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Fascism : term first used in 1919 by Mussolini to define his political attitude & mass movement in Italy; it reached its zenith in Hitler’s Nazi Germany.
... leader and the fact that the movement was identified with him, in a way even Italian Fascism and Mussolini could not be compared with. “Nothing is more misleading than to call Hitler a fascist”, writes Sebastian Haffner in his Anmerkungen zu Hitler (notes on Hitler), “his nationalism was everything except a fascism”. 746 “National Socialism was fundamentally and from the very start ‘Hitlerism’,... in the company of Gauleiters and other Party functionaries, when he relapsed into the jargon of the period of struggle and comradeship.” 745 Nazism is generally considered to have been a form of Fascism, after the First World War symptomatic in almost every developed nation on the globe. This is only partially true and in its most superficial features: the greatness of the nation, the integration... was this way of seeing which allowed Konrad Heiden to entitle a chapter of his early Hitler biography “Hitler versus National Socialism”, in which “National Socialism” stood for the common view of fascism, while Hitler and Hitlerism were something different altogether, and much more extreme. There are many testimonies to the fact that “Hitler’s plans and war aims never changed”, as Speer puts it ...
... they are jeering at. May 21, 1940 (A disciple:) Gandhi writes in the Harijan that there is not much to choose between Imperialism and Fascism. He finds very little difference. There is a big difference. Under Fascism he wouldn't be able to write such things or say anything against the State. He would be shot. And he still believes that by non-violence we can defend... something better when it was not called democracy. When the name is given the truth of it seems to go out____ (A disciple:) Communism began with a high ideal and it is certainly better than Fascism or Nazism. In which way better? Formerly people were unconscious slaves, now under Communism they are conscious slaves---- They are bound to the State, the dictator and the party. They can't ...
... of violence, duty and sacrifice, of the heroic virtues”, writes Zeev Sternhell. “Fascism develops to the full and applies to the realities of the postwar new ethics which had originated on the eve of the war: the yearning to serve, the cult of power, of commanding and obeying, of a collective faith and abnegation. Fascism means adventure and also, as in Sorel, ‘the deed and nothing but the deed’ … But... civilization imposed by a state that callously disregarded the essentially spiritual needs of the Volk. The postwar era thrust the ‘third-way’ alternative again into the foreground … Everywhere in Europe, Fascism was based upon the urge toward a ‘third way’, and völkisch thought here intersected with the mainstream of an international movement … Whatever the alternative presented by the advocates of the ‘third ...
... telegram to Y, saying this is the end of Fascism and the beginning of true democracy and declaring: "You will be a true president." SRI AUROBINDO: Does it mean that the true president follow his followers? That is true democracy! He will choose his followers choose and then follow them. SATYENDRA: Instead of Fascism of the Right, what the haps want is a Fascism of the Left. PURANI: The question ...
... the mass. There is the Fürer or the leader; that is to say, the king. You have thus the sovereign man, his party – the aristocracy, the chosen – and the general mass. The same is the case with Fascism and Communism. Only the Brahmin class – the intellectuals – have no place. It is curious how a thing gets spoiled when it gets recognition. Democracy was something better when it was not called... the classes, only they are all bound to the State, everything is under State-control just as in Communism. .. Disciple : But Communism began with a high ideal and it must be better than Fascism or Nazism. Sri Aurobindo : In which way better? Formerly people were Page 208 unconscious slaves, now under Communism they are conscious slaves. In the former regime they ...
... is the Fuhrer or leading or sovereign man, like a king; then there is his party, which is the aristocracy, the elite, and there is the general herd of common people. The same arrangement holds with Fascism and Communism, except that the Brahmin classes, the intellectuals, have no place. After this, a few remarks were exchanged on democracy. SRI AUROBINDO: It is curious how a thing gets spoiled... classes: only, the classes are all bound to the State, everything being under State control just as in Communism. NIRODBARAN: But Communism began with a high ideal and it is certainly better than Fascism or Nazism. The masses have their own government. SRI AUROBINDO: In what way is it better? Formerly the masses were unconscious slaves. Before they could strike when they were dissatisfied; now they ...
... of the pure intellect which has to preserve a calm dispassionate centre amidst the whirl of personality. A certain intolerant heat and a leaning towards Fascism were characteristic of Yeats in old age. The latter came from a confusion of Fascism with aristocracy and the superman's strength, the former from that strain in him which developed as a reaction against his early dreaminess and which insisted ...
... Socialism and the democratic or equalitarian idea or the revolt of the proletariate is however an accident of its history, not its essence. In Italian Fascism there arose a Socialism undemocratic and non-equalitarian in its form, idea and temper. Fascism has gone, but there is no inevitable connection between Socialism and the domination of Labour. ...
... the heart of Fascism and thought that here was only another form of the imperialistic ambition which had marched through history so often and which was never quite impervious to the influence of heroic self- Page 90 sacrifice and passive resistance on its opponent's part. Many Indians committed the same mistake, but except the taking up of arms on behalf of Fascism nothing could ...
... hundred. SRI AUROBINDO: A very big number indeed! SATYENDRA: Gandhi writes in the Harijan that there is not much to choose between Imperialism and Fascism. He finds very little difference. SRI AUROBINDO: There is a big difference. Under Fascism he wouldn't be able to write such things or say anything against the State. He would be shot. SATYENDRA: And he still believes that by non-violence ...
... 143 , 171, 182 evolution, 51, 59 , 65, 136, 189,201 ,217, 235, 254 the new evolution, 111 see al so supermind, truth Extremism, 32(fn) F fanaticism, 147, 167, 169, 190, 197 , 204 Fascism, 194,214,226 fast, see under hunger strike federation (for India ), 249 fight, see under battle force (spiritual), see under power forests, 220 France, 202, 227 -228 freedom, 26, 79, 213 , 2 ...
... was indeed much less apparent then. × Not always in the form of Socialism, Bolshevik Communism or Fascism. Other forms of government that are nominally based on the principles of individualistic democracy and freedom have begun to follow the same trend under the disguise or the mere profession of its opposite ...
... cause of the failure of socialism to make good in so many countries even when it had every chance on its side and its replacement by the more vigorous and ruthlessly logical forces of Communism and Fascism. On the other hand, in the northernmost countries of Europe a temporising, reformist, practical Socialism compromising between the right regulation of the communal life and the freedom of the individual ...
... sanctify it. It has been at once served and opposed by the post-war disillusionment—opposed because the post-war world has fallen back either on cynicism and the life of the senses or on movements like Fascism and Communism; served because with the deeper minds the dissatisfaction with the ideals of the past or the present, with all mental or vital or material solutions of the problem of life has increased ...
... interfere with the rights and liberties of other nations.” In these formulations of Sri Aurobindo one hears a direct echo of Kant and the ideals of the Enlightenment. As we have seen repeatedly, Fascism as a whole and Nazism in particular were a revolt against everything the Enlightenment stood for, especially the idea of “progress”. The message of Sri Aurobindo lay precisely in the possibility and ...
... as the baboon, instead of now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.” 6 Racial superiority complexes are generally associated with the horrors of Nazism and other kinds of strutting fascism. It is little known that at the time the racially most pretentious were the Anglo-Saxons. “The superiority of the Indo-Europeans – nowadays one tends to forget this – was not only a characteristic ...
... Romanticism and the neo-romantic völkisch movement in Germany revolted against the intellect and its primacy during the Age of Reason, and that the political trends assembled under the common label of “Fascism” were in fact nationalist-romanticist expressions of this spirit. Politics has always functioned by appealing to the lower strata of the human character, which were the only ones the masses had access ...
... sanctify it. It has been at once served and opposed by the post-war disillusionment—opposed because the post-war world has fallen back either on cynicism and the life of the senses or on movements like Fascism and Communism; served because with the deeper minds the dissatisfaction with the ideals of the past or the present, with all mental or vital or Page 149 material solutions of the problem ...
... of socialism to make good in so many countries even when it had every chance on its side and its replacement by Page 13 the more vigorous and ruthlessly logical forces of Communism and Fascism. On the other hand, in the northernmost countries of Europe, a temporising, reformist, practical Socialism compromising between the right regulation of the communal life and the freedom of the individual ...
... Individuality, yes; that means every individuality, in other words, solidarity. The two sides of the equation must be given equal value and equal emphasis. If the stress upon one leads to Nazism, Fascism or Stalinism, steam-rollered uniformity or streamlined regimentation, the death of the individual, the other emphasis leads to disintegration and disruption, to the same end in a different way. But ...
... collective life, her own genius and rule. This is what Swaraj really means and demands. Russia has her Sovietic Communism, Germany, for the present at least, her Nazidom, Italy her totalitarian Fascism, old England her Parliamentarianism and France her Bureau cratism; each nation finds the norm and scheme of self-rule that suits its temperament and character and changes and modifies that also in ...
... collective life, her own genius and rule. This is what Swaraj really means and demands. Russia has her Sovietic Communism, Germany, for the present at least, her Nazidom, Italy her totalitarian Fascism, old England her Parliamentarianism and France her Bureaucratism; each nation finds the norm and scheme of self-rule that suits its temperament and character and changes and modifies that also in its ...
... SRI AUROBINDO: Indo-China's example? PURANI: But Franco doesn't seem anxious to join the war. He has to reckon with the blockade too. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. The Monarchists also don't want Fascism in Spain. It is not the Republicans alone but Franco's own men who don't want war. The Phalangists, of course, want it. The Phalangists are Fascists. SATYENDRA: Laski says that whenever the Ind ...
... ' stage. Although reprinted over thirty years after its serialisation in the Arya, the book was not subjected to any drastic revision. Occasional references to Lenin, Mussolini and Hitler and to Fascism, Nazism and Soviet Communism show that here and there a sentence or a paragraph was added when the Arya sequence of twenty-four chapters was reissued as The Human Cycle. However, anything like ...
... person should do the thinking and commanding and carry most of the responsibility. But, as he put it, "those who are led should not be driven, and they should be allowed to choose their leader." Both Fascism and Stalinism ran counter to the grain of his nature, though he might fancy several aspects of communist sociology. And, as his biographer Philipp Franck tells us, he was not of the party which advocated ...
... these letters. Some letters, like that of 17 February 1934, tug at our heart. The years 1934-1935 were crucial years for the world. Little noticed by the common man. Hitler and Mussolini, Nazism and Fascism were gathering force before breaking into a furious, whirling maelstrom that would soon hit the world, sweeping all before it. And in the invisible, occult plane Sri Aurobindo and Mother were fighting ...
... them at last into their glorious future. This need for an all-powerful master was an important feature in the psychological make-up of the Germans long before the strong man became the paragon of Fascism in many European nations. The Führer (i.e. leader) was longed and prayed for; he was expected before he took shape in Adolf Hitler. It was not the least of Hitler’s intuitions that he knew exactly ...
... which generally had remained very misty, was discarded by science, as were all matters occult and religious – but only up to a certain point. For it is touching when studying the history of Marxism, Fascism, Nazism, Russian communism and Maoism, among other national or worldwide movements, to see how desperately millions of people have been surrendering themselves to these pseudo-religions. Now, even ...
... In this he made the disastrous mistake – for mind and life and matter are part of a greater, encompassing whole – which exalted him into the patron saint of the vitalist movements, including Fascism in general and Nazism in particular. As J.P. Stern has it, according to Nietzsche “life cannot be defined: to define it would be to subordinate it to reason, its servant. This logical conundrum turned ...
... and being served by them. We have seen numerous examples of this fundamental and outspoken conviction in the previous chapters, more specifically in the one entitled “Superior People”. Every form of Fascism is a profession of exalted nationalism. In Germany the sense of superiority and of national Ego, imbibed with the mother milk, took on extraordinary proportions. From it resulted all the rest. The ...
... “the rise of persons who wield a tremendous vital influence over large numbers of men”: Benito Mussolini had marched on Rome in 1922 and Adolf Hitler had become the hero of a sedition trial in 1924; fascism raised its pompous head everywhere, also in Great Britain and the United States, and violence was seen as becoming of manhood, as the expression of the reality of life. Had the knowledge of the ...
... Mother in May. She had mentioned approximately the middle of the year and had promised to inform me at once.’ 8 The ‘tremendous resistance’ had become visible in the black and brown forces of Fascism and Nazism in Europe. If the reader wonders what these forces had to do with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s evolutionary effort, the answer is that they had everything to do with it, as will be explained ...
... battle with reason, from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance into the Romantic period. The importance of all this for our story is that this development leads directly to the völkisch movement, Fascism in general and Nazism in particular. Passions clashed with the effort to render humanity reasonable; nature was extolled against the modern city, farming and the corporate system against industrialisation ...
... nonsense to Hitler, who had something totally different in mind but who kept such thoughts to himself for the time being. Once, when the subject of religion came up, he said to Hermann Rauschning: “Let Fascism [he meant Mussolini] make its peace with the Church. I will do so too. Why not? It will not prevent me from extirpating Christianity in Germany root and branch … The Old Testament or the New, or only ...
... in the Arya were deleted during revision). Sri Aurobindo added more than fifty footnotes in his first revision, many of them referring to political developments of the 1930s such as the rise of Fascism. In his second, lighter revision, undertaken more than ten years later, he also made extensive use of footnotes for updating the text. Some two dozen new footnotes were added at this time and an equal ...
... administration of the economic life of the society which are preparing the revolutions of the future. Page 450 × Fascism, National Socialism have cut out the "freely" in this formula and set about the task of creating the organised self-regulating consciousness by a violent regimentation. ...
... inner tone would also lead to a recognition of the genitals' claim: a poet who has fused the essence of the Celtic mood with a deliberate "modernism" and even flirted with an aristocratic mode of fascism cannot escape this claim on his life. One may wonder how Yeats could switch on to his second poetic phase when he had appeared to be drenched in the Celtic Twilight. Perhaps there was a dichotomy in ...
... "manufactured consent" generated by the media and what President Eisenhower once called "the military industrial complex" exerts a control over the human self today before which earlier forms of fascism pale into insignificance. The paranoia, hypnosis and atrophy of our deeper intellectual, emotional and aesthetic faculties seem to leave little room in our present life for making a judgment based ...
... outlook for the immediate future. Lenin successfully adapted the Marxian thesis to some of these subsequent developments, and again since then further remarkable changes have taken place — the rise of fascism and Nazism and all that lay behind them. The very rapid growth of technology and the practical application of vast developments in scientific knowledge are now changing the world picture with an amazing ...
... if there is no trade, they won't get anything from outside. SRI AUROBINDO: And nothing from inside. (Laughter) PURANI: Sammer must be glad over the arrest of workers in France. He says that Fascism, will help towards bringing about communism in France. SRI AUROBINDO: How? It is Germany that has arrested the workers because they refused to work. PURANI: Oh, I see. SATYENDRA: But that ...
... withdrawal of the British, the danger of a Japanese invasion would disappear. At this time, differences emerged between Nehru and Gandhi. Nehru believed that India must fight with Britain against Fascism, while Gandhi felt that all ideas of cooperation or friendly understanding between Britain and India must end. On June 7, he wrote: "I waited and waited until the country should develop the non-violent ...
... of date". In reality those two great men had a lot of things in common. First of all, Monnet admired de Gaulle a lot, especially for his role during World War II. Both men had fought against fascism. Both of them long before other people had perceived the insatiable appetite of the Nazis. Both of them wanted to give their countries strong institutions, both of them wanted to make France a modern ...
... 185 Encyclopaedists, the, 286 England, 205, 253, 284 Epicurus, 108, 1O9n Euclid, 107 Euripides, 73, 86 Europe, 58, 60, 199, 243, 253, 273, 284-5, 289 FAKIRS, 221, 223 Fascism, 253, 262 Flaubert, 88 France, 66, 193, 198, 205, 253, 284, 298 Francisco, 173-4 French Revolution, 103, 266, 274 Freud, Sigmund, 126 GANDHARVAS,26 Gargi, 5-6 Germany, 253 ...
... book. Now Mother is walking upon the world. January 30, 1976 (Letter to two Aurovilian friends, A. and L.) Yes, you have seen exactly: the dark forces that incite the masses to everyday fascism are there, and it is not surprising in the least. When you read the rest of the book, you will see the formidable story and how they sent Mother over to the other side. They would like to send Satprem ...
... expression of the undying soul of the nation. 42 Nationalism for Sri Aurobindo was a means for enriching and extending life, not for diminishing or destroying it as was attempted later by Fascism and Nazism. Sri Aurobindo clearly pointed out that, once India's nationalism had brought political order and economic prosperity to the country, it should "preserve itself in Cosmopolitanism somewhat ...
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