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Majumdar, Ramachandra Mazumdar Ramchandra RamChandra : a young man on the staff of Sri Aurobindo’s papers Karmayogin & Dharma. He informed Sri Aurobindo of his impending arrest in February 1910, & accompanied or led him to the Ganga Ghāt where Sri Aurobindo left for Chandernagore.
... Kashmiri homeopathy doctor settled in the Ashram, whom Sri Aurobindo used as an instrument or conduit for his curative action, Ramchandra had some extraordinary cures to his credit, including a Frenchman on his deathbed whom all the French doctors had given up on. Of course, Ramchandra gave all credit to Sri Aurobindo. Page 15 the direction of the Park Guest House on the sea beach road. It... Talks by Nirodbaran 10 June 1969 You know Ramchandra? 32 He was a great homeopath, though he was erratic - all great men are. He claimed he'd cured some difficult cases by his homeopathic medicine. Sri Aurobindo said, "Yes, some due has to be given to his homeopathy, but I think the main credit goes to my power! It is by my bringing down of supramental power ...
... one Mr. Chevalier, a friend of Dr. Ramchandra, who had arrived here. He seems to have said that Dr. Ramchandra was much changed. Satyendra and Champaklal corroborated the observation. But Purani said that he had heard also some things against Dr. Ramchandra —for instance, his gardening and gardening all the time! Then there was talk that both Suren and Dr. Ramchandra were much relieved because Suren... Suren had moved to a new house. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, Suren has been wanting to move for a long time, and Ramchandra said that it would be difficult to check his violence if Suren was not removed. SATYENDRA: But I see much change in him now. Of course many things turn up here from our old nature. For instance, I find in myself things that I didn't suspect existed in me. That is, perhaps, due to some ...
... thing sounds unlike what Sri Aurobindo could have said. In fact all that Ramchandra puts into Sri Aurobindo's mouth is of a character foreign to his habits of speech e.g. his alleged Shakespearean and Polonius-like recommendation to Ramchandra himself while departing to Chandernagore. He may have enjoined silence on Ramchandra but not in that flowery language. This should be enough; it is unnecessary... Notes Corrections of Statements Made in Biographies and Other Publications Autobiographical Notes On an Article by Ramchandra Majumdar In his reply to Suresh Chakravarty's article my old friend Ramchandra Majumdar congratulates himself on the strength of his memory in old age. 1 His memory is indeed so strong that he not only recollects, very inaccurately... account by the practice of pranayama and never asked for help except from Lele. One or two less important points have to be mentioned to show how little reliance can be placed on the details of Ramchandra's narrative. His statement about the automatic writing is only an imaginative inference and in fact quite groundless. Sri Aurobindo totally denies that he used the automatic writing for any kind of ...
... about my stammering, I understood your words “I shall see” to mean some inner perception on your part. I certainly have a faith in Dr. Ramchandra’s treatment, 5 but is your sanction based on your inner perception? The sanction is given because Ramchandra’s treatment has, when given a chance, proved surprisingly successful even in hopeless and impossible cases. Naturally in all his cases sanctioned... behind him; he himself always asks that of us as a condition for his taking the case. 23 March 1936 × Dr. Ramchandra was a homeopathic doctor who lived in the Ashram. ...
... [trying some automatic writing] and we knew about the search that was going to be made with the object of arresting me. There were some people there [Ramchandra Mazumdar, Suresh Chakravarty (Moni), Biren Ghose, Bijoy Nag and Nolini Kanta Gupta]. Ramchandra was there preparing to give fight to the police and many other ideas were flying about when suddenly I heard a voice from above saying – No, go to... to Chanderangore.” ¹ After hearing the voice, Sri Aurobindo decided to act immediately. They started from the Karmayogin office at about 8 o'clock at night, Sri Aurobindo and Ramchandra Mazumdar leading. About fifty paces behind them was Biren, and about the same distance behind Biren, Suresh followed. They went zig-zag in order to evade the surveillance of the C .I.D. men who were posted ... Sri Aurobindo's own description even at the risk of repetition: "It was not Gonen Maharaj who informed me of the impending search and arrest, but a young man on the staff of the Karmayogin , Ramchandra Majumdar, whose father had been warned that in a day or two the Karmayogin Office would be searched and myself arrested. There have been many legends spread about on this matter and it was even ...
... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 12 May 1933 Mother, Ramchandra informs me that Louis Arogya [ a local resident ] has taken a turn to the Yoga. He has decided to join the Asram, but all depends on whether you will admit him or not. It would be good if he could give the date and the time of his birth. ...
... M.N. Bhad (7) Dr. M.M. Alex (8) Professor Manoj Das (9) Mrs. Neeltje Matthijs Cornelissen (10) Mrs. Parul Joshi (11) Shri P.V. Patel (12) Dr. Ramchandra Bhatt (13) Shri Ritaben Parmar (14) Shri Rasikbhai Khamar (15) Dr. S.N. Vani (16) Shri Sanjeev Agrwal (17) Ms. Sudha Sundaram (18) Dr. T.S. Joshi ...
... began our true education, and perhaps, nay certainly, our initiation too. Three of us were permanent residents, Bejoy Nag, Suresh Chakravarti and myself. But there turned up practically every day Ramchandra Majumdar, Biren Ghosh and Saurin Bose (a brother-in-law of Sri Aurobindo) who came with us to Pondicherry and stayed here for some years. A frequent visitor was Ganen Maharaj of Ramakrishna Mission... reconcile himself to our viewpoint. Afterwards he became a sannyasin. Our life in Shyampukur went on in its regular course, when, one evening as we gathered for our usual séance, our friend Ramchandra suddenly appeared with the news that the Government had decided to arrest Sri Aurobindo again; everything was ready, he said, and it might even be that very evening. Sri Aurobindo listened to him... move out just now." He had received the Divine Command, as he told us later, to leave immediately for Chandernagore. He came out of the house and made straight for the river-side, accompained by Ramchandra, Biren Ghosh and Suresh Chakravarti. Suresh has given an accurate and full account of what happened next, and I shall not repeat that here. You should read it in his Reminiscences. Page 397 ...
... began our true education, and perhaps, nay certainly, our initiation too. Three of us were permanent residents, Bejoy Nag, Suresh Chakravarti and myself. But there turned up practically every day Ramchandra Majum-dar, Biren Ghosh and Saurin Bose (a brother-in-law of Sri Aurobindo) who came with us to Pondicherry and stayed here many long years. A frequent visitor was Ganen Tagore of Ramakrishna Mission... receives an allowance from Bengal Government as a political sufferer. Our life in Shyampukur went on in its regular course, when, one evening as we gathered for our usual stance, our friend Ramchandra suddenly appeared with the news that the Government had decided to arrest Sri Aurobindo again; everything was ready, he said, and it might even be that very evening. Sri Aurobindo listened to... move out just now." He had received the Divine Command, as he told us later, to leave immediately for Chandernagore. He came out of the house and made straight for the river-side, accompanied by Ramchandra, Biren and Suresh Chakravarti. Suresh has given an accurate and full account of what happened next, and I shall not repeat that here. You should read it in his Reminiscences. The story of this ...
... turned thirty-seven but a week earlier. So, Sri Aurobindo ran two weeklies single-handedly? Well, yes, almost. A few young men —such as Nolini K. Gupta, Bejoy Nag, Suresh Chakrabarty (Moni), Ramchandra Majumdar helped with the proof-reading and news reporting, and ... But let us hear from Nolini himself. "On coming out of jail, Sri Aurobindo found shelter in the house of his maternal uncle... Nolini began straight away with Moliere's L'Avare. Nolini and Moni and Bejoy were the permanent residents. Ganen Maharaj, of Ramakrishna Mission, was a frequent visitor. Biren Ghosh, Saurin Bose and Ramchandra Majumdar turned up almost daily. Amar Chatterji, Hem Sen and several others came once in a while. Almost every evening Sri Aurobindo would do some automatic writing—or, as Nolini puts it, automatic ...
... on the approaching event, I suddenly received a command from above in a Voice well known to me, in the three words; "Go to Chandernagore." In ten minutes or so I was in the boat for Chandernagore. Ramchandra Majumdar guided me to the Ghat and hailed a boat and I entered into it at once along with my relative Biren Ghosh and Mani (Suresh Chandra Chakrabarti) who accompanied me to Chandernagore, not turning ...
... any other unyogic impulse, his speech or action is contrary to the spirit of the sadhana. Sri Aurobindo I felt some improvement in the leg but the pain has not gone completely. Generally Ramchandra's medicines are effective, but not in my case. Why it is so? I have heard that he is a wonderful medium. You have worked through him the case of ordinary people, why not in me? Does that mean that ...
... coloured dress; colours very vivid. 25 June 1909 Night. Strong utthapana, esp of lower limbs and upper part of trunk. Ny Some prananyasas & tratak on floating colours. Rapid visualisations. 1) Ramchandra in Yogic asan. 2) Two English girls in bright red over tea table, one stooping as if busy with something. Page 36 3) Aluminium glass lying on its side. 4. Undetermined scene dashed with ...
... account in the book. The incidents related there have no foundation in fact. It was not Gonen Maharaj who informed me of the impending search and arrest, but a young man on the staff of the Karmayogin, Ramchandra Mazumdar, whose father had been warned that in a day or two the Karmayogin office would be searched and myself arrested. There [have] 2 been many legends spread about on this matter and it was ...
... But unkind critics said that he used to shave his head in patches and call them bald. He treated one of my cousins for baldness, but with no result. In this connection came in the topic of Dr. Ramchandra and we discussed him. SRI AUROBINDO: He is a man with an abundant vitality. With that vitality there is nothing that he could not have done. But at the same time there is no discipline, order ...
... search the Karmayogin office and arrest him. He added in anguish that the arrest of Sri Aurobindo was imminent, quite possibly that very night or the next day. A warrant had been issued in his name. Ramchandra Majumdar's father had it all from a high-ranking police officer. Although the news was not quite unexpected, the atmosphere in the room underwent an electric change. The bubbling mirth gave way to ...
... brother passed away. The same year Gadadhar had his first vision of the Mother. In 1859, when he was around twenty-three years old, he married a girl of six. Sarada was the daughter of Ramchandra Mukhopadhyay of Jayrambati, a village six kilometres away from Kamarpukur. Page 5670 After the marriage Gadadhar returned to Dakshineswar. From this time onward his 'state' changed ...
... which is not easy to do, then many helpful things can be done. Here the Mother came in and silence followed. After she had gone, talk began about homoeopathy. SRI AUROBINDO: Lila was cured by Ramchandra. She found fault with him and discontinued the treatment, saying that she would rely on the Mother's Force since it was the Mother who had cured her. DR. SATYENDRA: That is the difficulty here ...
... What for? Does he want to make a book out of them and publish it? Dr. Savoor may have thrown them into the W.P.B. SATYENDRA: Purani has asked for homeopathic treatment. I advised him to go to Dr. Ramchandra. (After some time) I want to say something more about Meher Baba. At the start of his spiritual life he lost consciousness through an embrace from a Yogini and recovered through a knock from a ...
... barrier of a foreign tongue, but extraordinary minds (Conrad etc.) can do it. (4) In this case the experiment is to see whether what extraordinary minds can do, cannot be done by Yoga. Sufficit —or as Ramchandra eloquently puts it "'Nuff said!" 28 February 1936 The doctrine that no one who is not a born and bred Englishman, especially no Oriental, should try to write or can really write English poetry ...
... health & vigour, chhayamay in Samadhi. Indication that he will not recover that health or live long. Feb 16ᵗʰ 34) An anchor (in samadhi) indicating that the dhairyam is now perfect. 35) R. [Ramchandra] broom in hand, ½ v. Prophecy. 36) The Rakshasi returning after sarvatragati. 37) The plant Yogini eats in flower. Feb 17ᵗʰ 38) Myself as a baby of 1 or 2—seen in Samadhi. 39) ...
... sometimes grave with solemn voices and sometimes bubbling with laughter and fun. The spirit-writings were going on at full speed when there came into the room our friend and associate Rambabu, Ramchandra Majumdar. He too was a young man, still below thirty, a man with a fair complexion. He wore a beard, not carelessly but very well-trimmed. The care he took of his hair and the manner in which ...
... 108,147, 250, 646, 661ff, 664, 666 Mahatmas: Kuthumi, 169, 173 Maid in the Mill, The, 119, 120,152, 153 Maitra, S. K., 20 Majumdar, R. C., 235 Majumdar, Ramachandra, 366,367 Malaviya, Madan Mohan, 227 Mandukya Upanishad, 169 Manikkavasagar, 497 Manicktolla (Gardens and bomb factory), 201, 288ff, 298fn, 306, 307, 309; mantra ...
... certain directions by nature. December 10, 1935 After hearing what you have written regarding the learning of metre, Nishikanta approached Ramchandra for learning it; because it was he who had given him the push to write in English. But Ramchandra wants to read with him English poetry, so that he may plunge into the spirit before learning metre. To develop the English poetic style, I suppose... that he said. One is linked up with another, e.g. D's lower vital with N's. Rubbish! If D wants to meet the Mother in the vital, he has to go through N's vital, he says. Bejabbus! Ramchandra wants S's stove, sign (?) and coals, kerosene, spirit, cocoa and barley to be removed from his room bodily and summarily. We don't know how to organise this raid. Mother suggests that you might undertake ...
... ? Sri Aurobindo : I was at the Karmayogin office and we came to know about the search that was going to be made evidently with the object of arresting me. There were some people there and Ramchandra Majumdar was there – preparing to give fight to the police – and so many ideas were flying about when suddenly I heard a voice from above saying, "No, go to Chandernagore." After coming out from ...
... exchange of our treasures Page 276 with one another from the beginning of time until now? "Why read novels?' an American friend said to me, a propos the stories one hears every day, and Ramchandra Gandhi said only yesterday that 'Satsang' is the essence of civilization. I too don't have my Blake with me but I believe the passage in the marriage of Heaven and Hell reads 'the first commander ...
... under Section 124-A of the Indian Penal Code. One night in February - Probably on the 14th - when Sri Aurobindo was sitting with his assistants in the Karmayogin office at 4 Shyampukur Lane, young Ramchandra Majumdar brought the news derived from a high police official that the arrest of Sri Aurobindo and a search of the office were imminent, and the police might come the next day. 4 While the young ...
... barrier of a foreign tongue, but extraordinary minds (Conrad etc.) can do it. (4) In this case the experiment is to see whether what extraordinary minds can do, cannot be done by Yoga. Sufticit —or as Ramchandra eloquently puts it "'Nuff said!" I don't know what so do about N's polyuria. There is no apparent reason to account for it. We can make a laboratory examination of his urine, without his knowledge ...
... from Noloni-da. Whenever I came in front of him, I felt that same stream of love pouring into me and out of respect and gratitude my head would bow before him. (58) L ike Hanuman was to Ramchandra, Dyuman-bhai was to Mother. I always remembered Hanuman whenever I saw Dyuman-bhai. He did not know anything besides Mother, Sri Aurobindo and their work. He spent all his time serving them ...
... system and last the higher and glory of which he had a glimpse pouring through his whole being and illuminating it with the Divine truth movement; Aurobindo Ghose 1923 (1923...) Dear Ramchandra, I am answering your second letter which reached me today. And first I must say something about the very extraordinary line of conduct you propose to adopt in case of not hearing from me. I think... Dear M, I spoke of your visit to Sri Aurobindo and he asked me to write to you certain things which he thinks it better you should know. It is better you should not speak of this letter to Ramchandra, as in his present state of nervous weakness to know that his illness is being discussed might have an undesirable effect upon him. He is suffering from a strong attack of neurasthenia which developed ...
... have no medico in me, not even a latent medico." [1.4.35] Of course not. If it were there, I would develop it and run the Dispensary myself. What would be the need of a Nirod or Becharlal or Ramchandra? Then the other day regarding K's baby you wrote that the Mother has no intuition for infants. No intuition for stuffing infants with heterogeneous medicines. Well then, if you have no ...
... litterateur like you is after all appropriate. You can furnish them with a long address on the romance of medicine beginning with Dhanwantari, Charaka and Galen and ending with Nirod Talukdar or Dr. Ramchandra. 6 (4) Sri Aurobindo's taste of Maharatta cookery: On learning that the Maharaja of Dewas had invited DK to dinner Sri Aurobindo wrote to the latter: "I hope your dinner did not ...
... evidence and the statements of people. Sarat regards Ramchandra as Dhanvantari himself? To others in the next breath he has described him as a tyrant who is torturing and killing him by an utter disregard of the facts of his past bodily condition and nature of his present illness. What can be built on such evidence ? Ramchandra claims that the cure was due to his Dhanvantarimsm? He has also... novelist for the purpose is after all appropriate. You could give a long address on the romance of medicine beginning with Dhanvantari, Charaka and Galen 139 and ending with Nirod Talukdar and Dr. Ramchandra. Romen has drawn a design for Jyoti's wrapper (of her stories which we have made into a book). How do you like it? I find it rather a nicish thing—but I am no judge of painting, you know? So-sorry ...
... litterateur like you is after all appropriate. You can furnish them with a long address on the romance of medicine beginning with Dhanwantari, Charaka and Galen and ending with Nirod Taluqdar or Dr. Ramchandra." When his correspondence in our Ashram increased to unconscionable proportions and he had to deal with them all by himself night after night from 9 p.m. till 5 a.m. the next morning, Mother ...
... Sureshchandra Chakravarty, who was with him on his trip from Calcutta to Chandernagore, published an article dealing with that event in the Baishakh 1352 issue of Prabasi . In reply to this, Ramchandra Majumdar, who was with Sri Aurobindo and Sureshchandra for part of that night, published an article ( Prabasi, Sraban 1352) questioning Sureshchandra's account. When this was brought to Sri A ...
... Marvell or Milton or, I imagine, the Romantics. But I still think we have to go on making every effort until the last day - which after all is not named on any calendar. One point - it was made by Ramchandra Gandhi whom I met in New Delhi earlier this year - is that it may be providential that so many Indians are versed in English because by the mastery of our language you may be able to teach the ...
... ascertained the authorship of the articles quoted by Girija and I can state on definite authority that these are not Sri Aurobindo's articles. It is known beyond doubt that they were written by one Ramchandra. I have already indicated that Sri Ramakrishna and Vivekananda influenced, and are influencing, the intellectual outlook of a very great section of educated Indians and we can go further and ...
... I shall write to you on all matters connected with the Tantra after the Psalmodist arrives. Also about the Vedanta. If he does not come soon, I shall write all the same. Bejoy was to have seen Ramchandra in Calcutta & given you news of us, on his way to Khulna, but from your not sending the June money & from Sudhir's letter, it seems the interview did not take place or else no report was given to ...
... find it difficult to do—unless in periods when there is an uninterrupted flow of experiences from above. February 8,1936 (Private) I am doubtful what to say about your proposal. Ramchandra has secured a remarkable series of successes, but he has not an accommodating character and there might be friction. His cures also depend upon a military obedience and docility in the patient... am not aware whether he has ever successfully tackled such a case. There are several causes for hesitation in saying Yes. The case of cancer (David's mother) is still in its first stages. Ramchandra himself wrote to me that he would have been more confident if they had called him in five months earlier and he told David that in case of cure it could be said only after three months' treatment ...
... the Karmayogin, she began contributing articles to that paper. Some time later, she heard that I might be rearrested and immediately advised me to write 'An Open Letter to My Countrymen'. When Ramchandra Majumdar brought the information of my imminent arrest, I received the command, the adesh, to go to Chandernagore. The same night I left Calcutta, leaving Nivedita in charge of the Karmayogin ...
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