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26 result/s found for Krishna and Radha

... poets of India, on themes related to Sri Krishna and his yoga of divine Love. b ) A selection from Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ' s experiences of Sri Krishna and Radha. c ) A selection from Sri Ramakrishna's experiences of Sri Krishna and Radha. (a) Andal The Vaishnava Poetess Preoccupied from the earliest times with divine knowledge and religious aspiration the Indian... of Krishna consciousness that used to inundate the entire being and the body of Sri Chaitanya. The distinction of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's mark of yoga is its intimacy of relations with Sri Krishna and Radha, all of which are based on the life of Sri Krishna when he was in exile in Brindavan. The greatest significance of that life in Brindavan lies in the special form of the Indian religion of divine... soul? Has Krsna actually come before my eyes? Sri Chaitanya while dancing at the annual Ratha-yatra was filled Page 215 Radhika, by Chughtai (NGMA) Krishna and Radha, by Chughtai (NGMA) with the ecstasy of Radha meeting Shyama at Kurukshetra, and revealed his heart before Sri Jagannatha as follows: (Extract from Chaitanya-caritamrta) "The ...


... suggestion of the love of the human soul for God, but to the profane is nothing but a sensuous and passionate love poetry hung conventionally round the traditional human-divine personalities of Krishna and Radha. The two methods may meet together, the fixed system of outward images be used as the body of the poetry, while freedom is often taken to pass their first limits, to treat them only as initial ...


... There is another form of this realisation in which the Jiva disappears into and becomes one with the Shakti and there is then only the play of the Shakti with the Ishwara, Mahadeva and Kali, Krishna and Radha, the Deva and the Devi. This is the intensest possible form of the Jiva's realisation of himself as a manifestation of Nature, a power of the being of the Divine, parā prakṛtir jīva-bhūtā . ...


... changed into the love of the Immanent Divine incarnate in the material universe." Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, SABCL, Vol. 20, p. 150 This brings us back to the symbol of Krishna and Radha. Krishna is the One of whom Sri Aurobindo speaks here, the divine Flute-player, that is to say, the immanent and universal Divine who is the supreme power of attraction; and the soul, the psychic ...


... this: There was, once, a sankirtan patha in some holy place, a temple or some similar place. You know what sankirtan is - kirtan, bhajan, devotional songs woven around the figures of Sri Krishna and Radha and other gopis, 127 etc., 123Bhima was one of the five Pandava brothers in the epic Mahabharata. He was a brave warrior and physically a very strong man. Here Nirod-da is comparing ...


... "She knew herself Beloved of the Supreme: "Mother was she of Beauty and Delight, The Word in Brahma's vast creating clasp, "The Master and the Mother of all lives "And Krishna and Radha for ever entwined in bliss". Page 322 There she arrived in the last chamber where "one Sat" "A Sun of which all knowledge is a beam A Greatness without whom no ...

... the absolute self-giving and total consecration of all the being and calling down into the body and the most material Nature the supreme Ananda. The coming of sex on seeing the image of Krishna and Radha is due to the past association of sex with the cult of RadhaKrishna. But in fact the image has nothing to do with sex. The true symbol for it would not be the human sex-attraction, but the soul ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... The Gods, Superior Beings and Adverse Forces Words of the Mother - III Krishna and Radha Krishna represents both the universal Godhead and the immanent Godhead, he whom one can meet within one's being and in all that constitutes the manifested world. And do you want to know why he is always represented as a child? It is because he is in constant progression ...


... in Brahma's vast creating clasp. The World-Puissance on almighty Shiva's lap, — The Master and the Mother of all lives Watching the worlds their twin regard had made, And Krishna and Radha for ever entwined in bliss, And Adorer and Adored self-lost and one. 51 Savitri then moved into the last and inmost chamber of the rock-temple. There, she saw seated on a golden ...

... there has been a strong development of devotional religion, it has nowhere been used with so much power and sincerity as in the work of the Indian poets. Page 155 Krishna and Radha, by Ukil Sarada (Bengali School) ...


... readers to plunge into this sweetness and intensity by reading these poems. We have included here some extracts, which describe some of Sri Chaitanya's and Sri Ramakrishna's experiences of Sri Krishna and Radha, which bring to us the living and continuing reality of Sri Krishna's consciousness. The poems of Surdas have been taken from J.S. Hawley's translations, of Nan-dadas from the translations by ...


... said the Avatar descends with His family repeatedly age after age pushing forward the Earth's march towards its divine goal. Krishna is always conceived as a boy, quite a young boy. Krishna and Radha typify the love of a young boy and a young girl. The conception is to take love at its first flowering, at its earliest and purest expression. Later on with age and youth advancing, it becomes ...

... climb very high up to arrive at the true expression which is on the summit of the ascent. The ultimate expression of love is in the felicity of union. That brings us to the symbol of Krishna and Radha. Krishna is he of whom Sri Aurobindo speaks as the divine Flute-player, that is to say, the immanent and universal Divine who is the supreme power of attraction. Radha is the name given to the ...

... have to climb very high up to arrive at the true expression which is on the summit of the ascent. The ultimate expression of love is in the felicity of union. That brings us to the symbol of Krishna and Radha. Krishna Page 134 is he of whom Sri Aurobindo speaks as the divine Flute-player, that is to say, the immanent and universal Divine who is the supreme power of attraction. Radha ...

... and by uniting with the Divine Love which is eternal and universal. 6 April 1970 Page 338 × Sri Krishna loved Radha best among the gopis , but he loved Chandrabali and the other gopis also. ... believe that thou hast accepted God in thy spirit? 451—To love God, excluding the world, is to give Him an intense but imperfect adoration. 452—Is love only a daughter or handmaid of jealousy? If Krishna loves Chandrabali, 1 why should I not love her also? 453—Because thou lovest God only, thou art apt to claim that He should love thee rather than others; but this is a false claim contrary ...


... for example, in Radha's experience? Radha is the personification of the supreme global and integral identification of the Divine with the human, or rather the transfusion of the Divine Person into the substance of the human person. Radha says, every drop of blood, every particle of flesh in her body cries out for every drop of blood, every particle of flesh of Krishna's body. Radha has made, as it... down to the material body, Radha feels that her body is no longer her own but Krishna's and therefore utterly sacred. She cries out as the Vaishnava poet says: "O sister, when this body dies, do not burn it or throw it into the river, but keep it suspended on a branch of the tamal tree. Tamal has a dark hue, my Krishna is also of dark hue. I love Tamal because I love Krishna." The earth, the... it were, a fossil transmutation of her body replacing it bit by bit by Krishna's body. She feels she is none other than Krishna, even physically himself. It is an utter unity and identity - not merely in the Vedantic way, up there in Atman, but down here also: it is an infusion or immixture in Nature also. It is a kind of coalescence by fusion as of the sub-atomic particles (– the matrix, by the way ...

... that heard the call and followed after it. Page 156 It is, I suppose, the image of Sri Krishna as Lord of the divine Love and Ananda—and his flute calls the physical being to awake out of the attachments of the physical world and turn to that Love and Ananda. Krishna with Radha is the symbol of the Divine Love. The flute is the call of the Divine Love; the peacock is victory. ... Infinite in Space-Time. Krishna This is the Krishna of the Gita 1 (the boy Krishna is the Krishna of Brindavan),—Krishna bringing the spiritual knowledge, will, bhakti—and not love and bhakti alone. The eye indicates the vision of the higher spiritual consciousness and the blue expanse indicates that consciousness. The boy with the flute is Sri Krishna, the Lord descended into the... important for your Yoga; both are closely associated with Krishna. Blue is his especial and significant colour, the colour of his aura when he manifests,—that is why he is called Nil Krishna ; the adjective does not mean that he was blue or dark in his physical body whether in Brindavan or Mathura or Dwarka! Violet is the radiance of Krishna's protection,—that was why, very naturally, it brought to ...


... the law of our inward life. How then can we live Swaraj? By abandonment of the idea of self and its replacement by the idea of the nation. As Chaitanya ceased to be Nimai Pandit and became Krishna, became Radha, became Balaram, so every one of us must cease to cherish his separate life and live in the nation. The hope of national regeneration must absorb our minds as the idea of salvation absorbs the... tyaga of the nameless ascetic. Our passion to see the face of our free and glorified Mother must be as devouring Page 1031 a madness as the passion of Chaitanya to see the face of Sri Krishna. Our sacrifice for the country must be as enthusiastic and complete as that of Jagai and Madhai who left the rule of a kingdom to follow the sankirtan of Gauranga. Our offerings on the altar must ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... they indicate various psychological dynamisms, e.g. faith, love, protection, etc. There is another order of significances in which they indicate the aura or the activity of divine beings, Krishna, Mahakali, Radha or other superhuman beings, there is another in which they indicate the aura around objects or living persons—and that does not exhaust the list of possibilities. A certain knowledge, experiences... intuition are necessary to perceive in each case the true significance. Observation and exact description are also very necessary.... The blue colour must here be the Krishna light, so it is a creation under the stress of Krishna consciousness. All these are symbols of what is going on in the inner being, in the consciousness behind and the results well up from time to time in the external or surface ...


... also an order of reality:         A sealed identity within her woke;       She knew herself the Beloved of the Supreme:... 298   She is Mother, Brahma's word, Shiva's spouse, Krishna's Radha; and, indeed, she is the Adorer and Adored self-lost and one". Savitri now comes to the last chamber where she espies the formless fount of her "straying force", and passing beyond it through a ...


... understand Radha, Him you did not understand. Whenever he sees the Earth besieged by the Asura, He always comes down shaking the unshakeable; He turns round his spear and hurls it head foremost into the hidden bottom of the ocean. You understand the Flute, you understand Vrindavan, You have not understood the killing of Kamsa, you have not understood the war of Kurukshetra. ... fount of kindness Page 188 And the cruel slayer Kalki are one and the same Incarna­tion? Kanu withdraws the violent Kalki-mood within his bosom And kneels down at the feet of Radha. The plenitude of kindness is kept imprisoned within the Mother's heart,― Demoness, Titaness, Ogress - all their brood run riot in wild strife. This Buddhist cult was created in illusion and... mighty effort is Krishna, the eternal Emanation: Dharma is fallen in the whirl of adharma in this age of Kali! Vainly you find fault with the Path and blame it. You cannot understand my violent purpose: A slave of ignorance, of sattva (Light) mixed with tamas Or else even in this violent act you could recognise your dearest friend, Recognise Krishna. You .understand ...

... they indicate various psychological dynamisms, e.g., faith, love, protection, etc. There is another order of significances in which they indicate the aura or the activity of divine beings, Krishna, Mahakali, Radha or else of other superhuman beings; there is another in which they indicate the aura around objects or living persons—and that does not exhaust the list of possibilities. A certain knowledge... of the physical mind, sapphire blue of the higher mind and many others. All blue is not Krishna's light. Blue is also the Radha colour. Violet Light The violet is the light of the Divine grace and compassion. "Violet" is the colour of benevolence or compassion, but also more vividly of the Divine Grace—represented in the vision as flowing from the heights of the spiritual... that Page 127 belongs to the mind—Krishna's light in the mind. There are different Krishna lights—pale diamond blue, lavender blue, deep blue etc. It depends on the plane in which it manifests. Diamond blue is Krishna's light in the overmind—lavender blue in intuitive mind. There is the whitish moonlight blue of Krishna's light—lavender blue of devotion, deep blue of ...


... Shuk Sārī Sangbad a rollickingly undevout Krishna-Radha Sangbad (Shuk says something in praise of his Krishna, Sarī contradicts with cogent arguments proving to the hilt that Krishna is not a patch on her Radha. My father varied on this) (mine is not so blasphemous after all!) thus: Krishna says, "My Radha, look at me !" Radha says, "Why do you trouble me needlessly—I have... have enough troubles of my own." Krishna says, "All the three worlds are illumined with my beauty." Radha says, "If only you were not so dark!—beauty would be overflowing." etc. Page 248 I halt in trepidation. The Lord has forgiven long enough my irreverence for His Supramental—I must be prudenter now, what? Yet I send you —on a dare-divine mood ...

... encouraging words to a novice were beyond imagination. She wrote: “Sahana, To complete what I told you yesterday about Radha’s dance I have noted down as an indication of the thought and feeling Radha must have within her when she stands at the end in front of Krishna — ‘Every thought of my mind, each emotion of my heart, every movement of my being, every sensation, each cell of my body, each... experiences ecstasy. 3) Krishna appears. 4) Radha’s surrender at his feet. These are the four moods. Dilip composed wonderful dance-music for them. Its rich artistry of tune and striking variety of rhythm appealed very much to the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. I practised my dances in a large hall at Dilip’s place. When previously I had wanted to practise my dance to the tune of Rabindranath’s song... day she said, “You have to bring in more variety in your dance. See, how rich is Dilip’s song in variety of movement.” In this manner I proceeded somehow to the stage of Krishna’s appearance and was thinking of beginning Radha’s surrender when the Mother called and told me many things. To her nothing has an end, she has an inexhaustible store from which she can fill up our scanty hoarding. What happened ...

... are done. Your attitude is good so everything is all right. I have been teaching some beautiful poems about Radha and Krishna. Radha seems to be so living. The scholars of the modern age say that Radha is a very recent addition to the Krishna cult. Can you tell me whether Radha existed or not? Surely she has lived and is still living. Love and blessings. 8 February 1966 Mother... I am not clear. When one lives in contact with the universal harmony, time passes without leaving any trace. Some of the best poets of Sanskrit and other Indian languages have sung of Radha and Krishna in such a way that it seems they speak of carnal desire and sexual cravings. There is something that says that it is not mere sex mania. Perhaps they could not get any other language to depict... within. I said that if one is sincere and wants to be a servant of the Lord, he can become one even without knowing the name of Mother and Sri Aurobindo, that Mother will respond to him in the form of Radha or the Virgin Mary or Hanuman. It all depends on sincerity and faith. We neither ask someone to perform the ceremony nor stop it. What do you say? Quite right. Love and blessings. 23 March ...


... contained in this small monograph, the purpose of which is only to depict Sri Krishna's exile to Brindavan? That episode of Sri Krishna's life gave birth to the Path of Divine Love. That Path has stirred millions to seek in their hearts, the unutterable love of the gopis and of Radha, and to strive to hear the flute of Sri Krishna, to allow its music and its divine call to drench their hearts and limbs... union with that incarnated Being. To learn more of Sri Krishna, much can be done, but the minimum that we can do is to invite the readers to turn to that Celestial Song, which is known as the Bhagavadgita, and which is accessible to all who care to enter into the heart of the Message of Sri Krishna. Page 149 Radha hiding Krishna ' s flute HOME ... Sri Krishna's exile to Brindavan came to an end. A new chapter of glory began. The major event that occurred in that chapter was Sri Krishna's killing of Kamsa and the liberation of Vasudeva and Devaki from prison. The chapters of Sri Krishna's life are numerous, but they should be read in the Puranas and in the great story of the Mahabharata. How can that great story of the life of Sri Krishna be contained ...
