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36 result/s found for Intuitive consciousness

... combined was at work all the time. In the third stage, one reaches Intuitive Consciousness. The Intuitive Consciousness or the level of Intuition is not the same as the action of intuition in the man's nature. It is true, intuition works in the mind, it works in the vital being, it can work in the body. But that is not the Intuitive Consciousness. It is intuition coming down in the nature of man. In fact,... Intuitive being penetrating into the mind or into the life or into the physical consciousness. Those who constantly, or occasionally, get intuitions are not the persons who have risen to the Intuitive consciousness. Intuitive level is an independent level of consciousness, above mind, which can be steadily attained,—in which one can constandy live just as one lives in the mind if one developes the faculty... choice—particularly when the pros and cons in favour of them are equal. Intuition then works as intuitive discrimination and makes the correct choice. It is possible to establish oneself in the intuitive consciousness so that all inner and outer activities are done intuitively. The faculty of Intuition acts unerringly because it is in contact with the Truth-Consciousness, its thought proceeds from the Truth ...


... mental, vital, subtle physical intuitions as well as intuitions from the higher and the illumined Mind. Powers of the Intuitive Consciousness Revelation is a part of the intuitive consciousness. Page 163 There is a discrimination [ in the intuitive consciousness ] that is not intellectual—a direct perception. No, the world of Knowledge is composed of several planes. It is... downward through all the being and outward through space. It [ higher consciousness ] means the larger spiritual conscious ness which contains all these things [ cosmic consciousness, intuitive consciousness, other planes of consciousness between Intuition and mind ] in possibility and once it is there can develop them in their due place or order. The planes below [ the Supermind, from the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... sensationalism of your ending:   "Poetry, dealing with whatever themes are congenial to the poet, is intensity of vision, intensity of word and intensity of rhythm, caught from an inner intuitive consciousness. This consciousness is in touch with a one-yet-manifold universal being as well as with a higher realm of reality whose creative Delight and Truth-Consciousness have manifested all the worlds... called a happy play of the Gods; on the other it is a great formative and illuminative power. We have to listen to it across a thrilled silence within us, so that what has come from the inner intuitive consciousness of the poet may be received by our own 'soul' and open in us                        A golden temple-door to things beyond." (27.3.1976)   By the grace of the Divine Mother ...


... either is expressed in the body or comes through somehow; one perceives or feels it there through the photo. The Psychic Being and the Intuitive Consciousness No, the intuitive self is quite different [ from the psychic ], or rather the intuitive consciousness—that is somewhere above the mind. The psychic stands behind the being—a simple and sincere devotion to the Divine, single-hearted, an immediate ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... general terms. Disciple : Yes. I don't find the transformation in the Gita. The exposition of the levels of consciousness beyond mind, their functions, a clear, rational Statement of intuitive consciousness, inspiration, revelation, and the ascent of the consciousness through the Overmind to the Supermind – these things are quite new and not found even in the Upanishads. Sri Aurobindo :... come about in the nature which might amount to what may be called transformation. But in the Gita the instruments of action remain human throughout (the Buddhi etc.). It does not speak of the intuitive consciousness. In our ancient works there is no conception about the evolutionary nature of the world, or rather, they do not have the vision of humanity as an evolutionary expression of the Divine in ...

... There is, we might say, a psychological law of development. According to this law, there are two approaches to the seeking of the Highest. The first is synthetic, which is spontaneous in the intuitive consciousness. In this consciousness, there is inherent harmony, stability and delight. But often this consciousness in our infancy is not self-conscious. It operates rhythmically in our mind and there is... from below upwards, which builds up in our psychology, a knowledge of all terms of existence, one by one, one adding upon another, from the lowest to the highest. This law operates not by intuitive consciousness of the totality, but by concentration and by askesis, a process of laborious ascent. There is in this process of development a questioning and strenuous gathering of knowledge step by step ...


... though the intellect in its general functioning is not a directly intuitive agent and has laboriously to construct tentative and uncertain knowledge by various means unlike the authentically intuitive consciousness of an ultra-mental sort which would carry the seal of its own knowledge by an inner identity with its object. Intuitiveness is not necessarily sub-intellectual, and in its authentic form it ...

... suppose that the one Self and Spirit in all and the one Power creator of all are different, contrary in the character of their being, separate in their will and purpose. Our reason tells us, our intuitive consciousness feels, and their witness is confirmed by spiritual experience, that the one pure and absolute Existence exists in all things and beings even as all things and beings exist in It and by It, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... she has to use more amply the unseen material hidden below our surface, to dive inwards and bring out the secret soul, the psyche, or to ascend above our normal mental level into planes of intuitive consciousness dense with light derived from the spiritual gnosis, ascending planes of pure spiritual mind in which we are in direct contact with the infinite, in touch with the self and highest reality of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... heart of things, be in luminous identity with the movements of Nature, assure to the being a clear control of his life or at least a harmony with his universe. It is only a free and entire intuitive consciousness which would be able to see and to grasp things by direct contact and penetrating vision or a spontaneous truth sense born of an underlying unity or identity and arrange an action of Nature ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... conversion into a new consciousness and an infusion of this new consciousness into the whole of the nature. Page 300 Thus rising beyond intellect through illuminated higher mind to the intuitive consciousness, we begin to look at everything not from the intellect range or through intellect as an instrument, but from a greater intuitive height and through an intuitivised will, feeling, emotion, sensation ...


... spiritual consciousness. SRI AUROBINDO: Who? Nirod? (Laughter) DR. MANILAL: Yes, Nirod and Anilbaran, etc. (Laughter) PURANI: What Ramakrishna and others did came at most from the intuitive consciousness. They were open to that plane and got inspiration for action from those levels. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, their static consciousness may have been transformed, but it is the dynamic nature, too ...


... there is a conversion into a new consciousness and an infusion of this new consciousness into the whole of the nature. Thus rising beyond intellect through illuminated higher mind to the intuitive consciousness, we begin to look at everything not from the intellect range or through intellect as an instrument, but from a greater intuitive height and through an intuitivised will, feeling, emotion, sensation ...

... The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri 4 Sight: Its Determinative Power: It is a noteworthy fact that an immediate intuitive consciousness of things often leads to an immediate intuitive control of things. Also, a constantly held vision of what one would like to happen helps the thing to grow into a reality. There is a significant ...

... CONSCIOUSNESS, the normal consciousness we know, has various degrees of potency: its familiar form is the rational consciousness or intellect; then at a higher level, there is the intuitive consciousness and at a still higher level the visionary consciousness, that is, the consciousness that sees the Truth, and at the highest, the objectless consciousness, consciousness in itself or the sa ...

... ascent, there is a conversion into a new consciousness and an infusion of this new consciouness into the whole of the nature. Thus rising beyond intellect through illuminated higher mind to the intuitive consciousness, we begin to look at everything not from the intellect range or through intellect as an instrument, but from a greater intuitive height and through an intuitivised will, feeling, emotion, sensation ...

... more frequently when the mind is quiet and at ease. Till now I thought it may be merely an accident. Is there anything in this? The correct counting is not an accident; there is a sort of intuitive consciousness that comes in the body and makes it know the right thing or do the right thing. This growing of consciousness in the body is one of the most important results of Yoga turned to action and is ...


... there is a conversion into a new consciousness and an infusion of this new consciousness into the whole of the nature. Thus rising beyond intellect through illuminated higher mind to the intuitive consciousness, we begin to look at every thing not from the intellect range or through intellect as an instrument, but from a greater Page 5 intuitive height and through ...


... In the lines you quote from Wordsworth 2 the overmind movement is not there in the first three lines; in the last line there is something of the touch, not direct but through some high intuitive consciousness and, because it is not direct, the fully characteristic rhythm is absent or defective. The poetic value or perfection of a line, passage or poem does not depend on the plane from which it comes; ...


... ascent there is a conversion into a new consciousness and an infusion of this new consciousness into the whole of the nature. Thus rising beyond intellect through illuminated higher mind to the intuitive consciousness, we begin to look at everything not from the intellect range or through intellect as an instrument, but from a greater intuitive height and through an intuitivised Page 84 will ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... There is also the consciousness within which does the work and that must develop from the mental-vital to the spiritual-psychic. How can it do that without experiences? Also one can develop an intuitive consciousness which is helpful to the work. What you say about the outer being is correct; it must change and manifest what is within in the inner nature. But for that one must have experiences in ...


... and individual. The cross indicates the triple Divine (transcendent, universal, individual)—the shield means protection. Crown The crown is the sign of fulfilment (here in the intuitive consciousness) and the going up means an ascent to higher planes. The crown indicates the higher consciousness in its static condition, the wheel its dynamic action. The red light is the Power sent ...


... a direct knowledge of the occult mechanism of mind and life and matter, which are beyond our present attainment. This new knowledge and action of knowledge would be based on an immediate intuitive consciousness of things and an immediate intuitive control of things; an operative insight, now supernormal to us, would be the normal functioning of this consciousness, and an integral assured effectivity ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... not employ the exaggerating term "non-sense": he would say that there is perfect sense but from a depth of our being where the thinking mind loses its grip. By an inner soul-perception, an intuitive consciousness, the passage is to be apprehended. To the outer consciousness it must appear to be what Housman calls it: "poetry with so little meaning that nothing except poetic emotion is perceived and ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... in the ordinary consciousness. 18 July 1935 Page 112 Is it possible to know the divine will without having any experience of the divine Reality, without rising to the intuitive consciousness or entering into the depths of one's heart? Certainly, without at least one of these three conditions, one runs a grave risk of being mistaken and taking one's own subconscious will for ...


...       Consciousness, the normal consciousness we know, has various degrees of potency: its familiar form is the rational consciousness or intellect; then at a higher level, there is the intuitive consciousness and at a still higher level the visionary consciousness, that is, the consciousness that sees the Truth, and at the highest, the objectless consciousness, consciousness in itself or the sa ...

... throng; The winds come to me from the fields of sleep."7 " In the last line there is something of the Overmind substance expressed not directly but through the highest intuitive consciousness, and because it is not direct the Overmind rhythm is absent."8 II " Voyaging through strange seas of thought, alone." 7 " Those thoughts that wander through eternity ...

... eternal pastime shaping, re-shaping". This attitude comes nearest to the conclusion arrived at by Sri Aurobindo in his book "Future Poetry" where he envisages the evolution of intuitive consciousness beyond the level of man's mental intelligence. Page 89 explains the origin of the poetry of the Vedas. He says: "The name given to the sages who received the inspired poetry ...

... of the hour is that the artist should awaken in him this true subjectivity and raise the level of his creation from ordinary vital interests, sensations, impressions, and mental theories to Intuitive consciousness. Art and beauty are not of one level. There is a hierarchy in the levels of creation; from each level the artist can create great art. The attempt of the artist must be to raise the ...

... come to me from the fields of sleep—" WORDSWORTH Page 265 "In the last line there is something of the Overmind substance expressed not directly but through the highest intuitive consciousness, and because it is not direct the Overmind rhythm is absent" SRI AUROBINDO II. "Voyaging through strange seas of thought, alone" WORDSWORTH or Milton's "Those ...

... to each other but are one and inseparable. This supramental knowledge has not yet been attained, because the supermind itself has not yet been attained, but the reflection of it in intuitive spiritual consciousness is there and that was what was evidently realised in experience by your Guru and what he was expressing in mental terms in the quoted passage. It is possible to go towards this knowledge... in being; the Parashakti manifests the universe, manifests too the Divine in the universe as the Ishwara and herself appears at his side as the Ishwari Shakti. Or, one may say, it is the Supreme Consciousness-Power of the Supreme that manifests or puts forth itself as Ishwara Ishwari, Atma Atmashakti, Purusha Prakriti, Jiva Jagat. That is the truth in its completeness as far as the mind can formulate... experience of dissolution in the One, but on condition that you do not stop there, taking it as the highest Truth, but proceed to realise the same One as the supreme Mother, the Page 57 Consciousness Force of the Eternal. If on the other hand you approach through the supreme Mother, she will give you the liberation in the silent One also as well as the realisation of the dynamic One and from ...

... Then I saw that Sri Aurobindo's light was manifesting on a sea along with another light of pale blue colour. Does this mean that in the vastness of consciousness Sri Aurobindo's divine light is manifesting through the Intuitive Mind consciousness? Yes. 15 October 1933 I saw Sri Aurobindo last night in a vision seated on a chair and writing something. Behind his head there was a circular... I was sitting in prayer, I saw Sri Aurobindo in a vision coming down the staircase till he came just near to the floor. What does this mean? It indicates perhaps the bringing of the Divine Consciousness down from level to level till it is now nearer the material. 23 September 1933 Today while meditating I saw in a vision that in Sri Aurobindo's light Nataraja Shiva was manifesting with many... am coming". Am I right? It looks like it. At any rate there is evidently an opening in the heart-centre or you would not have had the change or the vision with the stilling of the physical consciousness in the body. 30 October 1934 Last night I had a dream that you had come out of your seclusion for once; you were tall, quite young, but very dark. I began to wonder if this was Sri Aurobindo ...


... light of the thinking mind, though still not without the breath of inspiration that always works when this mind is not all on its own but knows a rapport with a greater illumination, the intuitive Truth Consciousness beyond the intellect. Not Apollo, but Athene is the divinity of mental Wisdom. Even as far back as the drama Perseus the Delioerer 2 of Sri Aurobindo's Baroda days we have those lines... mysticism, although perhaps a rebel son in the house of his mother. He has something of the mystic style, something of the intuitive Apollonian inlook into the secrets of existence." We may pause over the expressions: "a luminous Apollonian...mysticism", "the intuitive Apollonian inlook". Surely, in Sri Aurobindo's eyes, "Apollonian" cannot be equated with "the classical ordered vision of life"... life". The post-Nietzschean usage must appear to him as mixing up the light of reason and reflection with a supra-intellectual and intuitive luminosity. And, when we turn to his poetry, the two Greek powers mixed 1 Heraclitus (Calcutta, 1947). pp. 3-4. Page 317 up emerge distinctly. They are Athene and Apollo. Apollo, God of the Sun, Leader of the Muses, Inspirer of Poetry ...


... opposed to each other but are one and inseparable. This supramental knowledge has not yet been attained, because the supermind itself has not been attained, but the reflection of it in intuitive spiritual consciousness is there and that was what was evidently realised in experience by your Guru and what he was expressing in mental terms in the quoted passage. It is possible to go towards this knowledge... Shankara's conception of the undifferentiated pure Consciousness as the Brahman is your view of it, then it is not the path of this Yoga that you should choose; for here the realisation of pure Consciousness and Being is only a first step and not the goal. But an inner creative urge from within can have no place in an undifferentiated Consciousness—all action and creation must necessarily be foreign... be a reality; its object is to enter into a higher Truth-Consciousness or Divine Supramental Consciousness in which action and creation are the expression not of ignorance and imperfection, but of the Truth, the Light, the Divine Ananda. Page 447 But for that, surrender of the mortal mind, life and body to that Higher Consciousness is indispensable, since it is too difficult for the mortal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... is not of truth-know ledge but of truth-feeling, an inward turn spontaneously sensing what is God's Will rather than instantly visioning the plan and purpose of the Supreme as does the intuitive spiritual consciousness. Yes, the Rigveda has a multiple numerology. One of its most expressive numbers is "thousand", meaning "completeness". A 100 is explained by Sri Aurobindo as perhaps suggesting the... not say much of the change brought about in you, but from your few hints I conclude as follows.   The Mother has broken open your normal individuality and made something of you spread its consciousness in the universal existence. This change has come about by at once a profound interiorisation, a further plunging into the inner self and, as a result of this new deepening, a new widening.  ... advantages even if the operation was a perfect success became vivid and clear. Still I refrained from making any decision by mere thought. My friend's words were submitted to a deeper realm of consciousness, a wide silence beyond human hopes and fears. Soon there was a waft from it, shaking somewhat the old firm resolution. But I wanted a quick definite decision as my nephew was to be informed as soon ...


... imagery that the dream-consciousness adopts to convey it. The meaning is quite often wrapped up under the inscrutable cover of its symbolic representations. For others to attempt to decipher a sadhaka' s dream is often a vain enterprise. The clue remains hidden in the sadhaka 's own consciousness. It is he and he alone who has to develop his intuitive-spiritual consciousness to unravel the mystery... often no more than a state of dream-consciousness of which all record has Page 317 been wiped away from the memory of the waking physical mind. And this obliteration may be due to any of the following reasons: (i) Turn over of consciousness: Our waking consciousness is ordinarily externalised and gazes outward while our inner dream consciousness has its eyes turned inward. Thus... residual consciousness is left in it. The rest of the being stands back and a part of its consciousness goes out into the various above-mentiond planes and regions of our existence. "In each we see scenes, meet beings, share in happenings, come across formations, influences, suggestions which belong to these planes." (Ibid. , p. 1500) When experiences of the wandering inner consciousness get t ...