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9 result/s found for Francoise

... dawn-gleam and a sunset-shine no less than a noon-flush. These things he found in his cousin, the girl called Anne, and in later life, when Edith was no more, in the exquisite Francoise. No turmoils, no conflagrations with Anne and Francoise -therefore no such profound griefs and high exultations as with Edith, but, while the intense richness was missing, a serener and steadier and sweeter experience took its ...


... est bien; malgre cela une grande tristesse. Micheline, Abhay Singh en quelques mois... en meme temps un nouvel elan pour le Travail... Che re Sujata, Dans les mains la carte ecrite par Francoise m'annoncant Page 112 la triste nouvelle, le depart d'un ami, un ami tres cher, le seul ami avec qui je pouvais parler coeur a coeur a Pondy. Sujata, je partage votre tristesse... everything is alright; in spite of this, a great sadness. Micheline, Abhay within a few months... at the same time a new impetus for the Work... Dear Sujata, In my hand the card written by Francoise announcing the sad news of the passing away of a friend, a very dear Page 113 friend, the only friend with whom I could have a heart to heart talk in Pondy. Sujata, I share your ...


... World Wars, hardly twenty letters had passed between mother and son. Having married in the meantime, he had two daughters, Janine and Francoise (much later to be given the Ashram name Pournaprema'). On 12 August 1949, the Mother informed Sri Aurobindo that Francoise was to be married on that day. 23 André's own visit to India was decided on in the summer of 1949 and took place in November. On the ...


... (Suresh Chakravarty) 91, 131, 201, 211, 217, 496 Monica Parish 738 Monod-Herzen, Dr G. 282 Moonje, Dr B.S. 200 Moreau, Gustav 473 Morretta, Angelo 762 Morisset, Andre see Andre Morisset, Francoise see Pournaprema Morisset, Henri 28, 834 Morisset, Janine see Janine Moses 180, 482 THE MOTHER 1, 237, 420, 572 Categorised under 1. The Mother (biographical) 2. Others... 433, 478, 494, 496, 558, 578, 678, 690-1, 732, 734, 780 Plato 315 Poincaré, President Raymond 132 Pondicherry 46-7, 89-90, 534, 571-2, 595, 756 Ponnuswami Aiyar, A.R. 353 Pournaprema (Francoise Morisset) 477 Poushpa Dass 745 Prabartak Sangha 200, 205, 213-4 Prabhat Sanyal, Dr 200, 491-5, 507, 817-8, 820 Pranab Bhattacharya 435, 437, 465, 549, 580, 652, 691, 734, 817-20 Prapatti (K ...


... spirit that animated that man. This is why it was deeply moving for me to enter into contact with this Foundation. Professor Henri Rieben and his collaborators Mme Claire Camperio-Tixier and Mme Francoise Nicod evidently have kept alive the intense aspiration that was at the heart of Monnet's life and work. They did not know anything about me, yet they immediately responded to my queries and went out ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... Mieux. The name card is lost in the fire. Today Vincenzo starts building a new one at another site and has written for a new card of the same name. Mother made a card. Danielle and Francoise, a French couple, returning to France, went today with me to Mother. The three and a half month old child Aurele born in Auroville was also there. When they left, Mother remarked, "The child ...

... Mieux. The name card is lost in the fire. Today Vincenzo starts building a new one at another site and has written for a new card of the same name. Mother made a card. Danielle and Francoise, a French couple, returning to France, went today with me to Mother. The three and a half month old child Aurele born in Auroville was also there. When they left, Mother remarked, "The child ...

... of the key industries of Europe. I informed Robert Schuman at once that I accepted his proposal whole-heartedly." Page 60 5. Jean Monnet in : Henri Rieben, Claire Camperio-Tixier, and Francoise Nicod, A I'Econte de Jean Monnet (Lausanne: Jean Monnet for Europe Foundation, 2004) p. 82. 6. Jean Monnet, Memoirs (New York: Doubleday and Company 1978) p. 524 7. Quoted by Francois Fontaine ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... and he would always say that on growing up he would marry her and no one else. And that is what happened. He married Wanda and spent his whole life with her. They had two daughters, Janine and Francoise, and both are Sri Aurobindo's disciples. André-da participated in both the World Wars as a French soldier. Later he became a reputed and successful businessman. Before coming to the Ashram ...
