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Pharaohs : literarily great house/ royal palace of ancient Egyptian kings, it began to be used as a title of respect & later added to the king’s personal name.

37 result/s found for Pharaohs

... by which Western historians set such store in determining our chronology. On the other hand, although the Exodus is such a watershed for the Israelites, the Egyptian records are innocent of it. Two Pharaohs are prominent in the context of the Exodus. The first is the "Pharaoh of the Oppression" under whom the Jews suffered; the other is the "Pharaoh of the Exodus". Albright conflates the two in Ramses... occurred in the reign of his successor Merneptah and the Jews wandered for 40 years en route the Promised Land, how could this Pharaoh defeat them in Palestine? Further, as the mummies of both Pharaohs have been found, how can either be the one who was drowned in the yam suf in the miraculous parting of the waters?   Sethna alone points out that nowhere does the Bible say that it was... II. Both are triumphal poems celebrating victories that is a form going back to the victory Stele of Tuthmosis II from Karnak, whose phrases Page 186 were re-used by many later Pharaohs like Amenophis III, Seti I, Ramses III. The songs, therefore, need not be forced into the 1300-1100 B.C. bracket but can easily be older, at least to the time of Tuthmosis II who is pre-1400 B.C. ...


... Mother, there is something. Oh!... Because I was wondering how they had restored the names of the pharaohs and gods. Naturally, more recent peoples have spoken about them, the Greeks mention them, the Phoenicians speak of them; they had phonetic writing. But earlier than that? The first pharaohs and all those names of the gods, who discovered these? According to tradition it is Champollion ...


... Lesseps had held on to his project through many ups and downs. Had he, perhaps, inherited Napoleon Bonaparte's dream? In 1798 Napoleon had discovered Page 22 the ancient canal of the Pharaohs, lost in the mists of time. Now it was 1869. How long dreams take to mature! So Mira Ismalun must have lent a very sympathetic ear to the sixty-four-year-old Ferdinand de Lesseps as he spoke to her... who had achieved a considerable inner power, or else members of the royal family, persons more or less initiated." In ancient Egypt, where occultism was highly developed, "exceptional beings such as pharaohs or high priests etc. were mummified, because they were greatly developed externally, that is to say, there was the beginning of a voluntary and conscious cellular grouping in them—which is why the ...

... of a free and self-centred Ireland has been reborn and the souls of Fitzgerald and Emmett are reincarnating. The idea of a free Egypt and the Pan-Islamic idea have joined hands in the land of the Pharaohs. The idea of a free and united India has been born and arrived at full stature in the land of the Rishis, and the spiritual force of a great civilisation of which the world has need, is gathering ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... as 'the King' and called 'Female Horus'. The word 'majesty' was put in feminine form for the first time. On solemn occasions she had to wear a pointed beard, the executive sign of royalty of the Pharaohs. Beautiful and talented, she became famous for her extensive building activities; an entirely new style of architecture was developed during her reign. The imposing rock temple of Hatshepsut, now ...


... very developed outwardly, there was a beginning of willed, conscious cellular gathering, and that's certainly why in ancient Egypt, where occultism was very developed. exceptional beings such as the pharaohs, the high priests, etc., were mummified, so as to preserve the form as long as possible. Even here in India, generally they were petrified (in the Himalayas there were petrifactive springs). There ...


... very interested in knowing about it. I tried to recall the memory of the elements that lived at that time, but ... Page 137 Yes, you say, "I wondered how they restored the names of the pharaohs and gods." Then you ask, "Is the Egyptians' language contemporary with the most ancient Sanskrit, or still more ancient? ... Or is there another human language older than the oldest Sanskrit?" You ...


... PACIFIC, the, 209 Paracelsus, 150 Paris, 373 Parthenon, 136 Patanjali, 315, 319 Pericles, 206-7, 239 Periclean Age, 206 Persia, 240 Pharaohs, the, 239 Phidias, 220 Phoenicia, 219 Pisa, 322 Pisacha, 201, 234 Planck, Max, 356 Plato, 1l7, 150, 211, 219, 326 Plotinus, 150, 361 ...

... 192 NAPOLEON, 116,209,406 OFFERTORY, the, 82 Olympians, 46, 253 PANDAVAS, the, 76 Pani, the, 164 Pantheon, 299 Paris, 242, 287, 356, 376 Pashu, the, 80 Petrarch, 209 Pharaohs, the, 200 Pishacha, the, 80,213 Plato, 34, 120, 134, 178 Plotinus, 34, 40 Pondicherry, 17 Pradyurnana,44,207 Prudhomme, Sully, 320 Puranas , the, 46 Pyramid, the, 200 ...

... subversion. Right down to the cells. The last sedition. And in order that the evolutionary endeavor may hold on to something "concrete" according to human norms, in the manner of the ancient Pharaohs, or perhaps the knights of the Middle Ages who had to go through a "test," those Aurovilians received as a first task to build a symbolic center around Sri Aurobindo's symbol, like an enormous lotus ...


... feet are strewn like flowers the images of the same stars that shone on the pride of Nahusha, the tapasya of Dhruv and the splendours of Yayati, that saw Tiglath-Pileser, Sennacherib and the Egyptian Pharaohs, Pompey's head hewn off on the sands of Egypt and Caesar bleeding at Pompey's sculptured feet, Napoleon's mighty legions thundering victorious at the bidding of that god of war on the field of Austerlitz ...


... I, married to her half-brother Tuthmosis II, and guardian of her young stepson-nephew Tuthmosis III, Hatshepsut somehow managed to defy tradition and establish herself on the divine throne of the pharaohs. From this time onwards Hatshepsut became the female embodiment of a male role, uniquely depicted both as a conventional woman and as a man, dressed in male clothing, carrying male accessories and ...

... III and IV and Amenophis HI, the term "Uinim" which, according to Curtius' History of Greece (Ward's translation, 1, p. 45), is the oldest form of "Ionia" is used for all foreign subjects of the Pharaohs. The implication here is not only that Uinim, occurring so much earlier than 708 B.C., covered non-Greeks but that it covered no Greeks at all. Lastly, there is the proof offered by Dr. I. ...


... and mother went to France just a year before she was born, a year only. And in Egypt, her family, it seems, belonged to a very ancient Egyptian family—perhaps even to a royal family of Egypt, the Pharaohs. So she is not European or French by blood, although she was brought up as if it were so. Strictly speaking, she would belong to the Middle East, that is to say, the portion joining the east of Europe ...

... in an apparently dying or dead nation, the soul that retired comes back again, not in its old form and mode of life—for that cannot be—Egypt, if it lives again today cannot repeat the ages of the Pharaohs and the Pyramids—but in a new personality, with a fresh life purpose. In such a case what happens is truly a national resurrection—-a Lazarus coming back to life at the touch of the Divine. ...

... the old teachings. In their nature as a matter of fact, the cells of the body are immortal. Science today has discovered that each living cell is potentially deathless (a corn-seed of the age of the Pharaohs, unearthed from pre-historic tombs, they have succeeded in sprouting today). It is their aggregate and their milieu that cause wear and tear in the cells, exposing them to decay and disintegration ...

... an apparently dying or dead nation, the soul that retired comes back' again, not in its old form and mode of life – for that cannot be – Egypt, if it lives again today cannot repeat the ages of the Pharaohs and the Pyramids-but in a new personality, with a fresh life purpose, In such a case what happens is truly a national resurrection – a Lazarus coming back to life at the touch of the Divine. We ...

... not today, is totally different from what she was in her Vedic epoch or even in her Harappa and Mohenjo-daro Page 238 days, in the sense that modern Egypt is not the Egypt of the Pharaohs, nor the Greece of Venizelos the Greece of Pericles. It is true there were periods of decline and almost total disintegration in India, but she survived and revived. And the revival did not ...

... nature as a matter of fact, the cells of Page 263 the body are immortal. Science today has discovered that each living cell is potentially deathless (a corn-seed of the age of the Pharaohs, unearthed from pre-historic tombs, they have succeeded in sprouting today). It is their aggregate and their milieu that cause wear and tear in the cells, exposing them to decay and disintegration ...

... 263, 269, 281-2, 293, 317, 333, 339, 341, 343, 360 – Prayers and Meditations, 224, 227-9, 231, 236, 247 NACHIKETAS, 340, 400 PARIS, 171, 173 Pashupati, 179 Pawamana Soma, 330 Pharaohs, the, 264 Pindar, 278n - Olympian Odes, 278n Plato, 201, 297 Poseidon, 383 Prahlad, 183 Pururavas, 390-1 RADHA, 134-5, 183, 297 Rakshasa, 250 Ramakrishna, 85n ...

... father, Maurice Alfassa, a Turkish banker and businessman, were both positivists and rationalists. Her mother's antecedents were aristocratic, perhaps with hoary connections with the House of the Pharaohs. In the course of a talk in 1956, she was to refer to a vision of hers which seemed to imply that in far distant times she had been an Egyptian princess: About two years ago, I had a vision ...


... Russia or China, as if the meaning of this difficult human journey were to develop bigger and bigger, more and more titled and imperious personalities—a world where nobody would ultimately be left but pharaohs and sultans, as if we were not already swamped with tyrants—or even to evolve ever more intelligent geniuses, super-Goethes or super-Beethovens—a world ultimately so overflowing with literature and ...

... invented this instrument, the mind, if only to reject it? True, she has rejected many things since the Pre-Cambrian era; she is a perfect iconoclast. The mind is the idolater, a perpetual idolater: pharaohs, totems, penicillin and equa­tions to the nth degree. Whether it idolizes materialism or God, we are not sure it makes any difference. The mind is the maker of ideas. Nature needs no ideas; she simply ...

... eight and continued playing imperturbably till She was eighty. Painting, however, seemed to be more important to her (She especially liked portraits; human faces were a far greater enigma to her than pharaohs or mathematics), and this is how She came to meet Henri Morisset, her future husband, a young student of Gustave Moreau and Rouault’s classmate, to whom She had been introduced by her amazing grandmother ...

... basked in the sun for ages, and their eyes were alive like the light in the depths of a well. They were walking in close procession, wheeling their burdens and their dreams, dressed in white like Pharaohs, or naked like the bronzes in their temples; they were going towards the port in an odour of incense-sticks and buffalo dung. It was in this age, or any other, under the curved flight of the great ...

... Aaron, 'Take your rod and cast it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a serpent.'" 10 So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did as the Lord commanded; Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. (Exodus 7:8-10) Perhaps one of the most famous demands in all history is the one Moses directs at Pharaoh: "Let my people go!" Three millennia later, this... And tell old Pharaoh, To let my people go!" God sends plagues* on the Egyptians to convince Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. At the same time God hardens Pharaoh's heart, even though there are plagues of frogs, lice, flies, locusts, death of livestock, boils, hail, and darkness. All the ten plagues are disastrous to the Egyptians but did not affect the Jews. Yet Pharaoh only becomes... population of these non-Egyptians was threatening. So, the Pharaoh of that time turned them into slaves. The oppression continued and even worsened when the Pharaoh declared that all male Hebrew infants were to be drowned in the Nile River. Exodus 1:22 Then Pharaoh commanded all his people, "Every son that is born to the Hebrews you shall cast into the Nile, but you shall let every daughter live." ...

... I relived a life in Egypt. It was ancient Egypt, I saw it from my costume, from the walls, from everything (I don't know if I have noted it there), anyway it wasn't modern. And I clearly was the Pharaoh's wife, or his sister (I don't remember now), and suddenly I said to myself, "This child is impossible! He keeps doing what he isn't supposed to do!" ( Mother laughs ) So I went out of my room, entered... is uttered very clearly, but when I got up (too abruptly), only the syllable 'tep' was retained by the memory of the waking consciousness. It was the tutor speaking to me about the child. I am the Pharaoh's wife or the high priestess of the temple, with full authority." That was my first memory on waking up. But he is Amenhotep. What's written there? It's a note on Amenhotep: "Amenhotep ...

... work! × Mother will see the child again four years later and will then discover in him an emanation of an ancient Pharaoh (See Agenda , May 10, 1967 ). ...

... the biblical narration about the Jews in Egypt: the Jews were not kept in bondage by the Egyptians, on the contrary the Jews did their usual subversive work in trying to overthrow the throne of the pharaoh. There is the assertion that it was the Christians, followers of Paul, the Jew of Tarsus, who undermined the Roman Empire and caused its downfall. (To Hitler – as to Wagner, Chamberlain, Rosenberg ...

... physically as brave as he, would not have let fall from their lips. This courage of the mind is known as moral courage. Such was the courage of Moses, the leader of Israel, who demanded from the Pharaoh of Egypt the freedom of the oppressed Jewish people. Such was the courage of Mohammed, the Prophet, who imparted his religious thought to the Arabs, and who refused to be silenced even though they ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... appreciable inner power or who were of royal birth, people more or less initiated. There is a mummy which has been the cause of a large number of catastrophes; she was a princess, daughter of a Pharaoh, and secretly at the head of a college of initiation at Thebes. Well, men are like that.... Page 197 ...

... overnight. He never missed it, noted D. K. Roy. Reportedly there were two other objects of daily use at Baroda. One was Cuticura soap —"he did not use any other variety." The other was 'Cigars of the Pharaoh.' As a student in England Sri Aurobindo had picked up the habit of smoking, and he had become a heavy smoker. Always to be found on his table was a box of Egyptian cigars. If that brand was not available ...

... Museum in Paris, Neolithic dugouts found along the banks of the Seine are exposed. One of them was consolidated by radiation, so there is no more risk of it falling to dust. The mummy of a great pharaoh travelled from Cairo to Paris. Before returning to its country it was radiated by gamma rays in Page 86 order to destroy all the micro-organisms which were devouring it. The paintings ...

... rather the symbol of the whole evolution from subconscient to the superconscient Light. He further asks whether the Pyramids are "vast and vain monuments" or are they reared merely to hold one Pharaoh's mummified flesh? It is usually supposed by occultists to be a symbolic-scientific monument in which were performed some secret Egyptian Mysteries. Two doses of Santonin will have no harmful ...

... that they would again be together with her on Earth at the decisive time. (The Mother herself has said that she had been, among others, Queen Hatshepsut and Queen Tiy, the mother of the revolutionary pharaoh Akhenaton.) ‘There is a certain number to whom I have given the promise, not all in the same period, in different periods.’ 20 Another verified case 91 is that of Nata, an Italian sadhak ...

... fix the Life Divine upon the Earth. The reader is familiar with the incredible adventure of the founding and fast execution of the Sun City of Akhetaton, some three and a half millennia ago, by the pharaoh Akhenaton under the impulse of his mother, Queen Tiy, who was an incarnation of the Mother. The Mother is reported to have said that, although the Earth was not ready for the supramental transformation ...

... and rises from center to center "like a serpent" to blossom at the top of the head in the Superconscient. (This seems to be also the significance of the uraeus, the Egyptian naja that adorned the Pharaoh's headdress; the Mexican quetzalcoatl, or plumed serpent; and perhaps the naga snakes overhanging Buddha's head.) The detailed features of these centers are of interest only to professional clairvoyants; ...