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Dutta : name given by Sri Aurobindo & the Mother to Dorothy Hodgson (1884-1948). She joined the Mother in 1915 & came with her to Pondicherry in 1920.

45 result/s found for Dutta

... all-wise. He knows better than we do what is needful for us. He has taken Aswini Kumar Dutta away from Barisal. Is the movement dead? Is Swadeshi dead? The rulers of the country in their scanty wisdom have thought that by lopping off the heads the movement will cease. They do not know that great as he is, Aswini Kumar Dutta is not the leader of this movement, that Tilak is not the leader,—God is the leader... no ordinary place. When I come to Barisal, I come to a chosen temple of the Mother—I come to a sacred pithasthan of the national spirit—I come to the birth-place and field of work of Aswini Kumar Dutta. It is now the fourth year since I came to Barisal first on the occasion of the Provincial Conference. Three years have passed since then—they have been years of storm and stress to the country,—they... those deported three are sons of this district. The man whose name will live for ever on the lips of his countrymen as one of the great names of the age—one of the makers of the new nation—Aswini Kumar Dutta has been taken away from you. His active and devoted lieutenant has been taken away from you. That warm-hearted patriot whom I am proud to have had the privilege of calling my personal friend—Manoranjan ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... along the grave may have injured your eyes." Once Sri Charu Dutta took us to a brick-kiln near Behala. It was a long trek and the return walk was too much for me. Being the youngest of the group I could hardly walk towards the end and so a rickshaw was hailed. The rickshaw-puller asked for a rupee for the trip but Sri Charu Dutta was willing to give only eight annas (half a rupee). To this the... rickshaw-puller who wanted eight annas. Sri Charu Dutta offered four annas but he did not agree. So once again we walked. When we had come quite some way we came across another rickshaw. This one wanted four annas but he was offered two and he refused. Once again we walked on and by then we had come very, very near to the school, so Sri Charu Dutta said: "What's the need of a rickshaw now, we've... After looking round a great deal father finally found something. It was the Anandamayi School near Padmapukur on Prannath Pandit Street run by a true idealist and patriot, Sri Charuchandra Dutta. He had named the school after his mother. There were only thirty to forty students, five or six to a class. The school started at 6:30 in the morning. The first half hour was spent on P. T ...


... self-sacrifice, whose object of existence was to help the poor and nurse the sick. That was the flowering out of the Hindu religion. That was what Swami Vivekananda preached. That was what Aswini Kumar Dutta strove to bring into organised existence. That was what the Ramakrishna Mission, the Little Brothers of the Poor at Barisal tried to effect. This was the third way in which the new association established... Barisal, the association called the Swadesh Bandhab Samiti which with its network covered the whole district of Bakarganj. This association grew out of a much smaller association started by Aswini Kumar Dutta called the Little Brothers of the Poor. What was the work commenced by these Little Brothers of the Poor? When epidemic broke out, when cholera appeared in all its virulence, the young men of the Barisal... the Namasudra. They did not mind the epidemic or fear to catch the contagion. They took up and nursed them as brother nurses brother and thus they rescued many from the grasp of death. Aswini Kumar Dutta is in exile. How did he establish that influence which caused him to be thought dangerous? By philanthropy, by service. While ordinary colleges under the control of the Government were mere soulless ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... life of the organism. In times of stress or revolution the replacement is more rapid, that is all. Whatever the importance of particular individuals,—and the importance of men like Sj. Aswini Kumar Dutta or Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra is not denied by any man in his senses and was not denied but dwelt upon by the speaker at Jhalakati,—they are not necessary, in the sense that God does not depend upon them... expressly deny God's existence or His omnipotence or His providence, and if he accepts them, he is debarred from insisting that God cannot save India without Sj. Surendranath Banerji or Sj. Aswini Kumar Dutta, that He is unable to remove them and find other instruments or that their deportation or disappearance will defer the fulfilment of His purposes to future centuries. The Fatalism of Action Our... and endurance. Is this a false doctrine or a fatal doctrine? Will the country be injured by it or helped by it? Srijut Aurobindo never said that God would step in to fill the place of Srijut Aswini Dutta or others removed from the arena. His position was that God has been driving on the movement from the beginning and was always the leader when they were with us and remains the leader when they are ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... formed an equilateral triangle in Time. We have seen two sides of the triangle; let's now take a brief look at the third. Noren was born in Calcutta to Bishwanath Dutta and Bhubaneswari Devi. His grandfather, Durgacharan Dutta, left his home to become a sannyasin the very day his son Bishwanath was born. The young one grew up to become an attorney in Calcutta High Court. He earned a lot and spent... It was the day of Ganga-puja — Makarsankranti — and group after group of people were on their way to Ganga for a holy dip. Six minutes before sunrise, her child was born. He was named Narendranath Dutta. His mother called him 'Bilay.' But, my gosh, what a child I A handful if ever there was one. If he wanted something, he wanted it. There was no gainsaying him. Nor could he be distracted. Neither ...

... or shortly thereafter. On 7 November 1905, Aswini Kumar Dutta and other Nationalist leaders of Barisal issued a proclamation in which they    Page 1169 urged the people of the district to support the Swadeshi movement. A short while later Bampfylde Fuller, the Lieutenant-Governor of Eastern Bengal and Assam, summoned Dutta and the others and demanded that they withdraw the proclamation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Dhingra, R.D. Vice-Principal Ari-Force Kendriya Vidyalaya M.B. Road, Tughalakabad New Delhi-110062 51.Dixit, Som Datta A-133, Sector 27 Noida-201 301 (UP) 52.Dutta, Sarla Deputy Director 1097, Sector-A, Pkt.-B Vasant Kuni, New Delhi 53.Fanthom, F. Secretary, Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination Pragati House... 159.Ravindran Head, Tamil Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literature Studies Faculty of Arts University of Delhi Delhi - 110007 160.Roy, Sudipta Dutta 164 SFS Flats Hauz Khas, New Delhi -110016 Page 741 161.Rudolf, Stephen Sector-21 B, Faridabad, Haryana -121001 162.Sandhir, S.K. ...

... Bihari-da’s room. Bihari-da was lying quietly on the floor — no moaning, shaking or tossing about — just lying there. Vishwajit and Mohini-da managed to lift him onto the cot and sent for the doctor (Dr. Dutta). Bihari-da in the meanwhile opened his eyes, gave Vishwajit a beatific smile and again closed his eyes. The doctor came, but Bihari-da was already beyond the doctor’s or anyone’s reach or help. It ...


... very spiritually inclined nor did he know about Sri Aurobindo. He was somewhat mixed up with a revolutionary group of young people. He did not take a very active part. The group was led by Manmohan Dutta. They were some of those involved in the famous “Chittagong Armoury Raid”. (Biharida had already reached Pondy when the raid took place.) Manmohan Dutta’s brother was Bihari-da’s teacher. It was he ...


... near the entrance, were got done by one Shobha-di. The Nursing Home was probably the last of his achievements. He fell ill and had to keep to his bed. He was looked after by his new assistant, Dr. Dutta, who was already very much the incumbent doctorbabu. Nripen-da’s condition got worse. He was shifted to the Nursing Home. Once I went to see him; he was not talking. He wouldn’t or couldn’t, I can’t ...


... remarkable, near perfect. Someone is keeping that tradition alive. Sitaram did the washing of vessels for many years. He might have continued to do so longer, but he developed an allergy and Dr. Dilip Dutta prevailed over him to stop the washing. Fortunately he agreed to pass on the work to others (Rani, then Prashant took over). Prashant was also one of his trusted helpers who took care of him and accompanied ...


... vanity, quarrels, love of praise, anger at blame, little wishes of all kinds, etc. Vital mind — see mind. Page 418 Vivekananda, Swami —monastic name of Narendranath Dutta (1863-1902), the most famous disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and one of the great spiritual teachers of modern India. Yajnavalkya —a famous Rishi who figures prominently in the Brihadaranyaka ...


... integral part of the political programme, ultimately leading to India’s independence. At the time of the Surat Congress, December 1907 Front row left to right: G.S. Khaparde, Aswini Kumar Dutta Middle row: Sirdar Ajit Singh, Sri Aurobindo, B.G. Tilak, Saiyad Haider Reza Back row: Dr. B.S. Munje, Ramaswamy, K. Kuverji Desai Sri Aurobindo at Amravati, January 1908, after the Surat ...


... successfully done in Bengali, and you can prove and have proved it yourself over again by writing these poems and bringing in the rhythm, the kallol [great joy or delight], which is absent in Satyen Dutta. It is quite true also that stylisation is permissible and a recognised form of art—I mean professed and overt stylisation and not that which hides itself under a contrary profession of naturalness ...

... his wit he was never popular for his teaching. Prithwindranath Mukherjee recalls in his memoirs: “When Nishikanto came to teach us Meghnadbad Kavya [The Slaying of Meghnad by Michael Madhusudan Dutta] I felt sad when I observed that such a witty and learned person became extremely dull as a teacher.” [66] An interesting personality Yet Nishikanto remained an interesting personality in ...

... explained as jala (water) and the word water has been used for antariksa (ether) and the word vyoman (ether) has been interpreted as prthivi (earth). That is why in the interpretations of Sayana or Ramesh Dutta, in spite of their supplying synonyms of words, a passage taken as a whole appears to be quite odd, confusing and utterly meaningless. One is at a loss to know whether one should indulge in laughter ...

... of thought and expression did not come naturally to Bengali – it became difficult, laboured, artificial: e.g., 'An enquiry into the relation between other phenomena and human nature' of Akshay Kumar Dutta or even 'Bodhodaya' of Ishwar Chandra. It was Bankimchandra who was the Page 169 pioneer in whose hand this line of development attained something like an ease and naturalness of ...

... engineers in Bengal Telephones. He stayed with his parents and was admitted to a private school called Anandamayee Institution, which was founded and run by a patriot and idealist named Charuchandra Dutta. Pranab imbibed here, along with all the academic subjects, the spirit of discipline, high morals, great ideals and patriotism. After six years of studies, his school course in Anandamayee Institution ...

... transformed into a plantation for the production of raw materials and a dumping ground for the cheap manufactured goods from the West..." — An Advanced History of India by Majumdar, Ray-Chaudhury and Dutta. "...the manufactures of India were once in a highly flourishing condition. The Moghul Courts encouraged large towns and urban enterprise. European traders were first attracted to India, not by ...

... in Burma. * On 11 December 1908, Minto had issued orders for the arrest and deportation of Subodh Mullick, Krishna Kumar Mitra, Manoranjan Guhathakurta, Shyamsundar Chakravarti, Aswini Kumar Dutta and others.   Page 333 this tidal wave of repression and the false logic behind it provoked even Morley to protest in these terms: That's the Russian argument; by packing off ...

... year after the composition of Bhawani Mandir) and it was taking the shape of terrorism. Of this new school in Bengal, Aurobindo was in a sense the spiritual father whose influence on Bhupendra Nath Dutta (Vivekananda's brother) and Barindra Kumar Ghose was considerable. Bhupendra Nath and Barindra   Page 199 Kumar were upholders of the cult of triumph through terror. 37 Many years ...

... another theme was "Realisation", and among the fourteen entries noted by Champaklal are the following: Let Agni lead you to Realisation. (Amal) The Star of your Realisation is rising. (Dutta) Prayer will lead you to Realisation. (Duraiswami) Your Faith is the straightest way to Realisation. (Dyuman) Keep burning in you the Flame that leads to Realisation. (Lalita) ...


... after that." This shock treatment jolted Rajnarain back to moderation, till finally he entirely gave it up. In April 1847, Rajnarain married again. NlSTARINI was the daughter of Abhayacharan Dutta of Hatkhola. She wrote poetry, and in the 1870s some of her poems were printed. They had eight children, five daughters and three sons. Some of them were talented. The eldest son, Jogindranath Bose ...

... found his Na-Meso, K. K. Mitra, and Bhupendranath Basu outside. The police had prevented them from entering the premises, and had also turned down the request of Sri Aurobindo's solicitor, Hirendranath Dutta, to be present during the search. To whet the Reader's appetite, let me reproduce here from Bangabasi dated July 3 rd 1909. "I and my fellow accused were kept in solitary cells, about nine ...

... a British Court on the ground that it did not recognise the foreign Government and this immensely increased the prestige and influence of the paper." Vivekananda's younger brother, Bhupendranath Dutta, was sentenced to one year's rigorous imprisonment on 24 July 1907 for 'seditious' matter that appeared in the Yugantar. The fact is that the Government was scared stiff of the Yugantar. The ...

... them to go to political meetings,—barring celebrations of the Empire Day,—he will, of course, be dismissed at once. Finally the College Professors, men like Srijuts Surendranath Banerji, Aswini Kumar Dutta, Krishna Kumar Page 387 Mitra, are not to be altogether gagged, but their hands are to be bound. "If he diverts his students' minds to political agitation," as Srijut Surendranath has done ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... consider the matter of supreme interest. Nevertheless, the names of a few men of advanced opinions did find their way into the Bengal list. Men like Srijuts Motilal Ghose, Bipin Chandra Pal, Aswini Kumar Dutta and A. Rasul sitting side by side with Messrs. Tilak and Khaparde would form a leaven which, however small, might easily season the mass of the Committee and would at any rate prevent it from being ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Anath Bandhu Guha or Sj. Hardayal Nag, the leading men of Mymensingh and Chandpur respectively, or declared by the authorities to be of undesirable antecedents, e.g. Lala Lajpat Rai, Sj. Aswini Kumar Dutta, Sj. Krishna Kumar Mitra and all Nationalists and agitators generally, are ipso facto incapable of representing the people under these exquisite reforms. After all this it may seem a waste of time ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... far outran the capital in the swiftness and thoroughness of their activity, they always waited for an intellectual initiative and sanction from the leaders in Calcutta. Barisal under Sj. Aswini Kumar Dutta was the exception. What the people themselves could not accomplish under the most favourable circumstances, the Government is not likely to effect merely by excluding the Calcutta leaders from the Council ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... without persisting in a general repression which would drive the whole educated community into the Nationalist camp. They have got Bipin Pal and Liakat under lock and key, Brahmabandhab is dead, Aswini Dutta may be paralysed by a rigorous enforcement of the new Act in Bakarganj, and of all the more powerful Nationalist speakers and writers one or two only have so far escaped the attack made upon them. The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... intelligence. They must not forget that nine of their most devoted workers were rotting in British jails under the name of deportation. What was the meaning of conciliation when men like Aswini Kumar Dutta, Krishna Kumar Mitra and others were taken away from them and not restored? What kind of conciliation was this which was offered us while this great wrong remained unremedied? Who could trust such a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... khaiye lokeder shasto bhalo korto, eto na khaiye bhalo korbe bolche!” (“In old times doctor used to feed people to get them well, this one says he will starve them to good health!”) He concluded Dr. Dutta was not a good doctor. He doubted if at all he was a doctor, or had passed his exams. In any case, his health deteriorated. He suffered a stroke — a partial paralysis followed. His condition worsened ...


... was there for 45 minutes. He came back and declared, “I have offered myself with the ‘offering’ (of money)!” The days passed — 25th February — Sitaram was not sleeping much. He called Dr. Dilip Dutta and asked for some medicine; he wanted to get at least two hours sleep. (He could not sleep well those days — the last two months.) A week went by. On the 2nd of March he went out for his usual walk ...


... Earth and Heaven which you termed "exquisite" with music of course and Nishikanta's song on Avatar which he translated and which I sang last Sunday. He has learned it with the help of this Himangsu Dutta who is now the most famous musical technician (also a good composer, got the title of sursāgar [ocean of melody]) and read his or rather their unanimous tribute. There is an elite of modern musical ...

... fact now-a-days I receive letters from so many poets, poetesses, etc. asking me to adjudicate on the intricatest points of metrical gymnastics even and I can, if I like, do gymnastics too like Satyen Dutta, only I never do it. I never write poems, as you know, regularly, U] write only when I feel a kind of urge. But to resume my question: As I understand, Swinburne spent a lot of labour on conscious ...

... who follow any such rule of strict external surrender. And I cannot understand what you mean by the reproach that we have made some people stiff and speechless. Who are they? Amrita, Anilbaran, Dutta. As far as I know, they are quite adept in [?] and eloquent or fluent talkers. I am guiltless of the crime you charge against me. Another thing let me correct. It is not at all correct to say ...

... Raghunath Shastri Kokage, Hathapradipika, Kaivalya Dhama, S.M.Y.M. Samiti, Lonavala, 1998. Dreyfus, H.L., Husseri, Intentionality & Cognitive Science, MIT Press, Cambridge, M.A., 1982. Dutta, D.M., The Six Ways of Knowing, University of Calcutta, 1960. Eccles, J., How The Self Controls Its Brain, Springer Verlag, N.Y., 1994. Elide, M., Cosmos & History: The Myth of the Eternal ...

... years or so, stretching from the late nineties of the last century to the early years of the first decade of the present one. Perseus the Deliverer, Rodogune, The Viziers of Bassora, Eric and Vasava-dutta are the five complete plays written by Sri Aurobindo. These are really, to quote the words of Prof. K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar, "dramas of life and love, of conflict and change: of conflict that is at ...

... trance of absorption in which all psychoses and appearances of objects are stopped...." 3 1 Pātan jala S ū tra, 1.2. 2 Yoga-V ā sistha, IV. 5.18. 3 Chatterjee and Dutta, An Introduction to Indian Philosophy, p. 305. Page 79 In more general terms we may say that Samadhi or yogic trance is that state of superconsciousness in which the aspirant ...

... Sahana, 185-7 Devi, Vma, 181 Dhama, 286 Dhanapala, 239 Dhendhanpa, 278 Dhritarashtra, 56 Dirghatama, Rishi, 132 Draupadi, 56 Duncan , 38 Dutta, Basabi, 180 Dutt, R. C., II   EKALAVYA, 193 Europe , 22   FRANCE , 12   GANDHARVAS,the,50 Ganges , the, 106, 150, 266,268, 286 ...

... struggled on for two-three years and developed a life-long friendship. In addition to her Dining Room work (she worked there for four years), Krishnamma took up embroidery under Amma’s guidance. Dutta would bring to them the cloth-pieces, along with the flower-designs (usually Sweetness of thoughts turned towards the Divine ) to be embroidered. From these pieces were made window-curtains, ta ...

... Calcutta in April 1881. A large number of guests attended the marriage party, but the bride's father, Rajnarain Bose, did not. Rabindranath Tagore composed a song for the occasion, and Narendranath Dutta, better known as Swami Vivekananda, sang at the ceremony. The Mitras had three children: Kumudini, Basanti and Sukumar. Kumudini (1882-1943) was beautiful and straightforward. She was to become ...

... never misused a single word." The remark about not understanding Bengali that well needs to be amended. For, did he not in August 1894, do a literary critique of Bankim and Michael Madhusudan Dutta in a series of articles in the Induprakash! Then again, Mano, almost immediately upon his return, in October 1894, wrote to Rabindranath: "Aurobindo is anxious to know what you think of his book of ...

... during labour. SRI AUROBINDO: That is true. No rules can be fixed for these things. Formerly sixteen to eighteen was the age for marriage. I know about someone in my uncle's family. I mean Hatkhola Dutta's children. The girl was only thirteen when she first delivered. She got a boy, who I saw when he was thirteen or fourteen. He was very tall, healthy and handsome. The rest of the children, among them ...

... locomotion — yet walking — no vehicle. For a long time one family (late Raghunandan’s) took care of him. He was their family friend. Later he had to be shifted to the Senior Service Home (under Dr. Dutta’s care). He tarried not too long there. He passed away peacefully on 3.9.96 — reputed to be 100 years old — without that hurried step he had practised a lifetime. It was a quiet departure noticed by ...