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77 result/s found for Nehru, Jawaharlal

... 1889-1947. 2) 1947-1956. 3)1956-1964. Oxford University Press, 3rd edn., 1984. Nehru, Jawaharlal. Autobiography. Oxford University Press, 3rd edn., 1984. The Discovery of India. Oxford University Press, 1983. Glimpses of World History. Oxford University Press, 1983. Nehru, Jawaharlal. Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Series II (New Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial ...


... 1961. Marx, Karl, and Engels, Friedrich. The Communist Manifesto. 1848. Muresanu, C. L'education de ['adolescent par la composition libre. Neuchâtel and Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé Nehru, Jawaharlal. In The Hindu, Madras, 26 September 1960. Prospective magazine. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, issues of 1959-60. Satprem. Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness ...

... is Sanatana dharma, SO Nation alit movement party, 17,32·33, 36,44,45,47, 50,54,59,60, 93,21 5, 246 see also Swadeshi Nazis Nazism, 2 11, 214, 2 17, 2 18, 229(fn), 236 see also Hitler Nehru, Jawaharlal , 192(fn), 207, 228-229, 238(fn), 245(fn), 253 newspapers , see under press Nivedita , Sister , 13,71 ,21 9 non-cooperation movement, 156,160,180 non-violence , 45 , ISI , 166 ·168, 170 ...


... 11, 190, 227, 228, 273 Napoleon, 20 Narayana Guru, 16 National Value of Art, The, 337, 353, 354-55 Navajata, 775 Nava Sakti, 284, 308 Nehru, Jawaharlal, 490,728,735 Nehru, Motilal, 229, 522,531 Netter, William T., 778 Nevinson, Henry, 205,207,269 New Lamps for Old', 56ff, 184,190, 228, 281 Newsman, ...

... Rabindranath Tagore (x) The Revolutionaries (xi) The coming of Gandhi (xii) The role of Annie Beasent (xiii) Jalianwala Bagh (xiv) Chittranjan Dass (xv) Gandhi, Motilal Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru (xvi) Political ideology of Satyagraha (xvii) Non-cooperation and Awakening of Masses (xviii) New leaders emerge (xix) Jawaharlal Nehru, Rajendra Prasad, Maulana ...

... Muller,Max267 .       Munshi,K.M.17       Murray, D.L. 5       Murray, Gilbert 55       Murry, Middleton 308, 355,412,414       Myers, F.W.H. 334,436       AWa256,458 Nehru, Jawaharlal 17 Nevinson, Henry 29 Newbolt, Sir Henry 412 Nidhu,Babu45 Nietzsche 30,400 Nirodbaran358,386,416 Noyes, Alfred 331,408       Olson, Elder 434       Omar Khayyam 262       O'Neill, ...


... natural profession of every parent, and every parent should strive to cultivate the qualities of a good teacher. How a good father can be a good teacher is very well illustrated by Jawaharlal Nehru. Jawaharlal Nehru began writing letters to Indira in the summer of 1928, when she was eight or nine years old. She was in the Himalayas at Mussoorie and he was on the plains below. One great secret of learning ...

... Dr Kalidas 534 Nandini Satpathy 778 Napoleon Bonaparte 405 Narayan Prasad 244, 320, 349, 354-5, 359, 434, 691 Naresh Bahadur 362, 652 Navajata (Keshavdev Poddar) 686, 691, 726, 816 Nehru, Jawaharlal see Jawaharlal New Age Association 716-7, 727, 739, 745, 764, 780, 816 Nietzsche 181 Nirodbaran Talukdar 136, 164, 230, 273ff, 282, 342, 357, 372, 377-8, 398-400, 408, 427, 437-8, 443-4 ...


... On a Proposed Visit by Jawaharlal Nehru DILIP KUMAR ROY: Nehru may be here about the 17th of this month. What do you think of my asking him to spend the day (or two) at my flat? Then surely he would want to ask the Mother for an interview. Your force will do the chief thing, of course. I am afraid what you propose is impossible. Jawaharlal is coming on a political mission and... future also may possibly be turbulent and the wash of the turmoil may reach Pondicherry—we have to be on our guard from now onwards. So don't make Jawaharlal pray for an interview—it is not possible. Let us be patient and let things develop. If Jawaharlal is to be at all led forcewards, it is more likely to happen when he is less occupied with outer stress and turmoil. Page 447 Of course... him out of courtesy more or less as a friend to a friend. That won't go down with the Br. Consul and other watchers. He will neigh "Ah ha! Ah ha! Ahh! that's their little game, is it?" Besides Nehru won't come alone—he will have his retinue or his staff with him, I suppose. At least all Congress Presidents used to go about in that way in my time. Pondicherry besides is an unimportant place—they ...

... The significance of Jawaharlal Nehru A Vision of his "Actual" and his "Potential" PANDIT Jawaharlal Nehru rode on horseback to meet the Cabinet Mission. He had gone in the same way to confer with Lord Wavell a year or so earlier. Gandhi came in a rickshaw; so too did Maulana Abu! Kalam Azad. But Nehru was astride a dappled horse. When I saw him thus... body's Swaraj. Page 14 So Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru falls short of his highest possibilities and lives with a certain self-ignorance and discontent. But his achievement is still splendid. And though the steed the Vedic Rishis spoke of in their hymns as marching towards a divine dawn has not openly been Nehru's mount, an unforgettable picture full of meaning he remains... in full control of animal energy, making the latter's magnificent wildness serve the ends of a far-seeing and ordering urge. Perhaps this last significance is the most complete. For, Jawaharlal Nehru is pre-eminently the mind-principle in its aspects of lucidity and refinement and idealism. Not that he is mind and nothing else: the vital strength and élan of which the horse is the ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolving India

... month of August, the Prime Minister of India—Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru—came to Pondicherry. This was his second visit. He was accompanied by his daughter Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the Chief Minister of Madras Mr. Kamaraj Nadar, and the Union Minister Shree Lal Bahadur Shastri. A photograph was taken of them together with the Mother in the Playground. Mr. Nehru visited the Playground for a short time despite his ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University Page 766 Shri Stephen Rudolf, Jiva Institute, Faridabad Dr. Bharati Jhaveri, Reader, Department of Gujarati, University of Delhi Professor Rajendra Dengle, Department of German Language and Literature, Jawaharlal Nehru University ... 7.SHRI M.M. LUTHER, Author and Expert in Managment and Values 8.PROFESSOR I.N. CHOUDHURY, Foremer Secretary, SahityaAkademi, New Delhi, and Director, The Nehru Centre, London 9.PROFESSOR KAPIL KAPOOR, Rector, Jawaharlal Nehru University 10.PROFESSOR KIREETJOSHI, Chairman, ICPR * * * Page 721 LIST OF RAPPORTEURS 1.PROFESSOR D.N. PANIGRAHI, Former Professor... Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Education ResearchCertitude Auroville - 605 101 46.Dengle, Rajendra Head, Department of German School of Languages Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi-110067 47. Dewan, Ramesh Chandra 87 Priya Enclave Delhi-110092 Page 729 48. Dhall, G.D. K-171.LIC Colony ...

... toys in the hands of the British; Gandhi and Nehru being chief among them. The reason is not far to seek. To quote Dilip Kumar Roy, 1 "[Indians] have been successfully westernized and completely insulated from India's ancient spiritual influences by the modern European outlook on life, as had happened with Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.... Pandit Jawaharlal finds Hindu culture so foreign, even bizarre,... was worse. Jawaharlal Nehru was a self proclaimed 'secularist' In other words, a Hindu hater. In a letter (17 November 1953) to Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the then President of India, he unmasked himself. "The Hindu," wrote Nehru, "is certainly not tolerant and is certainly more narrow-minded than almost any person in any other country except the Jew." And to fill our cup, there is Nehru's bitter reproach ...

... MARCH, 1939 12th March, 1939. Disciple : Did you notice Jawaharlal's article in the Hindu? He can't forget Subhas not acknowledging his report from Europe and also his international politics. Sri Aurobindo : That again shows Nehru is an idealist. If he has the clarity of mind to see – as he has – that socialism can come in India only after... would be able to do something in international politics. Sri Aurobindo : It is a wrong impression. It was, for instance, wrongly supposed that the Governor of Pondicherry was recalled because Nehru represented the case to the Secretary of Colonies. Disciple : Perhaps the Secretary might have said, he would move in the matter. Sri Aurobindo : He might have been only polite; they ...

... 30 May 1969 Dearest Mother, To solve the problem of my 21 unpublished books as well as of our great financial difficulty in general, I should like to apply for the Jawaharlal Nehru Scholarship. This Scholarship gives a very substantial payment every month for one whole year, enabling the recipient to pursue, with ample facility, specific researches which he has to name. ...

... after achieving what seemed like "squaring the circle" — the reconciliation of the concept of India the sovereign independent Republic with the concept of the British Commonwealth of Nations — Jawaharlal Nehru could not have acted more appropriately than by meeting that master of surprise and paradox, Bernard Shaw. Nor could he have done anything more appropriate at the meeting than giving Shaw not... Shaw himself ingeniously making the mango expressive. Perhaps the extreme pleasure with which Shaw accepted Nehru's gift was due to the fact that the word "mango" sounds the first note of his world-message — a world-message which, in a highly transfigured form unrecognised by him and even by Nehru, is also India's Weltanschauung today and which, in brief, is: "Man, go! Superman, come!" Page... The Sun and The Rainbow When Nehru Met Shaw The history of our times is full of memorable meetings between the Modern East and the Modern West, Perhaps the meeting that took place in May 1949 was the most imaginatively significant — not only because two outstanding representatives met but also because of what the one gave to the other. Both the ...

... JAWAHARLAL NEHRU AND MODERN INDIA     Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India, passed away on May 27, 1964 in his seventy-fourth year. What India has lost may best be suggested by asking a question he would himself have loved to hear: "Was he seventy-four years old or seventy-four years young?" Nehru never outgrew the happy audacity... relation with Nehru and by his political leadership of the India of Nehru's generation, remained in Nehru's explicit affirmations his "Master", here was a turn exceeding the feel of the "Socratic" which he had known through Gandhi's ethico-religious make-up. That such a turn had long been preparing may be best inferred from a fact that was disclosed only a fortnight after his death. Nehru, we were told... and his face had a drawn expression, we still felt youth to be incarnate in him. Nehru had a face with the light of the future on it. The great new ideas that have been springing up in our day and whose fulfilment is yet to come glowed in his eyes — and what else ever is it to be young? But we must emphasise that Nehru, no matter how westernised by his education at Harrow and Cambridge, was an Indian; ...

... some internal disturbance during the transitional period. SRI AUROBINDO: In the meantime there maybe a transition of his head from his shoulders. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: If Nehru says that, how can we blame Y? Nehru who is supposed to have international politics at his fingertips! SRI AUROBINDO: All the knowledge most Indian politicians have of the international situation is some illusions... to pass now as France is preoccupied. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but other goods that may help China to continue the struggle may go through if Japan is not watchful. NIRODBARAN: Have you read what Jawaharlal says? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, that he doesn't think there is the slightest likelihood of a major invasion of India. Only a minor invasion from Afghanistan and such places perhaps? NIRODBARAN: No ...

... all humility and understanding (I gathered so from a book on Kamaraj), smiled and entered the Play Ground and took his seat. It made a very interesting, if not prophetic, photo of the Mother, Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Kamaraj and the Consul General of Pondicherry — i.e. one Prime Minister, two future Prime Ministers, a Chief Minister and a Consul General — all lined up with... Some of them even could stroke his beard, and one young girl even wove his beard into plaits!! Once our first prime minister, Pandit Nehru came to visit the Ashram. In the evening he arrived at the Play Ground Gate with his retinue. Charu-da could recognise Nehru, his daughter Indira Gandhi, and make out that some others, Lal Bahadur Shastri and the Consul General, Kewal Singh were of the entourage ...

... young man 3 ; he went to England, and there he wrote a thesis on Sri Aurobindo's political life, Sri Aurobindo, Prophet of Indian Nationalism , with a preface by Jawaharlal Nehru. I read the preface, but afterwards, the day after I saw Nehru—it's awful! Understands nothing, he understands nothing, nothing, nothing, absolutely obtuse. It's very kind, but written by someone who understands nothing....... unfortunately—and most of them were released), they all said they had been admirably treated. I heard that from all quarters. And Nehru, you see (that's what Pavitra told me yesterday, he Page 174 went to the town hall to listen to Nehru's speech), Nehru is an out-and-out social democrat who believes that the ideal organization for mankind, instead of only an "elite" being able to progress... OUTWARDLY, there is nothing that can be done [to act on Nehru and the politicians]. It's only if you are sitting in your armchair, very quiet, that you can do something—provided not too many people are aware that you're doing something (!) So there you are. The other day, I had asked S.M. to come while Nehru was here (he is a friend of Nehru's and has his confidence), and S.M. did all the talking ...

... Lajpat Rai passes away a few weeks after having been assaulted by the police during a demonstration at Lahore. 1929,Dec. - The Lahore session of the Congress, presided over by Jawaharlal Nehru, adopts the goal of complete independence. 1930-1932 -Three Round Table Conferences with, in August 1932, the Communal Award which hardens divisions between Hindus and Muslims... Pakistan. 1947, Aug. 15 -India's Independence; Sri Aurobindo's 75 th birthday. 1947,October - Pakistan attacks Kashmir; the Indian army repels Pakistani troops, but Nehru calls a halt to the fighting and takes the dispute to the United Nations. 1948,Jan. 30 - Mahatma Gandhi is assassinated. 1950, October -China invades Tibet; India remains ...

... Muslim League, collapsed due to their mutual rivalry, it was Menon who put forward the formula used as the basis for India's constitutional independence. He proposed this formula to Mountbatten, Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel. It was the plan to partition India into two independent nations - India and Pakistan. Mountbatten trusted V. P; they worked closely. Soon after his arrival V. P. writes... However, on 10 May 1947 at Simla, Nehru rejected the plans proposed by Mountbatten and approved by the British Government for the transfer of power; it was then that V. P. Menon got into the act. It took Menon less than six hours to pen a new plan for partition, which ultimately became the basis of the creation of the two Dominions of India and Pakistan. Nehru accepted it within twenty-four hours... adviser and believed that all territorial issues and boundaries should be resolved before Independence to avoid instability and chaos after the handover. V. P. Menon raised this issue with Nehru in May 1947 and Nehru agreed. It is evident that Menon played a key role in the total absorption of the princely states into Page 113 India. Lord Mountbatten who was ably assisted by V ...

... s. This elitist body was made up of persons who were foreign-educated and western-oriented. And was that probably the reason why, speaking at the All India Congress Committee on Jul. 7, 1946, Jawaharlal Nehru had said: "I do think that some time or other in the future we may have to summon our own revolutionary Constituent Assembly"? However, it might be, it was on Nov. 26, 1949, that the... for the minorities to participate in the public life of their country, to hold political or other offices and to serve in their country's civil and armed forces. The Liaquat-Nehru Pact The Liaquat-Nehru Pact provided for a mechanism to deal with oppressive elements with an iron hand. Both the governments decided to set up minority commissions in their countries with the aim of observing... when it seemed that action was about to be taken, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan, rushed to Delhi. Arriving in the first week of April 1950, he concluded what came to be known as the Nehru-Liaquat Pact, under which equality of citizenship to Hindus and Muslims alike in both dominions was reaffirmed and various other protective measures such as the constitution of minority commissions ...

... Marxist-Muslim combine which had international support - ideological, political, and financial -, and which had crystallized inside the Indian National Congress under the leadership of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. With the coming of Independence in 1947, this combine received state patronage on a grand scale so that it came to control all institutions concerned with researching, writing, and reaching ...

... challenge Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's pronouncement some months ago on the essence and aim of art. and aim of art. I do not deny that the said artcritic's statement was lacking in clearness and completeness. Bur was he absolutely off the right line? Was the core of his contention really open to fatal attack? To understand that core we must look clearly at Nehru's own thought. Nehru seems to have... their existence. They would not be all in all. And to deem them not all in all is hardly to hold a brief for art for art's sake in a narrow barren sense. The art-critic who found fault with Nehru's doctrine and cited Tolstoy, Emerson, Ruskin and Morris on his own behalf sought to justify the artist's drawing inspiration from within himself, from his own profound emotions and personal ideals... knew anything about these writers at all he would scarcely try to defend his theory with the help of the greatest champions in the nineteenth century of the theory actually being put forward by Nehru! The names of Tolstoy, Emerson, Ruskin and Morris cannot be used for upholding entirely the Marxist view Page 46 of art. Surely, these men were purposeful and had the good ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolving India

... Conference in April 1906. "Sri Aurobindo stood out and drew the admiration of the young," wrote Jawaharlal Nehru, bringing to mind his boyhood days. "... The brilliant champion of Indian nationalism ... he shone like a brilliant meteor and created a powerful impression on the youth of India." Nehru's political rival Subhash Chandra Bose said much the same thing with more fervour. 1 "In my und ...

... × Indira was to and see Mother in October, 1969. Before coming to power, she had come once with her father, Jawaharlal Nehru, in September, 1955. ...

... one of the top five leaders of the Congress along with Jawaharlal Nehru, Rajendra Prasad, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. So close was he to Gandhi that later his daughter married into Gandhi's family. Rajagopalchari was thus related to Mahatma Gandhi - Rajmohan Gandhi is the grandson of both. Of the five leaders, Rajaji, Nehru and Patel were christened the 'head, heart and hands'... ideal. We are working in competition with other political parties.' He highlighted the limits of non-violence in conducting the affairs of men. This had made such a profound impression even on Jawaharlal Nehru who endorsed Rajaji'' stand stating, 'I agree with Rajaji in his understanding of violence and non-violence; else, we cannot function on the political plane'. Rajaji was able to win over the majority... closeness and quite ironically, all three of them were to have a tempestuous relationship, bound together only by their common goal and Gandhi's charm. However, they respected each other immensely. Nehru wrote about Rajaji in his autobiography: '[Rajaji's] brilliant intellect, selfless character, and penetrating powers of analysis have been a tremendous asset to our cause.' In 1937, ...

... ly westernised and completely insulated from India's ancient spiritual influences by the modem European outlook on life, as has happened — to give a typical contemporary example — with Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru. In other words, they may conclude, misled by our modem slogans, that the best minds among us may, like him, .achieve a lasting harmony only under the tutelage of the West. Such a view would be... is precisely why Pundit Jawaharlal finds Hindu culture so foreign even bizarre, and fails to understand the diverse ways in which its religious spirit has helped humanity, a failure which prompted Sri Aurobindo to write to me (commenting on a few excerpts I had sent him from Punditji's views on religion): "I do not take the same view of the Hindu religion as Jawaharlal. Religion is indeed always... superficially seen of course) of human existence, something which is not the monopoly of Hinduism but of which Hinduism is the noblest expression." Page 14 Lowes Dickinson and Pundit Nehru never felt this because neither could command "the right spirit". The reasons for this, however, would take me beyond the scope of my book. So to resume. Unlike the typical positivist mind just ...

... immediately successful." Page 350 Let us repeat for posterity. that Sri Aurobindo was the first Indian to declare Independence as India's aim. It was neither Mr. M. K. Gandhi nor Jawaharlal Nehru, as some people have begun to claim. For the record, it was again Sri Aurobindo who first set in motion the doctrine of passive resistance, or non-cooperation with the colonial Governement ...

... × Indian National Congress : the formative freedom organization against the British that became India's major political party under Jawaharlal Nehru after independence. ...

... of India, in which post he continued till the Republic was declared on January 26, 1950. The office was replaced by that of President, first held by Rajendra Prasad. Rajaji became a member of Jawaharlal Nehru's cabinet, first without portfolio, then, after Patel's death, as Home Minister. He was Chief Minister of Madras from 1952 to 1954. On leaving government, he was among the first recipients of the... ' asked someone. To which, Rajaji pointed out the difficulty in dislodging the League from its position, power and control over the vast masses of Muslims. When Nehru refuted his statement Rajaji challenged him to produce results. If Nehru could bring about a communal settlement, Rajaji said, he would go down on his knees before him. He said: 'The ghost of Pakistan is not going to kill you. I want... to a repudiation of the Congress discipline, he wired him: 'Relations cannot hinder from duty. Please wire explanation. Putting your case before next meeting.' Rajaji's action embittered Gandhiji, Nehru and Patel, and many other leaders. At the AICC session, he faced a storm of opposition from many quarters. When Azad pointed out that Rajaji ought to have consulted his national colleagues ...

... The agreement was that he would carry me piggyback half the way and I would carry him rest of the way. I would jump on to his back outside the Playground and get down only at the crossing of Jawaharlal Nehru Street and François Martin Street. Then I would try to pick him up. But he felt very embarrassed and pleaded not to be picked up. I think only once did I forcibly give him a lift — that too only ...

... e: Jawaharlal Nehru, the Indian prime minister, was angered because the French politician had gone first to meet Sri Aurobindo before coming to see him. 66 Another, little known event that would make Nehru suspicious of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram – and that may have contributed to the Mother not being awarded dual nationality – was his meeting with Dilip K. Roy. On 13 December 1952, Nehru had... steps to support a University of this type, about which we know nothing, except that it is a memorial to Sri Aurobindo, is obviously not desirable.’ 67 Etc. There is another memorandum by Jawaharlal Nehru, ‘State of Affairs at the Aurobindo Ashram,’ written on 22 December 1952, nine days later, and also addressed to the general secretary, M.E.A. ‘I had a visit from Shri Dilip Kumar Roy of Sri Aurobindo... Unusual meeting with Sri Aurobindo , in Mother India , December 1989. × Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru – External Affairs, p. 530. × Id., p. 531. ...

... be mentioned here : (1) Raja Rammohan Roy (2) Swami Dayanand Saraswati, (3) Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa, (4) The Theosophical Society, ( 5 ) Rabindranath Tagore, ( 6 ) Mahatma Gandhi, ( 7) Jawaharlal Nehru, (8) Sri Aurobindo. These great men have tried to live, according to their faith, the aspect of Indian culture which appeared to them the most important. An outline of the approach of each and... than the indirect, unsatisfactory and imperfect method of intellectual training. In the insistence on outer action the need for rising to a higher consciousness is often totally forgotten. Jawaharlal Nehru, our great Prime Minister, has certainly put an indelible stamp upon our country, perhaps unintentionally. I say ' perhaps ' because it may be equally true that he may have arrived at not a stable... ancient civilisation. "24 " There is need to emphasise this aspect of our culture, for, even though India is politically free the danger to her culture is, perhaps, greater than ever before. " Jawaharlal after signing the third five-year plan said; " It was a challenge to India -I believe in more than one sense - it is a challenge. At this critical time of history, India stands at the crossroads ...

... trifle irrelevantly (or irreverently) I cannot resist a small anecdote connected with her. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had come on a visit to Pondicherry and the Ashram. After he had gone I met my friend in the Dining Room and told her: "From the pavement outside my house I saw Nehru's car slowly pass and I had a very good look at him." She said: "I had much better luck. He was at the Samadhi ...

... December 1936 Jawaharlal Nehru I have just finished Jawaharlal's autobiography. I send you some citations which moved me deeply. I caught myself today praying for him that he may have peace. How I wish he could do yoga for a year at least, if only to realise the divine harmony within him—even in this age when times are so grievously "out of joint". I have not read Jawaharlal's book and know... Padmaja: she has too much of a delight in scandal-mongering of the worst kind; but I suppose she would not cite Jawaharlal as a witness if there were nothing in it. The question is: how much exaggeration? I am afraid it is not at all impossible that Subhas should say one thing to Jawaharlal and quite another to somebody else. Politics is like that, a dirty and corrupting business full of "policy", "strategy"... their reason as a lawyer to plead the vital's case. 30 January 1936 Sarojini Naidu's daughter Padmaja told me today that when Subhas issued his manifesto from Europe to the effect that he and Jawaharlal were great friends and at one on every point, he actually had been scheming from Europe to bring J. down in the public eye. I could not believe this, I told her point blank. She averred it was absolutely ...

... VI It was during 1955 that Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India, paid two visits to the Ashram and met the Mother. The first visit was on 16 January, not long after the integration of Pondicherry with India on 1 November 1954. At 11 a.m. when he arrived at the Ashram gate, he was given a guard of honour by members of J.S.A.S.A. 19 Nehru was received at the gate by Surendra Mohan... mobilised. On 29 September 1955, when he came on an official visit to Pondicherry, Nehru paid an unscheduled visit to the Playground. This time, there were with him his daughter, Indira Gandhi, and Lal Bahadur Shastri, both future Prime Ministers, as also Kamaraj, then Chief Minister of Madras. Although Nehru himself could afford only a few minutes, his daughter spent a longer time with the Mother... from Sri Aurobindo's poem "The Blue Bird": My pinions soar beyond Time and Space Into unfading Light; I bring the bliss of the Eternal's face And the boon of the Spirit's sight. 21 Nehru was all appreciation for the inspiration behind the model as well as its workmanship and finish. Then, after offering homage to Sri Aurobindo's Samadhi, he went up to the Mother and was with her for ...

... latter's effectiveness at certain junctures of the nationalist movement is one bringing a blend of the rationalistic mind which has had so much to say in the modem West. Its representative is Jawaharlal Nehru. It cuts the ethical completely off from the mystical. The third type is never without a religious bent, though the bent is towards serving God by serving men in a way the mind suggests rather ...

... certain amount of rivalry between the two Home Rule Leagues, which made each plough its lonely furrow. But before long they joined together in a gesture of reciprocity. Many others joined including Jawaharlal Nehru. Tilak's area of operation was mainly in Maharashtra and Karnataka, while Besant's was generally over the South and in some pockets of Bihar, Bengal, Gujarat and Sind. The objective of the movement ...

... × A politician, disciple of Sri Aurobindo and friend of Jawaharlal Nehru. × Nehru. × This is the text of Mother's reply ...

... ministry in Bengal in 1941. Became a Cabinet minister in Nehru Government in 1947 when India gained a fractured independence. He was also a member from Bengal of the Constituent Assembly. Following his bitter opposition to Nehru's Pakistan appeasement policy and the government turning a blind eye to the massacre of Hindus there, he resigned. Jawaharlal was afraid of this rival. He protested the Indian G... Charu Battacharya, aka Bengal, aka Motakaka. Later they became residents of the Ashram R.R. Diwarkar: Author of Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo. Minister of Information and Broadcasting under Nehru (1948-52) and then Governor of Bihar (1952-57). Maurice Magre (1877-1941): A French poet and intellectual came to the Ashram in 1933. His impressions are recorded in his book A la poursuite ...

... airport and Srinagar, we couldn't fly troops in. Everything was ready at the airport. As usual Nehru talked about the United Nations, Russia, Africa, God almighty, everybody, until Sardar Patel lost his temper. He said, 'Jawaharlal, do you want Kashmir, or do you want to give it away'. He (Nehru) said,' Of course, I want Kashmir (emphasis in original). Then he (Patel) said 'Please... up and take you there.' So I went home, shaved, dressed, etc. and Roy Bucher picked me up, and we went to the cabinet meeting. T he cabinet meeting was presided by Mountbatten. There was Jawaharlal Nehru, there was Sardar Patel, there was Sardar Baldev Singh. There were other ministers whom I did not know and did not want to know, because I had nothing to do with them. Sardar Baldev Singh I knew... Director General Page 209 are three Deputy Directors General (DDGs), one from each of Pakistan's military branches: Army, Navy, and Air Force. 13 Following India's independence, Jawaharlal Nehru, its rst Prime Minister, implemented a foreign policy of nonalignment, which afforded India the opportunity to actively engage both the United States and the Soviet Union. As India became more ...

... by simple logistics. However, there were some exceptions. We shall deal with them in the later part of the book. On Aug.15 1947 India got her independence. At the stroke of midnight, Jawaharlal Nehru made his famous speech. We quote from the speech: "Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very... and timely British withdrawal from India". He believed that with the withdrawal of the British, the danger of a Japanese invasion would disappear. At this time, differences emerged between Nehru and Gandhi. Nehru believed that India must fight with Britain against Fascism, while Gandhi felt that all ideas of cooperation or friendly understanding between Britain and India must end. On June 7, he wrote:... deadline of June 1948 be advanced to August 15, 1947. V.P. Menon proposed the TWO-DOMINION of INDIA and PAKISTAN plan that was accepted by Mountbatten and by Nehru on May 11, 1947. On June 2, 1947, the Menon-Mountbatten plan was accepted by Nehru, Kripalani and Patel on behalf of the Congress, by Baldeo Singh on behalf of the Sikhs, and by Jinnah on behalf of the Muslim League. The Status ...

... Have you read what Jawaharlal says? Yes, that he doesn't think there is the slightest likelihood _______________ * Not a "peace offer" but Petain's capitulation to Hitler. Page 228 of a major invasion of India. Only a minor invasion from Afghanistan and such places perhaps ?... If Nehru says like that, how can we blame [others]? Nehru who is supposed... the light of the world situation. The Congress Committee is now in session; will it realize the danger? (Another disciple:) I think it will. Page 227 Let us hope so. Nehru seems to shut his eyes and calls all these fears a bogey of foreign invasion. June 18, 1940 (A disciple:) Some people in India defend France's peace offer.* They say, "What can the ...

... to a split between the two trends in the Congress. Political moderation gradually died a natural death. In 1929, more than twenty years after Aurobindo defined swaraj as “full independence”, Jawaharlal Nehru declared “the word ‘swaraj’ in article 1 of the Congress Constitution shall mean Complete Independence”. Again eighteen years later the ideal was realized. The year 1908 would be a landmark ...

... and warm spirit of the Asian people. It is no doubt thanks to the continued efforts of Professor Sondhi and the untiring endeavours of Maharaja Yadavendra Singh, with the blessings of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, that the Asian Games Federation was finally formed and India, being the founder member of this body, was given the honour of organizing the first Asian Games. The Indian Olympic Association then... joyous spectators present at the National Stadium burst into applause and guns were fired from the Purana Quila. The flags of the eleven participating countries flew majestically around the stadium. Pt. Nehru gave a short crisp message on this occasion: "Play the game in the spirit of the game." A large number of balloons and pigeons were released in the stadium. After the inauguration, the Asian Games ... Japan emerged the top sporting nation with 24 gold medals, followed by India who won 16 golds. The closing ceremony was as grand as the opening one, and was on the Olympic pattern. Prime Minister Nehru took the salute. The participating nations marched past, but not in alphabetical order, thus indicating the friend ship developed among the competitors. After a brief closing speech by the Maharaja ...

... Pakistan's continued evasion and non-cooperation on the plebiscite, Dr. Graham asked for extra time on Oct. 15, 1951, and then on Jan. 17, 1952, he admitted failure! On Aug. 7, 1952, Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister, declared in the parliament of India: "Jammu and Kashmir's accession was complete in law and in fact... It is patent and no argument is required because the accession... determines the course of history, and that national security can be defended and protected only by that nation itself. This is as true today as it was in 1947. National security was given the go by when Nehru listened to Mountbatten rather than to Sardar Patel and ran to the UN to do his work for him while national integration was achieved and strengthened because Sardar Patel relied on nothing but his own... not forthwith cease to wage this terrorist war in J&K. Gandhi too is reported to have written to Atlee asking Britain to restrain Pakistan from embarking on this destructive path but Mountbatten and Nehru's arrogance changed India's course of history. Pakistan was created by the British not only as a puppet state of strategic geo-political importance in Asia to protect the West's interests in ...

... society of the future. Page 715 When the sad news came on 27 May that India's Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, had passed away, the Mother spontaneously issued this message: Nehru leaves his body but his soul is one with the Soul of India that lives for Eternity. 37 Nehru had paid his third and last visit to the Ashram on 13 June 1953 accompanied by Kamaraj and C. Subramaniam;... mood of relaxation During his visits Nehru had found the Centre of Education an imaginative pilot project in education, and had expressed the wish and hope that the Government of India should support the project. The community of sadhaks and children in the Ashram, the varied services and industrial establishments, and the Centre of Education always struck Nehru as symbolic of the march of India towards... towards the beckoning horizons of the future. And now, after his dedicated labours in the service of the nation spread over several decades, Nehru was with the ages; he was "one with the Soul of India that lives for Eternity". In the middle of June, Dr. Kishor Gandhi, received an inspiration to form an association of the Higher Course students of the Centre of Education with the purpose of "giving ...

... words should stand forth clearly. One may put emotion in, but not by blurring the words.)! once heard a passage from the book The Mother declaimed at the Playground by one of our boys when Jawaharlal Nehru had visited the Ashram. It was a powerful passage - 1 think about the action of Mahakali - but the declaimer was so carried away and spoke so vehemently with all his passion poured into the ...

... 1972, pp. 223-4. 5.M.R. Kale, The Raghuvamśa of Kālidāsa, MLBD, Delhi, p.vii. 6.As quoted in Raghuvamśam (ed.) H.K. Satapathy, Cuttack, 1988, Introduction. 7.As quoted in Jawaharlal Nehru, The Discovery of India Oxford University Press, 1989, pp. 159-160. 8.M.R. Kale, The Raghuvamśa of Kālidāsa, MLBD, Delhi, p. x. 9.Cf. H.K. Satapathy, A History of Sanskrit ...

... Subhash Bose and Jawaharlal Nehru.) I would certainly not hang anybody on the testimony of Padmaja; she has too much of a delight in scandal-mongering of the worst kind; but I suppose she would not cite Jawaharlal as a witness if there were nothing in it. The question is : how much exaggeration ? I am afraid it is not at all impossible that Subhash should say one thing to Jawaharlal and quite... there were two or three others—was always brief. Because I had something else to do this time, I suppose. September 1936 (Let us recall that Dilipda was well-acquainted with Jawaharlal Nehru from their college days in England. Halfway through, bowled over by Jawaharla's Autobiography, he wrote a letter to Sri Aurobindo. Here is Sri Aurobindo's reply.) ... game, is it." Besides Nehru won't come alone—he will have his retinue or his staff with him, I suppose. At least all Congress Presidents used to go about in that way in my time, Pondicherry besides is an unimportant place—they are not likely to let him tarry and dally here. October 6,1936 It seems to me that the safest would be for you to meet Jawaharlal outside. You can't very ...

... spiritual centre of the whole world. You have seen and you have heard about many great people, great by their actions, by their speeches, by their great movements all over the world - Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Dr. Radhakrishnan, Smt. Indira Gandhi, so on and so forth. They are all the time before your eyes, but there is another order of great men, who are not so much before your eyes and who live ...

... is right, the active loyalty and firm taking of sides is as right, and the two cannot be incompatible. 118 September 19, 1936 I do not take the same view of the Hindu religion as Jawaharlal [Nehru]. Religion is always imperfect because it is a mixture of man's spirituality with his end eavours that come in in trying to sublimate ignorantly his lower nature. Hindu religion appears to me... instrument for world ends,—behind Kemal and Lenin also; so that is not germane to the matter. * * * _______________ * This was also noted by many of those who approached Gandhi. Nehru, for instance, wrote: "I told him [Gandhi, in March, 1931] that his way of springing surprises upon us frightened me, there was something unknown about him which, in spite of the closest association ...

... During the Second World War, he advised all support to the Allies, and later, during the Cripps Mission, he advised acceptance of the British offer. The purblind Congress leaders— M.K. Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, A.K. Azad and the rest, though not Rajaji (C. Rajagopalachari)—rejected his advice, with the consequences (one of them being the Partition) that we all deplore.         Although he did ...

... On a Proposed Visit by Jawaharlal Nehru. 5 October 1936 . India's first Prime Minister (1947 - 64), Jawaharlal Nehru (1889 - 1964) was a leader of the Congress Party during the freedom movement, serving as its President four times. In 1936 Dilip Kumar Roy, a member of the Ashram who was acquainted with Nehru, proposed inviting Nehru to stay with him if and when Nehru came to Pondicherry. Sri Aurobindo... part of the sentence mentioning Prime Minister Nehru was omitted. The   Page 601 "Pakistan imbroglio" Sri Aurobindo referred to was the crisis created by attacks on Hindus in East Pakistan, retaliatory attacks in India, and the consequent movement of populations in both directions. For more on this crisis see the note to "On the Nehru-Liaquat Pact and After" in the next section... days later, the police searched the office of the Bande Mataram . It was evidently around this time that Sri Aurobindo wrote this note to Aswinicoomar. The originals of these two letters are in the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, Delhi (Banerji papers). To Dr. S. K. Mullick. 8 February 1908 . Dr. Sharat Kumar Mullick (1869/70 - 1923/4), a physician with an interest in nationalist politics ...

... got her freedom (the French left) and joined the Motherland. There were celebrations in the town. The Ashram too took part. A cultural programme was held behind the Dupleix statue (now, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s statue has displaced Dupleix). One of the items was a dance drama, “Mahisha-sura-Mardini”. Anu-ben was Durga, Togo her lion and the asura was who — but Kameshwar (I think he had on two horns) ...

... her cousin Chum and her elderly aunt, Minnie-di are the last three of one of the Ashram’s original families who still reside in the “Art House”, their large French-style colonial residence on Jawaharlal Nehru Street in Pondicherry. Jhumur graciously welcomed me into her home on each day of the interviews and her regal bearing and inner and outer beauty are indications of a life lived in pursuit of ...

... into the future” made him a good astrologer. His old notebook is full of astrological castings, his own and of each one of his family members. There is one even of our late Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. For some here in the Ashram he had foretold some events — eventually proven correct. (I think the late Khoda-bhai was one of them.) Pantulu himself faced danger often enough. As a PWD engineer ...

... Great Secret. 'The manifestation of a higher and truer consciousness, is not only possible but certain; it is the very aim of our existence, the purpose of life upon earth.' 1955 Jan 16 Jawaharlal Nehru's first visit to the Ashram. - Jul 27 At the Balcony, 'I give; each one exactly what he needs... I touch the physical directly through the sight....' In the Playground concentration 'I bring... something cohesive which can express collectively the Force from above. In the morning it is an individual work, in the evening... a collective work.' - Sep 29 Receives, at the Playground, Jawaharlal Nehru accompanied by Kamaraj Nadar, Lal Bahadur Sastri and Indira Gandhi. - Oct 21 'When I say "myself" people think of my body, and my body is not yet truly myself, it is not yet transformed ...

... best only on the defensive. While the British were intensely disliked as the colonial Power in India, a few felt that its substitution by Nazi Power would be immitigable Hell. Gandhiji, Jawaharlal Nehru and some of the other Congress leaders seem to have held this view, but they certainly lacked the vision and the bold statesmanship to declare unambiguously for the Allies and lend a helping ...

... January 1948, Gandhiji was struck down on his way to prayer. The Father of the Nation was no more. "The sun that warmed and brightened our lives has set, and we shiver in the cold and dark" - thus Jawaharlal Nehru feelingly expressed the pressure of agony in the country. Faith itself seemed for a while to cower before giant Despair, and almost ceased to be. Presently, however, there were signs of reviving... Prasad, said in the course of the statement that he issued: "India will worship and enshrine his memory and place him in the pantheon of its greatest seers and prophets." The Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, referred to Sri Aurobindo's "astonishing brilliance of mind" and described him as "one of the greatest minds of our generation". The news took Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's mind to the "very ... word, the draft sent by him to Nehru through Surendra Mohan Ghose.* The situation in India after the partition - the influx of refugees from Pakistan, the Kashmir imbroglio, subversion by the Communists - was hardly reassuring. Already people were getting a little disillusioned with the record of the Congress Governments in the States ,. and at the Centre. When Nehru was in Calcutta early in 1949 ...

... enjoy, even when they are a part of the larger Indian sub-continent, a degree of cultural and linguistic autonomy is a wise one. It reflects the enlightened international outlook of Jawaharlal Nehru. The same outlook that has led him to keep India within the Commonwealth without abrogating her independence has recognised the French cultural influence as an enriching value worthy to play ...

... and the drama written by the Mother Ascent to Truth (ii) Cosmic terrestrial aim of life Essay on Philosophy of Life in the Discovery of India by Jawaharlal Nehru Nehru (iii) Materialistic terrestrial aim of life A Free Man's Worship by Bertrand Russell (iv) Scientific terrestrial aim of life The World as I See It by Einstein... students, teachers and teacher educators, curriculum planners and textbooks writers. Some of publications are biographies of national leaders like Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose and Govind Ballabh Pant. Supplementary reading materials for school children titled Nai Nai Kahaniyan contains value-based stories. The NCERT has produced recorded ...

... On The Mother CHAPTER 7 Consecration I After the elections, from sometime in June, the Richards lived at 7, Rue Dupleix (now 3, Jawaharlal Nehru Street), a north-facing house not far from Sri Aurobindo's in Rue François Martin. In course of time there seems to have developed a certain rhythm in their meetings. Mirra would come to Sri Aurobindo ...

... perfectly well, and when she was pressed for a message, added: "Aspire for the Divine, work for the Divine." It was after their visits to the Ashram and witnessing spirituality in action that Jawaharlal Nehru and Vinoba Bhave began to stress in some of their speeches the importance of linking science with spirituality so as to serve as a proper basis for the civilisation of the future. Among other ...

... ‘But he is lost to us, Dilip, soaring in the cloudland of mysticism, he won’t return to lead the country again.’ 11 91 And in Peter Heehs’ biography we read: ‘Among the disillusioned was Jawaharlal Nehru, who wrote in 1962: “When Gandhiji started his non-cooperation movement and convulsed India, we expected Sri Aurobindo to emerge from his retirement and join the great struggle. We were disappointed ...

... fell asleep over its first two lines.’ Sri Aurobindo: ‘You call it a failure — when you have discovered a new soporific.’) And then to think that the Gaekwad of Baroda, Mohandas K. Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and so many others were of the opinion that Aurobindo Ghose had withdrawn in a mystical cloud-world. A mystic he was, Sri Aurobindo, and one of the highest order, but not of the nebulous, unearthly ...

... ill-equipped for high-altitude fighting and who had never imagined that the Chinese would invade their country. In the previous years Hindi-Chini bhai-bhai had been an oft shouted slogan, and Jawaharlal Nehru still lived in the Bandung euphoria where the ‘third world’ countries had looked like one close-knit fraternity. So deeply was he affected by his disillusionment that it undermined his health... prime minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri, and the Pakistani president, Muhammad Ayub Khan. Shastri died of a heart attack immediately after an agreement was reached. He was succeeded as prime minister by Nehru’s daughter, Indira Gandhi, who was to remain in contact with the Mother through the coming years. In October 1965 the comet Ikeda-Seki appeared in the sky. As Udar remembers: ‘On 29 October 1965 the ...

... DANCE AGAIN 19.A DAYS WAIT 20.AN ENCOUNTER WITH A MAN-EATER—Jim Corbett 21.GURU NANAK Page 502 22.PLANTS ALSO BREATHE AND FEEL 23.NEHRU'S WILL AND TESTAMENT 24.ANIMALS IN PRISON—Jawaharlal Nehru 25.SRI AUROBINDO GHOSH 26.KAZAKI- Prem Chand 27.NALA AND DAMAYANTI 28.THE BATTLE OF HALDIGHATI 29.THE NECKLACE 30.RAJA HARISHCHANDRA ... and now globalization and how they affect the family, its struc- 2 The note on Family Life has been contributed by prof. Karuna Chanana, Zakir Hussain centre for Educational studies, Jawaharlal Nehru university, New Delhi-110 016. Page 395 ture of relationships and the values of its members. The pertinent point is whether the family is able to withstand the onslaught of societal... Vice-Chancellor Karnataka University Pavate Nagar Dharwad-580003 Karnataka Page 413 Prof. D. L. Sharma Rector Jawaharlal Nehru University New Mehrauli Road New Delhi-110067 Shri Syed Shahid Mahdi Vice-Chancellor Jamia Millia Islamia Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025 Dr. Dilip K. Sinha ...

... Sri Aurobindo in the Alipore Bomb Case and remained a friend ever since. The gifted and ambitious Bose rose quickly to the top and became, in 1927, Joint General Secretary of the Congress with Jawaharlal Nehru. Bose became fascinated by the Fascist dictators and went to Europe to meet them personally. In 1938 he was elected national president of the Congress. He clashed, inevitably, with Mohandas ...

... Against this background, somewhat familiar to us, the gifted and ambitious Bose quickly rose to the top. He became mayor of Calcutta, and in 1927 general secretary of the Congress jointly with Jawaharlal Nehru. He was more than once put behind bars because of anti-British agitation. All the same, he obtained in 1937 from the British authorities permission to travel to Europe for medical treatment. There ...

... the Society was the Mother. × The Mother's Messages, issued upon the passing of Jawaharlal Nehru in May 1964 , was: "Nehru leaves his body but his soul is one with the Soul of India that lives for Eternity." × ... emergency has been declared by the Page 215 President of India. 3 The Government can take drastic action. Our people right from A down to X, Y and Z are speaking vehemently against Nehru and his Government at the gate, in the streets, in the Dining Room, etc. Some even go on involving your and Sri Aurobindo's name. This may invite unnecessary trouble for the Ashram. I bring it to your... can't make out any reason for their quarrel. Please help. It is the heat! My advice is cold shower. Blessings. 27 May 1964 Mother, I would like to give an editorial note about Nehru in the Hindi "Purodha". I have thought of giving your message, 8 followed by his Will where he speaks of his body becoming one with the soil of India. I would like Page 236 to finish ...

... was made in her case, and she was allowed to continue her work. During the war years, she gave courses in various parts of India and met many leaders of India, including Rabindranath Tagore and Jawaharlal Nehru. After the war, she went back to Europe. In 1949 she attended the International Montessori Congress at San Remo, the eighth congress of its kind since 1925. In the last years of her life ...

... than ten years. “The Congress ceased for a time to exist …” Eventually Moderatism died a natural death. In 1929, more than twenty years after Sri Aurobindo defined Swaraj as full independence, Jawaharlal Nehru declared that “the word ‘Swaraj’ in Article 1 of the Congress Constitution shall mean Complete Independence.” After another score of years, the ideal was realized.’ 48 The Extremists ...

... Sri Aurobindo did at Alipur, into a Temple of Sadhana; or, like Tilak at Mandalay, he finds fulfilment in the composition of a masterly commentary, the Gita Rahasya; or he opens himself, as Jawaharlal Nehru did in The Discovery of India, to the influence of the winding movement of his nation's unfolding history. Or, again, a poetaster-laureate writes a foolish panegyric on a dead King, and a ...

... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother The Mother with Jawaharlal Nehru, Kamaraj, Indira Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri at the playground of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry 5 The Mother Continues Sri Aurobindo's Work I am only realising what He has conceived. I am only the protagonist and the continuator of His work. This is what ...