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Mussolini : Benito (Amilcare Andrea) (1883-1945), Italian prime minister (1922-43), the first of Europe’s Fascist dictators. He ruled Italy for more than twenty years & led his nation to defeat in World War II.
... fighting for them, not they who fight for him. Perhaps the dictators find a competitor in God and religion. So they try to crush religion. Sri Aurobindo : But Mussolini did not crush religion in Italy, though Kemal and Stalin did. Mussolini on the contrary has given more power to the Pope in the Vatican. He has practically recognized the Roman Church as the State religion. Disciple : I read... fighting for them, not they who fight for him. Perhaps the dictators find a competitor in God and religion. So they try to crush religion. Sri Aurobindo : But Mussolini did not crush religion in Italy, though Kemal and Stalin did. Mussolini on the contrary has given more power to the Pope in the Vatican. He has practically recognized the Roman Church as the State religion. Disciple : I read... Aurobindo : That is what happens when socialism comes. Communism is different. If they had been successful in carrying out the original idea of the Soviets then it would have been a great success. Mussolini at first tried to form corporate state but he also gave it up later on. Disciple : The Socialists did not succeed in breaking the trade-unions in Ahmedabad, which are under the Congress. ...
... seems to be given out in the papers about the interview between Chamberlain and Mussolini. Both parties say they are satisfied with the results. SRI AUROBINDO: I can't understand the present English policy. I don't know what England is after. France is being led by England—she is stuck to her like a tail. They say Mussolini is waiting for Franco's victory in Spain and then he will present his terms... Empire, and that means he will try to regain all that once belonged to Italy. She is deliberately raising Hitler and Mussolini against France and letting her down. I don't know why, unless the three are going to share the empire of France and then England may try to set Hitler and Mussolini against each other. That will be in line with her traditional self-centred policy of balance of power. But it is... information must be authentic, coming as it does from Daladier's own friend. PURANI: I wonder why Flandin wants to support Franco when Blum is against him. You know Flandin even telegraphed to Mussolini his congratulations, etc. Hitler counts on him as a friend. Does Flandin want to join the Rome-Berlin Axis and thus keep England out? SRI AUROBINDO: How is that possible unless France satisfies ...
... ( giving a turn to the talk) Nothing seems to have come out of Chamberlain – Mussolini interview. Both parties say, they are satisfied with the results. Sri Aurobindo : I can’t understand England’s policy. I do not know what she is after. France is being led by England; she is her tail. It is said that Mussolini is waiting for France’s victory, then he will present his terms to France. France’s... to regain all that once belonged Page 154 to Italy. England is deliberately raising Hitler and Mussolini against France and letting her down. I do not know why unless the three want to share the empire of France and then England may try to put Hitler and Mussolini against each other. That may be her selfish, traditional policy, but it is a very risky game. Disciple : But... possible, but in case of war France should not count on England. Disciple : I wonder why Flandin wants to support France when Blum is against him. You know Flandin even sent telegram to Mussolini conveying his congratulations. Hitler counts Flandin as a friend – he intends to join the Rome-Berlin axis and thus keep out England! Sri Aurobindo : Italy shall demand after the Spanish question ...
... Page 395 those weeks of gathering storm and mounting tensions. On 29 September 1938, the humiliating (but perhaps at the time very necessary) Munich Agreement was signed by Hitler, Mussolini, Daladier and Chamberlain, giving the frightened world a little breathing-space - but no more than that! Sri Aurobindo had no doubt whatsoever regarding the powers that were behind Hitler... Minister "looked like a fly before a spider, on the point of being caught". 28 It was but the simulacrum of peace that Munich won for Europe and the world, for the Axis Powers Hitler and Mussolini - were on the rampage still. Their open help to General Franco in the Spanish Civil War had sustained him for long; they recognised his regime on 27 February 1939, and the civil war itself ended... at Munich, Daladier and Chamberlain had not only let down Czechoslovakia, but also initiated a process of demoralisation in their own countries. On the other hand, they had made Hitler and Mussolini feel that they could get all they wanted through the mere brandishing of the big stick. During a conversation on 2 February 1939, Sri Aurobindo summed up the situation in these terms: ...
... Hitler with his cudgel or a Mussolini with his castor oil can come and wash it out or beat it into dust in a moment? 23 March 1934 The World Situation before World War II I was discussing the Ethiopian problem with some friends. One suggested it would result in a world war. He thought such a war would clear the way for the supramental and supposes that Mussolini would help precipitate the... the supramental should need a general carnage for its appearance—if it were so it should surely have appeared in 1919. But perhaps that was sufficient only for the overmind to look in and it needed Mussolini and a general extermination by all sorts of poison gases to persuade the supramental to follow suit? For the poison gases by aeroplane were not ready to make their "descent" in the last war. 8... "Honesty is the best policy" was invented in a semi-barbarous age when mankind had not made so much progress as now, an age which no longer exists—except perhaps in the wilds of Abyssinia, and now Mussolini is out to finish with it and bring in the blessings of civilisation even there. Nowadays the saying is notoriously out of date; it only means that with honesty you have less chances of going to j ...
... Manu and others. Is it because men are more sexual? It would be rather hard on us to be accused of this! It is because of man's desire to be the master and keep her in subjection,—the Hitler and Mussolini attitude. The sex is an additional stimulus. Not more hard than you deserve. Then again, it is said that woman's centre of life and consciousness is in the vital, whose nature is to pull the jiva... table till Monday. Sorry, but you can't get today either the volume or the harmonious whole. Woman will have to wait as she has done through the centuries and may have to do again if Hitler and Mussolini have their way. The men have crowded her out. Next time better not discuss her yourself—that will save me from the temptation of marginals. As for Monday—no, sir!it is almost as impracticable as the... left any marginal space in my writing, because I want an exhaustive answer. The book can wait till Sunday. As you put no margin, I have put interstitials instead of marginals. Hitler and Mussolini are much better than Manu and Chanakya 40 , I should say, for they haven't excluded women. They want women to be subject to men and confined to the domestic drudgery and child-bearing—which ...
... eyes was looking at Chamberlain, who looked like a fly before a spider on the point of being caught—and he actually was caught. Mussolini had a great power. But when I saw the photograph of the two dictators together after Munich, strangely enough I found Mussolini almost weak by contrast, as if Hitler could put him in his pocket. Daladier claims to be the strong man of France but he also is nothing... AUROBINDO: Stalin has the face of an astute and confident ruffian. No one thought of Hitler as having anything in him. Then came the vital development, the vital Power holding him in its clutch. Mussolini is at least human, with a human character. Hitler is terribly cruel—another trait that comes out very clearly in his photograph. It is strange to see this outburst of cruelty after the humanitarianism ...
... feel that they are great and Hitler is fighting for them, not that they are fighting for Hitler. The dictators also find a competitor in God and religion. SRI AUROBINDO: But Mussolini didn't, though Mustafa Kamil did. Mussolini has, on the contrary, given more powers to the Pope and the Vatican. He has recognised the Roman Catholic Church as the State religion. PURANI: I read somewhere that Kamil... when Socialism comes. Communism—the system of communes—is quite a different thing. If they had been successful in carrying out the original idea of the Soviet, it would have been a great success. Mussolini at the beginning tried to form a corporate State but he gave up. PURANI: In Ahmedabad the Socialists didn't succeed in breaking the trade unions. The Indian agriculturists won't have them. SRI ...
... cannot do anything. Besides, what can he do without arms and food. Disciple : Mussolini does not intend to remove the troops from Spain. Sri Aurobindo : That is what he said the other day. Disciple : It was Gayda who said that. Sri Aurobindo : Gayda is the mouth piece of Mussolini. When he does not want to say anything himself he speaks through Gayda. But Daladier could... parting with Tunis, Corsica etc. It is a question of parting with some Page 212 deserts in Africa. French people may agree, as they wanted to, during the Abyssianian war, but Mussolini would say : 'I am not a Collector of deserts' Disciple : But Italy is sure to push her claims again. Disciple : Hitler has advised him to keep quiet now. Sri Aurobindo : ...
... else. So much hangs on this, the decisive victory, the power to remove the difficulties of others as well as my own (those that are still there, physical and other) that I was pushing for it like Mussolini for Addis Ababa before the rains. However, any night when there is a lull, I will see. 19 May 1936 No, it is not with the Empyrean that I am busy, I wish it were. It is rather with the opposite... matter cleave Page 364 to common sense and the sage advice of the doctors. 1 August 1938 By the way, you had better hurry up with your Supermind descent, Sir. Otherwise Hitler, Mussolini & Co. will gunfire it like—! What has Supermind to do with Hitler or Hitler with Supermind? Do you expect the Supermind to aviate to Berchtesgaden? How the devil can they gunfire S; their aeroplanes ...
... else. So much hangs on this, the decisive mastery, the power to receive the difficulties of others as well as my own (those that are still there, physical and other) that I was pushing for it like Mussolini for Addis Ababa before the rains. However, any night when there is a lull, I will see. Page 86 May 20, 1936 I cannot candidly say that the Mother and I approve of the idea of... suppose, that when one is successful one can be very jolly, which is not philosophy but commonplace, only he turns it upside down to make it look wise. Or perhaps he means that if you smile at Mussolini and Hitler they will spare you castor-oil and cudgel: but even that is not sure, they will want to know what the smile means first—flattery or satire. September 1936 O yes Guru ...
... you, I have always given a large place Lo mirth and laughter and my letters in. that style are only the natural out- flow of my personality-1 have never been "grim" in my life— that is the Stalin-Mussolini style, it is not mine: the only trait I share with the "grim" people is obstinacy in following out my aim in life but! do it quietly and simply and have always done. Don't set upon me gloomy imaginations... "Honesty is the best policy" was invented in a semi-barbarous age when mankind had not made so much progress as now, an age which no longer exists—except perhaps in the wilds of Abyssinia, and now Mussolini is out to finish with it and bring in the blessings of civilisation even there. Nowadays the saying is notoriously out of date; it only means that with honesty you have less chances of going to j ...
... reply without restraint, decorum or the right grave rhythm.... 19 (4) NB's photo: Crossing the Ass's Bridge! NB: I send you a photograph of mine... What do you think of this snap - a Mussolini gone morbid? Anyhow, it looks as if you have at least succeeded in putting some intellect in this brain-box of mine! Sri Aurobindo: Good heavens, what a gigantic forehead they have given you... upset by hearing it said in your name. Sri Aurobindo: That is what you might call applied mathematics. I made a general statement which could cover the whole animal and human creation up to Mussolini and the Negus and avoided all mention of the novel.... 26 (6) Sri Aurobindo heading for the Pacific Ocean! NB: In short, I am thinking of going out somewhere for a month. I can only think ...
... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 3 JUNE 1940 PURANI: Franco's representative seems to have met Mussolini and then gone to meet Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO: Who is he? PURANI: I forget his name—some general. Military circles say that after seeing the Dunkirk operation they are convinced that the navy is still superior to the air force. The German air... striking. SATYENDRA: And if Italy comes in, it will be difficult for France. NIRODBARAN: Italy's coming in means the extension of the war to the Balkans too. SRI AUROBINDO: That depends on Mussolini. He may do it later on after winning the war, provided Hitler does not come in the way. SATYENDRA: If Spain also comes in, it will make it still worse for France. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, attack ...
... buttered. England is quite unreliable under her present leadership. Another possibility is the departure of the dictators. A prophetess freind of Suryakumari says that she doesn't see any future for Mussolini: she sees his body covered with blood. And about Hitler astrological predictions are that his stars are with him up to december. After that his decline will begin. But these prophecies and predictions... armaments to France and that he can do even if America doesn't come into a war. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but Americans may object to it because it may involve them in war. PURANI: Jwalanti was praising Mussolini for what he has done for Italy. She hates his international policy but declares he has done wonderful work for his country. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh yes, especially at the beginning he did very good work ...
... he tries to do anything. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, if he is capable of thinking. His voice may ask him to push on. Mussolini may think twice, he is too Hitlerised. But then Hitler may say to him, "I have given you a chance for colonies. If you don't take it, I will go to the Ukraine." Mussolini may not like that. But Hitler may not go to war. During the Czech crisis it was by mere bluff that he succeeded ...
... Stalin is under Uranus? SRI AUROBINDO: Why not? Dictators sometimes bring about profound changes. Daladier also. It is the planet of the dictators. PURANI: Mussolini too. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes; this astrologer is impressed by Mussolini, and is a violent anti-communist. But for England to become communist would be a tremendous change as well as for the Scandinavian countries. PURANI (after some ...
... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 28 JULY 1940 Mussolini, on his fifty-seventh birthday, has given an interview to press reporters. He bared his upper body and said, "Am I sick? Am I old?" and then galloped around on a horse. NIRODBARAN: Mussolini has been dramatic. SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): Yes. PURANI: But what about his fleet? It doesn't ...
... Sri Aurobindo : Yes, if he is capable of thinking. His inner voice may ask him to push on. Mussolini may think twice unless he too is Hitlerised. In that case Hitler will Page 206 say : I have given you a chance for Colonies. If you don't take it up I will go to Ukraine. Mussolini may not like that. During Czech-crisis, it was mere bluff that he succeeded. He knew from private ...
... swing. The Anschluss with Austria, approved by a plebiscite of more than ninety-nine per cent of the Austrian population, was effected on 12 March 1938. On 29 September of the same year Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain and Daladier signed the Munich Pact, an agreement that was the death-blow to Czechoslovakia. The pogrom against the Jews in Germany started on 9 November with the infamous Kristallnacht... became acute in those months. The Germans occupied the Sudetenland one week after Sri Aurobindo’s accident, and they paraded in Prague three months later. Spain was in the grip of civil war; Benito Mussolini tried to live out his Caesarian fantasies; the Japanese aggressively enlarged their empire in Asia. The world was on fire. One of the letters from the Mother to her son André is dated 22 October ...
... he was the resident doctor, medical. 9. We don't really know what happened. But, in fact, Sri Aurobindo often refers to Hitler and Mussolini in subsequent letters. For it was the period when the Dark was rising. Personified in Hitler, and in Mussolini to some extent, the nazi and fascist forces were gathering strength, soon to burst brutally over the world, unleashing the unspeakable Horror ...
... publication of his paper, the Völkische Beobachter. “The brown phalanx”, the SA, was expanding rapidly, as was the membership of the NSDAP, and rumours of a putsch were rife, still more so after Mussolini had become Duce of Italy as a consequence of the “March on Rome”. Who in Germany knew in those days that this “march” was largely mythical? And who took into consideration that the social and political... could possibly dream of marching on Berlin. But troubled times hatch troubled schemes. Besides, Hitler had painted himself into a corner. He had accepted and exploited the comparison with Benito Mussolini and allowed himself now generally to be called Führer , i.e. leader, duce , of the Nazis. (Soon this designation will become obligatory in the NSDAP, and former acquaintances who habitually addressed ...
... rule over the universe? Do you imagine that the Divine is at any time not everywhere in the universe or beyond it? or that he is living at one point in space and governing the rest from it, as Mussolini governs the Italian Empire from Rome? 11 May 1937 The Avatar and the Vibhuti Is it true that the Avatar is the full manifestation of the Divine Vibhuti? If you consider it from the earth's... principle, what does it matter if one has no urge towards spirituality? My career was much less brilliant than many others'. They ought to have progressed then farther in Yoga than myself, e.g. Mussolini, Lenin, Tilak, Brajendranath Seal, the admirable Crichton, Gandhi, Tagore, Roosevelt, Lloyd George etc. etc. All Avatars or all full of the essential principle! The inner consciousness is there ...
... in the glorious holocaust. I suppose you are watching with great apprehension the war-clouds that are gathering? No, I am not trembling, but I agree that it is a beastly affair. I hope Mussolini got no indirect impetus from your Essays on the Gita. He never read them, I suppose. But however much one may deplore war, that seems to be the only opportunity for India's liberation. ... the doctor and the medicine that cures than either the doctor himself or the medicine. All this is meant not to support R, but to throw some cold water on the "my" in "my science". It sounds like Mussolini almost. October 25, 1935 Yes, I was informed of B.P. using the reading room, and I had asked him to go when there were very few people. His touching the newspapers is not dangerous ...
... everything fine out of existence—music, philosophy, etc. How can anything develop where there is no freedom? People in Germany have to admire only one thing: Nazism! I hope Mussolini has still kept some freedom for art. PURANI: Mussolini speaks of "our art, our poets". He seems to be proud of Italians as a nation of artists and has tried to preserve the old tradition. A friend of mine recently visited ...
... has done everything he has said he would do—only, in his own time. Mussolini bluffs, but when he acts, he does it thoroughly. PURANI: He seems to intend to come in at the end and get a share. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but that share won't be for long. Hitler will finish him in no time. Italy is vulnerable on all sides. So Mussolini can't take any action suddenly. ...
... won't easily give up. SRI AUROBINDO: No, he will stick on with his hands, feet and teeth unless forcibly dislodged. It is because there is not a single real statesman in Europe that Hitler and Mussolini are getting their own way. SATYENDRA: The Neutrals will lose their fear under the British strength and protection. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but Sweden is very bitter. SATYENDRA: It is their neutrality... equivalent to that and in time you will be virtually independent. Besides, it is the best option under the present conditions in contrast to charkha and non-violence. Hitler won't give it, neither will Mussolini nor Japan. Stalin may give autonomy but controlled from Moscow. Moreover, the first thing he will do will be to cut off the industrialists and middle class and establish a peasant proletariat. ...
... navy the English and French will be stronger than Mussolini. Moreover the Italians are not good fighters; they will open themselves to attack by land. In Abyssinia they did not achieve any great success. Only after using mustard gas could they get victory. On the other hand, if they joined the Allies, they could confirm their position, though Mussolini would have to give up his idea of a Roman empire ...
... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 11 JUNE 1940 The radio news: Italy has joined the war. SRI AUROBINDO (looking at Purani): So Mussolini has butted in? When he sees that Germany is winning he comes to share the spoils. PURANI: Yes. It's a jackal policy. But he says it is according to his understanding with Hitler. NIRODBARAN: Understanding... humanitarian law. SRI AUROBINDO (sarcastically): So Italy will fight according to the international law? PURANI (laughing): Yes. She says so. SRI AUROBINDO: That means, "Don't strike me." Mussolini knows that if he hits he will be hit back. Italy has never been humanitarian anywhere. PURANI: Italy may attack Marseilles by sea or she can invade the frontier overland. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes ...
... or in competition with Joe Louis the prize-fighter, Douglas Fairbanks, H. G. Wells, King George and Queen Mary, Haile Selassie, Hobbs, Hitler, Jack the Ripper (or any modern substitute of his) and Mussolini should Page 687 be strictly banished from the mentality for evermore and the day after. 24 September 1935 I cannot understand how some people here think that a few articles in ...
... spread of India's spirit is obviously the essential. As for freedom it is necessary and certainly no empire is everlasting—but I expect the first days of freedom will be rather trying. Perhaps a Mussolini will have to rise to get rid of the corruption and mutual quarrelling and disorder. 18 April 1935 You know it is the confounded Raj that has fomented this communal incident [in Bengal, as described ...
... soldiers. I want you to fight Nazism without arms or ... with non-violent arms. I would like you to lay down the arms you have as being useless for saving you or humanity Invite Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini to take what they want of the countries you call your possessions. Let them take possession of your beautiful island with your many beautiful buildings. You will give all these but not your souls ...
... com ing India, 158 , 178 ·179,248 India n Muslims , 3 1, 44 , 53, 58, 169 , 181 , 203, 222, 223, 227 , 228, 245 their sense of separateness. 31 , 64, 169 (fn) see also Hindu-Muslim question Mussolini, 193 , 229 (fn) N Naoroji, Dadabhai, 35 , 40(fn) Napoleon, 77 Nationalism, 13, 32, 64 its call, 44 is Sanatana dharma, SO Nation alit movement party, 17,32·33, 36,44,45,47, ...
... 89 century-long efforts and sufferings of the intelligentsia failed to achieve. It is his coming which has been the precipitative agent for the reshaping of the modern world. If a Lenin, a Mussolini, a Hitler have achieved their rapid and almost stupefying success, it was because this driving force, this responsive quick-acting mass was there to carry them to victory—a force lacking to their ...
... whatever word “leader” was translated. Specific to Nazism, however, was the special character of its leader and the fact that the movement was identified with him, in a way even Italian Fascism and Mussolini could not be compared with. “Nothing is more misleading than to call Hitler a fascist”, writes Sebastian Haffner in his Anmerkungen zu Hitler (notes on Hitler), “his nationalism was everything except ...
... principally from the sense of a ‘miraculous rescue’. It was as if he owned to this treacherous act his reinforced sense of his own mission. That, at any rate, was his interpretation of the event when Mussolini arrived in Rastenburg in the afternoon for a previously announced visit. As they looked at the devastated conference room, Hitler said: “When I call it all to mind again, I conclude that nothing is ...
... not shun to use the weapons of his enemy, demagogy, slogans, street parades, etc. Where all authority has vanished, only a man of the people can establish authority. This was shown in the case of Mussolini. The deeper the dictator was originally rooted in the broad masses, the better he understands how to treat them psychologically, the less the workers will distrust him, the more supporters he will ...
... repetition – are dated October 1939, a time when the world held its breath but Hitler’s intentions were as yet far from clear. Germany and Russia were still partners under their non-aggression pact; Mussolini had not yet taken his decisive step into Hitler’s camp, staging many shows of “everlasting” friendship with the Third Reich but also often making denigrating remarks about the Germans and their Führer ...
... higher vital aim, forced to take a subordinate place so that the mind may absorb itself persistently in mental pursuits or idealisms or great political or personal ambitions (Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini). The ascetic and the Puritan try to suppress it mostly or altogether. In our yoga the principle is that all must become an instrument of the Spirit and the parts of enjoyment taste the Ananda ...
... which the century-long efforts and sufferings of the intelligentsia failed to achieve. It is his coming which has been the precipitative agent for the reshaping of the modern world. If a Lenin, a Mussolini, a Hitler have achieved their rapid and almost stupefying success, it was because this driving force, this responsive quick-acting mass was there to carry them to victory — a force lacking to their ...
... over the universe? Do you imagine that the Divine is at any time not everywhere in the universe or beyond it? or that he is living at one point in space and governing the rest from it, as Mussolini governs the Italian Empire from Rome? I was speaking of the Divine in the body, and not of the Divine in his supreme plane above in an impersonal and formless aspect. Does not his incarnation ...
... claimed. Thus, the Mahabharata declares: "Atyugra-puṇya-pāpānām ihaiva phalam aśnute." Have we not seen in our own times how the Nemesis of Karma has violently overtaken the fates of Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo and their compeers in misdeeds, in their present life itself. If we rummage through the pages of history books, we can come across many examples of this type. Here is one from the late Mughal ...
... are not sane, not virile. This, one may be allowed to say, is a very Occidental and up-to-date idea of spirituality. Homer, Shakespeare, Raphael, Spinoza, Kant, Charlemagne, Abraham Lincoln, Lenin, Mussolini, these, shall we suggest, are to figure henceforth not only as great poets and artists or heroes of thought and action, but as our typical heroes and exemplars of spirituality. Not Buddha, not Christ ...
... the universe? Do you imagine that the Divine is at any time not everywhere in the universe or beyond it? or that he is living at one point in space and governing the rest from it, as Mussolini governs the Italian Empire from Rome? I was speaking of the Divine in the body, and not of the Divine in his supreme plane above in an impersonal and formless aspect. Does not his ...
... from his supramental quarry, though at the cost of being dubbed a "wooden head" and many other complimentary epithets. Aeschylus, Shakespeare, Milton, Dante, Napoleon, Virgil, Shaw, Joyce, Hitler, Mussolini, Negus, Spanish Civil War, General Miaja, romping in, oh, the world-theatre seen at a glance exhibiting many-coloured movements for the eye's, the ear's and the soul's rejoicing. Now, the question ...
... J was very much upset by hearing it said in your name. That is what you might call applied mathematics. I made a general statement which could cover the whole animal and human creation up to Mussolini and the Negus and avoided all mention of the novel. added that since he had received an amende honorable , the matter tight be dropped and peace declared. J says X might write all about it. ...
... if I can do the repairs. One line please. Otherwise down will it go into the W.P.B. No need. By the way, you had better hurry up with your Supermind descent, Sir. Otherwise Hitler, Mussolini & Co. will gunfire it like—! What has Supermind to do with Hitler or Hitler with Supermind? Do you expect the Supermind to aviate to Berchtesgaden? How the devil can they gunfire S; their aeroplanes ...
... among a particular people and some particular individuals. That is what lay behind the rise of Hitler and his Nazis in Germany. Stalin and his Bolsheviks appeared as their counterparts in Russia. Mussolini was their henchman, a "satellite" in modern parlance. Our Puranic scriptures tell of the ancient Shumbha and Nishumbha, Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu, Shishupala and Raktadanta, dual power of ...
... arranges how to realize the impulse. Disciple : But then it is not true thought, it is false. Sri Aurobindo : It is not false. Only, it is vital thought and not mental. For instance, when Mussolini says, "Italy shall have a place under the sun," it is not a mental thought, it is a vital thought. Disciple : Is it not an emotion ? Sri Aurobindo : It is not primarily an emotion. It ...
... Government has identified itself with labour and, from all reliable reports, it has made the condition of the labourers much better, as far as could be done in a poor country like Russia. In Italy, Mussolini tried to establish the Government as a third party to control both Labour and Capital but even there Capital seems to have largely succeeded. (The topic was changed by a question from a Disciple ...
... AUROBINDO: What are they? DR. MANILAL: Some nonsense. SRI AUROBINDO: Some extraordinary nonsense like the thought of perpetual attendance on your Maharaja patron or of the likely successor to Mussolini? DR. MANILAL: No, Sir. Thoughts of the Maharaja come very rarely. But why doesn't one succeed in meditation even after so much trying, while on some days it comes very suddenly? SRI AUROBINDO: ...
... some utility in the future. The Divine doesn't see things from the human mental point of view or only from the present and immediate results. Perhaps people think that the Divine is like a super-Mussolini according to whose Will everything must turn. When a person descends to do some particular work for the Divine, he accepts the play of forces and works through that play so that ultimately the Divine ...
... it under European influence. The setback to the human mind in Europe is amazing. As I said, no one set of ideas can monopolise Truth and from that point of view all these efforts of Hitler and Mussolini and Stalin to bottle up the human soul in a narrow mould of ideas is absurd. We had thought during the last years of the nineteenth century that the human mind had attained a certain level of intelligence ...
... very well. PURANI: Yes, he said the Nazis were a gang of ruffians and blackguards, without God, tradition and dynasty. SRI AUROBINDO: That's the disadvantage for the county When Hitler and Mussolini go they won't leave any tradition behind. They have no families of cultural distinction such as there used to be in the old times. In India there was also the traditional line of culture handed down ...
... didn't expect that Hitler would aim his gun at her. At one time France and England came almost to a point of rivalry. France tried to create a friendships with Italy by placating her and England made Mussolini an enemy by applying sanctions against Italy in Abyssinia. But she could not stop Italy from conquering Abyssinia. I have never seen such bankruptcy of English diplomacy before Since the war she ...
... SRI AUROBINDO: There won't be time for that. DR. BECHARLAL: The Italians don't seem to be good soldiers. SRI AUROBINDO: No. I would be greatly surprised if they could defeat the French—unless Mussolini has changed the Italian character tremendously! DR. BECHARLAL: They had a hard time in Abyssinia. SRI AUROBINDO: It was by their superior equipment, air-bombing, mustard gas, etc. that they ...
... disown the policy and it will be very awkward. NIRODBARAN: Italy is not showing herself anywhere—neither on land nor in the air. It seems the Italians could easily be driven out of Africa. Then Mussolini and Hitler can quarrel over France. SRI AUROBINDO: Not so soon. As long as Hitler has England to fight, he will keep Italy with him. EVENING According to Bhaskar's radio, peace terms have ...
... I don't know about these other people. NIRODBARAN: Italy calls Churchill a criminal gangster because of his action against the French fleet. SRI AUROBINDO: Italy? Of course. A gangster like Mussolini? SATYENDRA: Where was the Italian fleet at that time? SRI AUROBINDO: Italy said that it couldn't arrive in time. NIRODBARAN: Italy has thrown a challenge to the British navy to come to the ...
... cover the first zone; it may be that. If she occupies more than Bessarabia, then it becomes interesting. PURANI: Hungary and Bulgaria are also pushing their claims. SRI AUROBINDO: Hitler and Mussolini have asked them to wait for the present. SATYENDRA: Why are the English people being evacuated from Hongkong? SRI AUROBINDO: Because Japan is going to blockade the coast; in that case it will ...
... with minor adaptations, of the system consolidated by the Moguls who again had taken it up from the Mauryas; a system initiated perhaps by still earlier legislators and builders of Indian polity. Mussolini of twentieth century Italy is in no way related to Cato or Julius Caesar of ancient Rome, but Sri Ramakrishna or Sri Aurobindo is a direct descendant of the Vedic Rishis. What is the cause of ...
... fictitious than real. The other showing his visit to his old village was genuine; he felt something there. NIRODBARAN: Has he what you once called the "London-cabman's psychic"? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. Mussolini has comparatively a better developed psychic and a strong vital. In his latest photograph he seems to have weakened. Either he is unwell or he is aging or perhaps he has misused his powers and hence ...
... targets many times. SRI AUROBINDO: I don't know about that. The Japanese are good at concentrating on one thing at a time, but aeronautic requires concentration on many points at once. PURANI: Mussolini is asking all Italians to close down their firms in Djibouti and he does not want to send anything by railway: thus he wants to starve the people. He is also trying to cut off the railway that connects ...
... more concerned with us than anything else. He is inventing new situations so that we may fall into difficulty. Nazis, Fascists and communists are all against us and we are safe under none of them. Mussolini perhaps may allow us to continue. SATYENDRA: He has read some of your books. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. NIRODBARAN: He will allow us so long as he is not criticised. PURANI: It seems Bonvain ...
... hesitating. SRI AUROBINDO: If it has only a twenty-thousand strong army, of course it won't count for much; but why is the Government pro-Fascist? PURANI: It is Mussolini's work, I suspect. Mussolini has been working and preparing the field there for a long time. He has, perhaps, promised these old Pashas high offices and posts. SRI AUROBINDO: They must be idiots if they believe him even now ...
... another contradictory statement. SRI AUROBINDO: Original ideas! EVENING PURANI: Anilkumar has been asking me if it is true that Italy has invaded Egypt. SRI AUROBINDO: No, not invaded. Mussolini wants to deliver Egypt. Anilkumar seems to be naive. NIRODBARAN: He doesn't read the papers. PURANI: This man Sumer is saying that though Spain is quiet now, it doesn't mean that Spain has no ...
... Sri Aurobindo: What are they? Manilal: Some nonsense. Sri Aurobindo: Some extraordinary nonsense like thoughts of perpetual attendance on your Maharaja patron or of the likely successor to Mussolini? Manilal: No, Sir, thoughts of the Maharaja come very rarely.... Another example: Sri Aurobindo asked the doctor, "Do you always have to try to meditate?" Manilal: Not always. I have told ...
... the Lord would still be open - to keep them open is what matters. 20 IX In the meantime, the Allied forces, after a series of victories in North Africa, invaded Sicily on 10 July, Mussolini resigned on 25 July, and by 15 August all Sicily was in Allied hands. On the very day Sri Aurobindo wrote the above letter to Dilip, the Allies invaded the Italian mainland itself, and in a matter ...
... in competition with Joe Zones, the prize-fighter, Douglas Fairbanks, H. G. Wells, King George and Queen Mary, Haile Selassie, Hobbs, Hitler, Jack the Ripper (or any modern substitute of his) and Mussolini should be strictly banished from the mentality for evermore and the day after.² 24-9-1935 If I tolerate a little writing about myself, it is only to have a sufficient counter-weight in ...
... There won't be time for that. Disciple : The Italians do not seem to be good soldiers. Sri Aurobindo : No, I will be greatly surprised if they can defeat the French. In that case Mussolini must have changed the Italian character tremendously. Disciple : They had a hard time in Abyssinia. Page 65 Sri Aurobindo : Yes. It was by their superior air-bombs, ...
... and an Assembly representative of the nation. The provinces will contribute to a Federation, united at the top, leaving ample scope to local bodies to make laws according to their local problems. Mussolini started with a fundamental of the Indian System but afterwards began bullying and bluffing other nations for the sake of imperialism. If he had persisted in his original idea, he would have been a ...
... 'symbolic' to the 'psychological' stage. Although reprinted over thirty years after its serialisation in the Arya, the book was not subjected to any drastic revision. Occasional references to Lenin, Mussolini and Hitler and to Fascism, Nazism and Soviet Communism show that here and there a sentence or a paragraph was added when the Arya sequence of twenty-four chapters was reissued as The Human Cycle ...
... are not sane, not virile. This, one may be allowed to say, is a very occidental and up to date idea of spirituality. Homer, Shakespeare, Raphael, Spinoza, Kant, Charlemagne, Abraham Lincoln, Lenin, Mussolini, these, shall we suggest, are to figure henceforth not only as great poets and artists or heroes of thought and action, but as our typical heroes and exemplars of spirituality. Not Buddha, not Christ ...
... reader may profit by these letters. Some letters, like that of 17 February 1934, tug at our heart. The years 1934-1935 were crucial years for the world. Little noticed by the common man. Hitler and Mussolini, Nazism and Fascism were gathering force before breaking into a furious, whirling maelstrom that would soon hit the world, sweeping all before it. And in the invisible, occult plane Sri Aurobindo ...
... only one to succumb to Hitler’s strange fascination”, writes Speer. “So did statesmen of importance, men like Hindenburg, [John] Simon [British Foreign Secretary], Lloyd George [British statesman], Mussolini, and many others.” 866 Famous among those others were the American aviator Charles Lindbergh; the Duke of Windsor, who could have caused serious complications if he had remained on the throne as Edward ...
... king decisions’, were taken at Hitler’s mountain retreat at Obersalzberg in the Bavarian Alps.” 908 “He meditated there”, writes François-Poncet, perhaps the only foreign dignitary, excepting Mussolini, for whom Hitler developed a liking. It was on the Obersalzberg, auf dem Berg (on the mountain) as his mountain retreat was referred to in Hitler’s entourage, that he received the French ambassador ...
... Gandhi, he founded his own Forward Block. In his resistance against the British – he was arrested eleven times in the course of his political career – he looked for inspiration in the examples of Mussolini and Hitler, and travelled to Europe to study the elements of the success of these dictators while they were at the height of their power. At the end of January 1941 Bose escaped the watchful eye of ...
... 17. A World in the Balance Hitler and his God The Munich Agreement (30 September 1938) On 29 September 1938 Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier met in Munich to decide on the fate of Czechoslovakia, which itself was barred from participation. Hitler wanted Czechoslovakia to be split up so that the Sudetenland with its ...
... our planet, an observation supported by the phenomena of a decade named “the roaring Twenties.” As to “the rise of persons who wield a tremendous vital influence over large numbers of men”: Benito Mussolini had marched on Rome in 1922 and Adolf Hitler had become the hero of a sedition trial in 1924; fascism raised its pompous head everywhere, also in Great Britain and the United States, and violence ...
... Western Europe was ordered towards the end of 1938. Meanwhile the Spanish Civil War, the ‘rehearsal’ for the worldwide war to come, was fought; a militarized Japan expanded aggressively in the East; Mussolini wanted to revive the honour of Italy on the model of ancient Rome; and Stalin, after having demonically ravaged his own people and eliminated his top military cadres, remained a riddle nobody managed ...
... s permission to travel to Europe for medical treatment. There he became fascinated by the fascist dictators, whom he met personally. (It was he, very probably, who gave books by Sri Aurobindo to Mussolini to read.) The aspiration of becoming a dictator himself grew in him. In 1938 he was elected national president of the Congress. His opinions, however, did no longer concur with the ‘ahimsa’ of that ...
... collapsing into the Néant without their being able to raise a finger to save it. What the devil are they going to create and from what material? and of what use if a Hitler with his cudgel or a Mussolini with his castor oil can come and wash it out or beat it into dust in a moment? March 23, 1934 I felt all day a tinge of regret re. Tagore—though I had all but expected it—knowing his ...
... is, I suppose, that when one is successful one can be jolly — which is not philosophy but commonplace, only he turns it upside down to make it look wise. Or perhaps he means that if you smile at Mussolini and Hitler they will spare you castor-oil or cudgel: but even that is not sure, for they may want to know what the smile means first — flattery or satire" But smile or no smile, he added, one ...
... had something totally different in mind but who kept such thoughts to himself for the time being. Once, when the subject of religion came up, he said to Hermann Rauschning: “Let Fascism [he meant Mussolini] make its peace with the Church. I will do so too. Why not? It will not prevent me from extirpating Christianity in Germany root and branch … The Old Testament or the New, or only the words of Jesus ...
... should do our best to keep quiet about this past. Instead Himmler makes a great fuss about it all. The present-day Romans must be having a laugh at these relegations.” 454 Laugh they did, the Romans, Mussolini loudest of them all. Hitler knew perfectly well that the knowledge of the “pedantic intellectuals” about the German tribes and races of the past did not go back much farther than one or two centuries ...
... collapsing into the Néant without their being able to raise a finger to save it. What the devil are they going to create and from what material? and of what use if a Hitler with his cudgel or a Mussolini with his castor oil can come and wash it out or beat it into dust in a moment? If there are such great spiritual men in Europe [ as a book reviewer claimed ], they seem to have the gift of ...
... higher vital aim, forced to take a subordinate place so that the mind may absorb itself persistently in mental pursuits or idealisms or great political or personal ambitions (Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini). The ascetic and the Puritan try to suppress it mostly or altogether. In our Yoga the principle is that all must become an instrument of the Spirit and the parts of enjoyment taste the Ananda in ...
... maturity and adolescence till death". I suppose he would say that when man is attempting other things, he is really though without quite knowing it trying to get back into his mother's womb, e.g. Mussolini getting into Abyssinia, it was a straight drive for his mother's womb. The extreme of ridiculousness is reached when Freud analyses Leonardo da Vinci to show how he was pathological, how he failed ...
... to you, I have always given a large place to mirth and laughter and my letters in that style are only the natural outflow of my personality. I have never been "grim" in my life—that is the Stalin-Mussolini style, it is not mine; the only trait I share with the "grim" people is obstinacy in following out my aim in life, but I do it quietly and simply and have always done. Don't set up some gloomy im ...
... thought or in the field of practical life! An infant crying in the night when he is not hitting other infants in the stomach in order to bring the golden age. (I am referring to infants like Hitler, Mussolini and others.) 95 * * * August 10, 1933 (A disciple:) I am disconcerted at what is happening in the world. Everywhere misery is rampant, people are losing faith in everything ...
... strange thing is that Florence and Naples were affected, not Rome, which is in between.... But why Italy? If it were England alone, I wouldn't mind at all, but Italy? That was because of Mussolini. But he's dead. Mussolini's death might have mitigated things. But it's not out of "punishment": there's never any punishment, never any "fault"—never the shadow of a "fault" anywhere! It's ...
... the nose. Is it the result of your mind bumble-beeing too much around the tail of the Supramental? I send you a photograph of mine along with the note-book. What do you think of this snap—a Mussolini gone morbid? Anyhow, it looks as if you have at last succeeded in putting some intellect in this brain-box of mine! Good heavens, what a gigantic forehead they have given you! The Himalaya and ...
... said that, surely. Under my feet? What of your brilliant career? My career was much less brilliant than many others'. They ought to have progressed then farther in Yoga than myself, e.g. Mussolini, Lenin, Tilak, Brajendranath Seal, the admirable Crichton, Gandhi, Tagore, Roosevelt, Lloyd George etc., etc. All Avatars or all full of the essential principle. If one has the essential principle ...
... different things. Both are true and through both you have to go to the Truth. When you come to politics, the truth again is various. Democracy, plutocracy, monarchy, etc.—all have their truth. Even Mussolini and Hitler stand for some truth. Ours is a very big Yoga. One has to crawl all over (gesture with a movement of the hands.) I think Nirodbaran is not prepared to take all that trouble! DR ...
... was dead against war with Russia. Now they have published that they had kept one hundred thousand soldiers ready to send to Finland under the plea of "non-intervention"—a queer phrase invented by Mussolini. NIRODBARAN: Sweden says England promised help too late. SRI AUROBINDO: How can that be? Chamberlain has said that the soldiers were kept ready and they were to be asked for in May by Finland ...
... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 18 MARCH 1940 PURANI: Hitler's sudden meeting with Mussolini and the postponement of Sumner Wells' return seem to suggest a peace move again from their side. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but if the Allies sell out to Hitler, Hitler will only wait for an advantageous time to strike again. PURANI: Have you heard of the prophecies ...
... the Hindus and Muslims fight it out and see what happens. Some result will come." SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. The Muslims will call in somebody and the Socialists somebody else. The Muslims may call in Mussolini because he proclaims himself defender of Islam. But he has removed half the Arabs from Tripoli and replaced them by Italians. India must get into the habit of freedom for about twenty or thirty years ...
... and mother also, who were in Rome, exercised their influence on him. This general had been to Rome and returned just three days before the surrender. It seems Hitler exerted his influence through Mussolini and has promised Leopold the kingship of Holland. (The paper was shown to Sri Aurobindo and after reading it he asked us to give it to Pavitra for the Mother to see.) SRI AUROBINDO: Then what ...
... anti-British. NIRODBARAN: Why are the Muslims anti-British? SRI AUROBINDO: Why not? They don't want British Raj, they want Muslim Raj. I would not mind that if it were not for Hitler. Even Mussolini would not matter if he defeated the Allies, because he is not a man to conquer the world. Stalin is serious not because of himself but because of his Communism. Huque says he wants to forget that ...
... AUROBINDO: But somebody says that Italy will have to wait at least a fortnight before joining the war because a big liner of hers is in the Atlantic, which can at once be seized. But nobody knows what Mussolini will do. He is a great bluffer and may keep on bluffing as bluffing is very pleasant to him. (laughter) PURANI: Italy has contempt for Germany. SRI AUROBINDO: Not contempt, but hatred. (Laughter) ...
... and an assembly representative of the nation. The provinces will combine into a federation, united at the top, leaving ample scope to local bodies to make laws according to their local problems. Mussolini started with the fundamentals of the Indian system but afterwards began bullying and bluffing other nations for imperialistic reasons. If he had persisted in his original idea, he would have been ...
... will be interesting. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, that is the only way to save the situation. Hungary and Bulgaria are relying on Germany and Italy to protect them. Now it has to be seen what Hitler and Mussolini will do against Russia. If something happens Turkey and other powers will also pluck up courage. PURANI: What will happen to Hitler's pact with Stalin? SRI AUROBINDO: "Pact of brotherhood sealed ...
... (after a while): Italy is between two fires. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, Russia has warned her against any move in the Balkans and America against extending the field of war while Hitler is pressing Mussolini. PURANI: Even in today's paper there is something about American pressure on Italy. America has already sent some dive-bombers, it seems, lending them to the Allies. SRI AUROBINDO: Not lending ...
... Yes. If reports are true, he intends to take back Alsace-Lorraine and make a kingdom of Flanders with Northern France included in it. Perhaps Italy will take Savoy, Nice and Corsica. NIRODBARAN: Mussolini is stretching his arm to Palestine too. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, and he wants to drive out the Jews en masse. SATYENDRA: Poor Jews! They have been cursed through the ages, driven out from everywhere ...
... don't understand how Dr. Sircar can ask that question. Is he anti-British? PURANI: Doesn't he know what will happen to him if Hitler comes to India? SRI AUROBINDO: He will lose his pension or Mussolini may allow it for the sake of old times! ...
... ports—the Balkans and Japan. SATYENDRA: Japan won't go to war. SRI AUROBINDO: None of them is willing unless they are obliged to. Have you any idea what Churchill meant when he declared that Mussolini would very soon see the surprise that the British has for him? What Churchill means in simple words is, "I will show you." (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: He may have something up his sleeve. He doesn't ...
... meeting at Munich, Sri Aurobindo said that Chamberlain looked like a fly before a spider, on the point of being caught — and he actually was caught! Of course, the German dictator had already put Mussolini in his pocket. Only Colonel Beck seemed to have kept some manly individuality. Many other issues Sri Aurobindo discussed with us, as will be evident from the book Talks with Sri Aurobindo , as though ...
... is, I suppose, that when one is successful one can be jolly - which is not philosophy but commonplace, only he turns it upside down to make it look wise. Or perhaps he means that if you smile at Mussolini and Hitler they will spare you castor-oil or cudgel: but even that is not sure, for they may want to know what the smile means first - flattery or satire." 11 (9) DK's 6-point resolution and ...
... happen even without the direct intervention of the Divine Grace, so a fortiori the Grace can do it. He can make the barren unproductive land productive and fertile. Even a man can do that, say, Mussolini or the Japanese agriculturist. Seeds are thrown into the soil—they don't lie there for a thousand years and then sprout. But first make clear what is meant by the soil? The surface man? The subliminal ...
... the workings of these malignant forces. Discerning observers had seen and warned that from the early '30s the world was drifting towards a war of unprecendented magnitude. The phenomenal rise of Mussolini and Hitler, the inability of the democracies to contain the dictators, the Spanish Civil War, the enigmatic role of Russia which went through the throes of the brutal Stalinist purges, were all i ...
... soldiers. I want you to fight Nazism without arms or with non-violent arms. I would like you to lay down the arms you have as being useless for saving you or humanity. ... Invite Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini to take what they want of the countries you call your possessions. Let them take possession of your beautiful island with your many beautiful buildings. You will give them all of these but not your ...
... op. cit., pp. 119-21. 16. Jean Monnet, Memoirs, op. cit., pp. 291-92. ; 17. Alcide de Gasperi: 1881-1954. Alcide de Gasperi played an important role in the Italian political life until Mussolini, came to power. Then he spent sixteen months in jail for anti-fascist activities. After World War II, he found himself in the forefront of political life as the leader of the Christian Democracy. ...
... 229n Mohammedanism, 276 Montaigne, 108 Montevideo, 198 Moses, 9-10, 108 Mother, The (La Mere), 228, 287n -Prieres et Meditations, 287n Mukherjee, Prabhat, 230 Mussolini, 274 NACHIKETAS, 19-20, 32-3, 35, 105 Naidu, Sarojini, 62n Nazism, 262 Newton, 300 Nietzsche, 126, 243, 297 North Pole, 27 Norway, 175 PAKISTAN, 267 Panis, 13 Parasara ...
... came a reaction and we are in this century, still, on the high tide of this movement of reaction. Totalitarianism in one form or another continues to be the watchword and although neither Hitler nor Mussolini is there, a very living ghost of theirs stalks the human stage. The liberty of the individual, it is said and is found to be so by experience, is another name of the individual's erraticism and can ...
... among a particular people and some particular individuals. That is what lay behind the rise of Hitler and his Nazis in Germany. Stalin and his Bolsheviks appeared as their counterparts in Russia. Mussolini was their henchman, a "satellite" in modern parlance; Our Puranic scriptures tell of the ancient Shumbha and Nishumbha, Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu, Shishupala and Raktadanta, dual power of Evil ...
... person with some mental hobbies and eccentricities. This possession becomes possible because the psychic being in him is undeveloped. There is nothing in his being that can resist the vital force. Mussolini has, comparatively, a developed psychic being and a very strong vital being, But in his last photograph he seems to have weakened. Either he is physically unwell or is aging or perhaps he has misused ...
... times. Sri Aurobindo : I do not know about that. A pilot requires at a time concentration on many points. The Japanese are good at concentrating on one thing at a time. Disciple : Mussolini is asking all Italian firms to close down at Jibuoti, and thus create dissatisfaction. He is trying to cut off the railway connecting Jibouti and Abbyssinia and make another line through Eritria to ...
... to maintain the balance of power. Hitler aims at France. France always wants to placate Italy; but England came in the way with "sanctions". They could not save Abyssinia and made an enemy of Mussolini. Disciple : The cry of Tunis was to divert the attention from Spain. Page 117 Sri Aurobindo : I don't think Blum's Socialist government is for non-intervention. The ...
... because of the general vulgarisation. In Germany Hitler must have crushed all fine things out of existence – German music, philosophy, etc. How can anything develop where there is no freedom? I hope Mussolini has kept some sense of art. Disciple : He is very proud of Italians as a nation of artists! A friend of mine visited Italy, and found that the Italians still have a sense of beauty and ...
... because of the general vulgarisation. In Germany Hitler must have crushed all fine things out of existence – German music, philosophy, etc. How can anything develop where there is no freedom? I hope Mussolini has kept some sense of art. Disciple : He is very proud of Italians as a nation of artists! A friend of mine visited Italy, and found that the Italians still have a sense ...
... different things. Both the One and the Many are true and through both you have to go to the Truth. When you come to politics, democracy, plutocracy, monarchy etc. all have truth, even Hitler and Mussolini stand for some truth. Page 73 This is a very big yoga, – one has to travel – I think "X" will not take all that trouble – ( Sri Aurobindo said referring to a disciple.) Disciple ...
... Sri Aurobindo : What are they? Disciple : Some nonsense. Sri Aurobindo : Some extraordinary non-sense like perpetual attendance on the Maharajah or successor to Mussolini? Disciple : No sir, the thought of the Maharajah comes very rarely. But why does not one succeed in meditating even after so many trials? The last time I had fine meditation was when Dr. N ...
... from Egypt, Crete and Asia. And the set-back to the human mind in Europe is amazing. As I said, no one set of ideas can monopolise Truth. From that point of view all these efforts of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin to confine the human mind in a narrow circle of ideas are so absurd! We had thought, during the last years of the 19th century, that the human mind had reached a certain level of i ...
... the Mother), and on 16 June, the aged Marshal Pétain formed a new Government with the sole aim of making peace with Hitler on any terms whatsoever. After a few more reverses, and the entry of Mussolini into the war against France, Pétain accepted Hitler's draconian armistice terms on 25 June. Now when England stood all alone against Hitler and the reign of universal Night as the sole bastion ...
... 199 Mrinalini Chattopadhyaya 209 Mrityunjoy Mukherjee 270-1, 289, 349, 364, 379, 691 Muhammad (Mahomet), Prophet 180, 317, 482, 485 Mukherjee, Dr Shyamaprasad 533 Munshi, K.M. 426, 490, 536-7 Mussolini Benito 395ff, 403-4, 430 Nag, Dr Kalidas 534 Nandini Satpathy 778 Napoleon Bonaparte 405 Narayan Prasad 244, 320, 349, 354-5, 359, 434, 691 Naresh Bahadur 362, 652 Navajata (Keshavdev ...
... effected a change in attitude in the minds of all those who were prepared to pause and think and judge by these clearly discernible trends. During the latter half of 1940, Hitler and Mussolini extended willy-nilly the theatre of the war to the Balkans and North Africa. Japan was also wooed to throw in her lot with the Axis Powers, but she held back for the time being. Then, on 21 June ...
... want you to fight Nazism without arms or ... with non-violent arms. I would like you to lay down the arms you have as being useless for saving you and humanity ... invite Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini to take what they want of the countries you call your possessions. Let them take possession of your beautiful island with your many beautiful buildings. You will give all these but not your souls ...
... Franco must be to induce Spain. There must be an Italian brain behind this scheme. Hitler moves to the front with one objective at a time. This sort of combination is not usual for him. It must be Mussolini's calculating brain. It is a large scheme this time, not like Hitler's previous moves. NIRODBARAN: Britain and America are proceeding with their evacuation. Do they think an attack is imminent? ...
... AUROBINDO: One man voted against the Munich policy in the Senate. His name seems familiar. (Turning to Purani) Do you remember there was somebody with the same name in Italy who was shot at by Mussolini's mistress? PURANI: Yes, I remember. SRI AUROBINDO: Is he the same man or does he perhaps belong to the same family? ...
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