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Dyer : John (1699-1757), Welshman chiefly remembered as the author of Grongar Hill (1726), a short descriptive & meditative poem on which the countryside.

32 result/s found for Dyer

... slightly modified by the greater and more original writers. These different groups of writers may be thus divided. (1) The school of natural description & elegiac moralising, consisting of Thomson, Dyer, Green, Young and other inferior writers. (2) The school of Miltonic Hellenists, begun by Warton &consisting besides of Gray, Collins, Akenside and a number of followers. (3) The school of Johnson,... century poets, who published their earliest work in 1798-1800, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey, Landor & Campbell. School of Natural Description The first to break away from Pope were Thomson & Dyer. The original departures made by their school were as follows. (1) In subject-matter an almost exclusive devotion of their poetry to the description of natural objects and natural scenery. In dealing... generally even more incapable than the Pope school. 1 There is beside a tendency to force poetry to the service of the most unpoetical subjects, Armstrong writing in verse of the Art of Medicine, Dyer of Agriculture & Thomson of jail reform. On the other hand Satire is less practised or even abandoned. (2) In language, the discarding of the idea of wit as the basis of poetry; there is no straining ...


... continual stress and tension; not inclined to relax unless compelled; critical of oneself and others; * The five stages have been elaborated upon as a measuring scale of mental health by Dr. Wayne Dyer in The Sky's the Limit, New York: Pocket Books, 1981. Page 129 competitive with others. Coping: motivated by rational goals and interests; more or less successful management of ...

... 98fn, 111 Desire(s) 96-97, 101,102 Detachment 142-43; cf. Witness attitude Disidentification 135,136, 142 Doubt 94-95 Dreams 35, 37,42 Drug addiction 106 Dyer, Dr. Wayne 129fn Ebulia 95 Ego (egoism) 16, 18-19, 25,50, Page 162 68,110-12, 11Ofn, 133, 134, 136, 142 and consciousness 18,19,58 and disturbances ...

... inhabitant of Malwa. मालसी      a plant. माला      garland, wreath; series, line; group, collection; string, necklace, chain; streak; technical term in drama. मालिकः      florist, gardener; dyer, painter; wreathmaker; a kind of bird. मालिका      garland, etc; a jasmine; linseed; daughter; palace; a bird; intoxicating drink. मालित      wreathed; engirt. मालिन्      garlanded. माली ...


... Alaktaka: in Sanskrit alaktaka or laakshaa: a resinous substance coming out of the sap of some trees, due to an insect called the lac insect. This red substance is used as a dye. Synonym: shellac. The dyeing of the feet (Kangra, cir 1785) Page 33 ...

... habit of converting textile dyers. So much so that the unsuspecting dyers disclosed to him their secret of the art of dying textiles. Now, the European manufacturers had been trying for long to copy the beauty of Indian textiles, but had never succeeded. This Jesuit priest, a 'Reverend Father,' treacherously revealed the Indian dyers' secret to the Europeans. Why only dyeing. All sorts of Indian technology ...

... ethereal Spring.   And through that mystic blossoming My body grows a god in whom Each thought is a pure petalling Star-loveliness of trance-perfume.   But though divinest dye illume My life, it seems so poor a thing Unless Her gift of skiey bloom Go back to Her, feet-garlanding.     26.9.33 Page 444 ...

... time-hue away Hangs its miraculous sleep for magic dreams To bring unmarred their alchemies to our mind. Deep in a trance of world-forgetfulness Each mood must plunge: the despot of life's dye Comes then to wake God's gold in mortal grey.   13.7.48 Page 337 ...

... crowned with new birth's ecstasy Over memory's threshold in the spirits shrine. Space has lost all its heavy hue of sighs In a colourless still mystery of sound The artist aureoled Sun-goddess dyes, A symphony descending earthward bound. Deep silence now has come upon the night, Moon-song and star-song and gold-fretted Light. Page 15 ...

Nirodbaran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sun Blossoms

... time-hue away Hangs its miraculous sleep for magic dreams To bring unmarred their alchemies to our mind. Deep in a trance of world-forgetfulness Each mood must plunge: the despot of life's dye Comes then to wake God's gold in mortal grey. 13-7-48 Page 108 ...

... airy spars, I pencilled the hue of its matchless blue,     And spangled it around with stars. I painted the flowers of the Eden bowers,     And their leaves of living green, And mine were the dyes in the sinless eyes     Of Eden's Virgin queen; And when the fiend's art in the truthful heart     Had fastened its mortal spell, In the silvery sphere of the first-born tear     To the trembling ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... or three pages. It was like an etching. It was very difficult to read under a 25w bulb at night. Not that we read much. Along with the paper-making the two friends expanded and diversified — into dyeing. That was the undoing. The smoke etc. brought some protests from the increasing neighbourhood population. By now Sudhirda had quit to take up pottery. Again Kiran-da got a reprieve. A new place was... floor, daily adding more. But the first lot would not wait (fresh) for the 100,000! They started to dry or rot. The project was, as far as I know, abandoned. Then there were ideas to start ceramics, dyeing and what more I don’t know. All started but none developed to any great extent. The surprising fact was he did have the needful knowhow for all these projects. There were two sitar boxes in a... went back to HMP, handed the keys of the place to the watchmen and walked away. Kiran-da of many skills worked his way South, Trichy, Dindigul, Coimbatore etc. He took contracts from police for dyeing, and some other works and carried on for some time. He was used to hard times and hard work, but somewhere a dissatisfaction lurked. He was drawn back to this place — his Home. So one day he turned ...

... England. There is a lot of research now going on in India; of course there is nothing epoch-making. In some places, they are going only into details. In the Punjab they are working on the solubility of dyes. SRI AUROBINDO: They can do some research on the beard too: what are the different varieties and colours and what makes it long or short, or they may try to find out what is the cause of Nirodbaran's ...

... done by experiments under sub-head ( b ), and such are very necessary as European machinery is too costly to be introduced on the scale required. Similarly with regard to dyeing attempts should be made to discover pucca country dyes and improve such as are already in use. Means of encouraging industrial expansion. 5) Besides this the State should push forward the same object by ( a ) help... General Suggestions Causes of decline. 1) Trade throughout the Raj is in a state of depression and decline. The great industries that once flourished, such as weaving, dyeing, sharafi &c. are entirely broken and though a number of small retail trades have sprung up, the balance is greatly on the side of decline. The main causes of this condition of things are I European ...

... “money people”. “In Egypt and the Near East, they were mostly agricultural colonizers; elsewhere they were mostly represented in great numbers in the crafts of that period, especially as weavers and dyers, professions which in some regions they almost monopolized; but one found them also as goldsmiths, glass blowers, and as producers of bronze and iron.” Paul of Tarsus was a tent maker, and Baruch Spinoza ...

... Sudhir Kumar supervising chunam-making at the Ashram Cloth-Dyeing A physical education uniform was designed in the late 1940s. The Groups were formed according to age. The Mother decided that each group should be identified by a special colour. Here Sudhir’s talent found another opportunity — he prepared the dyes used for colouring the group shorts. The Mother was very particular about... group. Sudhir dyed the cloth to Her specifications. Soon the dyeing increased, as saris, bedcovers, and other materials were sent to him by Sadhaks happy to have a little more colour in their life. The Mother gave Sudhir permission to do this extra work provided there was enough colour for the group shorts. Thus started cloth and yarn dyeing in the Ashram, which continues even today. Chunam ( Lime... talents found many expressions. Among his enterprises over the years he introduced were the constructions of flush toilets with septic tanks, the manufacture of hand-made paper, washing soap, lime, dyeing of clothes and the establishment of the pottery. A tireless worker with an indomitable will and an adventurous spirit he became a willing and humble instrument in the Mother’s hands. In character ...

... you dance with the luminous hush     Bearing Time’s silent tide. You are moulding the clay to an angel’s eye,      And moving the thorn as a pen You change the black veil with a golden dye     And break the blind dark den. Consciousness grows in the Mother divine,     You laugh on her lap in your dream; Your thoughts are bright with her red sun-wine     And your words ...

... big ten-yard piece. But it was not successful: the dyeing is irregular: some places are dark and some are pale. You will see it tomorrow morning. My dear child, I didn't reply at once because I wanted to see the cloth first. There are irregularities, of course, but it seems to me that they can be put right. I don't think it would be good to dye it again. It would become too dark. But we can take... trouble and made a very beautiful drawing, a beautiful piece of cloth has been purchased at a cost of Rs. 30, you and Z have taken a great deal of trouble to dye it, and I tell you that I have found a way of utilising the irregularities of the dyeing to make a sari far more beautiful than we had thought, and yet without considering you write in a fit of bad temper: "I don't want to do this sari any more ...

... let's make a date for fifty years from now and see how much it interests us then. But it will, Mother! Page 115 Do you think you'll have white hair?... I don't have white hair — I don't dye it, you know, it's natural! No, your hair is a color that never turns white. Listen, I'm already all white at the temples! Will you have a beard in fifty years? No, I don't like beards. ...

... Martin gave assurance on behalf of France that it would respect the ways and customs of the people, and would not in any way interfere with their religious practices. That attracted the Hindus—weavers, dyers, artisans, merchants all flocked to the new, growing village, soon to become a town. Pondicherry became an important base for the French. Gradually they levied taxes, and introduced their own legal ...

... logic of the poetic moment would be absent. Let me dwell a little on the meaningful artistry of these lines. The unusual verb "incarnadine" is, of course, the centre-piece here. It signifies: "to dye flesh-coloured or crimson." It has a strongly melodious effect on the ear and creates a vivid impression on the eye. But its purpose goes far beyond all this. Macbeth has let his imagination soar. He ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... think and act unawares, as it were. A deep realisation and an unknown urge possess and overwhelm their whole being. Bengalis are a race of artists. A deep sense of delight from the soul regulates and dyes all their faculties and creations, and their life itself. They are not active in order to follow and fulfil a particular aim or purpose. Their actions, to a great extent, have no motive, but are for ...

... of swans, and on the other, an elephant-hide16 dripping with blood. Can the two go together? "Could even an enemy of yours consent to be a witness to this scene: your feet, painted with alaktaka dye, leaving red marks on the flower decorations of the marriage pavilion, and then treading upon corpses' hairs scattered all over the cremation-ground? "What can be more unseemly, tell me, than the ...

... but in the fact that they were State enterprises. I have also made an experiment in technical education. Page 714 I founded an institution called the Kala-Bhavan with departments in dyeing and weaving, carpentry and mechanical engineering, and with the object of diffusing technical education I had branches of it set up in various parts of the Raj. The response among the people was so... people and the material wealth of the country expand, there can be but little demand for the work which such institutes turn out. So far, the Kala-Bhavan has done but little beyond providing skilled dyers for Bombay mills; and until the people co-operate more earnestly its utility will not be recognised. Once more it is the prevailing ignorance which hampers every movement to help the people. They are ...

... the way of sadhana we follow nor the nature of the Goal we envisage for our spiritual endeavour. Our lifestyle is altogether different. We do not change our secular names like the Sannyasins nor do we dye our clothes in saffron or in any other distinctive colours to signify that we have been following a life of spiritual sadhana. We engage in the normal activities of life and we do not shun the com- ...

... When it burns no longer, perhaps I shall fly away also, leaving a small black barber on the platform and a wallpaper smile? —Do you want me to tell you, boy? He bent over me with his shining dyes; and “I” was just a hard point against something—obstinately against—against him, against that barber, against everything. —You are banging your head against a wall—a formidable wall... He blew... mechanism had started again. The asphyxiation too. One re-entered the cavern. Then I invoked the silence. It came down massively: a dark blue invasion petrifying that swarm of thinking flies; a litmus-dye which turned everything instantaneously to blue. Just one drop of that . And all was motionless blue. Peace again, and aquamarine coolness. The powerful tranquillity of the True. I remained there ...

... below that of the modern mind. Also the monuments of the past bear witness to the ingenuity and skill of the craftsmen, as for instance in stone-cutting, carpentry, smelting, spinning and weaving, dyeing. Some achievements in architecture and engineering Page 8 are of the first order and have withstood the ravages of time. Kings, princes and ministers tried no doubt at times to ...

... and adoring an idol with rice and flowers; 8. Spreading and arranging beds or couches of flowers, or flowers upon the ground; 9. Colouring the teeth, garments, hair, nails and bodies, i.e. staining, dyeing colouring and painting the same; 10. Fixing stained glass into a floor; 11. The art of making beds, and spreading out carpets and cushions for reclining; 12. Playing on musical glasses filled with ...

... idol with rice and flowers; 8. Spreading and arranging beds or couches of flowers, or flowers upon the ground; 9. Colouring the teeth, garments, hair, nails and bodies, i.e. staining, dyeing, colouring and painting the same; 10. Fixing stained glass into a floor; 11. The art of making beds, and spreading out carpets and cushions for reclining; 12. Playing on musical glasses ...

... hallowed name for hours In ecstasy. The evening-star met in thy eyes of flame Her love’s own fire, And greeting thee the silent moon became Transformed to a lyre. Rainbows descend below, thy robes to dye, O ageless Gleam! A-heave with hue and vision the poets cry: “Come true, our Dream!” [69] But he could understand the reason for the departure of his Guru and his pen gave birth to thirty poems ...

... that you should take up some useful work there. Do with good will what is asked from you. Blessings. * * * 12.5.71 Lisa has been producing textile articles with a new tie-dye technic and now suggests the name 'Aurocreation' as a trade label. Or any other name that Mother may give. Mother approves the name Aurocreation. I can help in the organisation of the work ...

... that you should take up some useful work there. Do with good will what is asked from you. Blessings. * * * 12.5.71 Lisa has been producing textile articles with a new tie-dye technic and now suggests the name 'Aurocreation' as a trade label. Or any other name that Mother may give. Mother approves the name Aurocreation. I can help in the organisation of the work ...