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Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
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Chaitanya and Mira [11]
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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [2]
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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Education at Crossroads [1]
Essays Divine and Human [2]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [2]
Essays on the Gita [2]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [1]
In the Mother's Light [4]
India's Rebirth [2]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Isha Upanishad [3]
Karmayogin [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [3]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [6]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [3]
Letters on Yoga - II [6]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [2]
Light and Laughter [1]
Lights on Yoga [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [5]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
On The Mother [2]
Our Light and Delight [2]
Overman [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [2]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Record of Yoga [9]
Savitri [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [6]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [6]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [3]
Sri Rama [2]
Talks by Nirodbaran [2]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Aim of Life [2]
The Destiny of the Body [2]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [3]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Renaissance in India [5]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [3]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
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English [193]
A Centenary Tribute [2]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [4]
Bande Mataram [5]
Beyond Man [1]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [11]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Education at Crossroads [1]
Essays Divine and Human [2]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [2]
Essays on the Gita [2]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [1]
In the Mother's Light [4]
India's Rebirth [2]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Isha Upanishad [3]
Karmayogin [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [3]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [6]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [3]
Letters on Yoga - II [6]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [2]
Light and Laughter [1]
Lights on Yoga [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [5]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
On The Mother [2]
Our Light and Delight [2]
Overman [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [2]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Record of Yoga [9]
Savitri [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [6]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [6]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [3]
Sri Rama [2]
Talks by Nirodbaran [2]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Aim of Life [2]
The Destiny of the Body [2]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [3]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Renaissance in India [5]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [3]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]

Chaitanya Gauranga : (1485/6-1533/4), born at Nadia was called Nimai Pandit. His mode of worshipping Sri Krishna with song & dance moulded Bengali Vaishnavism.

193 result/s found for Chaitanya Gauranga

... Kashmir where, it is related, Gauranga came to him and gave him the "mission". But his later disciples regard him equal to Gauranga. Disciple : But where is the difficulty? If the consciousness is ultimately and essentially divine, why should not Gauranga and Harnath be one in consciousness? Disciple : They want to prove him to be as great as Chaitanya. Sri Aurobindo : Oh, there ...

... free and glorified Mother must be as devouring Page 1031 a madness as the passion of Chaitanya to see the face of Sri Krishna. Our sacrifice for the country must be as enthusiastic and complete as that of Jagai and Madhai who left the rule of a kingdom to follow the sankirtan of Gauranga. Our offerings on the altar must be as wildly liberal, as remorselessly complete as that of Carthaginian... called, is also the heart of India. The loss of emotional power, of belief, of enthusiasm would dry up the sources from which she derives her strength. The country of Nyaya is also the country of Chaitanya who himself was born in the height of the intellectual development of Bengal as its fine flower and most perfect expression. If now she tries to recover her enthusiasm and perfect power of self-a... she is to complete the restoration to her true self, the first requisite is that the enthusiasm, the idealism of the new movement should be kept alive. The perfect sense of self-abandonment which Chaitanya felt for Hari, must be felt by Bengal for the Mother. Then only will Bengal be herself and able to fulfil the destiny to which after Page 1030 so many centuries of preparation she has ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... his Dharma, Speaks always of kindness and love, Has emptied real Kindness and Love of its burning truth­― Nor is it Chaitanya's path. He is mighty and steadfast: Intense love, intense forbearance, free from tamas, heroic, He is the Fair-Body (Gauranga), child of the Effulgence (Sachi). Page 189 Have you not seen the ocean? The Supreme God himself in hiding ...

... survived. The happy parents did not know that their new-born child was to become a famous Sannyasin, revered throughout India as Sri Krishna Chaitanya, an incarnation of Sri Krishna himself. Named Vishwamber, the little boy was soon called Gaura or Gauranga — "the golden one" — because of his exceptional physical beauty, and nicknamed Nimai — "of bitter taste" — to ward off the evil eye. Throughout... Life and Times of Sri Krishna Chaitanya. Calcutta: F. KLM Lmt, 1984. Chatterjee, A. N. Sri Krishna Chaitanya — A Historical Study on Gaudiya Vaishnavism. New Delhi: Associated Publishing Company, 1984. ' Kapoor, 0. B. L. The Philosophy and Religion of Sri Chaitanya. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 1977. Majumdar, A. K. Chaitanya — His Life and Doctrine. Bombay:... Repeatedly, through several companions of Sri Chaitanya, the king had begged for an interview with him; repeatedly Sri Chaitanya had refused, on the grounds that it was not proper for a Sannyasin to have familiarity with a king. After all his efforts had failed, one day Prataparudra stole into the courtyard of the house where the Master was living. Sri Chaitanya was lying unconscious in trance, in the ...

... colour at Kashmir. It is said that Gauranga came to him in a vision and gave him his mission. But his later disciples consider him equal to Gauranga. SRI AUROBINDO: Where is the contradiction? If the conciousness is ultimately and essentially divine, why should not both be one in consciousness? SATYENDRA: They want to prove him an Avatar as great as Gauranga. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, competition... for Avatarhood? But did he proclaim himself an Avatar? SATYENDRA: No, Sir; but he behaved like one. SRI AUROBINDO: Gauranga is regarded as an Avatar of Krishna, and if Haranath is an Avatar of Gauranga, naturally both are Avatars of Krishna, Then why quarrel? SATYENDRA: There are cases of very rapid progress among people who have met Haranath. SRI AUROBINDO: I have found that Vaishnava ...

... Babu has shown an uneasy desire to have his personal leadership proclaimed on the housetops and an almost hysteric tendency towards self-praise. The indecorous comparisons of himself with Christ and Gauranga, the tone of his Barisal speech and this coronation ceremony are indications which make us uneasy for our veteran leader. He should remember the last days of Keshab Chandra Sen and avoid a similar ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... spirit that moved Sri Chaitanya, the spirit which has, alas, been often misunderstood even by many of his followers. To give but one instance. It is written in Chaitanya Charitamrita that he damned furiously a Brahmin, saying: "You made Sribash worship Goddess Bhavani; so I curse you, that you shall writhe in hell for ten million years". I confess I cannot see Sri Chaitanya, an Avatar of Love and... Chaitanya and Mira PREFACE It all happens in Navadwip, the hallowed town of Bengal, where Sri Chaitanya was born in 1486. At an early age, he felt an irresistible call to give up his hearth and home, his mother and young wife — in short, everything that man holds dear — for the love of Sri Krishna, his one love and dream on earth. A Vaishnava... out certain, what he calls historical, errors in the play. In one point, however, he was mistaken: he wrote that Sri Chaitanya had never had his mother's permission before he decided to take to the path of renunciation. In Amiya Nimai Charita — the most authentic life of Sri Chaitanya — it is written that he had persuaded both his mother and his wife to let him follow the call of Krishna. But even ...

... Chaitanya and Mira Act One — Aspiration 1510 A. D. Evening. Sachi Devi is seen performing her daily devotions before her cherished Ishtadeva—a marble image of Lord Vishnu who was incarnated as Sri Krishna and later, as she believed, as Sri Chaitanya. Her worship over, she offers flowers at His feet when Sri Chaitanya enters hesitantly and waits... waits in silence. His mother turns and gives an involuntary start. SRI CHAITANYA Mother, I... SACHI Yes, my son? SRI CHAITANYA I have been thinking......... SACHI ( anxiously ) You are not unwell, I hope? SRI CHAITANYA Oh, nothing: be not alarmed. I only meant: I wished I were in that mood Which lights on you when you... relief ) I am glad you are well. How you did frighten me! SRI CHAITANYA ( forcing a smile ) Ah, that is why I said ... but never mind. SACHI ( drawing near and scanning his face ) What is it ails you? ( She pauses/or a few seconds expectantly ) And why this hesitation? SRI CHAITANYA Because ... one dreads to hurt those one adores ... And I adore you ...

... head and, when she rises, gazes into her eyes steadfastly. ) SRI CHAITANYA ( tenderly ) Do you now see? VISHNUPRIYA ( in a low voice with bowed head ) Yes.. . SRI CHAITANYA Then why are you sad? VISHNUPRIYA You know my prayer... Why then do you ask? SRI CHAITANYA One prays not to enlighten Him, but because Through prayer one offers... Chaitanya and Mira Act Three — Illumination A year has passed. Sri Chaitanya has just returned to Navadwip without apprising his mother and wife. He has toured far and wide preaching the message of Love. He now intends to call on his wife and mother though he has to stay elsewhere, in the precincts of a temple of Vishnu. It is evening... JAGAI {in a shout to Sri Chaitanya) Ah, here, at long last, are we face to face With you, my precious, who will draw good men And spoil all... ( He turning to Madhai, his moving spirit ) Page 57 ... what shall I say? MADHAI Not much to say. Though we have a lot to do - to bring him back. To his senses. SRI CHAITANYA ( amused ) But how will ...

... you need care at all about either historians or biographers, even if Chaitanya Charitamrita could be regarded as a biography. That is all, I think, for the present. I shall write again after hearing the Third Act of your drama. 2I-I-I950 SRI AUROBINDO Page 190 Dilip, We have finished reading your Chaitanya. The Third Act which is the most remarkable of the three confirms... Chaitanya and Mira Appendix LETTERS OF SRI AUROBINDO My aim in writing or in encouraging others to write is not personal glory, but to arrive at the expression of spiritual truth and experience of all kinds in poetry.... You are right when you say that up till now the English people have not favoured Indian poets writing verse in English; but... type of the dance of Divine Deligit with the souls of men liberated in the world of Bliss secret within us-") Dilip, I hive just finished hearing the Second Act of your drama on Sri Chaitanya; there is much fine poetry in it and the dramatic interest of the dialogue and of the presentation of character seems to me considerable. We have not had time yet to read the last Act; we shall ...

... 1958 1958 Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 July 2, 1958 Ramdas 1 must be a continuation of the line of Chaitanya, Ramakrishna, etc ... . ( silence ) Page 171 A subject for this evening ... Something I have never said completely. On the one hand, there is the attitude of those in yesterday evening's film 2 : God is everything, God is everywhere... world which are not as they should be. In The Synthesis of Yoga , Sri Aurobindo says that this idea of good and bad, of pure and impure, is a notion needed for action; but the purists, such as Chaitanya, Ramakrishna and others, do not agree. They do not agree that it is indispensable for action. They simply say: your acceptance of action as a necessary thing is contrary to your perception of the... Supreme do the work. It is He who has to progress, not you! Ramdas does not at all consider that the world as it is, is good. No, but I know all these people, I know them thoroughly! I know Chaitanya, Ramakrishna and Ramdas thoroughly. They are utterly familiar to me. It doesn't bother them. These are people who live with a certain feeling, who have an entirely concrete experience and live in ...

... SRI CHAITANYA . If you will pardon me, I'll make it simpler still: have you, sir, ever Stood before a mirror and scanned your face? KESHAV ( awkwardly ) A mirror? ... What a question? ... I decline— SRI CHAITANYA I beg you'd answer. Have you ever looked? KESHAV ( at bay ) Well, yes, I — but — this is preposterous — SRI CHAITANYA But why... pause? Sing on. KESHAV Yes, do my boy! SRI CHAITANYA ( bowing to him ) But, sir, my songs are simple. KESHAV ( somewhat off his guard ) True. But this Page 32 I will concede: your voice has a pleasing timbre. Can you sing a Sanskrit song — or even a couplet? SRI CHAITANYA Just a hymn or two. But I would rather not Venture to... medium, knowledge of Heaven and Earth. SRI CHAITANYA I am grateful. But, sir, I want only one Knowledge — of Krishna, the One who is the home And country of all knowledge, divine or earthly. KESHAV ( sententiously ) But that is wrong. You cannot, says Panini, Attain the skies save on the wings of learning. SRI CHAITANYA But I love Mother Earth more than the skies: ...

... relationships with Sri Krishana. The life of Sri Chaitanya illustrates in a singular manner, various states of Sri Krishna's consciousness, and as one reads Chaitanya Bhagavata, Chaitanya-caritamrta, Sri Krsna Chaitānya Carita Mahā-Kavya, Chaitanya Mangala and Page 206 Chaitanya-Candrodaya-nātaka, one finds that Sri Chaitanya lived and breathed innumerable states of Krishna consciousness... Akhilam Madhuram Madhuram The Charming Lord Wholly Madhuram Page 205 Chaitanya with his disciples, by Abanindranath Tagore (b) Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's experiences of Sri Krishna (A Selection) In the spiritual history of India Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486 AD-1534)is considered to be the incarnation of Sri Krishna, who. The yogic phenomena... Sri Chaitanya. The distinction of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's mark of yoga is its intimacy of relations with Sri Krishna and Radha, all of which are based on the life of Sri Krishna when he was in exile in Brindavan. The greatest significance of that life in Brindavan lies in the special form of the Indian religion of divine love that has developed and flourished through the life of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ...

... statement to be correct, the objection was not insuperable. I instanced the case of Chaitanya and the others, because there the facts are hardly disputable. Chaitanya for the first part of his life was simply Nimai Pandit and had no consciousness of being anything else. Then he had his conversion and became the bhakta, Chaitanya. This bhakta at times seemed to be possessed by the presence of Krishna, knew... manifested in Chaitanya. But for that work it would never have done if he had always been in the Krishna consciousness; he would have been the Lord to whom all gave bhakti, but not the supreme example of the divine ecstatic bhakta. At the same time the occasional manifestation showed who he was and at the same time evidenced the mystic law of the Immanence. Voilà—for Chaitanya. But, if Chaitanya, the frontal... Avatars. For at that rate all religious founders would be Avatars—Joseph Smith (I think that is his name) of the Mormons, St. Francis of Assisi, Calvin, Loyola and a host of others as well as Christ, Chaitanya or Ramakrishna. For faith, miracles, Bijoy Goswami, another occasion. I wanted to say this much more about Rama—which is still only a hint and is not the thing I was going to write about the general ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... as such although with a more impersonal consciousness of the Power within him. Ramakrishna voiced the same consciousness when he spoke of Him who was Rama and who was Krishna, being with him. But Chaitanya's case is peculiar; for according to accounts he ordinarily felt and declared himself a bhakta of Krishna and nothing more, but in great moments he manifested Krishna, grew luminous in mind and body... the Divine Love. Shankara and Vivekananda were certainly Vibhutis; they cannot be reckoned as more, though as Vibhutis they were great. It was not my intention to question in any degree Chaitanya's position as an Avatar of Krishna and the Divine Love. That character Page 374 of the manifestation appears very clearly from all the account about him and even, if what is related... consciousness of the Purushottama may itself descend into the humanity and that of the Jiva disappear into it. This is said by his contemporaries to have happened in the occasional transfigurations of Chaitanya when he who in his normal consciousness was only the lover and devotee of the Lord and rejected all deification, became in these abnormal moments the Lord himself and so spoke and acted, with all ...

... all the Avatars may be regarded as coming ultimately from the Bliss-Self. 3.Chaitanya was, as you say, a case of possession, but in the highest sense of that word: he was possessed at intervals Page 185 by Sri Krishna. Perhaps the more correct way of putting the matter would be to say: "Chaitanya was an emanation of Sri Krishna and manifested not only the Lord himself but also ...

... a next higher step. The ultimage step is the rooting out of the evil. Do you know what Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1533) did when threatened with dire consequences by the Kazi (Muslim magistrate) of Nabadwip? He defied the order. The very evening Kazi's prohibitory order came into force, Chaitanya led his san-kirtan 1 party, larger than ever, around the streets of Nabadwip. 1... to Sri Krishna. Page 235 Thus singing, the party marched to the Kazi's house. Such a huge crowd! The Kazi was intimidated. Then he admired the courage of Chaitanya. So charmed was the Kazi by young Chaitanya that he himself ended up taking part in the sankirtan. Is it 'immoral' to resist evil? Sri Ramakrishna Parama-hamsa, after telling a story to his disciples, gave its moral: ...

... from knowledge to spiritual love and delight the earlier significance of Vedanta. The perfect outcome of this evolution is to be found in the philosophy and religion of divine love promulgated by Chaitanya. Thus under the stress of temperamental variation the poetry of the Vaishnavas puts on very different artistic forms in different provinces. There is first the use of the psychical symbol created... figure of human passion and so consistently that it is now supposed by many to mean nothing else, but this is quite negatived by the use of the same figures by the devout poets of the religion of Chaitanya. All the spiritual experience that lay behind the symbol was embodied in that inspired prophet and incarnation of the ecstasy of divine love and its spiritual philosophy put into clear form in his ...

... Chaitanya and Mira DEDICATION To Indira, maid of Krishna, Who even in this dark age through dust and din Has won to the certitude no storm shall quell: "That the Light of the heart, pledged to His Love evergreen No demon power of Night shall countervail." July, 1977 ...

... ss of feeling would dry up the sources from which she derives her strength. The country of Nyaya is also the country of Chaitanya, who himself was born in the height of the intellectual development of Bengal as its fine flower and most perfect expression. The land of Chaitanya is also the chosen home of the Mother and in Bengal she has set her everlasting seat. Immeasurable ages will pass, revolutions ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Chaitanya and Mira MIRA PLAY IN THREE ACTS DEDICATION To Dear Nani Palkivala Who'll sing with the marvellous Minstrel rapturously the mystic prophecy in Savitri: "Oh, surely one day he shall come to our cry, One day he shall create our life anew And utter the magic formula of peace And bring perfection to the ...

... further if it is necessary, but I must send this letter at once if it has to go today. * January 21, 1950 I have just finished hearing the Second Act of your drama of Sri Chaitanya; there is much fine poetry in it and the dramatic interest of the dialogue and of the presentation of character seems to me considerable. We have not had time yet to read the last Act; we shall... sticks to the main events and keeps many of the details, but not so as to fetter the play of his imagination. So I don’t think you need worry at all about either historians or biographers, even if “Chaitanya Charitamrita “ could be regarded as a biography. That is all, I think, for the present. I shall write again after hearing the Third Act of your drama. Page 253 About Janak,... Yesterday’s developments were a serious blow after there had been so much promise or at least some chance of better things. * January 23, 1950 We have finished reading your Chaitanya. The Third Act which is the most remarkable of the three confirms the impression already made by the other two of a very fine and successful play well-written and constructed with many outbursts ...

... Examples from History The educated man. of today with his thinking mind would tend to ask the question whether visions can be real. We have heard of great saints like Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and such supreme spiritual personalities as Sri Aurobindo, who had “seen God face to face” or “talked with Him” and had the divine experience. Arjuna had to be granted the divine sight ...

... trance or Samadhi. In this connection the case of Sri Chaitanya is often cited. According to the accounts given by his associates he alternated between three different states: (i) the state of the bhakta, (ii) the intoxicated state and (iii) the state of Nirvikalpa or 'seedless' Samadhi. In the narration of Sri Ramakrishna: "Chaitanya Dev used to experience three different states: antardaśā... would designate as j ī vako ṭis. But what about those rare great souls, the īś varako ṭ is of Ramakrishnian terminology, who, like Narada, Janaka, Prahlada and others of tradition and Chaitanya, Ramakrishna and others of historical times, are reputed to have ascended to the Nirvikalpa state of Samadhi and then descended' therefrom for the welfare of the world, lokakālyaṇārtham ? 1 ... after the attainment of samadhi. The only exceptions are such sages as Narada, who keep their bodies alive in order to bring spiritual light to others. It is also true of divine Incarnations, like Chaitanya.... The great souls who retain their bodies after samadhi feel compassion for the suffering of others." (The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, p. 81) 2 The Life of Sri Ramakrishna (Advaita ...

... Mother, but that in both cases it is the action of the Grace of the Mother that alone can effect a transformation of the Vibhuti [p. 16]. I would like to know the difference. Take for example Christ, Chaitanya, Ramakrishna, Confucius, Zarathustra, Buddha, Shankara, Mohammed, Alexander, Napoleon—among these well-known figures, which are Vibhutis of the Mother and which are Vibhutis of the Ishwara? And what ...

... Ramanuja and on the other side Chaitanya about Krishna arises from the turn of their experience. Krishna was only an aspect of Vishnu to the others because that ecstatic form of love and bhakti which had become associated with Krishna was not for them the whole. The Gita, like Chaitanya, but from a different viewpoint, regarded Krishna as the Divine himself. To Chaitanya he was Love and Ananda, and Love... Divine Love there is in it it does not disturb the calm but increases its depth. Chaitanya's experience was not that of Supermind, but of a Love and Ananda brought from above into the vital—the response of the vital is an extreme passion and exultation of Godward love and Ananda, the result of which is these vikāras . Chaitanya claimed this supremacy for the Radha experience because Ananda is higher than... the inner Divine, but it stopped at that point. Chaitanya's prema was nothing but a psychic divine love with a strong sublimated vital manifestation. But the moment Vaishnavism before or after him made an attempt at greater externalisation, we know what happened—a vitalistic deterioration, much corruption and decline. You cannot appeal to Chaitanya's example as against psychic or divine love; it was ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... neither Being nor Not-Being (Sat, Asat); neither Becoming nor non-Becoming (Sambhuti, Asambhuti); neither Quality nor non-Quality (Saguna, Nirguna); neither Consciousness nor non-consciousness, (Chaitanya, Jada); neither Soul nor Nature (Purusha, Prakriti); neither Bliss nor non-Bliss; neither man nor god nor animal; He is beyond all these things, He maintains & contains all these things; in Himself ...

... 47 British, 50, 84 Buddha, 83 Buddhi, 28 Buddhism, 8,46,59,84 Bull, 73 Caste, 54 Casteism, 62 Charanavyuha, 91 Chaturvarna, 53 Chaldea, 1 Chaitanya, 44,59,85 Chandragupta Maurya, 84 Charvaka, 46, 59 Chemistry, 44 Chhandas, 101,102 Chhandogya Upanishad, 68,75,78, 79, 80,81, 82 Cow, 3,13,14 Consciousness, mental ...

... Him a whole host of His comrades and followers. They Page 263 form a unit, a nucleus, of the new creation that the Avatar initiates. The twelve apostles of Christ are famous. Chaitanya too had his group of Parshadas; nearer to us Ramakrishna with his Vivekananda-group, is familiar to us all. But the greatest of them all was Sri Krishna who came down with a whole bevy of 16000 ...

... objection was not insuper Page 322 able. I instanced the case of Chaitanya and the others, because there the facts are hardly disputable. Chaitanya for the first part of his life was simply Nimai Pandit and had no consciousness of being anything else. Then he had his conversion and became the bhakta Chaitanya. This bhakta at times seemed to be possessed by the presence of Krishna, knew... supreme example of the divine ecstatic bhakta. But still the occasional manifestation showed who he was and at the same time evidenced the mystic law of the Immanence, Voila — for Chaitanya. But, if Chaitanya, the frontal consciousness, the instrumental personality, was all the time the Avatar, yet except in his highest moments was unconscious of it and even denied it, that pushed a little farther... Avatars. For at that rate all religious founders would be Avatars — Joseph Smith (I think that is his name) of the Mormons, St. Francis of Assisi, Calvin, Loyola and a host of others as well as Christ, Chaitanya or Ramakrishna. For faith, miracles, Bejoy Goswami, another occasion. I wanted to say this much more about Rama — which is still only a hint and is not the thing I was going to write about the ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... convey to us are indescribable, and we would like the readers to plunge into this sweetness and intensity by reading these poems. We have included here some extracts, which describe some of Sri Chaitanya's and Sri Ramakrishna's experiences of Sri Krishna and Radha, which bring to us the living and continuing reality of Sri Krishna's consciousness. The poems of Surdas have been taken from J.S. Hawley's ...

... as much an Avatar as Christ or Chaitanya..² Mahomed would himself have rejected the idea of being an Avatar, so we have to regard him only as the prophet, the instrument, the Vibhuti. Christ realised himself as the Son who is one with the Father — he must therefore be an amsa avatara, a partial incarnation...³. As for the unconscious Avatar, why not? Chaitanya is supposed to be an Avatar by... such although with a more impersonal consciousness of the Power within him. Ramakrishna voiced the same consciousness when he spoke of Him who was Rama and who was Krishna being within him. But Chaitanya's case is peculiar; for according to the accounts he ordinarily felt and declared himself a bhakta of Krishna and nothing more, but in great moments he manifested Krishna, grew luminous in mind... cannot be reckoned as more, though as Vibhutis they were very great." Adverting to several of these names again and bringing in one new name, Sri Aurobindo writes that he fully accepts "Chaitanya's position as an Avatar of Krishna" and that the "outbursts of the splendour of the Divine Being [in him] are among the most remarkable in the story of the Avatar". Then he adds: "As for Ramakrishna ...

... for the past seers, they don't trouble me. If going beyond the experiences of the past seers and sages is so shocking, each new seer and sage in turn has done that shocking thing—Buddha, Shankara, Chaitanya etc. all did that wicked act. If not, what was the necessity of their starting new philosophies, religions, schools of Yoga? If they were merely verifying and meekly repeating the lives and experiences... body which the mental or overmental-spiritual cannot achieve. All whom you mention were spirituals, but in different ways. Krishna's mind, for instance, was overmentalised, Ramakrishna's intuitive, Chaitanya's spiritual-psychic, Buddha's illumined higher mental. I don't know about B. G. [ Bijoy Goswami ]—he seems to have been brilliant but rather chaotic. All that is different from the supramental. Then ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... of quite ordinary features with long hair, neatly combed, hanging below his shoulders. He held a pleasant smile on his lips and eyes. In short I could picture him as one of the followers of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu that are seen in some Bengali films. One of the Bisho-da’s duties was to be gateman at the Golconde gate. There he showed an unexpected skill of his fingers. Ten marbles (playthings ...

... Chaitanya and Mira PREFACE Often enough, when I sing in our temple, Indira Devi goes off into a mystic trance — samadhi — and sees Mira singing or dancing, in a Brindavan temple, in the midst of some devotees or learned sadhus who start with her a discussion or an altercation, as the case may be. After a time, when Indira Devi comes to, she relates ...

... any of these states of the Self in the world and partake of its experiences. He can be anything he wills from the material to the all-blissful being. Through the Anandamaya he can enter into the Chaitanya and Sat Purusha. SACHCHIDANANDA Sachchidananda is the manifestation of the higher Purusha; its nature of infinite being, consciousness, power and bliss is the higher Nature, parā prakṛti .... Death because by Ignorance they fail to realise Sachchidananda. Realising perfectly Sachchidananda, they can convert themselves, Mind into the nature of the Truth, Vijnana, Life into the nature of Chaitanya, Body into the nature of Sat, that is, into the pure essence. When this cannot be done perfectly in the body, the soul realises its true state in other forms of existence or worlds, the "sunlit" ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Christ, sit at the feet of Agastya, Yajnavalkya, Aruni and Buddha, laugh with the sanyasin at the snaring net of Maya and meditate with Shankara on the reality of the Brahman, and yet yearn with Chaitanya for divine love and ecstasy. He may do all this and yet find that he has no answer to his deeper quest and longing, which is still inarticulate and uncertain. He may wish to engage in ...

... SATYENDRA: How does he know it was Vivekanand's spirit? SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so. Vivekananda's spirit must have other things to do by now. NIRODBARAN: He said also that Amiya Sankar had been Sri Chaitanya's playmate. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: Was it found true? (Laughter) SATYENDRA: Why should great souls come to such sittings? SRI AUROBINDO: What people wonder at is they should come and ...

... and the social convention, but in the soul. The latter is also Hinduism and it is a good deal older and more enduring than the other; it is the Hinduism of Bhishma and Srikrishna, of Shankara and Chaitanya, the Hinduism which exceeds Hindusthan, was from of old and will be for ever, because it grows eternally through the aeons. Its watchword is not kriya , but karma ; not shastra , but jnanam ; ...

... the Divine Consciousness in full: the awareness came almost at a touch, but the incident of discipleship is significant. Then take Chaitanya. The Krishna-being manifested here in an intensely recognisable way - but intermittently, as it were. In certain periods Chaitanya was a supreme Bhakta and nothing more, and he was certainly not born in Divine Consciousness. I don't argue that no Avatar was or... born in Page 129 Divine Consciousness in any overt way; to be an exemplar as well as a leader he may have to look quite human for a long time, or at intervals, as happened with Chaitanya. The Avatar's function is to come and put forth a great power at critical and crucial points of history - and particularly when a transition from one stage to another is to be made. That is why we... Overmind into the Transcendent, but only the Transcendent's negative aspect and not Its positive Truth-Consciousness integral and creative and dynamic. After him, in between, there could be an Avatar (Chaitanya) intensely establishing in the human emotional-vital the possibility of an absolute love and surrender which might be the basis for calling down and receiving the power from above of a divine life ...

... the present mould of Hinduism. He continued, "The latter is also Hinduism and it is a good deal older and more enduring than the other; it is the Hinduism of Bhishma and Srikrishna, of Shankara and Chaitanya, the Hinduism which exceeds Hindusthan, was from of old and will be for ever, because it grows eternally through the aeons." This was in 1910. Then in a letter some twenty-five years later, he gave ...

... Aurobindo 1. A LETTER FROM PRADIP BHATTACHARYA Here is something for the Editor of Mother India: I have been in correspondence with Dr. K. K. Nair (Krishna Chaitanya), the eminent philosopher and litterateur, apropos his comment apropos the Peter Brook film on the Mahabharata, "Anticipating Buber, he (Vyasa) saw history as the encounter of the temporal and the... xerox from his latest book, The Betrayal of Krishna (Clarion Books, 1991). (15.10.1993) 2. K. D. SETHNA'S COMMENT The letter you have quoted from Dr. K. K. Nair (Krishna Chaitanya) "the eminent philosopher and litterateur", as you put it, and the xerox you have sent of the "Epilogue" to his latest book, The Betrayal of Krishna, have been lying before me for quite a time. ...

... argument after argument, truth after truth. It would be difficult for a Shankara to see the light ofday on the soil of Bengal; Page 206 but the birth of someone like Nimai Pundit (Chaitanya) is quite consistent, because there was a vast ocean of vital emotion behind his erudition. The Bengali logician is at his best especially when someone is able to arouse and excite him. But in the... the stoic ideal of Mahatma Gandhi. Rabindranath is the model of a Bengali. The Deccan has produced Shankara; Nanak and Surdas appeared in the North; but in the fertile soil of Bengal were born Sri Chaitanya, Chandidas and Ramprasad. The cult of devotion exists, no doubt, in other parts of India; but the cult of looking upon God as the Lover of the beloved devotee has blossomed only in Bengal. The worship ...

... great sinners into great saints, of men of little or no virtue into spiritual seekers and God-lovers has frequently happened in religious and spiritual history—as in Europe St. Augustine, in India Chaitanya's Jagai and Madhai, Bilwamangal and many others. The house of the Divine is not closed to any who knock sincerely at its gates, whatever their past stumbles and errors. Human virtues and human errors ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... community, freedom of the nation; spiritual freedom, social freedom, political freedom. Spiritual freedom the ancient Rishis had already declared to us; social freedom was part of the message of Buddha, Chaitanya, Nanak and Kabir and the saints of Maharashtra; political freedom is the last word of the triune gospel. Without political freedom the soul of man is crippled. Only a few mighty spirits can rise above ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... There was, no doubt, the old maxim of the sages, yad-ahar-eva virajet, tad-ahar-eva pravrajet, "one must leave one's home the day one feels the attachments cease to bind." The Buddha did that, Chaitanya did that, though Shankara wanted to arrive at an understanding with his mother first. I thought I should now break the news to my father. I distinctly remember the scene. I was then aged seventeen... name and some fame and will be able to work for the country ten times better as a man of position. And besides, there is another thing. If you feel a true urge for renunciation, like Shankara or Chaitanya, that is another matter, for that would add lustre to our family. But you must first look into yourself carefully to see if you have developed in yourself that strength and capacity. If it is just ...

... Bengal or Gujerat, the defect was due not so much to any constitutional cowardice as to indolence born of climate and a too fertile soil and to the prevalence of the peaceful and emotional religion of Chaitanya and Vallabhacharya. Be that as it may, Bengal under the awakening touch of Nationalism has wiped out that reproach for ever and there is no reason why Gujerat stirred by the same influences, awakened ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... first and most important work which the Karmayogin sets for itself, to popularise this knowledge. The Vedanta or Sufism, the temple Page 20 or the mosque, Nanak and Kabir and Ramdas, Chaitanya or Guru Govind, Brahmin and Kayastha and Namasudra, whatever national asset we have, indigenous or acclimatised, it will seek to make known, to put in its right place and appreciate. And the second ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... more significantly, this was the age of a large number of Saints. This period is, therefore, also known as the age of Bhakti (Devotion). The greatest among the Saints who belonged to this period was Chaitanya (1485-1533). During this period, there was also a great problem of receiving Islam, and two great attempts were made to arrive at a new synthesis; one from the side of the Muslims, and the other ...

... from knowledge to spiritual love and delight the earlier significance of Vedanta. The perfect outcome of this evolution is to be found in the philosophy and religion of divine love promulgated by Chaitanya. It is the later developments of Vedantic philosophy, the Puranic ideas and images and the poetic and aesthetic spirituality of the religions of devotion that inspired from their birth the regional... figure of human passion and so consistently that it is now supposed by many to mean nothing else, but this is quite negatived by the use of the same figures by the devout poets of the religion of Chaitanya. All the spiritual experience that lay behind the symbol was embodied in that inspired prophet and incarnation of the ecstasy of divine love and its spiritual philosophy put into clear form in his... a poetic picture of the religious mind and life and scenes of contemporary times and has a strong resemblance in its motive to the more outward element in the aim of Rajput painting. The life of Chaitanya written in a simple and naive romance verse, appealing by its directness and sincerity but inadequate in poetic form, is a unique contemporary presentation of the birth and foundation of a religious ...

... reservation your other statement that the poet has come out, for after a long labour I could not even complete a sonnet. If the poet has come out I think it is a sort of Krishna's afternoon visit to Chaitanya! As for the Yogi, I submit myself to anything,—injection, forceps or even operation; but only do bring him out, please. He is overdue! Well, at any rate it proves that he is there—for these poems... Besides Krishna and Arjuna, we have the instance of Buddha and Ananda. There is also St. John, the beloved disciple. Then again, Vivekananda was dearer to Ramakrishna than the other disciples. Chaitanya showered his grace on Madhai and Jagai, but were they closer to him than Nitai? But he had love for them (তাই বলে কি প্রেম দিব না?). 96 Some say that because through one person, chances... (excuse the simile) towards the goal—one of the two, what the blazes! June 30, 1935 × The well-known words of Chaitanya: "Shouldn't I love them for that reason?" × bālavat : childlike. ...

... God, from revealing themselves and their spiritual knowledge to mankind and in their intense love for humanity imparting something of their power to the world. Such were Buddha, Christ, Mahomed, Chaitanya, such have been Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. It is still the orthodox view that the experiences of Yoga must not be revealed to the uninitiated. But a new era dawns upon us in which the old laws must ...

... 85, 90, 92, 113, 151, 153, 204,289, 380 Brindaban, 101 Britain, 96, 198 Broad, Prof., 55 Buddha, 9, 17, 112, 150, 187, 189,232, 268,317,347 Byron, 209 CAESAR, 116,209,324,406 Chaitanya, 209 Cha1dea, 199 Christ, 64, 73, 82, 93, 116, 118, 127, 130, 187, 189, 191,209, 243, 283, 317 Christianity, 192 Chronos, 226 Colbert, 209, 411 Congo, 323-4 Curie, 428 Cyclops ...

... Sanskrit grammar, poetry, laws and philosophy are specially taught. Page 102 of the best in its day. On 20 September 1884 Ramakrishna Paramahansa went there to see a play on Sri Chaitanya, and blessed the actress who played the leading role. He also blessed the author-cum-director, Girish Chandra Ghose (1844-1912), who then became his disciple. Every year a fair was held at Khulna ...

... l. I was born in one of the most aristocratic Brahmin families of Bengal. My father's maternal uncle, Kalachand Goswami, traced a direct descent from the saintly Adwaita Goswami, one of Sri Chaitanya's intimates. My father's father, Diwan Kartikeya Chandra Roy, was a Prime Minister of one of the noblest and most ancient States of Bengal. Apart from the high status he enjoyed, his honesty and strength... here possibly enlarge any more on my father's great though some-what enigmatic personality — since he composed some of the greatest hymns in the Bengali language (to Krishna, Shiva, Kali, Ganga, Sri Chaitanya, etc.) which he sang often with tears of ecstasy in his eyes. But one thing I must make clear at this stage — to obviate misunderstanding. In my summary description of my two immediate forbears ...

... here that, even without the preparation, all who take refuge in the divine Lover will be saved. You know the famous story of Sri Chaitanya. Perhaps you have seen the film in the Playground. Those two scoundrels, Jogai and Madhai, in their intoxication, hurt Sri Chaitanya badly and he was bleeding from his forehead, and even then he said: "Merecho kolsbi kana. Ta boleki prem dobona?" (Because they ...

... is effectiveness of the Will acting on object or event without the aid of physical means. It may work Page 20 1) by pressure or tapas of the chaitanya straight on the object that has to be affected 2) by pressure or tapas of chaitanya on the Prakriti (either the general world-Prakriti or Prakriti in the object itself) to bring about directly the result intended 3) by pressure on the... at present, as, although belonging to the dharma of the vijnana, they act in the body and are strictly part of the physical siddhi. Samadhi Samadhi is the power by dwelling fixedly of the chaitanya on its object to extend the range of knowledge & consciousness through all the three states of waking, sleep & dream, to the realisation of those tattwas of the Brahman to which the ordinary waking ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Beginnings of Sikhism: Guru Nanak (iii) Akbar (iv) Abul Fazal, Faizi and Tansen (v) Jahangir, Shahjahan and Aurangzeb (vi) Great Saints: Narsi Mehta, Tulsidas, Meerabai, Surdas, Chaitanya, Tukaram (vii) Establishment ofKhalsa: Guru Gobind Singh (viii) Vijay Nagar (ix) Annals of Rajputana (x) Rana Pratap (xi) The rise of Maratha Power (xi) Shivaji ...

... meditation either at any time. I have stressed both Bhakti and knowledge in my Yoga as Page 46 well as works, even if I have not given any of them an exclusive importance like Shankara or Chaitanya. The difficulty you feel or any Sadhak feels about Sadhana is not really a question of meditation versus Bhakti versus works. It is a difficulty of the attitude to be taken, the approach or whatever ...

... reality. It is the path of meditation, concentration, of withdrawal from life and action. This was the one most practised in the old yogas. Or else, the path of devotion and love, like that of Chaitanya or Ramakrishna. Page 43 This book [Part One of The Synthesis of Yoga ] is entirely about the yoga of works, of action, that is to say, the finding of union with the Divine in action and ...

... purpose without the least qualification, without the slightest reorientation. Sri Aurobindo has never said: "Go and follow Shankara and you will reach the Supermind. Be a follower of Ramanuja or Chaitanya and you will automatically do the Supramental Yoga." Nor has he gone out of his way to advise people to take up old cults, as if saying: "Why bother about coming to the Ashram and devoting yourself ...

... principles of conduct by means of will-power and fellow-feeling. The moral life in itself can be a fine thing, but it cannot be compared in greatness to the mystical life - the life of a Krishna, a Chaitanya, a Mirabai, a Ramakrishna, a Vivekananda. Nor can we deny that it is the mystical life, the Yogic spirituality, that is the aim and ideal of the Upanishads and the Gita, the vibrant luminous essence ...

... The Rishi in ancient India was the outstanding figure with the hero just behind, while in later times the most striking feature is the long uninterrupted chain from Buddha and Mahavira to Ramanuja, Chaitanya, Nanak, Ramdas and Tukaram and beyond them to Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and Dayananda. But there have been also the remarkable achievements of statesmen and rulers, from the first dawn of ascertainable... the Indian mind would account him not only a nobler will, but a greater and more attracting personality than Constantine or Charlemagne. It is interested in Chanakya, but much more interested in Chaitanya. Page 252 And in literature also just as in actual life it has the same turn. This European mind finds Rama and Sita uninteresting and unreal, because they are too virtuous, too ideal ...

... such although with a more impersonal consciousness of the Power within him; Ramakrishna voiced the same consciousness when he spoke of him who was Rama and who was Krishna being within him. But Chaitanya's case is peculiar; for according to the accounts he ordinarily felt and declared himself a bhakta of Krishna and nothing more, but in great moments he manifested Krishna, grew luminous in mind and... divine love. Shankara and Vivekananda were certainly Vibhutis; they cannot be reckoned as more, though as Vibhutis they were very great. It was not my intention to question in any degree Chaitanya's position as an Avatar of Krishna and the divine love. That character of the manifestation appears very clearly from all the accounts about him and even, if what is related about the appearance of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Chaitanya and Mira A month later. In Mira's temple she is seen again dancing. On her right Ajit is revealed seated with folded hands, the proud pedant transformed now into a humble devotee. On her right are seated Mira's Guru, Sri Sanatan and the temple-priest, Pundarik. After a time she breaks forth into song. MIRA (... brought you back the Image you had Entrusted to my keeping in my childhood. He answered afterwards as Balgopal Because you had adored Him as a child. It was all preordained, as your great Guru Sri Chaitanya had assured you years ago, And as He, my Gopal, too, bore him out And told you why you had to wait for me — Why 'twas predestined. So it was I had To serve you as a stairway to His Haven: ... attest That He does come still to play as man with men Who in simple faith accept and worship Him And thrill to His celestial-human play. ( After a pause ) His Gurudev, the radiant Sri Chaitanya, Rebuked my Master when, once, he had said: "As my heart's Lord stays hid behind the veil I have failed to rend, I want now but to die." His Guru admonished: "Sanatan, my son, If one could ...

... of matter out of which their natures are compounded, but whence spring beauty, harmony and unbounded compassion, how out of a heartless and inexorable unconscious energy are born the heart of a Chaitanya, the intellect of a Plato and the exquisite sensibility of a Da Vinci? If we accept a Spirit as well as its secondary powers as concealed in the material shell, we can comprehend both sides of human ...

... "great" men covered by Dilip in his Among the Great, he is frequently referred to or quoted in The Subhash I Knew; and whatever the theme, even when he is only writing a novel or a drama on Sri Chaitanya or a poem on Prahlad, Sri Aurobindo also is the theme — for Sri Aurobindo is the Ground, the Air, the interpenetrating Ether in Dilip's world. In his admirable new book, however — challengingly entitled ...

... sought to be resolved by the composite philosophy that we find embedded in the Puranas and Tantras. Still later, when the conflict between the various schools of Vedanta became acute, we find in Sri Chaitanya a profound and subtle synthesis. At the same time, the coming of Islam in India provided a ground for the emergence of new trends of synthesis, represented by Guru Nanak, Akbar, and a number of Sufi ...

... make me a yogi! He began by 11Jogai and Madhai were two Brahmin brothers of Navadwip in Bengal, who had been criminals and murderers, but were converted to a spiritual life by Sri Krishna Chaitanya. 12Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, SABCL, 1972, 20: 47. 13From Sri Aurobindo's poem "Who": "In the luminous net of the stats He is caught," SABCL, 1972, 5:40. Page 5 ...

... don't think you need worry at all about either historians or biographers, even if Chaitanya Charitamrita could be regarded as a Page 468 biography. That is all, I think, for the present. I shall write again after hearing the third act of your drama. 21 January 1950 We have finished reading your Chaitanya . The third act which is the most remarkable of the three confirms the impression... it has a native glow of colour in it which the second version misses—at least, so it seems to me on a comparative reading. 2 I have just finished hearing the second act of your drama on Chaitanya; 3 there is much fine poetry in it and the dramatic interest of the dialogue and of the presentation of character seems to me considerable. We have not had time yet to read the last act; we shall... proper to the circumstances and different characters, moods and events; but here too, I think, the handling is quite successful. I believe the verdict must be, from every point of view, an admirable Chaitanya . 23 January 1950 Harindranath Chattopadhyaya I can understand very well what Suhrawardy objects to in Harin's poetry, though his expression of it is absurdly exaggerated ("trash"), and he ...

... in thinkers and sages... .The one had a great head (Shankara), the other a large heart (Chaitanya), and the time was ripe for one to be born, the embodiment of both this head and heart... who in one body would have the brilliant intellect of Shankara and the wonderfully expansive infinite heart of Chaitanya; one who would see in every sect the same spirit working, the same God; one who would see ...

... writing away; then a short exchange of beatific glances. 1 He gave installments of the finished script to the Mother, who passed them on to Prithwi Singh for typing; and so the copy went to the Gauranga Page 408 Press, Calcutta. The first volume subtitled "Omnipresent Reality and the Universe", with its twenty-eight chapters, appeared in November 1939, when Hitler had already overrun ...

... × vibhūti. × Chaitanya, the Avatar of Nadiya, is said to have been thus partly or occasionally occupied by the divine Consciousness and Power. × ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... of having banned meditation either at any time. I have stressed both bhakti and knowledge in my Yoga as well as works, even if I have not given any of them an exclusive importance like Shankara or Chaitanya. The difficulty you feel or any sadhak feels about sadhana is not really a question of meditation versus bhakti versus works. It is a difficulty of the attitude to be taken, the approach or whatever ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... making a forceful rush or push along one line only and that must be some line of pure experience in which, especially if it is the bhakta way, one gets easily swallowed up in the rapids (did not Chaitanya at last disappear in the waters?) and goes no farther. The first thing is to break into the spiritual consciousness, any part of it, anyhow and anywhere, afterwards one can explore the country, to ...

... Divine It created the union with the Grace And a union also with the Divine. —Victory to Sri Aurobindo (By the touch of the Grace) There was a move in the Matter And that created an ocean of Chaitanya It was a shower of the nectar Grace Thus descended as the blessings of the Divine. —Victory to Sri Aurobindo Every cell turned into shining Diamond That created multi-coloured aura of Rainbow ...

... such a rude shock to some sensitive spiritual seekers that they do not flinch even from giving up their bodies as an irremediable malady. The apparently accidental dissolution of the bodies of Sri Chaitanya of Bengal, of the famous Pawahari Baba of Gazipur and of the Maharashtrian saint Tukaram may have its occult compelling factor in some such spiritual malaise. 4 We thus encounter an all-round ...

... so much national vitality. I think rather it was its spirit. I am inclined to give more credit for the secular miracle of our national survival to Shankara, Ramanuja, Nanak & Kabir, Guru Govind, Chaitanya, Ramdas & Tukaram than to Raghunandan and the Pandits of Nadiya & Bhatpara. The result of this well-meaning bondage has been an increasing impoverishment of the Indian intellect, once the most ...

... in separating one's consciousness from one's thoughts and be their observer. As Sri Aurobindo states: The Divine has been described as Being, Consciousness, Ananda, even as a Consciousness (Chaitanya), as putting out a force or energy, Shakti that creates world. The mind is a modified consciousness that puts forth a mental energy. Page 71 But the Divine can stand back from ...

... inmost consciousness identifying itself with the infinite Consciousness of the Supreme that expresses the spiritual oneness, and not his philosophic mind or even his intuitive intellect. When Sri Chaitanya enters into the mahābhāva, he feels himself so much identified with the Supreme that he visibly appears divinely transfigured, his normal consciousness of the devotee of God being eclipsed and swallowed ...

... 54, 110, 166, 280 Byron, 194 CAESAR, jULIUS, 206, 208, 239, 367,394 Calcutta Review, the, 336n., 339n Camoens, 197 Canada, 106 Cato, 239 Chaitanya,216 Chaldea, 219, 223 Chamberlaine, Neville, 100 Chandragupta, 93, 394 Chaucer, 194 China, 119, 238-40, 242 Christ, 6, 50, 14511., 151, 154, 164, 195 ...

... Visishtadwaita has entered into its perception. Even when the assimilation is partly effected, the Jiva is felt as an individual & local manifestation of the impersonal Chaitanya and not as the individual manifestation of Chaitanya as universal Personality. On the other hand the universal Sri Krishna or Krishna-Kali in all things animate or inanimate has been realised entirely, but not with sufficient ...

... Yoga Letters on Yoga - II Chapter II The Veda and the Upanishads The Vedic Rishis It is not I only who have done what the Vedic Rishis did not do. Chaitanya and others developed an intensity of Bhakti which is absent in the Veda and many other instances can be given. Why should the past be the limit of spiritual experience? I can't say whether ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... A dramatist, composer, singer and nationalist with a degree in agriculture from England. Although his mother was a direct descendant of Advaita Goswami of Shantipur, a staunch disciple of Sri Chaitanya ( fifteen-sixteen centuries AD), D. L. Roy himself was a rationalist. During his tenure as Deputy Magistrate he dared to tell the Lt. Governor of Bengal that the latter was not an expert in the ...

... absolute Page 30 love. Neither the mind nor the surface heart of fugitive emotions can have that passionate seeking and aspiration, that self-effacing surrender, which we find in a Chaitanya or a St. Catherine of Genoa. The hungering physical, the craving vital, the straining and clinging emotional, and the groping mental parts of man are constitutionally incapable of concentrating on ...

... latter has caught hold of spiritual Reality - but in one aspect out of many, an aspect that cannot be overlooked or left unseized but is not the sole one. If it were the sole one, a devotee like Chaitanya who is all absorbed in a Personal Active Deity would be a hallucinated fool. Even Buddha would be reckoned as misguided since, though he too was the apostle of a Supreme Silence and Impersonality ...

... statement to be correct, the objection was not insuperable. I instanced the case of Chaitanya and the others, because there the facts are hardly disputable. Chaitanya for the first part of his life was simply Nimai Pandit and had no consciousness of being anything else. Then he had his con- version and became the bhakta Chaitanya. This bhakta at times seemed to be possessed by the presence of Krishna, knew... manifested in Chaitanya. But for that work it would never have done if he had always been in the Krishna conscious- ness; he would have been the Lord to whom all gave bhakti, but not the supreme example of the divine ecstatic bhakta. But still the occasional manifestation showed who he was and at the same time evidenced the mystic law of the Immanence. Voila for Chaitanya. But, if Chaitanya, the frontal... abstract negation as to fuddle one's mind in the warmth of a (fundamentally) sensuous Goloka.5 These thoughts were suggested to me by the contrast you drew between the emotional singing pf Chaitanya Deva and the silent meditation of the Buddha. Needless to say that the remarks in the paragraphs immediately above do not apply to these great Teachers but only to some of their followers. ...

... Hinduism stand or fall by pariahdom. In other words, one would be satisfied even if there were no such spiritual inspiration in the country as breathed and lived in a Vasishtha or a Yajnavalkya, a Chaitanya or a Mirabai, a Tukaram or a Tulsidas, a Ramakrishna or a Vivekananda - provided there were no scheduled classes! One may inquire what sort of life would there be on earth without the rishis, the ...

... Won't you help me in it?" Purani burst into tears and pledged unfailing co-operation. In the early days there was a good deal of talk about past births. The being who had been behind Jesus, Chaitanya and, most recently, Ramakrishna was said to be behind Pavitra now. St. Paul and Vivekananda were seen in the background of Anilbaran. In connection with Nolini we heard of Roman Virgil and the la ...

... it will serve to give a clearer picture of the matter. Napoleon. evidently was a child of Mahakali; and Caesar seems to have been fashioned largely by the principle of. Maheshwari; while Christ or Chaitanya are clearly emanations in the line of Mahalakshmi. Constructive geniuses, on the other hand, like the great statesman Colbert, for example, or Louis XIV, Ie grand monarque, himself belong to a family ...

... seekers excepted) quite inexplicable. Your arguments are not convincing. What have Ramakrishna's excesses or the fluctuations of Vivekananda's vital receptivity between exaltation and depression or Chaitanya's viraha to do with the question in issue? These are difficulties Page 377 of the body and the vital. The question was of the intensity of psychic and pure spiritual experience—psychic ...

... they arrive not at an abstract existence or non-existence, a Sat or else a Nirvana, but at an existent, a Sat Purusha, not merely at a consciousness, Page 579 but at a conscious Being, a Chaitanya Purusha, not merely at a purely impersonal delight of the Is, but at an infinite I Am of bliss, an Anandamaya Purusha; nor can they immerge and lose his consciousness and bliss in featureless existence ...

... knowledge to spiritual love and delight the earlier significance of the Vedanta. The perfect outcome of this evolution is to be found in the philosophy and religion of divine love promulgated by Sri Chaitanya. It is true that the Vedic Gods rapidly lost in the Puranas their deep original significance. The great Trinity, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva came to dominate and gave rise to a new pantheon. It must ...

... and adoration of the Page 426 Supreme, the All-Beautiful and All-Blissful, becomes, under the direct influence of the psychic, a flaming, absorbing passion, a passion like that of a Chaitanya or a Mirabai, which devours all egoistic ties and attachments. "This approach through adoration can get its- full power and impetus only when the mind goes beyond impersonality to the awareness of ...

... the second shadowily, but both without detail In Samadhi a movement towards generalisation of the ideality in the depths of mental sushupti—ideal perception, vangmaya, lipi, etc. The jagrat chaitanya has to take possession & sushupti to be shifted upwards out of the mentality. Activity in vishayas, but not yet breaking of the obstacles. Some initial successes, not decisive, in bringing... It seems to be dominating in one direction; in the others doubtful. No progress as to chakra-shakti. Samadhi again overpowered by nidra, still attempts to generalise Page 944 chaitanya of the vijnanamaya in the mental sushupti and arrive at brihat. Jagrat relapses. The secret or one secret of incoherent lipi etc in swapna is now found to be false combination. The thought... Even at night sushupti is beginning to replace nidra. In place of the Page 950 sense of being asleep or the memory of it, there is the sense and memory of sushupti, full of shanti, ghana chaitanya and now of incipient ananda. Pages for reading are being presented with more firmness, not yet with much success. In jagrat bahirdarshi variety of scenes is beginning eg a house above a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... true; but have they been done? Page 404 The question was not whether it had been done but whether it could be done. Has any sweeper or street-beggar been changed into a Buddha or a Chaitanya? The street-beggar is a side issue. The question was whether new faculties not at all manifested in the personality up to now in this life could appear, even suddenly appear, by force of Yoga... is yours, not any Avatar's. Jatakas tell us that in every life small or great, Buddha's frontal consciousness was always above the level of others. Jatakas are legends. Ramakrishna and Chaitanya began yoga in their cradle, it seems. Did they? I know nothing about it; but if they told you that! Anyhow one died by drowning and the other of a cancer. I don't know if Avatars ever play... personal argument concerning yourself. Up to now you were making general assertions—so was I. I was concerned with the possibility of people following the Path I had opened, as Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Chaitanya etc. opened theirs. You were declaring that no human being could follow and that my life was perfectly useless as an example—like the lives of the Avatars. Path, life, example all useless—even Power ...

... consciousness of the Purushottama may itself descend into the humanity and that of the Jiva disappear into it. This is said by his contemporaries to have happened in the occasional transfigurations of Chaitanya when he who in his normal consciousness was only the lover and devotee of the Lord and rejected all deification, became in these abnormal moments the Lord himself and so spoke and acted, with all ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... it will serve to give a clearer picture of the matter. Napoleon evidently was a child of Mahakali; and Caesar seems to have been fashioned largely by the principle of Maheshwari; while Christ or Chaitanya are clearly emanations in the line of Mahalakshmi. Constructive geniuses, on the other hand, like the great statesman Colbert, for example, or Louis XIV, le grand monarque, himself belong to a family ...

... addressed to a disciple who is still alive at the time this book is being written. And in the same correspondence Sri Aurobindo speaks about ‘the Path I have opened, as Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Chaitanya, etc., opened theirs.’ 17 The task of the Avatar cannot be executed by ordinary earthly beings; that is why the Divine has to come to do the job Himself. Such a mission would be meaningless ...

... whole mental, psychical and physical living, his totality of being and activity, and to turn it into a first beginning of at least a generalised spiritual life. Philosophers and saints such as Sri Chaitanya (1485-1533) and others of 15th and 16th centuries belong to this stage. There was also during this period a remarkable attempt to combine Vedanta and Islam or of establishing lasting communal harmony ...