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Ford : Henry (1863-1947) rectified factory production with assembly-line methods.

45 result/s found for Ford

... strata and Ford belongs to one stratum of intellect, Einstein to another—Ford has a practical and executive business intellect, Einstein a scientific discovering and theorising intellect. But Ford too in his own field theorises, invents, discovers. Yet would you call Ford an intellectual or a man of intellect? I would prefer to use for the general faculty of mind the word intelligence. Ford has a great ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... about financial aid to the Ashram from America. She had said: "I have a feeling that we may have something to do with Henry Ford." Years afterwards, Margaret Wilson, the daughter of the one-time President Woodrow Wilson, came to stay in the Ashram and she got in touch with Ford. Ford replied that, as he believed in reincarnation, he would be interested to meet somebody who could throw light on his past... births. Miss Wilson spoke with the Mother. The Mother said she could certainly throw some light. It appears that Ford was eager to pay a visit to the Ashram. Unhappily, adverse circumstances delayed his coming. A little later he died. So the only help that has come so far from the side of Ford are those Rs. 500 as a windfall to one to whom the Mother had talked about Ford's possible help. Page 55... rolled by but there was no prospect of those Rs. 500 materialising in a lump sum. In December of the previous year, an American journalist, Harvey Breit, had come to Bombay with a scheme of the Ford Foundation for a special India-Supplement to the Atlantic Monthly. I was introduced to him and he commissioned an article on Sri Aurobindo and his Ashram. I wrote my piece, 2000 words or so. It was ...


... rolled by, but there appeared no prospect of those Rs. 500 materialising in a lump sum. In the December of the previous year an American journalist, Harvey Breit, had come to Bombay with a scheme of the Ford Foundation for a special India-supplement to the Atlantic Page 456 Monthly . I met him and he commissioned an article on Sri Aurobindo and his Ashram. I wrote my piece, two thousand... year was approaching, the month in which I had fixed my return to Pondicherry. Within a fortnight of D-Day (Divine Day, of course) I got a letter from America. It said that a cheque was enclosed on the Ford Foundation's account in an Indian Bank. I unfolded the cheque. There, unbelievably, was an order for Rs. 500. Not a pie more, not a pie less.   But the story of the Grace does not end here. A ...


... Margaret Wilson who interested Henry Ford in the Ashram. A believer in reincarnation, he asked her whether anybody in India could show him his past lives. The Mother accepted to do so. He arranged to visit the Ashram. Unfortunately the Second World War intervened to stop his journey just as it had stopped Bosanquet's. Like Bosanquet, though in peaceful circumstances. Ford died before he could have a ...


... those Rs. 500 materialising in a lump sum. In the December Page 140 of the previous year an American journalist, Harvey Breit, had come to Bombay with a scheme of the Ford Foundation for a special India-supplement to the Atlantic Monthly. I met him and he commissioned an article on Sri Aurobindo and his Ashram. I wrote my piece, two thousand words or so. It was... was approaching, the month in which I had fixed my return to Pondicherry. Within a fortnight of D-Day (Divine Day, of course) I got a letter from America. It said that a cheque was enclosed on the Ford Foundation's account in an Indian Bank. I unfolded the cheque. There, unbelievably, was an order for Rs.500. Not a pie more, not a pie less. But the story of the Grace does not end here. A ...

... or of extreme remoteness from the world's din: careless quiet lies Wrapped in eternal silence, far from enemies. A more quivering note of charm enters into other Elizabethans. Thus Ford: You have oft for these two lips Neglected cassia or the natural sweets Of the spring-violet: they are not yet much withered. Shakespeare excels here with unanalysable undertones... sing when indeed they cry. Page 74 Webster can also mate the piercing with the picturesque: I am acquainted with sad misery As the tanned galley-slave is with his oar. Ford is sometimes Webster's equal in both poetic and dramatic heart-arrowing: O my lords, I but deceived your eyes with antique gesture, When one news straight came huddling on another ...


... thanks for your lines of this morning. Let us hope that something good for Auroville will come out of the visit of the resident representative of the Ford Foundation. In the Mother's Light André Later, the full details regarding the Ford Foundation will be given. ...


... and nephew Suresh he received a phone call from Ramanathan saying that he had been looking for Suresh the whole day because the people concerned wanted the report to the resident representative of the Ford Foundation (it is a Charitable Trust) on the grant for a survey of the Auroville project. As you know this was quite a big report about 40 pages or so, signed by the Mother as President of the Sri... would not have gone through such a severe crisis as they are in now. I heard that the copy of the Report has already been given to Navajata. Yours Huta EXTRACT FROM THE DOCUMENT FOR THE FORD FOUNDATION: THE FIVE POINTS FOR WHICH MOTHER APPROVED THE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING APPROACH FOR THE BUILDING OF THE TOWN. Auroville is unique—not only it is a city being constructed from scratch, but ...


... you should study the problem." There was the story of Ford, who had sent word to Sri Aurobindo and me that he was coming here to ask us the question that tormented him: "What happens after death?" And he said he was ready to give his fortune to whoever could answer him. Someone had told him, "Yes, Sri Aurobindo can answer you." So Ford had sent word that he was preparing to come and ask us his ...


... Porus. He arrayed a thin curtain of troops in front of the enemy camp to lead Porus into fearing an' attack from that side. Then he went down the river with the largest part of his army, in search of a ford. 1 Having found one half a mile downstream, he ordered his troops to quickly cross it. When Porus' watchmen came to warn him that a mass of foreign soldiers was marching to meet him, coming up from... end in a disaster. By dusk twenty thousand Indians had been killed, among them the king's two sons. All the squadron leaders of both the infantry and the cavalry, all the chariot __________ 1 Ford: a shallow area in a river that can be crossed by car, horseback, etc. Page 72 drivers had perished. Three thousand horses and more than a hundred elephants lay lifeless on the battlefield ...


... foot, for all the world like a young prince, sporting his first beard, just in the prime and fresh warm pride of youth. As soon as the two drove past the great tomb of Ilus, they drew rein at the ford to water mules and team. A sudden dark ness had swept across the earth and Hermes was all but on them when the herald looked up, saw him, shouted at once to Priam, "Danger, my king — think fast! I see... you're here?" The old king woke in terror, roused the herald. Hermes harnessed the mules and team for both men, drove them fast through the camp and no one saw them. Once they reached the ford where the river runs clear, the Strong, whirling Xanthus sprung of immortal Zeus, Hermes went his way to the steep heights of Olympus as Dawn flung out her golden robe across the earth, and the two ...


... giver, the noble, a lord of beings. Page 337 उत मे प्रयियोर्वयियोः सुवास्त्वा अधि तुग्वनि । तिसृणां सप्ततीनां श्यावः प्रणेता भुवद् वसुर्दियानां पतिः ॥३७॥ 37) And so, for me at the ford of the river Suvastu, wide-flowing and forward streaming river of the happy dwelling places, came the bay horse, leader of the three seventies. May he become an opulent master of the things that are ...


... the keen blaze with which the rivers played when he worked with his lightning bolt all about them. He who makes man a lord and king, giving to the giver, a swift striker through impediments, made a ford for Turviti, the swift traveller. (12) Against him, against him the Coverer bring hastily thy thunderbolt, be a master of things and illimitable in work. Cleave open sideways the channels as if the ...


... and language and I thought that you could help me to write something true to life. The man tells the story of his life and I want it to be the life of a big magnate (American or other) on the lines of Ford, for example. I am making them speak one after another; they each have a maximum of ten minutes to relate their lives, their great triumphs which, at this critical hour, leave them unsatisfied and yearning ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... 110 and 420 where the number of the lines has been affected without in the least affecting the references in my book. K.D.S., 1987) 2."William Blake" in From Blake to Byron, edited by Boris Ford (Pelican Books, Harmondsworth), 1957, pp. 68-69. 3. Ibid., pp. 69, 70. Page 2 foreign to the tautness and strength of the state of mind Blake invites us to share." 4 We may ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... both of God and Man". The scene is in Jerusalem, and Satan is the speaker. After telling Jesus that he among the rest has heard Jesus pronounced by a voice from Heaven "the Son of God belov'd" at the ford of Jordan where people had flocked to John the Baptist, Satan says: "Thenceforth I thought thee worth my nearer view And narrower scrutiny, that I might learn In what degree or meaning ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... Blum. The only important man; who has reached London is Blum. SATYENDRA: Where is Reynaud? NIRODBARAN: Could he have been arrested? SRI AUROBINDO: No. SATYENDRA: America is becoming queer. Ford has refused to build aeroplanes for the British, but will build them only for U.S.A. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. NIRODBARAN: But they can sell them to England. SRI AUROBINDO: No, the new machines can't ...


... to criticize her manuscript. To meet their conflicting objections, she crossed out so much that half of the Instruction is left. Collecting the remnant of her labors, she ______________ ¹ To ford: to cross (a river, brook, etc.) over a shallow area. ² To sequester: to retire into seclusion. Page 50 sent it to the printer, and then had it read before the legislative convention ...


... mystique       A frame was made in which the sense could put       Its symbol picture of the universe. 96   Although all this load of knowledge has some value, man is still unable to ford or canter across the stream of the last Ignorance that divides us from integral Truth. The million bits of truth isolated or analysed in the laboratories do not complete the sum; there is an exasperating ...


... to become successful. This is how I became almost a legendary figure, a demi-god who had created a new way of life, an example to follow.... This might be a modern Napoleon of industry like Henry Ford speaking. But this success is, after all, akin to that of a man who rides a tiger. Faster and faster must the business grow, farther and farther its tentacles extend, - or there must be a terrific and ...


... little shadow, in an orange or blue bubble, in evil, in good, we were advancing across the great nameless canvas, forgetful of the great vision, the golden track, believing that our life stopped at the ford, knowing no longer that this purple shadow led to a sunny hill, and that abyss to a bird's velvet-throat, nor which stroke of hand had thrown the wonder of a million lives on the whiteness of a divine ...

... business point Page 176 of view. And he began comforting me very cheerfully with the reflection that everybody must die some day, remarking how conveniently near the cemetary was (Kemps ford Gardens, I must tell you looks out upon Brompton Cemetary and funerals pass down it every day) and hoping that undertakers did not charge very high, as he had nearly come to the end of his last remittance ...

... settled opinion. There is a possible theory that may be proposed, certain provisional details of it that may be formulated. A few initial stones may be laid down to help in crossing by a convenient ford this great stream of the Veda. The statement of a few principal details of the Vedic system according to the theory I wish to suggest, a simple enumeration without comments, may help the reader to ...


... decisive change taken place since 1931? Moreover in the recent dispute about the standard Broadcast pronunciation, the decisions of Bernard Shaw's committee were furiously disputed—if Fowler and Ox ford were "papal authorities" in England for current speech—it is current speech the Committee was trying to fix through the broadcasts—would it not have been sufficient simply to quote the Oxford in order ...


... great and vast yoking as if of the Horse, the rope of the chariot is seen. दुहन्ति सप्तैकामुप द्वा पञ्च सृजतः । तीर्थे सिन्धोरधि स्वरे ॥७॥ 7) Seven milk the one, two let loose the five at the ford of the River upon the cry of the waters. आ दशभिर्विवस्वत इन्द्रः कोशमचुच्यवीत् । खेदया त्रिवृता दिवः ॥८॥ 8) By the ten of the sun Indra made fall the covering sheath of heaven with his triple ...


... sometimes the Aryan workings; the law of the Truth seizes and guides his action, the word of the Truth is heard in his thought. Then appear the straight undeviating paths of the Truth, the road and ford of Heaven, the way of going of the gods and of the fathers; for by this path where no violence is done to the divine workings, straight, thornless, happy, easy to tread once our feet are set upon it ...


... 201,254,255 Exploring Poetry, 22 fn. 6, 41 Ezekiel, 49 Father, Heavenly, 229 "fearful symmetry", 9-12, 86 First Book of Urizen, The, 159,233 Flaxman, 229 Ford, Boris, 2 fn. 2 "forests", 9-13,16,23,32,35,80, 82, 83,165,166,169,170,184,192,196, 199 Foster, Damon S., 53 fn. 2 Four Zoas, 4,140,141,144 fn. 18 Four Zoas, The, ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... and Wordsworth (Cambridge), 1938. Hanford, J. H. A Milton Handbook (Fourth Edition, New York), 1946. Harding, D. W. "William Blake" in From Blake to Byron, edited by Boris Ford (Pelican Books, Harmondsworth), 1957. Hastings, J. (Editor) Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh), 1934. Hopkins, Gerard Manley Poems and Prose, Selected ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... the links between the Rockefeller Foundation’s massive financial grants and the German scientific establishment that began the eugenic programs that were finished by Mengele in Auschwitz.” No, Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh were not the only Hitler fans. The feeling of superiority was deeply ingrained in the Germanic people, who considered that dominating the world was their birthright. As to eugenics ...

... have believed in reincarnation: Pythagoras, Plato, Leonardo da Vinci, Leibniz, Benjamin Franklin, Goethe, Shelley, Victor Hugo, Balzac, Richard Wagner, Walt Whitman, Nietzsche, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Gauguin, Strindberg, Mondriaan, Jung, H. G. Wells. It was the great composer and director Gustave Mahler who wrote: ‘We all return; it is this certainty that gives meaning to life and it does not make ...


... only the German – had become poisoned by what John Weiss calls an “ideology of death”. And Eckart had read all the books. In his Dialogue there are references to Otto Hauser, Werner Sombart, Henry Ford, Gougenot des Mousseaux, Theodor Fritsch, Friedrich Delitzsch, etc., plus a number of periodicals, and Eckart had chewed all that for Hitler to digest. There was also a new factor which played an ...


... by outward appearances. He is one who is firmly established in the idea that this whole universe is like a single piece of cloth woven from one length of a thread, the Brahman. Indeed, he is a sacred ford, tirtha , a bath in which washes all our sins; his presence arouses in us benign reverent happiness; association with him leads us to the realisation of the Self; his speech is a confirmation of the ...


... the gathering of the harvest. Diodorus gives an account which is more plausible in military terms. According to this Alexander marched downstream under cover of darkness, found a suitable ford, crossed at dawn, and ha most of his infantry over before the Persians discovered the new position. That is, not reclining, as for the evening meal. The Companions were the ...


... manifestation. (As explained earlier, the word Purusha consists of two words -pur and vas, -pur stands for the field or the town or the body or the universe, which is manifested, and vas stands ford welling, to dwell, to live.) We may also add that the Supreme Reality is often described as Ishwara. Again, the words Brahman, Purusha and Ishwara can be used interchangeably, but the specific ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... athletic talent as a rough gem worth polishing. Thinking Jesse under nourished, he often brought him breakfast. Frequently on Sunday afternoons he drove from his home in West Cleveland in his old Model T Ford to take his young pupil home with him for lunch. Riley's daughter Page 342 still remembers those scenes, with Jesse "just a part of the family" but having to be taught proper ...

... Came on the spoor Of a wild beast leading to water, And deaf to the sound Of his own suspicion, Rode down to the gully To water his horse. Over the water, Across the ford, The mouth of a cave Lit up like sulphur. Crimson smoke Clouded his vision. A distant cry Sounded through the forest. The rider started; In answer to the call, Picked ...

... because they are particular about small things in their business caring for pies. Sri Aurobindo : It is very necessary. It is exactly that which brings them the money. Disciple : Henry Ford has also got that habit and so has become rich. He describes in his biography how he started with the idea not of making money but of giving people a quick conveyance at a small price. Sri Aurobindo ...

... indifferent about the subject and that I would be satisfied with whatever was served. Do not forget that we were, all of us, wanted men. My boys were utterly penniless, and neither was I a Carnegie or a Ford. We survived mainly on whatever money was sent to us by friends and relatives. But since this had to be done clandestinely, we could not afford to live like lords. Ours was a simple fare of rice, dal ...

... Mirra, 408ff; on spiritual progress & adverse forces, 410; strategy of supramental Yoga, 410; daily routine in Pondicherry, 411; evening talks with Bharati, 41 1fn; keeping watch on events, 412; on Mont-Ford Reforms, 412; on the War, peace and the League, 412ff; "a God's labour", 414; Western metaphysics and Yoga of Indian Saints, 415-6; spiritual experience and intellectual formulation, 416-7; the Arya ...

... together one indivisible flow passing eternally to eternity! But their hearts are beating, Now he, now she Struggles to awake, Falls back to sleep. Eyes closed. Hills. Clouds. Rivers. Fords. Years. Centuries.² A beautiful picture in the Chinese style-a few significant strokes, simple and clear, evoking a whole landscape, brimful of yearning and resignation and tearful quietness ...

... souffrance. Page 43 But their hearts are beating, Now he, now she Struggles to awake, Falls back to sleep. Eyes closed. Hills. Clouds. Rivers. Fords. Years. Centuries. A beautiful picture in the Chinese style—a few significant strokes, simple and clear, evoking a whole landscape, brimful of yearning and resignation and tearful ...

... Indeed, even as he longs to be with them without cease, without any break in relationship and contact, his concern for them is always there. They are the holy places for his pilgrimage and the sacred fords for him to have a dip in those waters, pure as they are always in the world, and true associates or companions for an affectionate and devout friendship. He stays with them, dwells with them, meditates ...

... the bank of the river. There were small thatched huts on the bank and big plum trees. It was the 'cow-dust' hour. The cows were returning from the pasture, raising dust with their hoofs. I saw them fording the river. Then came some cowherd boys crossing the river with their cows. No sooner did I behold this scene than I cried out, 'O Krishna, where are you?' and became unconscious." Sri Krishna's ...

... molecules – like the savage of old who used to cut up the unknown lands, we have cut up space and time, thrown back into another geography the Ganges and El Dorados we have not yet crossed, the pretty fords of that little river. But that Ganges and that El Dorado are here, as well as many other marvels, many other currents of the great Current. All is here, under our feet, if we will only open the little ...

... restrain and discourage Ajax' feet though they yearn for pursuit and are hungry for swiftness. Knot of retreat behind let some strong experienced captain Stand with our younger levies guarding the fords of the Xanthus, Fortify the wavering line and dawn as fresh strength on the wearied. Then if the fierce gods prevail we shall perish not driven like cattle Over the plains, but draw back sternly ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems