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... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 4 December 1964 ( Madanlal’s wife Karuna was dying of cancer. Two days before she passed away, Madanlal wrote: ) Mother Divine, Karuna’s condition is deteriorating every day. I am not so much worried now about her physical end, because the Mother’s words that... Karuna, so that she gets the “conscious joy of contact with her soul”. I feel that Karuna cannot aspire for it in her present condition of health. I earnestly pray to the Mother to grant this. Madanlal, Do as she asks — and be as calm as you can. I am with you. Blessings 4 December 1964 ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 10 December 1964 ( Madanlal’s wife passed away on 5 December 1964. Five days later, Madanlal wrote: ) Mother, With humble submission I prayerfully ask the following about Karuna: (1) What is the significance of her passing away at 7.30 p.m. on the 5th of ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 4 March 1969 Madanlal, my dear child, It is not exact that you are doing nothing for me — on the contrary you are very helpful and your illness must pass away quickly, so that you may begin to work again. The experience [of illness] you had in Calcutta was the result ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 28 November 1972 Madanlal, my dear child, Through your work you are doing sadhana — and your progress is quite satisfactory. Do not worry and go on quietly; you are not concerned with what the others do. It can in no way alter the usefulness of your own work. Do ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 21 July 1972 Madanlal, I am quite satisfied with your work and have never expressed dissatisfaction about it. Why do you trouble yourself? It is for me that you are working and so long as I am satisfied, you ought to be at peace. Love and blessings 21 July 1972 ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 16 July 1971 Mother, Tomorrow is my birthday. Here is a short report of my work. The Mother’s New Press, called All India Press, has produced from January 1970 to July 1971 the following books: [details given about the publication of 46 books]. Mother,... in the full spirit of dedication. This is the work of our Lord. I wish to know: Has He accepted my offering and is He, along with you, guiding me on the path through this work? Bonne Fête To Madanlal, with love, appreciation of his good work and blessings for the realisation of his aspirations 16 July 1971 ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 12 April 1971 ( Madanlal outlined for the Mother three projects he wished to accomplish. His letter ends: ) This work requires sincere effort in the spirit of dedication and involves much finance. I want to do it entirely as part of my sadhana. I pray to ask Thee as ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 17 March 1969 Mother, I bow down with gratitude at Thy feet for Thy written promise of “Ainsi soit-il” [“So be it”] for the removal of my illness. When the Divine herself has written, it is already done. Last night for the first time I realised the importance... importance of my illness. Madanlal, my dear child, It is good that you have been and are conscious; this helps the working of the force and hastens the complete cure that must be the result. My love and blessings are with you. 17 March 1969 ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 9 June 1972 Madanlal, Past experience has proved that when you are far from me it is not good for your health. But you must take rest. Is it not possible here? Love and blessings 9 June 1972 ...
... for me and shared my happiness with just a smile and got busy with other papers. That was in 1966. One day he called me from behind mistaking me for Madanlal Himatsingka and asked me something, without looking at my face, calling me Madanlal. I answered as if there was no mistake of identity. And he reported the answer to Mother! All went well. After we settled down at the Ashram, I was... under which remittances to India in foreign Page 35 currency earned some extra amount. As usual there were some conditions to be fulfilled and there were differences of interpretation. Madanlal took the initiative in channelling the remittances for the benefit of the Ashram. There were some others also, trying similarly, but several remittances claimed by them were held to be ineligible... whereas in Madanlal's cases, all of which were processed through me as we were working together, the incentive was always received. In fact, Amrita was told by Mother to route these things through Madanlal, and Amrita was in touch with us in this matter full-heartedly. I remember how anxiously Amrita came with a remittance which faced some technical infirmities under the terms of the scheme. He reported ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 12 March 1965 Mother dear, 13th March is my wife’s birthday. On the eve of this occasion, I wish to ask you more about her passing. You have said that there are two periods in life after death: first, the passage to the psychic world, and then the rest in that world ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 29 January 1967 Mother! On New Year’s day, my written prayer to Thee was to grant me the boon that is to descend in 1967. Perhaps the non-reply to my prayer confirms my belief that it is not possible to become a divine instrument overnight, at least for a person ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 11 July 1968 Mother, These days I do not find joy in anything; nothing interests me from within; everything appears to be so dull and devoid of all happiness. Physically, vitally, and mentally I am better than before; externally — financially and otherwise — I have ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 11 February 1966 Mother, I received a phone call from Karuna’s mother, informing me that she is coming here on the 17th February by plane. She is not keeping good health these days. She is feeling very weak. She has asked me to pray to Thee for her health so that ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 30 April 1965 Mother, What is preventing me from coming in conscious contact with Thy Grace? Mother, why don’t you dissolve the obstacles or pull them out of my consciousness? I want Thee, Mother, and I want to serve Thee! Please do something. I can only pray. ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 8 July 1966 Mother, Regarding the Coloured Flower Picture Diary. Friends suggest that advertisements in this diary will not look decent. We should raise funds from other sources. I pray for the Mother’s decision. Of course the diary will look nice without a ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 22 June 1967 Mother, I earnestly pray to be able to receive Thy inner guidance and to be worthy of Thy work. Mother, why is it not coming? Surely it will come. With my love and blessings 22 June 1967 ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 13 October 1972 Mother, From 1st October I decided to do the following: (1) Half an hour sunbath in the morning at the time of sunrise, with the attitude that the Sun will help to open me physically, vitally, mentally and spiritually to the Divine Force. ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 9 January 1973 Mother, You have been so kind to me that I cannot express it in words. You have been and are giving me everything — but Mother, I feel that I am throwing it all away and cannot retain even a portion of it. Mother, is there no way to make me hold ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 8 November 1962 Mother, Who is the God Ganesh? I am told that you have written something about this God. Mother, how to come in contact with Ganesh? Panditji 29 once gave me a Ganesh mantra and at times I repeat it regularly. First I say your name, Sri ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 13 March 1954 Ma, There are many persons, groups and institutions in the West who feel that India is or will be the spiritual guru of the world; but we find that their knowledge of Indian spirituality is limited. Should we increase contact with these groups? Should ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 16 June 1970 Mother, I humbly put before Thee the following questions: 1. It is said that the Ashram Press is the Mother’s Press and the New Press [ All India Press ] is Madanlal’s. Mother, is not the New Press equally Thine? Yes, it is equally mine. ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 15 July 1972 Mother, Tomorrow is my birthday. I pray to Thee: (1) Give me good health to serve Thee better. (2) Make me free from desires, preferences and sex impulses, to enable me to grow in Thy consciousness. (3) Psychic contact is the first thing ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 9 March 1969 Mother, Another night I have passed restlessly and sleeplessly. Now for the last three days the fever rises twice in a day; formerly it was not so. Asthma is constant. Yesterday morning I had the feeling that the Mother is cleaning my whole system ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 14 July 1971 I have just received your letter; let this year be the year of your liberation from all sex trouble. Surely Sri Aurobindo will help you to conquer. With love and blessings 14 July 1971 ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 31 December 1969 Mother, At the end of the year, I wish to ask Thee: Have I become more sincere to Thee and Thy work? I am quite happy with you and your work. With love and blessings 31 December 1969 ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 16 July 1965 Mother Divine, In Thy own Divine words I pray to Thee: “What is this small meanness, stupidity, vanity, ignorance, bad will that is there hiding in a corner, preventing me from crossing the threshold to the new discovery?” 30 Mother, what... what is the defect and weakness in me which I am unable to find and pull out? Please help. Madanlal, my dear child, It is better not to concentrate on one’s defects and weaknesses. This life upon earth as it is at present is a constant struggle with all the opposite forces outside — to that constant exterior struggle, those who want to do yoga have to add the constant struggle against the ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 6 April 1967 Mother, I am trying to remember Thee always. Often I am chanting the mantra “OM Ma Mira sharanam mama”. This I do regularly. But Mother, I find that this has led me nowhere and I am standing in the same place as before. Mother, how long will you allow... Mother dear, establish in me the inner contact with Thee. Otherwise there seems to be no chance for me in this life. Earnestly praying for Thy guidance and help. I am your ignorant child. Madanlal, my dear child, Find your joy and satisfaction in being of service to the Divine’s work upon earth — which is a realised fact — and the rest will come in due course, surely sooner than you expect ...
... Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother Notes on the Texts Series Seven—Madanlal . Madanlal Himatsingka joined the Ashram in 1959. A successful businessman, he initially advised the Ashram in financial matters. Interested in the publication of the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, he founded the All India Press in 1969. His correspondence ...
... the footsteps of many among yourselves, although I may not have been able to tread the lines of our Madanlal. His theory seems to be that the more effort you put in, "the greater becomes your skill or ability and that there is no game on earth that you cannot master by sheer dint of hard work. Madanlal himself is a living proof of his doctrine, for he is without a rival in this method of hard painstaking... the whole year, devote some time every day to their studies, and never run the risk of falling ill or having a nervous breakdown about the time of the examination on account of excessive work. Our Madanlal belongs to this second category. He is really out to prove by his own example that definition of genius which makes it nothing but the capacity for taking infinite pains. I have to mention another ...
... the footsteps of many among yourselves, although I may not have been able to tread the lines of our Madanlal. His theory seems to be that the more effort you put in the greater becomes your skill or ability and that there is no game on earth that you cannot master by sheer dint of hard work. Madanlal himself is a living proof of his doctrine, for he is without a rival in this method of hard painstaking... the whole year, devote some time every day to their studies, and never run the risk of falling ill or having a nervous breakdown about the time of the examination on account of excessive work. Our Madanlal belongs to this second category. He is really out to prove by his own example that definition of genius which makes it nothing but the capacity for taking infinite pains.I have to mention another ...
... baffling they appeared. One day Madanlal-ji was lying in his bed in the afternoon with his door bolted. As he rolled over to one side he saw a long bamboo pole entering the room through the window, the pole slowly lengthened, picked up one shirt, then another after which it returned towards the window and soon both the shirts and the bamboo pole disappeared. Madanlal-ji observed the entire operation... you sent, Pranab, he came to me for his underwear. And as it is with you that he is going to do his exercises I've made him one to your size!" (69) L et me tell you something about Madanlal-ji. He came from Rajasthan. A quiet sort of person, he was then in charge of the Dining Room. He was quite keen on physical exercises and did a good deal of exercises over Page 85 ...
... opportunity — is to seize those papers and take control of their publication ... duly censored by them. This is the fact. Now things are moving fast. You are witness of what is happening to Madanlal: 44 threats, violence, private property broken into — always under the excuse to “save Mother’s work.” Protection is needed, and quickly. Moreover, I have received a letter from Tata where... without this status. And now if we wait till “All India Press” has come out of its difficulties, we can wait for a long time, since the Trustees have won all along the line. What is happening to Madanlal is just a rehearsal of what is ready for me. And believe me, they will dare. 45 They merely wait for an opportunity. So if we have no means to curb and stop and break this kind of spiritual... “herds of lightâ€� that they have stolen. × 48 An auxiliary press of the Ashram, managed by Madanlal. × 49 I was still imagining that something could be revolutionized in the Ashram consciousness ...
... Hindi. In course of time, I incurred heavy displeasure of the Hindi establishment at the Ashram. I lost some good friends also as a result, but I carried on, getting more determined with every attack. Madanlal Himatsingka, who was engaged in publishing the Hindi set of Sri Aurobindo's writings in the 'Sri Aurobindo Sahitya Sangraha' series with the Sri Aurobindo Society imprint, was firm in his resolve... I remember how carefully we had to go through the sentences to ascertain the noun for which the word 'it' was used by Sri Aurobindo at certain places. After the translation was published, Madanlal asked Nolinida Page 9 about the quality of my translation. He said that it was a difficult job. Later, I took up the translation of Srimadbhagwadgita into English. It was finalised... highly appreciated. In the year 1976 there was a weird behaviour of the majority of the Ashram's establishment hierarchy in respect of Sri Aurobindo Memorial Fund Society represented by myself and Madanlal Himatsingka. Most of the Ashram residents were under the influence of these toppers. When the situation was desperate for us, Mother appeared before me and I heard her words, "Go to Counouma". It ...
... in praise of the self-denying and lofty character of the new Regent. In the absence of a patriotic King like the Mikado such a man alone can form the centre of national reconstruction. Madanlal Dhingra Madanlal Dhingra pays the inevitable and foreseen penalty of his crime. We have no wish whatever to load the memory of this unfortunate young man with curses and denunciations. Rather we hope that ...
... Mother 26 December 1935 Mother, On the 23rd evening Dyuman spoke to me about the D.R., his two morning milk deliveries to the D.R., and also about Madanlal. Instead of limiting himself to the problem at hand, he rambled on here and there, sometimes persuading me, sometimes convincing me in an insistent, disturbing and slightly unpleasant way. Remaining... two hours! — I heard all that he told me. That evening I was troubled and greatly regretted not presenting my case. On the 24th morning he showed me his notebook and I saw your remark about the Madanlal affair. But what astonished me was his casual phrase “Dyuman had to confess”. When I read this, I told him in a stern tone: “I kept my mouth shut in front of you because I did not want to displease ...
... of Auroville Madanlal Himatsingka sent me a letter from Zurich on 25.6.74: Dear Huta, Happy to receive "Matrimandir—the Mother's Truth and Love". It has given new inspiration to me for this work of the Divine. It will be a source of inspiration for many others too. Sincerely Madanlal ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 26 May 1963 Dear Mother, I badly lack the intensity of aspiration and the initial effort needed to establish contact with the psychic. Even there is no intensity in my prayer to You. Mother, help me to grow on the path of sadhana. I often feel that I am not ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 29 August 1966 Mother, At my request, Thou gave me the mantra “OM anandamayi chaitanyamayi satyamayi parame”. But Mother, the mantra “OM Ma Mira sharanam mama” has always appealed to me more, because I have faith that all the transcendental powers of the Divine Mother ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 2 December 1966 Mother, As graciously permitted by Thee I keep on repeating the mantra “OM Ma Mira sharanam mama” and try to concentrate on the meaning of each word of it. This sometimes brings calm and peace. I continue to chant it often. But the greatest hindrance ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 24 August 1964 Mother, I do not know how things about me have been put before the Mother, so I thought at first of writing a detailed explanation. But ultimately the whole idea changed. “Why this explanation? Does not the Mother know everything? I am her child. She ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 31 March 1965 Mother, For the last few days I concentrate on your eyes as you very graciously look when I go for Pranam. I have selected the enclosed photograph for this purpose. I have hung up the photo and sit on my bed or in a chair and try to meditate to open ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 6 August 1967 Mother, May I take it that Thy response will be awakened in me and that your last utterances to me were a definite promise, such as we read in Thy Prayers and Meditations : “Our Divine Mother is with us and has promised us identification with the supreme ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother c. early 1968 Mother, My wife’s mother is declining fast. Due to a failing heart, water has accumulated in the chest. According to the doctors, her condition still continues to be serious. I have informed her family about her condition. Mother, my only faith ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 2 April 1971 Mother, During my meditations, I try to concentrate on some aspect of the Divine. I am engaged now in printing and publishing the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. I am trying to do it with detachment and devotion. Most of the time I spend thinking ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 18 March 1969 Mother, Last night I had a feeling that by Thy Grace and Force the disease is almost over. In the morning when I went for Pranam, I had the same feeling that the fever and disease are gone. I pray that they may vanish completely so that the doctor does ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 17 November 1967 Mother, As my Guru, my divine guide, art Thou satisfied with my spiritual progress? Are there any special directions for sadhana specially suited to my nature? In general, it is better not to speak of the “sadhana”. Even the guru does not speak ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 20 October 1972 Mother, When I observe my past, I find that wealth and power have no special claim on me, but sex seems to be in the grain of my character from birth, and that is why it is so difficult to change. I am quite conscious of this defect and constantly ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 5 February 1968 Mother, Suddenly for the last two days I have a feeling of sex which has been almost absent for the last few years. I have a feeling that it is projected into me from outside. What is this, Mother? I pray that it goes away. You must have picked ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 21 March 1971 Mother, I have taken up and am doing the publication work. I devote my full time to it. But, Mother, am I progressing spiritually? At least I do not feel it. I pray for Thy guidance and blessings. The progress is often better when it is not felt ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 30 June 1968 Mother, Every day from seven to eight in the morning I am trying to call you sincerely. Other times also I try to remember Thee. Mother, do you receive my call in the morning? Not only I receive your call, but I answer very regularly — are you not ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 7 April 1972 Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press and All India Press are both equally working for the Ashram and the work is completing one another. The work of both is quite satisfactory. Blessings 7 April 1972 ...
... (Correspondence with Madanlal) Madanlal Himatsingka's Correspondence with The Mother 7 March 1973 Mother, In spite of all Thy help, I still feel very restless and unhappy. As my Guru you know all about my inner and outer difficulties. Mother Divine, I pray to know— (1) What is the cause of my personal difficulties? (2) What should be done ...
... her signature at the end, and then wrote "Blessings" and again signed. On 20.10.70, Mother nominated a Working Committee of twelve: Pradyot, Udar, Shyam Sunder, Kireet, Nirod, Andre', Madhav, Madanlal Himatsingka, Chhote Narayan, Prapatti, Manoj Das and Charupada. Sri Aurobindo's Action was the name adopted for its journal as well. The first issue came out in October 1970. Manoj Das was the... about it. I gave him my explanation and he asked me if I was willing for a joint meeting next morning. I was happy to agree. In the next day meeting besides the three of us, Counouma, Udar and Madanlal also were there. Pranab kept on pursuing the matter and the issues were concluded. Pradyot could not bear the shock and resigned from Sri Aurobindo's Action. He was one of the two well-known Ashramites ...
... catch at tendencies in the air to give a fictitious dignity and sensational interest to actions really dictated by the exaggerated feelings common to Page 127 these nervous disorders. Madanlal Dhingra evidently considered that Sir William Curzon-Wyllie was his personal enemy trying to alienate his family and interfere with his personal freedom and dignity. To an ordinary man these ideas ...
... will go. In fact, Huta has left everything to the Mother who knows the best, and who is wiser than human beings." Yours affectionately, Amal A very long time before this I had met Carlo at Madanlal Himatsingka's place. Now he is no more. I always appreciated his good will. During that time I could not have revealed to him or to anybody that the Mother had set me free from the guardianship of ...
... Mother, give us patience and courage, obedience, good will, generosity and unselfishness, and all the necessary virtues. This is our prayer and aspiration. 15 January 1947 The Mother (To Madanlal) My Lord, make me entirely thine. The Mother Grant me a quite trust, a peaceful strength, an ardent faith and devotion. The Mother My Lord, my Mother, You are always with me with ...
... Down Memory Lane Some Astrologers In the late seventies Kameshwar Rao took me and Madanlal Himatsignka to Cuddalore to see a Bhrigu Samhita astrologer. He would read out his predictions from a very ancient book written on palm leaves. Rishi Bhrigu is stated to be the author and the book contains predictions for the future generations to come. When we reached ...
... "Are the horses good? It depends on that." "It is said that the horses are good." "One will see." * * * 2-3.5.73 Pranam. * * * 4.5.73 Madanlal Himatsingka's letter regarding funds for Matrimandir. He feels that he should work for it. Mother says, "Very good. I am happy over the proposal. All my force is with you." 5.5.73 ...
... pluck.... So it was, I think, with Rajangam (and maybe with others). So he returned, armed with a tennis racket to redeem a part of himself. Rajangam and some others like Anilbaran, Bansidhar, Madanlal of D.R., etc. took to some physical activities with unexpected zeal. Rajangam specialised in two items — Mass Exercises and Tennis. The Mass Exercises for the 2nd December Demonstration. The Mass ...
... Sudhira.) Sri Aurobindo [ST] Sukhi (Happy) Rambhai's grandson 5.4.60-61 The Mother [ST] Sukhita (Comfortable) 18.9.62 The Mother [ST] Sukriti (Fulfilment) Grand-nephew of Madanlal Himatsingha The Mother [ST] Swagata (“Welcome”) Bam's son 2.10.57 The Mother [ST] Swagata (pour Rassendran) The Mother [ST] Swagatā (pour Rassendran) The Mother ...
... for that, sweet Mother, give us patience and courage, obedience, good will, generosity and unselfishness, and all the necessary virtues. This is our prayer and aspiration. 15 January 1947 ( Madanlal ) My Lord, make me entirely thine. ( K ) Grant me a quiet trust, a peaceful strength, an ardent faith and devotion. ( S.A. ) My Lord, my Mother, You are always with me with your ...
... would not have covered it up from my sight. But, of course, you are always in my heart and mind. You have asked me whether I did anything on that occasion which would distinguish it. Well, my friend Madanlal, who recently recovered from a fractured "neck of the femur" and bravely carries on with his handicap and meets me with a smile every afternoon at the Samadhi, asked me in view of my rather secluded ...
... Friday, 6th May at 9 p.m., to exchange views and help in clearing all doubts which have risen in the minds of many. Guru Prasad To, Huta, K.D. Sethna, Satprem, Udar, Nata, Piero, Shyamsunder, Madanlal, Gloria, Toine, Ruud, Francois, Patrizia, Amita, Robi Gangulee, William Netter, Mona, Manoj Dasgupta, Peter Steiger, Barbara. ...
... deep within, for there you will find the soul's profound quietude, luminous silence, freedom and spiritual wideness, there the direct touch and presence of the Divine. 13 October 1938 For Madanlal My blessings. Efface the stamp of ego from the heart and let the love of the Mother take its place. Cast from the mind all insistence on your personal ideas and judgments, then you will have ...
... more, today it is different. We were doing Laljibhai's construction, so he said I could take 10,000 from there. I could return the money when the house would be built. There was another gentleman, Madanlal Himatsingka; he also helped me with 10,000 or 20,000. At that time, 30,000 was more than enough. Page 140 Madhav Pandit also helped. He said he could arrange for a loan. When I told ...
... Nothing do I know; Blindly, blindly like an ass Braying incessantly I go. What a beautiful poem! You wrote it yourself? It is in Dara's most modernist style. October 20, 1935 I saw Madanlal going about with bare clothing. Not good for asthma. What the deuce is bare clothing? I have heard only of a bare body etc. Your Aeschylean expressions are sometimes very puzzling. About "The ...
... hear more about it, - for it is new to me. I know of an involution and an evolution, but not of a devolution. 68 XVI. Making fun of X's queer expressions/sentence-structures: 1. NB: I saw Madanlal going about with bare clothing. Not good for asthma. Page 104 Sri Aurobindo: What the deuce is bare clothing? I have heard only of a bare body etc. Your Aeschylean expressions are sometimes ...
... Arjava says that the Asram food is too rich and too spiced for him. Would it be possible to provide him with some boiled vegetables—beetroots, cabbage, potatoes, etc., once a day, at midday? 2) Madanlal since a very long time has a cold which is refusing to go—he is still coughing; it has become almost chronic, I fear. It would be better to interfere and get him rid of it. I would like you to ...
... though in which way, we may disagree. It is beastly and nastly in all ways, so there is no room for disagreement. S has been put out of the ring and so also Amal. Then add Ishwarbhai and Madanlal to the Vaccinatory Untouchables. April 20, 1937 What is this I hear—U decamped last night! D's departure seems to have come as a tempest and blown away many. Victory of the hostile force ...
... contact with Indiraji after the first introduction of a moment in 1949, but in 1983 she remembered me when a common friend met her at Pune and when she was told of the treatment meted out to me and Madanlal at Auroville and that I was not even being allowed to go to the Matrimandir, she said that the situation will change and that Matrimandir would be built with our participation. Her ingoing and ...
... could keep a secret or hidden money with oneself. One day, sooner or later, it would reach Mother's ears or hands. And we would smile, with understanding. Once Madhav introduced a friend 'N' to Madanlal and myself. We embarked upon a joint agricultural project at Ramapuram, off Cuddalore. There were differences among us and in spite of reconciliation efforts, it became difficult to continue. The ...
... Laljibhai Hindocha 684 Page 902 Lenin, Vladimir 142, 198 Leonardo da Vinci 304 Lizelle Raymond 321, 419 Lord of Falsehood, The (The Lord of Nations) see in The Mother - (3) Madanlal Himatsingka 816 Madhav P. Pandit 257, 321, 596, 691, 707-8, 815-6 Magre, Maurice 63, 369-70 Mahabharata 389, 577 Mahavira 180, 317 Maitland, Miss 255, 296-7 Maitra, Somnath 534 Mali (Rafael ...
... , "the Mother fell ill and all our meetings stopped. When she had recovered, some interviews were gradually resumed." 10 Dyuman, who used to serve her meals, and Nolini, Madhav Pandit, Counouma, Madanlal Himatsingka, Navajata, Page 816 Shyam Sunder, Udar, went up to the Mother, not for long discussions but "just come and go". B.D. Jatti was allowed to go up to her in the second week of ...
... last darshan. Kailash told about the photos to Nagin's sister who gladly agreed to give one of them to the young aspirant. A year or so after his arrival, Nagin wrote to Sri Aurobindo: "I see Madanlal's soul to be very bright." Sri Aurobindo wrote back: "His soul was bright, but it became brighter after his coming here." Amal Kiran Writes* At 7.20 p.m. on 9 May 1997 one of the ...
... resists, finds excuses and finally refuses (meanwhile, lakhs of rupees are poured into this by Nava). (...) On the 24 th , the C.B.I. raided Nava's house in the Ashram, the S.A.S's office, Madanlals (the manager of All India Press ) and lastly the Bharat Nivas in Auroville ... where they Page 168 discovered, in the basement, thirty-two bags of "papers" that Nava, warned by his spies ...
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