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43 result/s found for Future world

... Spirit of Auroville On November 1, my spiritual birthday, the Mother said: In September I gave the card of the world as it is. Now this card is of the Future World. (She pointed at the cover which was of an ethereal colour—a beautiful mixed marbling of soft pale blue, pale green and silver.) This World must be like this ... Then she opened the card... grateful tears. Then we had a long meditation. I felt strongly that all that the Mother had done was full of occult and spiritual meaning. Indeed, when our life is governed by the Supreme, the Future World cannot but manifest and the old world disappear. Writing of the ancient world and the world of tomorrow has reminded me of this touching fable by Steve Goodier: Both the hummingbird and the ...


... clasping her chains and resisting our freedom. Then was all founded, on Phrygia's coasts, round Ilion's ramparts, Then by the spear of Achilles, then in the Trojan death-cry; Bearers mute of a future world were those armoured Achaians. So they arrived from Zeus, an army led by the death-god. Page 434 So one can see them still who has sight from the gods in the trance-sleep Out from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... pervading idea of the Upanishad. The Isha Vasyam of the Vajasaneyi, the Keneshitam manas of the Talavakara, the Sacrificial Horse of the Brihad Aranyaka, the solitary Atman with its hint of the future world vibrations in the Aitareya are of this type. The Chhandogya, we see from its first and introductory sentence, is to be a work on the right & perfect way of devoting oneself to the Brahman; the spirit ...


... consciousness and the union with the Divine that bring rapture—this is the principle—therefore, the consciousness and the union with the Divine, whether in the world as it is or in the construction of a future world, must be the same—in principle. That is what I repeat to myself all the time: "How is it that you do not have this rapture?" I have it—when the whole consciousness is centralised in union; at ...


... intervened and swept the previous existing conditions out of existence. Nevertheless, some of them still survive and threaten the safe evolution of the new tentative world-order or, indeed, any future world-order. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... social evolution, which rejects nothing but insists on testing and experiencing everything and when tested and experienced turning it to the soul's uses, in this Hinduism we find the basis of the future world-religion. This sanātana dharma has many scriptures, Veda, Vedanta, Gita, Upanishad, Darshana, Purana, Tantra, nor could it reject the Bible or the Koran; but its real, most authoritative scripture ...


... greatly varied, covering the entire visual field and translating states of the body consciousness. Many, many construction sites, huge cities being built …” Yes, the world that is being built, the future world that is being built. I didn’t hear any more, I didn’t see any more, I didn’t speak any more: I was living in all that, all the while, all the while, all the while, night and day. Then as soon as ...

... authenticity, reality and Truth will again be the bases of experience. Sri Aurobindo had formulated the principle of world-unity; he now formulated the norm of individual freedom in the ideal future world: ‘The principle of individualism is the liberty of the human being regarded as a separate existence to develop himself and fulfill his life, satisfy his mental tendencies, emotional and vital needs ...


... from experience. Yet our values and desires are reflections in us of the Divine, they are inspired into us by the Divine. It makes no sense, Sri Aurobindo said, to impose on the Supermind and its future world the norms and expectations of our mental manner of thinking and seeing. But as an experiment of the imagination, as a thought-experiment, we can project our values and our truly desirable desires ...


... Being, modern science, with physics as its norm, has voluntarily blocked its own access to reality, for it has chosen as its fundamental premise that all existence is material and nothing else. In a future world of Truth, however, the whole of reality must be taken into account. As Sri Aurobindo writes: “If science is to turn her face towards the Divine, it must be a new science not yet developed which ...

... states of consciousness of the body. Many, a great many constructions, immenses cities being built....¹ Mother commented on this as follows: Yes, the world being built, the future world being built. I couldn't hear anymore, couldn't see anymore, couldn't speak anymore: I was living inside that all the time, all the time, night and day. There was also a note of the night of ...

... achieve vivid poetic expression in Savitri.         So in due measure with Sri Aurobindo's philosophical worldview as well: the ground-plan in The Life Divine; the speculations about the future world polity, the future human society and the future poetry as elaborated in The Ideal of Human Unity, The Human Cycle and The Future Poetry: these also find their reflection or fulfilment or promise ...


... Such is the key to the Transformation, the key to overcoming the laws of Matter by using the Consciousness within Matter – Consciousness above is Consciousness below. It is the door to the future world and the new earth announced by the Scriptures two thousand years ago: "A new earth wherein the Truth shall dwell." (2 Peter 3. 13) For, actually, the earth is our salvation, the ultimate place of ...

... covering the entire visual field and expressing states of consciousness of the body. Many, a great many constructions, immense cities being built....* Yes, the world being built, the future world being built. I couldn't hear anymore, couldn't see anymore, couldn't speak anymore: I was living inside that all the time, all the time, night and day. A body without mind and without vital. There ...

... been so clear and bright, I saw myself running hard, pursued by a crowd, just like that, for no reason at all. Just a vibration. A nasty little vibration which contained a world of agony—a past or future world, I do not know: the old Threat suddenly, like reptiles coming out of their hole—Destiny. No more light, no more immensity; it was a sudden shrinking, a dark trap, a decomposition of everything: ...

... social evolution, which rejects nothing but insists on testing and experiencing everything and when tested and experienced turning it to the soul's uses, in this Hinduism we find the basis of the future world-religion. This sanatana dharma has many scriptures, Veda, Vedanta, Gita, Upanishad, Darshana, Purana, Tantra, nor could it reject the Bible or the Koran; but its real, most authoritative scripture ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... will not allow His purpose in life and world to be frustrated. Religion digs still deeper: "Replace many desires by one, drive out the desires of this miserable earth by the desire of God and of a future world not besieged by these unsatisfied yearnings." But to postpone the problem to another Page 476 life is not to solve it; and to desire God apart from life and not in life is to divide ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... the spirit join again, and, as yet, the only one who knows how to unite the thought of Europe and that of Asia, thou [Japan] art born to become the unifier of those two complementary halves of the future world; thou art the first nation of that future … Nation whose shores are open toward all shores, making them less distant; nation whose thought is turned toward all thoughts, reconciling them; nation ...

... achieved in making what we have come to consider a sublime strategic sacrifice, his glorious body's absorption of all hostile destructive forces in order to clear for the Mother and thus for the future world the way of the descending Supermind. The Mother defined to me the new state as "the physical mind receiving the Supramental Light". In a poem which I wrote a few years later she found the first ...


... here only for the Divine? At the moment they are really crushed by the falsehoods of these people. Mother, there is nothing unknown to You. And I feel that the Ashram is the foundation of the Future World—Auroville. I am sure that You and the Lord will certainly make the Truth win. Finally, I pray to You on my behalf and on behalf of true people: "Let Your Victory come soon and let Your Truth ...


... ignorance; hence if you do not think of getting rid of suffering, it means that you want to keep the ignorance also? That becomes very difficult. It is like the artist to whom someone spoke of the future world which would be made all of light, and he said, "Then I won't be able to paint any longer" and he was miserable! Perhaps, indeed, there are many people who cling to their ignorance?... It is ...


... covering the Page 117 entire visual field and translating the states of body consciousness. "Many, many buildings, huge towns being built..." Yes, the world is being built, the future world is being built. I was no longer hearing, I was no longer seeing, I was no longer speaking: I was living within there, all the while, all the while, all the while, night and day. Then as soon as ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... what gives rapture is the awareness of and union with the Divine (that's the principle), therefore the awareness of and union with the Divine, whether in the world as it is or in the building of a future world, must be the same—in principle. That's what I keep saying to myself all the time: "How is it that you don't have that rapture?" I do have it: at the time when the whole consciousness is centered ...


... diverse, covering the entire visual field and expressing states of consciousness of the body. "Many, a great many constructions, immense cities being built.... Yes, the world being built, the future world being built. I couldn't hear anymore, couldn't see anymore, couldn't speak anymore: I was living inside that all the time, all the time, night and day. So, as soon as I could write a note, I noted ...


... will be. The students should be helped to discern between the fugitive joys and superficial pleasures ordinary life can offer and the marvellous things that life, action and growth would be in a future world of perfection and truth. They should be aided to cultivate within themselves the certitude that what belongs to the future is essentially true and not the fossils of the present. In short ...

... Community itself is only a stage on the way to the organized world of tomorrow. 6 One is reminded here of the men of the French revolution. They too at certain moments could get a glimpse of the future world that was to be born out of the huge upheaval whose first jolts they had triggered. In these moments of grace their voice also could find those simple but sublime accents expressing the surprise ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... modern world that religion is a matter of experience, not of professing or believing and that experience in all religions, ultimately, is the same. This is one of the fundamental truths on which any future world culture would have to be founded. A man without literary education is a standing challenge to the modern world, its scepticism, atheism and materialism. Through him the power of Indian spirituality ...

... their own wedded being's vaster frame". Satyavan and Savitri "The united Two began a greater age". Then "one human moment was eternal made". Afterwards Satyavan led her to the hermitage, "her future world". There she saw "the thatch that covered the life of Satyavan", "her heart's future home". Then Savitri told Satyavan that she would go to her father and come back to him; "my heart will stay ...

... social evolution, which rejects nothing but insists on testing and experiencing everything and when tested and experienced, turning it to the soul's uses, in this Hinduism we find the basis of the future world-religion. This sanatoria dharma has many scriptures, Veda, Vedanta, Gita, Upanishad, Darshan, Purana, Tantra, nor could it reject the Bible or the Koran; but its real, most authoritative scripture ...

... anything anymore.... I had moments, two or three times, absolutely unique and wonderful moments — untranslatable. It's untranslatable. Landscapes!... constructions: immense cities being built. Yes, the future world being built. I couldn't hear anymore, couldn't see anymore, couldn't speak anymore: I was living inside that all the time, night and day. A body without mind and without vital: there were only those ...


... faraway continent and had to describe the marvels we had encountered, forests unlike any others, winged beings, metals with strange properties, it would be easy enough. But it is not the case. The future world is right here before our eyes. It is an unexplored land, and yet it is beneath our very feet: it is another continent within the continent. We live in it without seeing it. The world in which ...


... baseness that they bring on self-destruction. It is straightforward and categorical. Everything is exposed. No need for courts of law: things spring from within. And this is the true Law of the future world—everything springs from within, so it is inescapable because... it is your own work. One learns the more and more perfect Work. That is all. And ultimately, it is the only joy: to do the perfect ...


... Allen: “Basically, geopolitics was the theory, as promulgated by Haushofer, that in the future the world would be restructured into an age of great land-empires, dominated by ‘the Heartland’, an area ‘invulnerable to sea-power in Central Europe and Asia’. This, Haushofer asserted, would revolutionize the world’s balance of power, ushering in a new age of stability, peace and prosperity for all.” 347... the middle part of Europe, from Scandinavia to Italy, but other maps extend the Reich up to the Urals. Both land masses are supposed to be the base, established by Hitler, for future German world conquest. “Any thought of world politics is ridiculous as long as one does not rule the Continent”, Hitler is reported to have said in 1944. 348 Did he mean the European continent, or the land mass of which... achieved all through the world”. 351 “As things stand today, vast spaces still lie uncultivated all over the surface of the globe”, wrote Hitler in Mein Kampf . “Those spaces are only waiting for the ploughshare. And it is quite certain that nature did not set those territories apart as the exclusive pastures of any one nation or race, to be held unutilized in reserve for the future. Such lands await ...


... these "dreams" turn out to be true —much more true than the human so-called realities! 20.5.1966* Page 7 Is it possible to find a spot where the embryo or seed of the future supramental world could be created? The plan had come in all its details; but it is a plan which, in its spirit and consciousness, does not conform at all to what is possible on earth at the moment; and yet... the rest of the world. But that is not a solution; it is not a solution at all. No, the only solution is an occult power, but this implies that a certain number of individuals must have already achieved a great perfection of realisation before anything at all can be done. But one can conceive that if that can be done, one could have, isolated in the midst of the outside world—without any contacts... should be somewhere upon earth a place that no nation could claim as its sole property, a place where all human beings of good will, sincere in their aspiration, could live freely as citizens of the world, obeying one single authority, that of the supreme Truth; a place of peace, concord, harmony, where all the fighting instincts of man would be used exclusively to conquer the causes of his suffering ...


... possible to make use of Page 384 this notion of space, I mean the space on the terrestrial globe? 1 Is it possible to find a spot where one could create the embryo or seed of the future supramental world? The plan came in all the details, but it is a plan which in its spirit and consciousness does not at all conform to what is possible on earth at present; yet in its most material manifestation... the midst of others or in isolation. I do not know. But there may be an analogy with the future case of the supramental creation. It is not difficult to conceive that in the solitude of the Himalayas or in the solitude of a virgin forest an individual would begin to create around him his little supramental world. It is easy to conceive. But the same thing would be necessary: he would have to have reached... experience is usually associated with the experience of the unreality of the world as we know it, whereas Sri Aurobindo says that this perception of the unreality of the world is not necessary in order to live in the supramental consciousness—it is only the unreality of Falsehood, not the unreality of the world. That is to say, the world has a reality of its own, independent of Falsehood. I suppose that ...


... said that from the other side! It was spoken from a dimension where the notion of space is no longer so concrete." Page 9 to find a place where the embryo or seed of the future supramental world might be created? What I myself have seen... was a plan that came complete in all details, but that doesn't at all conform in spirit and consciousness with what is possible on earth now... creation, by-passing the process of ordinary Nature. Then through them the true supramental beings will be born, who will necessarily have to live in a supramental world. But how would contact be made between these beings and the ordinary world? How to conceive of a transformation of nature sufficient to enable this supramental creation to take place on earth? I don't know. Of course, we know... comparison! (silence) But the problem remains: Buddha and all the rest have FIRST realized, then resumed contact with the world. That makes it very simple. But for the total realization of what I envisage, isn't it indispensable to remain in the world? .. (Mother is absorbed for a while, gazing into the distance) I am constantly seeing images! Not images, living things ...

... French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Russian Revolution, Discovery and development of USA, to the contemporary world; 4. World of Science and the Future; 5. World of Industry and Commerce and the Future; Page 208 6. Evolution of Humanity and the Future question of human progress, fulfilment, new directions; The second component may consist of a number of alternatives... (p) Synthesis of Science and Spirituality; (q) Contemporary challenges of Education; (r) Utopias and New Visions of the Future; (s) Space Travel and Implications for the Future; (t) Contemporary World-Art and Contemporary World of Drama/Dance/ Cinema; (u) Nationalism and Internationalism. 3. Skill-oriented Education: The third course Skill-Oriented... the needed guidance and inspiration to the growing minds and hearts of the young, as also a wide vision of our country and the world serving as a sure basis for patriotism, international understanding and voluntary optimism for a peaceful, progressive and glorious future. The value-orientation and skill-oriented education should be treated as a central thrust not only of our teachers' training ...

... years. There is still this problem: is it possible to make use of the notion of space—I mean space on the planet earth? 5 Is it possible to find a place where the embryo or seed of the future supramental world might be created? What I myself have seen... was a plan that came complete in all details, but that doesn't at all conform in spirit and consciousness with what is possible on earth now... state of consciousness is habitually associated with the experience of the unreality of the world as we know it, Sri Aurobindo tells us that this perception of the world's unreality need not exist for the supramental consciousness: only Falsehood is unreal , not the world. And this is most interesting—the world has its own reality, independent of Falsehood. I suppose this will be the first effect... creation, bypassing the process of ordinary Nature. Then through them the true supramental beings will be born, who will necessarily have to live in a supramental world. But how would contact be made between these beings and the ordinary world? How to conceive of a transformation of nature sufficient to enable this supramental creation to take place on earth? I don't know. Of course, we know that such ...


... was replaced by the United Nations Organisation which now stands in the forefront of the world and struggles towards some kind of secure permanence and success in the great and far-reaching endeavour on which depends the world's future. This is the capital event, the crucial and decisive Outcome of the world-wide tendencies which Nature has set in motion for her destined purpose. In spite of the... We conclude then that in the conditions of the world at present, even taking into consideration its most disparaging features and dangerous possibilities, there is nothing that need alter the view we have taken of the necessity and inevitability of some kind of world-union; the drive of Nature, the compulsion of circumstances and the present and future need of mankind make it inevitable. The general... be determined by the course of events and by general agreement or the shape given by the ideas and necessities that may grow up in the future. A world-union of this kind would have the greatest chances of long survival or permanent existence. This is a mutable world and uncertainties and dangers might assail or trouble for a time; the formed structure might be subjected to revolutionary tendencies as ...


... was replaced by the United Nations Organisation which now stands in the forefront of the world and struggles towards some kind of secure permanence and success in the great and far-reaching endeavour on which depends the world's future. This is the capital event, the crucial and decisive outcome of the world-wide tendencies which Nature has set in motion for her destined purpose. In spite of the... We conclude then that in the conditions of the world at present, even taking into consideration its most disparaging features and dangerous possibilities, there is nothing that need alter the view we have taken of the necessity and inevitability of some kind of world-union; the drive of Nature, the compulsion of circumstances and the present and future need of mankind make it inevitable. The general... greatest freedom to the nations constituting the World-State, but this might give too much room for fissiparous or centrifugal tendencies to operate; a federal order would then be the most desirable. All else would be determined by the course of events and by general agreement or the shape given by the ideas and necessities that may grow up in the future. A world-union of this Page 594 kind would ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... The whole life will be the expression, the flowering into forms of the divine Unity manifesting in the world. 23 It was hardly surprising that Tolstoy's son, with his stereotyped mind, found it difficult to understand Mirra's vision of "unity in the diversity" in future divinised world. Page 188 ... Indeed, children are investments on faith, an insurance for the future. In Mirra's view, motherhood is woman's priceless privilege and quintessential role, and involves the tasks of bearing, training, humanising and spiritualising the coming generation. But children should come, not just biologically as rabbits come into the world, but as radiances, psychic entities, soul-sparks encased in human... for the future. With a marked clarity of vision, Mirra peered beyond the dark, and saw the glimmerings of light at the end of the tunnel: May not this darkness, then, be the sign of an approaching dawn? And as never was night so complete, so terrifying, maybe never win dawn have been so bright, so pure, so illuminating as the coming one .... After the bad dreams of the night the world win awaken ...


... too the sunrise will follow Earth’s darkest night – maybe tomorrow, but surely within the very near future, talking in evolutionary terms. These are the reasons why it is plausible to surmise that the Mother, in her endless love for humankind, took up her body again to hasten the advent of the New World. Later she described the important changes that had taken place in her during the experience of... than luminous, it is brilliant and irradiates light, and the connection between the cells is ‘from light to light.’ ‘It gave the impression that every cell was a world in miniature corresponding to the all.’ This is the biology of the future, now at best vaguely anticipated in the works of David Bohm, Rupert Sheldrake, Ilya Prigogine and others. Where the Mother’s reports of her experiences differed... challenging objective, but there is no doubt that it is at the core of the foundation of the City of Dawn. The Mother considered the future city to be ‘a centre of transformation, a small nucleus of men who are transforming themselves and setting an example to the world.’ 58 ‘We would like to make Auroville the cradle of the superman,’ 59 she wrote, and again: ‘We shall endeavour to make Auroville ...


... synthesis between her past spiritual achievement and modem European thought, so that the future spiritual destiny of India and the future destiny of Europe are inescapably the same destiny.... We are at the turning-point in the spiritual history of man.... Because Aurobindo is in this world, the world is becoming able to express progressively Unity and Diversity instead of Division. Love... particularity their world-vision of the Future. A double change and an integrated change and a total transformation: an inner or individual change * The problems of the modern city and the way 'Auroville' hopes to solve them and fare forward into the future are the general theme of the first eight talks in my A Big Change: Talks on the Spiritual Revolution and the Future Man (WO).   Page... misery. Sri Aurobindo could see clearly the dangers ahead, - dangers for India and the world. He saw the folly of the partition and the evil it might engender in the future: he saw the menacing aspects of Red China's emergence long before any statesman did: and he also had a clear vision of India's future, and of her future role as the Guru of the nations - after having, of course, first won by her own ...