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Ila : in the Veda, goddess of revelation, “the strong primal Word of Truth who gives us its active vision” [SABCL 11:32]; one of the five powers of the Truth-Consciousness. In the Puranas, Ilā is the daughter of Manu Vaivaswata who instituted a sacrifice to Mitra & Varuna to obtain a son, but the officiating priest mismanaged the performance & the result was the birth of a daughter, Ilā. Through the favour of the two deities, however, her sex was changed & she became a man, Sudyumna. Under the malediction of Shiva, Sudyumna was again turned into a woman &, as Ilā, married Chandra-deva (god of the planet Būdha) & gave birth to Pururavas. Later, Lord Vishnu changed her back into Sudyumna who fathered three sons.
... climb with difficulty. Ila, Mahi and Saraswati The attainment of Savitri is also connected with other rivers or goddesses who are plainly psychological symbols. In Rig Veda Mandala I in the thirteenth hymn, Ila, Mahi or Bharati and Saraswati are associated together: Iiā Saraswatī Mahī tisro devīr mayo bhuvah, barhih sīdantvasridhah "May Ila, Saraswati and Mahi, three goddesses... containing in itself the Truth or rtam. Ila, the power of revelation or truth-vision is also connected with Surya, the Sun, Lord of true Light being of one mind with Ila, ilayā sajosā yatamāno raśmibhih sūryasa. 40 It would seem that when Bharati or Mahi dawns on man's limited mind and bestows on it the largeness of the Truth-Consciousness, two sister Puissances, Ila and Saraswati, are also brought forth... is what we call intuition. Sarama is distinguishable from Saraswati and Ila. Saraswati gives the full flood of the knowledge, and she awakens the great ocean, maho arnah; but Sarama is a traveller and seeker on its path who does not herself possess Page 37 but rather finds that which is lost. Sarama is not Ila; Ila is a plenary word of revelation; Sarama seeks and finds by direct sugg ...
... mind with Ila, iḷayā sajoṣā yatamāno raśmibhiḥ sūryasya . She is the mother of the Rays, the herds of the Sun. Her name means she who seeks and attains and it contains the same association of ideas as the words Ritam and Rishi. Ila may therefore well be the vision of the seer which attains the truth. As Saraswati represents the truth-audition, śruti , which gives the inspired word, so Ila represents... are plainly psychological symbols and especially with Bharati and Ila. In the later Puranic forms of worship Saraswati is the goddess of speech, of learning and of poetry and Bharati is one of her names, but in the Veda Bharati and Saraswati are different deities. Bharati is also called Mahi, the Large, Great or Vast. The three, Ila, Mahi or Bharati and Saraswati are associated together in a constant... She is, therefore, for the sacrificer, like a branch covered with ripe fruit. Ila is also the word of the truth; her name has become identical in a later confusion with the idea of speech. As Saraswati is an awakener of the consciousness to right thinkings or right states of mind, cetantī sumatīnām , so also Ila comes to the sacrifice awakening the consciousness to knowledge, cetayantī . She ...
... the Mother. I sat next to Ila-di. As soon as the Mother arrived on the staircase, Ila-di signalled to me to go and sit on the step of the staircase the Mother was standing on. Faithfully following her instruction, I went and fearlessly sat down at the Mother’s Feet like a puppy. I was totally new and did not know anything about the customs or rules of the place. But as Ila-di had asked me I went and... return to the main story. During the first Durga-puja in this new environment I felt very lonely. Everyone was unknown to me. Suddenly Ila-di came to me and held me affectionately: “Why don’t you go with Chitra to Golconde and bring some grass from there?” Ila-di was very fond of me and had understood that I was feeling lonely. The memories of the pujas in Bengal were haunting me. Tapati and... the Ashram and what did I see? Minnie-di, Milli-di, Gauri, Bibha, Krishnalal-ji, Jayantilal-da and some others were busy decorating the Meditation Hall below and the staircase with vines and flowers. Ila-di (Chitra’s mother) was also deeply absorbed in the work. Sujata, Sumitra, Suprabha, Chitra and the younger ones were running around getting everything that was needed for the decoration. Very nervously ...
... Although many of the hymns are addressed to gods other than Agni - that is to say, Indra, Surya, Mitra, Varuna, Savitri, Soma, Brihaspati, the Ribhus, Usha, the Aswins, the Maruts, the Vishvedevas, Ila, Saraswati, Mahi, and so on - yet Agni is somehow the dominant deity in the Rig Veda. In the various Mandalas, the Suktas addressed to him are placed first, even Indra only following Agni. The very first... addressed, to whom functions so vast and profound are ascribed?" 25 In one Hymn (II.i), Agni is addressed as Indra, Vishnu, Brahma, Rudra, Varuna, Twashtri, Pushan, Savitri, Bhaga, Ribhu, Aditi, Bharati, Ila and Saraswati! In another, again, there is this multiple-identification: Thou art Varuna, O Fire, when thou art born, thou becomest Mitra when thou blazest high; in thee are all the gods, O... the beloved with his happy chariots to protect us.... Swing wide, O divine doors; be easy of approach that you may be our guard: lead further further and fill full our sacrifice.... May Ila, Saraswati, and Mahi, the three goddesses who create the bliss sit on the sacred seat, they who never err.... O Tree, there where thou knowest the secret names of the gods make rich our offerings ...
... proper home, the Truth-consciousness, the infinite totality, and for it at all times Ila, the highest Word, premier energy of the Truth-consciousness, she who is the direct revealing vision in knowledge and becomes in that knowledge the spontaneous self-attainment of the Truth of things in action, result and experience,—Ila grows perpetually in body and richness. To him all creatures of themselves incline... enjoyment. स इत्क्षेति सुधित ओकसि स्वे तस्मा इळा पिन्वते विश्वदानीम् । तस्मै विशः स्वयमेवा नमन्ते यस्मिन्ब्रह्मा राजनि पूर्व एति ॥८॥ 8) Yea, he dwells firmly seated in his proper home and for him Ila at all times grows in richness. To him all creatures of themselves submit, the King, he in whom the Soul-Power goes in front. Page 316 अप्रतीतो जयति सं धनानि प्रतिजन्यान्युत या सजन्या ...
... sometimes almost identified with Usha, the divine Dawn, who is the bringer of illumination. I shall suggest that Dakshina like the more famous Ila, Saraswati and Sarama, is one of four goddesses representing the four faculties of the Ritam or Truthconsciousness,—Ila representing truth-vision or revelation, Saraswati truth-audition, inspiration, the divine word, Sarama intuition, Dakshina the separative ...
... 7) O worshipped twain, O divine priests of man's call, arrive on the path of the wind to this our sacrifice. इळा सरस्वती मही तिस्त्रो देवीर्मयोभुवः । बर्हिः सीदन्त्वस्त्रिधः ॥८॥ 8) May Ila, Saraswati, and Mahi, 5 the three goddesses who create the bliss sit on the sacred seat, they who never err. शिवस्त्वष्टरिहा गहि विभुः पोष उत त्मना । यज्ञेयज्ञे न उदव ॥९॥ 9) O maker of... × Or, the riches × Ila, goddess of revelation; Saraswati, goddess of inspiration; Mahi, goddess of the Vast Truth, Mahas or ṛtaṁ bṛhat . × ...
... of the illumination, the flashes of higher light which produce the beautiful forms by the power of the goddess. The goddess herself must be one who is habitually associated with illumination, either Ila or Mahi. To anyone acquainted with the processes of Yoga, the whole passage at once becomes perfectly clear & true. The forms are those beautiful & myriad images of things in all the three worlds, the... to right thoughts, clear perceptions and not because she is the impeller of things auspicious—a phrase which would have no sense or appropriateness to the context. Mahi is one of the three goddesses Ila, Saraswati and Mahi who are described as tisro devir mayobhuvah, the three goddesses born of delight or Ananda, and her companions being goddesses of knowledge, children of Mahas, she also must be a ...
... arise in my mind an arrangement of symbolic names attached to certain psychological experiences which had begun to regularise themselves; and among them there came the figures of three female energies, Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, representing severally three out of the four faculties of the intuitive reason, — revelation, inspiration and intuition... ...It did not take long to see that the Vedic indications... the supreme healer. There are also female energies, among whom Aditi, infinite mother of the gods, comes first, and there are five powers of truth-consciousness: mahi or bharati vast word; Ila, the power of revelation; Saraswati, the power of inspiration; Sarama, the power of intuition, the hound of heaven, who descends into the cavern of the subcosncient and finds from there hidden ...
... figures of three female energies, Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, representing severally three out of the four faculties of the intuitive reason, — revelation, inspiration and intuition. Two of these names were not well known to me as Vedic goddesses, but were connected rather with the current Hindu religion or with old Puranic legend, Saraswati, goddess of learning and Ila,Page - 93 mother of the Lunar dynasty ...
... one struck blind; Or when a great thought flashes through his brain, A poet starts up and almost cries aloud As at a voice,—so he arose and heard. And slowly said divine Tilôttama: "Yet, son of Ila, one is man and other The Opsaras of heaven, daughters of the sea, Unlimited in being, Ocean-like. They not to one lord yield nor in one face Limit the universe, but like sweet air, Water unowned... Established. But Pururavus went forth, Through ranks of silent people and gleaming arms, With the last cloud of sunset up the fields And darkening meadows. And from Ila's rock, And from the temple of Ila virginal, A rushing splendour wonderfully arose Page 97 And shone all round the great departing king. He in that light turned and saw under him The mighty city, luminous and vast, Colossally ...
... figures of three female energies, Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, representing severally three out of the four faculties of the intuitive reason,—revelation, inspiration and intuition. Two of these names were not well known to me as names of Vedic goddesses, but were connected rather with the current Hindu religion or with old Puranic legend, Saraswati, goddess of learning and Ila, mother of the Lunar dynasty. ...
... वृत्रहा वसुपते सरस्वती ॥११॥ 11) O Divine Fire, thou art Aditi, the indivisible Mother to the giver of the sacrifice; thou art Bharati, voice of the offering, and thou growest by the word. Thou art Ila of the hundred Page 33 winters wise to discern; O Master of the Treasure, thou art Saraswati who slays the python adversary. त्वमग्ने सुभृत उत्तमं वयस्तव स्पार्हे वर्ण आ संदृशि श्रियः... three peaks of Heaven. सरस्वती साधयन्ती धियं न इळा देवी भारती विश्वतूर्तिः । तिस्त्रो देवीः स्वधया बर्हिरेदमच्छिद्रं पान्तु शरणं निषद्य ॥८॥ 8) May Saraswati effecting our thought and goddess Ila and Bharati who carries all to their goal, the three goddesses, sit on our altar-seat and guard by the self-law of things our gapless house of refuge. पिशङ्गरुपः सुभरी वयोधाः श्रृष्टी वीरो जायते ...
... used to come to Calcutta to visit Sri Aurobindo in the jail. Mrinalini always remained calm and composed. We have a reminiscent account of Mrinalini's sojourn in Shillong from Ila Devi, mother of Dr. Satyavrata Sen. Ila was Page 13 a minor at that time living with her parents in Shillong as very friendly neighbours. She writes: "I saw her in my early teens. Minudi (nickname) was ...
... that I have taken up, as I said, is at the Samadhi. How did that happen? One morning, at about three o'clock, I think, I had to come down, and I saw Ila - I suppose you know her - and one or two other ladies working there. But after a short while, Ila fell ill and her husband came to take her place. I suppose you know Nolini Sen and Iladevi - parents of Amita and Chitra. Then Nolini Sen was working ...
... figures of three female energies, Ila, Saraswati Sarama, representing severally three out of four faculties of the intuitive reason, revelation, inspiration and intuition. Two of these names were not well known to me as names of Vedic Goddesses, but were connected rather with the current Hindu religion or with old Puranic legend, Saraswati, goddess of learning and Ila, mother of the Lunar dynasty. But ...
... Sarama is the traveller and seeker on its path who does not herself possess but rather finds that which is lost. Neither is she the plenary word of the revelation, the Teacher of man like the goddess Ila; for even when what she seeks is found, she does not take possession but only gives the message to the seers and their divine helpers who have still to fight for the possession of the light that has ...
... three—in addition to Mother Earth—who seem to stand on a different level and are mentioned without the names of their mates if they have any and seem to enjoy an independent power and activity. They are Ila,Mahi&Saraswati, the three goddesses born of Love or born of Bliss, Tisro devir mayobhuvah. Saraswati is known to us in the Purana,—the Muse with her feet on the thousand leaved lotus of the mind, ...
... Vasus, Varuna, Mitra, Bhaga & Aryamá the greatnesses, felicities, enjoyments & strengths of perfected being, to the Aswins the youth of the soul & its raptures & swiftnesses, to Daksha & Saraswati, Ila, Sarama & Mahi the activities of the Truth & Right, to the Rudras, Maruts & Adityas, the play of Page 704 physical, vital, mental & ideative activities. Agni has stood up in the dawning ...
... habitual motion. The ancient Hindus knew that the earth moves & therefore the earth also was designated in ancient times by a number of words meaning motion of which jagati itself is one—ga, go, jagati, ila. They knew of the physical movement of the universe. They would not have rejected the scientific hypothesis which sees in every object a mass & arrangement, a sort of cosmos of anus, Page 424 ...
... their direction to the ancient Light. आ नो यज्ञं भारती तूयमेत्विळा मनुष्वदिह चेतयन्सी । तिस्त्रो देवीर्बर्हिरेदं स्योनं सरस्वती स्वपसः सदन्तु ॥८॥ 8) May Bharati come swiftly to our sacrifice, Ila awakening to knowledge here like a human thinker, and Saraswati, the three goddesses,—may they sit, perfect in their works, on this sacred seat of happy ease. Page 436 य इमे द्यावापृथिवी ...
... the idea of knowledge is almost suppressed in the more general and radical idea of manifestation, sometimes it predominates & almost conceals the idea of force. Sometimes both are combined equally. Ila, for instance, in I.40.4, is described as devi sunrita & Ilam suviram, supraturtim anehasam, clear & strong (suvira) going swiftly forward (supraturti) but not hurtful by excessive force (anehasam). ...
... us, Father and Lord of our being; he is to act in us entirely by the divine will and knowledge. × Ila. × All hostile energies that attack the soul of man possess certain riches which he needs and has to ...
... energies. Aditi, infinite Mother of the Gods, comes first; and there are besides five powers of the Truth-consciousness,—Mahi or Bharati, the vast Word that brings us all things out of the divine source; Ila, the strong primal word of the Truth who gives us its active vision; Saraswati, its streaming current and the word of its inspiration; Sarama, the Intuition, hound of heaven who descends into the cavern ...
... Aurobindo is absolutely explicit about the Goddess-function of his heroine is a speech put into the mouth of Tilottama, a sister-nymph, as she brings Urvasie to Pururavus from Swarga: "Yet, son of Ila, one is man and other The Apsaras of heaven, daughters of the sea, Unlimited in being, Ocean-like. They not to one lord yield nor in one face Limit the universe, but like sweet air ...
... , women’s rights activist, writer and orator. She launched the Home Rule movement in 1916 and was also elected the President of the Congress. 48 . Dr. Satyavrata Sen, son of Nolini and Ila Sen, started the Tresor Nursing Home in the Ashram. 49 . Mahendranath Gupta. 50 . Surendranath Jauhar (1903-1986), a freedom fighter and industrialist who founded the New Delhi ...
... tells us, we have those five goddesses who, in his interpretation, are "five powers of the Truth-consciousness, - Mehi or Bharati, the vast Word which brings all things out of the divine source; Ila, the strong primal word of the Truth who gives us its active vision; Saraswati, its 4. A History of Sanskrit Literature (William Heinemann Ltd. , London,1928), p. 151. 5. Op. cit, p ...
... result, there are flashes from higher cosmic operations. To use the Vedic imagery, there are workings and descents of the powers of revelation, inspiration, intuition, discrimination, the powers of Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, Daksha. And by constant repetition, we come to know the Universal and Transcendental. As a consequence, the mind will know the Brahman, it will think nothing but the Brahman, the ...
... that is, modern psychology or ancient psychology or anywhere. But these experiences were rising in his consciousness; as he says himself, he had particularly the experiences of what the Veda calls Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, Daksha. These are four female energies described in the Veda and, without knowing this; Sri Aurobindo had already had the experience of these energies. What were these powers, which ...
... gods; there arc flashes from the higher functionings; to use the Vedic imagery, there are workings and descents of the powers of revelation, inspirations, intuitions, discriminations, the powers of Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, Daksha. And by constant repetition, we come to know the Universal and the Transcendental, the Third and the Fourth of the Mandukya Upanishad. As a consequence, the mind will know ...
... food placed before him mechanically — even then he was deeply absorbed and ate very little. He meditated with his eyes open and saw various subtle forms and sights. Three deities appeared before him — Ila, Mahi (Bharati) and Saraswati whom he later recognised as Vedic Ishwaris. Motilal was himself now attracted to yoga and Sri Aurobindo gave him guidance — 'Surrender everything to God!' was his instruction ...
... themselves. Vasu is the richness, of their substance, Ratna is the wealth of their delight. Agni is the energy of consciousness, Varuna is the vast-ness of consciousness, Mitra is the harmony. Ila is the revelation, Saraswati inspiration, Bharati is the Goddess, of the Divine Word. In the mental world we meet abstractions, lifeless ideas, forms without a soul. In reality, however, all ...
... they themselves. Vasu is the richness of their substance, Ratna is the wealth of their delight. Agni is the energy of consciousness, Varuna is the vastness of consciousness, Mitra is the harmony. Ila is the revelation, Saraswati inspiration, Bharati is the Goddess of the Divine Word. In the mental world we meet abstractions, lifeless ideas, forms without a soul. In reality, however, all movements ...
... 297, 337, 345 Goethe, 244n HAMLET, 387 Hapsburgs, the, 338 Helen, 399 Himalayas, the, 224 Hitler, 338 Hohenzollerns, the, 338 407 Page 407 ILA, 189 Ilion, 399 India, 32, 106, 143, 196, 269, 289-90, 338, 357, 361 Indra, 275, 371 Italy, 196 JACOB, 121 Japan, 54, 78, 196 Job, 305 Jupiter, 328 KALI, 80, 249, 297 ...
... the subtle planes. He used to see figures of three Goddesses at the time of meditation. They were seen going away at the end. It was later when he went to Pondicherry that he knew them to have been Ila, Mahi (Bharati) and Saraswati, the Vedic goddesses. Sri Aurobindo did not meet anyone at Chandernagore except Motilal and one or two people who attended on him for his needs. After his departure many ...
... energies. Aditi, infinite Mother of the gods, comes first; and there are besides five powers of the Truth-consciousness,—Mahi or Bharati, the vast Word that brings us all things out of the divine source; Ila, the strong primal word of the Truth who gives us its active vision; Saraswati, its streaming current and the word of its inspiration; Sarama, the Intuition, hound of heaven who descends into the cavern ...
... mantra shāstra and acclaimed as a great sadhanā shāstra, practical science." 13 Apart from researches in linguistics, Sri Aurobindo has written extensively on the hymns to Saraswati (Vak, Ila, Mahi) in the Vedas, and on classical prosody. He sought to draw the mantra-power into English and Savitri turned out to be his vast field for experiments: Savitri ... is blank verse without ...
... Savya Angirasa (1) मेषं. Say. स्पर्धमानं. A proof that mesha does not always mean ram. वस्वो अर्णवं cf महो अर्णः 3.12. Say. धनानामावासभूमिं । मानुषा. Possibly “mental”. (2) जवनी सूनृता ie Ila, the goddess of revelation. Say. प्रेरयित्री । दक्षास ऋभवो gods of discernment .. gods of skill in work and formation. (3) गोत्रं. Say. गोसमूहं or वृष्तेरावरकं मेघं । शतदुरेषु. Say. शतद्वारेषु ...
... Brahmanaspati & the sons of Aditi, Earth & Heaven & the waters & Swar. अपः waters or the Antariksha? (2) Let us awaken by adoration Dadhikra & impel him upward; let us approach the sacrifice & seating Ila the goddess on the seat of fullness, let us invoke the Aswins illumined & swift to the call. (3) I awaken Agni Dadhikravan & express by speech Dawn & the Sun & the Light and the red wideness of Varuna ...
... that law they shine. आ भारती भारतीभिः सजोषा इळा देवैर्मनुष्येभिरग्निः । सरस्वती सारस्वतेभिरर्वाक् तिस्त्रो देवीर्बर्हिरेदं सदन्तु ॥८॥ 8) In unison may Bharati with her Muses of invocation, Ila with gods and men and Fire, Saraswati with her powers of inspiration come down to us, the three goddesses sit upon this seat of sacrifice. Page 169 तन्नस्तुरीपमध पोषयित्नु देव त्वष्टर्वि ...
... things in the gods. आ भारती भारतीभिः सजोषा इळा देवैर्मनुष्येभिरग्निः । सरस्वती सारस्वतेभिरर्वाक् तिस्त्रो देवीर्बर्हिरेदं सदन्तु ॥८॥ 8) In unison may Bharati with her Muses of invocation, Ila with gods and men, and Fire, Saraswati with her powers of inspiration come down to us, the three goddesses sit upon this seat of sacrifice. तन्नस्तुरीपमध पोषयित्नु देव त्वष्टर्वि रराणः स्यस्व ...
... our ordinary consciousness holds and prepares all that the Dawn brings out into conscious being. × Ila, Saraswati, Mahi; their names are translated in order to give the idea of their functions. × Or, who ...
... (इ family), so to ask, pray, adore; इळस्पदे may mean exoterically, Page 736 place of prayer or adoration. But also verbs with this sense give constantly the sense of knowing, eg ऋषि etc. Ila is a goddess who teaches or gives knowledge, मनुषः शासनी. I suggest that इळ् means knowledge, especially, revelation, ऋक्, अर्चिः, the illumining knowledge imparted by इळा, who is the goddess or female ...
... dawn in this yajna I call, the clear of eye, I sit beside this our flame. (8) On them, the bright of tongue I call, the priestesses, goddesses, seers; may they conduct this yajna of ours. (9) May Ila, Saraswati and Mahi, the three goddesses born of the sphere of delight sit unfailingly beside our flame. (10) I call here Twastha supreme whose shape is the world; may he be to us absolute and pure ...
... Pauravas at the bottom of col. 6 on p. 74. On completing this column we continue to col. 6 of p. 72 and climb on from Tamsu to Manu through several Paurava names. Below Manu Vaivasvata stands his daughter Ila. We have to replace her by Budha, with whom, we are told.'' she "consorted". Another departure is in regard to the name Bharadvāja on p. 74, col. 6. It is put within brackets by Pargiter because, as ...
... activities of thought, understanding and intellect are so concentrated on the highest source of knowledge that supramental faculties come to be developed such as those of revelations, symbolized by Ila, inspiration or Saraswati, Page 58 intuition or Sarama, and discrimination between truth and falsehood, between knowledge and ignorance and between good and evil — the faculty symbolized ...
... is also spoken of as the goddess who makes us conscious of the Great Ocean and illumines our thought. Along with Saraswati is also Mahi or Bharati who makes our consciousness vast and there is also Ila, the goddess that reveals the vision of the Truth, The hymns of the Veda are the Words that have come from the superconscient. Hymns express prayer and God- attraction, praise and God-affirmation ...
... supramental discrimination that begin to operate when Reason is surpassed and faculties of true knowledge and comprehensive knowledge begin to operate. Crossing through the symbolism of Sarasvati, Ila, Sarama and Daksha, Sri Aurobindo has shown how Vedic Rishis had mastered the operations of supra-rational faculties so that when we read of them now at a time when we are obliged to transcend the ...
... supramental discrimination that begin to operate when Reason is surpassed and faculties of true knowledge and comprehensive knowledge begin to operate. Crossing through the symbolism of Sarasvati, Ila, Sarama and Daksha, Sri Aurobindo has shown how Vedic Rishis had mastered the operations of suprarational faculties so that when we read of them now at a time when we are obliged to transcend the l ...
... Translated by Sri Aurobindo. Page 84 s ubtle realisation. And this subtle realisation has its different levels, classifications and variations which the Vedic seers have termed Ila, Saraswati, Sarama and Dakshina. These four names have been plausibly interpreted as sruti (Revelation), smrti (Inspiration), bodhi (Intuition) and viveka (Discrimination). We are not going to probe ...
... is precisely because of form and name that the truth becomes concrete. The form of truth is Visible in the divine vision, the name of truth in the divine hearing. Saraswati gives the divine name and Ila gives the divine form to the truth. Under the inspiration of Saraswati the truth casts aside all untruths. Hence she is called Pavaka (the Purifier). Above the mind there abides the vast ocean of ...
... commences her journey to the earth, and visits bright and holy places still lost in thought, and chasing vain regrets and wayward hopes. Now Pururavas too is a waif of fortune, self-exiled from Ila to "the infinite and lonely hills". The search after felicity is for him a mocking infelicity. In the sixth month of his travels, he manages to reach a silent awe-inspiring place: Snow on ravine ...
... Chandernagore. It was a period of sustained sadhana for him, and since he is said to have seen "subtle forms and spiritual visions" - including three goddesses whom he later recognised as the Vedic Ila, Mahi (Bharati) and Saraswati - his sadhana must have taken him to the occult worlds above and below and the inner countries of the mind, heart and soul. Motilal Roy has recorded that he found Sri Aurobindo ...
... the people serving did their work without any talking. The people being served also respected the meditative atmosphere. I still remember three people from the service counter: Charu-da, Bihari-da and Ila-di (Chitra-di and Amita's mother). Their attitude, the quality of their presence at the counter, the atmosphere that they Created standing at the service counter was such that it was needless to announce ...
... become visible," he told Motilal. "They are as significant as the lipi and want to communicate something, which I endeavour to discover." Among the divine Forms he saw at Chandernagore were those of Ila, Saraswati and Sarama, Vedic goddesses of revelation, inspiration and intuition. But by solitary meditation, I don't mean to say that Sri Aurobindo was completely out of touch with the world. Not ...
... differing natures during their love-moments: Either a rapture she invisible Or he a mystic body and mystic soul. Reveal not then thy being naked to hers, Page 17 O virgin Ila's son, nor suffer ever Light round thy body naked to her eyes, Lest day dawn not on thy felicity. But once Pururavus forgot himself: jerked out of sleep by an alarm from Urvasie, the hero ...
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