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19 result/s found for Magre, Maurice

... Vinci 304 Lizelle Raymond 321, 419 Lord of Falsehood, The (The Lord of Nations) see in The Mother - (3) Madanlal Himatsingka 816 Madhav P. Pandit 257, 321, 596, 691, 707-8, 815-6 Magre, Maurice 63, 369-70 Mahabharata 389, 577 Mahavira 180, 317 Maitland, Miss 255, 296-7 Maitra, Somnath 534 Mali (Rafael Corona) 778 Manilal, Dr 398-401 Manoj Das Gupta 677 Manubhai Patel 496 Mao ...


... the first four pieces of Maurice Magre's "L'Ashram de Pondichéry" 1 into Gujarati. There are some exaggerations in his perceptions: "les hommes les plus sages de la terre" and "Ce sont des Parfaits entre les hommes". This is too much to say about us sadhaks. I find it almost impossible to put such sentiments in Gujarati, as people there would find them overblown. Magre like many others got an... years ago, but circumstances took another turn and it did not materialise. 14 April 1935 Page 633 × Maurice Magre, À la poursuite de la sagesse ( Paris: Fasquelle, 1936) , pp. 99-104. ... who saw him, he saw only the best. Also many here if not most have something in their appearance different from people outside, something a little luminous, which a man of sensitive perceptions like Magre could feel. The other side becomes apparent only if one stays long and mixes in the ordinary life of the Asram or hears the gossip of the Sadhaks. People from this country, Gujaratis or others, more ...

... force, which come all the time to strike them to try to make them realise materially the formations they have made. You have perhaps read the books of Maurice Magre; there are some in the library. He describes this; he had come here, Maurice Magre, and we spoke and he told me that he had always noticed—he was highly sensitive—he had always noticed that people who have sexual desires are surrounded ...

... strictly neutral Ireland will avoid a German attack. Hitler may or may not attack as it suits him. NIRODBARAN: Even after so many examples before his eyes, he doesn't learn! SRI AUROBINDO: Maurice Magre has said that one of the chief characteristics of the human race is stupidity. I think he is right. SATYENDRA: But even England's help would not be of much use in case of attack. SRI AUROBINDO: ...

... force, which come all the time to strike them to try to make them realise materially the formations they have made. You have perhaps read the books of Maurice Magre; there are some in the library. He describes this; he had come here, Maurice Magre, and we spoke and he told me that he had always noticed—he was highly sensitive—he had always noticed that people who have sexual desires are surrounded ...

... Ashram who is quiet and peaceful? SATYENDRA: In the world also you find people who are not jealous, who are peaceful, etc. SRI AUROBINDO: How will you know then without inner perception? Maurice Magre saw peace and inner beauty in many faces, which he didn't see outside the Ashram. For us it is nothing compared to what is yet to be done. All the same, it is something. I see light in many people ...

... are Bhaktas. SATYENDRA: It is not very clear to me, Sir. SRI AUROBINDO: Well, the psychic being means the Purusha in the heart, not in the spirit. I never feel like a saint myself, though Maurice Magre calls me a saint and a philosopher. Krishna was not called a saint, and spiritual men may not behave like saints—say, for example, Durvasa. He may have many other things in him. SATYENDRA: Saints... one's original line of sadhana. It is not at all necessary to give up Bhakti for Knowledge. After all that ground gained, one can add more and more. The European mind is much taken up with Buddhism. Magre was first a Buddhist. Blavatsky was much influenced by it. Next, when the Europeans understood Shankara they considered that there was nothing more in India than Shankara's Vedanta. Buddhism is most ...

... Sri Aurobindo : The saints live in the psychic being, that is, in the Purusha in the heart but the spiritual man might live above the head. I never felt like a saint myself – though Maurice Magre calls me ‘a philosopher and a saint.’ Krishna, for instance, was not a saint. A spiritual man may not always behave like a saint, he may have many other things in him like Rishi Durvasa. ...

... and naturally their only desire is to get as much nourishment as they can. I have seen people enringed by dozens of these beings. It is a very concrete thing.... I don't know if you have heard of Maurice Magre, the writer who had come here. He has said in one of his books that people who have a very strong sexual instinct are surrounded by a swarm of these small beings, who plague them to satisfy themselves ...

... There won't be any communism there? SRI AUROBINDO: No, they will have a mystic evolution. This man brings out a book of prophecy every year and sends me a copy every time. He is a friend of Maurice Magre. He says that in this dark world I am the only one who can be called a real man. (Sri Aurobindo said this laughing.) SATYENDRA: The Life Divine has come out at the right time then. NIRODBARAN: ...

... Ashram and outside with the poise of natural self-assurance. But how about the inner growth, ­ how about the progress of the sadhana? A visitor to the Ashram in 1935-36, the French writer Maurice Magre, wrote in a book published in 1936 in Paris: In the order that reigns in the Ashram one feels admiration for the divine work. The work portioned out to each, the glances filled with quietude... before me the ensnaring people of the shadows! May you lead me, stripped of fear and pride, towards the abode where the pure ones go, where all is love and beauty! 2 Page 369 And Maurice Magre's words "shot with a psychic vision" 3 wrung from the depths were by no means untypical of the response of sensitive visitors to Sri Aurobindo Ashram during the nineteen-thirties. The ...

... residents of the Ashram R.R. Diwarkar: Author of Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo. Minister of Information and Broadcasting under Nehru (1948-52) and then Governor of Bihar (1952-57). Maurice Magre (1877-1941): A French poet and intellectual came to the Ashram in 1933. His impressions are recorded in his book A la poursuite de la sagesse [In Pursuit of Wisdom]. Page 304 ...

... harmony but discord and strife, not immortality but the reign of death. The question is why is this so ? How does it happen ? Sri Aurobindo gave an answer to these questions in a letter to Maurice Magre, a French savant, who came to Pondicherry. It is published under the title The Riddle of this World. The question was : how does a world of imperfection come out of an original Divine perfection ...

... spiritist performance. The story has become well-known, it is now almost a classic. Sri Aurobindo has referred to it, the Mother has spoken and written about it, the well-known French poet and mystic Maurice Magre who had been here and lived in the Ashram for some time has recorded it in one of his books. You must have heard or read what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have said on the subject. I do not wish ...

... performance. The story has become well-known, it is now almost a classic. Sri Aurobindo has referred to it, the Mother has spoken and written about it, the well-known French poet and mystic Maurice Magre who had been here and lived in the Ashram for some time has recorded it in one of his books. You must have heard or read what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have said on the subject. I do not wish ...

... consign to the flames in a boiler in the Ashram the rest of the work, perhaps the greater part. The selected work as published in French has been described by the French poet and mystic, Maurice Magre, as "the highest perfection in style of which French is capable", an opinion shared by many who are entitled to speak with authority about French writing. In 1941 English translations of 61 ...

... Q : Would "The Riddle of This World" be one ? A : Yes, it can be, but it is intellectual. The letter which gives the title to the book is an answer to a member of the Academie FranÇaise, Maurice Magre. He came to Pondicherry and wrote to Sri Aurobindo asking some questions. This letter was his answer. It is intellectual. The Mother is a very fine book. And The Mother's writings are very simple ...

... however that he will come round and extend to us his "pardon" and poetic blessing once more. I have thought of the name "Nilima" for Heddy Miller as a symbol of her aspiration. Well, Maurice Magre 102 found an inexpressible douleur [grief] in my blessed photograph! Proof that we know not what we are. I am glad to hear Heddy finds great peace at meditation. ...

... the floor as we find in drawing-rooms. Since some embroidery work had to be done upon the screen, I went to see the Mother to receive instructions about it. She, after a moment’s silence, asked, “Maurice Magre will be paying a visit to the Ashram. Can you finish the screen before he comes? You have still three months.” I replied with gusto, “Certainly, Mother, I can.” She was pleased and blessed me. With ...