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Catholicism Catholic Christianity : the term ‘catholic’ (Greek katholikos, universal) has been appropriated by the Roman Christian Church since 2nd century to distinguish itself not only from all non-Christian religions & sects but also from Eastern Christian Orthodoxy & Protestantism & every other Christian sect.

51 result/s found for Catholicism Catholic Christianity

... towards Roman Catholicism. A Frenchman—I forget his name—tried all sorts of things, European mysticism, Tibetan occultism, etc., and came into touch with Pavitra. Pavitra wrote to him, saying that these things wouldn't go with Yoga. The man broke the contact and turned towards Catholicism. He wrote a book, stealing passages from Pavitra's letters and using them in support of Catholicism. It was this ...

... peace Teilhard achieved in himself by harmonising what his co-religionists found mutually contradictory: his Roman Catholicism and his pantheism. In those lyrical phrases where his world-intoxication breaks out, we have a pointer to the priority of his pantheism to his Roman Catholicism.   Page 13 ...       DE CHARDIN His Version of Christianity and Sri Aurobindo's Expose of the Ancient Vedanta           Roman Catholicism and Pantheism       The Roman Catholic Church has shown deep concern over the real religion behind the scientific-spiritual philosophy of the Jesuit priest and palaeontologist Teilhard... divine, the non-divine, the anti-divine, and ensures even in the unitive life of mysticism an unqualified survival of human personality, a non-absorption of the soul of the individual. To Roman Catholicism, the individual soul unites with God in a relationship of intimate and interpenetrative love, such that it is never merged in Him but has always a separate existence of its own though this existence ...

... and World Events (1940-1950) Private Letters to Public Figures and to the Editor of Mother India (1948-1950) Autobiographical Notes On Cardinal Wyszynski, Catholicism and Communism As to your proposed article on [Wyszynski] 1 , it seems to me that it is better to drop the subject. It had and has no value except as a stick with which to beat the Soviets ...

... influence of Rome. He would often be cited later by German philosophers, politicians and theologians who interpreted the Reformation as the first great expression of the Germanic soul, rejecting Catholic Christianity as Latin, un-German and cosmopolitan, a threat to the Teutonic people second only to international Jewry.” 527 Luther’s attitude and the enthusiastic response it encountered resulted in the ...

... second type of monks are those who study religion and philosophy; only a very few are dedicated to spiritual practice. The Carmelite Order has given and is still giving many saints to Roman Catholic Christianity. The latest is St. Theresa of Lisieux. SATYENDRA: There are two Saint Theresas. One is the great and famous saint, she was Spanish. The recent Theresa is French. The Spanish Theresa's ...

... ancestral religion and it comes out at some time. The Christians usually turn towards Catholicism. A Frenchman – I forgot his name – tried all sorts of things, mysticism, Tibetan Occultism etc. When he was informed by one of our disciples that these things won't go with Yoga, he abandoned all connection and turned to Catholicism. My grand father started by being a Brahmo and ended by writing a book on ...

... blood”; yet the proofs of a person belonging to the Jewish race were in most cases religious registers and other documents, also concerning the ancestry of Jews who had converted to Protestantism or Catholicism, or who had become a-religious. ...

... e? Page 190 I don't know. When he first appears in public: "Here is the Pope!" Anyhow, after the ceremony of investiture, he saw Mr. Kennedy: the first person. ( silence ) Catholicism has two things that Protestantism lacks: the occult sense (not only the sense but even a certain occult knowledge), and the Mother—the Virgin. The Protestants have something the Catholics lack: the... things from the TRUE motive. At any rate, Sri Aurobindo is interested in world events, which means he considers the Pope's election has a certain importance. ( silence ) But in reality, Catholicism finds its equilibrium because of Communism; so that the rapprochement between the two was a masterstroke. And I don't think the new man (who is a sly fox, I find) will want to lose the advantage ...

... divided into orthodox Jews, following the prescriptions of their faith to the letter, and less strict or sceptical believers; then there were the apostate Jews who had converted to Protestantism or Catholicism, and who were baptized; and there were the atheist Jews, who no longer believed in a God of any kind, or maybe in the abstract God of Spinoza or of the Enlightenment’s deism. Another dividing line ...

... liberation, in its own proper voice, so producing the sacred poetry of the Veda and Upanishads. An Italy with the Graeco-Roman past in its blood could seize intellectually on the motives of catholic Christianity and give them a precise and supremely poetic expression in Dante, while all Germanised Europe was still stammering its primitive thoughts in the faltering infantile accents of romance verse ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... the influence of Georg von Schönerer (1842-1921), the proclaimed Führer of the Austrian Pan-Germans, who strove for unification of their country with Germany. “Schönerer held no brief for either Catholicism or the Empire. Leader of the Austrian pan-German movement, a racist pure and simple, supporter of Anschluss [the joining of Austria with Germany] and an enemy to the death of both Slavs and Jews ...

... (I am not sure), seems to be an Asura. Because it's an almighty and UNIQUE God, foreign to the world—the world (as far as I know) and he are two completely different things. It's the same with Catholicism. Yet, if I remember correctly, their God created the world with a part of himself, no? No, no! No? Is it only man that he pulled out of his rib? No! It's out of Adam's rib that he pulled ...

... others... they are "beyond childish religious beliefs," of course! It's not even true, for as soon as a little something stirs within ( gesture at the heart center ), they plunge back into their Catholicism. Anyway... ( There follows a discussion between Mother and Satprem to decide whether Mother's comment on the last aphorism, on renunciation, should be published in the "Bulletin" in full ...

... Of course! Nothing is more terrible than idealists, they're the worst. They're worse than the bad people. Oh, if you mean the puritans, the Protestants... dreadful! They're the worst. Catholicism still retains something of the occult sense, and after all, they have a certain adoration for the Virgin, which keeps them in contact with something that's not asuric. The last Pope, who's dead ...

... what he had to say. It's a very strong impression. I might put it this way: the impression I got, but a very strong one (very strong, it lasted for at least two days, it was very strong), was of Catholicism defending itself. And as in the mental region they couldn't touch P.L, they reached him from below and ruined his health—they know how to do all that, they are very skilled occultists. And he ...

...   Roman Catholicism (London: The Teach Yourself Books, The English Universities Press Ltd., 1966), p. 164. Page 63 47. "Biblical Glossary", Pears Cyclopaedia (London: Pelham Books Ltd., 1979-80), S13, col. 2. 48. The Jerusalem Bible, p. 201, col. 2, note o of The New Testament. 49.  The Virginal Conception..., p. 94, fn. 160. 50.  Roman Catholicism, p. 163... those to whom Jesus in Mark is a "brother" and who in Matthew and Luke are his "brethren".   A matter of curious interest here is that The Jerusalem Bible, although a mouthpiece of Roman Catholicism trying to make Jesus' "brethren" out to be his "cousins", flatly contradicts Quinlan's identification of them with the apostles hailing from Alpheus's family. We read: "The apostle Jude is not the... 163. 51.  The Gospel of St. Mark, p. 491. 52.  Roman Catholicism, pp. 163,164. 53.  Ibid., p. 74. 54.  Ibid., p. 57. 55. Quoted from Brown's Virginal Conception ..., p. 39, fn. 50. Page 64 ...

... to the highest truths of self and soul and the largest seeing of the Eternal. One or two modern poets have attempted to use in a new way the almost unworked wealth of poetical suggestion in Catholic Christianity. But the drift of the modern mind in this direction is too large in its aim and varied in its approach to be satisfied by any definite or any fixed symbolic or hieratic method, it cannot rest ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... someone could be locked up.... They can tell him he has "fallen from Christianity," but I think he doesn't care. Or does he? He would be affected, because he would be unable to do anything for Catholicism anymore. That would be a pity It would be a great pity. But it's the worst that can happen to him. He has acted with great courage. ( silence ) The night after you gave me P.L.'s news ...

... marking several passages of keen insight which go beyond the conventional and traditipnal in common Christianity and make living contact with the basic truths of all mystical experience. Orthodox Catholicism might get shocked on finding grounds to suspect what may be called "panpsy-chism" or even "pantheism" — but actually these "heresies" appear not in their European form which can be taken to exclude... a: "Give me thy mind and give me thy heart and thy sacrifice and thy adoration. This is my word of promise: thou shalt in truth come to me, for thou art dear to me"? R. C. Zachner, a convert to Catholicism, looks on the Gita as the greatest scripture in the world, and indeed Page 55 the range of spiritual vision and experience it sets before us cannot be matched by anything in any ...

... know what you mean, for you follow up with the phrase about your coming "to Christian and Catholic faith". Christianity to you is basically Roman Catholicism. To me basic Christianity is what we can gather of the original Christian faith by a direct approach to the New Testament. So, when I find Catholicism not in conformity with what is given there on the whole, my reservations about some beliefs... was more influenced by Roman Catholicism, having had as my educational background St. Xavier's School and College and the association with European Jesuits from early boyhood at the same time that I steeped myself in Zoroastrian lore. It is clear from your book that the wideness and richness of your inner life is due to the fact that you came to Catholic Christianity from the outside. If you had... e is capable of diverse affinities: it can be shown to validate several aspects of Catholic Christianity no less than those of Vaishnavism and Tantra", not to mention Tibetan Buddhism and Ibn Arabi's Sufism. But I should think that the nearest approach to it as a whole is Teilhard de Chardin's Hyper-Catholicism as deducible in detail not so much from his set works, penetrative and brilliant though ...

... Divine in us and through us; no other action can be free. That seems to be accepted in II and III; but this perception, this conception is as old as spiritual knowledge itself—it is not peculiar to Catholicism. What again is meant by the purification and deification of the faculties by Grace? If it is an ethical purification, that goes a very small way and does not bring deification. Again, if the deification ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... several passages of keen insight which go beyond the conventional and traditional in common Christianity and make a living contact with the basic truths of all mystical experience. Orthodox Roman Catholicism might get shocked on finding grounds to suspect what may be called "panpsychism" or even "pantheism" - but actually these "heresies" appear not in their European form which can be taken to exclude... "Give me thy mind and give me thy heart and thy sacrifice and thy adoration. This is my word of promise: thou shalt in truth come to me, for thou art dear to me"? R. C. Zaehner, 26 a convert to Catholicism, looks on the Gita as "the most significant sacred text in the whole history of Page 15 religion", and indeed the range of spiritual vision and experience it sets before us cannot ...

... ns, "religious" wars, persecutions, State churches and all else that is the very negation of the spiritual life. It is only recently that men have begun seriously to consider what Christianity, Catholicism, Islam really mean and are in their soul, that is to say, in their very reality and essence. But now we have, very remarkably, very swiftly coming to the surface this new psychological tendency ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... son of Marv who lived and died at a particular epoch, In short, the name "Christ" is a narrow misnomer for him. And yet, because the religious instinct driving Teilhard had nothing else than Roman Catholicism as its immediate context, he could not help Christocentring that instinct. But the Divine at all times in matter, through matter, even as matter, is his basic and primary religion. Teilhard ...

... ing rubber tyres. Sri Aurobindo : I don't understand why a rubber manufacturer should be a Catholic. Disciple : Heirloom, perhaps. Sri Aurobindo : Which? the tyre or the Catholicism? Disciple : What was the lady's impression about our Ashram? Sri Aurobindo : She was much impressed and was full of praise for the Mother , and she thought it must be a work of ...

... ideas could not be halted. The result was the Victorian age, named after the dapper and long-reigning Queen Victoria (1819-1901), and symbolizing a period of official Anglican religion (similar to Catholicism), strict morals and customs, and behind that dignified façade all intellectual viewpoints in as well as out of fashion. Destined to be a clergyman, Charles Darwin was nevertheless inevitably ...

... religion, inspires a Bible and produces a Christ. Yes, Teilhard attempts to guide the modern age through his phenomenology to Christianity or, more correctly speaking, from a hyper-physics to a "hyper-Catholicism" - that is, to an extreme extension of the central Catholic dogma of "Christ is all" into that Christian version of pantheism - "pan-Christism" - with its Universal Evolver Christ. But Rideau is... Whole..,is the life-blood of all mysticism."6 - "Christianity gives the impression of not believing in progress. It has never developed the sense of the earth." 7 -"Judging from first appearances, Catholicism disappointed me by its narrow representations of the world and its failure to understand the part played by matter,"8 Teilhard also says that he found repose in Christianity only when the Universal... eyes, derives from this incarnation, but he finds all traditional dogmas and apologetics most faulty, and strives, by reading his own Personal Pantheos in St. Paul's Epistles, to metamorphose Roman Catholicism into, first of all, a pantheist Personalism and, finally, an evolutionist form of this faith in a World single, infallible, all-guiding.   It is thus that we can evaluate correctly the co ...

... mind to go the whole way to the destination indicated by Rideau, He always endeavoured to strike a compromise which was chimerical -but even the little way he went takes him leagues off from Roman Catholicism. His problem can never be solved within its framework.   And, if it cannot, Teilhard's demand for "a functional completion of the one and the multiple" must logically elude Christian thought... October 1951 to the General of the Society of Jesus. He speaks of "three convictions which are the very marrow of Christianity: the unique significance of man as the spearhead of life; the position of Catholicism as the central axis in the convergent fascicle of human activities; and finally the essential function as consummator assumed by the risen Christ at the Centre and peak of Creation" (in Letters... summarily discarded. The whole of Christianity's contents of the pre-scientific epoch is fit for the wastepaper basket.   Even the special sense in which "orthodoxy" and "Christianity" and "Catholicism" were understood by Teilhard seem in two passages to have struck him as doubtful and his Christ appears to break through all Christian framework. One may   9. Ibid., p. 386. ...

... express the soul of Romanticism as it can the soul of Classicism. Sri Aurobindo 15 has well said: " An Italy with the Graeco-Roman past in its blood could seize intellectually on the motives of Catholic Christianity and give them a clear and supreme expression in Dante, while all Germanised Europe had only been stam- mering in the faltering infantile accents of romance verse or shadowing them out in Gothic ...

... synthesis of the true Indian spirituality which, from the time of the Rigveda, held that the Supreme Being kept three-fourths of Himself above and sent one-fourth below to make the cosmos. Conventional Catholicism makes out the cosmic one-fourth to be merely a creation "out of nothing", a product which does not have the very substance of the Supreme Being in a temporarily covered and gradually manifesting ...

... it was really the temporal head who decided the ecclesiastical policy and commanded the Page 376 terrors of the Inquisition. In Italy, the immediate presence of the spiritual head of Catholicism in Rome was a great moral obstacle to the development of a politically united nation; the passionate determination of the liberated Italian people to establish its King in Rome was really a symbol ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... that possible nowadays? I don't think so. Page 202 No, but under the cover of a "synthesis" or a broadening of the doctrine, they may very well be trying to expand further the power of Catholicism over the world. Of course. Oh, but it's obvious. That's their intention. Only, there is always an irony in things: if they grow too vast, they'll be engulfed in their own magnitude! It cannot ...

... key-note. What Speaight quotes from Teilhard reveals also the finality for Teilhard of this opening chord no less than of the Christian-sounding yet really radical readjustment he wanted of Roman Catholicism through his specific brand of "Universal Christ", towards which "we have no better way - no other way, even - ...than fully to accept the most modern concepts of evolution" 20 and by which "my deepest ...

... although there were during this period conflicts of religions and claims of superiority of one system of religion or Yoga over other systems of religion or Yoga, there was fundamentally a large Catholicism and a spirit of assimilation and even of synthesis. Christianity came to India early in the first century A.D. and there came also several other influences, all of which were welcomed and given a ...

... Worms where he had been summoned to recant or, to use a more appropriate phrase, "eat his own words".   Your implied admiration for Luther shows very pleasantly to my mind that official Roman Catholicism sits lightly on you. One of my tutors - Father Gense (a Dutchman) at St. Xavier's School - called Luther "a pig". I was happy to read Chesterton styling him "a great man". Maybe this compliment was ...

... legend treated was poetically sufficient if only it had received throughout a deeper interpretation. Dante's theology had the advantage of the richness of import and spiritual experience of mediaeval Catholicism, but intellectually for so deep and vast a purpose it was not any more satisfying or durable. Still through his primitive symbols Dante has seen and has revealed things which make his work throughout ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... although there were during this period conflicts of religions and claims of superiority of one system of religion or Yoga over other systems of religion or Yoga, there was fundamentally a large Catholicism and a spirit of assimilation and even of synthesis. Christianity came to India early in the. first century A.D. and there came also several other influences, all of which were welcomed and given ...

... religions either, which she probably found as confining as countries, but she left everyone free to do as they pleased. Having come to know that her eldest daughter, Elvire, had been converted to Catholicism by a very devout chambermaid, not only did she not reproach her, but she immediately set about to find her a husband with similar beliefs, as this would make her happy. “I was the first person in ...

... if Teilhard's system has an unavoidably pantheistic element, it cannot be assimilated into current Christianity.   However, there are other elements - several strong links with Roman Catholic Christianity on the one hand and on the other with what we have designated the "evolutionary garb" in which Christianity's bugbear, pantheism, appears in Teilhard's worship of the universe. Unless we take ...

... the religion called Zoroastrianism. Zoroaster ranks with the greatest religious figures of the past. But the moment I was touched by Sri Aurobindo both Zoroastrianism and the influence of Roman Catholicism vanished. I could not even rank Sri Aurobindo as just the latest representative of the spirituality that shone out from bygone ages. He fell outside that category, for I perceived a radical difference ...

... Page 209 development and the intrinsic value of its forms and means and symbols, we shall find that this evolution followed upon the early Vedic form very much for the same reason as Catholic Christianity replaced the mysteries and sacrifices of the early Pagan religions. For in both cases the outward basis of the early religion spoke to the outward physical mind of the people and took that as ...

... they immediately close up. I feel that this man himself is the obstacle and that if the book came out, it would be understood—not everywhere, but it would be understood. Not by those shut up in Catholicism (there's nothing to do for them), but I'm sure it's accessible to all who couldn't care less about that, who don't have Christian prejudices. But I know that if we publish it here it will have ...

... picturesque heroes and glittering courtiers, where every head was humming with diplomatic questions raised by unsettled thrones and touch-and-go balances of power in a Europe torn between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, well-established Spain and ambitious England. There was every opportunity for him to get an understanding of military science and court-life and political practice. Given an a ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... faith we call the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages there was a generally accepted system of belief concerning the conception of man, of the world, and of God. This system, the world view of Catholic Christianity in Western Europe, had elementary limitations and flaws which one day would have to be brought to the surface if homo europaeus was to fulfil his destiny, his part in the evolution of humankind ...

... , formulating a Christianity sui generis. It also demonstrated as mostly mistaken and sometimes perverse the attempts of his co-religionist admirers to assimilate him into established Roman Catholicism and reduce his differences to merely an adaptation of old dogmas to new conditions and climates of thought, so that those differences would amount finally to a matter of nomenclature, a mode of... this Cosmic Fullness into the bosom of the Transcendent God. Lastly, he had the conviction that he could bring home to his Church his evolutionary vision of that wonderful doctrine and lift Roman Catholicism out of an old-fashioned interpretation taking no stock of modern evolutionism which, with its view of a unitary and organic cosmos, was to him the truth of truths. It is the last motive that needs... students, especially Emile Rideau and Claude Cuenot - offers almost an embarros de richesse to whoever is minded to prove de Lubac in error.   The intense disparity between the official Roman Catholicism and Christianity a la Teilhard hits us in the eye in a letter to Auguste Valensin from Tientsin on 13 October 1933: 8   8. Lettres Intimes..., pp. 253-54, The original French runs: "A ...

... an civilisation, by Confucian China, by philosophical & Post-Buddhistic India, combated in India by the vitality of Yoga and religion, in Europe by the great united floods of barbarism and Catholic Christianity, has finally triumphed and reached a pitch of success, an extent of victorious propagation which, in human movements, is usually the precursor of arrest and decay. The movement of pure inte ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... perhaps this part has mattered most to Christendom. But it should not induce us to agree with Rajan. For, we can show how Milton, at least once, makes no bones about his poor opinion of Roman Catholicism, the creed of the Christian majority, and how without raising explicit theological controversies he is absolutely clear in his unorthodox tenets wherever he sets them forth in a poetic manner organic ...

... Bible has provided, in the West, the religious and moral inspiration for centuries. Another easily accessible provision of anti-religious ammunition is the history of Christianity. As soon as Catholicism was recognized as the official church of the Roman Empire, around the year 400, hordes of ‘monks’ went on the rampage, murdering ‘heathens’ and destroying the buildings of the existing religions ...

... ly enlarged Nolini's draft, making it his own letter. He also added a paragraph on the Pakistan problem. The revised text was typed and sent to Sethna in Bombay. On Cardinal Wyszynski, Catholicism and Communism. 3 August 1949 . Stefan Wyszynski (1901 - 1981) was made archbishop of Gniezno and Warsaw and primate of Poland in 1949, and a cardinal in 1953. He was an opponent of the Communist ...

... allow herself to get bogged down in religion. She let her children pursue freely their own separate ways. For instance, when she realized that Elvire, her eldest daughter, had been converted to Catholicism by a very devout chambermaid, she never reproached her daughter, but promptly set about finding Elvire a husband with similar beliefs, because it made her very happy to do so. "I was the first person ...

... die for and the strength to live and die for it. This was all he did, but it was enough.... His eyes were always fixed on 142. "Heralds of a new world, we must found a moral unity, the Catholicism of Humanity." — Mazzini 143. "We come in the name of God and of Humanity." — Mazzini Page 113 the mind and heart of the nation, very little on the external or internal c ...