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Jacob : younger of the twin sons of Isaac & Rebekah, later named Israel, the progenitor of the people of Israel. Esau was the older son. In Genesis 27, Isaac asks Esau, whom he preferred, to bring him meat & receive his blessings. Rebekah, who preferred Jacob, had Jacob bring savoury meat to Isaac so that he would be the one to receive his father’s blessings. Isaac, who could not see, recognized Jacob by his voice, but when he felt Jacob’s hands, he was deluded into thinking that Jacob was Esau, as he claimed to be. Thus Jacob, with his mother’s help, received the blessings which the dying Isaac had intended for Esau.

33 result/s found for Jacob

... near; put off your shoes from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." 6 And He said, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob (see note)." And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God." (Exodus 3:4-6) This is Moses' first encounter with God. God tells him 9 "And now, behold, the cry of the people... people of Israel, 'I am has sent me to you.'" 15 God also said to Moses, "Say this to the people of Israel, 'The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you: this is my name for ever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations." (Exodus 3:13-15) The Confrontation with the Pharaoh God persuades Moses... Western Sea, 3 the Negeb, and the Plain that is, the valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees as far as Zoar. 4 The Lord said to him, "This is the land of which I swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, 'I will give it to your descendants'; I have let you see it with your eyes, but you shall not cross over there." 5 Then Moses, the servant of the Lord, died there in the land of Moab, at the ...


... bodily habits. There is a story in the Bible which I always liked. Two brothers were there, Esau and Jacob. Esau returns home hungry and tells his brother Jacob that he is very hungry. He was so hungry that he proposed to his brother, "Listen, if you give me your plate of pottage—Jacob had prepared a dish of pottage—I will give over to you my birthright." One can understand the story in quite ...

... his bodily habits. There is a story in the Bible which I always liked. Two brothers were there, Esau and Jacob. Esau returns home hungry and tells his brother Jacob that he is very hungry. He was so hungry that he proposed to his brother, "Listen, if you give me your dish of pottage (Jacob had prepared a dish of pottage) I will give over to you my birthright." One can understand the story in quite ...

... Patriarch's name, Abram, was changed on his circumcision to Abraham, 'the father of many.' His grandson Jacob, after an experience of wrestling with an angel, was renamed 'Israel,' he who wrestles with God. Ultimately the descendants of the Abra-hamic family came to be known by this name. It was Jacob who was the progenitor of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Jacob's immediate descendants migrated to ...

... bear evidence of a remarkable spirit. Source Esau and Jacob I don't know how many of you have read the Bible; it is not very entertaining to read it, and besides, it is very long, but still, in the Bible there is a story I have always liked very much. There were two brothers, if I am not mistaken, Esau and Jacob. Well, Esau was very hungry, that's the story, isn't it? I believe he... he was a hunter or something; anyway, the story goes like this. He came back home very hungry, and told Jacob he was very hungry, and he was so hungry that he said to him, "Listen, if you give me your mess of pottage" (Jacob had prepared some stew), "if you give me your mess of pottage I will give you my birthright." You know, one can understand the story quite superficially, but it has a very profound ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... he had to see 7 years of plenty and 2 of famine before Jacob entered Egypt in 1870. Thus, the first year of Sesostris Ill's reign, 1878, coincides with Joseph's appointment. Working backwards from this, Sethna fixes that Jacob was 92 when Joseph was born ("the son of his old age" says the Bible), that Joseph was 30 when he became vizier, and Jacob entered Egypt at the age of 130.   Depending on ...


... There were two brothers, if I am not mistaken, Esau and Jacob. Well, Esau was very hungry, that's the story, isn't it? I believe he was a hunter or something; anyway, the story goes like this. He came back home very hungry, and told Jacob he was very hungry, and he was so hungry that he said to him, "Listen, if you give me your mess of pottage" (Jacob had prepared some stew), "if you give me your mess of ...


... brothers, if I am not mistaken, Esau and Jacob. Well, Esau was very hungry, that's the story, isn't it? I believe he was a hunter or something; anyway, the story Page 26 goes like this. He came back home very hungry, and told Jacob he was very hungry, and he was so hungry that he said to him, "Listen, if you give me your mess of pottage" (Jacob had prepared some stew), "if you give ...


... and Islam said to have been created. The Three, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are the Patriarchs of Judaism, the religion from which Jesus springs. For Jews even today, the Patriarchs are remembered in prayer three times a day: "Blessed are You, Lord our God, and God of our fathers. God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob." — Crucifixion Crucifixion was a common method of execution... not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished." (Matt. 5:17-18) — The Covenant The founding fathers of Judaism are Abraham, his son, Isaac and his son, Jacob. In Genesis, God reveals himself to Abraham and commands him: Go forth from your native land and from your father's house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation. ...


... know how many of you have read the Bible. But there is a story that I used to like always. There were two brothers, Esau and Jacob. Esau had gone out hunting and felt tired and hungry. He came back home and found his brother preparing a dish. He asked Jacob to feed him. Jacob said he would give him food if he, Esau, sold his birthright to him. Esau said, of what use is the birthright to me now, and ...

... know how many of you have read the Bible. But there is a story that I used to like always. There were two brothers, Esau and Jacob. Esau had gone out hunting and felt tired and hungry. He came back home and found his brother preparing a dish. He asked Jacob to feed him. Jacob said he would give him food if he, Esau, sold his birthright to him. Esau said, of what use is the birthright to me now, and ...

... know how many of you have read the Bible. But there is a story that I used to like always. There were two brothers, Esau and Jacob. Esau had gone out hunting and felt tired and hungry. He came back home and found his brother preparing a dish. He asked Jacob to feed him. Jacob said he would give him food if he, Esau, sold his birthright to him. Esau said, of what use is the birth-right to me now, and ...


... term is related in certain Biblical texts elsewhere to the Mosaic law of consecration to God, it is not confined to such texts. For instance, in the Genesis story of Jacob, Laban and Laban's two daughters Leah and Rachel, Laban deceives Jacob by sending to him at night not Rachel whom he loves and who has been promised to him but Leah. When Joseph protests, saying: "...did I not serve with thee for Rachel ...

... These words within brackets were added by Sri Aurobindo. 146. (For the non-biblical reader:) Esau, son of Isaac and Rebecca, elder twin brother of Jacob to whom he sold his birthright for a mess of red pottage. Traditional founder of Edomites. Jacob is the traditional founder of Israel. 147. The following passage within brackets has been omitted from the version published in the Centenary Edition ...

... the Lahore treasury". So it was only "give and take". But these pathetic and miraculous happenings appear more intelligible—and less pathetic—when we realise that though the voice is the voice of Jacob, the hands are the hands of Esau. And this fact becomes patent when we find that Kashmir does not present an isolated instance of such zeal on the part of Native Chiefs to safeguard the interests of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Tapas the sacrificial activity of Agni in man, the kratu, becoming Godward will finds its manhaná, its absolute fullness & fulfilment. Sat, Tapas, Ananda, Vijnana, Manas—this is the Indian ladder of Jacob by which one descends & ascends again to heaven. Man the Doer, the Manu, the Krana, perfecting himself by works, is lifted by the divine will to Vijnana, to the ideal self of true knowledge & right ...


... in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell "formed a heaven of what he stole from the Abyss". 118 The Abyss here, like most things in The Marriage, reminds us of a conception of that Alchemical mystic, Jacob Boehme, who greatly influenced Blake and is, with Paracelsus, actually mentioned in The Marriage under his Englished name Behmen: Boehme associates the Abyss with God the Father's flaming fires. We ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... evidence to have any certainty about the history of the Hebrews before 1000 BC. According to the scriptures, all Hebrews were descended from Abraham, who had migrated from Ur in Mesopotamia. His grandson, Jacob, had twelve sons who were believed to be the progenitors of the twelve tribes into which the Hebrews were later divided. After a spell in Egypt, first as invitees, later as slaves, the Hebrews were ...


... Hitler, 338 Hohenzollerns, the, 338 407 Page 407 ILA, 189 Ilion, 399 India, 32, 106, 143, 196, 269, 289-90, 338, 357, 361 Indra, 275, 371 Italy, 196 JACOB, 121 Japan, 54, 78, 196 Job, 305 Jupiter, 328 KALI, 80, 249, 297 Kalidasa, 278, 390-1 – Hero and the Nymph, 390 – Vikramorvasie, 39 1n Krishna, 134, 183, 206-7, 350 ...

... of intelligence had its turn. Vaishnavism, Theosophy, Bahaism, Coueism, Gandhism, Nirvikalpa Samadhi, samatā. Grace and the Guru, Cosmic Consciousness, the Vedic Gods, Yogic miracles, Ouspensky, Jacob Boehme, M. Théon, astrology, the interpretation of dreams, Kaya Kalpa, Space and Time, Russian Communism, Tagore, Harindranath Chattopadhyaya's poetry, current literature, Islamic culture, Indo-English ...

... ascending and descending, never separated from each other but at the same time clearly distinguished in the nature of their manifestation. This may be illustrated with a story from the Bible. Jacob, who was named Israel by the angel of God and whose name today the Jewish State bears, had a wondrous mystical dream. 5 He saw a ladder that reached from Earth to Heaven, and he saw the angels of ...

... My own connection with Christianity remained only in the fact that I kept harbouring the Augustinian struggle towards the Divine. There was no draw towards the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as revived in the Vatican's Father in Heaven, no draw even towards the figure of Jesus. What was common to Augustine and Amal was a complex questioning intellectuality, an imagination on fire with ...


... invited by the King Francis 1st and settles in Cloux, near Amboise. 1519(May2) - Death of Leonardo. Page 206 Suggestions for further reading Burckhardt, Jacob. The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy. London: 1914. Clark, Kenneth. Leonardo da Vinci. Penguin Books. Durant,Will. The Story of Civilization'. Part V. The Renaissance. New ...


... 3, 17,21,96,118,137,141,191-2, 199,209,285-6,419-20 Indo-China, 324 Indra, 208, 253 Indus Valley, 133 Ingres, 429 Inquisitors, the, 99 Iphigenia, 246 Iran, 46 Isaie, 394 JACOB, 397 Jagai-Madhai, 65, 73 Janaka,21 Japan, 421 Jeanne d'Arc, 116, 118, 198 Jehovah, 46, 98 Jung, 134-5, 139, 147 Jupiter, 25 KALI, 383 Kalidasa,210 Kant, 137, 139, 389 ...

... Stevens, Wallace. Collected Poems (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1957).          Opus Posthumous (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1957).       Stoudt, John Joseph. Sunrise to Eternity : A Study in Jacob Boehme's Life and Thought          (University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1957).       Strachey, Lytton. Biographical Essays (Chatto Windus, London, 1948).        Literary ...


... are authoritative expositions by the Mother herself, and disciples like Nolini, Rishabhchand and Pandit. Altogether, it is a vast, and still growing, literature.         Writing on the mystic, Jacob Boehme, J.J. Stoudt says that, "he was a prophet in more than a metaphorical sense because he created a philosophy of history more profound than the dated apocalypses of his contemporaries, he saw a ...


... thought for a while till thought itself is transcended. The night is darkest before dawn. The soul wallows in its dark night before it reaches the shore that is Aurora, the Sunrise to Eternity, Jacob Boehme's ultimate heaven. St John of the Cross saw as night the journey of the soul to God, for the pilgrim has but the razor's edge of Faith for his road, his starting-point is divorce from the ...


... is in Heaven.'" 123     It is implied, of course, that always there is a meeting of God's response and man's striving, for without this double movement no creative advance is possible. As Jacob Boehme has declared,   I did not climb up into the Godhead, neither can so mean a man as I am do it; but the Godhead climbed up in me, and revealed such to me out of his Love, which ...


... come. 9 February. Talk on non-violence. 15 February. Haribhai Zhaverbhai Amin of Broach came to Pondicherry. He met Sri Aurobindo on the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth. Evening talk on Jacob Boehme's Suprasensual Life . 22 February. Discussion about the reforms granted to India by the Ramsay Macdonald cabinet. 26 February. Talk about the supramental perfection. Hints to a sadhak about ...


... However, a very new type of vision was beginning to emerge through the meshes of the web, one that had nothing to do (or less and less) with our organ of sight, nothing to do with the divine visions of Jacob or any of the prophets, and the yarns of psychics (which however are not necessarily yarns, far from it, but shall we say a poorly mastered instrument in most cases, almost always mixed with other things ...


... the spirit, the other end is Matter. Spirit is involved in Matter and Matter is involved in Spirit. Q: There is a mythological story about angels descending in dream and there is mention of jacob's ladder. Can the descent take place in the human body ? A. The body also is a field for expression of the higher Reality. Therefore, perfection of body is not to be kept out from the scheme ...

... One of the most appealing aspects of Savitri is of life that passes from time into eternity, as much as the other way around. It is a quest for the Divine even in this mortality-bound world. Jacob's ladder was built long ago, the ladder on which the angels of God move up and down. It is available to us also,—if we wish to use it. But today we are trapped in a time warp. Our helplessness is the ...

... knows esoteric things very well and has faith also. As for Arindam's utterances, they were evidently second- hand; the voice in this case was Esau's, 146 though the mouth that uttered them was Jacob's. I am glad you gave him the straight and fiery answer. December 23, 1935 I told Mother the figures. She found it scandalous that after spending Rs.2100 two or three years ago, you ...