Gaebele : Jean Henri Frederic (1860-1936) settled in Pondicherry in 1884. Senator of Upper House of France, Mayor of Pondicherry (1899 & 1908-28), he headed many local organizations. In the 1914 election to the French Chamber, he supported Bluysen. In 1918 he opposed British demand for Sri Aurobindo’s extradition.
... whole administration, except a certain number of Lemairistes who are quiescent and in favour of it. The Governor Martineau, Gaebele, the Police Lieutenant and the Commissaries form his political committee. By threats and bribes the Maires of all the Communes [including Gaebele who "has taken huge sums from Bluysen"] except two have been forced or induced to declare on his side. He has bought or got... their being elected this time. Laporte is not strong enough to change the situation single-handed. Richard has come too late; otherwise so great is the disgust of the people with Bluysen and Lemaire, Gaebele and Pierre that I think we could have managed an electoral revolution. Still, it is necessary, if it can at all be done, to stir things a little at the present moment and form a nucleus of tendency... results were published 'Richard—0.' At Villen our people were simply prevented from voting for him or anyone else. As for the results they had been arranged on the evening before the election by M. Gaebele and were made to fit in with his figures. The extent to which this was done you can imagine from the fact that at Nanda gopalu's village where there is no single Bluysen te, there were only 13 'votes' ...
... the location of the ancient ''pagoda'' or Vedapurisuiar temple. Addendum (Excerpts from a letter of 20 December 1952, from Frére L. Faucheux to Mrs. Yvonne Gaebele, translated from the French. Y. Gaebele had asked Rev. Fr. Faucheux, who had done some research on the sites of old graveyards, the exact location of the Vedapuriswar Temple.) "Madam, "The map of Pondicherry... became as brutal as the Christian clergy. Already by 1703 the Jesuits were running there a sort of college. The 'born Christians' (" ceux qui etaient de la naissance" are the actual words used by Gaebele) were taught Latin, philosophy and theology. The Jesuits obtained from their king the ban on any repairs of Hindu temples, and the Hindu festivals were prohibited on Christian festival days. Three-fourth ...
... Mudaliarpet; scuffles, blows, violent disputes around ballot-boxes, some wounded; exchange of blows, a few mortal wounds." The blame for all this violence was squarely laid at Gaeble's door. Henri Gaebele was Pondicherry's mayor from 1907 to 1928. Lemaire, however, complained bitterly against Levecque, accusing him of adopting tactics in favour of Bluysen. In fact, the Page 403 minister... Godin on 3 January 1909. Etienne Flandin, till recently the attorney-general, became the new senator. Moreover he seemed to get on well with Jean Lemaire. Between them, and urged by the then mayor H. Gaebele, they managed to get some long-pending reforms for the French Indian settlements through. This "economically viable self-sustained colony" 1 sorely needed some mod cons. Power, for instance.... Europeans were the members of the European Party and only Indians of the Hindu Party, well think again. The leader of the Hindu Party was a French barrister, Gaston Pierre. Suvrata's father-in-law, Henri Gaebele, was the leader of the European Party. One big pillar of the European Party was an Indian, Nanda gopal Chettiar. He was a big fish of the area. He was actually the chief of the fishermen, and also ...
... Down Memory Lane Suvrata Gaebele At Calcutta I had taken lessons in French at the Alliance Francaise and was able to read some of the Mother's books and her writings in the Bulletin in the original French. After settling down at the Ashram I wanted to improve my knowledge of this language, especially for speaking and writing. For this purpose I turned... turned to Madame Suvrata, an elderly French lady, who had received her new name from Mother. Formerly she was Yvonne Robert Gaebele. Her husband had been the Mayor of Pondicherry and she herself had worked at the Museum and the Historical Society, etc., retiring as the Chief Librarian of the Romain Rolland Library. I had got acquainted with her in connection with some financial transaction between Sri Aurobindo ...
... offing, there would be almost a retirement for a week or so. The Mother doesn't care for a spirituality which is full of fear. I remember we had a French class taken by a very kind French lady, Madame Gaebele, whose Ashram name is Suvrata, and once at the end of a course she invited all her students to her place for tea, cakes, ice-cream and such things. I was very trepidant: "Should I go? Should I not ...
... - Poet and Critic "Hail to thee, blithe Spirit!" I FIRST came to Pondicherry in 1934 to do business in partnership with Mr. Robert Gaebele. I came from Bombay where one of my friends was Homi Sethna. When he knew that I was going to Pondicherry he told me that his cousin, Kekushru, was there at some Ashram and that I should meet ...
... is likely to radiate out of that centre. "1. To re-explain the Sanatana' 2 Dharma [the Eternal Law] to the human intellect in all its parts, from a new standpoint. 1 Mme Yvonne Gaebele, in Revue Historique 1955, p. 152. 2 Sanatana does not mean 'old'; it means that which is eternal, beyond the three times, indestructible, that which continues uninterrupted through all ...
... Aurobindo took a bath with this water. [Champaklal's note] × Name given by Sri Aurobindo to Madame Gaebele, a French disciple. ...
... names to the flowers. Just as Philippe Barbier de St.-Hilaire became "Pavitra", K. D. Sethna "Amal Kiran", Miss Hodgson "Datta", J. A. Chadwick "Arjava", Jenny Dobson "Chidanandini", Madame Yvonne Gaebele "Suvrata", Mehdi Begum "Chinmayi", Janet McPheeters "Shantimayi", and Miss Margaret Wilson "Nishtha", even so the flowers also - almost without exception - received , nāmakaranam at the Mother's ...
... view of the congregation gathered in the courtyard below, These evening meditations seem to have evoked enriching and liberating experiences for the participants, one of whom, Suvrata (Mme, Yvonne Gaebele) has given fine expression to her feelings at the time. In translation it runs: O! the sweetness of the evenings in the Ashram gardens, Where each flower, each ray has a soul .. Each ...
... Sunil Bhattacharya 681, 700, 718, 734-5 Surendra Mohan Ghose 251, 450, 534, 571-2, 595, 686 Surendra Nath Jauhar 165, 288, 417, 507, 538, 624, 689, 709, 733, 747, 797, 817 Suvrata (Mme Yvonne Gaebele) 321, 418 Syed Mehdi Imam 617 Page 923 Tagore, Rabindranath 5, 175, 183, 262, 582 Tan Yun-shan, Prof 532 Tandon, Purushottamdas 226 Tara Jauhar 691, 710 Tea Ceremony 194-5 ...
... taught me Mathematics and Geography (Oh, God! how I hated those subjects!) – I forget their French family names – Sri Aurobindo gave them Suchi and Sarala as their names of the spiritual life. Madame Gaebele, the mother of my French teacher, was renamed Suvrata. Being childish and imitative by temperament, I asked for my name to be changed as well. The Master wrote that Rama – Indra – Ramendra was the ...
... 1 Les Indes Florissanles, an anthology by Guy Deleury, p. 418. All the facts presented here are gleaned from this book, unless otherwise mentioned. 2 Revue Historique 1955. Yvonne Gaebele recounts in detail the whole horrible episode. When recently I reviewed the above text, written two or three years ago, it was Durga Puja. Durga, as you know, comes each year to destroy one ...
... Bharati's writings infused a new life into the old language. Bharati's parents were Chinnaswamy Iyer and Lakshmi. 1 ' The material facts in the life of Bharati are based on Yvonne Gaebele's Bharathi (in French) and Prema Nandakumar's Bharati and Subramania Bharati. Page 187 They were cousins. She was sweet-natured and kind-hearted. He had a keen intellect ...