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Demiurge : in Plato’s Timaeus “creator of the world”. It was later adopted by the Gnostics to distinguish the creator of the material universe from the supreme God. In Homer the term includes manual workers, heralds, & physicians.

41 result/s found for Demiurge

... "Mortal God", any Demiurge ambiguous or evil, who creates mortal things, but the Supreme Himself and, in the second place, that the creatures against whom the wrath burns bright are explicitly not denizens of the temporal world but Angels rebellious in Heaven itself. At the same time we agree with Raine that the Tyger's maker is an intermediate divinity: even though he is not a Demiurge of the Gnostic... furnaces lies with Urizen and that Los becomes the master smith by seizing on Urizen's furnaces but also that Urizen who is the chief Demiurge must have a major hand in the Tyger's making since there is a strong parallel in some of the Hermetica's phrases about the Demiurge to those that leap to us in some of Blake's questions. Secondly, we have to show that in Blake's other writings Los may be figured... the Tyger is but this animal's participation in that natural world which is for ever kindling and consuming. As to Urizen, maker of both the Tyger and night-forests, Raine relates him to the "Demiurge" of the Gnostic philosophies, the "Workman Mind" of the Hermetica and the "Mortal God" of Paracelsus - the universe's creator who is not the supreme God but a power descended from the latter. The ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... that we are turning Nature into a new Demiurge. For no one has the right to be a demiurge, except man, of course. Oh well, let him be! Though for the moment, he cuts a different figure. Nature has no need to be a demiurge, nor God to be God!—each one needs to be what he is, not more, and when one is, there is only ONE thing, and it is all the same: God, demiurge, crocodile or ladybug. Because there ...

... in addition, a 20th-century sensibility. Homer possessed of a vision as wide as the world of his day, a sympathy as deep as the heart itself and a vast interpretative sense created, like a demiurge, in his Iliad and Odyssey, a world of his own: a whole human world of terror and pity and passion; the battlefield's blood-thirstiness, the tenderness of the heart, and the all-ruling majesty... chiefly on the polish and refinement and an almost utmost finish in his chief work Aeneid (about fifteen-thousand verses). Sri Aurobindo too was an assiduous artist, but his was a labour on a demiurge scale, organising words coming from the sempiternal planes. In range too Aeneid, though embodying the greatness and glory of Rome and the Roman empire controlling "the Nations far and wide" and ...

... the one we live in, was entrusted to a Demiurge, a “blind god” (Samael), also called Yadalbaoth. Here we are back to the basic Gnostic myth, which the Mother confirmed by telling it more than once in her own way, although with the warning that there was a deeper meaning beneath the story as told to children. Because of the ill-begotten creation by the Demiurge, the divine manifestation became divided ...

... is the real world-builder? Our own mind, at any rate, is not an original and primary creative power of Consciousness; it is, and all mind of the same character must be, derivative, an instrumental demiurge, an intermediary creator. It is likely then that analogies from the errors of mind, which are the outcome of an intermediate Ignorance, may not truly illustrate the nature or action of an original... at unpermitted possibilities, or turn truths to an application which is not applicable. Mind creates, but it is not an original creator, not omniscient or omnipotent, not even an always efficient demiurge. Maya, the Illusive Power, on the contrary, must be an original creator, for it creates all things out of nothing—unless we suppose that it creates out of the substance of the Reality, but then the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the intelligence of the mortal God." The expression "mortal God" applied to the Tyger's creator is borrowed from the Alchemical philosophy of Paracelsus and is equivalent to the "Demiurge" of the Gnostics. The Demiurge of Gnosticism is not the supreme God but an ambivalent power descended from the latter and he, not the supreme God, is the creator of the mortal universe with its abundant evil joined ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... exist between us would be resolved (for myself as for you) by a clearer understanding of the fact that there are four "worlds" or levels in play in Blake. In the world of generation (created by the demiurge Urizen) the "fallen" Zoas or "starry ones" including Urizen himself have one aspect; in the "eternal" world not only Los but all four are the four "faces" of the Eternal Man. Jesus the Imagination... of Experience" - to round off her concession. Is this rounding-off inevitable? According to Miss Raine's own reading, the "he" who manifests himself in the Tyger is not the Supreme Divinity but a Demiurge who, if not an evil being, is at least an ambiguous one. He can hardly be Jesus the Imagination, the Logos, God the Son, a genuine facet of the Supreme Divinity, whom it would be an error to dub demiurgic ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... reads: “When the conscious Spirit intervenes, a supremely concentrated pace of evolutionary swiftness becomes possible.” (LD 932) Evolution Two-Tiered “We can no longer suppose that God or some Demiurge 13 has manufactured each genus and species ready-made in body and in consciousness and left the matter there, having looked upon his work and seen that it was good,” wrote Sri Aurobindo. “It has... × Joel Garreau: Radical Revolution , pp. 71-1. × A “Demiurge” is a secondary God who has created the world of his own volition, and is responsible for the falsehood, suffering and evil in it. In Gnosticism he was identified with Jahweh. ...

... in this sphere of duality), the end of the world will nevertheless be there, just as Death lies in wait for saint and sinner without distinction. Not that it is a matter of a perverse game or of a demiurge who would impose on us a collective limit after having limited us individually—even though this would be the idea which we form and would in fact be the role assigned to and by Death—, but because ...


... He wished to know himself through it. Thus the Vedas were born and the four austerities and the great rhythms were set into movement. In the darkness that was engulfed by darkness he moved as the Demiurge and soon the gods found the means to build up the existent. The Divine Purusha by accepting Darkness grew superconscient in many forms. He expressed himself multifoldly in the material and the supramental ...

... disgusted with the God taught by the Chaldean religions, and especially the Christian religion—a single God, jealous, severe, despotic and so much in the image of man that one wonders if it is not a demiurge as Anatole Fiancé said—these people when they want to lead a spiritual life no longer want the personal God, because they are Page 5 too frightened lest the personal God resemble ...

... models or "archimages" beyond this world and perceived at the base of the cosmos an undifferentiated flux of being which is almost like non-being. Upon this flux a creative Power which he named the Demiurge (the Divine Workman) imposes reflections of the ideal forms that are above and he turns the lower chaos into an orderly universe. But as the forms themselves are never present below in their pristine ...


... world of living characters and real-seeming situations and "unknown modes of being". An energetic constructiveness Page 262 on a grand scale rather than a formative force as of a demiurge distinguishes Dante, even as it marks out Kalidasa who, like him, would otherwise be in the company of those topmost four.   So Sri Aurobindo's admiration for Dante could never have been of ...


... supported by the Divine Existence; but we have then to suppose two Gods, an Ormuzd of the good and an Ahriman of the evil or, perhaps, a perfect supracosmic and immanent Being and an imperfect cosmic Demiurge or separate undivine Nature. This is a possible conception but improbable to our highest intelligence,—it can only be at most a subordinate aspect, not the original truth or the whole truth of things; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... in its past instruction and formative training and the degree of its developed capacity, intensity and activity. Still, in spite of these dividing furrows, we can no longer suppose that God or some Demiurge has manufactured each genus and species ready-made in body and in consciousness and left the matter there, having looked upon his work and seen that it was good. It has become evident that a secretly ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... some unknown process, a fresh, independent and in a way sudden creation. In the first case, we have the scientific order of physical evolution,—in the other one knows not well what, perhaps an unseen Demiurge who developed the whole thing in the earlier period of the earth evolution and has now wholly or almost entirely stopped the business so that we have no new physical development of that kind, but ...


... treatment? ... Perhaps if people here had realized the supermind. But are they so exceptional as to expect exceptional treatment? ... As Sri Aurobindo says, people see God as a magnified man: he is the Demiurge, Jehovah—what I call the 'Lord of Falsehood.' Arbitrariness. But the Divine is not like that! People say, 'I gave everything, I sacrificed everything. In exchange, I expect exceptional cond ...


... done me the honour of referring to my essay. On p. 230 of Vol. I, in the course of her own thesis, she has the statement: "Blake's Tyger is another fiery beast, created in the furnaces of the demiurge by the theft of 'fire,' the solar spiritual principle. 78 " Her note 78 on p. 407 reads: "K. D. Sethna has written a fine exposition of this theme, still unpublished at the time of writing." Vol ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... the archetypal Ideas are inherent in and intrinsic to the supreme Reality and not either a secondary realm of manifestation or else themselves an abstract primal pattern which a secondary being, a demiurge, has to imitate or work by: they are both an original self-expression of the One and, in their own right, a primary creative power. I don't know whether Plotinus elaborates these points, but ...


... Came she to birth then with God for her enemy? Were we created He unwilling or sleeping? did someone transgress the fated Limits he set, outwitting God? In the too hasty vision Marred of some demiurge filmed there the blur of a fatal misprision, Making a world that revolves on itself in a circuit of failure, Aeons of striving, death for a recompense, Time for our tenure? Out of him rather she ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... originator who disowns all responsibility for these results of his universal Power or casts them upon an illusive consciousness entirely different from his own or leaves them to a mechanical Law or to a Demiurge or to a Manichean conflict of Principles. He is not an aloof and indifferent Witness who waits impassively for all to abolish itself or return to its unmoved original principle. He is the mighty lord ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... is, the seventh day he looked at it and was extremely satisfied with his work and he rested.... Well, that never! I do not call that God. Or otherwise, follow Anatole France and say that God is a demiurge and the most frightful of all beings. But there is a way out of the difficulty. ( To a child ) Do you know it, you? Yes, yes, you know it! You will see all these conceptions and this idea that ...


... disgusted with the God taught by the Chaldean religions, and especially by the Christian religion—a single God, jealous, severe, despotic and so much in the image of man that one wonders if it is not a demiurge as Anatole France said—these people when they want to lead a spiritual life no longer want the personal God, because they are too frightened lest the personal God resemble the one they have been taught ...


... and there you are! To speak less flippantly, the first three have at once supreme imaginative originality, supreme poetic gift, widest scope and supreme creative genius. Each is a sort of poetic Demiurge who has created a world of his own. Dante's triple world beyond is more constructed by the poetic seeing mind than by this kind of elemental demiurgic power—otherwise he would rank by their side; ...


... even in surpassing itself, to reach to an imitative and fragmentary reflection of a dream of the limited omniscience and omnipotence which is the privilege of a delegated divinity, of the god, of a demiurge. It is a power for creation, but either tentative and uncertain and succeeding by good chance or the favour of circumstance or else, if assured by some force of practical ability or genius, subject ...


... artist Mallarme vis-a-vis the Azure finds tongue in the famous poem called L'Azur. There the disturbance caused in him by the sky-presence turns into a revolt. Under the gaze of the great Demiurge on high, the pro-ductive abundance at once sublime and soft; innocent and volup-tuous, sky-showered and earth-sprouted, the poet feels not only barren but also baulked and broken as if by a subtle ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... models, divine originals, forms of perfect purpose, whose broken shadows and faulty imitations we perceive around us. He was not quite sure also whether the world-creative Power whom he called the Demiurge is one with the supreme reality of Ideas, their self-manifesting aspect, or a subordinate deity copying out in mutable phenomena transcendent patterns passive for ever. Nor was he quite sure again ...


... descended into earthly nature. The disk of a secret sun of Power and Joy and Knowledge is emerging out of the material consciousness in which our mind works as a chained slave or a baffled and impotent demiurge; supermind will be the formed body of that radiant effulgence. Superman is not man climbed to his own natural zenith, not a superior degree of human greatness, knowledge, power, intelligence, will ...


... Doctrina Christiana, 45, 100-02, 265 De Victoria Verbi Dei, 45 "deep", 14, 89, 90, 91, 120, 239 "deeps", 13-16, 33, 77, 78, 88, 90, 9 1 , 92, 1 10, 238-39 Page 271 Demiurge, 27,170,173,177,209,222, 266 Demogorgon, 23,240 Desire, 70,158 deus absconditus, 28 Devil, 44 "devouring fire", 74,75 "devouring flame", 74,75,169 Dissertation upon the ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... along-side Valmiki, Vyasa and Homer, Sethna re-emphasises that Shakespeare is the supreme poet of the vital, the elemental and the human plane of life-force, informed and impelled by the creative demiurge. The phenomenal creative range, scope, power and energy of the dramatist is his distinction. It is complemented by his 'architectonic' power as a great builder of dramatic structures with dynamic ...


... consciousness? Yet many religions in the East and the West essentially agree with this interpretation of Vedanta: somewhere something has gone wrong (maybe because of the magic intervention by a Black Demiurge?); the Earth is no more than a necessary evil (as, once born on it, our incarnation cannot be helped); and we can only try to get in the Hereafter by the shortest possible way (hopefully in the enjoyable ...


... for creating a teeming world of living characters and real-seeming situations and "unknown modes of being". An energetic constructiveness on a grand scale rather than a formative force as of a demiurge distinguishes Dante, even as it marks out Kalidasa who, like him, would otherwise be in the company of those topmost four. So Sri Aurobindo's admiration for Dante could never have been of ...


... even in surpassing itself, to reach to an imitative and fragmentary reflection of a dream of the limited omniscience and omnipotence which is the privilege of a delegated divinity, of the god, of a demiurge. It is a power for creation, but either tentative and uncertain and' succeeding by good chance or the favour of circumstance or else, if assured by some force of practical ability or genius, subject ...

... so full of falsehood that it would almost be better to forget it; we sometimes think that God is the cleverest invention of the devil—why, of course, they go together! For what is that omnipotent demiurge who rules over the earth from the heights of his heaven? It is childish and revolting for any enlightened mind, even if he does send down his son from time to time to repair the whole mess he has ...


... Death, the fight for the mountain pass in the later Baji Prabhou: one would almost think that, between them, are comprehended the essence of Paradise, Inferno and Purgatorial Earth. But the demiurge that was Sri Aurobindo's poetic energy sought other avenues too for forceful self-expression. After the two early romantic narratives, Sri Aurobindo wrote his first full-length play in blank verse ...

... Avatar. But still the Guru is only a vessel of the infinite Knowledge, the Avatar is only a particular manifestation of the Divine Personality. It is shocking to our spiritual notions to find cosmic Demiurges of a vague semi-divine character put between us and the All-Powerful and All-Loving and Kutthumi and Maurya taking the place of God. One sees, finally, a new Theocracy claiming the place of the ...

... will never grasp hold of is the internal tension of the Consciousness that causes this and only this break, at that and only that moment. We can violate all the molecules we like, like laboratory demiurges, but we will not produce what follows man, it is that simple. We will not have obtained the secret of man. This is the exact limitation of our science. Just as we can force and bombard all the particles ...

... g men To greatness: an inspired labour chisels With heavenly cruelty an unwilling mould. Implacable in the passion of their will, Lifting the hammers of titanic toil The demiurges of the universe work; Page 166 They shape with giant strokes their own; their sons Are marked with their enormous stamp of fire then the debate of the God of Death and ...

... g men To greatness: an inspired labour chisels With heavenly cruelty an unwilling mould. Implacable in the passion of their will, Lifting the hammers of titanic toil The demiurges of the universe work; They shape with giant strokes their own; their sons Are marked with their enormous stamp of fire - [p. 444] then the debate of the God of Death and the ...

... and read The unknown pathology of the Unique. 35 "They" are the world-creators, here called by Sri Aurobindo "a subtle archangel race", and called by the Mother in her Entretiens "demiurges" or "intermediary creators" who shape and concretise the manifestation on the levels between "the Unique" and the Inconscient foundation. A last example is the role of the "void" in the ...

... men To greatness; an inspired labour chisels With heavenly cruelty an unwilling mould. Implacable in the passion of their will, Lifting the hammers of titanic toil The demiurges of the universe work; They shape with giant strokes their own; their sons Are marked with their enormous stamp of fire. A new Aeschylus seems to find tongue in this grandiose ...