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Goswami, Bijoy : (1841-99), Yogi & social reformer: guru of Satish Mukherji & other Bengali political workers & leaders. As a student he had joined the Brahmo Samāj, but after taking up Yoga, he reverted to traditional Hinduism.
... why only Yogis, even your mothers can sense if danger or ill-fortune approaches you." "Oh yes. I remember our Bengali teacher telling us about something like that happening to Bijoy Krishna Goswami." "Bijoy Goswami? What was his story?" "Well, when he was a small boy, he had gone to Puri on a pilgrimage, but his mother had stayed back home. When a big stone hurt his foot, the boy began to weep ...
... Sri Aurobindo : These are known phenomena. Disciple : There are so many miracles reported about Sj. Bijoy Goswami. Do you think they are all true? Sri Aurobindo : I have no personal knowledge of them. But I believe most of the miracles attributed to Bijoy Goswami are more possible with the subtle than with the physical body. Sri Aurobindo then recounted the story of how ...
... and said to him: “Arvind, now you have been caught!” Sri Aurobindo replied in a mild voice: “Yet I will escape.” Naren Goswami turned King’s evidence and implicated Sri Aurobindo as the Supreme Commander of the All India Revolutionary Party. Kanailal Dutt shot and killed Goswami in Jail. The Judge, for want of corroboration, acquitted Sri Aurobindo from complicity in the Alipore Bomb Case. In 1908... lighten things. Here is an example. Seeing Sri Aurobindo meditating, we also started to meditate at night. Bijoy Bhattacharya was arrested while making bombs. He used to join us in these activities. Everyone liked him. One day, seeing Probash, the orator, deep in meditation at midnight, Bijoy took a palm-leaf fan in hand, held it like a flute in the pose of Krishna, stood before Probash and whispered... the fake god through the whole length of the big hall. The noise of the stampede woke all of us up. Finally Bijoy Kanta took shelter under Sri Aurobindo’s wings. The complainant then and there demanded justice from Sri Aurobindo. He threatened that if the case was not dealt with, either Bijoy Kanta would be annihilated or the sadhak himself would commit suicide! So a court was set up at two in the morning ...
... are many Prakrits. Disciple : The language that was current in Behar. Disciple : Mahavir was a Behari. Date not available but sometime in February Disciple : Bijoy Goswami passed the last years of his life in Puri and he came to the conclusion that so long as poverty was there in India spiritual and religious teaching had no chance. One of his disciples writes in... his last years he believed in Dana Yagna – charity. So much so that he ran into big debts and when his health was failing the disciple had to arrange for the money to pay up the loan, because Bejoy Goswami said that he could not leave Puri before paying the debt and he asked his disciples not to be calculating and practical but do the work, as a Divine work, without thinking of to-morrow. Page 256 ...
... work that was begun at Dakshineshwar is far from finished, it is not even understood. That which Vivekananda received and strove to develop, has not yet materialised. The truth of the future that Bijoy Goswami hid within himself, has not yet been revealed utterly to his disciples. A less discreet revelation prepares, a more concrete force manifests, but where it comes, when it comes, none knoweth. ...
... spirituals, but in different ways. Krishna's mind, for instance, was overmentalised, Ramakrishna's intuitive, Chaitanya's spiritual-psychic, Buddha's illumined higher mental. I don't know about B. G. [ Bijoy Goswami ]—he seems to have been brilliant but rather chaotic. All that is different from the supramental. Then take the vital of the Paramhansas. It is said their vital behaves either like a child (Ramakrishna) ...
... history of India is a very important stage." Decades earlier, in an article in the Karmayogin (26 March 1910), Sri Aurobindo had given three names—Rama-krishna Paramahansa, Swami Vivekananda, and Bijoy Goswami —as examples. They had then indicated to him "the lines from which the future spiritual development had most directly to proceed, not staying but passing on." Among them, as we had occasion ...
... (1905-7), but afterwards I had no contact with him any longer. Even at that time we were not intimate and I knew nothing about his spiritual life or attainments—except that he was a disciple of Bijoy Goswami as were also other political coworkers and leaders, like Bipin Pal and Manoranjan Guha. I knew Satish Mukherji only as a very able and active organiser in the field of education—a mission prophetically ...
... me – the perfect balance. First of all I believed that nothing was impossible and at the same time I could question everything. If I had believed in everything that came I would have been like Bijoy Goswami." ¹ 19 November. Sri Aurobindo was asked to revise his speeches. His answer was: "No. I have nothing to do with the Speeches . They belong to the past democratic Aurobindo. They are only useful... the semi-idiot boy servant who was the centre of the attack and was sheltered in Bijoy's room under his protection, began to be severely hit and was bleeding from a wound by stones materialising inside the closed room. I went in at Bijoy's call and saw the last Page 177 stone fall on the boy: Bijoy and he were sitting side by side and the stone was thrown at them in front but there... without a special purpose. He gave instructions to Moni and Bijoy to discourage casual visitors. He was thus living in practical solitude though in the middle of the town. He stayed in a room on the top floor of Shanker Chetty's house, corning downstairs only for his bath. It was here that Sri Aurobindo fasted for twenty-three days. Moni and Bijoy were the only persons who knew about it. During the fast ...
... and experiences. How did Vivekananda test the value of his spiritual experiences—some of them not more credible to the ordinary mind than the translation through the air of Bijoy Goswami's wife to Lake Manas or of Bijoy Goswami himself by a similar method to Benares? I know nothing of Kobiraj Gopinath, but what were his tests and how did he apply them? What were his methods? his criteria? It Page ...
... participants: 1. S. Doraiswamy Aiyar 2. Rojoni Kanta Palit 3. Anil Baran Roy 4. V. Chandra Shekhar 5. Kodanda Ram Aiyar 6. Purushottam Patel 7. Naren Das Gupta 8. Sris Goswami From 1938 – 1950 1. Nirod Baran 2. Champaklal 3. Satyendra Thakore 4. Mulshanker 5. A. B. Purani 6. Becharlal Occasional participants: 1. Dr. Manila! Parikh ... personal responsibility which I fully accept. A. B. PURANI Names of participants in the evening talks:- From 1923 – 1926 1. Barindra Kumar Ghose 2. Nolini Kanto Gupta 3. Bijoy Kumar Nag 4. Suresh Chakravarty – "Moni" 5. K. Amrita 6. B. P. Varma – “Satyen” 7. Tirupati 8. K. Rajangam 9. Khitish Chandra Dutt 10. A. B. Purani 11. "Pavitra' – P. B ...
... and experiences. How did Vivekananda test the value of his spiritual experiences—some of them not more credible to the ordinary mind than the translation through the air of Bijoy Goswami's wife to Lake Manas or of Bijoy Goswami himself by a similar method to Benares? I know nothing of Kobiraj Gopinath, but what were his tests and how did he apply them? What were his methods? his criteria? It seems ...
... incorporated in the next book of the series. Page 15 Names of participants in the evening talks : From 1923-1926 1. Barindra Kumar Ghose 2. Nolini Kanta Gupta 3. Bijoy Kumar Nag 4. Suresh Ghakravarty – "Moni" 5. K. Amrita . 6. B. P. Varma −"Satyen" 7. Tirupati 8. K. Rajangam 9. Khitish Ghandra Dutt 10. A. B. Purani 11. "Pavitra"... participants : 1. S. Doraiswamy Aiyar 2. Rojoni Kanta Palit 3. Anil Baran Roy 4. V. Chandra Shekhar 5. Kodanda Ram Aiyya 6. Purushottam Patel 7. Naren Das Gupta 8. Srish Goswami From 1938-1950 1. Nirodbaran 2. Champaklal 3. Satyendra Thakore 4. Mulshanker 5. A. B. Purani 6. Becharlal Occasional participants : 1. Dr. Manilal Parikh 2. ...
... be Avatars—Joseph Smith (I think that is his name) of the Mormons, St. Francis of Assisi, Calvin, Loyola and a host of others as well as Christ, Chaitanya or Ramakrishna. For faith, miracles, Bijoy Goswami, another occasion. I wanted to say this much more about Rama—which is still only a hint and is not the thing I was going to write about the general principle of Avatarhood. 1 I am rather ...
... action behind its terrestrial or occult disguises." "But – I mean – it's all right in theory," I still demurred, "but when one is actually confronted – for instance, take the case of Sri Bijoy Goswami who said that his Guru had spirited away his wife to a far off place across the sky. Do you mean to say that it can be authentic or possible?" "Whether what he claimed did happen in his... semi-idiot boy servant who was the centre of the attack and was sheltered in Bijoy's room under his protection, began to be severely hit and was bleeding Page 306 from a wound by stones materialising inside the closed room. I went in at Bijoy's call and saw the last stone fall on the boy: Bijoy and he were sitting side by side and the stone was thrown at them in front... Ramayana, works of Kalidasa and Bhavabhuti by himself. If he talked with anyone on the subject it was to get information and compare notes – not to learn the language. 3. He mentions Mohanpuri Goswami as one who gave Sri Aurobindo the Devi Upasana. This Devi Upasana was not taken for a spiritual purpose by Sri Aurobindo. It was with a political purpose that he took the Shakti Mantra from Mohanpuri ...
... spirituals, but in different ways. Krishna's mind, for instance, was overmentalised, Ramakrishna's intuitive, Chaitanya's spiritual-psychic, Buddha's illumined higher mental. I don't know about Bijoy Goswami – he seems to have been brilliant but rather chaotic. All that is different from the supramental. Then about the vital of the Paramahansas. It is said that their vital behaves either like ...
... tacit understanding, two by express notice and two by self-given permission. If it had been 97 or 121 I would have translated myself to the Gobi desert or the Lake Manasa in the style of Sri Bijoy Krishna Goswami." "O Guru," I wrote once, "Lady Demure insists on being deeply shocked whenever somebody is caught lying, forgetting that she lies herself— as often as not. But then we all lie, Guru ...
... the perfect balance. First of all I believed that nothing was impossible, and at the same time I could question everything. If I had believed in everything that came I would have been like Bijoy Krishna Goswami Disciple : What is "perfect balance”? Sri Aurobindo : A perfect yogi can have strong imagination and equally strong reason. Imagination can believe in everything while reason works ...
... the perfect balance. First of all I believed that nothing is impossible, and at the same time I could question everything. If I had believed in every- thing that came I would have been like Bijoy Krishna Goswami., Disciple : What is "perfect balance" ? Sri Aurobindo : A perfect yogi can have strong imagination and equally strong reason. Imagination can believe in everything while reason ...
... flying all over the country. He was, according to Dr. R.C. Majumdar, a popular preacher of the spiritual nationalism of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. He was a disciple of Yogi Bijoykrishna Goswami, and the spiritual experience, which he had in jail, effected a great change in him, and gave a fiery accent of inspiration to his utterances. 72 But he was aware of an innate inconstancy in... 4. Upendra Nath Banerji 5. Sishir Kumar Ghose 6. Nolini Kumar Gupta [Nolini Kanta Gupta] 7. Sachindra Kumar Sen 8. Poresh Chandra Maullik 9. KunjaLalSaha 10. Bijoy Kumar Nag 11. Narendra Nath Buxi 12. Purna Chandra Sen 13. Hemendra Nath Ghose 14. Bibhuti Bhushan Sarkar 15. Nirapad Rai 16. KanaiLalDutt 17. Hem Chandra Das ... Krista Jiban Sanyal 25. Hrishikesh Kanjilal 26. Birendra Nath Ghose 27. Dharani Nath Gupta 28. Nogendra Nath Gupta 29. Ashoke Chandra Nandi 30. MotiLal Ghose 31. Bijoy Ratan Sen Gupta 32. Sushil Kumar Sen 33. KhudiramBose.159 "These people are all accused of organising a gang for the purpose of waging war against the Government by means of criminal ...
... the move all the time and unable to come here, except for flying visits, in spite of all his efforts. Besides he can say nothing unless he has definite facts to go on. The best is to write at once to Bijoy Chatterji and your uncle of the predestination fame. We must Page 250 know what there is—apart from Shankar's statements. After- wards we can consult Duraiswami and decide what to do... indispensable letters—tending to be rather numerous, though not overwhelmingly so. If it had been 97 or 121.I would have had to translate myself to Lake Manas or the Gobi desert in the style of Bejoy Goswami. W hat about Nalina ? I dreamed yesterday that she was receiving force from you or something of equally good portend—I have forgotten ninety per cent; the one per cent remaining means that you ...
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