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Bande Mataram [3]
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Evolving India [1]
India's Rebirth [4]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [3]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [2]
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Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [6]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [3]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
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Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
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Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [2]
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Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [6]
The Golden Path [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [2]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [2]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]

Kashmir Cashmere : According to the Puranas the entire region known as Kashmir was a vast lake that was drained by Prajāpati Kashyapa who is one of the greatest devotees of Lord Shiva (see Kashyapa & Kashi). Shaivism is thus the original dharma of Kashmir. Buddhism was introduced by Ashōka but the Kushāns (q.v.) accepted Shaivism without suppressing or oppressing Buddhism. When Ādi Shankarāchārya visited Kashmir in the 9th century, he had, in Srinagar a shāstrārtha (debate on the Shastras) with Ubhayabhārati (q.v.), subsequently he accepted the supremacy of the Shiva-Shakti cult & though not an adherent of any form of sectarian Shaivism, he did much to popularise the worship of Shiva & Shakti. Accounts of Kashmir’s history (1006-1586) are found in Kalhaṇa’s, Jonaraja’s, & Sri Vasa’s works, & in Prajñā Bhatt’s Rājabalipatakā. Shaivism remained the mainstay of the Kashmir’s life until 1346, when King Udayana Deva’s minister murdered him & usurped the kingdom. Maharaja Ranjit Singh recovered Kashmir in 1819 but after his death, the Octopus annexed & sold it to their ally Gulāb Singh (d.1857) who was governing Jammu (granted to him by Ranjit Singh for being his loyal commander) & had already annexed Ladakh. Gulāb’s son Raṇaveer supplied a contingent of troops to bolster the Octopus’s tentacles to garrotte Delhi in the summer of 1857, obtaining in return a KCSI (Knight Commander of Star of India) in 1861, an adoption sanad in 1862 & a GCSI (Knight Grand Commander of the Star of India) in 1866 & the honour of facilitating the Octopus’s ‘trade’ with Eastern Turkistan in 1870 by reducing all transit duties through his territories. Raṇveer’s son Parbat kept up the subservience, obtained a GCSI in 1892 & later a titular Maj.-Generalship & Hon. Colonelship of the 37th Dogrās, & in 1907 the high-paying cosy dove-cote for confirmed loyalists in Morley’s Advisory Council of Notables. [Based on Buckland] Swami Vivekananda visited Kashmir in September-October 1897 & June-July 1898 during which he visited Srinagar twice. The first time, on 10th September 1897, was as a guest of Justice Mukhopadhyāya. The second time he was there, the period from June 22 to July 15, 1898 was spent in houseboats on the Vitastā (corrupted to Jhelum), in & about Srinagar. Among the local excursions that the Swami made with his disciples was that on July 29 to the small, massively built Shiva temple that stands atop the Shankarāchārya Hill which rises a thousand feet above the surrounding terrain. The famous floating gardens can be seen below, for miles around. The beauty & extensive sweep of the scene drew from the Swami the exclamation: “Look, what genius the Hindu shows in placing his temples

He always chooses a grand scenic effect

The rock of Hara Parvat rises red out of blue water, like a lion couchant, crowned. And the temple of Mārtanda Shiva has the valley at its feet

” On September 30, 1898, after his pilgrimage to Amarnāth, he abruptly went to the temple of Kshir Bhawāni, leaving strict instructions that no one was to follow him. There he daily performed Homa, recited his japas, & worshipped Her with offerings of Kheer made from one maund of milk, rice, & almonds & number told his beads like any humble pilgrim. One day, as he pondered over the ruination of the sacred temple by barbarians, he told Her, “If I had been here then, I would never have allowed such a thing. I would have laid down my life to protect You.” – “What if they desecrated My temple & defiled My Mūrti? What is that to you? Do you protect Me, or do I protect you?” Since then, he told his disciples, “All my patriotism has gone. Everything is gone. Now it is only “Mother


I have been very wrong. I am only your little child.” And when he thought he ought to build a new temple in the place of a present dilapidated one by raising the funds from his wealthy American disciples & friends, She reminded him, “My child

If I so wish I can have innumerable temples & monastic centres. I can even this moment raise a seven-storied golden temple on this very spot.” The Swami later declared that “Since I heard that divine voice, I have ceased making any more plans. Let these things be as Mother wishes.” [Swami Vivekananda’s visits in Kashmir, Pub. Dept., Ramakrishna Math & Mission, Belur Math, Kolkata] In 1947, British India was partitioned into India & Pakistan. The princely states were given a choice to join either India or Pakistan or stay independent. At that time, the state of Jammu & Kashmir was ruled by Maharaja Hari Singh who initially chose to be independent & not join any of the two countries. But, Pakistan attacked Kashmir & Hari Singh hurriedly agreed to join India by signing the Instrument of Accession with some conditions…. It is the only Indian Princely state in India & also has its own constitution which was adopted by the Govt. of India on 17 November 1956 & came into effect on 26 January 1957. Under Part XXI of the Constitution of India, which deals with “Temporary, Transitional & Special provisions”, Article 370 was introduced after framed after an extreme negotiation of five months between Jawaharlal Nehru & Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah. It extends the jurisdiction of the Parliament of India & the Union Government over limited matters; actions in all matters, which are not specifically vested in Federal governments have to be supported by J&K’s legislature; & residual powers are also vested in J&K Govt. Till 1965, the head of J&K was called Sadar-e-Raayat, while in other states the head was called Governor. [S. Bhattacharya: 542-43] ― Rafi Ahmed Kidwai [b.1895, a successful minister in Nehru’s cabinet] confided to me: “I found a solution for Kashmir. I got Nehru to agree to throw Sheikh Abdullah out…. We should have absorbed Kashmir for good…. The country needs a man like Patel….” [Durga Das: India – From Curzon to Nehru & After, Collins, London, 1969]

130 result/s found for Kashmir Cashmere

... Mother's Chronicles - Book Five 17 Kashmir "Quite agree with your estimate of Kashmir." Dilip had waxed eloquent on Kashmir after his recent trip there towards the end of 1938, and had written to Sri Aurobindo glowingly about the idyllic life. Agreeing, Sri Aurobindo replied, "The charm of its mountains and rivers and the ideal life dawdling... scenario has radically changed now, in 1996, since the terrorists with their execrable acts have overrun Kashmir. Page 171 Kashmir's Dal Lake early this century But after all, according to the nature, to each one his Eden." Sri Aurobindo had gone on a tour of Kashmir as the Private Secretary of the Maharaja. From late May 1903 to September they toured the Princely... In October Sri Aurobindo returned to Baroda. Sri Aurobindo jotted down a few things in a notebook which he had taken with him for the trip. Here are a few extracts. Page 172 "Cashmere, Srinagar. "Saturday. "In the morning Sardesai dropped in and we went together to Dhond, where I arranged with Rajaram to mess with him ; the dinner consisted of the usual Brahminic course ...

... Toraman of Cashmere; remember that, villains. Or why not Prince Toraman-Canaca or Prince Canaca-Toraman? it is rounder and more satisfying to the mouth. Yet simple Prince Toraman has a chastity of its own and all the magnificence of Cashmere marches after it. Ho, slave! What sounds are those approaching my majesty? Send scouts and reconnoitre. Prince Toraman, the imperial son of Cashmere! It is a part... among the Bheels. SUNGRAM, PRITHURAJ - young Rajpoot refugees, companions of Bappa. KODAL - a young Bheel, foster-brother and lieutenant of Bappa. TORAMAN - Prince of Cashmere. CANACA - the King's jester of Cashmere. HOOSHKA - Scythian captain. PRATAP - Rao of Ichalgurh, a Chouhan noble. RUTTAN - his brother. A CAPTAIN of Rajpoot lances. MÉNADEVI - wife of Curran; a Chouhan... teeth and go stark-mad with shame When they discover their sweet cherished lily, The pride of Rajasthan, they thought too noble Page 889 To lower herself to Cashmere's lofty throne, Bedded with the court-jester of Cashmere, Soiled by the embraces of a low buffoon Who patters for a wage, her pride a jest, Her purity a puddle and herself The world's sole laughing-stock. CANACA Hem ...

... On the Kashmir Problem Now let us come to your article. All you have written up to the X mark against the beginning of a para is very good and needed to be said; but after that there are certain things to which I have to take objection. For instance, why suggest a slur on the whole Mohammedan population of Kashmir by speaking of "fanatic spell of the name of... been beaten on the military ground in Kashmir and there is no hope of her keeping it or clearing out the invaders; her last chance is the plebiscite and that is the reason why she is insisting on the plebiscite. Is that at all true? It would mean that Indian military strength is unable to cope with that of Pakistan and then, if she cannot cope with it in Kashmir in spite of her initial advantage, can... cognizance of the U.N.O and retain Kashmir by her own means and even, if necessary, by fight to the finish, if that is unavoidable. That Patel has made quite clear and uncompromisingly positive and Nehru has not been less positive. Both of them are determined to resist to the bitter end any attempt to force a solution which is not consistent with the democratic will of the Kashmir people and their right of ...

... with full force in Kashmir, is known to have close links to Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda and Mullah Omar, the Taliban Chief. At present, Jaish-e-Mohammed is on the 'terrorists watch list' of the US Government and is banned by the UK Government. The training of the terrorists fighting in Kashmir was another area of cooperation and connection. All recruits from Pakistan, Kashmir, POK and Afghanistan... parts Page 97 of the Kashmir valley where the Indian Army is not located or deployed. The southern Kashmir Valley may be one such region. Phase 2 Exert maximum pressure on the Siachen, Kargil, and Rajauri-Punch sectors to force the Indian army to deploy reserve formations outside the main Kashmir Valley. Attack and destroy base depots and HQ... was to infiltrate into India and create dissension and start militancy. As a result, they began their first operations not in Kashmir, but in Punjab. In 1984, Operation Blue Star was a very painful experience. In 1989, the same operation was started in Jammu and Kashmir. Zia ruled for 11 years. The first two years were marked by indecisiveness as he sought to develop a coalition of forces that ...

... of the Jammu and Kashmir State. The officers and men of the two armies, who had parted company only three months ago and vowed to remain brothers in arms against a common foe, seemed to have become enemies forever. Here is a detailed report on the Kashmir war. We quote from the official Army report on Kashmir: "Why did Pakistan invade Kashmir in the first place... that are the natural consequence of this shortsighted vision that has brought the country to such a difficult situation. The Kashmir problem Immediately after Independence, India was faced with the Kashmir problem. The Maharaja of Kashmir, Hari Singh, unlike most rulers of other states was dithering and had not taken any decision regarding his State; he hoped to remain independent... place? First, Kashmir being a Muslim-dominant state was considered a natural part of Pakistan, which had made Islam the basis of its modern nationality. Second, Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan's Pathanistan Movement was gaining momentum and Kashmir was held out as a bait for luring the Page 69 poor tribals away. The internal conditions of Jammu & Kashmir with religious passions aflame ...

... sedition in Kashmir is not sedition in British India; and by the attempts of the Kashmir durbar to suppress sedition one naturally understood attempts to suppress the endeavours of Kashmir subjects to bring into hatred and contempt or excite or attempt to excite disaffection towards the Kashmir durbar. But the Proclamation removed our doubt. We are asked to believe that the Maharaja of Kashmir, with a... "oldest native paper in India". Why should it be so? Did not the founder of the Kashmir house pay a very heavy price for Kashmir! True to a disgraceful understanding with the British Government, of which both parties ought to have been ashamed, Golab Singh—to quote Sir Thomas Holdich,—"deserted his Sikh masters and paid for Kashmir with money looted from the Lahore treasury". So it was only "give and take"... The Maharaja's tender solicitude for the safety of the Power which Page 473 had sold Kashmir to his ancestor and had, only the other day, condemned him unheard, was amazing indeed. But the matter did not end here. Following close upon the issuing of the Proclamation a durbar was held in Kashmir. Sir Francis Younghusband made a speech and the thanks of the British Government were conveyed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... especially England, are being brought in. Fund-raisers by organisations like the World Kashmir Freedom Movement and Mercy International, backed by the Jamait-e-Islami and controlled by the ISI, are collecting huge amounts in the name of the dead and dying in Kashmir. However, most of it goes to Mujahideen fighting in Kashmir. Pakistan's internal state and jihad Let us now look at... factors, which influenced Pakistan in cultivating the Taliban, was jihad and its stakes in Kashmir. The practice of jihad as a foreign policy objective by the militia suited Pakistan's interests vis-a-vis the quarrel over Kashmir. The concept of Islam not only ensured a steady flow of 'holy warriors' into Kashmir; it also provided justification for Pakistan's Foreign Policy. Thus, the jihadi groups became... interception and monitoring of communications; and the conduct of covert offensive operations. The ISI has always been the executing arm of Pakistan's Kashmir obsession. As early as 1964, ISI-trained militants sneaked into the Gulmarg sector of Kashmir but their activities came to a standstill due to the 1965 Indo-Pak war. It was in 1988 that Pakistan dictator Gen Zia-ul Haq gave ISI its present sinister ...

... A Consistent Patriot 04-June-1907 Even Homer nods, and even the Hindu Patriot makes slips at times. Referring to the endeavours of the Kashmir Durbar to suppress "sedition" the Patriot wrote on the 22nd May:— "The Maharaja of Kashmir's demonstration of fidelity is worthy of note. After upsetting the old law of the State against European settlements and earning thanks from the Masonic... in a right autocratic spirit. But his brother chiefs do not seem ready to follow his noble example, and excepting the 'enlightened' Maharaja of Mysore, they may not care to do so. The Maharaja of Kashmir however is in right earnest. He has prohibited public and even private meetings of a revolutionary character, and is the pet of the bureaucracy for playing this sort of masterly activity." But this... perhaps, got a rude shaking from some quarter and the Patriot seized the first opportunity to rectify its "mistake". On the 30th it again referred to the subject and remarked:— "The Maharaja of Kashmir's loyalty and anti-sedition measures have elicited from the Viceroy a tribute of warm appreciation. A grand durbar was held at Srinagar to proclaim the Viceroy's message of thanks. Sir Francis Younghusband ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... of Islamic militants in the Philippines and narcotics smugglers in Pakistan. 29 THE KASHMIR ISSUE Since partition in 1947, Pakistan has tried in vain to wrest control of Muslim dominated Jammu and Kashmir from India. For most of this period, the ISI has used Islamic militants living in Kashmir to foment discord. Since partition the ISI has also served as the ''principal liaison'' with... garnered from its Afghani drug smuggling operation to finance ISI-backed terrorist incursions into the Indian provinces of Kashmir and Punjab.36 The ISI is believed to spend nearly Rs 100 Crores 37 every year to run its proxy war in Kashmir. Islamic militants inside Jammu and Kashmir receive arms and ammunition from the ISI. It also directs indoctrination programs and runs training camps, which in turn... A Vision of United India Manekshaw interview on Kashmir Sam Manekshaw, the first field marshal in the Indian army, was at the ringside of events when Independent India was being formed. Then a colonel, he was chosen to accompany V P Menon on his historic mission to Kashmir. This is his version of that journey and its aftermath, as recorded in an interview with ...

... on his tour to Kashmir as his personal secretary. In Kashmir, Sri Aurobindo had his third spiritual experience of decisive character, as unexpected and unbidden as the first two, but of a capital importance from a certain standpoint. He says about it: "There was a realisation of the vacant Infinite 1 while walking on the ridge of the Takht-i-Suleman (Seat of Solomon) in Kashmir." In 1939 he wrote... Muslims Takht-i-Suleman, meaning the seat of Solomon. On top of the Hill there is a temple built some hundreds of years ago by Adi Shankaracharya. This can be viewed from any part of Shrinagar (Kashmir). There is a huge Shivalingam in the centre of the innermost temple. Sri Aurobindo had his third experience here. He has stated: That is the atmosphere of the place. Another instance is the sense ...

... Persons of Drama AJAMEDE - Prince of Mathura, a fugitive in the mountains. INDRADYUMNA - his friend and comrade. ATRY - King of Mathura, by the help of the Scythians. TORAMAN - Prince of Cashmere, son of the Scythian overlord of the North-West. CANACA - a Brahmin, his court jester. HOOSHKA - captain of the Scythian bodyguard. MAYOOR - Atry's general and minister. INDRANY - Queen ...

... Autobiographical Notes Autobiographical Notes Life Sketches and other Autobiographical Notes Autobiographical Notes A Day in Srinagar Cashmere. Srinagar. Saturday. [30 May 1903] In the morning Sardesai dropped in and we went together to Dhond, where I arranged with Rajaram to mess with him; the dinner consisted of the usual Brahminic course, dal ...

... small girl, Rupa, was paralysed. She was so sweet and beautiful that even an enemy would be charmed by her. Her one dream was to go to Kashmir at any cost. She begged her parents to take her there. One winter, Rupa was so adamant that they had to take her to Kashmir immediately. She kept staring at the mounds of snow everywhere and then insisted on walking on it. What a wonder! She started to dance ...

... upraised palm of a third hand gives blessing and reassurance, while the fourth hand points to his raised foot. This holy place has an atmosphere. But the whole of Kashmir is supposed to be holy. According to legend the land of Kashmir was originally a lake called Satisaras, the lake of Sati, consort of Shiva. Later a demon made the lake his residence and killed Nagas (serpents) and men living around... away and the lake became dry, the demon was exposed and finally killed. Sati flew out as the main body of water: our Jhelum river —Vitasta of the Vedas. The legend goes on to say that it was here in Kashmir that Vishnu assumed the form of the Fish, his first Avatar. The boat — nau — in which the creatures were saved from the deluge, was the Goddess herself. To the west of Banihal Pass is the highest... soon as he set his foot on Apollo Bunder, he said, "That is the atmosphere of the place. Another instance is the sense of Page 179 the Infinite I had at the Shankaracharya Hill at Kashmir and at Parvati Hill near Poona, and the reality of the image in a temple at Karnali near Chandod." In his visit to the Parvati Hill in 1908 he was accompanied by Lele. Sri Aurobindo, in a letter ...

... refer to you, Sir, as "my secretary". SRI AUROBINDO: Not a troublesome one? (Laughter) DR. MANILAL: No, Sir. Vallabbhai once said that you were fined Rs. 50 by the Gaekwar in Kashmir. SRI AUROBINDO: In Kashmir? No, it was in Baroda. I refused to attend office on Sundays and holidays, so he fined me Rs. 50. I said, "Let him fine me as much as he likes", and when he heard about it he stopped ...

... The whole of this para is pure fancy. The Maharaja had taken him on tour to places like Kashmir, Ooty and Mahabaleshwar. Sri Aurobindo was sent for to Ooty in order to prepare a précis of the whole Bapat case and the judicial opinions on it. He was at Naini Tal with the Maharaja. In the Kashmir tour he was taken as Secretary, for the time of the tour only. Sri Aurobindo always loved a... giving exact and minute rules for each construction etc. It was only miscellaneous things like this for which he was called for the occasion, but there was no appointment as Secretary except once in Kashmir. In this office Sri Aurobindo had to study many important affairs of the administration and though still very young and quite new to the post, he acquitted himself with marvellous keenness and... various kinds which needed special care in the phrasing of the language. All this was quite informal; there was no appointment as Private Secretary. Once H.H. took Sri Aurobindo as Secretary on his Kashmir tour, but there was much friction between them during the tour and the experiment was not repeated. He was diligent and he was serious and he had, so it might have Page 42 seemed ...

... wouldn't do. 7 October 1936 The Charm of Kashmir Quite agree with your estimate of Kashmir. The charm of its mountains and rivers and the ideal life dawdling along in the midst of a supreme beauty in the slowly moving leisure of a houseboat–that was a kind of earthly Paradise–also writing poetry on the banks of the Jhelum where it rushes down Kashmir towards the plains. Unfortunately there was ...

... Ashutosh's education. Dr. Ashutosh Mitra later joined the Kashmir State service as the Chief Medical Officer; he was as civic-minded as his uncle. Maharaja Pratap Singh of Kashmir took note of the sterling qualities of his C. M. O. and, in appreciation, made him the Acting Chief Minister of Kashmir State. When Sri Aurobindo went to Kashmir in 1903, he met his cousin 'Ashudada' and his family. ...

... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks On her Photographs 1955-01-03 The Yuvaraja of Kashmir 1 had asked for a photo of the Mother. Mother selected three photos: The one in which she has a veil, taken in Algeria. The one she captioned “Certitude of Victory”, taken by Venkatesh. And the one she captioned “Durga”, taken ...

... counter-terrorism campaign. Musharraf, though, headed a military clique that brought an end to his nation's short democratic experience, assisted radical Islamic terrorist groups in Afghanistan and Kashmir, pressed for a war with India, advanced Pakistan's nuclear weapons program, and presided over a corrupt and mismanaged economy. Despite that record, he is being hailed by the Bush administration as... in office; civil service and judicial standards have eroded". The report, too, takes a dim view of the backing that Pakistan has been giving to jehadi groups that are active in "India-administered Kashmir". It is not happy with Pakistan's questionable nuclear dealings either. "For the United States, preventing the further spread of nuclear weapons has the highest priority, yet Pakistan's record of nuclear... the United States should stress with Pakistan, the need to: 1. Permanently prevent infiltration across the LoC, 2. Modify its present negotiating stance, which makes progress on Kashmir a precondition for dealing with other India- Pakistan issues. Will Pakistan ever listen to Washington? Can it afford not to? The fact that Islamabad on its own has offered a ceasefire along ...

... SINKING PAKISTAN WILL INSIST ON SINKING INDIA TOO. ITS ROLE SINCE LAST YEAR IN KARGIL, KANDAHAR AND KASHMIR IS A STARK REMINDER OF THAT. One myth is that Pakistan is making itself bankrupt by bleeding India in Kashmir. Pakistan is perched on the edge of bankruptcy, not because of its surrogate war in Kashmir, but because of its search for military parity with India that results in unsustainably high defence ...

... the Apollo Bunder in Bombay; (this calm surrounded him and remained for long months afterwards,) the realisation of the vacant Infinite while walking on the ridge of the Takht-i-[Sulaiman] 1 in Kashmir, the living presence of Kali in a shrine in Chandod on the banks of the Narmada, the vision of the Godhead surging up from within when in danger of a carriage accident in Baroda in the first year of ...

... silence ) That war is very absorbing. The war? Yes, it's day and night, day and night.... Unfortunately you get the impression that in the west [the western front with Pakistan, i.e., Kashmir and Rajasthan], they don't want to do anything. Indira has declared that India had Page 332 absolutely no interest in the breakup of Pakistan: "Not at all interested." 2 They just want ...

... and the Indian Government had just before Nehru's attempt to patch up a compromise made ready to march its army over the East Bengal borders once a few preliminaries had been arranged and war in Kashmir would have inevitably followed. America and Britain would not have been able to support Pakistan and, if our information is correct, had already intimated their inability to prevent the India Government... Faced with several internal problems, and in order to divert attention from what was going on in the country, Ayub Khan decided to confront India first with a problem in Kutch, and later in Kashmir. The 1965 War In August1965, another war took place. Again, it was the same operation; Pakistan Army regulars were sent into India in the garb of tribals and as the operation... According to a report in the US Library of Congress, the 1965 war was instigated by the Government of Pakistan through a militant movement on the border in an effort to topple the status quo on Kashmir and raise international intervention. "Pakistani forces did not find as much support among the Kashmiri population as they had hoped, but fighting spread by August, and a process of escalation culminated ...

... forces want a war. They are too busy making money. If there is a war, it won't be confined to Kashmir. Sindh will be in the front lines. So, it's certainly in the interest of Sindhis to work with the other forces in Pakistan favouring an end to Pakistani support for Islamic militant incursions into Kashmir," Harrison noted. From the Indian Express Monday Jan 8 2002: Pakistan ...

... Subsequently, Sharif signed the Lahore Declaration of peace with Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee. The Kargil misadventure Then came Pakistan's military adventure in Kargil, Kashmir. After initial successes, the Pakistanis were forced into a humiliating withdrawal that resulted in hundreds of casualties. Sharif tried to fix the blame for this affair to the new army chief, General... tax was met with strikes by the trading community and rioting in the streets. Finally, he has been unable to rein in the religious militias, and they are continuing to wage an unrequited jihad in Kashmir. Notes veteran journalist Ahmed Rashid, "it has been amazing how unlike previous military regimes people are no longer scared of taking on the army". Till the recent Supreme Court established a three-year... Pakistan was born with a chronic sense of insecurity, the product of the violent legacy of Partition and the resulting dislocation and law and order problems. Second, the India-Pakistan war over Kashmir encouraged the state to concentrate resources at the centre and, again, in the army. Finally, the death in 1948 of Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of the nation, left a political and ideological vacuum ...

... admission of one or two Indians to the India Council. An advisory Council of Notables—we can see it in our mind's eye. The Nawab of Dacca, the Maharaja of Darbhanga, the Maharajas of Coochbehar and Kashmir, the Raja of Nabha, Sir Harnam Singh, a few other Rajas and Maharajas ( not including the Maharaja of Baroda), Dr. Rash Behari Ghose, Mr. Justice Mukherji, a goodly number of non-official Europeans ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... calm and vastness pervading everywhere and I had not got it in the steamer. That is the atmosphere of the place. Another instance is the sense of the Infinite I had at the Shankeracharya Hill at Kashmir and at Parvati Hill near Poona, and the reality of the image in a temple at Karnali near Chandod. Disciple : I asked X why the Jews are so much persecuted in Germany. He said that they were ...

... almost immediately wholly Indian in mind, life and interest. It was in the early part of the 14th century when Sadr-Al-Din became the first king to be converted to Islam - that Kashmir became Islamic. Under Akbar, the whole of Kashmir came under the sway of the Moguls and during the reign of Aurangzeb, the Rajput Raja of Kishtwar was converted along with his subjects. Even today, it is possible to find ...

... work, however, was much interrupted this year because of the protracted leave he took, followed by a long tour in Kashmir with the Maharaja as his Private Secretary. The experiment was never repeated as "there was much friction between them during the tour." Sri Aurobindo returned from Kashmir in October via Murree and Lahore. From June 1904 onward A. Ghose worked as Assistant Crown Secretary. But ...

... inevitable and the India Government had just before Nehru's attempt to patch up a compromise made ready to march its army over the East Bengal borders once a few preliminaries had been arranged and war in Kashmir would have inevitably followed. America and Britain would not have been able to support Pakistan and, if our information is correct, had already intimated their inability to prevent India Government ...

... this century (from an old postcard) 91 Manmohan with his two daughters (courtesy Smt , Lahori Chatterjee) 118 Sri Aurobindo and Mrinalini (from Abhay Singh's collection) 172 Kashmir's Dal Lake early this century (from an old postcard) 178 The temple atop Shankaracharya Hill at Srinagar (courtesy Shri Seshadri Chari) 181 View from Parvati Hill near Poona at the beginning ...

... Independence, Mahatma Gandhi was able to bring peace in Calcutta and Bengal, as if indeed he were an effective one-man boundary force in the East. But the exodus continued, and the invasion of Kashmir by Pakistan, Kashmir's accession to India in October 1947, and India's resistance of Pak aggression were to sow the seeds of strife and enmity among the people, and there were to be violent recriminations, and... us unity. A free and united India will be there and the Mother will gather around her her sons and weld them into a single national strength in the life of a great and united people. 4 But the Kashmir question continued to bedevil Indo-Pakistan relations, and the dispute was to be endlessly debated in the United Nations Security Council. Jinnah's death followed in September 1948, and the hopes of ...

... directly made. Suppose we take Blake's poem to be about the Sher-e-Kashmir, Sheikh Abdulla, vis-a-vis the invasion by Afridi tribesmen whose spears he brought low and whose consequent tears fertilised the heavenly vale of Jammu. Nowhere are we told that we have a picture of the loud-laughing large-toothed Ex-premier of Kashmir, with his spectacles "burning bright" at us. Thus a characteristic... any rifle but on the contrary feel like shouting: "Come, please, and gobble us up: thus alone our mortal weakness will cease and we ourselves shall be immortal Tygers far greater than any Sher-e-Kashmir who can be easily locked up by a Bakshi Ghulam Mohammed." Vertical Harmony does not imply only a supercosmos reflected in our world. It implies also that the human being is a microcosm. In him ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... There is a contact with a place that gives you an experience and sometimes the experience is appropriate to the place. For instance, the sense of the Infinite I had on the Sankaracharya Hill in Kashmir or on the Parvati hills at Poona, and the perception of the reality of Goddess at the Karnali temple. PURANI (after a pause) : To return to the Herberts: I asked Hubert why the Jews are so much ...

... origin. 134 ________________ * Newly created Pakistan invaded Kashmir two months later. The Indian army was able to repulse the attack and was about to drive Pakistani forces out of Kashmir when Nehru called a halt to the fighting and brought the "dispute" before the United Nations—with the result that Kashmir is still today divided and its Pakistan-occupied part a continual source of... ________________ * Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (1875-1950), who as India's Home Minister after Independence showed great firmness in negotiating the integration of the princely states, Kashmir's accession to India, and the merger of the Hyderabad state. Page 243 April 9, 1947 (From a letter.) The difficulties [you feel] are general in the Ashram as well ...

... but he was not appointed Private Secretary at any time. However, during a tour of Kashmir in 1903, the Maharaja took along Sri Aurobindo in that capacity, but the experiment was not a success. A disciple once wrote to Sri Aurobindo extolling the beauties of Kashmir and he replied, 'Quite agree with your estimate of Kashmir. The charm of its mountains and rivers and the ideal life dawdling along in the... the midst of a supreme beauty in the slowly moving leisure of a houseboat — that was a kind of earthly Paradise — also writing poetry on the banks of the Jhelum where it rushes down Kashmir towards the plains. Unfortunately there was the over-industrious Gaekwad to cut short the Paradise! His idea of Paradise was going through administrative papers and making myself and others write speeches for which ...

... Communications. This he achieved by 14 August 1947. The three States that did not sign the Instrument of Accession were Junagadh, Hyderabad and Jammu and Kashmir. The first two were absorbed in India within a year; the Jammu and Kashmir problem is still festering. It is evident that Sardar Patel and V. P. Menon achieved one of the greatest successes of Independent India. The partnership ...

... two World wars and later in the Indo-Pak wars and the war against the Chinese. Today we see it in the leadership qualities of the officers taking part in the low intensity conflict both in Jammu & Kashmir and the Northeast. This ability to lead from the front has to become one of the traits of the Indian citizen. In other words, every Indian citizen has to stand up and be ready to be counted for what ...

... It began very early perhaps. When I landed on the Indian soil a great calm and quiet descended on me. There were also other characteristic experiences – at Poona on the Parvati hills and then in Kashmir on the Shankeracharya hill, – a sense of a great infinite Reality was felt. It was very real. Then at Baroda Deshpande tried to convert me to yoga; but I had the usual ideas about it – that one ...

... one's works and to know him, not necessarily by the intellectual cognition, but in a spiritual experience, is also essential in the path of the integral Yoga. 28 April 1949 An Experience in Kashmir Kashmir is a magnificent place, its rivers unforgettable and on one of its mountains with a shrine of Shankaracharya on it I got my second realisation of the Infinite (long before I started Yoga). ...

... to fully understand Sri Aurobindo, but very straight and strong—he was assassinated in Kashmir. Assassinated? He is the one who came here when we wanted to have a conference for the opening of the University, he presided over it. 4 A rather tall man, and strong. I forget his name. But it was in Kashmir that he was assassinated (not officially, of course: he "fell ill"). It wasn't perfect ...

... recognise the significance of India in this sphere and plan their action accordingly. * Page 56 (On 1 September 1965 Pakistan invaded India's western border at Jammu-Kashmir. The conflict ended in a cease-fire on 22 September. During this time Mother made the following five statements.) Sri Aurobindo writes in his Essays on the Gita: "The law of Vishnu cannot ...

... died of a heart attack. × India agreed to withdraw from a few strategic posts it had occupied in Kashmir during the recent hostilities, and Pakistan proclaimed that it would not use force to settle its disagreement with India. × ...

... attract like falsehoods: those of China and of Pakistan. The communist troubles on Bengal's borders are preparing the way for China's aggression, and the falsehood of Tashkent has left an open wound in Kashmir. Here India shall receive the blessed blow that will liquidate her untrue government and will give way to a military government that will prepare a more truthful government. Here China shall receive ...

... point. 4 Sri Aurobindo said that in 1950. Well, since 1950, we have yielded every position, point after point, and now India is completely encircled by China—point after point they have yielded: Kashmir and Tibet and all that—we are encircled by the Chinese. And we are still yielding [in Bangladesh]. So how to thwart all that? ( silence ) For example, Mother, the Americans are quietly giving ...

... unity established. It has to be clearly understood and stressed that most of the problems of modern India - whether it be the creation of Pakistan and the subsequent tensions in our relationship, the Kashmir problem, the Ayodhya problem, and the communal riots -these are all manifestations of this single problem, the Hindu-Muslim problem. It is this that needs to be tackled. Once this is solved, all the ...

... India. 1903 January Recommences teaching at the Baroda College. February 22 On leave for one month. May-August Accompanies the Gaekwar on his tour of Kashmir as his Private Secretary. In Kashmir on Takht-e-Suleman has an experience of the vacant infinite. 1904 Works as Huzur Kamdar, often doing secretarial work for the Gaekwar. September 28 Directed ...

... 1903—January Recommences regular teaching at the Baroda College. February 22 On leave for one month. May-August Accompanies the Gaekwar on his tour of Kashmir as his Private Secretary. In Kashmir on Takht-e-Suleman has an experience of the vacant infinite. 1904 — Works as Huzur Kamdar, often doing secretarial work for the Gaekwar. September 28 Directed ...

... away. December -Sri Aurobindo meets Bal Gangadhar Tilak at the Ahmedabad session of the Indian National Congress. 1903, May-August — Sri Aurobindo accompanies the Gaekwad on his tour of Kashmir as his Private Secretary. December 17 - First successful flight of a plane by the Wright brothers in the USA. 1904, February - Beginning of the Russo-Japanese war. The Japanese sink the Russian ...

... President Musharraf had promised to crack down on terrorism and end the jihadi culture in Pakistan. He declared that no organisation would be allowed to indulge in terrorism in India-administered Kashmir. While several Pakistani groups were banned, their leaders were not prosecuted under the Anti- terrorism Act. One extremist leader was allowed to run for parliament and indeed won a seat though more... including sectarian violence. The failure to penetrate and crack down on terrorist networks is evident in two assassination attempts against President Musharraf himself in December 2003. The jihads in Kashmir and Afghanistan, which in different degrees owe much to support from within Pakistan, remain threats to regional peace. Reliant even more than in the past on the religious right for regime survival ...

... Canada, but have spent the greater part of the past twenty years living in India. During this time India has become my home. I have travelled her highways and byways from Kerala and Tamil Nadu to Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh. I have&nbsptraversed this vast land on her railways, buses, taxis and airplanes, as well as her elephants, camels and bullock carts. I have walked the streets of her cities, towns ...

... her. It is she who gives out the gods – Shiva and others. It is said that even Shiva cannot act unless she gives him power to act. Disciple : Harnath had his decisive spiritual experience in Kashmir where, it is related, Gauranga came to him and gave him the "mission". But his later disciples regard him equal to Gauranga. Disciple : But where is the difficulty? If the consciousness is ...

... by some traditional-minded Indian scholars - 509508 B.C. - and just as radically any period preceding 367-368 B.C., the date given in A Short History of Kashmir by P. Gwashalal who observes that Copaditya (the seventeenth king of Kashmir) built the temple of Shankara on the Takht-i-Suleiman hill in this year. Page 360 If we are to pass beyond the first century B.C. for Kalidasa ...

... Congress accepts the partition of India and the creation of Pakistan. 1947, Aug. 15 -India's Independence; Sri Aurobindo's 75 th birthday. 1947,October - Pakistan attacks Kashmir; the Indian army repels Pakistani troops, but Nehru calls a halt to the fighting and takes the dispute to the United Nations. 1948,Jan. 30 - Mahatma Gandhi is assassinated. ...

... demands fifty percent for Muslims. SRI AUROBINDO: That is for Hyderabad where the Muslims have had a monopoly till now. He can't suddenly bring it down to twenty or thirty percent, the same as in Kashmir. There the Hindus had all the monopoly. Now if the Muslim demands are acceded to, the Hindus will be wiped out. PURANI: People here are defending the French Government. They say that the people ...

... Aurobindo showed this by a movement of his hand.) Of course all those things were done in the subtle body. SATYENDRA: What about the miracles in the life of Haranath? Once on his way back from Kashmir, it is said, he fell seriously ill and was unconscious for two or three hours. When he regained consciousness, it was found that his body had changed to a golden colour. Is such a change possible, ...

... Yoga and knew nothing about it. I was more or less an agnostic. Then I had two experiences of contact with the Infinite-one at Poona on the Parvati hills and the other on the Shankaracharya hill in Kashmir. Again, at Karnali, where there are many temples, I went to one of them and saw in an image of Kali the living Presence. After that, I came to believe in God. NIRODBARAN: What led you to Yoga? ...

... produced a great many works but his most famous kavya is the Naishadhacharita. The story goes that the King wanted the poet to go to Kashmir to have his work approved by Sarasvati, the goddess of learning, who presided there in person. Sriharsa proceeded to Kashmir and there received Saraswati's blessings, but not before having a learned argument even with her. Sriharsha's language is considered ...

... people have come to Auroville, people who are really seeking something .... So I leave them to stew there and we'll see what comes out of it! ( silence ) Do you know K.S., the former prince of Kashmir? He has founded a sort of "committee for Sri Aurobindo's centenary." He's very Page 479 active and they want to found... an "institute" or something to "study Sri Aurobindo's works" and ...

... August August Mother’s Agenda 1967 August 12, 1967 They've asked me for a message.... On the 19th, the prince of Kashmir, K.S., is holding a big meeting in Delhi of all the members of the parliament and the government to tell them that there is only one policy worth following, that of Sri Aurobindo. And he wants a message ...

... 1893). -The experience of the 'Godhead' when he "sat behind the dance of Danger's hooves" at Baroda. -The sense of the Infinite, 'Adwaita,' which he experienced at the Shankaracharya Hill at Kashmir, or -the invasion of the Infinite he felt when he stood atop the Parvati hill near Pune. -Standing before a temple of goddess Kali at Karnali, looking at the sculpture, unexpectedly, mysteriously ...

... but structures of grandeur and beauty. There can be no doubt that the temples of India were a very powerful unifying factor. Starting from the South in Madura and Rameswaram right up to the north in Kashmir, in the East from Dwarka to the great temples in Assam, they have been a powerful religious, cultural and aesthetic unifying force. Another method they adopted was the repetition of the sacred ...

... Master was in sole charge of politics . She never took his disciple to task over any editorial. And when once he got into a little trouble with the authorities for a somewhat slashing article on Kashmir and was called up to be questioned, both she and Sri Aurobindo , on being informed, assured him of their spiritual support. The confrontation with the authorities got happily resolved. Two ...

... fauna and flora of different regions that many parts of India, including Bihar, Varanasi, Bengal, Kashmir and Vidarbha have laid claim to the honour of being the birth-place of the poet. For instance an author could remark that Kalidasa, being able to describe a flower of saffron, must have lived in Kashmir. Others said that his description of the Ganges prove that he was a native of Bengal, etc. ...

...   Turbulent history After Pakistan formally became a republic in 1956 under President Mirza, it faced an array of serious threats to its stability. Its conflict with India over Kashmir remained unresolved, relations with Afghanistan were poor, and the country suffered continuing economic difficulties, frequent cabinet crises, and widespread political corruption. In October 1958,... However, what was more important was that the two countries would become her permanent clients for the acquisition of ever-fresh need for weapons. By end 1946 Britain had already decided that Jammu and Kashmir would be the source and cause of clash". We have seen in the first part of the book that Jinnah looked upon the Muslim community as a distinct and separate community. That was the justification... Cato paper "Without delay, the United States must pressure the Musharraf regime to dismantle the entire terrorist infrastructure in the Northwest Frontier Province and Pakistan controlled Kashmir, which serve as reservoirs for anti-U.S. jihadis. It should warn Musharraf that, if Pakistan is unwilling or incapable of cleansing itself of its terrorist infrastructure, the U.S. military will take ...

... necessary as I had several branches of work to attend to. . "4. As I am now attached to the Swari in charge of the secretary's work during the Cashmere trip, I shall not be able to take the French classes this term." When Sri Aurobindo was on tour in Kashmir he visited Takht-i-Suleman or "hill of Shankaracharya". Tkhere without any effort he experienced the vacant Infinite in a very tangible way... 1330, pp. 16, 23, 9. ²  See Appendix VII, Houses in Baroda, p. 350. Page 38 secretary to the Maharaja. This happened in 1903, when the Maharaja took him as secretary on the Kashmir tour; but as the experience was not pleasant, it was not repeated. The following extract from Sayaji Rao Gaekwar Yancha Sahavasat by Govind Sakharam Sardesai (the famous Marathi historian) referring... to exist as it was impossible to keep up agreement among the many groups." ² After returning from leave in March Sri Aurobindo took his classes at his home in the afternoon. Later he went to Kashmir on the order of the Maharaja. On 26 March the Principal made a strong report against Sri Aurobindo's absence to the Dewan, who wrote that Sri Aurobindo should be made to provide an explanation. After ...

... ess and all the Gods come from her. It is said that even Shiva cannot act unless She gives him the power. SATYENDRA: Haranath had an interesting life. He underwent complete change of colour at Kashmir. It is said that Gauranga came to him in a vision and gave him his mission. But his later disciples consider him equal to Gauranga. SRI AUROBINDO: Where is the contradiction? If the conciousness ...

... Matter will be transformed, that will be a solid base. Life will be divinised. Let India take the lead. Page 363 ( On 1 September 1965 Pakistan invaded India's western border at Jammu-Kashmir. The conflict ended in a cease-fire on 22 September. During this time Mother made the following five statements. ) Sri Aurobindo writes in his Essays on the Gita: "The law of Vishnu cannot prevail... helping to shorten the movement. But, unfortunately, in her blind ambition to imitate the West, she has become materialistic and neglectful of her soul. 13 October 1965 I hope the trouble in Kashmir is the first step towards the unity of India and Pakistan. The Supreme Wisdom is seeing to it. 1965 India is supposed to be the Guru of the world in order to establish the spiritual ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... in India, never sufficiently practised, nor does any sustained record of the doings of kings and great men and peoples before the Mussulman dynasties survive except in the one solitary instance of Cashmere. This is certainly a defect and leaves a very serious gap. India has lived much, but has not sat down to record the history of her life. Her soul and mind have left their great monuments, but so much ...

... consummate beauty in the perfection of Kalidasa. This drama, this poetry, the prose romances crowded with descriptive detail, monographs like Bana's biography of Harsha or Jonaraja's history of Cashmere, the collections of religious or romantic or realistic tales, the Jatakas, the Kathasaritsagara with its opulence and inexhaustible abundance of narrative in verse, the Panchatantra and the more concise ...

... little trouble with 1. 'My centre is giving way, my right wing is in retreat, situation excellent, 1 am attacking ' Page 60 the authorities for a somewhat slashing article on Kashmir and was called up to be questioned, both she and Sri Aurobindo, on being informed, assured him of their spiritual support. The confrontation with the authorities got happily resolved. Two days ...

... sent Amrita to tell him. He replied to Amrita that this confirmed his certainty that Z has been making black magic against me since December. He had been told that Z was practicing black magic in Kashmir. Could this be the same person I saw before [during the December 1958 attack]? Since it was someone who concealed his identity, I can't say—but this form was robed as a sannyasi. Perhaps it's he, I ...

... isn't it? That's it, PHYSICAL. Tensed nerves relax, absolutely. Yes, that's it. That's good. Good. × On the Kashmir and Rajasthan front, that is, the road to West Pakistan, the heart of the trouble. × It will reappear ...

... Deity of Bengal. But this does not imply that he was born in Bengal. Some others take him to be a poet of Kashmir, where many great poets of India have been born. He is the only poet Page 14 who describes a living saffron-flower, the plant which actually grows only in Kashmir. But all this does not justify the claim of his being a Kashmiri either, because Kālidāsa, being a great ...

... greater than their definite works, but their influence is so wide and formless that it has little relation to any formal work that they have left behind them." After his pilgrimage to Amarnath (Kashmir) in August 1898, where he saw the Presence of Lord Shiva, followed by the vision of the Divine Mother at Kshir Bhavani, his bonds began to break. In January 1899 the work of Belur Math was completed ...

... travel). They neither cared where or what they ate, or whether they ate at all. They put up where they could — under a tree, a verandah or a shed. Thus did Poornananda travel, from the Himalayas of Kashmir to Kanyakumari, and from the eastern border with Burma to Kabul in Afghanistan. It’s a pity that none of us were thoughtful or curious enough to know more about his travels — Grand Padayatras. They ...

... from 1928.   Page 559 A Day in Srinagar. 1903 , probably 30 May. Sri Aurobindo was in Kashmir from late May to mid September 1903. During this time he served as the private secretary to the Maharaja of Baroda. Letters that he wrote for the Maharaja while in Kashmir show that the royal party was in Srinagar at least three times: from 28 May (or slightly before) to 6 or 7 June... in Kashmir. Sri Aurobindo accompanied him there as his private secretary. The present document, addressed to R. V. Dhamnaskar, the Dewan or prime minister of the state, contains the Maharaja's first reactions to the Government's reply to the final version of the previous document. To the Naib Dewan, on the Infant Marriage Bill. 8 July 1903. Written by Sri Aurobindo during the Kashmir tour... tour of 1903 to an officer working under the Dewan. A Letter of Condolence. 10 July 1903 . Another letter written by Sri Aurobindo as secretary to the Maharaja during the Kashmir tour. To R. C. Dutt. 30 July 1904 . Romesh Chunder Dutt (1848 - 1909) was an officer in the Indian Civil Service from 1871 to 1897. He rose to the position of Divisional Commissioner of Orissa, the highest ...

... let him go. It was very interesting: I simply told him, You need a little rest —everything stopped. But mentally, you know... ( Mother makes a gesture: completely obtuse ). There is a prince of Kashmir who came here once, a young man 3 ; he went to England, and there he wrote a thesis on Sri Aurobindo's political life, Sri Aurobindo, Prophet of Indian Nationalism , with a preface by Jawaharlal ...

... the retired Director of Medical Services of the Indian Army. Her eldest brother, Major Som Nath Sharma, won the highest gallantry award of free India in 1947 posthumously during Pakistan’s attack on Kashmir. Another brother, Lieutenant General S. N. Sharma retired as the Engineer in Chief of the Indian Army and the youngest brother retired as the Chief of the Army Staff. It was quite a distinguished army ...

... holidays — in the summer of 1901 at Naini Tal and in May 1903 in Kashmir. In a letter from Naini Tal to Bhuvan Chakravarty, Sri Aurobindo wrote: "The place is a beautiful one, but not half so cold as I expected. In fact, in daytime it is only a shade less hot than Baroda except when it has been raining." 5 During the Kashmir trip, Sri Aurobindo was appointed Secretary to the Maharaja, "but there... temples of Kali in the neighbourhood, and what he saw was not just an image but a Presence, even as he had an experience of the vacant Infinite when walking on the ridge of the Takht-i-Suleman in Kashmir in 1903. It is to these two singular experiences that Sri Aurobindo refers in the following passage in one of his letters: A philosophic statement about the Atman is a mental formula, not knowledge ...

... mountain named Mujavant the suggestion acquires extra concreteness, for no mountain of that name has ever been identified. Zimmer 3 tried to equate it with one of the lower hills on the south-west of Kashmir, but, as Hillebrandt 4 has asserted, the equation lacks evidence. We can conjecture a connection with a people designated as Mujavants in the Atharvaveda (V.22) and the Yajurveda Samhitas (e.g. ...

... question was put to the Mother at the Playground. The Mother gave a smile and, pointing to the map of India on the wall, said, "Can't you see. who is guarding India? Isn't the north-eastern portion of Kashmir a Page 492 lion's head with its jaws wide open?" The portion indicated does have the appearance of a lion's head as you can see if you look at it closely. Its nozzle projects with ...

... blood except one's own even when one is confronted with Hitler's panzers or, to take a smaller yet sufficiently vicious example, the marauding tribesmen who with Pakistan's connivance broke into Kashmir, then ahimsa is just an unconscious collaboration with anti-civilisation forces and, far from being a merit, a pernicious mistake. To refuse to see in some collectivities of human beings on certain ...

... to Nehru's Pakistan appeasement policy and the government turning a blind eye to the massacre of Hindus there, he resigned. Jawaharlal was afraid of this rival. He protested the Indian Government's Kashmir policy, was imprisoned there and died in prison in 1953 under suspicious circumstances. At any rate it was him that Mother invited. It was under the Page 295 Presidentship of ...

... 9, 37, 49fn. Kabul, 14 Kalash Kafirs, 86-7 Kalibangan, 46, 49, 63-4, 100 Karpāsa in Prehistoric India: A Chronological and Cultural Clue, v Kashmir, 87 Kasi, 87 Kassites, 67, 87, 88 Kaswin, 87 Kasyas, 87 Kaushītakī Brāhmaṇa, 44 Kautilya, 86 Kasyapur, 87 Kechi Beg, 68 Keith. A.B. ...

... first proposal. He said, 'India should accept it.' We rejected the advice... but today we realise that if the first proposal had been accepted, there would have been no partition, no refugees, and no Kashmir problem." There was another interview in 1950 with the Maharaja of Bhavanagar who was then Governor of Madras. Sri Aurobindo was not well at that time. Still, he did not cancel the interview. I ...

... Bombay, his first contact with the soil and spirit of India; and this calm surrounded him and remained with him for long months afterwards. Again, while walking on the ridge of the Takht-i-SuIeman in Kashmir, the realisation of the vacant Infinite came upon him, unbidden as it were; the living presence of Kali in the shrine on the banks of the Narmada came upon him unawares and filled him with its ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolving India

... his first proposal .. We rejected the advice ... but today we realise that if the first proposal had Page 426 been accepted, there would have been no partition, no refugees, and no Kashmir problem. 13 . The question may be asked if, with his cosmic consciousness, Sri Aurobindo couldn't have known that his word would be rejected, indeed accompanied by "ungracious remarks for ...

... subject nation always be a subject nation ? Won't it fight for freedom ?... The greatness lies in not giving up the struggle and refusing to accept the defeat as final. June 21, 1940 In Kashmir, the Hindus had all the monopoly. Now if the Muslim demands are acceded to, the Hindus will be wiped out. June 25, 1940 The greatest preoccupation of modern man seems to be to find out ...

... falsehood? × Seven weeks after India's Independence and the creation of Pakistan, Pakistan invaded Kashmir. × Tibet was invaded four months later, on October 21. India did not protest. ...

... summer of that year, they all travelled to Almora in the Himalayas. On the way the Swami would tell them of the hard life of the villagers and of their kindness to monks. From Almora they went to Kashmir, passing through the land of Punjab. Nivedita undertook the pilgrimage to Amarnath alone with her Guru. This was a pro found experience for her. She would listen to Vivekananda, sometimes she ...

... ..and surrounded him and remained with him for long months afterwards." 14 He experienced on a later occasion a sense of the vacant Infinite while walking on the bridge of the Takht-i-Suleman in Kashmir, and Mahakali's living presence once filled him with rapture on the banks of the Narmada. 15         Soon after his return to India, Sri Aurobindo employed special tutors and quickly mastered ...

... proposal. He said, 'India should accept it.' We rejected the advice... but today we realise that if the first proposal had been accepted, there would have been no partition, no refugees, and no Kashmir problem. 32 * Commenting on this sad chapter of India's recent history, Nirodbaran has said that Sri Aurobindo sent his personal emissary to Delhi because he saw that Cripps had come "on... brutalisation of mind and soul cannot be banished by a stroke of the pen... the craving for quick results breeds impatience with the leisurely process of peace." And so there was the invasion of Kashmir in the wake of the "partition", and the violence that was at first engineered at will either against the Hindu minority in Pakistan or against "Hindu" India was ultimately turned against the Muslim... and united India will be there and the Mother will gather around her her sons and weld them into single national strength in the life of a great and united people. On the other hand, the Kashmir question had bedevilled Indo-Pakistan relations, the scramble for power and position by careerist politicians had become too blatant, the reign of cynicism and corruption was too obvious, and in ...

... Arindam-da]. Bengalis are a little romantic and sentimental, as you know very well - moon-gazers or philosophers. Secondly, I hail from a place 239 which can be legitimately and proudly called "The Kashmir of Bengal", by which I mean the natural beauty of the scenery there, though the natural beauty of the people is far less than that of the Kashmiris. (Laughter) So these are two factors, I suppose ...

... younger brother, came to Baroda. 1903 Initiated Barindra into the revolutionary cult and sent him to Calcutta to help Jatindra in revolutionary work. Visit to Kashmir with the Gaekwad. Had a spiritual experience of the vacant Infinite on Shankaracharya Hill. Drew up a scheme under the title 'Bhavani Mandir' on the lines of which was started Bharati Vidyalaya at ...

... blow.) Jogdananda learnt of it much later and, after coming here to Pondicherry, learnt that this ‘Koli’ was termed “hostile Forces”. He roamed aimlessly, remorse gnawing into him. He went to Punjab, Kashmir, Haridwar, Hrishikesh — but carried the regret with him. His cup of misery overflowed, as news reached him that Bharat Brahmachari had expired. His guilt, blaming himself as one cause of the guru’s ...

... Apollo Bunder in Bombay. This calm surrounded him and remained for long months afterwards. There was also a realisation of the vacant Infinite while walking on the ridge of the Takht-i-Suleman in Kashmir, the living presence of Kali in a shrine on the banks of the Narmada, the vision of the Godhead surging up from within when in danger of a carriage accident in Baroda in the first year of his stay ...

... suffering countrymen against the oppressor and welcome death in a just and righteous battle.” Sudhir Kumar fitted perfectly into this description of the Kshatriya. Even after India’s independence, when Kashmir was treacherously invaded by Pakistan or during the border-conflict with China, that power would sometimes blaze up in him; it seemed that he would if he could sacrifice the remaining years of his ...

... 242 Jinnah, 223, 224, 230, 241, 245 Judaism, 129 Judea, 137 K Kabir, 146 Kala Purusha , 91 Kali Yuga, 91 KaJi,44, 106, 124 Kalki,148 Karmayogin (English weekly) , 47, 71, 77,83 Kashmir, 228, 245(/n} Kemal , Mustapha , 169(fn), 192 Khaddar, 170 Khilafat movement, 149(fn), 156(fn), 165 , 169 , 173 , 195 Koran, 170, 190 Korea, 253 Krishna Vasudeva , 46, 50 , 51, 100(fn) ...