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18 result/s found for Francis of Assisi

... Francis, translated from the original Latin and Italian by Raphael Brown (Image Books, New York), 1958, p. 208. The same incident is reported also by St. Bonaventure. See pp. 730 and 821 of St. Francis of Assisi: Writings and Early Biographies - English Omnibus of the Sources for the Life of St. Francis, translated by several hands and edited by Marion A. Habig (Franciscan Herald Press, Chicago). I owe ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... Ashram, Pondicherry, iv Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, i St. Athanasius, 50 St. Augustine, 73 St. Bonaventure, 48 fn. 17 St. Francis, 48 St. Francis of Assisi: Writings and Early Biographies, 48 fn. 17 St. John, 43 St. John's Gospel, 43,231 St. Paul, 43,44,102,230 "stars", 15,20-26,29,30,31,32, 36,37, 39, 58, 59,162,163 ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... L., Smith, A. J. M. Exploring Poetry (The Macmillan Company, New York), 1957. St. John First Epistle Gospel Page 268 The Revelation St. Francis of Assisi: Writings and Early Biographies - English Omnibus of the Sources for the Life of St. Francis, translated by several hands and edited by Marion A. Habig (Franciscan Herald Press, Chicago). ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... d in his luminosity; there is more of the ethical put forward than of the spiritual or divine man. The Christ that has strongly lived in the Western saints and mystics is the Christ of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Teresa and others. But apart from that, is it a fact that Christ has been strongly and vividly loved by Christians ? Only by a very few, it seems to me. As for Krishna, to judge him and ...

... greatest Page 319 Vibhutis, but they are not Avatars. For at that rate all religious founders would be Avatars — Joseph Smith (I think that is his name) of the Mormons, St. Francis of Assisi, Calvin, Loyola and a host of others as well as Christ, Chaitanya or Ramakrishna. For faith, miracles, Bejoy Goswami, another occasion. I wanted to say this much more about Rama — which is ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... SriAurobindo : I have already told you "anything is possible", Page 162 because the power of self-suggestion is practically unlimited. There is the instance of St. Francis, of Assisi on whose body the marks of the crucifixion were reproduced merely by the power of auto-suggestion. Well; if you have a stronger power than that, you can imme­diately feel any marks on your body ...

... to the fully awakened being. Without reincarnation, it would be hard to account for the dramatic difference of degrees among souls – for example, between that of a pimp and that of Dante or Francis of Assisi, or simply between that of a man who searches and an economic philistine , as Sri Aurobindo put it – unless one believes that spiritual development is merely a matter of education, environment ...

... opinions begin to assume a different complexion and run on different lines. This is a common enough experience, illustrated in the lives of many great men, such as St. Paul, St. Augustine, St. Francis of Assisi, Luther, and Kant (among the Westerners); and Valmiki, Tulsidas, Vivekananda, to name only a few, among the Indians. This proves that there is nothing permanent and sacrosanct about our mental ...

... Page 92 at the greatest Vibhūtis, but they are not Avatars. For at that rate all religious founders would be Avatars—Joseph Smith (I think that is his name) of the Mormons, St. Francis of Assisi Calvin, Loyola and a host of others as well as Christ, Chaitanya or Ramakrishna. For faith, miracles, Bejoy Goswami,44 another occasion. I wanted to say this much more about Rama—which ...

... poets, etc.)—these are at the greatest Vibhutis, but they are not Avatars. For at that rate all religious founders would be Avatars—Joseph Smith (I think that is his name) of the Mormons, St. Francis of Assisi, Calvin, Loyola and a host of others as well as Christ, Chaitanya or Ramakrishna. For faith, miracles, Bijoy Goswami, another occasion. I wanted to say this much more about Rama—which is still ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... himself, mind you, not a mere Avatar or luminous projection from him. His followers strive to be Christlike. Thomas à Kempis, meditating and striving, wrote a book on the Imitation of Christ. Francis of Assisi and many Page 427 others arrived at Christlikeness. [Krishna in] the Gita insists on sādharmya , gives himself as an example, and tells Arjuna that many before him from ancient times ...


... constructed in his luminosity; there is more of the ethical put forward than of the spiritual or divine man. The Christ that has strongly lived in the Western saints and mystics is the Christ of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Teresa and others. But apart from that, is it a fact that Christ has been strongly or vividly loved by Christians? Only by a very few, it seems to me. As for Krishna, to judge him and his ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... himself, mind you, not a mere Avatar or luminous projection from him. His followers strive to be Christ-like. Thomas a Kempis, meditating and striving, wrote a book on the Imitation of Christ. Francis of Assisi and many others arrived at Christlikeness. [Krishna in] the Gita insists on sadharmya , gives himself as an example, and tells Arjuna that many before him from ancient times reached to it. Buddha ...

... 58 Ravel, 427 Red Sea, 324 Ribhus, the, 208 Rome, 199,421 Rudra, 160, 163, 208 Russell, Bertrand, 56 Russo-Japanese War, 213 SAHARA,324 St. Augustine, 73 St. Francis of Assisi, 243 St. (}enevieve, 199 St. Matthew, 186 St. Paul, 73 St. Vincent de Paul, 411 Sankhya,45,85 Satan, 46 Savitri, 163, 165 Second Empire, the, 418 Shakespeare, 79, ...

... head as if a huge load had fallen upon it. A strong impact upon the vital can and does leave scars upon the material body: it is not an uncommon phenomenon. Many of the Christian saints (Saint Francis of Assisi, for example) are reported to have borne on their body the marks – the stigmata of crucifixion of Christ's body; Ramakrishna, too, it is said, once showed marks of scourging on his back when a ...

... head as if a huge load had fallen upon it. A strong impact upon the vital can and does leave scars upon the material body: it is not an uncommon phenomenon. Many of the Christian saints (Saint Francis of Assisi, for example) are reported to have borne on their body the marks —the stigmata—of crucifixion of Christ's body; Rama-krishna too, it is said, once showed marks of scouring on his back when ...

... have survived as a golden and adorable anachronism, hardly real amidst our concrete structures and civilized savagery; it has been touched in the depths of the heart, stammered out by Saint Francis of Assisi or Sri Ramakrishna. But then the world goes on, and we all know that the last word belongs to the bomb and to the triumph of the latest democratic hero, who will soon join another one under ...


... ________________________ ¹ SAINT JEAN DE LA CROIX, Vie et Œuvres, Paris, 1893, ii. 94,99 abridged. ² 'Insects,' i.e. lice, were an unfailing token of mediaeval sainthood. We read of Francis of Assisi's sheepskin that "often a companion of the saint would take it to the fire to clean and dispediculate it, doing so, as he said, because the seraphic father himself was no enemy of pedocohi, ...