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... what it has just-now ceased to be. 63 – Walter Truett Anderson The exceptional individual that is the Vibhuti comes to accomplish a specific action in the evolution of mankind; the divine individual that is the Avatar comes to accomplish something essential for the evolution of mankind. Parasurama stood at the origin of homo habilis or represents him symbolically; Rama incarnated the rational ...
... saints or prophets. For the Oversoul who is the master of our evolution, has his own large steps of Time, his own great eras, tracts of slow and courses of rapid expansion, which the strong, semi-divine individual may overleap, but not the still half-animal race. The course of evolution proceeding from the vegetable to the animal, from the animal to the man, starts in the latter from the subhuman; he has ...
... persists after death, because it is your eternal self; it is this that carries the consciousness forward from life to life. The psychic being is the real individuality of the true and divine individual within you. For your individuality means your special mode of expression and your psychic being is a special aspect of the one Divine Consciousness that has taken shape in you. But in the psychic ...
... one can't aspire at all, where is his hope? Sri Aurobindo: ... All the rest is dreary stuff of the tamasic ego. As there is a rajasic ego which shouts "What a magnificent powerful sublime divine individual I am, unique and peerless" (of course there are gradations in the pitch), so there is a tamasic ego which squeaks "What an abject, hopeless, worthless, incapable, unluckily unendowed and uniquely ...
... existence contribute to the growth and development of the psychic consciousness. Each span of life means a special degree or mode of growth necessitated by the inner demand and drive of the divine Individual seated within the heart. The whole end in view of this secret soul is to move always towards and be united again with its Oversoul, its original and high archetype in the Divine Consciousness: ...
... the growth and development of the psychic consciousness. Each span of life means a special Page 57 degree or mode of growth necessitated by the inner demand and drive of the divine Individual seated within the heart. The whole end in view of this secret soul is to move always towards and be united again with its Oversoul, its original and high archetype in the Divine Consciousness: ...
... Spirit is One in all. Realization of that Page 102 removes the ego, because then one identifies himself with the Spirit. Disciple : What then replaces the "I" in the divine individual? What is the nature of the psychic individuality? Sri Aurobindo : In the case of psychic individuality the man may feel the ego of the Sadhu – the Saint – the Bhakta – the devotee, or ...
... unstable play of the gunas. Yielding to passion, an active or an inert indulgence of sin is no way either to the spiritual quietism of the highest impersonality or to the spiritual activity of the divine individual who is to be a channel for the will of the supreme Person, a direct power and visible becoming of the Purushottama. Page 279 The Gita has laid it down from the beginning that the very ...
... which persists after death, because it is your eternal self; it is this that carries the consciousness forward from life to life. The psychic being is the real individuality of the true and divine individual within you. For your individuality means your special mode of expression and your psychic being is a special aspect of the one Divine Consciousness that has taken shape in you... Source ...
... which persists after death, because it is your eternal self; it is this that carries the consciousness forward from life to life. The psychic being is the real individuality of the true and divine individual within you. For your individuality means your special mode of expression and your psychic being is a special aspect of the one Divine Consciousness that has taken shape in you. But in the psychic ...
... clinging to it with a "leechlike tenacity" worthy of a better cause. All the rest is dreary stuff of the tamasic ego. As there is a rajasic ego which shouts "What a magnificent powerful sublime divine individual I am, unique and peerless" (of course there are gradations in the pitch,) so there is a tamasic ego which squeaks "What an abject, hopeless, worthless, incapable, unluckily un endowed and uniquely ...
... on its own plane or by its descent here. (7) The description of a pure "I" is quite insufficient to describe the realisation of the Jivatman—it is rather describable as the true Person or Divine Individual, though that too is not adequate. The word "I" always comes with an undersuggestion of ego, of separativeness; but there is no separativeness in this self-vision, for the individual here is a ...
... Divine Life-Power too will be a will for growth, a force of self-affirmation, but affirmation of the Divine within us, not of the little temporary personality on the surface,—growth into the true divine Individual, the central being, the secret imperishable Person who can emerge only by Page 175 the subordination and disappearance of the ego. This is life's true object: growth, but a growth ...
... will or power of consciousness. That is the divine Nature into unity with which we have to get back by our Yoga of self-knowledge. We have to become the Purusha, Sachchidananda, delighting in a divine individual possession of its Prakriti and no longer mental beings subject to our egoistic nature. For that is the real man, the supreme and integral self of the individual, and the ego is only a lower and ...
... manifestation. In his formless unlimited self, his real being, the true Person or Purusha, he is not that, but contains in himself boundless and universal possibilities; but he gives to them, as the divine Individual, his own turn in the manifestation so that each among the Many is a unique self of the one Divine. The Divine, the Eternal, expresses himself as existence, consciousness, bliss, wisdom, knowledge ...
... or prophets. For the Oversoul who is the master of our evolution, has his own large steps of Time, his own great eras, tracts of slow and courses of rapid expansion, which the strong, semi-divine individual may overleap, but not the still half-animal race. The course of evolution proceeding from the vegetable to the animal, from the animal to the man, starts in the latter from the subhuman; he ...
... human soul and its immortality have been expounded and answered in completeness, in the light of new knowledge. According to Sri Aurobindo, there is in the human being a psychic entity or the divine individual soul. This soul puts forward a formation, which evolves gradually in the human complex of the body, life and mind. It is that formation which Page 76 is called the psychic being. This ...
... clinging to it with a "leechlike tenacity" worthy of a better cause. All the rest is dreary stuff of the tamasic ego. As there is a rajasic ego which shouts "What a magnificent powerful sublime divine individual I am, unique and peerless" (of course there are gradations in the pitch,) so there is a tamasic ego which squeaks "What an abject, hopeless, worthless, incapable, unluckily unendowed and uniquely ...
... existence contribute to the growth and development of the psychic consciousness. Each span of life means a special degree or mode of growth necessitated by the inner demand and drive of the divine Individual seated within the heart. The whole end in view of this secret soul is to move always towards and be united again with its Oversoul, its original and high archetype in the Divine Consciousness: ...
... but not possessing know- Page 129 ledge,—it is not a representative of the divine Consciousness. The human being, therefore, though a developed individual, is not the perfect, divine individual, which it is his destiny to become. His is a cramped and clouded, a seeking and struggling and suffering individuality, dragging on a labouring and precarious existence in the rushlight of its ...
... spiritual disciplines that recognise the omnipresence of the Divine-- in Indian Vedantic experience and in Mahomedan Yoga (not only the Sufi, but other schools also)-- the Mahomedans even speak of not two or three but many levels of the Divine until one reaches the Supreme. As for the idea in itself, surely there is a difference between the individual, the cosmos in space and time, and something that exceeds... mere channel of the universal Power and there is no personal or divinely individual consummation for me. If I shoot up to the transcendental realisation only, I lose both myself and the world in the transcendental Absolute. If, on the other hand, my aim is none of these things by itself, but to realise and also to manifest the Divine in the world, bringing down for the purpose a yet unmanifested Power... I have to bring it into the cosmic formula and, if so, I must realise the cosmic Divine and become conscious of the cosmic self and the cosmic forces. But I have to embody it here, -- otherwise it is left as an influence only and not a thing fixed in the physical world, and it is through the Divine in the individual alone that this can be done. Page 51 ...
... Mother's vision: "THE SOUL NESTLED IN THE HEART OF THE SUPREME LORD." The soul is the Divine made individual without ceasing to be Divine. In the soul the individual and the Divine are eternally one. The role of the soul is to make of man a true being. The soul is that which comes out of the Divine without ever leaving Him and goes back to Him without ever ceasing from manifestation. ...
... the Divine in oneself that one is in a position to attain one's true selfhood and find oneself in other selves. And the re-creation of a crowd into such Page 349 divine individuals is a cosmic work in which the individual is at best a collaborator, not the master and dispenser. Anyway, one has to come out of the human relationship, rise above the give-and-take of human individuals – however... however completely individual each one may be – and establish oneself in the Divine's consciousness which is the golden thread upon which is strung all the assembly of individuals. It is only in and through the Divine, the Spiritual Reality and Person, that one enters into true relation and dynamic harmony with others. The truth of the personality is not to be found in its horizontal, but vertical... inevitable corollary of the particular conception of the individual that is entertained by some, viz., the individual existing only in relation to individuals. Indeed the leader of the French school, Jean-Paul Sartre – not a negligible playwright and novelist – seems to conceive the individual as nothing more than the image formed in other individuals with whom he comes in contact. Existence literally ...
... particular? Is it to serve the community or to be a true servitor of the Divine Consciousness? The purpose of life in Auromodel is to learn to live in Auroville, to make all the experiments necessary for learning to live in Auroville. We want to find a way for the community to live for the Divine. Each individual has his own way but the group community should find a way to suit everyone... necessary is Harmony, not only general harmony but also between the individuals living there. You must begin to look for the harmony in each individual and not dwell on the disharmony. The disharmony exists everywhere but you must reject that and allow only the harmony to enter. There must be a sense of Order. Each individual must have a sense of self-discipline, and actually practise it ...
... The Divine, the Cosmos and the Individual The Divine, the Cosmos and the Individual The Divine, Sachchidananda, Brahman and Atman Letters on Yoga - I Chapter I The Divine and Its Aspects The Divine The Divine is the Supreme Truth because it is the Supreme Being from whom all have come and in whom all are. The Divine is that from which all comes... also into something divine. The Divine and the Atman The Divine is more than the Atman. It is Nature also, it contains everything in Itself. It is the individual being that is a portion of the Divine. The universal self or Atman which is the same in all, is not a portion but an aspect of the Divine. The Divine and the Supermind One can become one with the Divine on the mental plane... realise the cosmic Divine and become conscious of the cosmic self and the cosmic forces. But I have to embody it here,—otherwise it is left as an influence only and not a thing fixed in the physical world—and it is through the Divine in the individual alone that this can be done. These are elements in the dynamics of spiritual experience and I am obliged to admit them if a divine work has to be done ...
... The soul is that which comes from the Divine without ever leaving Him, and returns to the Divine without ceasing to be manifest. The soul is the Divine made individual without ceasing to be divine. In the soul the individual and the Divine are eternally one; therefore, to find one's soul is to find God; to identify with one's soul is to unite with the Divine. Thus it may be said that the role... times in the physical and vital) ... awaken to the influence of the psychic without even knowing it. That is why those parts adhere to it and begin to aspire also for the divine knowledge, the divine union, the relation with the Divine. The Mother Questions and Answers (1953): 16 December 1953 What is the work of the psychic being? What is the work of the psychic being? You want it to... the lamp? The generator is the Divine and the lamp is the body. It is the body, it is the visible being. So, that is its function. This means that if there were no psychic in Matter, it would not be able to have any, direct contact with the Divine. And it is happily due to this psychic presence in Matter that the contact between Matter and the Divine can be direct and all human beings can ...
... and plenitude of movement from vital passion and the turbid falsehoods of our vital nature and its dark self-seekings. This is the first step of self-realisation, to enthrone the soul, the divine psychic individual in the place of the ego. The next step is to become aware of the eternal self in us unborn and one with the self of all beings. This self-realisation liberates and universalises; even if our... misleads because our inner being is seated in the light of self-knowledge. The third step is to know the Divine Being who is at once our supreme transcendent Self, the Cosmic Being, foundation of our universality, and the Divinity within of which our psychic being, the true evolving individual in our nature, is a portion, a spark, a flame growing into the eternal Fire from which it was lit and of which... psychic being as a portion of the Divine seated in the heart with the Divine supporting it there—this psychic being takes charge of the sadhana and turns the whole being to the Truth, the Divine, with results in the mind, the vital and the physical consciousness which I need not go into here—that is the first transformation. We realise next the one Self, Brahman, Divine, first above the body, life, mind ...
... (the Psychic) The soul is that which comes out of the Divine without ever leaving Him and goes back to Him without ever ceasing from manifestation. The soul is the Divine made individual without ceasing to be divine. In the soul the individual and the Divine are eternally one. Thus to find one's soul is to be united with the Divine. It can therefore be said that the role of the soul is... dwelling-place of the immanent Divine. Unification means organisation and harmonisation of all the parts of the being (mental, vital and physical) around this centre, so that all the activities of the being may be the correct expression of the will of the Divine Presence. Unless and until the whole of the individual consciousness is organised around the central Divine Presence, the movements are... influence compels the physical to turn towards the Divine. Let this house be a symbol of the psychic, the temple of the eternal divine Presence. Page 331 Live in the consciousness of the psychic centre; thus your will will express the Divine's Will alone and your transformed being will then be able to receive and manifest the Divine Love. 25 September 1934 The centre of ...
... with the necessities of individual growth, - and without individual growth there can be no real and permanent good of all, - it immolates the individual to a communal egoism and prevents so much free room and initiative as is necessary for the flowering of a more perfectly developed humanity." The ultimate allegiance of the individual is to the Divine "The individual does not owe his ultimate... intention and necessity." The perfect counsel for the thinker and the executive individual " no individual thinker can determine in thought by his arbitrary reason the evolution of the rational self- Page 34 conscious society, so no executive individual or succession of executive individuals can determine it in fact by his or their arbitrary power. It is evident that he cannot... s need for individuals who are able to recreate themselves in the image of the Spirit, and the need for the readiness of the mass "...if the spiritual change of which we have been speaking is to be effected, it must unite two conditions which have to be simultaneously satisfied but are most difficult to bring together. There must be the individual and the individuals who are able ...
... Mother, What is that will which can govern the vital, the mind and also the physical? Does it belong to the Divine? All individual will is a limitation and a deformation of the Divine Will; just as the individual consciousness is a limitation and a deformation of the Divine Consciousness. April 26, 1951 * Mother, Would it not be better to sit for meditation and to devote one... to concentrate on the truth itself. January 21, 1951 * Mother, Tell me, what should I try to do. It is an inner reversal which is necessary. Turn towards the Divine with an ardent aspiration and the Divine will be with you. May 3, 1951 * Mother, What does it mean “to be the work”? Is it only concentrating on the work? It means — to identify oneself with what one... Hibiscus ‘Hawaiian’ — ‘Cromwell’ [ ↩ ] ‘Attachment for the Divine’ – Belamcanda Chinensis , Orchid. [ ↩ ] ‘Unselfishness’ – Beaumontia Grandiflora , Herald’s Trumpet, Easter Lily Vine. It is a bowl-shaped flower into which Mother places the other flowers one by one. [ ↩ ] ‘Faith’ – Hibiscus Albo Variegata . [ ↩ ] ‘Divine Love’ – Punica Granatum , Pomegranate Flower. [ ↩ ] ‘ ...
... manifesting and occupying individual and universal forms. The limited ego is only an intermediate phenomenon of consciousness necessary for a certain line of development. Following this line the individual can arrive at that which is beyond himself, that which he represents, and can yet continue to represent it, no longer as an obscured and limited ego, but as a centre of the Divine and of the universal... universal consciousness embracing, utilising and transforming into harmony with the Divine all individual determinations. We have then the manifestation of the divine Conscious Being in the totality of physical Nature as the foundation of human existence in the material universe. We have the emergence of that Conscious Being in an involved and inevitably evolving Life, Mind and Supermind as the condition... construction by the self-opening of the individual to the universe and to God as the means of that supreme fulfilment to which egoistic life is only a prelude even as animal life was only a prelude to the human. We have the realisation of the All in the individual by the transformation of the limited ego into Page 64 a conscious centre of the divine unity and freedom as the term at which ...
... in particular? Is it to serve the community or to be a true servitor of the Divine Consciousness? The purpose of life in Auromodèle is to learn to live in Auroville, to make all the experiments necessary for learning to live in Auroville. We want to find a way for the community to live for the Divine. Each individual has his own way but the group community should find a way to suit everyone... towards all and every nation. A complete sincerity is required in this attitude. April 1968 Divine Mother, Do you want me to personally interview the people who come here to work for Auroville before we send their pictures to you? Yes. 20 June 1968 Divine Mother, Last Sunday several of the Ashram younger children unexpectedly went out on the Auroville lorry... In the physical the Divine manifests as Beauty. 6 October 1971 ( Message for the flower-nursery "Beauty" ) Flowers are the prayers of the vegetal world. The plants offer their beauty to the Supreme. 5 November 1971 ( Significance of the garden surrounding the banyan tree at the geographical centre of Auroville ) Unity. Page 234 Divine Mother, About ...
... also 'a great discovery'. For this soul or the psychic is a kind of individual concentration of the divine Grace; it is the Grace's individual representative in the human being. It is like a particular delegation of the Spirit in mankind, a special help to lead it faster and faster. It is, after all, the soul that makes the individual progress spiritually. Hence it is incumbent on every sadhaka... This is the first step of self-realisation, to enthrone the soul, the divine psychic individual in the place of the ego. "The next step is to become aware of the eternal self in us unborn and one with the self of all beings. This self-realisation liberates and universalises.... "The third step is to know the Divine Being who is at once our supreme transcendent Self, the Cosmic Being... and the Divinity within of which our psychic being, the true evolving individual in our nature, is a portion, a spark, a flame growing into the eternal Fire from which it was lit and of which it is the witness ever living within us and the conscious instrument of its light and power and joy and beauty." (The Life Divine, pp. 630-31. Paragraphing ours.) (2)"... the supramental change ...
... The Divine, the Cosmos and the Individual The Divine, the Cosmos and the Individual The Jivatman and the Psychic Being Letters on Yoga - I Chapter I The Jivatman in the Integral Yoga The Jivatman or Individual Self By Jivatma we mean the individual self. Essentially it is one self with all others, but in the multiplicity of the Divine it is the individual... body is not the individual Self—it is the basis of the external personality or of the physical self, if you like so to express it; but that is not the individual Self. The individual Self is the central being (Jivatma) manifesting in the lower nature as the psychic being—it is directly a portion of the Divine. The soul, representative of the central being, is a spark of the Divine supporting all... consciousness of the Divine everywhere and in all other beings also; so it will not have the consciousness of a separate ego but of one centre among many of the Divine Multiplicity. On the higher spiritual planes there is no ego, because the oneness of the Divine is felt, but there may be the sense of one's true person or individual being—not ego, but a portion of the Divine. The Karana Purusha ...
... The soul is that which comes from the Divine without ever leaving Him, and returns to the Divine without ceasing to be manifest. The soul is the Divine made individual without ceasing to be divine. In the soul the individual and the Divine are eternally one; therefore, to find one's soul is to find God; to identify with one's soul is to unite with the Divine. Thus it may be said that the role... the spiritual change? The psychic change is the change that puts you in contact with the immanent Divine, the Divine who is at the centre of each being and of whom the psychic being is the sheath and the expression. By the psychic change one passes from the individual Divine to the universal Divine and finally to the Transcendent. The spiritual change puts you directly in contact with the Supreme... 19 September 1959 Sweet Mother, Why has the Divine made His path so difficult? He can make it easier if He wants, can't He? First of all, one should know that the intellect, the mind, can understand nothing of the Divine, neither what He does nor how He does it and still less why He does it. To know something of the Divine, one has to rise above thought and enter into the psychic ...
... 27 July 1955 The soul is that which comes out of the Divine without ever leaving Him and goes back to Him without ever ceasing from manifestation. The soul is the Divine made individual without ceasing to be divine. In the soul the individual and the Divine are eternally one. Thus to find one’s soul is to be united with the Divine. It can therefore be said that the role of the soul is... superior to birth and death, always the same, the individual Self or Atman. It is the eternal true being of the individual. The soul is a spark of the Divine which is not seated above the manifested being, but comes down into the manifestation to support its evolution in the material world. It is at first an undifferentiated power of the divine consciousness, containing all possibilities, which... organised by the central divine consciousness. The Mother Questions and Answers (1950 - 1951): 24 February 1951 The soul or psychic is immutable only in the sense that it contains all the possibility of the Divine within it, but this it has to evolve and in its evolution it assumes the form of a developing psychic individual evolving in the manifestation the individual Prakriti and taking part ...
... exists by it, it is all. Whatever be [the] plane of being, whatever be the cosmos, whatever be the individual, the truth of its existence is the same; that it or he is the One; for there is and can be no other. The Transcendent is the Divine, the universal is the Divine, the individual is the Divine; all are the one Reality. Not only what we see as the Infinite, but the finite also is that One ... Knowledge, Bliss & Being. There is an individual self-fulfilment, a collective, a cosmic & an extra-cosmic. We may move towards any of these ultimate affirmations, but he who accepts them all & harmonises them, is the highest human expression of Parabrahman. He is the Avatar or the divine Unit. 21 All being is the Eternal, the Infinite, the Divine; there is nothing beyond the Eternal and... All existence is the existence of the one Divine Eternal and Infinite, there is and can be nothing else; not only the infinite is that but the finite, not only the timeless but Time and all that is in Time, not only the Impersonal but the Person, quality and number and that which [is] beyond quality and number; the Formless and form, the individual no less than the cosmic and supracosmic, matter ...
... The soul is that which comes from the Divine without ever leaving Him, and returns to the Divine without ceasing to be manifest. The soul is the Divine made individual without ceasing to be divine. In the soul the individual and the Divine are eternally one; therefore, to find one’s soul is to find God; to identify with one’s soul is to unite with the Divine. Thus it may be said that the role... the spiritual change? The psychic change is the change that puts you in contact with the immanent Divine, the Divine who is at the centre of each being and of whom the psychic being is the vesture and the expression. By the psychic change one passes from the individual Divine to the universal Divine and finally to the Transcendent. The spiritual change puts you directly in contact with the Supreme... September 1959 * * * Sweet Mother, Why has the Divine made His path so difficult? He can make it easier if He wants to, can’t He? First of all, one should know that the intellect, the mind, can understand nothing of the Divine, neither what He does nor how He does it and still less why He does it. To know something of the Divine, one has to rise above thought and enter into the psychic ...
... being or self of the individual and as the Self of the cosmos. It has also an existence above the individual and transcending the cosmos in its aspect of Paramatma, the Supreme Being, the Divine. The individual, the cosmic and the transcendent are the three statuses of the Self. As the Self is at once one and many, the universal Self manifests also as the individual self, the Jivatman, which... which holds together her action in the mind and body...; but the individual self or soul is not this ego. The individual soul is the spiritual being which is described as an eternal portion of the Divine, but can also be described as the Divine himself supporting his manifestation as the Many. This is the true spiritual individual which appears in its complete truth when we get rid of the ego... our false separative sense of individuality, realise our oneness with the transcendent and cosmic Divine and with all beings. 48 ...the ego is the individual only in the ignorance; there is a true individual who is not the ego and still has an eternal relation with all other individuals which is not egoistic or self-separative, but of which the essential character is practical mutuality ...
... feeling and thinking in us. This force that we feel is the universal Force of the Divine, which, veiled or unveiled, acting directly or permitting the use of its powers by beings in the cosmos, is the one Energy that alone exists and alone makes universal or individual action possible. For this force is the Divine itself in the body of its power; all is that, power of act, power of thought and knowledge... Spirit or some kind of universal Power. The world and the Divine are not one and the same thing, as a certain kind of pantheistic thinking would like to believe. The world is an emanation; it depends upon something that manifests in it but is not limited by it: the Divine is not here alone; there is a Beyond, an eternal Transcendence. The individual being also in its spiritual part is not a formation in... for he detaches from the secret of the hidden Transcendence and the ambiguous display of the cosmic Movement an individual Power of the Divine that can mediate between the two and bridge our passage from the one to the other. In this aspect the transcendent and universal person of the Divine conforms itself to our individualised personality and accepts a personal relation with us, at once identified ...
... the Divine in the individual possessing and enjoying in one case the Divine in His pure unity or in the other the Divine in that and in the unity of the cosmos; it is not the absolute Divine recovering after having lost His unity. Certainly, we may prefer the absorption in a pure exclusive unity or a departure into a supracosmic transcendence, but there is in the spiritual truth of the Divine Existence... manifests within Himself; the individual exists in the Transcendent, but all the Transcendent is there concealed in the individual. Further I am one with God in my being and yet I can have relations with Him in my experience. I, the liberated individual, can enjoy the Divine in His transcendence, unified with Him, and enjoy at the same time the Divine in other individuals and in His cosmic being. Evidently... and nearer to the truth of the divine Delight. In that power lies the justification of individual existence; the individual and the universal unfolding in themselves the divine light, power, joy of transcendent Sachchidananda always manifest above them, always secret behind their surface appearances, this is the hidden intention, the ultimate significance of the divine play, the Lila. But it is in ...
... resistance to Truth; and when there was complete adhesion to Truth, suffering must cease. What was true of individuals would apply to collectivities as well - a State, or a Country! Instead of nations being ruled by individual functionaries with their inflated egos, there would emerge a divine authority; and this very possibility was creating "all the unnameable chaos in which men live now - because... of Auroville: The purpose of life in Auromodele is to learn to live in Auroville, to make all the experiments necessary.... We want to find a way for the community to live for the Divine. Each individual has his own way but the group community should find a way to suit everyone. 16 The Mother was fully aware that she was here setting an almost impossibly difficult standard of sincerity... Supreme Truth or of the Divine, not only through the traditional mystic means, but more particularly through life itself in the spirit of Karma Yoga. 13 The Divine was in no distant inaccessible sphere but here, here. Writing on 3 July, the Mother declared: The Divine is not far. He is in ourselves, deep inside and above the feelings and the thoughts. With the Divine is peace and certitude ...
... echo of what Sri Aurobindo wrote in The Life Divine : ‘This is the first step of self-realisation, to enthrone the soul, the divine psychic individual in the place of the ego.’ 56 The following year the Mother said again: ‘The true spiritual life begins when one is in communion with the Divine in the psychic, when one is conscious of the divine Presence in the psychic and in constant communion... body in which we are enclosed be universalized? In The Life Divine, Sri Aurobindo wrote that the individual must be the first instrument of the transformation, but that an isolated individual transformation is not sufficient and cannot even be completely attainable. ‘It is sure, for I know it by experience, that there is a degree of individual perfection and transformation which cannot be realized without... carrying on the sadhana and the Divine Mother, both being one but in different poises.’ 8 (Sri Aurobindo) The Mother has explained this: how some wanted to see her exclusively in her almighty divine glory, and how they expected from her that also in a body, in an evolutionary world with a preordained process, she would perform what is possible or allowed only in a divine world; others, on the contrary ...
... with the universal but at the same time is centrally experienced as a portion of the Divine. In other words, the Jivatman is the central being which is itself unborn but which presides over the individual evolution. The soul is the representative of the central being. It is a spark of the Divine supporting individual existence in Nature. A conscious form of the soul, the psychic being, grows in the... metaphysical discussion on the Jivatman, see the chapter entitled, The Eternal and the Individual', in The Life Divine, Centenary Library, Vol. 18. For a psychological account of the Atman, Jivatman and psychic being, see Letters on Yoga, Centenary Library, Vol. 22, pp. 265-307. 11. Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, Centenary Library, Vol. 19, p. 938. Page 77 12. Ibid, p. 949. ... and physical personality. The term 'central being' is also used for Jivatman, the individual Self which presides unseen over the evolution and of which the psychic being is the representative in the manifested nature. The Jivatman Page 64 has been described by Sri Aurobindo as the multiple Divine manifested here as the individualised self or spirit of the created being.' The Jivatman ...
... dislikings, vanity, anger and a host of other things which bind man to his lower nature. Only then can the individual soul in man awaken, the inmost psychic being come into the forefront, governing and purifying his external mind, life and body, and lead him to a union with the Divine. This individual realisation of the soul is the indispensable first step in Sri Aurobindo's Yoga, difficult and arduous... descent. It is the descent of the new consciousness attained by the ascent that is the stamp and seal of the sadhana.... Because the object sought after is not an individual achievement of divine realisation for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for the earth-consciousness here, a cosmic, not solely a supra-cosmic achievement. The thing to be gained also is the bringing in of a... that work for the fulfilment of the Divine work upon earth, and those that are opposed to this fulfilment. The former have few conscious instruments at their disposal. It is true that in this matter quality compensates by far for quantity. As for the anti-divine forces they have only too many to choose from, and always they find wills which they enslave and individuals whom they turn into docile but nearly ...
... and plenitude of movement from vital passion and the turbid falsehoods of our vital nature and its dark self seekings. This is the first step of self-realisation, to enthrone the soul, the divine psychic individual in the place of the ego. The next step is to become aware of the eternal self in us unborn and one with the self of all beings. This self-realisation liberates and universalises; even if our... misleads because our inner being is seated in the light of self-knowledge. The third step is to know the Divine Being who is at once our supreme transcendent Self, the Cosmic Being, foundation of our universality, and the Divinity within of which our psychic being, the true evolving individual in our nature, is a portion, a spark, a flame growing into the eternal Fire from which it was lit and of which... consciousness in these conditions is the growth of a self-affirming vital and physical individual, a construction of Nature of life and matter with a concealed psychic or spiritual true individual behind it for which Nature is creating this outward means of expression. As mentality increases, this vital and material individual takes the more developed form of a constantly self-affirming mental, vital and physical ...
... die universal but at the same time is centrally experienced as a portion of the Divine. In other words, the Jivatman is the central being which is it self unborn but which presides over the individual evolution. The soul is the representative of the central being. It is a spark of the Divine, supporting individual existence in Nature. A conscious form of the soul, the psychic being, grows in the... supreme integral Divine. It is the Truth acting from the psychic and descending from the superconscient which will more and more harmonise the action of the different parts of our being, though the perfect harmony _____________________________________________ ¹ For a metaphysical discussion on die Jivatman, see the chapter entitled, "The Eternal and the Individual', in The Life Divine, Centenary... mental, vital and physical personality. The term 'central being' is also used for Jivatman, the individual Self which presides unseen above the evolution and of which the psychic being is the representative in the manifested nature. The Jivatman has been described by Sri Aurobindo as the 'multiple Divine manifested here as the individualised self or spirit of the created being.' The Jivatman in its ...
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