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Jagai & Madhai : Jagannāth & Mādhava, two brothers appointed Kotwāls (commanding officer) of Nadia, who indulged in rape, kidnapping & murder until converted by Sri Chaitanya.

19 result/s found for Jagai & Madhai

... Bhavani; so I curse you, that you shall writhe in hell for ten million years". I confess I cannot see Sri Chaitanya, an Avatar of Love and Forgiveness, whose mere contact reformed ruffians like Jagai and Madhai into saints, cursing anyone, no matter for what transgression. One last word of explanation about his names that occur in my play. He became known as Sri Krishna-Chaitanya or, more popularly ...


... 137,141,191-2, 199,209,285-6,419-20 Indo-China, 324 Indra, 208, 253 Indus Valley, 133 Ingres, 429 Inquisitors, the, 99 Iphigenia, 246 Iran, 46 Isaie, 394 JACOB, 397 Jagai-Madhai, 65, 73 Janaka,21 Japan, 421 Jeanne d'Arc, 116, 118, 198 Jehovah, 46, 98 Jung, 134-5, 139, 147 Jupiter, 25 KALI, 383 Kalidasa,210 Kant, 137, 139, 389 Kanwa, Rishi, 151 ...

... path. The divine grace is a fact – without that nothing is possible. From one point of view, the divine grace is unconditioned. But it does not follow Page 64 that the precedent of Jagai-Madhai is the invariable law of spiritual life. The law is rather this that the field must be ready, the being and the consciousness must get into a certain mould, attain certain order and disposition ...

... path. The divine grace is a fact—without that nothing is possible. From one point of view, the divine grace is unconditioned. But it does not follow Page 4 that the precedent of Jagai-Madhai is the invariable law of spiritual life. The law is rather this that the field must be ready, the being and the consciousness must get into a certain mould, attain certain order and disposition ...

... great length of the discussions as detrimental to compactness and vividness of dramatic interest and dramatic action and they might object too that the action (though this does not apply to the Jagai-Madhai episode) is more subjective and psychological than the external objective succession of happenings or interchanges represented on a stage would seem to demand; this was the objection to Shaw's ...


... sign of what is usually known as fitness or aptitude or capacity. Otherwise how to explain the conversion of a profligate and dilettante like Augustine, or of a rebel like Paul, or of scamps like Jagai-Madhai. Often the purest Page 22 gold hides in the basest ore, the diamond is coal turned, as it were, inside out. This, one would say, is the Divine Grace that blows where it lists—makes ...

... sign of what is usually known as fitness or aptitude or capacity. Otherwise how to explain the conversion of a profligate and dilettante like Augustine, or of a rebel like Paul, or of scamps like Jagai-Madhai. Often the purest gold hides in the basest ore, the diamond is coal turned, as it were, inside out. This, one would say, is the Divine Grace that blows where it lists – makes of the dumb a prattler ...

... into great saints, of men of little or no virtue into spiritual seekers and God-lovers has frequently happened in religious and spiritual history—as in Europe St. Augustine, in India Chaitanya's Jagai and Madhai, Bilwamangal and many others. The house of the Divine is not closed to any who knock sincerely at its gates, whatever their past stumbles and errors. Human virtues and human errors are bright ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... it and acceding to all prayers. It does not select the righteous and reject the sinner. The Divine Grace came to aid the persecutor (Saul of Tarsus), it came to St. Augustine the profligate, to Jagai and Madhai of infamous fame, to Bilwamangal and many others whose conversion might well scandalise the puritanism of the human moral intelligence; but it can come to the righteous also—curing them of their ...


... Mother must be as devouring Page 1031 a madness as the passion of Chaitanya to see the face of Sri Krishna. Our sacrifice for the country must be as enthusiastic and complete as that of Jagai and Madhai who left the rule of a kingdom to follow the sankirtan of Gauranga. Our offerings on the altar must be as wildly liberal, as remorselessly complete as that of Carthaginian parents who passed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... just as Jagai and Madhai, two notorious roughs and terrors of the neighbourhood, dash through the crowd in a drunken fury. ) JAGAI {in a shout to Sri Chaitanya) Ah, here, at long last, are we face to face With you, my precious, who will draw good men And spoil all... ( He turning to Madhai, his moving spirit ) Page 57 ... what shall I say? MADHAI Not... But how will you two compass that, Since what you call light is dark night to the wise? JAGAI ( showing him his fist ) We are come to teach you that — and you shall learn Which is God's gleam and which the Gorgon's gloom, So that — what else, Madhai? You are not helpful. MADHAI You are wrong, for look — ( he suddenly spits on Sri Chaitanya's face and gives an exultant... on occasion, tough and hard As an armour of steel that laughs at such frail weapons You are now flourishing in ignorance. JAGAI (a trifle uncertain) Why are you silent, Madhai? Shall we start? Or will you exercise your eloquence? MADHAI , Oh, that is not my line. For I mean business, Nor can I talk the hind legs off a donkey As this mytho-maniac can. But I say ...


... great length of the discussions as detrimental to compactness and vividness of dramatic interest and dramatic action and they might object too that the action – though this does not apply to the Jagai Madhai episode – is more subjective and psychological than the external objective successions of happenings or interchanges represented on a stage would seem to demand; this was the objection made to ...

... it and acceding to all prayers. It does not select the righteous and reject the sinner. The Divine Grace came to aid the persecutor (Saul of Tarsus), it came to St. Augustine the profligate, to Jagai and Madhai of infamous fame, to Bilwamangal and many others whose conversion might well scandalise the puritanism of the human moral intelligence; but it can come to the righteous also—curing them of their ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... seems to do so, how do we know that somebody has not done sadhana in his past life? You can't deny it, can you? I could point you at many instances in spiritual history—beginning with the famous Jagai Madhai. But it is no use against a brain that does not want to admit that 2+2=4. You can't affirm it, can you? Simple sticking won't do. In that case our Asram cat Bushy would have a chance. ...

... they will surely thwart the fire of aspiration rising upwards, won't they? All that is logical, but it does not happen in every case. It may be true in your case, but what of St. Augustine, Jagai Madhai, Bilwamangal and the rest? St. Augustine had difficulties, but they do not seem to have been of a very violent character, the others are described as having made a total yoke face, I believe. ...

... great length of the discussions as detrimental to compactness and vividness of dramatic interest and dramatic action and they might object too that the action,—though this does not apply to the Jagai Madhai episode,—is more subjective and psychological than the external objective succession of happenings or interchanges represented on a stage would seem to demand; this was the objection made to Shaw's ...


... ananda . It was from then that an irresistible eagerness to know Sri Aurobindo was born in us. This same divine love and forgiveness lay at the root of Sri Chaitanyadev’s transformation of Jagai and Madhai’s nature. With thy pitcher thou hast hit me For that, shall I not love thee? I still remember the film Sri Chaitanyadev I saw as a child at a cinema hall. It was then that this seed ...


... and glorified Mother must be as devouring a madness as the passion of Chaitanya to see the face of Sri Krishna. Our sacrifice for the country must be as enthusiastic and complete as that of Jagai and Madhai who left the rule of a kingdom to follow the Sankirtan of Gauranga. Our offerings on the altar must be as wildly liberal, as remorselessly complete as that of Carthagenian parents who passed ...

... approach it and acceding to all prayers. It does not select the righteous and reject the sinner. The Divine Grace came to aid Saul of Tarsus the persecutor, to St. Augustine the profligate, to Jagai and Madhai of infamous fame, to Bilwamangal and many others whose conversion might well scandalise the puritanism of the human moral intelligence. But it can come to the righteous also—curing them of their ...