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Chaldea : name is derived from the people who invaded the southernmost portion of the valley of the Tigris & Euphrates in the 11th cent. BC; hence the restored kingdom of Babylonia is sometimes called the Chaldean Empire.

32 result/s found for Chaldea

... find you golden wings will carry you To your Chaldea. SMERDAS Can you not find out divers Who'll rescue our merchandise from the sunk rocks Where it is prisoned? TYRNAUS You have escaped grim murder, Yet dream of nothing but your paltry gems! You will call back Heaven's anger on our heads. SMERDAS We cannot beg our way to far Chaldea. ANDROMEDA Diving is dangerous there:... Chaldean Guard. CHABRIAS, DAMOETES, MEGAS, GARDAS, MORUS, SYRAX - townsmen and villagers. CIREAS - a servant in the temple of Poseidon. MEDES - an usher in the palace. CASSIOPEA - princess of Chaldea, Queen of Syria. ANDROMEDA - daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopea. CYDONE - mistress of Iolaus. PRAXILLA - head of the palace household in the women's apartments. DIOMEDE - a slave-girl, servant... Searching for him and grim Poseidon angry? SMERDAS What danger, when he is with thee, O youth, Strong radiant youth? PERSEUS Yourself then stay with me, And he shall bring the ransom from Chaldea. SMERDAS Here? here? Oh God! they'll seize me yet again And cut my heart out. Let me go, dear youth, Oh, let me go; I'll give thee double gold. PERSEUS Thou sordid treacherous thing ...


... _____________ The Ancient Book of Wisdom The age of Mysteries has come to be acknowledged as a common feature among some of the most ancient cultures of the world. Whether in India or in Chaldea, in Egypt or in Greece, in Atlantis or in some previously extant but now submerged islands of ancient times, there seemed to have flourished people with knowledge of secret truths. There was, undoubtedly... would tend to be exiled or thrown into a remoter and remoter background, with a possibility even of its being forgotten. If we study the history of the ancient periods of the early civilizations of Chaldea, Egypt, Greece, we find that there did occur during such a critical period of their history an-eclipse of the power and hold of the knowledge of the secret Mysteries of spiritual and occult knowledge ...


... and immediate perception of things, Intuition and Instinct, on the one hand, and on the other, the perception given by the senses and a power of control over material things. Take Egypt or Israel or Chaldea, what one finds prominent there is the instinctive-intuitive man, spontaneous – prime-sautier – ima ginative, Page 219 mythopoeic, clairvoyant, clairaudient (although not very clear... more gradual and the steps are more clearly visible leading one to the other. India maintained an unbroken continuity in the cyclic change of the human consciousness. She was coeval with Egypt and Chaldea, Sumeria and Babylon: she communed with them perhaps in similar and parallel terms. And yet she changed or evolved and knew to express herself in other terms in other times. She had talked in mystic... mystics and later on she talked in rational terms with rationalists. And today we see signs of her parleying with the Scientists in scientific terms. That is how India still lives, while Egypt and Chaldea have gone the way of Atlantis and Gondwanaland. For something is enshrined there which is eternal, something living and dynamic which is pressing forward to manifest and embody itself, some supreme ...

... nations seem Page 59 to have a brief date, a life-term vigorous but soon exhausted; Asiatic races persist and survive. It was not so in old times. Not only Greece and Rome perished, Assyria, Chaldea, Phoenicia are also written in the book of the Dead. But the difference now seems well-established. France is a visibly dying nation, Spain seems to have lost the power of revival, Italy and Greece ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... secret lore within or on the border of the more primitive exterior religions. This took different forms in different countries: in Greece there was the Orphic and the Eleusinian Mysteries, in Egypt and Chaldea the priests and their occult lore and magic, in Persia the Magi, in India the Rishis. The preoccupation of the Mystics was with self-knowledge and a profounder world knowledge; they found that in ...


... us so remote, mysterious and abnormal as to the occidental mentality; they are nearer to us and the veil between our normal material life and this larger life is much thinner. In India, 1 Egypt, Chaldea, China, Greece, the Celtic countries they have formed part of various Yogic systems and disciplines which had once a great hold everywhere, but to the modern mind have seemed mere superstition and ...


... capacities which are beyond them—and disturb them. But there were fine periods in human history when these schools were recognised and much appreciated and respected, as in ancient Egypt, ancient Chaldea, ancient India, and even partially in Greece and Rome. There were always schools of initiation, even in mediaeval Europe, but there they had to be very carefully hidden, for they were pursued and ...


... diviner image—in the words of the Rishis, 'make earth and heaven equal and one.' There is obviously a Secret, and all the traditions bear witness to it—the Rishis, the Mages of Iran, the priests of Chaldea or Memphis or Yucatan.... When he first read the Vedas—translated by Western Sanskritists or Indian pandits—they appeared to Sri Aurobindo as 'an important document of [Indian] history, but ...


... Byron, 194 CAESAR, jULIUS, 206, 208, 239, 367,394 Calcutta Review, the, 336n., 339n Camoens, 197 Canada, 106 Cato, 239 Chaitanya,216 Chaldea, 219, 223 Chamberlaine, Neville, 100 Chandragupta, 93, 394 Chaucer, 194 China, 119, 238-40, 242 Christ, 6, 50, 14511., 151, 154, 164, 195, 208,213-14,259,273-4 ...

... its . development. It cannot be supposed, however, that yoga developed only in the Vedas and the Upanishads. There was, indeed, yoga and yogic knowledge in ancient Egypt,¹ ancient Greece, ancient Chaldea, ancient China and ancient Persia as also elsewhere as in ancient Mayan civilization. In ancient Greece, there was a religion of which we have glimpses through the Homeric poems² where the Olympian ...

... Brihat, 12, 47 British, 50, 84 Buddha, 83 Buddhi, 28 Buddhism, 8,46,59,84 Bull, 73 Caste, 54 Casteism, 62 Charanavyuha, 91 Chaturvarna, 53 Chaldea, 1 Chaitanya, 44,59,85 Chandragupta Maurya, 84 Charvaka, 46, 59 Chemistry, 44 Chhandas, 101,102 Chhandogya Upanishad, 68,75,78, 79, 80,81, 82 Cow, 3,13,14 ...


... make, in the words of the Rishis, "Heaven and Earth equal and one." There is a Secret, that is clear. All traditions bear witness to it, whether the Rishis or the Magi of Persia, the priests of Chaldea or Memphis or Yucatan, the hierophants of Eleusis or even our Celts. We have forgotten. We have lost the Word. ...I perceived the Law, The Truth, the Vast, From which we came and which we are; ...


... symbol was a sort of Yogachakra - a "six-pointed star containing a lotus in its centre" which evoked "among other things the union of the active and passive principles and doubtless also the Wisdom of Chaldea, of Egypt and of Hindu India". The lotus within the square formed by the intersecting triangles was drawn free-hand and with shading. It is believed that it was the Mother who gave Richard some questions ...


... towards some such- objective, but with nothing better than very partial and precarious, though often spectacular, results. The Al- chemists, at their very best, worked on these lines in- Egypt and Chaldea, and later, with a less intensity of vision, in Greece and medieval Europe. They sought to turn the base metal of human nature into the Prima Materia from which it is derived; so that its original ...

... education must do for us. The idea of national education challenges the sufficiency of this assumption. Europe built up her ancient culture on a foundation largely taken from the East, from Egypt, Chaldea, Phoenicia, India, but turned in a new direction and another life-idea by the native spirit and temperament, mind and social genius of Greece and Rome, lost and then recovered it, in part from the ...


... repeated through the ages, at all times, in all countries, by the great Instructors. Those who have seriously studied the methods of evolution laid down in all the great centres of initiation, in Chaldea, in Page 97 Tibet, in China, in Egypt, in India, in Cappadocia, will find them everywhere identical in substance behind their varied forms. For all these methods of development can be ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... education must do for us. The idea of national education challenges the sufficiency of this assumption. Europe built up her ancient culture on a foundation largely taken from the East, from Egypt, Chaldea, Phoenicia, India, but turned in a new direction and another lifeidea by the native spirit and temperament, mind and social genius of Greece and Rome, lost and then recovered it, in part from the Arabs ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... them and frightens them. But there have been great periods in human history when recognised schools of initiation were established and were highly esteemed and respected, as in ancient Egypt, ancient Chaldea, ancient India, and even to some extent in Greece and Rome. Even in Europe, in the Middle Ages, there were institutions that taught occult science, but they had to conceal themselves very carefully ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... century and are even now dominant. But the increase of our knowledge has considerably shaken this first and too hasty generalisation. We now know that remarkable civilisations existed in China, Egypt, Chaldea, Assyria many thousands of years ago, and it is now coming generally to be agreed that Greece and India were no exceptions to the general high culture of Asia and the Mediterranean races. If the Vedic ...


... The Existence of the Hostile Forces The hostile forces exist and have been known to Yogic experience ever since the days of the Veda and Zoroaster in Asia (and the mysteries of Egypt and Chaldea and the Cabbala) and in Europe also from old times. These things of course cannot be felt or known so long as one lives in the ordinary mind and its ideas and perceptions—for there there are only two ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... secret lore within or on the border of the more primitive exterior religions. This took different forms in different countries; in Greece there were the Orphic and Eleusinian Mysteries, in Egypt and Chaldea the priests and their occult lore and magic, in Persia the Magi, in India the Rishis. The preoccupation of the Mystics was with self-knowledge and a profounder world-knowledge; they found out that ...


... is all, though confirmed by Western mystics too, is not generally current in the West. The reason, called by the Mother ‘the error at the origin’, is a supposed rift, probably first thought of in Chaldea, between God on the one hand and Creation on the other. ‘There is no separation between that what you call God and that what you call creation … It is through the whole of this creation, little by ...


...   I   (From the French of Sully Prudhomme)   Dim archipelago of the endless sea, The Great Bear's light foreshone earth's infant day— August ere Chaldea watched its mystery Or the soul's yearning vexed the ambiguous clay. A myriad eyes since then have caught its gleam Of unapproachable splendour blindly hurled; In agelong unconcern ...


... case—and very often a pretty strong case too. The hostile forces exist and have been known to yogic experience ever since the days of the Veda and Zoroaster in Asia (and the mysteries of Egypt and Chaldea and the Cabbala) and in Europe also from old times. These things, of course, cannot be felt or known so long as one lives in the ordinary mind and its ideas and perceptions; for there, there are only ...

... 1897; Breasted, Jas H., Ancient Times, Boston, 1916; Jean Capart, Thebes, London, 1926; Miles Dawson, Ethics of Confucious, New York 1915; G. Maspero, The Dawn of Civilization: Egypt and Chaldea, London, 1897; S. Reinach, Orpheus: A History of Religions, New York,1909 and 1930; Lynn Thorndike, Short History of Civilization, New York, 1926. 2 Homer, Iliad, translation by W. C. ...

... in the Veda Introduction There is no ascertainable history of the ancient beginnings of yoga. We are aware of traditions of esoteric practices in ancient Egypt, Chaldea, Greece, Persia, India and of other similar traditions. There was no doubt an age of Mysteries; there was, undoubtedly, even a pre-Vedic age and a pre-Chaldean age, during which there seemed to have ...

... theories of early human culture and of the recent emergence from the mere savage. But they do not accord well with the recent discoveries of the remarkable civilisations that existed in China, Egypt, Chaldea and Assyria many thousands of years ago. These discoveries have also spoken of the Age of Mysteries that is found to have developed among these civilizations. It becomes, therefore, more and more ...


... that is available to humanity. There were of course many other traditions in ancient times, and there was certainly a great tradition of knowledge. There were traditions which you find in ancient Chaldea, in ancient Persia, in Egypt, in Greece, but all these traditions have been lost. There is hardly anything available in the form of any text. There are ideas; there are mythologies. Even Greek mythology ...

... they might have expressed. Considering, however, that there was, in the earlier stages, a remarkable tradition of mysteries, Orphic and Eleusinian in Greece, of occult lore and magic in Egypt and Chaldea, of Magi in Persia, and of the Rishis in India, there might have been in them something common but what could have been their contents, can probably be imagined only with the aid of the Veda, which ...


... through whatever vicissitudes re-establish health and harmony: for that soul's mission is yet to be done. Like the individual a nation too dies. Ancient Greece and Rome, Egypt and Babylon and Chaldea are no more. What has happened to their souls, it may be asked. Well, what happens to the soul of the individual when Page 58 the body falls away? The soul returns to the soul-world ...

... through whatever vicissitudes re-establish health and har­mony: for that soul's mission is yet to be done. Like the individual a nation too dies. Ancient Greece and Rome, Egypt and Babylon and Chaldea are no more. What I has happened to their souls, it may be asked. Well, what happens to the soul of the individual when the body falls away? The soul returns to the soul-world. Like the individual ...

... generation to generation. It is more than likely that much of the deep knowledge preserved in the Cabala came from the Hebrews' prolonged contact with ancient Egypt, and, to an even greater extent, Chaldea. But as is well known, oral tradition is always a light that obscures. This too was no exception. Received Page 100 from the remote past, this Jewish mystic thought was committed ...