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Lucifer : originally the planet Venus as the morning star, personified as a male figure bearing a torch – Latin lucifer (lux, light; ferro, to bear) means bearer of light. He had almost no legends, but in poetry he was often herald of Dawn. In Christian times Lucifer came to be regarded as the name of Satan before his fall. In 2001 a Christian novelist described Lucifer’s advice thus: “2000 years ago, God sent down his first son. He was good man who preached compassion & forgiveness – he even died on the cross for humanity to teach you the true way of God. But it didn’t work. Religions fought with each other over their interpretation of Christ’s teachings. They got in the way of faith. It no longer became an issue of free will but of power & guilt. Where’s the free will in a priest saying, ‘Do what I tell you to do or you’ll go to Hell?’.... But God doesn’t want vast churches & adoration. He wants you to come of age & no longer need Him. That’s what his first son tried to explain. Living a good life is its own reward – at death each individual will experience his own soul truth. But no one listened. So He sent down a second son, a darker son, Me. Not to preach good & kindness this time, but to prove once for all that God doesn’t exist. Only then could mankind outgrow the shackles of religions & develop its own sense of right & wrong – true free will.” [M. Cordy, Lucifer, 2001:425-26]

46 result/s found for Lucifer

... The Birth of Sin Know more > Lucifer Sirioth LUCIFER What mighty and ineffable desire Impels thee, Sirioth? Thy accustomed calm Is potently subverted and the eyes That were a god's in sweet tranquillity, Confess a human warmth, a troubled glow. SIRIOTH Lucifer, son of Morning, Angel! thou Art mightiest of the architects of fate. To thee... wont to urge thee on? To me it seems That our eternity is far too long For service and there is a word, a thought, More godlike. LUCIFER     Sirioth, I will speak the word. Is it not Power? SIRIOTH     No, Lucifer, 'tis Love. Page 275 LUCIFER Love? It was love that for a trillion years Gave me the instinct and immense demand For service, for activity. It fades. Another and... intolerable joy. Where, where is One to feel the answering bliss? Lucifer, thou from love beganst thy toil. What love? LUCIFER     Desire august to help, to serve. SIRIOTH That is not mine. To embrace, to melt and mix Two beings into one, to roll the spirit Tumbling into a surge of common joy,— 'Tis this I seek. LUCIFER     Will He permit? Page 277 SIRIOTH     A bar I feel ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... the Dramatis Personae figure Lucifer, Sirioth, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Belial, Baal, Moloch, Ashtorath, Meroth, Sun and the Elohim, but the dramatic fragment itself opens with a dialogue between Lucifer and Sun - Lucifer compelling obedience on the part of Sun - followed by a conversation between Lucifer and Belial, the Angels of Power and Reason respectively. Lucifer puts forward his theory of Divine... place to the new, and Lucifer albeit the younger is greater than the "Power from which I sprang; the new excels e old.... For God shall cease and Lucifer be God". It is of course difficult to inter from the fragment how Sri Aurobindo intended to complete the play. Armed with his new insights, Sri Aurobindo seems to have abandoned the drama and reduced it to the Sirioth-Lucifer dialogue - or the con... and Plays (Volume II) of 1942. [Now included in Volume 5 of the Centenary Library Edition.] Page 169 In The Birth of Sin, Sirioth and Lucifer discuss the obscure causes of their undivine discontent (or is that also divine?). Lucifer is tired of service, and he desires Power: He asks whether there are any comers of existence God has forgotten to rule that I may seize And ...

... of the double Demiurge or Workman, Los-Urizen, Raine considers the "stars" of the poem. The furnaces of Los are seven in number, and so are Boehme's qualifying spirits or creative fountains which Lucifer corrupted when he fell just as Urizen ruined the furnaces. Indeed, Blake's furnaces are identical with Boehme's fountains, for when at the end of the time-process Blake saw their purity as restored... level as he and equally fallen. When we come to Satan or the false Messiah of The Marriage who steals from the Abyss, we have a conception drawn, as Raine tells us, from Boehme who speaks of Lucifer exalting himself and corrupting the fountains of creation, the life-principle's flaming fires belonging to God the Father. A genuine case of some sort of theft is here, but can we be sure that the... Heaven against rebellious Satan and then throwing him into Hell. But let us look at some passages in Boehme's Signatura Rerum. First "... the elected throne of God in the royal office, from which Lucifer was taken, and thrust into the darkness." 140 Next: "And thus hell is even an enemy of the devil, for he is a strange guest therein, viz. a perjured fiend cast out of heaven..." 141 A violent retribution ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... the years endure. SUN Lucifer, Son of Morning, First in Heaven, What madness seizes thee? What awful force Darkly magnificent, brilliantly ominous Looks out from eyes that own no more the calm? LUCIFER Obey! SUN I cannot choose. Power leaps from thee Upon me. I am seized with fiery pangs. Spare me, thou dreadful Angel. I obey. Exit. LUCIFER Power, power to make and... What dost thou, Lucifer, Angel of God? The infinite spaces murmur like a sea, The ethereal realms are rocked as with a wind, All Nature stands amazed. Whence this revolt? Page 940 Who gave thee force to overturn the world? LUCIFER Watch, Belial, watch with me. A crisis comes In the infinite, mobile and progressive world. For God shall cease and Lucifer be God. BELIAL... - the Angel of Wrath. SUN. ASHTAR - the Angel of Beauty. MEROTH - the Angel of Youth. Page 937 Prologue Act I LUCIFER Master of light and glory, lift thy rays Over the troubled flood; lift up thy rays. Obey me. SUN Lucifer! who gave thee power Over the gods that rule the ancient world? Or why should I obey thee? Art thou God? Hast thou dethroned the Omnipotent ...


... shows us the image in a more apposite setting - a setting which has repeatedly been taken by Christians to refer to the revolt and fall of Satan and his Angels. "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!... For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the... above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." 15 Here, of course, the faithful Angels no less than the rebellious are "stars", but the star of stars is the leader of the latter, Lucifer, son of the morning, who by his infamous insurrection becomes a perverted brilliance, a power of the night, and leads his own starry hosts to do the same. The New Testament also has the star-image... X: 16-18. 14.XXXVIII: 7. 15.XIV: 12-14. Page 47 and behold a great red dragon... And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven..." 16 The Isaiah-passage on Lucifer presents us with a general prototype also of Blake's "distant deeps or skies" which form the empyrean of the ultimate Godhead. The passage puts "the Most High" "above the stars of God...above the heights ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... touch of this rheumatic pain. I shall tell you how I am going to make history by my battle with this hellish visitor whose sound entitles it to be almost a compeer of Satan. Satan is also known as Lucifer. Lucifer and Lumbago could very well be twin Archangels fallen from on high. Page 74 The history I shall make in dealing with this fiend will be in three dramatic stages. First, there will ...

... never have visited Byron because he was not a true poet at all; but this is rather to overshoot the mark, for there are passages even in Byron bearing the authentic stamp. A poet who could write about Lucifer that   ...his eye Glared forth the immortality of hell   might with reason expect the Muse to dictate sometimes to him when he had invited her descent long enough. The failure was... Mephistophilis:   Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscrib'd To one self place; for where we are is hell.   No less Miltonic are the words a little before, when it is questioned how Lucifer, "arch-regent and commander of all spirits", has become the "prince of devils":   O, by aspiring pride and insolence; For which God threw him from the face of heaven —   and those... in the firmament! One drop would save my soul, half a drop: ah, my Christ! — Ah, rend not my heart for naming of my Christ! Page 69 Yet will I call on him: O spare me, Lucifer! — Where is it now? 'tis gone: and see, where God Stretcheth out his arm, and bends his ireful brows! Mountains and hills, come, come, and fall on me, And hide me from the heavy wrath ...


... But Satan with his powers Far was advanc't on winged speed, an host Innumerable as the stars of night... 21 Finally, in Book VII Milton dwells a moment on Satan's original name Lucifer: Lucifer from Heav'n (So call him, brighter once amidst the host Of Angels than that star the stars among) Fell with his flaming legions... 22 Now remains only the word "spears" in... and set him winging upward. (Milton, as we shall soon see, has similarly transferred to Christ the word "ascend" which the Bible employs for Satan where Milton writes "aspire". Thus Isaiah 168 to Lucifer, as already cited by us: "For thou hast said in thy heart, ' I will ascend unto heaven, . . . I will sit upon the mount of the congregation, . . . I will ascend above the heights of the clouds: ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... I shall tell you how I am going to make history by my battle with this hellish visitor whose Page 136 sound entitles it to be almost a compeer of Satan. Satan is also known as Lucifer. Lucifer and Lumbago could very well be twin Archangels fallen from on high. The history I shall make in dealing with this fiend will be in three dramatic stages. First, there will be a realisation ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... are kept by means of the sheer quantity-building of stress. The field of construction, however, is much narrowed down if we do not see that when the Biblical How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning? or that verse detachable from the semi-burlesque mock-heroic context of dough's Bothie of Toberna-Vuolich, He like a god came leaving his ample Olympian chamber... the word "like" which is intrinsically long: in combination with the stressed "he" and the unstressed "a" it forms to the ear a quantitative anti-bacchius (- - ⌣). Similarly,in the apostrophe to Lucifer, the sound-value of "art" and "thou" join with the stressed "How" to create on a quantitative basis a light molossus (- - -), light because there is not the same weight of accent on the three words ...

... touch of this rheumatic pain. I shall tell you how I am going to make history by my battle with this hellish visitor whose sound entitles it to be almost a compeer of Satan. Satan is also known as Lucifer. Lucifer and Lumbago could very well be twin Archangles fallen from on high. “The history I shall make in dealing with this fiend will be in three dramatic stages. First, there will be a realisation ...

... right form and building. Meredith had no influence on Songs to Myrtilla ; even afterwards I did not make myself acquainted with all his poetry, it was only Modern Love and poems like the sonnet on Lucifer and on the ascent to earth of the daughter of Hades [ The Day of the Daughter of Hades ] that I strongly admired and it had its effect in the formation of my poetic style and its after-effects in that ...


... strictly to the former. But some extra attention is to be given to the metrical pattern and in several other ways the reading of verse has to be a little "unnatural". Thus the line from Meredith's Lucifer in Starlight — The army of unalterable law— cannot afford to have "unalterable" read as usually spoken Page 113 in English. No doubt, it is composed of 5 syllables—or ...


... Girl Lost, A, 133,239 "Living Creatures", 4 Logos, 43 Locke,249 Los, Los(-Christ), 4,28,141,142,172, 208-23,225,231,233,242,243,244, 252,257 Lowe, J. Livingstone, 126 Lucifer, 40,47,48, 59,104,181-82 Luvah, 4,141,142,177,178,180,189, 236 Lyca, 134-36 Malkin,B.H.,131 Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The, 29. 137,158,173,176,205,231 Ma ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... unfathomable will of the Eternal: the intention to destroy. The man [i.e. Hitler] is one of the hundred thousand tails of Satan, the scourges of God. Every word from his mouth is spoken by the tongue of Lucifer personally. That the metaphysical thinkers have not yet understood this, even today, but remain caught, imprisoned, limited, confined and incarcerated within the cheap traditional concepts of a ra ...


... world-view the being who is Satan was originally a divine being, an archangel, who misused the "freewill" granted to all the creations of God and became the Prince of Darkness from having earlier been Lucifer, Son of the Morning. In Zoroastrianism, as in Christianity, human beings are endowed with freewill and always called upon to choose the good and reject the bad. By extension the superhumans may or ...


... form and building. Meredith had no influence on Songs to Myrtilla; even afterwards I did not make myself acquainted with all his poetry, it was only Modern Love and poems like the sonnet on Lucifer and the Ascent to Earth of the Daughter of Hades that I strongly admired and it had its effect on the formation of my poetic style and its after-effects in that respect are not absent from Savitri ...

... lines. The scheme itself of his epic owes to older writers. By Milton's day many had tackled the subject of the revolt in Heaven and the fall of Man in Eden. A Dutch poet named Vondel, author of Lucifer and Adam in Banishment, the one printed in 1654 and the other in 1664, is often mentioned as having supplied Milton with precedents which he freely imitated. We are also told of a drama in Italian ...

...  Life makes of what we mean—  We are judged by an apocalypse  Of the Might-have-been,   Where love had room to grow An angel without blur, And every venomous spark  A Lucifer....   An eagle of reverie, The Summing Eye is sent Through the large haze of what we'd do If born omnipotent. Page 381 ...


... subject written in a style and rhythm that is of a high nobility or sublime. But short poems, a sonnet for instance can be in the epic style or tone, e.g. some of Milton's or Meredith's sonnet on Lucifer or, as far as I can remember it, Shelley's on Ozymandias. What are the qualities or characteristics that tell one—"This is an epic"? I think the formula I have given is the only possible definition ...

... (the Titan) and the Deva (the god) all find comfortable lodging in it—there are many chambers indeed in this mansion of the Lord. Man was made Page 37 after the image of God and yet Lucifer had access into that tabernacle and all his host with him. This duality of the divine and the un-divine, the characteristic mark of human nature as it is, presents a field and a labour through which ...

... Suffering and finally, instead of Life and Immortality there appeared Death. That was how separation, "the disobedience" of the Bible, caused the distortion that turned the gods into Asuras, that was how Lucifer became Satan. And that was how Paradise was lost. But the story of Paradise Regained is yet more marvellous. When the Divine Mother, Page 267 the creative infinite Consciousness ...

... etymology, asu + ra, one having force or strength, and was used as a general attribute of all the gods. The degradation in the sense of the word is a pointer to the spiritual Fall: Satan was once Lucifer, the bringer or bearer of light. We may mention in this connection that these beings of which we are speaking, dwelling in unseen worlds, are of two broad categories - (l) beings that are native to ...

... Titan), and the Deva (the god), all find comfortable lodging in it – there are many chambers indeed in this mansion Page 80 of the Lord. Man was made after the image of God and yet Lucifer had access into that tabernacle and all his entire host with him. This duality of the divine and the undivine, the characteristic mark of human nature as it is, presents a field and a labour through ...

... fanfare and gold. 7 Even the chosen race of Israel succumbed to this temptation of paying homage to the gold calf in Oreb till the Lord struck the idol-worshippers with his wrath. 8 The flag of Lucifer, when unfurled, is compared to a meteor blazing with gems and golden lustre. 9 Milton often contrasts natural Edenic perfection after the fall with corrupt imitations produced by art. Adam's ...

... This “parable” is closely paralleled in many traditions which hold that an “accident” happened during the creation of the world, or that this world was created by a demiurg. The fallen angels, with Lucifer at their head, are also mentioned in the Bible. The difference with these dualistic conceptions of existence is that in the way the Mother tells the story the effects of the Fall are not permanent ...


... could be cited from the gnostic tradition in which this kind of knowledge was very much alive. The Bible too has a similar knowledge, but there the four “fallen” Powers are reduced to only one, Lucifer, the Light-Bearer. “How are you fallen from heaven, day star, son of the dawn! How are you fallen to earth, conqueror of the nations! You said in your heart: ‘I will ascend to heaven, above the stars ...

... beginning, or to be dissolved into their Origin and thus annihilated as individual forms of existence. As the Mother once told, the Asura of Darkness, who was the original incarnation of Light, Lucifer, has been converted. In the years of her intense occult activity in the beginning of the century, he agreed that she would give him a vital body, and since then he has been cooperating for the general ...


... lightly like that of the devil. He is too active to be trifled with in that way.’ 12 The origin of the hostile forces is known to us. The four primordial Powers of Light, Truth, Life and Bliss (Lucifer and his three companions) started imagining that they were, each by himself, the Supreme. This is how they separated from the One in their consciousness and thereby became, as it were, its counter ...


... Asura of Light (actually the Asura of the dark Inconscient) on her occult explorations under Théon’s guidance during her first stay at Tlemcen. In the Semitic traditions this Asura of Light is called Lucifer or Satan. He agreed to her request to collaborate and consented to be ‘clothed in a body,’ but only a subtle, vital one. ‘You could feel him the way you feel a draught.’ He refused to be born of human ...

... subject written in a style and rhythm that is of a high nobility or sublime. But short poems, a sonnet for instance can be in the epic style or tone, e.g. some of Milton's or Meredith's sonnet on Lucifer or, as far as I can remember it, Shelley's on Ozymandias. What are the qualities or characteristics that tell one "This is an epic"? I think the formula I have given is the only possible definition ...


... the complex situation depicted in Blake's anonymous religious myth. Evidently it is an original reconstruction of the Christian parable of rebellion in heaven against God by a group of angels led by Lucifer or Satan and opposed and punished by Christ, God's Son who is known also as the Lamb of God. Zealous in his Father's cause, Christ goes forth in battle against them with the power sought and received ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... English of the subject we had discerned in The Tyger. We traced the poem's inspiration to a pregnant phrase - "devouring fire" - used in Milton's Paradise Lost for God's anger going out against Lucifer-Satan. And we set forth a close correspondence between Blake's composition and Mil- Page 256 ton's account of Christ's wrathfully burning war with and defeat of Satan's army in Heaven ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... that 'Satsang' is the essence of civilization. I too don't have my Blake with me but I believe the passage in the marriage of Heaven and Hell reads 'the first commander of the heavenly host (Lucifer that is) the Messiah fell, and made a heaven for himself from what he stole from the Abyss'. Deeply true, if the Messiah is 'reason'! As to tygers, I still have not seen one in India, we have postponed ...

... true enlightenment has got to make a distinction, learn to separate the true and the right from the false and the wrong, unmask the luring Māra, say clearly and unfalteringly to the dark light of Lucifer – apage Satana, if he is to come out into the true light and command the right forces. The search for knowledge alone, knowledge for the sake of knowledge, the path of pure scientific inquiry and ...

... 388 League of Nations, 78, 80, 85 Leibnitz, 327 Lenin, 125 Leo X, 207 Leonardo da Vinci, 120 Lewis, Cecil Day, 195 Louis XIV, 207 Lucifer, 267 MACBETH, 186 Madhusudan Dutt, 120, 197 Mahabharata, the, 188,217,222 Mahalakshmi, 275 Mahasaraswati,271 Mahashakti, 327 Maheshwari, ...

... Krishna, 180, 218 Kronos, 159 Kushika, 220 Kutsa, 162 LAKSHMI, 293 Lalan the Fakir, 223 Lamartine, 54 Laocoon, 170 Lao Tzu, 132 Lawrence, D. H., 88 London, 127, 163 Lucifer, 5, 125 Lucretius, 52, 70, 101 -De Rerum Natura, 52 Luther, 273 HUCHCHANDA, 162 Mahabharata, the, 73, 235 Maitreyi, 105 Malebranche, 286 Mallarme, 66, 88, 152 -"Les ...

... etymology, asu + ra, one having force or strength, and was used as a general attribute of all the gods. The degradation in the sense of the word is a pointer to the spiritual Fall: Satan was once Lucifer, the bringer or bearer of light. We may mention in this connection that these beings of which we are speaking, dwelling in unseen worlds, are of two broad categories—(1) beings that are native to each ...

... etymology, asu+ra, one having force or strength, and was used as a general attribute of all the gods. The degia-dation in the sense of the word is a pointer to the spiritual Fall: Satan was once Lucifer, the bringer or bearer of light. We may mention in this connection that these beings of which we are speaking, dwelling in unseen worlds, are of two broad categories—(1) Page 46 ...

... true enlightenment has got to make a distinction, learn to separate the true and the right from the false and the wrong, unmask the luring Mara, say clearly and unfalteringly to the dark light of Lucifer— apage Satana, if he is to come out into the true light and command the right forces. The search for knowledge alone, knowledge for the sake of knowledge, the path of pure scientific inquiry and ...

... Kinnara, 47 Krishna, 9, 58, 76, 82, 93, 101, 105, 112, 116, 161,317 Kurukshetra, 66, 109, 116 LAo- TSE, 134 Laplace, 370 Lazarus, 200 Lenin, 142 Louis XIV, 209, 320, 418 Lucifer, 46, 81 MADAGASCAR, 323-4 Macbeth, 93 McDougall, 57 Mahakali, 44, 160, 207-10, 225, 382 Mahalakshmi, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Mahasaraswati, 44, 207-10, 225 Mahashakti, 67, 198 ...

... bles. Enfant terrible that he was, he took an infinite delight in a spirit of contradiction and went on expatiating on the glory of the mésalliance. He declared a new apocalypse and said that Lucifer, the one called Satan, was the real God, the so-called Messiah the fake one: the apparent Milton spoke in praise of God and in dispraise of Satan, but the real, the esoteric Milton glorified Satan ...

... some intense superhuman delight? Even the poets who are most materialistic, who are averse to any Ideal, who are anti-divine, whatever may be their outer utterance – are they not the descendants of Lucifer or Prometheus? Let us recollect what Baudelaire wrote about them, about the pangs of their hearts: Une Idée, une Forme, un Être Parti de I' azur et tombè Dans un Styx bourbeux et plombé ...

... want of employment. The immense material re- sources as well as the money of your country are being carried away by foreigners while we have to depend on England for even such a common article as lucifer match, nay, even for the very salt which seasons our rice.... The soil of India is getting impoverished year after year. Starvation is so much increasing in the country that one of the governing body ...

... later, when he was a professor at Baroda College, 1. Friction matches. Invented in 1827 by the English chemist John Walker. In 1829, a manufacturing unit was opened in London by Samuel Jones. 'Lucifer' means light-bringer, which is Satan's other function. Page 188 in an address to a students' Social Gathering held towards the close of the year, Sri Aurobindo harked back to his ...

... —Ah, you are a happy man. You can do what you are told. But put off your academical aspirations until tomorrow and we will talk. The cigarettes are on the mantelpiece—pardon my indolence!—and the lucifers are probably stowed on the fruit-shelf. And here is coffee and a choice between cake and biscuits. Are you perfectly happy? Wilson —In Elysium. But do not let the cigarettes run dry; the alliance ...