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Koran Quran : the sacred book of Islam revealed to Prophet Mahomed (c.570-632) in separate revelations over the major portion of his life at Mecca & Medina. The canonical text was established in 651-52 AD, under the 3rd caliph Osman/Othman (c.574-655, caliph, 644-56) by Arabic editors who used for their basis the collection of revelations made by Zaid-ibn-Thabit, the Prophet’s secretary, all other collections were destroyed making the new edition unique. The revelations, written in classical Arabic are divided into 114 suras/ chapters whose arrangement makes it impossible to tell their chronological order. This made Arabic the language of Islam & referring to God as Allah (his name in Arabic) as the common custom among Muslims. The Koran is regarded by them as an earthly reproduction of the Word of God – an uncreated & heavenly original, the ultimate authority in all matters, hence all human knowledge & sciences are but a commentary on it – this probably accounts for the remarkable unity of Islam. [Columbia Encyclopedia, 1950, &c] ─ “The letter of the Scripture, binds & confuses, as the apostle of Christianity warned his disciples when he said that the letter killeth & it is the spirit that saves [for it] is only a verbal form of [the inner self-luminous Reality which, being] the infinite Truth is greater than its word…. Take all the Scriptures that are or have been, Bible & Koran, & the books of the Chinese, Veda & Upanishads & Purana & Tantra & Shāstra & the Gita itself & the sayings of thinkers & sages, prophets & Avatars, still you shall not say that there is nothing else or that the truth your intellect cannot find there is not true because you cannot find it there…. Heard or unheard before, that always is the truth which is seen by the heart of man in its illumined depths or heard within from the Master of all knowledge, the Knower of the eternal Veda.” [CWSA 19, pp.92-93]
... ordered the musicians to be buried alive.) SRI AUROBINDO: Is music forbidden by the Koran? SATYENDRA: I don't know. PURANI: There is no injunction against it in the Koran, as in the case of art. SRI AUROBINDO: Art is different; it is idolatry. But there are so many things without injunctions in the Koran. Is there an injunction against killing brothers? PURANI: No, but if someone is a... him drunk and on that pretext killed him. SRI AUROBINDO: What about Dara, then? PURANI: He was a Kafir. SRI AUROBINDO: Are Kafirs to be killed according to the Koran? PURANI: Don't know. They find so many things in the Koran. Even the idea of non-cooperation, they say, is found in it. That was during the Khilafat agitation. They say that Mohammed was threatened with his life and he fled and ...
... heroes. Muhammad is for every Muslim the prophet to whom the Koran was revealed; in fact, the Koran is unique in being entirely transmitted through one man. Muhammad could not read or write and had to use a scribe. Yet the Koran is considered the supreme classic of Arabic literature. What is even more remarkable is that the Koran enjoys the distinction of having been the starting point of a new... The Aim of Life One of the first surah , or chapters, of the Koran in a manuscript produced in the 16th century Submission to the Will of the Supreme Introduction The Koran is a transcript of the messages revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel. These revelations were supernaturally received, in states of trance, over a considerable... star) kindled from a Blessed Tree, an olive that is neither of the East nor of the West 1. Translation of A. J. Arberry in The Koran Interpreted, (London: Oxford University Press, 1983). 2. Translation of N. J. Dawood in The Koran, (Penguin Books, 4th edn., 1983). Page 152 whose oil wellnigh would shine, even if no fire touched it; Light upon Light; ...
... can any Muslim leader override the Koran? I can only hope that my reading of the Islamic Law is incorrect and nothing would relieve me more than to be convinced that it is so. I do honestly and sincerely believe in the necessity and desirability of Hindu-Muslim unity. I am also fully prepared to trust the Muslim leaders, but what about the injunctions of the Koran and the Hadis? The leaders cannot override... for any Mohammedan, whatever his country might be, to stand against any other Mohammedan." Similarly, Lala Lajpat Rai came to the conclusion that this behaviour pattern had its primary source in the Quran and the Hadis. Lalaji wrote as follows in a confidential letter to Deshbandhu C.R. Das: "I have devoted most of my time during the last six months to the study of Muslim history and Muslim Law and I ...
... errors also exists. Keeping in view man's limitations Allah (SWT) has given the mankind the Holy Quran which the Prophet (Pbuh) interpreted through his deeds and sayings. Islam, therefore, recognizes the Quran and Sunnah as the main fountain-head of its moral philosophy. As a result we see that the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (Pbuh) have given mankind a comprehensive moral code to guide... have been the same. This is the reason that the Holy Quran has described them as Maroof and Munkar, things which people have known as good or bad in all ages. The Holy Quran also says that man is usually endowed with faculties which help him to easily recognize and distinguish the good from the bad. These basic faculties, according to the Quran, are as follows: Have We not created for him... also exists. Keeping in view man's limitations Allah (SWT) has given the mankind the Holy Quran which the Prophet (Pbuh) interpreted through his deeds and sayings. Islam, therefore, recognizes the Quran and the Sunnah as the main fountain-head of its moral philosophy. As a result we see that the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (Pbuh) have given mankind a comprehensive moral code to guide ...
... anything but the religion in which he was born. All fanaticism is false, because it is a contradiction of the very nature of God and of Truth. Truth cannot be shut up in a single book, Bible or Veda or Koran, or in a single religion. The Divine Being is eternal and universal and infinite and cannot be the sole property of the Mussulmans or of the Semitic religions only,—those that happened to be in a line... find the Truth in their own way. All religions have some truth in them, but none has the whole truth; all are created in time and finally decline and perish. Mahomed himself never pretended that the Koran was the last message of God and there would be no other. Page 306 God and Truth outlast these religions and manifest themselves anew in whatever way or form the Divine Wisdom chooses. You ...
... That pleases them very much but they are not so pleased when any Hindu contribution is spoken of. It is quite apparent. It was Aurangzeb who banned music among the Muslims. The Koran also forbids it. SRI AUROBINDO: The Koran also? PURANI: Yes, that is why other Muslim countries like Persia have no music. In India, after Akbar music dwindled among the Muslims; by Aurangzeb's order all court musicians ...
... conversation I reported to you in Calcutta which I had with Hakim Ajmal Khan and Dr. Kitchlew. There is no finer Muhammadan in Hindustan than Hakim Ajmal Khan, but can any Muslim leader over-ride the Quran? I can only hope That my reading of Islamic law is incorrect. I think his reading is quite incorrect. "And nothing would relieve me more than to be convinced that it is so. But if it is right then it... ". "I do honestly and sincerely believe in the necessity or desirability of Hindu-Muslim unity. I am also fully prepared to trust the Muslim leaders. But what about the injunctions of the Koran and Hadis? The leaders cannot over-ride them. Are we then doomed? I hope not. I hope your learned mind and wise head will find some way out of this difficulty". Now, ladies and gentlemen ...
... anything but the religion in which he was born. All fanaticism is false, because it is a contradiction of the very nature of God and of Truth. Truth cannot be shut up in a single book, Bible or Veda or Koran, or in a single religion. The Divine Being is eternal and universal and infinite and cannot be the sole property of the Mussulmans or of the Semitic religions only,—those that happened to be in a line... find the Truth in their own way. All religions have some truth in them, but none has the whole truth; all are created in time and finally decline and perish. Mahomed himself never pretended that the Koran was the last message of God and there would be no other. God and Truth outlast these religions and manifest themselves anew in whatever way or form the Divine Wisdom chooses. You cannot shut up God ...
... of God. Go forth and preach in the name of thy Lord. Your God is merciful." A voice was heard - the voice of the Lord - addressed to the Prophet. It was recorded and became the text of the holy Koran. The Koran is not a literary work of Mohammed; it is a direct revelation of the Lord. When Mohammed was convinced of his divine mission, his earliest efforts were directed towards persuading his... their concepts. Islam believes in one and only one God, while Hinduism accepts many incarnations of the one God. Islam believes in one sacred book, the Koran; Hinduism accepts many scriptures and includes even the Bible and the Koran. Islam has fixed rituals, which every Muslim has to follow; Hinduism has rituals but nothing fixed which every Hindu has to follow. Islam does ...
... Gabriel dictating the Koran to Mahomet are only exaggerated developments of this impression due to an epileptic, maniac or excited state of the mind; and this, as I have already suggested, is itself due to the premature attempts of the Spirit to force the highest work on the body. 1 Mahomet's idea that in his epileptic fits he went up into the seventh heaven & took the Koran from the lips of God ...
... murders, robberies, quarrels, lawsuits, wars, fires, concerts, weddings, funerals and thousands of other things that we read of in a few minutes and forget about immediately afterwards. We open the Koran and at the head of the chapters of this sacred book we read the word "News" and immediately we think of shipwrecks, murders... but wait! The Prophet Mohammed was neither a frivolous person who took ...
... write this chapter. What is this Islamic culture in reality? Swami Vivekananda put it succinctly: "There has not been a religion which has shed so much blood and been so cruel to other men. In the Koran there is the doctrine that a man who does not believe these teachings should be killed; it is a mercy to kill him!" In my simplicity, I had until now believed that God was love and joy and compassion ...
... dined. By misfortune a little water fell upon the grandson of the Prophet who let out a cry of rage. Falling to his knees, the slave had the presence of mind to recall an appropriate verse of the Koran: "Paradise is for those who bridle their anger," he said. "I am not angry," broke in Hussein, touched by these words. "... and for those who forgive men," continued the slave. Page 173 ...
... full of danger for men. Foremost among them are those which contain alcohol. The Prophet Mohammed taught that there was sin in wine and gambling; and therefore all who respect the words of the Koran abstain from wine and gambling to their profit. But on the other hand there are many good people all over the world who find it right to take spirits. We respect their opinions. But these same people ...
... this Hinduism we find the basis of the future world-religion. This sanātana dharma has many scriptures, Veda, Vedanta, Gita, Upanishad, Darshana, Purana, Tantra, nor could it reject the Bible or the Koran; but its real, most authoritative scripture is in the heart in which the Eternal has His dwelling. It is in our inner spiritual experiences that we shall find the proof and source of the world's Scriptures ...
... a totally different system. The Muslim State in India was a theocracy and the Sultan was considered to be Caesar and Pope combined in one. His authority in religion was based on the Holy law of the Koran but in practice, he was an autocrat, unchecked by any restrictions and his word was law. The real source of his authority was military strength and all understood this, the common people, the soldiers ...
... this Hinduism we find the basis of the future world-religion. This sanatana dharma has many scriptures, Veda, Vedanta, Gita, Upanishad, Darshana, Purana, Tantra, nor could it reject the Bible or the Koran; but its real, most authoritative scripture is in the heart in which the Eternal has His dwelling. It is in our inner spiritual experiences that we shall find the proof and source of the world's Scriptures ...
... brain, and assert: "That is indeed the truth." You have only to study what is there in the book. How easy it is! In every religion there is a book—whether it be the Catechism, the Hindu texts, the Koran, in short, all the sacred books—you learn it by heart. You are told that this-is-the-truth, and you are sure it is the truth and remain comfortable. It is very convenient, you don't need to try to ...
... race, a divine purpose in its creation which exceeds the salvation of the individual soul, because the universal is more real than the individual, we who feel more and more, in the language of the Koran, that the Lord did not create heaven and earth in a jest, that Brahman did not begin dreaming this world-dream in a moment of aberration and delirium,—well may we ask whether this gospel of individual ...
... n with the chief of a tribe of Quraish, when a blind man named Abdullah, not knowing that someone was with the Prophet, suddenly interrupted the conversation and asked to hear some verses from the Koran. Mohammed spoke to him very roughly and ordered him to be silent. But afterwards he felt sorry that he had been so harsh and very humbly apologised for it. And from that time he treated Abdullah ...
... three intuitions. First of all, the present life is not the only one: a series of embodiments has preceded it and a series will follow because God is to be realised and established on earth. As the Koran splendidly makes Allah say: "Thinkest thou that I have made the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in a jest?" Here is a truth not properly gauged by Allah's own followers. Though they ...
... 327 Kalidasa, 8, 55, 136, 197 Kant, 326, 345 Kanwa, 247 Keats, 120, 194 Kepler, 301, 308 Khilafat, 51 Kierkegaard, 362, 375-6 Koran, the, 70 Korea, 209 Kosala,91 Kurukshetra, 80,81 LAERTES, 188 Lamarck, 254 Lao-tse, 242 Laplace, 225, 312, 319, 388 League of Nations ...
... when they begin their education. This is evident from the prayers that the Hindu pupils used to recite in ancient India; it can also be seen in the prayer with which the Holy Page 64 Quran begins. Thus, a devoted scholar of Upanishads in ancient India was required to say the following prayer before beginning his study: "May my limb (Anga), organs of speech (Vanya), vitality ... famous prayer for a student of ancient India was: "Lead me from the unreal to the real! Lead me from darkness to light! Lead me from death to immortality!" The first prayer of the Holy Quran, Al-Fatihah, also has similar sentiments: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds: The Beneficent, the Merciful: Thee (alone) we worship;... Like Hinduism, Islam has also put a great deal of emphasis on knowledge. The first verses that were revealed to the Prophet (PBUH) are about learning, reading and writing. Says the Holy Quran: Read : In the name of your Lord who created, Created man from a clot. Read: and your Lord is the Most Bounteous, Who taught by the pen, Taught man that, which he ...
... forget the cosmic divinity - to suppose that the cosmos is a fruitless nullity and has no purpose - is to fly against God's own being and God's own will. There are those superb words of Allah in the Koran: "Dost thou think I have made this whole world in a jest?" Surely the long march of time has some aim and if the soul has come into the world and passes from birth to birth, it is not for kicking off ...
... . Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' has become the Scripture of the New Order; Page 6 it has come with a more categorical imperative, a more supernal authority than the Veda, the Bible or the Koran. When man was a dweller of the forest, — a jungle man,—akin to his forbear the ape, his character was wild and savage, his motives and impulsions crude, violent, egoistic, almost wholly imbedded ...
... darkening of the light. Sri Aurobindo was an evolutionist and optimist & I hope he may be right, but the possibility of a different outcome looks very real. And so it is foretold in the Bible, the Koran and other Islamic texts, I understand, and in the Mahabharata, most vividly. (19.4.1989) From Kathleen Raine You keep me hard at work. I have now read most of the "Two Loves" and "A... Englishly: they SAT and SANG. I incline to look upon them and others of their kind in all parts of the globe not as desperate fighters for a lost cause in a time which, according to "the Bible, the Koran and other Islamic texts" as welt as the Hindu Mahabharata, is the beginning of the end, a Gotterdammerung, a Pralaya, a universal holocaust. I look upon them as scattered harbingers of the Day Sri ...
... hesitation or reservation. Hitler's Mein Kampf has become the Scripture of the New Order; it has come with a more categorical imperative, a more supernal authority than the Veda, the Bible or the Koran. When man was a dweller of the forest,—a jungle man —akin to his forbear the ape, his character was wild and savage, his motives and impulsions crude, violent, egoistic, almost wholly imbedded ...
... hesitation or reservation. Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' has become the Scripture of the New Order; it has come with a more categorical imperative, a more supernal authority than the Veda, the Bible or the Koran. When man was a dweller of the forest, – a jungle man, – akin to his forbear the ape, his character was wild and savage, his motives and impulsions crude, violent, egoistic, almost wholly ...
... non-violence in religion and philosophy. In that way every one has established idol-worship. He has criticised the Arya Samaj but why not criticise Madanism ? His statement is adulatory of the Koran and of Christianity which is idolatry of the Bible, Christ and the Gross. Man is hardly able to do without externals and only a few will go to the kernel. About conversion also you "do not merely ...
... " says the Prophet in deep distress, "that he may stay with me until tomorrow." So the angel waits a little. And just then the little boy's voice is heard at school, reading these words from the Koran: "I fly unto Allah for refuge from the evil one. In the name of Allah the All-Merciful, O thou soul who art at rest, return unto thy Lord well-pleased and well-pleasing, enter among my servants and ...
... to man by God; harlot : a prostitute. hallowed: some thing, place or words taken to be sacred or holy. heathen: a people or nation that does not recognize the God of the Bible or Quran. heretical (heresy): unorthodox opinions or dogma strongly unacceptable by a religion. hewn: wood or stone cut or shaped by being struck powerfully. hyssop: a Biblical plant, used ...
... Vedavadins said of the Veda, nānyad astīti vādinaḥ . This is a saving and liberating word which must be applied to all the Scriptures of the world. Take all the Scriptures that are or have been, Bible and Koran Page 92 and the books of the Chinese, Veda and Upanishads and Purana and Tantra and Shastra and the Gita itself and the sayings of thinkers and sages, prophets and Avatars, still you shall ...
... be wrapped up in that one yet unattempted discovery. Page 306 × The magnificent and pregnant phrase of the Koran, "Thinkest thou that I have made the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in a jest?" × ...
... convicted under the blasphemy law. One was subsequently acquitted on appeal. However, Nazir Ahmed and Allah Rakhio were awarded life imprisonment by an Anti-Terrorist Court on charges of "desecrating the Quran" and "demolishing a mosque." In addition, at least six others were sentenced under the Blasphemy Law in 2002. Of these four were awarded the death penalty and two received life imprisonment ...
... systematic manner. That is why the Veda is no human creation. The staunch Hindus subscribe to this view. Can we look upon the Vedas as the Christians look upon the Bible and the Mohammedans the Koran? All the epithets that we apply to the Vedas are equally applied by the Christians and the Mohammedans to their respective holy scriptures. And it is no wonder that every nation should extol its -own... civilisation and culture of Hindu India? If the Veda were nothing save nursery rhymes and the like, then how could it exert a lasting influence on our minds and life through centuries? The Bible and the Koran contain some eternal truths beneficial to the life and conduct of men for all time. But according to the naturalistic interpretation of the Western scholars and the sacrificial explanation offered by ...
... followed the reptile, but it is not by adding up the visions of all the saurians of East and West that we shall ever produce a bird's vision. Nor in adding together the Upanishads + the Gospels + the Koran, then shake it all a little.... It is ANOTHER world! How difficult it was to understand, of course. Sri Aurobindo and Mother would live for 78 and 95 years respectively without even having three disciples ...
... he had signed and placed in his pocket, was also asked to think of a sentence. He thought of a sentence in Arabic, which it was still less possible for the man to know; it was some passage from the Koran and my friend found this written down on the paper. Another of us was a physician. He thought of a sentence from a German medical book. It was written on his paper." . Swami Vivekananda had narrated ...
... non-violence in religion and philosophy. In that way every one has established idol-worship. He has criticized the Arya Samaj but why not criticize Mahomedan-ism ? His statement is adulatory of the Koran and of Christianity which is idolatry of the Bible, Christ and the Cross. Man is hardly able to do without externals and only a few will go to the kernel. August 17, 1924 (A few months ...
... 124 Kalki,148 Karmayogin (English weekly) , 47, 71, 77,83 Kashmir, 228, 245(/n} Kemal , Mustapha , 169(fn), 192 Khaddar, 170 Khilafat movement, 149(fn), 156(fn), 165 , 169 , 173 , 195 Koran, 170, 190 Korea, 253 Krishna Vasudeva , 46, 50 , 51, 100(fn), 106 , 125 , 205 , 206, 238, 240 Kshatriya , 20, 29 , 44, 46 , 55 , 120,121 , 167 L Lajpat Rai, Lala, 17 language, 75, ...
... addressed the king in a jeering tone: "What, Emperor, what do you see now?" Shah Alam, just then blinded and racked with excruciating pain, merely uttered: "Nothing else except that one copy of the Holy Koran is interposed between you and me." Such was the apakarma done by Golam Kader. But did he or could he escape the consequences of his misdeed? No, in a few Page 113 years' time ...
... or to the Orient; it is "an idea known and understood everywhere". Third, the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo had no use for fanaticism, for "Truth cannot be shut up in a single book, Bible or Veda or Koran, or in a single religion." Fourth, people who thought that the Truth brought by Sri Aurobindo was too high for them were free to leave the Ashram and live in their own brand of half-truth or ignorance ...
... Aurobindo has called 'a fourfold 76. Katha Upanishad, II. 1.1. 77. Chhandogya Upanishad, 1.6.6. 78.Cf: "We have stripped the veil from thine eyes, and thy sight to-day is keen" (The Holy Koran). 79. Gita, XI.8: Divya ṁ dad ā mi te cak ṣ u ḥ pa ś ya me yogamai ś varam." 80. Mundaka Upanishad, III.1.3. 81.Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, p. 803. ...
... to a most entertaining sermon on religion. That Hinduism and Islam had the same basic principles: in the Omkara of the Hindus we have the three syllables, A,U,M; the first three letters of the Holy Koran are A,L,M. According to philological laws, U is used for L; ergo, Hindus and Musulmans have the same mantra or sacred syllables.... To be truthful is part of the religious life. The Sahibs say Aurobindo ...
... the same mixture of which I have already spoken, only by his reading of books, I am afraid, he has made it worse. There was a mixture of Tolstoi, Christianity and Jainism. Now he has added the Veda, Koran and Gita to it. Disciple : Did he not see that Ahimsa applied that way would not succeed ? Sri Aurobindo : Why ? That is his gospel. People have to see if they want to accept it. It may ...
... by means of the little metallic bit of the bridle. Likewise the random impulses and untamed passions of man can also be tamed and transformed into engines of constructive effort. A verse from the Koran alchemises Hussain's sudden anger into generosity of understanding. Like Stavrogin in Dostoevsky's novel, the insulted boy restrains himself with a marvellous exercise of self-control, and wins the ...
... in beauty, wise as Sheban Balkis, Yet more in charm than Helen of the Greeks, Then name your price. MUAZZIM I have the very marvel. You shall not see her equal in a century. She has the Koran and the law by heart; Song, motion, music and calligraphy Are natural to her, and she contains All science in one corner of her mind; Yet learning less than wit; and either lost In the mere sweetness... NUREDDENE There I shall reign with beauty and splendour round In a great palace built of porphyry, Marble and jasper, with strange columns made Of coral and fair walls bright-arabesqued On which the Koran shall be written out In sapphires and in rubies. I will sit Drinking from cups of gold delightful wine, Watching slow dances, while the immortal strain Of music wanders to its silent home. And... Sleeping? HARKOOS Gmn—mmn— DOONYA Grunted almost like nature, Thou excellent giant. AMEENA Harkoos, dost thou sleep? HARKOOS Sleep! I! I was only pondering a text of Koran with closed eyes, lady. You give us slaves pitiful small time for our devotions; but 'twill all be accounted for hereafter. AMEENA And canst thou meditate beneath the lash? For there thou'lt ...
... Hinduism we find the basis of the future world-religion. This sanatoria dharma has many scriptures, Veda, Vedanta, Gita, Upanishad, Darshan, Purana, Tantra, nor could it reject the Bible or the Koran; but its real, most authoritative scripture is in the heart in which the Eternal has His dwelling. It is in our inner spiritual experiences that we shall find the proof and source of the world's ...
... of persuasion. The initial difficulty that militates against an understanding of Hinduism is that it seems to be many things to many people. Has it a single scripture like the Bible or the Koran? a single Founder like the Buddha, Christ or Mahomet? "The only thing fixed, rigid, positive, clear is the social law," says Sri Aurobindo; "and even that varies in different castes, regions, communities ...
... tradition, my position is that the great 'revelations' of the past are fundamental. In a sense we can never go beyond what has been revealed in the Vedas, the Buddhist scriptures, the Bible and the Koran. But we can have ever new insights into the value and significance of these scriptures. For me Sri Aurobindo brought a new and profound insight into the understanding of the Vedic revelation, especially... the start of your letter: "...the great 'revelations' of the past are fundamental. In a sense we can never go beyond what has been revealed in the Vedas, the Buddhist scriptures, the Bible and the Koran. But we can have ever new insights into the value and significance of these scriptures. For me Sri Aurobindo brought a new and profound insight into the understanding Page 48 of the... This brings me to a last word. If there is genuine evolution, we cannot assert that "we can never go beyond what has been revealed in the Vedas, the Buddhist scriptures, the Bible and the Koran". Doubtless, the ultimate Divine is what He is, but in an evolutionary manifestation new depths and heights of Him necessarily manifest themselves. Certain fundamental modes of the Divine have already ...
... A result willed vehemently a year or more ago now occurs suddenly— The faith accepts it as a result, the intellect questions 10 October 1914 St. Bismillah placed at the head of the Koran The movement of the Siddhi is once again overcoming the Asiddhi. The second & first chatusthayas are being restored in their completeness. The faith that disregards immediate outward circumstances ...
... reverend Moulvi treated me to a very delicious lecture on religion. 'Hinduism and Islam have the same cardinal doctrines, the three letters, A U M of the Hindus (Aum), and the first three letters of the Koran, A La Am are the same, for, according to philological rules, U is used instead of La. So, Hinduism and Islam have the same basic creed.... To be truthful in speech is also a principal part of religion ...
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