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Loyola : Saint Ignatius (1491-1556) of Spain; an influential figure in the Counter-Reformation of the 16th century, the founder of the Society of Jesus (see Jesuits).
... Wilhelm a withered arm. Lord Halifax has a withered hand. The closest analogy to Roosevelt in some respects, my friend Jay Alien suggests, is of all people St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order. Loyola was a brilliant and worldly youth, a page at court, an armed warrior in the service of the Duke of Najera, and a lively and successful lady's man. His birth was noble, and he was... The analogies to Roosevelt, mutatis mutandis, are suggestive throughout the whole life span, since Loyola too was a propagandizer, a popularizer, a political leader, and a spiritual force almost beyond comprehension, whose impact jarred the world for years, and whose work lived after him. Loyola aside, there are few close parallels. In fact so far as I know FDR is the only man in all history who ...
... has built a leadership apparatus. He is so to say the völkisch Ignatius of Loyola in the good sense.” 825 “The SS organization was built up by Himmler on the principles of the Order of the Jesuits”, writes Walter Schellenberg, himself an SS-general. “The service statutes and spiritual exercises preached by Ignatius of Loyola formed a pattern which Himmler assiduously tried to copy. Absolute obedience ...
... sum up to a memorable achievement," For the motto to mean that one could commit any crime in the name of an ideal would be the height of bare-faced cynicism. The Society of Jesus, founded by Ignatius Loyola, would have been condemned at its very inception if it had set out in the name of a saint with so shameless a guide-line. Not that their historical record is all white; far from it. Not only has Voltaire ...
... Vibhutis, but they are not Avatars. For at that rate all religious founders would be Avatars — Joseph Smith (I think that is his name) of the Mormons, St. Francis of Assisi, Calvin, Loyola and a host of others as well as Christ, Chaitanya or Ramakrishna. For faith, miracles, Bejoy Goswami, another occasion. I wanted to say this much more about Rama — which is still only a hint and ...
... strange religion. Christianity. As happens with 'religions' Christianity too was divided into many sects. One of these was called the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish soldier. The Spaniards were notorious for the 'Inquisition' cruelties. Flush with the victory over Islamic Moors, they had a surplus of religious zeal. When they landed in the Americas ...
... and the Mother in America called the AUM Conference (All USA Meeting). The East-West Cultural Center — The Sri Aurobindo Center of Los Angeles had been the host for the AUM 2003 that took place at Loyola Marymount University from May 22-26 th . Aster was one of the guest speakers from India and stayed with me for three days afterward so that I could interview her. However, her understanding was that ...
... at the greatest Vibhūtis, but they are not Avatars. For at that rate all religious founders would be Avatars—Joseph Smith (I think that is his name) of the Mormons, St. Francis of Assisi Calvin, Loyola and a host of others as well as Christ, Chaitanya or Ramakrishna. For faith, miracles, Bejoy Goswami,44 another occasion. I wanted to say this much more about Rama—which is still only a hint ...
... are at the greatest Vibhutis, but they are not Avatars. For at that rate all religious founders would be Avatars—Joseph Smith (I think that is his name) of the Mormons, St. Francis of Assisi, Calvin, Loyola and a host of others as well as Christ, Chaitanya or Ramakrishna. For faith, miracles, Bijoy Goswami, another occasion. I wanted to say this much more about Rama—which is still only a hint and is ...
... n is for us the essential mark of 'mystical' states. 16 The Interior Castle, Fifth Abode, ch.i, in Œuvres, translated by Bouix, iii. 421-424. 17 BARTOLI-MICHEL: Vie de Saint Ignace de Loyola, i. 34-36. 18 Compare M. MAETERLINCK: L'Omement des Noces spirituelles de Ruysbroeck, Bruxelles, 1891, Introduction, p. xix. Page 150 19 upanishads, M. MOLLER'S translation, ii. 17 ...
... turn. He died in January 1761 during the British siege and before the English entered the town. Society of Jesus. This order of priests, the Jesuits, was founded in 1534 in Paris by Ignatius Loyola, Francis Xavier, and others, to defend the Roman Catholic Church and propagate its faith. Its members' duties are to preach, to educate, and to hear confession. The pro-Church politics of Louis XV ...
... between the historical Christ and the Universal in Teilhard's "total Christ" comes out pretty definitively in the course of a comparison of Teilhard's "spirituality" with the details of St. Ignatius Loyola's Spiritual Exercises which is the handbook of the Jesuit Order. Rideau 13 writes: "...In spite of what Teilhard asserts in principle his thought is so centred on the glorious mysteries ...
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