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Dis : Roman god of the underworld, equivalent to the Greek Pluto or Hades.

59 result/s found for Dis

... “Mother, let go of me, let go of me. It’s very painful.” But the Mother continued shaking me. “Dis, ‘Je me porte bien.’ ” (Say, ‘I am well.’) I was flabbergasted. My body was burning with fever. How could I say I was well? No word came out of my mouth. The Mother’s grip tightened. “Dis, ‘Je me porte bien.’ ” I kept crying out of pain. “Tais-toi. Tais-toi.” (Quiet, be quiet.) “Sri... “Sri Aurobindo is in the other room.” On hearing Sri Aurobindo’s name my crying increased even more. The Mother did not stop shaking me by the neck. She kept saying: “Dis, ‘Je me porte bien.’ ” and She continued to shake me at the same time. Just to be free from the Mother’s vice-like grip I repeated, still crying: “Je me porte bien. Je me porte bien.” (I am well. I am well.) The... time it came up at such a spot that I found it difficult to walk or even sit. After hesitating for a long time I was forced to tell the Mother about the problem. The Mother blew up once again: “Je dis: Non, Non!” (I say: No, No!) And once again on seeing this Rudra form I was confident that I was cured of my boil. In the evening when She came to the Playground to take the salute at the March Past ...


... departed, Artemis leading lightning-tasselled. Ancient Themis remained and awful Dis and Ananke. Then mid these last of the gods who shall stand when all others have perished, Zeus to the Silence obscure under iron brows of that goddess,– Griefless, unveiled was her visage, dire and unmoved and eternal: "Thou and I, O Dis, remain and our sister Ananke. That which the joyous hearts of our children... suffers and slaughters,– We three are free from ourselves, O Dis, and free from each other. Do then, O King of the Night, observe then with Time for thy servant Not my behest, but What she and thou and I are for ever."     Mute the Darkness sat like a soul unmoved through the aeons, Page 461 Then came a voice from the silence of Dis, from the night there came wisdom. "Yes, I have chosen... impetuous eyes looked forth from a cloud-drift of splendour; Themis' steps appeared and Ananke, the mystic Erinnys; Nor was Hephaestus' flaming strength from his father divided. Even the ancient Dis to arrive dim-featured, eternal, Seemed; but his rays are the shades and his voice is the call of the silence.     Into the courts divine they crowded, radiant, burning, Perfect in utter grace and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... point", he writes: "And the horizon is then swept clear for new perspectives. Recognition that the phenomenon of spirit is a change of state greatly simplifies our views of the universe. But this dis- Page 219 covery has another advantage: it lights the forward march of the world around us." 13 The concept of "critical point" does for us exactly the same opening up of vistas ahead... 19.P. 101. Page 221 extended and fragmentated that its elements are only visible to us in their statistical properties, that is to say in the form of inflexible, completely 'dis-animated' laws. From this viewpoint, material determinisms cease to provide the skeleton of the world; they are only a secondary effect in the cosmos..." 20 Almost at the end of the essay we are told... would be a traitor to 'the World', by getting away from the   20.Ibid., p. 150: "..Je dots faire mon possible pour secouer 1'immobilisme, mais, en travaillant et en poussant 'from inside', je me dis parfois que c'est peut-etre mon role, mon espece de vocation, de me trouver enferme au cceur de 1'organisme ecclesiastique avec le temperament le plus anticonfessionnel et le plus desesperement humain ...

... leading lightning-tasselled. Ancient Themis remained and awful Dis and Ananke. Then mid these last of the gods who shall stand when all others have perished, Zeus to the Silence obscure under iron brows of that goddess,- Griefless, unveiled was her visage, dire and unmoved and eternal: "Thou and I, O Dis, remain and our sister Ananke. Page 102 That which the... suffers and slaughters, We three are free from ourselves, O Dis, and free from each other. Do then, O King of the Night, observe then with Time for thy servant Not my behest, but What she and thou and I are for ever." Mute the Darkness sat like a soul unmoved through the aeons, Then came a voice from the silence of Dis, from the night there came wisdom. "Yes, I have chosen... forth from a cloud-drift of splendour; Page 75 Themis' steps appeared and Ananke, the mystic Erinnys; Nor was Hephaestus' flaming strength from his father divided. Even the ancient Dis to arrive dim-featured, eternal, Seemed; but his rays are the shades and his voice is the call of the silence. Into the courts divine they crowded, radiant, burning, Perfect in utter grace ...


... flower than any in the fair field, and then a deep shadow is swiftly conjured up with "gloomy Dis" -the epithet quantitatively long in the first syllable and unobtrusively joining up, by its second unaccented syllable's quantitative shortness of i-sound, with the quantitatively short but emphasised name "Dis" in which the same sound occurs. There is a momentary suspense at the line's end where the name... ornate richness overwhelms us. And this profusion starts off with the famous phrases: Not that fair field Of Enna, where Proserpin gathering flowers, Herself a fairer flower, by gloomy Dis Was gathered - which cost Ceres all that pain To seek her through the world... 8 We begin with four emphatic words - "Not that fair field" - all with stresses, the last two with heavy... preparation of the inevitability is in the fair flowery nature of the gatherer of flowery fairness. The clinching of the inevitability comes not only with the word "gathered" in connection with what Dis does, thus harking Page 83 back to the earlier "gathering" connected with Proserpin: it comes also with the word "gloomy" alliterating with them and thereby suggesting that one who carries ...

... Abhay Singh. Je te dis done ce qui ne s'efface pas de ma memoire: Abhay Singh s'eloignait dans la lumiere sur un chemin en or solide. II s'est tourne et j'ai vu son sourire qui etait tres doux. Quant au detail, Sri Aurobindo dont tu me paries, tout ce dont je me souviens, e'est une atmosphere, une essence de Sri Aurobindo qui enveloppait Abhay Singh. Tu me dis que j'avais parle de... et d'Abhay Singh, nous avons pense a Mere quand les vieux fideles la quittaient un a un. Rien a dire ou trop a dire pour Sujata, j'ai le coeur qui gonfle dans la poitrine. Si un jour tu la rencontres dis-lui toujours ma tendresse. J'aime Satprem, mais j'avais et j'ai toujours un «coin special» dans le coeur pour elle____ Je te remercie Patrice... nous t'aimons beaucoup et J.P. et Claude aiment tres ...


... nothing more to "believe": it is a fact. And everything falls from our hands, it no longer means anything. Perhaps this is how the first invasion of the Real will take place: in reverse. A sudden "dis-invasion" of everything that fills us. A fantastic vacant and "empty" hour. Everything eludes us. It no longer has any meaning. A great, senseless moment. An overwhelming minute of unreality. The... find themselves where they had not expected to be. The Mystery consists perhaps in our not understanding all the mystery of this present little second. At each second the mystery is there. The great "dis-illusion" of the end (or of the new beginning) is at each instant piercing the crust of appearances for those who know how not to look in the "usual way." An enormous veil of habit eclipses to us the ...


... Lorsque la pluie tombe à verse sur les arbres et les buissons, j'aime m'asseoir au coin de ma chambrette, j'aime écouter tes contes. Regarde, ma mère, l'averse entre par la fenêtre; dis-moi maintenant où se trouvent leg vastes landes enchantées.   Au bard de quel océan, ma mère, au revers de quelle   Page 308 montagne, au pays... meurent à toute heure des herbes desséchées? N'y a-t-il qn'un seul arbre défeuille où demeure un couple d'oiseaux monstres? Le bûcheron, ne passe-t-il point par là avec son faisceau de bois? Oh! dis-moi où se trouvent les vastes landes enchantées?   Quels sombres nuages ont couvert la voûte entière! Et Ie Prince traverse Ie champ, seul sur son cheval. Le collier de perle ...

... And others too, "aegis-bearing Athene, shielded and helmeted", "Artemis, archeress   Page 641 ancient", "immortal Apollo", Themis, and Ananke, and Hephaestus, and the "ancient Dis", "into the courts divine they crowded, radiant, burning". In Sri Aurobindo's play, Eric, as we saw earlier (Chapter VI), the end-note is "not Thor... but Freya"; in Perseus the Deliverer, the... some of the divinities - Ares, Aphrodite, Apollo - are on the side of the Trojans, while others, Poseidon and Hera and Athene, are with the Greeks. And above them all are the "awful three" - Themis, Dis and Ananke - and Zeus of course is above everybody. These gods and goddesses have their divers powers and personalities, yet they are not the ultimate Power - as Agni, Vayu and Indra are made to realise ...

... — he was handsome. The voice was stentorian without being harsh — it served him well in his work and elsewhere too. What he lacked was fear and what was extra was his temper even through this last (dis)qualification served well at times, as long as it did not take control. Pranab-da was a good worker. His first request to the Mother was to give him some “physical” work. So he was given work in the ...


... if - per impossibile - the mother of Jesus were taken to be there among the unnamed women in Luke, we could not imagine Jesus addressing her, for all the women were at a distance, and this point of dis-tantness is made in each of the three Synoptic Gospels. It sets all of them at loggerheads with John's statement: "Now there Page 55 stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and ...

... or Huxley or Bertrand Russell, because if these things are not true, there is no meaning in the Yoga. As for particular facts and asseverations about Bejoy Goswami or anybody else, there is room for dis- crimination, for suspension of judgment, for disbelief where there is good ground for disbelief, for right interpretation where the facts are not to be denied or questioned. But all that cannot be for ...

... September 22,1932 I do not know why you concluded from my letter that I was displeased or had lost patience. I was answering two letters of yours in which there was nothing that could dis please. I used the phrase about "calling the Divine names" very lightly and with no conscious intention in it; it was not meant in the least to convey displeasure or a reproach to you. It was used simply ...

... less gorgeous personage, though one may not go so far as to dub this personage Parsi-phoney, a sheer contrast to that gatherer of flowers, herself, as Milton says, the fairest flower, by gloomy Dis Gathered. Yes, I am a Parsi, as you already know, but not too much of a phoney - except in the sense that my ancestors have been in India for the last 1200 years and so may be said to have got ...


... bodily signs and self-expressions. His consciousness is always falling back towards the inconscience in which a large part of it is always involved, his life towards death, his physical being towards dis-aggregation. His delight of being depends on the relations of this imperfect consciousness with its environment based upon physical sensations and the sense-mind, in other words on a limited mind trying ...


... so insufficiently formed that it could not abide except by dependence upon the uninterrupted continuance of this life's mental, vital and physical individuality: unable as yet to persist in itself, dis card its past mind-formation and life-formation and build after a useful interval new formations, it would be obliged to transfer at once its rudimentary crude personality for preservation to a new body ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... that imperishable state where pain is no more. Those who are always vigilant and who discipline themselves day and night, whose minds are always turned towards Nirvana, will see their impurities dis-appear for ever. Not only today but since ancient times, they have always been criticised, those who remain silent, those who speak much and those who speak little. None here below escapes criticism ...


... energies. lower vital : made up of the smaller movements of human Iife desire and life-reactions, it is occupied with small desires and feelings, such as food desire, sexual desire, small likings, dis likings, vanity, quarrels, love of praise, anger at blame, little wishes of all kinds, etc. vital mind —a sort of mediator between the vital and the mental proper; a part of the nature of the mind ...


... disinterestedness. A word comes to me. Sweet Mother: not only peace, but transparency. Yes. (Mother writes:) Page 209 the peace and transparency of perfect dis- interestedness. This is going to become something interesting! That's the basis. And the third paragraph, you had said, "The Aurovilian should free himself from the idea of personal ...

... Qui t'a dit cela? Je n'ai jamais dit à personne et je n'ai jamais pensé une minute que tu as refusé de faire mon travail. Au contraire, je Page 32 sais que si je te dis de faire quelque chose tu le fais immedia-tement et c est pourquoi j'hesite a demander parfois quelque chose quand je sais que ce sera une depense de plus que je ne peux pas toujours payer. Sois ...


... that which they have the power to reveal and flood them with it until they overflow with its suggestions or seem even to lose themselves and disappear into the revelation. At the highest he himself dis-appears into sight: the personality of the poet is lost in the eternity of the vision, and the Spirit of all seems alone to be there speaking out sovereignly its own secrets." Note again the turn: "the ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... Page 5 is itself an unpromising omen. The Freudian system emerges from the neuropathological clinic, and to transfer neuropatho-logy in a merely intenser shape to the operations and dis-coveries of poetic genius is crass folly. Such psychology ignores just the specific art-element in art, the glory and delight of the revelatory, the perfect in word and rhythm; and the subconscious or ...


... should be fleet. But night after night the fellow officers of the charioteer — who was known in the palace of Ayodhya as Vahuka — would hear him alone, groaning and weeping, and listening they dis tinctly heard the words: "Alas! where layeth she now her head, a hungered and a thirst, helpless and worn with toil, thinking ever of him who was unworthy? Where dwelleth she now? On whose bidding doth ...


... possible in the case of the Gopīs, whose mind was swayed by the three Gunas? Śrī Śuka said: 13. I have answered this question of yours earlier (in the 7th Skandha) how Śiśupāla, the king of the Che-dis, attained liberation though he opposed Śrī Krsna. If an enemy of Śrī Krsna can be thus blessed, why not his lovers? 14. The Supreme Being changeless, immeasurable, unseen, transcending matter but regulating ...


... cal powers, energies and operations, — each system corresponding to a plane of our existence, — these flow out and return in the stream of the pr ā nic energies as they cross through the n ā dis. This arrangement of psychic body is reproduced in the physical body with the spinal column as a rod and the ganglionic centres as the chakras which rise up from the bottom of the column where ...

... Page 117 O Femme, sang et feu de midi qui flamboie. . . . O son et griserie – et déboire cruel! Ainsi tu l'as gouté, Ie mystère – est-ce joie Et delice, dis-moi, n' est-ce enfin lie et fiel?   Calme coucher au soir, ô sagesse murie! Je n'irai pas quérir Ie mot qui t'injurie. . . . Seul, mon coeur en dévot une larme voudrait ...

... malheureux v ê tu de noir, Qui me ressemblait comme un fr è re.   "Qui donc es-tu, spectre de ma jeunesse, P é lerin que rien n' a lass é ? Dis-moi pourquoi je te trouve sans cesse Assis dans I' ombre o ù , j' ai pass é . Qui donc es-tu, visiteur solitaire, H ô te assidu de mes douleurs?" ...

... the vital and the mental would assert themselves and demand for themselves a larger and larger room for their activities and their rule. During this time there would naturally occur a confusion and dis-balancement in the original synthesis and organization of life. This would also cause a crisis, and in this crisis, there would occur exaggerated claims of outer ritualism creating a sharp conflict ...


... only to relieve the Bengali administration, but to create a Mohammedan province, where Islam could be predominant and its followers in ascendency." We know now how the poisonous seed of Hindu-Moslem dis- unity was sown in Bengal, and under what benign auspices! History perhaps records no more brazen confession, which is a virtual self-indictment, of one who was sent by Great Britain to preside over ...

... their fair share boldly seized. A levelling, a formal equalisation of the economic status, although it may mean uplift in certain cases, may involve gross injustice to others. The ideal is not equal dis-tribution but rational distribution of wealth, and that distribution should not depend upon any material function, but upon psychological demands. Is this bourgeois economics? Even if it is so, the truth ...


... that they wanted to truncate and censure those papers to suit their special purpose. A second time, in 1976, I tried to publish the Mother’s papers through All India Press which belongs (though dis-putably) to the Ashram. With the help of Sir C.P.N. Singh, whom you might know, I tried to obtain that the publication would take place under my sole supervision. They agreed to the publication but ...

... the first reaction is aberrant, since by definition it leaves the old circuit, as the primate suddenly left the instinctive wisdom of the herd. Each transition to a higher equilibrium is at first a dis-equilibrium and total disruption of the old equilibrium. Therefore, these apprentice supermen, who do not even know each other, will more likely be found among the unorthodox elements of society, the ...


... door and the hum of the Latin Quarter. Almost every evening, She received Madame David-Neel there, just back from her first journey to the Far East and soon to become “the first woman to enter Lhasa," dis- i guised as a mendicant monk. Mother heard of Bahaism ; and Taoism, watched and listened to everything, explored disciplines of meditation, Buddhist dhyana, Buddhist renunciation; though, truly speaking ...

... on their path is the forward movement of this cry of the heavens, pra brahmāṇo aṅgiraso nakṣanta, pra krandanur nabhanyasya vetu (VII.42.1); for we are told that the voice of Brihaspati the Angirasa dis covering the Sun and the Dawn and the Cow and the light of the Word is the thunder of Heaven, bṛhaspatir uṣasaṁ sūryaṁ gām, arkaṁ viveda stanayann iva dyauḥ (X.67.5). It is by the satya mantra , the ...


... field: it is perhaps in order that things may be more rapidly finished. ( Long silence ) Is that all? Page 240 Sweet Mother, what does "mental arrogance" mean? My children, speak dis-tinct-ly! You don't need to shout loudly.... You must articulate clearly! ( The child repeats the same sentence distinctly. ) Mental arrogance? That means... what all of you have! ( Laughter ) ...


... drive away or discourage the Wealth-Power. These things have long been rampant in the society and, if that continues, an increase in our means might well mean a proportionate increase in the wastage and dis- order and neutralise the material advantage. This must be remedied if there is to be any sound progress. Sri Aurobindo Not to be despised Material things are not to be despised - without ...


... accentual and stress metres but unlike the abortive constructions of the classicists, can flow naturally in a free movement, a movement native to the language; for they will combine in themselves without dis-figuration or forcing all the natural elements of the rhythm or sound-movement proper to the English tongue. It may even be said that all English speech, colloquial, prose or verse, has this as its ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... energy: man has to call in his will, his mental power to dynamise, correct and control his nervous being, force it to the strenuous tasks he demands from his instruments, steel it against suffering and dis aster. In the spiritual ascent this power of the consciousness and its will over the instruments, the control of spirit and inner mind over the outer mentality and the nervous being and the body, increases ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... suggested in the vision of the lake at night, as if in the dull sleep of the earth-consciousness a secret eye got unexpectedly opened and was rap-turously responding to a never-sleeping eye in the ethereal dis-tances. As soon as we catch the imaginative turn of the lines, our outer eyes tend to shut and the inner consciousness starts enjoying not a landscape or waterscape or skyscape but a soulscape. And ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... eye of intelligence awakened to all the multiform possibilities of new truth and discovery. The Renascence was an awakening of the life spirit to wonder and curiosity and reflection and the stirred dis-covery of the things of the life and the mind; but the fullness of the modern age has been a much larger comprehensive awakening of the informed and clarified intellect to a wider Page 78 ...


... enforcing the pathos of the sense: Not that fair field Of Enna where Proserpin gathering flowers, Herself a fairer flower, by gloomy Dis Was gathered, which cost Ceres all that pain To seek her through the world, or the passage on the poet's own blindness: Seasons return ...


... let fall Your horrible pleasures; here, I stand, your slave, A poor, infirm, weak, and despised old man - Page 75 or of a sorrow that is most naive yet a heart-breaking dis-tractedness: Why should a dog, a horse, a rat have life, And thou no breath at all? Thou'lt come no more, Never, never, never, never, never! Pray you, undo this button: thank you ...


... adjective "forlorn" coming after "faery lands", that takes us away all the more from lands that are not faery — and then there is the final drawn-out mournfulness of this adjective's sound, holding dis-tances of a poignant dream in it and dying away on a deep yet delicate bell-like note. We may, with this note, await the far-from-delicate ringing of Page 80 our School bell and ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... New World. And ‘all one has dreamed to be the most beautiful, the most marvellous, the most fantastic is nothing compared with what will be realized.’ 43 ‘The absoluteness of the Victory is in-dis-put-able,’ she stressed staccato — she who possessed the certitude ‘like a sword of Light, intangible.’ And like Joan of Arc to her standard which had been with her in so many battles, she said to those ...


... silent mind experienced by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and "the mind from thought released" achieved by several spiritual aspirants. Though my comparison was mistaken it was in the same universe of dis- Page 253 course: your lumping together an almost initial thing like mental silence with a supreme and ultimate, hitherto-unaccomplished thing like bodily supramentalisation was like ...


... be Ceylon. Within the conventional framework of Aśokan history, Smith can lead to an extremely credible case. If one opts for the traditional date of Devanarhpiyatissa (308-268 B.C.), Ceylon dis- 1. The Oxford History of India, 3rd ed., p. 121, fn. 2. 2."Aśoka, the Great", The Age of Imperial Unity, p. 88. Page 372 appears all the more along Smithian lines. Aśoka ...


... psychotherapy emphasis has come to be placed almost exclusively on the negative aspects of identification. When psychotherapists refer to identification, it is almost always to point out the need for dis-identification in order to free oneself from the influence of unconscious identifications which bind and limit the individual. From the viewpoint of the deeper psychology of Integral Yoga, however ...

... afterwards he became god of vegetation and warm moisture; then he appeared as the god of pleasure and the god of civilisation; and finally according to Orphic conceptions, as supreme god. Dis: The Roman name for the Greek Pluto or Hades, the god of the nether realm. Dryads: Nymphs of the woods and trees. Enceladus: One of the giants who waged war against the gods ...


... the needs of each aspect of the being expressing themselves spontaneously. Learning to be is learning to be wise. Wisdom is the fruit of maturity and maturity can be measured in terms of accurate dis crimination between the apparent and the real. To be wise is to dwell in Reality, to be wise is to remain ever-young with courage and heroism with ever-developing adventure of the conquest of the right ...

... this spiritual adventurous endeavour, Page 69 we have to be ready to pay the requisite price for that. And in the language of sadhana that price is called Vairāgya and Tyāga, 'Dis-passion and Renunciation'. For it is an axiomatic truth that unless and until we remove the outer covering, we cannot hope to discover the jewel inside; unless we take away the ugly-looking veil, we ...

... ādhāra of the sadhaka, and be dynamically operative there to transform it. Well, such is the double opening the aspirant has to make. But are there any signs and symptoms by which the sadhaka can,dis-cern that his consciousness has been progressively opening day by day, or, on the contrary, it is more and more shutting up? Yes, there are clear signs both positive and negative. About the negative ...

... sont pas vos bons amis." Mais enfin, ce sont les amis les plus confortables, parce qu'ils ne vous donnent jamais 1'impression que vous etes en faute. Tandis qu'a celui qui viendrait vous dire: "Dis donc, au lieu d'aller courir, a ne rien faire, ou a faire des betises, si tu venais en classe, tu crois que ce ne serait pas mieux?"—a celui-la, generalement, on repond: "Tu m'embetes, tu n'es pas mon ...


... la terre, Sur ma route est venu s'asseoir Un malheureux vêtu de noir, Qui me ressemblait comme un frére. 'Qui done es-tu, spectre de ma jeunesse, Pélerin que rien n'a lassé? Dis-moi pourquoi je te trouve sans cesse Assis dans 1'ombre ou j'ai passé. Qui done es-tu, visiteur solitaire, Hôte assidu de mes douleurs?' Now this form, that the poet saw, replies: ...


... de vérité." ² "La distance infinite des corps aux esprits figure la distance infiniment plus infinie des esprits à la charité." ³ "Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point; ... Je dis que Ie cœur aime l'être universel naturellement, et soi-même naturellement, selon qu'il s'y donne; et il se durcit contre l'un ou l'autre, à son choix. Vous avez rejeté l'un et conservé l'autre. Est-ce ...

... karuā. And yet there can be a status even beyond. For, beyond the cosmic reality lies the transcendent reality. It is the Absolute, neti, neti, into which individual and cosmos, all dis. appear and vanish. In compassion, the cosmic communion, there is a trace and an echo of humanism – it is perhaps one of the reasons why Europeans generally are attracted to Buddhism and find it more ...

... "Ceux-là ne sane pas vas bans amis." Mais enfin, ce sane les amis les plus confortables, payee qu’ils ne vous donnent jamais l'mpression que vous êtes en faute. Tandis qu’à celui qui viendrait vous dire: "Dis done, au lieu d' alley courir, à ne rien faire, ou a faire des bêtises, si tu venais en classe, tu crois que ce ne strait pas mieux?’’ – à celui-là, généralement, on répond: "Tu m’embêtes, tu n'es pasmon ...

... many of which are published in Last Poems. 1938 November 23: Accident; impacted fracture of the right thigh on the eve of the November Darshan, due, as Sri Aurobindo himself dis-closed, to an attack of hostile forces which had been conspiring to attack Mother's body. While Sri Aurobindo concentrated exclusively on protecting Mother the attack came on him. The work of Mother ...

... but it was completely green, so pretty! with little yellow spots. We had a race. —But, look, it is poisonous, it could have bitten you. —But I tell you it was pret-ty!... Mais puisque je te dis qu'il était jo-li! She crossed her arms over her breast as if she were cold, or perhaps a little ashamed. There were tiny beads of translucent water on her cheeks and on the tip of her nose; her ...

... goes to bed.” God said, Indeed, There’s nothing so beautiful.* 31. L’enfant dit sapriere *Rien n’est beau comme un enfant qui s’endort en faisant sa priere, dit Dieu. Je vous le dis, rien n’est aussi beau dans le monde.* *09.03.1954 Charles Peguy* 32.. Leaves of Autumn *I watched as the red leaves fell I watched as the yellow ones flew I watched the brown ...
