Baroda. You will say then that flies, bugs etc. that contaminate food, are sent to people by these forces and they were meant to be infected? They were open to the Forces in some way. Buddha, they say, died of dysentery due to pork-eating ...
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