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60 result/s found for Lenin

... 5. Settling Accounts Hitler and his God “Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin” Where was Dietrich Eckart during the Hitler Putsch? John Toland spots him at the Bürgerbräukeller, just before the marchers left there, and near the Isartor, watching them pass by singing the “Storm Song” which he had written for the SA. 219 He was already gravely ill in those days... and the others in fortress at Landsberg. An important document in the Hitler saga is the unfinished “dialogue” Eckart wrote a few months earlier, in April and May 1923: Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin: A Dialogue between Adolf Hitler and me . This text is not the rendering of a real dialogue but of a fictitious one, no doubt based – and herein lays its special value – on conversations which must... for which Christianity and the Catholic Church was primarily responsible. And there are of course the theories of the Jew Karl Marx, propagated to dominate the world and as such the inspiration of Lenin and his Judeo-Bolshevism. One finds such convictions, which he had from Eckart, scattered through Hitler’s conversations and nightly musings also in later years. And he will proclaim on several occasions ...


... Sri Aurobindo, "is the only sure foundation possible for a perfect social evolution, no other can replace it." 28 Thus, although Marx and Lenin have been significant milestones in the history of social evolution, the future must go beyond Marx, and beyond Lenin, and beyond Mao, and ordain and carry out a spiritual revolution that may crack the ego, end the malignant fevers of the ages, and bind man... the 'symbolic' to the 'psychological' stage. Although reprinted over thirty years after its serialisation in the Arya, the book was not subjected to any drastic revision. Occasional references to Lenin, Mussolini and Hitler and to Fascism, Nazism and Soviet Communism show that here and there a sentence or a paragraph was added when the Arya sequence of twenty-four chapters was reissued as The ... ever to happen, "it must be on a foundation of soul's brotherhood and the death of egoism. A forced association and a mechanical comradeship would end in a world-wide fiasco". 27 Marx, Engels and Lenin after them thought that, through the abolition of class differences and by means of socialised production, it would be possible to secure for every member of society an existence materially sufficient ...

... change it into a divine cry. She was going to do. She was going to give Lenin his true meaning (and how she saw things clearly! she saw Sri Aurobindo's work through Lenin — a Lenin whom we do not know, who was one of the instruments of the world's transformation, and undoubtedly, there was something of Lenin in her, but a Lenin suddenly discovering the "Divine Materialism"). She was going to do Mother's... in the world at the present time — you cannot really understand, you have not seen. But I know. It was Ludmila who suddenly made me touch and see what Sri Aurobindo wanted to sow through Lenin (Lenin was there , alive!) and how she had come to finish this incomplete, distorted work and redo the true Materialism. You understand, I would have given my life ten times to save this particular ...

... ons also there are great minds, great men, fine characters. I know little about Russell, but I never dreamed of disputing the greatness of Lenin, for instance, merely because he was an atheist—nobody would, unless he were an imbecile. But the greatness of Lenin does not debar me from refusing assent to the credal dogmas of Bolshevism, and the beauty of character of an atheist does not prove that s... the decision to the need of the action. He thinks there is and calls it God—but it has always seemed to me that it is his own mind that decides and most often decides wrongly. Anyhow I cannot imagine Lenin or Mustapha Kemal not knowing their own minds or acting in this way—even their strategic retracts were steps towards an end clearly conceived and executed. But whatever it be it is all mind action and... Gandhi greater than himself and you can call it the Divine or a Cosmic Force which has used him, but then there is that behind everybody who is used as an instrument for world ends,— behind Kemal and Lenin also; so that is not germane to the matter. Of course I shall try to write about this matter of the Divine and Power—only, you want me to answer to the mind and, if so, we must know on what ground ...

... era—now the vital world seems to be descending there. 18 September 1936 Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky From what I read about Stalin's life, it seems that it was he who saved Bolshevism (even when Lenin was there) and turned several catastrophes into successes either by military operations or tactics. If Lenin was the mind of the Bolshevist Revolution, Stalin was its vital—a very solid, steadfast... steadfast and intuitive vital. Page 203 But where did you read that? It must be someone who since Stalin became powerful has exaggerated his share in the work. When Lenin lived he alone was all-powerful and dictated the whole policy changing it whenever that was needed. As for military operations, the man who saved Bolshevism in history was Trotsky who organised the Red Army, created it out ...


... decision to the need of the action. He thinks there is and calls it God—but it has always seemed to me that it is his own mind that decides and most of the time decides wrongly. Anyhow I cannot imagine Lenin or Mustapha Kemal not knowing their own minds or acting in this way—even their strategic retreats were steps towards an end clearly conceived and executed. But whatever it be, it is all mind-action... Gandhi greater than himself and you can call it the Divine or a Cosmic Force which has used him, but then there is that behind everybody who is used as an instrument for world ends,—behind Kemal and Lenin also,—so that is not germane to the matter. 29 July 1932 This second fast of Mahatma Gandhi of three weeks has disquieted me a little. There seems to be no way out, for Gandhi asserts that he ...


... Sri Aurobindo's Force?" Page 484 What is Sri Aurobindo's force? It is not a personal property of this body or mind. It is a higher Force used by me or acting through me. "And Tagore, Lenin and other greats. Is the Divine Force working in them too?" Of course it is a Divine Force, for there is only one force acting in the world, but it acts according to the nature of the instrument... which is another matter. Moreover a Force may be applied from a higher plane than that of any Intuition. 17 April 1937 Response of the Divine You can send your Force to whomever you like—Lenin, Kemal, Gandhi, but how people calling Shiva or Krishna for their Ishta Devata get responses from you, I don't understand. Again who is Shiva? and who is Krishna? and what is an Ishta Devata? There... Yogic way is very important as a stage in the sadhana. 28 July 1935 Sri Aurobindo's Force and World Events Somebody told X that Sri Aurobindo brought about the Russian revolution through Lenin. X told Y that people here were over-credulous to believe such things. Y insisted that such things were possible, but X seems to be unable to understand the working of occult forces. As far as I can ...


... enced vital being, whereas Udar was too blasé to be affected. I am sure the Mother would have thought of me also in the same way as of Udar. It was rather surprising to see her admiring Lenin. Sri Aurobindo is reported to have thought highly of him as an instrument of progressive change in despotic Russia just as he adjudged Mustafa Kamal for Sultan-ridden Turkey, and ¹ ... warm appreciation of the Russians in general. They are, according to her, a fine people, capable of devotion and self-offering, who were coerced into a mould not suiting their innate tendencies. Lenin, however, was esteemed by the Mother for his tremendous mental power. She once declared in a "Prosperity-Room" talk: "When he suffered a stroke he lost all ability to speak. The language ...


... also, there are great minds, .great men, fine characters. I know little about Russell, but I never dreamed of disputing the greatness of Lenin, for instance, merely because he was an atheist — nobody would, unless he were an imbecile. But the greatness of Lenin does not debar me from refusing assent to the credal dogmas of Bolshevism, and the beauty of character of an atheist does not prove that ...


... been a two-phase event: in February 1917 the socialist, humane Menshevik revolution with Alexander Kerensky as its leader; in October of the same year the Marxist, ruthless, Bolshevik takeover led by Lenin. A similar evolvement was tried out in Berlin, where the radical Spartacists led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg tried to take over from the socialist government. But the Spartacist coup was put... leaders of the Red Councils had been Jews, and that at the command of those Jews German nationalist hostages had been murdered. This was at a time that the leadership of the Russian Revolution, including Lenin, was generally (but incorrectly) supposed to be entirely Jewish, that the Jew Bela Kun had started a short-lived Marxist revolution in Hungary, that the Jews Rosa Luxemburg, Leo Jogisches and others ...


... supporting the military dictatorship of the duo Hindenburg-Ludendorff, did their utmost to bring about the downfall of the Russian empire. When Lenin came to power, it was thanks to the Germans – a fact conveniently forgotten by Hitler in his diatribes against Lenin and his “Judeo-Bolshevism”. The Peace of Brest-Litovsk, concluded on 9 February 1918 with the Ukraine and on 3 March with Russia, looks like ...


... non-religions also there are great minds, great men, fine characters. I know little about Russell, but I never dreamed of disputing the greatness of Lenin, for instance, merely because he was an atheist—nobody would unless he was an imbecile. But the greatness of Lenin does not debar me from refusing assent to the credal dogmas of Bolshevism, and the beauty of character of an atheist does not prove that sp ...


... the decision to the need of the action. He thinks there is and calls it God—but it has always seemed to me that it is his own mind that decides and most often decides wrongly. Anyhow I cannot imagine Lenin or Mustapha Kemal not knowing their own minds or acting in this way—even their strategic retreats were steps towards an end clearly conceived and executed. But whatever it be it is all mind action and... Gandhi greater than himself and you can call it the Divine or a Cosmic Force which has used him, but then there is that behind everybody who is used as an instrument for world ends,—behind Kemal and Lenin also; so that is not germane to the matter. * * * _______________ * This was also noted by many of those who approached Gandhi. Nehru, for instance, wrote: "I told him [Gandhi ...


... remarkable. How far it has succeeded in India I cannot say. But there is no doubt that it has created a deep and abiding impression on the minds of large numbers of people. A study of Marx and Lenin produced a powerful effect on my mind and helped me to see history and current affairs in a new light. The long chain of history and of social development appeared to have some meaning, some sequence... clear. Marx's general analysis of social development seems to have been remarkably correct, and yet many developments took place later which did not fit in with his outlook for the immediate future. Lenin successfully adapted the Marxian thesis to some of these subsequent developments, and again since then further remarkable changes have taken place — the rise of fascism and Nazism and all that lay behind ...


... 120,121 , 167 L Lajpat Rai, Lala, 17 language, 75, 129 see also Aryan language . Dravidian languages. Sanskrit Latin, 109 law, its true function , 45 see al so dharma and Shastra Lenin, 192 literature, 73, 80 love, 14, 91,153 gospel of, 45,46, 144 M machinery , 103 , 127 , 135, 136, 141 exaggerated importance of, 51,52, 71, 79 ,81 of the State, 104 , 177 Mahabharata ...


... socialism and communism correspond to a kind of absence of government, because they do not have the power to govern others; they are obliged to transfer their power to someone who exercises it, like a Lenin for example, because he was a brain. All this has been tried and proved to be incompetent. The only thing that could be competent is the Truth-Consciousness which would choose instruments and express ...


... Page 89 century-long efforts and sufferings of the intelligentsia failed to achieve. It is his coming which has been the precipitative agent for the reshaping of the modern world. If a Lenin, a Mussolini, a Hitler have achieved their rapid and almost stupefying success, it was because this driving force, this responsive quick-acting mass was there to carry them to victory—a force lacking ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... Satprem ) Hyderabad, April 14, 1960 Dear Pavitra, The following passage, taken from the Revue des Deux Mondes of March 1960, was part of a course taught by Dimitri Manowilski in 1931 at the Lenin School of Political Warfare in Moscow: 'Our turn will come in twenty to thirty years. To win, we need an element of surprise. The bourgeoisie should be lulled to sleep. Therefore, we must first ...


... disciples Moggalana and Sariputta. However opposed to formal religion, he stood with his palms joined and held in front of his bowed head. No Marxist has stood thus even before the embalmed body of Lenin in Moscow's Red Square, It was also a sense of more than natural presences that was aroused in Nehru by the loveliness and grandeur of Nature as well as the perfection of art and poetry. And most ...


... socialism and communism correspond to a kind of absence of government, because they do not have the power to govern others; they are obliged to transfer their power to someone who exercises it, like a Lenin for example, because he was a brain. All this has been tried and proved to be incompetent. The only thing that could be competent is the Truth-Consciousness, which would choose instruments and express ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... needs.... Basically, it corresponds to a sort of absence of government, because they don't have the power to govern others: they are forced to transfer their power to someone who exercises it, like a Lenin, for instance, because he was a brain. But all that... all that has been tried out and has given proof of its incompetence. The only thing that could be competent is the Truth-Consciousness choosing ...


... conceals its subversive policy under a mask of high ideals like economic equality and social classlessness. Stalin's pronouncements are all couched in noble-sounding terms borrowed from Marx and Lenin but directed to nefarious ends. There are several other orders of vital beings bent on harm — like those who bear the Pisacha-aspects. The Pishacha is the "Demon" obsessed with a defiling ...


... to the mental or the higher vital aim, forced to take a subordinate place so that the mind may absorb itself persistently in mental pursuits or idealisms or great political or personal ambitions (Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini). The ascetic and the Puritan try to suppress it mostly or altogether. In our yoga the principle is that all must become an instrument of the Spirit and the parts of enjoyment ...


... revolutions which the century-long efforts and sufferings of the intelligentsia failed to achieve. It is his coming which has been the precipitative agent for the reshaping of the modern world. If a Lenin, a Mussolini, a Hitler have achieved their rapid and almost stupefying success, it was because this driving force, this responsive quick-acting mass was there to carry them to victory — a force lacking ...


... spirits, are not sane, not virile. This, one may be allowed to say, is a very Occidental and up-to-date idea of spirituality. Homer, Shakespeare, Raphael, Spinoza, Kant, Charlemagne, Abraham Lincoln, Lenin, Mussolini, these, shall we suggest, are to figure henceforth not only as great poets and artists or heroes of thought and action, but as our typical heroes and exemplars of spirituality. Not Buddha ...

... workaday world of ours. We need Page 33 upon earth people of sterner stuff, dynamic people who are not thought-bound, but know how to apply and execute their ideas, whatever they may be. Lenin was great, not because he had revolutionary ideas, but because he gave a muscular frame to them. Such people alone are the pragmatic, dynamic, useful category of humanity. The others are, according ...

... ineffectual angels in this workaday world of ours. We need upon earth people of sterner stuff, dynamic people who are not thought bound, but know how to apply and execute their ideas, whatever they may be. Lenin was great, not because he had revolutionary ideas, but because he gave a muscular frame to them. Such people alone are the pragmatic, dynamic, useful category of humanity. The others are, according ...

... l angels in this workaday world of ours. We need upon earth people of sterner stuff, dynamic people who are not thought­-bound, but know how to apply and execute their ideas, whatever they may be. Lenin was great, not because he had revolutionary ideas, but because he gave a muscular frame to them. Such people alone are the pragmatic, dynamic, useful category of humanity. The others are, according ...

... passive resistance of Christianity became in the end a movement of persecution. It is the vital mixture—the mixture of the life-forces—that comes in and corrupts the whole spiritual movement. Even Lenin had an idea of this truth. He said, "We must keep our ideal absolutely pure. So long as we with our 150,000-strong Communist Party remain pure and are faithful to our ideal, nothing can resist us." ...


... Trotsky's followers wanted to get rid of Stalin by killing him but set about it in a clumsy way and so were killed by Stalin. Stalin has been able to get rid of almost everybody who had worked with Lenin. Litvinoff has managed to escape. I don't know what has happened to his wife. She was very anti-Stalin and could not be checked. One has heard of General Blucher and his trial but nothing afterwards ...


... the minute they reach the level of life. Nothing reaches us in its pure form. Mentally, we have already devised the most ingenious systems, but Life has never accepted them. Barely twenty years after Lenin, to speak only of our present civilization, what remained of pure communism? What remains even of Christ beneath the mass of dogmas and prohibitions? Socrates was poisoned, and Rimbaud fled to the ...

... crumble - and the current epidemic of violence and the unseemly blaze of action and opinion seem to be quite as revolutionary as the slogans and attitudes of masses of men who once swore by a Danton, a Lenin or a Mao Tse-tung. No doubt, many of the current forms of protest and nonconformity seem mere aberration; no doubt much inconvenience is caused, a lot of destruction too, and a general sense of doom ...

... rational, suprarational, 477; totalitarian swing away from rationalism and democracy, 478; way of spirituality, 478; the dream and reality of communism, 478; socialism and human egoism, 479; beyond Marx, Lenin and Mao, 479; need for a subjective or spiritual turn in individual and social life, 479; the Kingdom of God, 480; the coming spiritual age,480, 490, 658, 751 Huta, 684H, 690, 753 Huxley ...

... voluntary; but country is quite different from the church. You can't choose your country. If you make all people think alike there can't be any human progress. If you were to differ from Stalin or Lenin you would be liquidated. These dictators have remarkably few ideas :  Take for example Hitler. He believes that :      I  The Germans are the best people in the world. II. Hitler should ...

... anyone can easily do. It is, in fact, a revolt against the whole universal Nature . Just imagine! This really was becoming quite an interesting challenge. How would Spartacus have reacted? Or Lenin? We can accumulate revolutions endlessly, but they won't revolutionize anything, only stir the same elements in the pot from which nothing, finally, will come out except what we had put in. And what ...


... spirits, are not sane, not virile. This, one may be allowed to say, is a very occidental and up to date idea of spirituality. Homer, Shakespeare, Raphael, Spinoza, Kant, Charlemagne, Abraham Lincoln, Lenin, Mussolini, these, shall we suggest, are to figure henceforth not only as great poets and artists or heroes of thought and action, but as our typical heroes and exemplars of spirituality. Not Buddha ...


... The Thinking Corner "The Red Immortal" Let me say at once that I do not have in mind either Lenin or Stalin. The word "red" here is not a synonym for "Soviet". It connects up with more natural and much older things than the economic system of Communist Russia - things like roses and human blood. To get my meaning you must ask what the red rose symbolises ...


... democratic Russia. The German Social Democrats, including the most radical, Rosa Luxemburg, also feared Bolshevik success. Only during the civil war in the Soviet Union, when the choice was either Lenin or the tsarists, did large numbers of young Jews choose the Bolsheviks – and they were atheists, a requirement for joining.” (John Weiss 609) The total number of Jews murdered by the tsarists in the ...


... to the mental or the higher vital aim, forced to take a subordinate place so that the mind may absorb itself persistently in mental pursuits or idealisms or great political or personal ambitions (Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini). The ascetic and the Puritan try to suppress it mostly or altogether. In our Yoga the principle is that all must become an instrument of the Spirit and the parts of enjoyment ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... what does it matter if one has no urge towards spirituality? My career was much less brilliant than many others'. They ought to have progressed then farther in Yoga than myself, e.g. Mussolini, Lenin, Tilak, Brajendranath Seal, the admirable Crichton, Gandhi, Tagore, Roosevelt, Lloyd George etc. etc. All Avatars or all full of the essential principle! The inner consciousness is there. All ...


... Basically that corresponds to a sort of absence of government, because they don't have the power to govern others: they're obliged to transfer their power to someone who exercises power, like a Lenin, for example, because he had a brain. But all that... all that has been tried and has proved itself inadequate. The only thing which could be adequate is the Truth-Consciousness, which would choose ...

... ( A little later, Satprem reads several letters by Sri Aurobindo and in particular this one: ) (Question:) Somebody told X that Sri Aurobindo brought about the Russian revolution through Lenin. X told Y that people here were over-credulous and believed such things. Y said that if it is possible to cure dangerous diseases of the body by Yogic power, why should it not be possible to act on ...


... that, surely. Under my feet? What of your brilliant career? My career was much less brilliant than many others'. They ought to have progressed then farther in Yoga than myself, e.g. Mussolini, Lenin, Tilak, Brajendranath Seal, the admirable Crichton, Gandhi, Tagore, Roosevelt, Lloyd George etc., etc. All Avatars or all full of the essential principle. If one has the essential principle, what ...

... to see him on their way home. Shall I ask Chandulal to forbid them? Yes, of course. That should be strictly forbidden. February 3, 1936 You can send your Force to whomever you like—Lenin, Kemal, Gandhi, but how people calling Shiva or Krishna for their Ishta Devata 152 get responses from you, I don't understand. Again who is Shiva? and who is Krishna? and what is an Ishta Devata ...

... had done - poor fellow, perhaps it is better that he didn't know it - was done from here. "In Ireland, I have done exactly what I wanted to do in Bengal. The Turks are a silent race." He said about Lenin ... We have to stop here. Your Dining Room bell is calling. ...


... society will slowly and inevitably gravitate towards a stratification of its 'own. In its very bosom the bureaucracy, the military, the officialdom of a closed body will form a class of its own. A Lenin cannot prevent the advent of a Stalin. Even if the proletarians form the majority, by far a very large majority, even then the tyranny of the majority is as reprehensible as the tyranny of the minority ...

... action. That doesn't mean he was not a man of action, but he acted with his brain rather than with the vital force. Stalin has more vital force. He has no intellect, but has a clever and cunning brain. Lenin combined both intellect and vital force. Trotsky's actions were more of an intellectual nature. His very cut of face shows that he is more of an intellectual type. Such people work better under a leader ...


... Kurukshetra, 80,81 LAERTES, 188 Lamarck, 254 Lao-tse, 242 Laplace, 225, 312, 319, 388 League of Nations, 78, 80, 85 Leibnitz, 327 Lenin, 125 Leo X, 207 Leonardo da Vinci, 120 Lewis, Cecil Day, 195 Louis XIV, 207 Lucifer, 267 MACBETH, 186 Madhusudan Dutt, 120, 197 Mahabharata ...

... astounded! Was that Sri Aurobindo's Force? What is Sri Aurobindo's force? It is not a personal property of this body or mind. It is a higher Force used by me or acting through me. And Tagore, Lenin, etc. who are giants—is your Divine Force working in them too? Of course it is a Divine Force, for there is only one force acting in the world, but it acts according to the nature of the instrument ...

... 137, 139, 389 Kanwa, Rishi, 151 Kinnara, 47 Krishna, 9, 58, 76, 82, 93, 101, 105, 112, 116, 161,317 Kurukshetra, 66, 109, 116 LAo- TSE, 134 Laplace, 370 Lazarus, 200 Lenin, 142 Louis XIV, 209, 320, 418 Lucifer, 46, 81 MADAGASCAR, 323-4 Macbeth, 93 McDougall, 57 Mahakali, 44, 160, 207-10, 225, 382 Mahalakshmi, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Mahasaraswati ...

... it in the depths of their being. Pythagoras and Plato, Zoroaster and Christ and Mohammed, Leonardo, Galileo and Newton, Mirabeau, Danton, Robespierre and Napoleon, Mazzini and Garibaldi, Marx and Lenin etc., in the West, and Rama, Sri Krishna, Mahavira and Buddha, Shankaracharya and Chaitanya, Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda etc., in India, all have been, in their different spheres of work ...

... society will slowly and inevitably gravitate towards a stratification of its own. In its very bosom the bureaucracy, the military, the officialdom of a closed body will form a class of its own. A Lenin cannot prevent the advent of a Stalin. Even if the proletarians form the majority, by far a very large majority, even then the tyranny of the majority is as reprehensible as the tyranny of the minority ...


... Russia – one does not know the exact situation – the attempt was for creating real rule of the people, i.e. of the village. You see in what it has ended? It has established again an oligarchy of the Lenin-party. One may even ask : What has Russia created? It has tried to destroy capital and thus tried to destroy and perhaps succeeded in destroying city life. It is trying mechanically to equalise men ...

... f war, – about the retreat of the French and Spanish armies. Disciple : Reuter's agency has given the message. Sri Aurobindo : Do you believe Reuter's is an infallible agency ? Then Lenin must have died seven or eight times, and Anvar Pasha more than six times ! { Laughter } Very often it serves the interests of one or the other of the big powers. Do you know how they supplied in ...

... power pure once it is established even in case of ordinary movements like Communism in Russia. There were about one and a half million men in the whole of Russia who believed in Communism. Under Lenin they refused to allow any compromise with Capitalism. It is they who were the back-bone of the Revolution. Page 109 6–2–1939 Lajpat Rai's letter to G. D. Birla Note ...

... Central Powers were at grips with one another in numerous theatres of war, and on land, sea and ultimately even in the air. America too was to be drawn into the War, the Russian front was to collapse, Lenin was to lead the October 1917 Revolution during 'the ten days that shook the world', - and thus war, civil war, revolution, reaction were all to scream 'Havoc!' and unleash the hounds of confusion ...


... Krishnaprem, Sri (Ronald Nixon) 15fn, 259 Kumud Patel 817, 820 Lacombe, Olivier 810 Lajpat Rai 226 Lalita (Daulat Pandey) 328-9, 690 Laljibhai Hindocha 684 Page 902 Lenin, Vladimir 142, 198 Leonardo da Vinci 304 Lizelle Raymond 321, 419 Lord of Falsehood, The (The Lord of Nations) see in The Mother - (3) Madanlal Himatsingka 816 Madhav P. Pandit 257 ...


... then only twenty-one years old, was the first in Indian politics to plead the cause of the 'silent and suffering people of India,' the Indian masses. In fact, it was much before anyone had heard of Lenin. "The proletariate among us is sunk in ignorance and overwhelmed with distress. But with that distressed and ignorant proletariate ... resides, whether we like it or not, our sole assurance of hope ...

... when he was told that Karl Liebknecht, the leader of the extreme left Spartacus Party, was setting up camp in the Royal Palace, from where he intended to announce a soviet-style republic modelled on Lenin’s Russia … There was no time to lose. Leaving his meal, he strode out on to the small balcony outside the Reich library. The vast crowd cheered his appearance, then quietened as he began an off-the-cuff ...

... the inner heat and pressure. Likewise on the human level, the red seed of the French Revolution was planted the very day when the Valois autocrat declared his divine right of kingship. In Russia, Lenin's antithesis was posited along with Peter the Great's thesis. A similar fateful crisis – a much greater one – faces humanity today. Shall humanity yield totally and itself become the new being, through ...