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Chittagong : archaeological surveys showed the region has been inhabited since Neolithic times; historical records indicate it was dominated by the Chandra Vamsha (dynasty), followed by the Varman dynasty & Deva dynasty, then was part of the Bengali kingdoms of Samataṭa & Harikela. The natural harbour of Chittagong is an ancient gateway to the region, making it a port city with a recorded history dating back to 4th century BC. Roman geographer Ptolemy who visited it in the 1st century BC considered it one of the largest Eastern ports. Chinese traveller Xuanzang described the area as “a sleeping beauty rising from mist & water”. The name was given by an Arakanese king invading in the 9th century. ─ In 1154, Al-Idrisi wrote of a busy shipping route between Basra (see Bassora) & Chittagong, & Sufi missionaries settled in Chittagong to spread a soothing but sure Islam. ─ Bengal’s Sultan Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah of Sonārgaon conquered Chittagong in 1340. In 1528, the Bengal Sultanate gave permission for a Portuguese settlement in Chittagong, making it the first European colonial enclave in Bengal. In 1531 Arākān declared independence & established the Kingdom of Mrauk U, as a result the Bengal Sultanate lost control of Chittagong & the Portuguese gained unhindered control of Chittagong for over a century. They introduced their cartaz (cartel) system requiring all ships in the area to purchase licenses from them, promoted slave trade & piracy, conquered the nearby island of Sandweep in 1602, repulsed a joint fleet of Dutch East India Co & Arakanese, but & subsequently allied with the Arakanese & launched pirate raids on Mughal Bengal. In 1666, Bengal’s Mughal viceroy Shaista Khan attacked Chittagong & expelled the Arakanese & the Portuguese from there. He renamed Chittagong Islamabad & linked it to the Grand Trunk Road (q.v.) which thereafter connected North India to Central Asia. Chittagong was integrated into the prosperous greater Bengali economy, which also included Orissa & Bihar. Shipbuilding swelled under Mughal rule & the Sultan of Turkey had many Ottoman warships built in Chittagong during this period. ─ In 1793, the Octopus swallowed Chittagong when it “took complete control” of Mughal Bengal. The 1st Anglo-Burmese War in 1823 threatened the British hold on Chittagong. During the Indian uprising of 1857, when the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th companies of 34th Bengal Infantry Regiment revolted & released all prisoners from the city’s jail, the Octopus’ Sylhet Light Infantry massacred them.

48 result/s found for Chittagong

... have taken this turn. As things stand however a general mess in Calcutta is the worst possible place for him. If no other arrangement can be made it is better that he should go for the present to Chittagong, do his Sadhana there and write to me. It is not possible for me to have him here just now. If his Sadhana rights itself it may be possible hereafter. As to the development of egoism in him that... Krishnashashi received Moni's letter written to him at his other address, Raja Brojendra Narayan Roy's Street, which he should have got on the 14th. In this letter I suggested that he should remain in Chittagong or some other quiet place and do the Sadhana by himself turning to me for help and protection and I also insisted that the main object of his Sadhana should be the purification and calming of the... in dealing with psychic people, and from what you have told me about Indu, it is possible that she may be able to help him in this way. In that case it would not be necessary for him to return to Chittagong or pursue his Sadhana in isolation. All this of course after he has recovered. His case is not that of insanity in the ordinary sense but, as in Jyotish's case and for rather similar reasons, a psychic ...


... have taken this turn. As things stand however a general mass in Calcutta is the worst possible place for him. If no other arrangement can be made it is better that he should go for the present to Chittagong, do his Sadhana there and write to me. It is not possible for me to have him here just now. If his Sadhana rights itself it may be possible hereafter. As to the development of egoism in him that... Krishnashashi received Barin's letter written to him at his other address, Raja Brojendra Narayan Roy's St., which he should have got on the 14th. In this letter I suggested that he should remain in Chittagong or some other quiet place and do the Sadhana by himself turning to me for help and protection and I also insisted that the main object of his Sadhana should be the purification and calming of the... in dealing with psychic people, and from what you have told me about Indu, it is possible that he may be able to help him in this way. In that case it would not be necessary for him to return to Chittagong or pursue his Sadhana in isolation. All this of course after he has recovered. His case is not that of insanity in the ordinary sense but, as in J.'s case and for rather similar reasons, a psychic ...


... have taken this turn. As things stand however a general mass in Calcutta is the worst possible place for him. If no other arrangement can be made it is better that he should go for the present to Chittagong, do his Sadhana there and write to me. It is not possible for me to have him here just now. If his Sadhana rights itself it may be possible hereafter. As to the development of egoism in him that... Krishnashashi received your letter written to him at his other address. Raja Brojendra Narayan Roy's St., which he should have got on the 14th. In this letter I suggested that he should re- main in Chittagong or some other quiet place and do the Sadhana by himself turning to me for help and protection and I also insisted that the main object of his Sadhana should be the purification and calming of the... in dealing with psychic people, and from what you have told me about Indu, it is possible that he may be able to help him in this way. In that case it would not be necessary for him to return to Chittagong or pursue his Sadhana in isolation. All this of course after he has recovered. His case is not that of insanity in the ordinary sense but, as in J.'s case and for rather similar reasons, a psychic ...

... Indian officials kept the country subject to the foreigner, a situation that has no parallel in the history of the world. Have you heard of the attack on the Chittagong Armoury? If only a few ill-equipped youths could cut off the city of Chittagong from the rest of the country, what could not have been possible if the whole country had possessed an organised network of rebels, all trained in guerilla... not ultimately successful, the young men who took part in it displayed great courage and patriotism. The violence continued until Gandhi took over with his non-violent movement. The attack on the Chittagong armoury was its last battle, with women too joining it towards the end. But the violent revolutionaries did not succeed; in fact, most of them were caught. It was only to be expected, wasn't it, ...

... compared to what is required of it for Supramentalisation. 26-12-1925 There was a letter from a Sadhaka at Chittagong des­cribing his experience and asking for guidance. Sri Aurobindo : You can write to him that the idea prevalent, but mistaken, at Chittagong is that yoga means seeing visions and that it is something mysterious and miraculous, or receiving suggestions. This ... a long preparation. 15-9-1925 Some questions were put to Sri Aurobindo about a Sadhaka who wanted to give Sadhana – initiation into Yoga to others. Both the Sadhakas were at Chittagong. In reply Sri Aurobindo said : i. X was never a great Sadhaka and that he is not fit to give Sadhana. ii. X had some possibilities which were destroyed because of his vanity. He... Some events may be noted : 1. A false wire from Krishnashashi informing Sri Aurobindo that he was dead under the signature of "Jyoti," was received. This was contradicted by Mohini from Chittagong. 2. A Disciple from Madras sent a copy of the “Theosophist”. It contained lectures and the latest declaration by Mrs. Besant : Krishna Murty's avatarhood and the descent of the world-teacher ...

... seeming to sniff the direction of the wind, who gave vent to a torrent of words in English with an imitation American accent. Björn was explaining I didn't know what, the other was gesticulating. ...Chittagong, Rangoon, and then return to Trondhjem. You're lucky, two deserters at Colombo. Ah! Colombo, what about! What about! There was a little Singhalese girl... The holds yawned in a cloud of white... in a clatter of windlasses, diesels, orders shouted in Norwegian, in English, in German; the derricks moved over, leaving a trail of chemical powder in the sticky humidity. I leaned over the side—Chittagong, Rangoon... In a quarter of an hour, I shall be done for. It was like a dream. But everything was a kind of dream: the little chap who was running with his winch, the radio-telegraphist, the boat... t'appelais, je t'appelais ... It hurt so much here, that I woke up.” Björn pulled me towards the mid-decks. The steps, the bridge, were glittering in the sun, but what the devil was I doing here?... Chittagong, Rangoon and back. What did it mean? I was sinking in a clang of iron, engulfed like a drowning man; a fellow rushed up the gangway four steps at a time, cursing under his breath. And suddenly, like ...

... I was using the supramental Force? I have said all along that it was not the supramental Force that was acting. If you want the supra mental Force, you had better go to Jogesh Mama of Chittagong. I hear from Chittagong that the supramental Force is descending in him. I have put down a few comments to throw cold water on all this blazing hot allopathism. But all these furious disputes seem to me now ...


... cherish your receptivity and don't humbug about with doubt and despondency and then you will be peaceful for ever! MYSELF: Chand has asked your advice and protection about going to Chittagong in January. SRI AUROBINDO: Protection is possible, advice not. MYSELF: Guru, I don't know why Mother looked at me like that during Pranam. Was I anywhere in the wrong? ... a minute? SRI AUROBINDO: No. You must not ask impossible miracles from me. MYSELF: What does this telegram from C mean? All I know is that this loan company is a company at Chittagong where he has kept deposits. Is it the position of his complex self or the self of the company that is risky? Which? SRI AUROBINDO: Both perhaps. MYSELF: But one thing is clear ...


... Mother must have told you all about the room incident, so I needn't go more into it. You must have seen in today's paper the great news: Prof. Sanjib Chowdhury of Dacca (belonging to Chittagong, hip-hip hurrah!) has got the Nobel Prize in literature—for his book Songs from the Heights . Didn't see it. Who the devil is he? The title of the book doesn't sound encouraging; but I suppose... Noble Rubbish But it is extremely surprising that we have heard very little about him! Have you? Never. This book has hit! Hit whom? Anyway, a great success for India, Bengal, Chittagong! I wonder if you have read it. Never set eyes on it. No use of success unless it is deserved. Can't forget that Kipling for whose poetry I have a Noble contempt (his prose has value, at least ...

... y of joining the ICS. Embracing that same ideal whole-heartedly he took up the life of a college professor in a mufossil college. However, during the Second World War, when the Japanese bombed Chittagong, this college closed down and father was forced to move to Calcutta. Many opportunities of important jobs came his way. But he was a dedicated devotee and disciple of Sri Aurobindo and following... nature of the Axis Powers. Every day father would try valiantly to make these junior professors understand Sri Aurobindo’s political vision and wisdom. In the meantime the Japanese began bombing Chittagong and Cox Bazaar. At once Feni turned into a deserted town. Our life took a different turn. One by one all the families left Feni. Every professor or gentleman, while leaving Feni, requested father ...


... (without corrections even in the spellings or constructions). Now to get on with the story of Bihari-da. I begin at the beginning. Beharilal Barua was born into, it would seem, a poorish family in Chittagong (Chottogram — now in Bangladesh) in a town called Mukutnait on 29th of March 1909. (It is interesting that on the same date a few years later the Mother met Sri Aurobindo for the first time.) ... Aurobindo. He was somewhat mixed up with a revolutionary group of young people. He did not take a very active part. The group was led by Manmohan Dutta. They were some of those involved in the famous “Chittagong Armoury Raid”. (Biharida had already reached Pondy when the raid took place.) Manmohan Dutta’s brother was Bihari-da’s teacher. It was he who introduced Bihari-da to Sri Aurobindo. He would take... The vehicle moved forward and Bihari-da was on his way. I don’t know who directed the carriage to its destination — Ashram — but Bihari-da did arrive. Bihari-da met Jotin-da — another native of Chittagong — who took him in, gave him a meal and took him to Barin-da. Jotin-da was then (and till his last days) incharge of the Garden Service. Barin-da arranged for Bihari-da to meet the Mother. What ...


... Should not the Sadhanbari be regarded as the seed-type of an Asram in the making? The question arises from the fact that there is a tendency in almost all here at the Sadhanbari—and in others in Chittagong at large—to think that it (the Sadhanbari) is merely a resting-place—a temporary foothold—and that the sooner one leaves for the Yogasram at Pondicherry the better. What really is the immediate and... with us, but remain alone. Most people here are against X, who is filled with self-praise, and always criticises the Sadhanbari. There is absolutely no hope of mutual harmony and confidence in Chittagong and it is idle to talk of it when the hearts of the sadhaks are full of all kinds of egoism, mutual dislike, jealousy, rivalry, suspicion, fault-finding and all sorts of uncleanness. It is only through... happened at Rangpur—that was the reason why X refused to lodge him without an express order from here. But, seeing the results of my intervention, I refuse to intervene in any other matter. The Chittagong sadhaks must themselves settle their own affairs. 30 October 1936 Association Not a Necessity I am feeling the want of association with co-sadhaks here. I am trying to adapt myself to the ...


... Memorable Contacts with The Mother III: PLUNGE INTO DARKNESS As soon as we reached Chittagong, I received a telegram from my relatives in Rangoon that a Government post had fallen vacant and I was sure to get it, if I applied for it. I was in a fix, for I had told the Mother that I would practise in my home town. Fate now decided otherwise and I sailed... like leaving an enchanted island of Circe and buffetted and bruised, reaching one’s native shore. After knocking about for six months or so for a job, finally I was driven back to find my anchor at Chittagong as I had told the Mother at our first meeting. Page 15 I was within an ace of getting a Government post at Calcutta, but on the eve of the selection my lodging was again searched by... cannot then be wrong in claiming for me a predestination. The Police had been pursuing me since I had left college because of my participation in the Non-Co-operation movement. The atmosphere at Chittagong happened to be more congenial. I found some friends who were connected with the Ashram. Through my niece, who had already become an Ashram member, my contact with the Mother was also renewed. I used ...

... India, wrote to the Chief Secretary to the Government of Bengal a letter, known as the Risley Letter, detailing the proposed further reduction of the area and population of Bengal by sundering the Chittagong Division and the districts of Dacca and Mymensingh from the mother province, and annexing them to Assam. Among the reasons advanced by the Government for the proposal, apart from the vastness of... and East Bengal which, according to Curzon, was going to be particularly benefited by the scheme of Partition, was perhaps the loudest in its denunciation. "The people of Dacca, Mymensingh and Chittagong organised in course of the following two months (December 1903-January 1904) about 500 protest meetings to voice forth their strong disapproval of the proposed change." 5 The tempo of the agitation... monarch may be moved to relent, a despotic bureaucracy is impregnable to human appeal. According to the Proclamation, "the districts of Dacca, Mymensingh, Faridpur, Backergunge, Tippera, Noakhali, Chittagong, the Hill tracts, Rajshahi, Dinajpur, Jalpaiguri, Rangpur, Bogra, Pabna, and Malda which now form the Bengal division of the Presidency of Fort William will, along with the territories at present ...

... Kumar Palit (Binder of Books) Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves. ThomaS Carlyle Biren Palit was from East Bengal (now Bangladesh) — Chittagong (many would prefer Chottogram). Diwanpur was his birthplace, may have been a small town or village. Biren-da was an ordinary looking man in build and appearance — like many other Bengalees, i... unusually long hair, also thick and black, that hung below his waist (could be the envy of many a girl). I have no recollection of his hair turning grey (I have noticed this phenomena in some others from Chittagong — not the length but the non-greying). Biren-da was born on the 27th of February of 1906. He arrived here — Ashram — on 27.7.30 at the age of 24. Biren-da was a man after my heart. What in him ...


... proposal in the present letter. [3] 9 December 1922. Written to Barin in response to a letter from Jyotish Ghose, a Bhawanipore sadhak. [4] 30 December 1922. Krishnashashi, a young man from Chittagong, became a member of the Bhawanipore centre, but soon began to experience serious difficulties. This is the first of several letters written by Sri Aurobindo in connection with his case. (There is... Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry. In Calcutta he was associated with Barin in his various enterprises, one of which was the Cherry Press. To Krishnashashi. January 1923 . A young sadhak from Chittagong, East Bengal, Krishnashashi went insane while practising yoga at Barin's centre in Bhawanipore. See also letters [4] - [9] to Barindrakumar Ghose above. To Rajani Palit. 6 April 1923 ...


... the Non-Cooperation Movement had come to a sort of a standstill. I told my mother, "I'll go to Calcutta. I don't want to study any more in the local school of Chittagong." There was a big railway strike at that time, stretching from Chittagong to Calcutta. So we had to take special permission from the magistrate. It was the first time that I was facing a magistrate (a European) in the court and he gave ...


... I was using the supramental Force? I have said all along that it was not the supramental Force that was acting. If you want the supramental Force, you had better go to Jogesh Mama of Chittagong. I hear from Chittagong that the supramental Force is descending in him. I have put down a few comments to throw cold water on all this blazing hot allopathism. But all these furious disputes seem to me now ...

... told you that I was using the supramental Force? I have said all along that it was not the supramental Force that was acting. If you want the supramental Force, you had better go to X of Chittagong. I hear from Chittagong that the Supramental Force is descending in him, (In the medical report I wrote Achancha r instead of Achancha l ) Sri Aurobindo commented: Is this r or /? If r, please ...


... poetry. A letter of G. V. Subbarao to Sri Aurobindo about the visit of Devdas-Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi's son, to Pondicherry. 17 June. Talk on passive resistance. Letter from Suren, a sadhaka from Chittagong, asking permission to come to Pondi­cherry after selling all his lands. 19 June. Talk on the difference between Satyagraha and passive resistance. 22 June. Talk on the success of khadi and... November. A letter from Kanailal Hazara. A reply. 30 November.   A letter from Sri Aurobindo's sister-in-law (Mrinalini Devi's sister), written after her bereavement. Krishnashashi, a sadhaka from Chittagong who had become unbalanced, suddenly made his appearance in Pondicherry. For three days he created a great disturbance. He tried to force his . ¹ Cf. Purani, Evening Talks , First Series, p ...


... High Court has definitely ceased to protect the liberties of the people and become an informal department of the Government. The dislocation of trade caused by its diversion from Calcutta to Chittagong might be a calamity of the first magnitude to Calcutta but its evil effects on Eastern Bengal would, the enemy might well argue, be of a very temporary character. The transfer of advanced provinces ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... JOIN PALS RELEASE DEMONSTRATION NINTH HELP PURSE WIRE AMOUNT. Page 168 [2] [Telegrams from Aurobindo, Harrison Road, Calcutta, to Satyendra Basu, Midnapur, and Jamini Sen, Chittagong:] CELEBRATE PAL DEMONSTRATION NINTH. HELP PURSE. WIRE AMOUNT. [3] [Telegrams from Ghose, Harrison Road, Calcutta to Sitanath Adhikari, Pabna; Ananda Sen, Jalpaiguri; Jatindra Sen ...


... additions,—the Magura School, another in the Jessore District, another at Jalpaiguri as well as a free primary school at Bogra. We understand that there is also a probability of a National School at Chittagong and Noakhali. No mean record for a single year. As was to be expected, most of these schools have grown up in the great centre of Nationalism, East Bengal. Such is the record of Nationalist advance ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... utilized against us. The instinct of the country had seized on this truth and the organization of Swadeshi steam services has been one of the first and most successful outcomes of the new movement. The Chittagong Company and Tuticorin Company have both been a phenomenal success and, owing to the spirit of self-sacrificing patriotism which has awakened in the hearts of the people, they have been able to beat ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... fellow." How in his early years in the Ashram, when he was in charge of the furniture department and had gone to a house to remove a cot, he had been thoroughly mystified by a Sadhak, a native of Chittagong, informing him that "the cot was on Barinda." - "You mean Barinda (Sri Aurobindo's brother) is on the cot," Amal had endeavoured to place the two in their logical position. "No", insisted ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 November 12, 1960 ( It has not stopped raining for the last 20 days ... ) Chittagong was hit by a cyclone, there were tidal waves somewhere else ... The cyclone went up the wrong side!—for according to X's predictions, it was Karachi that should have disappeared. He said only in 1962 or ...


... To put the story in brief: during the civil Page 95 war in East Pakistan, he, accompanied by his elder brother made his escape. Trudging along a perilous route from the farthest end of Chittagong and crossing the border at Tripura, he arrived one day at the Ashram. When the Mother was told about it, she exclaimed, "Good Lord!" That’s all. So the boy’s destiny brought him back. After this ...

... higher type. Are these distinctions really so difficult to understand? February 19, 1937 What does this telegram from Chand mean? All I know is that this loan company is a company in Chittagong where he has kept deposits. Is it the position of his complex self or the self of the company that is risky? Which? Both perhaps. One thing is clear that he requires your protection. Well ...

... Considering all this, it is not a bad example. Too romantic perhaps. Here it is: Like a flame of flowers on yonder tree, Like the rippling waves of the sea, 239 Chittagong, in present-day Bangladesh. Page 178 Very fine rhymes! (Laughter) Dance, dance, O my soul, thou playmate of Light, Winging the sapphire height. ...


... she wants it, the demand for it must be independent of the depression through which she is passing. If there is a call deep within her then it will be answered Disciple : There is A – from Chittagong – who wants a reply to his letter. He is already having a "hut" there for his Sadhana. Sri Aurobindo : I don't understand why a "hut" is necessary Disciple : It is the time-honored ...

... can drag others into it. Sri Aurobindo : If they were in the Supramental, then the question would not arise, as they would never try to drag anyone into it.     Disciple : Nowadays Chittagong people have left off writing letters. Page 250 Disciple : Except K who sent an unpaid letter which I refused to accept without asking you. Sri Aurobindo : You did well ...

... Her devoted footballers’ exemplary conduct. At the beginning Arun used to play at the goal. Arun’s game was flawless and he was a most dependable player. As backs we had Hriday and Sudhir from Chittagong. Later Kashi Das too joined. Bir Singh, Abhay Singh, Dayakar, Kunjbehari and Robi Gupta used to play in the midfield. As forwards we had Sunil-da, Amiyo, Kanak, Jayant, Manju and Ranju Gupta. Sunil-da ...


... periods as regards writing poetry. Nolini Kanta Gupta and Suresh Chakravarty had of course started long ago, Anilbaran also, Dilip, Nishikanta were going on with great speed. Behari Barua, Jatin Das of Chittagong were also on the list. Nirod’s niece Jyotirmala (formerly Jyotirmoyee) started writing here and was doing it remarkably. Nirod too put his hand to it and was faring well. I used to compose from childhood ...

... fresh memorial to Government is significant as we pointed out yesterday. A similar Resolution, published in our telegraphic columns last Wednesday, has been adopted at a gathering of 20,000 men at Chittagong, in spite of the attempt made by some people to refer the matter to the local leaders. The question was asked whether a larger vote could be taken on this topic at any meeting of the local Association ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... 30-April-1908 Srijut Surendranath's organ is very anxious for union, we wish it were equally passionate for truth. The country has begun to speak out about the Convention and at Dhulia and Chittagong Page 1078 references have been made to the Convention and opinions expressed for an united Congress on the old lines which are of the utmost significance. The Bengalee seems to have ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... there he dropped everything, picked up his “ jhola and gerua ” (bag and ochre robes) and left, determined not to return and to go to the South. He set out in 1928 — but went to the east — Rangoon and Chittagong. Back to Bengal, anger subsided, he visited home, and then moved to Calcutta, in June 1932. In Calcutta he met a young sadhu. They talked and in their conversation the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in ...


... The removal of the fragments of illness is not yet done, but it is preparing and will happen in a short time. This is all for the time being. [3] April 2. 1927. Lipi Christmas. Chittagong will be taken up. [4] ॐ आनन्दमयि चैतन्यमयि सत्यमयि परमे OM anandamayi chaitanyamayi [satyamayi parame] Page 1352 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... ask Ardhendu to play a little sitar here in the dispensary, at night? I shall invite just a few friends. I suppose it can be done. Chand has asked your advice and protection for going to Chittagong in January. Protection is possible, advice not. November 18, 1936 Guru, Mother said I was receptive? But how? I don't know really. How the devil can you know, when you are not ...

... 1940 Talks with Sri Aurobindo 29 FEBRUARY 1940 NIRODBARAN: While talking of the Burma rebellion and the Chittagong Armoury raid, Dutt came out with the belief that by such uprisings India can get independence. SRI AUROBINDO: How will India do it? NIRODBARAN: D asked Dutt what Surya Sen would have done if the British army had attacked. Dutt replied ...


... to him that, even living outside, sadhana can be done, for it is done by the psychic which can receive from anywhere. Of course it can—there are plenty of people doing it outside in Rangpur, Chittagong, Gujerat and elsewhere. How far they will get is another matter. So staying here is not absolutely necessary; and simple staying won't give anything either. [Sri Aurobindo underlined "simple" ...

... north like the string of a bow". The name Himavat in the above passage refers not only to the snow capped ranges of the Himalayas but also to their less elevated offshoots — the Patkai, Lushai and Chittagong Hills in the east, and the Sulaiman and Kirthar ranges in the west. These go down to the Sea and separate India from the wooded valley of Irrawady, on the one hand, and the hilly tableland of Iran ...

... me tell you about Kiran-da. Just as Manibhai had a passion for dogs and Ardhendu-da for cats, Kiran-da had a passion for cows. Cows were his very life. He came to the Ashram in 1939- 40 from Chittagong. Since his school days he had been eager to come to Sri Aurobindo Ashram and began saving money in order to come here. Regularly he wrote to the Ashram praying for permission to come. But permission ...


... basis; unless the ground is there no structure can be raised on it," he said. A wire was sent in reply to Krishnashashi asking him not to come to Pondicherry. (Krishnashashi, a Sadhaka from Chittagong, had become deranged in mind). Another wire was sent to a disciple at Calcutta to stop Krishnashashi from proceeding to Pondicherry. The contents of a letter from a pleader of Wardha – one Mr ...

... Transformation tree I suddenly remembered the tree standing in the middle of the Ashram. When I came here in 1944 for good I witnessed a powerful cyclone. In Feni there used to be frequent storms. Chittagong suffers from the fury of cyclones and storms almost every year. But I had never seen a cyclone right on the coast like this one. Huge mountain-like tidal waves came crashing onto the road. The pier ...


... passage with a smile, and his hands in a pugilistic attitude. I do not know what made him welcome me in that militant fashion, when I was a meek servant of the Lord. Was it because I hailed from Chittagong of the Armoury Raid reputation? He would then start narrating some thrilling episodes of his heroic exploits. His mood would change, madness vanish, his dreamy eyes, turned far away, while his nostalgic ...

... turns the pages and pointing to the photos of some freedom fighters asks who they were .) Mona: Oh, Mother! These were the men who captured from the British the surrounding portion of the town of Chittagong and declared the area free. They had held that freedom for a short while until new British reinforcements came. But they put up a stiff fight until they were overcome by a much larger force. Although ...

... before .... Page 273 She bathed me in the cascade of her smile and heart-melting look. 492 His plan, he told her then, was to return to Bengal and practise in his home town, Chittagong. "It was an impromptu answer, for I had not made up my mind at all." For, as he later confessed, I cared very little for God and had no faith. I started the sadhana without having any idea ...


... that she did not want me to be like D. This person whom the Mother mentioned had begun to go out of the Ashram from 1936 and ended by leaving the Ashram altogether in 1953. I went out. I was in Chittagong, then in Maharashtra, where the Mother sent me letters; sometimes the address too was written in her own hand. I returned two months later. The Mother enquired as to how I liked all these people ...

Romen Palit   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Grace