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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [3]
Essays on the Gita [2]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [1]
In the Mother's Light [1]
India's Rebirth [1]
Isha Upanishad [4]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
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Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
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Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [2]
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Record of Yoga [1]
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Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [2]
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Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Destiny of the Body [2]
The Life Divine [7]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [2]
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The Practice of the Integral Yoga [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [11]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
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English [95]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Beyond Man [2]
Chaitanya and Mira [1]
Collected Plays and Stories [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [3]
Essays on the Gita [2]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [1]
In the Mother's Light [1]
India's Rebirth [1]
Isha Upanishad [4]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Lights on Yoga [1]
Maude Smith's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
On The Mother [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [2]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Record of Yoga [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [2]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Destiny of the Body [2]
The Life Divine [7]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [2]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [11]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Words of the Mother - II [1]
Work - an offering [1]
95 result/s found for Play of the Divine

... Its relations of knowledge will be the play of the divine omniscience, for God is Knowledge, and what is ignorance with us will be there only the holding back of knowledge in the repose of conscious self-awareness so that certain forms of that self-awareness may be brought forward into activity of Light. Its relations of will will be there the play of the divine omnipotence, for God is Force, Will and... of will in tranquil concentrated force so that certain forms of divine conscious-force may realise themselves brought forward into form of Power. Its relations of love and delight will be the play of the divine ecstasy, for God is Love and Delight, and what with us would be denial of love and delight will be the holding back of joy in the still sea of Bliss so that certain forms of divine union and ...


... Its relations of knowledge will be the play of the divine omniscience, for God is Knowledge, and what is ignorance with us will be there only the holding back of knowledge in the repose of conscious self-awareness so that certain forms of that self-awareness may be brought forward into activity of Light. Its relations of will will be there the play of the divine omnipotence, for God is Force, Will and... Nature? What would be its consciousness, living in the original Truth of things, in the inalienable unity, in the world of its own infinite being, like the Divine Existence itself, but able by the play of the Divine Maya and by the distinction of the comprehending and apprehending Truth-Consciousness to enjoy also difference from God at the same time as unity with Him and to embrace difference and yet oneness... of will in tranquil concentrated force so that certain forms of divine conscious-force may realise themselves brought forward into form of Power. Its relations of love and delight will be the play of the divine ecstasy, for God is Love and Delight, and what with us would be denial of love and delight will be the holding back of joy in the still sea of Bliss so that certain forms of divine union and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... members, so that our mental, vital, physical existence shall become full of the divine nature. Our intelligent mentality is to become a play of the divine knowledge-will, our mental soul-life a play of the divine love and delight, our vitality a play of the divine life, our physical being a mould of the divine substance. This God-action in us is to be realised by an opening of ourselves to the divine ...


... love, compassion and good. But there is the wider self-consecration, proper to any integral Yoga, which, Page 573 accepting the fullness of life and the world in its entirety as the play of the Divine, offers up the whole being into his possession; it is a holding of all one is and has as belonging to him only and not to ourselves and a doing of all works as an offering to him. By this comes... universal love; all existence becomes a radiation of its delight and even in its very appearances is transformed into something other than its outward appearance. The world itself is experienced as a play of the divine Delight, a Lila, and that in which the world loses itself is the heaven of beatitude of the eternal union. Page 576 × ...


... the divine nature of love, compassion and good. But there is the wider self-consecration, proper to any integral Yoga, which, accepting the fullness of life and the world in its entirety as the play of the Divine, offers up the whole being into his possession; it is a holding of all one is and has as belonging to him only and not to ourselves and a doing of all works as an offering to him. By this comes... universal love; all existence becomes a radiation of its delight and even in its very appearances is transformed into something other than its outward appearance. The world itself is experienced as a play of the divine Delight, a Lila, and that in which the world loses itself is the heaven of beatitude of the eternal union. The Mystery of Love The adoration of the impersonal Divine would not ...


... his personality, his svadharma , but Page 141 in life, in action, not outside life and action. Yes, there is a truth in that, replies the Gita; the fulfilment of God in man, the play of the Divine in life is part of the ideal perfection. But if you seek it only in the external, in life, in the principle of action, you will never find it; for you will then not only act according to your ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Sri Aurobindo writes: "You will know and see and feel that you are a person and power formed by her out of herself, put out from her for the play..." What play? The universe is called the play of the Divine! Why? Why? That's a way of speaking! You feel that it is not an amusing game? There are many who don't ( laughter ), who find that the play is not amusing. But still, it's a way of speaking ...


... Page 59 Divine Power or Presence in the 'sahasradala' (seventh centre). laya: Dissolution of the individual being, merging in theone Self-Existence. līl ā (Lila): Play (of the Divine). manipura: See cakra. mantra: Set words or sounds having a spiritual significance and power. moksa (Moksha): Spiritual liberation from the sense ofpersonal being; release ...


... into the universal movement something that you can call from a certain point of view its own deformation or from another its own quality of the movement. These individual motions are part of the play of the Divine movement; they are not themselves origins, they are a transformation of things whose origin you must seek in the universe as a whole. The sense of separation is spread everywhere, but it is ...


... Sri Aurobindo The ideal Sadhaka The ideal Sadhaka in this kind is one who if required to live poorly can so live and no sense of want will affect him or interfere with the full inner play of the divine consciousness, and if he is required to live richly, can so live and never for a moment fall into desire or attachment to his wealth or to the things that he uses or servitude to self-indulgence ...


... difference between the central being supporting the manifestation from above and the same being supporting the manifestation from within it, because the psychic being has become fully aware of the play of the Divine through it. What is called merging takes place in the Divine Consciousness when the Jivatman feels itself so one with the Divine that there is nothing else. Page 450 Terms in The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... and the many Persons, and both between the One and the Many and among the Many themselves there is the possibility of an infinite variety of relations. These relations are determined by the play of the divine existence, the Lord, entering into His manifested habitations. They exist at first as conscious relations between individual souls; they are then taken up by them and used as a means of entering ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... index of some imperfection or bondage. The ideal Sadhaka in this kind is one who if required to live poorly can so live and no sense of want will affect him or interfere with the full inner play of the divine consciousness, and if he is required to live richly, can so live and never for a moment fall into desire or attachment to his wealth or to the things that he uses or servitude to self-indulgence ...

... individual has nothing further to gain, no desire to fulfil; he has become a portion of the impersonality or the universal personality of the Eternal. No other object than the manifestation and play of the Divine Spirit in life and the maintenance and conduct of the world in its march towards the divine goal can move him to action. Mental ideas, opinions, constructions are his no more; for his mind has ...


... it a place of ordeal, a field of development or a scene of spiritual fall and exile. There is too an Indian view which regards the world as a garden of the Page 699 divine Lila, a play of the divine Being with the conditions of cosmic existence in this world of an inferior Nature; the soul of man takes part in the Lila through a protracted series of births, but it is destined to reascend ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... terms of our all-dividing mental logic that the necessity for mutually destructive schools of philosophy arises. Thus, emphasising the sole truth of the unitarian consciousness, we observe the play of the divine unity, erroneously rendered by our mentality into the terms of real difference, but, not satisfied with correcting this error of the mind by the truth of a higher principle, we assert that the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... difficult and complex to our mental conceptions and the effort of our limited intelligence to understand what is beyond it. In the free infinity of the self-delight of Sachchidananda there is a play of the divine Child, a rāsa līlā of the infinite Lover and its mystic soul-symbols repeat themselves in characters of beauty and movements and harmonies of delight in a timeless forever. Page 510 ...


... individual self while participating in the bliss and infinity of the universal Self. Or we may possess them both as a greater and lesser self, one we feel pouring itself out in the universal play of the divine consciousness and force, the other in the action of the same universal Being through our individual soul-centre or soul-form for the purposes of an individual play of mind, life and body. But ...


... and Page 351 satisfactions, the human body too clumsy and hampering a machine. There is here no freedom, no large and infinite room, no willing and happy plasticity for the greater play of the Divine in Nature. A certain half-seeing and imperfect subordination of the personal will to an ill-understood greater Will and Power, a stumbling and occasional intuition or at best a brilliant lig ...


... play, accepts it without fear or reserve, gives itself up in a spiritual purity to the Divine, allows the careful and troubled force of man to be freed from care and grief and become the joyous play of the divine Will, his relative and stumbling reason to be replaced by that divine knowledge which to the Greek, the Page 253 rational man, is foolishness, and the laborious pleasure-seeking of ...


... is to enter the realm of higher consciousness. Sri Aurobindo chanting vedic hymns perhaps symbolises that one has to go beyond the mind and experience directly the various forces or the free play of the Divine. Initially, these are experienced as individual domains of consciousness (the 'halls') and the psychic/inner being keeps pushing one to go ahead all the time, not to rest or be content in a ...


... Ignorance. Sorrow and struggle are a necessary consequence of the plunge into the Inconscience and the evolutionary emergence out of it. The explanation is that it had an object, the eventual play of the Divine Consciousness and Ananda not in its original transcendence but under conditions for which the plunge into the Inconscience was necessary.’ 40 O mortal who complainst of death and fate ...


... AVATARHOOD") Page 193 NOTES BY THE AUTHOR Page 9. I have been forced to introduce the Indian word, lila, (here as well as later, again and again) meaning the cosmic play of the Divine. The great Irish Poet A.E. had to introduce in his Yogic poems a number of such words because — to quote from a letter he wrote to me years ago: "English is a great language but it has very ...


... to the spiritual life and compelled them to become the means for a richer spiritual conquest so that the seeker could be enabled to embrace the whole of Life in the divine scope of the cosmic play of the Divine. In some directions it is more immediately rich and fruitful, for it brings forward into the foreground along with the divine knowledge, divine works an enriched devotion of divine Love, the ...


... tasthuh krnvānāso amrtatvāya gātum; mahnā mahadbhih prthivī vi tasthe mātā putrair aditih dhāyse veh. Page 47 seeker to embrace whole of Life in his divine scope as the cosmic Play of the Divine. In other words, it grasps that idea of the divine perfectibility of man, which was possessed by the Vedic Rshis. V In the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo a new dimension is ...

... divine Aditi of the Veda. The Tantric Yoga has developed methods for a richer spiritual conquest that would enable the seeker to embrace the whole of Life in his divine scope as the cosmic Play of the Divine. In other words, it grasps that idea of the divine perfectibility of man, which was possessed by the Vedic Rishis. V In the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo a new dimension is added ...

... become a lump of sugar but taste it instead. The aim of his dynamic personality Page 228 was to purify and transform the egoistic 'I' into the real ‘I’, and take part in the play of the Divine Mother in her creation. The future spiritual realisation will follow this line of development; all efforts will seek to make this great realisation still more manifest, widely established ...

... siddhi within a given time have once more proved to be falsehoods. On the other hand the theory of the Yoga has been proved. The perfectibility of the human being, trikaldrishti, Power, the play of the Divine Force in the individual, the existence of the other worlds, & of extra-mental influences, even the possibility of the physical siddhis are established facts—vijnana, the Vedic psychology, the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... play, accepts it without fear or reserve, gives itself up in a spiritual purity to the Divine, allows the careful and troubled force of man to be freed from care and grief and become the joyous play of the divine Will, his relative and stumbling reason to be replaced by that divine knowledge which to the Greek, the rational man, is foolishness and the laborious pleasure-seeking of the bound mentality ...

... Ignorance. Sorrow and struggle are a necessary consequence of the plunge into the Inconscience and the evolutionary emergence out of it. The explanation is that it had an object, the eventual play of the Divine Consciousness and Ananda not in its initial transcendence but under conditions for which the plunge into the Inconscience was necessary. It is fundamentally a cosmic problem and can be understood ...

... se image for the world-force extending itself in the course of the universe and this expresses the attitude of the witness seeing it all and observing in its unfolding the unrolling of the play of the Divine Lila [play]. It is this attitude that gives the greatest calm, peace, samat ā [equanimity] in face of the riddle of the cosmic workings. It is not meant that action and movement are not ...

... quotation than the following from Sri Aurobindo: "The ideal sadhaka in this kind is one who if required to Uve poorly can so live and no sense of want will affect him or interfere with the full inner play of the divine consciousness, Page 218 and if he is required to live richly, can so live and never for a moment fall into desire or attachment to his wealth or to the things that he uses or ...


... to be understood by the deepest heart and not by the superficial mind - the deepest heart which instinctively knows the Divine's wonderful way with the soul. In the ras lila, the traditional play of the Divine with the human, every Gopi felt that Krishna was all hers and that she was the whole world to him and that he gave her a supreme value. The Lord, we are told, multiplied himself innumerably in ...


... The point of this departure is the realisation of the supreme Self not only in one's own being but in all beings and, finally, the realisation of even the phenomenal aspects of the world as a play of the divine consciousness and not something entirely alien to its true nature. And on the basis of this realisation a yet further enlargement is possible, the conversion of all forms of knowledge, however ...


... Ignorance; sorrow and struggle are a necessary consequence of the plunge into the Inconscience and the evolutionary emergence out of it. The explanation is that it had an object, the eventual play of the Divine Consciousness and Ananda not in its original transcendence but under conditions for which the plunge into the Inconscience was necessary. It is fundamentally a cosmic problem and can be understood ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Person or Purusha will be to him the One in many forms or rather in many aspects and poises, Brahman acting upon Brahman, one Page 366 Nara-Narayana 3 everywhere. In that larger play of the Divine the joy of the relations of divine love also is possible without the lapse into the ego-sense,—just as the supreme state of human love likewise is described as the unity of one soul in two bodies ...


... life-force which now supports mind and body and becomes a figure of the all-blissful conscious-force of Sachchidananda. We have similarly to change our sensational and emotional mentality into a play of the divine Love and universal Delight; and we have to surcharge the intellect which seeks to know and will in us with the light of the divine Knowledge-Will until it is transformed into a figure of that ...


... a making, but a becoming in terms and forms of conscious existence. In the becoming each individual is Brahman variously represented and entering into various relations with Itself in the play of the divine consciousness; in being, each individual is all Brahman. Brahman as the Absolute or the Universal has the power of standing back from Itself in the relativity. It conceives, by a subordinate ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... nese image for the world-force extending itself in the course of the universe and this expresses the attitude of the Witness seeing it all and observing in its unfolding the unrolling of the play of the Divine, Lila. It is this attitude that gives the greatest calm, peace, samata in face of the riddle of the cosmic workings. It is not meant that action and movement are not accepted but they are accepted ...


... Mother to be touched by 300 people with various things in their vitals and physicals. Perhaps above the Overmind one feels all as the Divine, so the touch and all else is taken delight in as a play of the Divine behind all. Yet her body must be feeling a little uneasy at these touches. Not uneasy; but it is not easy to absorb and deal with all that when the number is so many and so much is foreign ...

... individual has nothing further to gain, no desire to fulfil; he has become a portion of the impersonality or the universal personality of the Eternal. No other object than the manifestation and play of the Divine Spirit in life and the maintenance and conduct of the world in its march towards the divine goal can move him to action. Mental ideas, opinions, constructions are his no more; for his mind ...

... human mentality lays an exclusive emphasis on one side of spiritual experience. As Sri Aurobindo explains: "Thus, emphasising the sole truth of the unitarian consciousness, we observe the play of the divine unity, erroneously rendered by our mentality into the terms of real difference, but, not satisfied with correcting this error of the mind by the truth of a higher principle, we assert that the ...


... terms of our all-dividing mental logic that the necessity for mutually destructive schools of philosophy arises. Thus, emphasising the sole truth of the unitarian consciousness, we observe the play of the divine unity, erroneously rendered by our mentality into the terms of real difference, but, not satisfied with correcting this error of the mind by the truth of a higher principle, we assert that the ...


... terms of our all-dividing mental logic that the necessity for mutually destructive schools of philosophy arises. Thus, emphasising the sole truth of the unitarian consciousness, -we observe the play of the divine unity, erroneously rendered by our mentality into the terms of real difference, but, not satisfied with correcting this error of the mind by the truth of a higher principle, we assert that the ...

... Ignorance. Sorrow and struggle are a necessary consequence of the plunge into the Inconscience and the evolutionary emergence out of it. The explanation is that it had an object, the eventual play of the Divine Consciousness and Ananda not in its original transcendence but under conditions for which the plunge into the Inconscience was necessary. It is fundamentally a cosmic problem and can be understood ...

... darkest nights that prepare the greatest dawns and it is so because it is into the deepest inconscience of material life that we have to bring, not an intermediate glimmer, but the full play of the divine Light. (Letters on Yoga, p. 35.) Page 102 ...

... therefore, is to find out how to create or make emerge the Unity and Infinity and Delight which are behind this world of clash. It is there above,—the play of the Truth, play of Omnipresent Reality, play of the Divine, play of Reality, play of Satchidananda. The problem is to find out whether there is a play of unity behind apparent clash, division, and duality which you find rampant in the Page 206 ...


... Divine have undertaken this perilous adventure,—this loss of self-knowledge, consciousness and perfection? It could only be to bring into existence a world of multiple relationship in which the play of the divine Delight—when it succeeds in its aim—would create here, in the conditions of the Inconscient, a world of Harmony and Light. An analogy, perhaps, may help us to grasp the idea. Imagine a ...


... certain extent on the outer nature; there is a reproduction or radiation of the inner peace and purity and joyous freedom and, subject to certain conditions, a more or less conscious and direct play of the divine Force in the natural personality which undergoes, in consequence, a remarkable heightening and acquires a new and infinitely more perfect an potent dynamism. But great as these states are and ...


... will come out of the avenues of the world, radiating its light in all directions. Satya Yuga the Age of Truth will descend upon earth; the world of mortal man will become the field for the play of the Divine, the temple-city of God, the metropolis of Ananda. 28 V Sri Aurobindo came out of prison on 6 May 1909 and launched the Karmayogin on 19 June. Clearly, he didn't allow the ...

... of some real value and not merely a record of mistakes and overstatements." Because "the theory of the Yoga has been proved. The perfectibility of the human being, trikdldrishti, Power, the play of the Divine Force in the individual, the existence of the other worlds, & of extra-mental influences, even the possibility of the physical siddhis are established facts— vijnana [supramental knowledge] ...

... too strong a feeling that painting is play, and play should be done only when work is finished—and with me work is never finished! What shall I do? Never exert yourself and never hurry. Do what can be done in the time you have but without strain—in a quiet flow of peace. All work must be play, but a Divine play played for the Divine, with the Divine. Love 22 June 1963 ...

... collectively, it is always better to insist, in our thoughts, feelings and actions, on the points of agreement rather than on the, points of divergence. All work must be play, but a divine play, played for the Divine, with the Divine. Indeed, all life is love if we know how to live it. The Grace and the help are always there for all who aspire for them and their power is limitless when received... for the Divine conquer in you all desires and all difficulties. Never grumble, all sorts of forces enter you when you grumble and they pull you down. Suffering is not at all obligatory, nor is it even desirable, but when it comes to us, how helpful it can be. Let your life be a constant search for the Truth and it will be worth living. Anxiety is a lack of confidence in the Divine's Grace ...

... Page 325 With a quiet mind and a peaceful heart, let us do the work happily. 16 May 1954 All work must be play, but a divine play, played for the Divine, with the Divine. To work for the Divine is very good, it is a delight. But to work with the Divine is a felicity infinitely deeper and sweeter still. 12 July 1957 There is no existence without labour—if you want... surely useful and which is extremely dangerous, counting on the divine protection to save us from all possible consequences, this is a movement which is like a challenge to the Divine, and the Divine will never accept it. When action is initiated by the Divine Will, it is pure. If in all sincerity one acts only to express the Divine Will, all actions without exception can become unselfish.... keeps faith alive, even failure can become a short-cut for reaching the Divine. Page 324 It is true that the divine protection is always around us, but it fully works only when we are faced by dangers which were unavoidable; that is to say, if dangers suddenly rise on the way when we are doing some work for the Divine, then the protection works at its best. But to take up some work which ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... psychic being or soul of a nation is indeed conscious; it knows its raison d'etre, its life purpose, its destiny, the role it has to play in the divine scheme as the divine instrument. And its will—for it has a will, the expression of its consciousness, the Divine's impulse in and through it—is inevitable, sooner or later it will fulfil itself. Even Page 56 like the soul of a man, the... NATION A nation is a living personality; it has a soul, even like a human individual. The soul of a nation is also a psychic being, that is to say, a conscious being, a formation out of the Divine Consciousness and in direct contact with it, a power and aspect of Mahashakti. A nation is not merely the sum total of the individuals that compose it, but a collective personality of which the individuals... of the Pharaohs and the Pyramids—but in a new personality, with a fresh life purpose. In such a case what happens is truly a national resurrection—-a Lazarus coming back to life at the touch of the Divine. We do not believe that India was ever completely dead or hopelessly moribund: her soul, although not always in front, was ever present as a living force, presiding over and guiding her destiny ...

... psychic being or soul of a nation is indeed conscious; it knows its raison d'être, its life purpose, its destiny, the role it has to play in the divine scheme as the divine instrument. And its will – for it has a will, the expression of its consciousness, the Divine's impulse in and through it – is inevitable, sooner or later it will fulfil itself. Even like the soul of a man, the nation's soul is behind... Nation A NATION is a living personality; it has a soul, even like a human individual. The soul of a nation is also a psychic being, that is to say, a conscious being, a formation out of the Divine Consciousness and in direct contact with it, a power and aspect of Mahashakti. A nation is not merely the sum total of the individuals that compose it, but a collective personality of which the individuals... of the Pharaohs and the Pyramids-but in a new personality, with a fresh life purpose, In such a case what happens is truly a national resurrection – a Lazarus coming back to life at the touch of the Divine. We do not believe that India was ever completely dead or hopelessly moribund: her soul, although not always in front, was ever present as a living force, presiding over and guiding her destiny ...

... descended into the world-play from the divine Ananda; his flute is the music of the call which seeks to transform the lower ignorant play of mortal life and bring into it and establish in its place the lila of his divine Ananda. It was the psychic being in you that heard the call and followed after it. Page 156 It is, I suppose, the image of Sri Krishna as Lord of the divine Love and Ananda—and... Ananda—and his flute calls the physical being to awake out of the attachments of the physical world and turn to that Love and Ananda. Krishna with Radha is the symbol of the Divine Love. The flute is the call of the Divine Love; the peacock is victory. The green circular disc you saw round Venus must indeed have been the aura of Venus which is of that colour; but this was only an introduction... lion with Durga on it is the symbol of the Divine Consciousness acting through a divinised physical-vital and vital-material force. The lion is the attribute of the Goddess Durga, the conquering and protecting aspect of the Universal Mother. The Death's Head is the symbol of the Asura (the adversary of the gods) vanquished and killed by the Divine Power. Ganesh It is according to the ...


... evolution is a process by which the multiplicity of the soul-truths inherent in the Spirit shape various series of formulations on earth for the gradual revelation of their own shades of divine diversity at play in the divine unity. This, again, means that each soul-truth gathers and assimilates through these formulations or rebirths a certain growing experience which helps it to express its diversity on... at bottom a supreme Spirit conceptively self-extended as the basis and substance of all cosmic existence, a Spirit of which the implicit diversity is necessarily of living soul-truths enjoying a play of divine consciousness, force and bliss, and which guides overtly or covertly a phenomenal mould of itself which starts with a complete involution of all its powers in order that they may be progressively... Unity in Diversity — from Kapila down to Carnap, that is the most comprehensive concept possible to man when he turns a searching eye upon the gigantic enigma presented by the cosmos in which he plays so striking a part. There have been uncompromising monists of stark, immutable, homogeneous Being who have looked upon all diversity as an inscrutable phantasmagoria, and on the other hand implacable ...


... suggestive of modern thinkers, as is Heraclitus among the early Greeks, founded his whole philosophical thought on this conception of existence as a vast Will-to-become and of the world as a play of Force; divine Power was to him the creative Word, the beginning of all things and that to which life aspires. But he affirms Becoming only and excludes Being from his view of things; hence his philosophy... vyavahāra ? Has individual man, for instance,—the question which concerns us most nearly,—an essential and immortal existence of his own or is he simply a phenomenal and transient result in the evolution or play of some one original principle, Matter, Mind, Spirit, which is the only real reality of existence? Does unity exist at all and, if so, is it a unity of sum or of primordial principle, a result or an... which the One was born by the vastness of His energy; but it is clear from the language of the hymn that no physical ocean is meant, but rather the unformed chaos of inconscient being in which the Divine, the Godhead lay concealed in a darkness enveloped by greater darkness. The seven active principles of existence are similarly spoken of as rivers or waters; we hear of the seven rivers, the great ...


... the power of formation but the condition for the Infinite's free play of formation. The Divine is formless but by that very reason capable of manifesting all possible shapes of being. (Adaptation of page 337 of The Life Divine.) As Sri Aurobindo has so trenchantly put it in his Essays Page 84 Divine and Human: "Nothing can arise from Nothing. Asat, Nothingness... The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri 9. Vision of the Supreme Form: A very difficult question confronts us: Whether the Divine has an original supraphysical Form and power of form from which all other forms proceed, or is eternally formless. The normal conception of the Infinite Being is formlessness but can he not be at once form and... of the Ultimate Form, and its spiritual aftermath. Aswapathy's soul was passing on "towards the end which ever begins again" (295); it was approaching "to the source of all things human and divine". Far beyond the zone of "nameless Gods", even beyond the Abode of Iswara-Iswari, "the deathless Two-in-One", "a single being in two bodies clasped", who "seated absorbed in deep creative joy... sustained ...

... to remain and play with Sri Krishna. ... 15 (The Mahabharata portrays Krishna as playing with the cowherd-eases, the Divine engaged in a play with human souls.) Eckhart does see the aspect of Lila, a divine game, which God seems to be playing by creating millions of life-forms in the world and replicating each form millions of times. However, Eckhart regards it as a play that has a s... into "the secret of delight at the core of things," but he adds: "There is more here in the world than a play of secret delight; there is knowledge, there is power, there is a will and a mighty labour." 16 ... the world is not either a creation of Maya or only a play, līlā, of the Divine, or a cycle of births in the ignorance from which we have to escape, but a field of manifestation... Dealing in more metaphysical terms about the evolution of consciousness in the world, Sri Aurobindo writes: The reality is the infinite and eternal Divine, infinite and eternal Being, Consciousness-Force and Bliss. This Divine by his power has created the world or rather manifested it in his own infinite Being. But here in the material world or at its basis he has hidden himself in what ...

... of the lower being into the nature of the higher, mind can recover its divine light in the all-comprehending supermind, the soul realise its divine self in the all-possessing all-blissful Ananda, life repossess its divine power in the play of omnipotent Conscious-Force and Matter open to its divine liberty as a form of the divine Existence. And if there be any goal to the evolution which finds here... infinite consciousness is pure and infinite Bliss; self-possession and self-awareness are the essence of its self-delight. The cosmos also is a play of this divine self-delight and the delight of that play is entirely possessed by the Universal; but in the individual owing to the action of ignorance and division it is held back in the subliminal and the superconscient being; on our surface it lacks and has... seven, and then we perceive that our existence is a sort of refraction of the divine existence, in inverted order of ascent and descent, thus ranged,— Existence Matter Consciousness-Force Life Bliss Psyche Supermind Mind The Divine descends from pure existence through the play of Consciousness-Force and Bliss and the creative medium of Supermind into ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... possible. "The Divine ... is behind all action but he is veiled by his Yoga Maya...." 5 Yes, he is veiled by the consciousness of material Nature. There is the consciousness in its origin which does not veil the Divine but expresses him. There is the consciousness in its outer form which veils him. Some say this is willed, that it is to allow the game to be played; that the Divine hides himself... effort. There is one part of the being which is not at all conscious of being a part of the Divine. The whole of the outer being is convinced that it is something separate, independent and related only to itself. This part of the being must necessarily make a personal effort. It can't be told, "The Divine does the sadhana for you", for it would never do anything, it would never be changed. When one... the novelty, but it is an effort for it. But for the physical being and physical consciousness to be ready to receive the divine impulsion, they must be extremely plastic, because the vital uses coercion, it imposes its will, and the poor body has but to obey, while the Divine just shows the light, gives the consciousness, and so one must obey consciously and willingly—it is a question of collaboration ...


... universe which Teilhard's evolutionary vision has to struggle against and at times the victories of that vision are pyrrhic: the old background refuses to let the new vision have its full play. Neither the Divine Incarnation nor the human soul is allowed to stretch its history beyond one life-time. In Indian thought both the Avatar and the human soul can stretch their histories not only beyond one... manifestation and there is a gradation between the supreme being of the Divine and the consciousness shrouded partly or wholly by ignorance of self in the finite. The conscious embodied soul is the spark of the divine Fire and that soul in man opens out to self-knowledge as it develops out of ignorance of self into self-being. The Divine also, pouring itself into the forms of the cosmic existence, is ... descent of the Avatar, the great mystery of the Divine manifest in humanity; for the upholding of the Dharma is not an all-sufficient object in itself, not the supreme possible aim for the manifestation of a Christ, a Krishna, a Buddha, but is only the general condition of a higher aim and a more supreme and divine utility. For there are two aspects of the divine birth; one is a descent, the birth of God ...


... it not only for her physical fitness, but as in everything else, as a medium for her spiritual action on the players. It was this inner movement that interested her as much the other. For, playing with the Divine meant an aspiration, opening, right attitude, reception of her force through the game.... 13 After her daily game of tennis, the Mother used to go to the Playground and complete her usual... athletics including swimming. The Mother herself played tennis in the Page 436 evenings daily for about an hour with the younger people by turns, and even took part in tournaments. In her younger years she had played excellent tennis, but taking it up again around the age of seventy was quite an astonishing feat. An hour's strenuous play every evening, and this, in addition to her heavy... heavy and variegated load of work spread over nearly the twenty-four hours of the day! Having observed her closely at play, and often played against her, Nirodbaran writes: She played very well for her age and her claim that she had become a champion in her youth was amply borne out by her steady, sharp forehand strokes which were above all a marvel of precision. Naturally she could not run a great ...


... which will contain and base the blissful flowing and satisfied waves of a Page 707 divine knowledge. It is an equality of the divine Tapas which will initiate a luminous action of the divine will in all the nature. It is an equality of the divine Ananda which will found the play of a divine universal delight, universal love and an illimitable aesthesis of universal beauty. The ideal equal... this evolution. For that a divine power acting with the royalty of the divine will in it must be in whatever degree present in the nature. But to be accomplished and permanent, steadfast in action, truly divine, it has to proceed on the basis of a spiritual equality, a calm, impersonal and equal self-identification with all beings, an understanding of all energies. The Divine acts with a mighty power... his own force and will are turned into pure and just instruments of a greater calm secret of divine working. The ordinary mental standards will be exceeded on the basis of this dynamic equality. The eye of his will must look beyond to a purity of divine being, a motive of divine will-power guided by divine knowledge of which his perfected nature will be the engine, yantra . That must remain impossible ...


... Be conscious first of thyself within, then think and act. All living thought is a world in preparation; all real act is a thought manifested. The material world exists, because an Idea began to play in divine self-consciousness. " Thought is not essential to existence nor its cause, but it is an instrument for being; I become what I see in myself. All that thought suggests to me, I can do; all that... formulating itself into thought, then the thought creating the action. That is the normal process. And this is what Sri Aurobindo gives as the process of creation. In the Unmanifest a thought began to play, that is to say, it awoke and became active; and because thought became active, the world was created. And in conclusion Sri Aurobindo declares that thought is not essential to existence, it is not... cause of existence but an intermediary, the instrument which gives form to life, to creation, and the control of this instrument is of foremost importance if one wants disorder and all that is anti-divine to disappear from creation. One must not admit bad thoughts into oneself under the pretext that they are merely thoughts. They are tools of execution. And one should not allow them to exist in oneself ...


... is these things among others that constitute the novelty of Sri Aurobindo's message as compared with the Hindu tradition,—the idea that the world is not either a creation ofMaya or only a play, līlā , of the Divine, or a cycle of births in the ignorance from which we have to escape, but a field of manifestation in which there is a progressive evolution of the soul and the nature in Matter and from Matter... rises into the divine nature; at the same time one offers all one's actions including the inner action of the Yoga as a sacrifice to the Purushottama, the transcendent and immanent Divine. When one has risen into the higher Self, has the knowledge and is free, one makes the complete surrender to the Divine, abandoning all other dharmas, living only by the divine Consciousness, the divine Will and Force... turning from that to the Divine and entering into the Divine Consciousness that one can possess, through the world also, the Eternal. The Gita cannot be described as exclusively a gospel of love. What it sets forth is a Yoga of knowledge, devotion and works based on a spiritual consciousness and realisation of oneness with the Divine and of the oneness of all beings in the Divine. Bhakti, devotion ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... being and of a certain differentiation in our active being. It is the persistence of the latter in a play of divine works which are urged by the motive power of divine love and constituted by a perfected divine Nature, it is the vision of the Divine in the world harmonised with a realisation of the Divine in the self which makes action and devotion possible to the liberated man, and not only possible but... knowledge. It would mean the abolition of all that difference in conscious poise and activity between the human soul and the Divine which makes possible the play of the Kshara; for the action of the Kshara would become then entirely a play of the ignorance without any root or basis of divine reality in it. On the contrary, union by Yoga with the Purushottama means the knowledge and enjoyment of our oneness... for its highest sign the works of a universal compassion. Therefore too, even when he has found oneness with the Divine in his timeless and immutable self, is he still capable, since he embraces the relations also of the play of Nature, of divine love for man and of love for the Divine, of bhakti. Page 239 That this is the drift of the meaning, becomes clearer when we have fathomed the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Be conscious first of thyself within, then think and act. All living thought is a world in preparation; all real act is a thought manifested. The material world exists because an Idea began to play in divine self-consciousness. Thought is not essential to existence nor its cause, but it is an instrument for becoming; I become what I see in myself. All that thought suggests to me, I can do; all that... that he is seeking his divine self; for he starts from the obscurity of material Nature and even when he begins to see, he is long blinded by the light that is increasing in him. God too answers obscurely to his search; He seeks and enjoys man's blindness like the hands of a little child that grope after its mother. Page 202 God and Nature are like a boy and girl at play and in love. They hide... out its means and its possibility. Weakness puts the same test and question to the strengths and energies and greatnesses in which we glory. Power is the play of life, shows its degree, finds the value of its expression; weakness is the play of death pursuing life in its movement and stressing the limit of its acquired energy. Pain and grief are Nature's reminder to the soul that the pleasure ...


... into being, because it has a part to play in the Divine Scheme for humanity. It is not running on the lines of any public institution..,. As long as it has a role to play, the Divine will see to its continuance. If a time comes when its role is over, there is no reason why it should continue. It is the Divine’s look-out. We have plunged ourselves in the Divine Service and have no care. This is the... representative of the Divine in the human being, isn’t it? The Divine is not something far off and inaccessible. The Divine is in you, but you are not altogether conscious of it. It acts now as an influence rather than as a Presence. It has to be a conscious Presence so that at all moments you can ask yourself how the Divine sees, and then how the Divine wills and how the Divine acts. And it does not... complete yesterday’s topic. The Indians believe or have the experience that the Divine lives in the human being. The Europeans don’t believe it. For them, he is some- where above. He has incarnated only in Jesus Christ. So they don’t bow down to any human person. But if one bows down to a person who has embodied the Divine Consciousness — of course with faith — then that person can more easily transmit ...

... some stones are loose.   The Englishman Farquhar goes with his local contact to the house of an old man who shows him the paintings stored in his house. One of them is the flute-playing Krishna. Absolutely divine. The old man refuses to show it first, saying it is not meant for the eyes of an outsider. But after a while he is satisfied with the sincerity of Emily and Farquhar. When the painting... minds (Conrad etc.) can do it. 4. In this case the experiment is to see whether what extraordinary minds can do cannot be done by Yoga.   By 1942 when the two volumes of the Collected Poems and Plays of Sri Aurobindo appeared it was very clear that Goddess Saraswati's gift had not only struck deep roots in the Indian clime but had also put forth immensely rich foliage where a million flowers... correct this "deviation". The Temenos Academy had discussions and lectures on subjects concerning the earth and sought to give a global view of matters concerning man. Indeed she never forgot "the divine vision" till her quiet withdrawal from the physical on 6th July, 2003.   With her turn towards the spiritual, Raine's love for India was genuine. As she wrote in the Resurgence magazine : ...


... of the Divine Consciousness and in direct contact with it. It is not merely the sum total of its individuals that compose it, but a collective personality of which the individuals are, as it were, cells, like the cells of a living and conscious organism. The soul of a nation is indeed conscious; it knows its raison d'etre, its life purpose, its destiny, the role it has to play in the divine scheme... their autonomy -into a larger free and living organism. A system had to be found that would maintain peace and oneness among its members, secure safety against external attack and totalise the free play and evolution, in its unity and diversity, in the uncoerced and active life of all its constituent communal and regional units, of the soul and body of Indian civilization and culture, the functioning... scheme as the divine instrument. And it has a will and through this will it will inevitably find and fulfil itself. And just like the soul of a man, the nation's soul is behind all the movements that form its external life, supporting, building, guiding its political, economic, social and Page 6 cultural make-up. The individual can know and come in contact with the nation's soul ...


... body is not only the necessary outer instrument of the physical part of the action, but for the purposes of this life a base or pedestal also for all inner action." 1 So a full play of divine life demands as its essential prerequisite a fully transformed material body which as a supple and flawless and potent instrument will respond fully to every call of the self-manifesting Spirit... to these higher strains and not they, but the nobler parts of the nature must determine the music of our life and being." 2 Thus a divine transformation of our physical sheath, annamaya ko ṣ a, is an indispensable concomitant of a truly divine living in the world. But in the present status of consciousness of man the mental being, this transformation cannot be achieved or even initiated... prime determinant. So, before we can expect any transformation of our physical existence, we must first acquire a divine consciousness within and effectuate a total liberation of our Purusha part. Then and then alone the question of the liberation of our Prakriti part and of the divine transfiguration of our bodily instrument may acquire some practical importance, not before. In the forthright ...

... the splendid achievements of the past and reaches a power of the Infinite and the Eternal, so far unmanifested, which he names Supermind. Hence his Yoga is the Supramental Yoga: it brings into play the divine truth of the mind, the vital being, the body and asks the soul in us, whose instruments these are, to surrender itself wholly to the Supramental. Truth-Consciousness, God in His highest form, so... raised the cry of "The Divine Mother", the World -Creatrix whose frontal aspect was to him the Soul of India, the presiding Goddess of this country's career through time, this country whose most characteristic trait has been its seeking for the infinite and eternal Spirit all through her long history. On meeting the Mother, Sri Aurobindo recognised an incarnation of the Divine Mother he had worshipped... the secret divine truth of all that is in our world, a truth that is meant to unfold itself in the course of earthly evolution Page 122 and fulfil here and now all the terms in which this evolution has occurred: the mental, the vital, the physical beings. Otherwise the universe in which we live fails to discover its final justification. Coming as an expression of the Divine it should ...


... must always be a knot of that ignorance; action to the Seer can even in our outward consciousness be motived & in the secret consciousness of God always is motived by the divine & universal Force & Bliss at free play in the divine & universal Being. The world is to the Mayavadin a freak of knowledge, an error on the surface of Self, a misconception of mind about Brahman; the world to the Seer is a running... manifesting, only God in the infinite rest & play of His own Being & becomings,—God & Brahman whom none can bind & who, therefore, even when figured to Himself as man in this apparent cage of a mind and body is still in Himself free—infinitely and for ever. The yearning towards stillness and peace is not then man's supreme tendency; not peace is his goal but divine Ananda of which peace is only the flooring... possession of peace and, conquerors of desire & ego or eternally superior to them, keep their hold on the real and divine bliss of God's triple self-manifestation; they know and exercise the simultaneous & harmonious enjoyment of His transcendent being, His universal Self and His individual play of becoming. This then is the fundamental position assumed by the Seer, not denying the realisations of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... reaches at last its own Reality in the Divine and brings down the Divine Presence here on earth to transform the life of man. In Mahabharata with its different purpose, the outer story engulfs our attention. We get lost in the human and emerge after long intervals for a short while so see the spiritual significance of things or feel the play of hidden divine forces behind the surface. At times,... apparently overwhelming array of the forces of unrighteousness by the play of the secret Divine managing the whole plot of the human drama from behind the veil. Savitri turns its grand vision to the Age of Gold that is coming, the reign of Truth that is in prospect and envisages the supreme fulfilment of man by his ascent to the Divine and the open reign of the Divinity over life to the most external... nt consciousness from the Supreme and enters into the worlds that she has made; her presence fills and supports them with the divine spirit and the divine all-sustaining force and delight without which they could not exist.... Each of the worlds is nothing but one play of the Mahashakti of that system of worlds or universe, who is there as the cosmic Soul and Personality of the transcendent Mother ...

... reaches at last its own Reality in the Divine and brings down the Divine Presence here on earth to transform the life of man. In Mahābhārata with its different purpose, the outer story engulfs our attention. We get lost in the human and emerge after long intervals for a short while to see the spiritual significance of things or feel the play of hidden divine forces behind the surface. At times, character... overwhelming array of the forces of unrighteousness by the play of the secret Divine managing the whole plot of the human drama from behind the veil. Sāvitrī turns its grand vision to the Age of Gold that is coming, the reign of Truth that is in prospect and envisages the supreme fulfilment of man by his ascent to the Divine and the open reign of the Divinity over life to the most external... consciousness from the Supreme and enters into the worlds that she has made; her presence fills and supports them with the divine spirit and the divine all-sustaining force, and delight without which they could not exist....Each of „ the worlds is nothing but one play of the Mahāśakti of that system of worlds or universe, who is there as the cosmic Soul and Personality of the transcendent ...

... We must have fought, we must have killed, we must have been killed, we symbolizing the individual souls who are all in love with the One Krishna. 'Rasa Lila' (the play of Divine Love) is a symbol of this spiritual play of love, of the One Krishna having infinite relations with all individual souls. 128Sir, in Bengali. 129O Friend, my Friend. Page 87 must have died... ng cry, that cry of lamentation and agony! When you have found that everything is lost, it is at this moment when you call the Divine that He comes to rescue you." Well! So, as He said: You must desire most intensely, if you want the Divine. But there is a deeper mystery behind it. Shocking indeed! With your rational pate ... I hope you know the meaning... would have been impossible, I believe, for any writer to recreate such intricate movements of the battle, merely through imagination. This is true of His other books too. In His past lives, He has played so many roles and He has relived them now, brought them out through his works. Essays on the Gita, particularly, is one Page 93 of the most fascinating books that I've ever read ...


... Aurobindo has described to me as "the Overmind aesthesis" which sees and feels the world as the manifold play of a single divine Delight, revealing beauty everywhere - even in the most unlikely forms - and inspiring vision and word and deed shot with a significance as if gods and goddesses were playing variations of eternal things upon themes that at present spell out passages of what the Gita calls "this... Krishna who is the most dynamic no less than the most many-sided in his divine manifestation has still a final wistful note in speaking of the earth-scene - "this transient and unhappy world". Sri Aurobindo alone looks on Matter as potentially divine and provides a cosmic picture in which resides this potentiality because the total Divine is concealed or "involved" in Matter prior to His evolution into the... ng that Caesar Octavius, renamed Augustus, was, as we have come to know, an early manifestation of Sri Aurobindo not as an Avatar, a direct conscious expression of the Divine, but as a Vibhuti, a leader of the age in whom the Divine works from the background. No wonder the two greatest bards Augustus had patronised were born again -Virgil as Nolini and Horace as Dilip - to be patronised by Sri Aurobindo ...


... shackles of phenomenal Ignorance but the establishment of a truly divine life upon earth itself, ihaiva. But since Matter is the foundation of all evolutionary efflorescence of life here upon the terrestrial plane, our physical body assumes a supreme importance in the total scheme of our spiritual achievement. A full play of divine life demands as its essential prerequisite a totally transformed... from Sri Aurobindo' s Savitri: "The Spirit shall look out through Matter's gaze And Matter shall reveal the Spirit's face.... The Spirit shall take up the human play, This earthly life become the life divine." (Bk. XI, C. 1, pp. 709, 711) Page 310 ... is the prime determinant. So, before we can at all expect any divine transformation of Our physical existence, we must have first to acquire a divine consciousness within and effectuate a total transformation of our inner Purusha part. Then and then only can the question of the liberation of our Prakriti (Nature) part and the divine transformation of our bodily instrument acquire some practical ...

... are to earth-nature inordinate and out of measure and appear here as perverse and abnormal, find in their own province of being an independent fulfilment and an unrestricted play of their type and principle. What is to us divine or titanic, Rakshasic, demoniac and therefore supernatural, is, each in its own domain, normal to itself and gives to the beings that embody these things the feeling of self-nature... world-order in which the Supermind would be the dominant principle from the beginning; the nature of the manifestation would then be a multiplicity of beings finding through the free and luminous play of their divine individuality all the manifold joy of their difference in oneness. Nor need the series stop here: for we observe that with us Mind is hampered by Life in Matter and finds all the difficulty... involutionary descent of the Spirit into material Nature. But the world cannot be a creation of the individual mind or a theatre erected by it for its own play of consciousness; nor can it have been created solely for Page 798 the play and the satisfaction or frustration of the ego. As we awake to a sense of the premier importance of the universal and the dependence of the individual upon ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... action of the four divine principles themselves, such action of them as was necessary to create this universe of forms. Those forms have been created not outside but in the divine existence, conscious-force and bliss, not outside but in and as a part of the working of the divine Real-Idea. There is therefore no reason to suppose that there cannot be any real play of the higher divine consciousness in... distributes, and it has even been mistaken for the cause of the universe and for the whole of the divine Maya. But the divine Maya comprehends Vidya as well as Avidya, the Knowledge as well as the Ignorance. For it is obvious that since the finite is only an appearance of the Infinite, a result of its action, a play of its conception and cannot exist except by it, in it, with it as a background, itself form... uses its defining power for the play of well-distinguished forms and forces and is not used by that power. A new factor, a new action of conscious force is therefore needed to create the operation of a helplessly limited as opposed to a freely limiting mind,—that is to say, of mind subject to its own play and deceived by it as opposed to mind master of its own play and viewing it in its truth, the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... 60. Page 117 Sachchidananda. We have similarly to change our sensational and emotional mentality into a play of divine Love and universal Delight; and we have to surcharge the intellect which seeks to know and will in us with the light of the divine Knowledge-Will until it is transformed into a figure of that higher and sublime activity." 1 Such is then our high ideal... obscura, speak of 'a complete ignorance', 'a divine Darkness' through which the spiritualised Mind has to pass before one can expect to attain to the supreme experience. And it is because of this incompatibility of mind-consciousness with the experience of the Absolute that so many systems of spiritual discipline have come to condemn the cosmic play. As a matter of fact, it is this very incom... 2 Ibid., p. 411. (Italics ours) Page 115 itself and calls down the divine into itself, it succeeds in reflecting the image of the divine and getting spiritualised. But the trouble is that in this operation "the mind does not entirely possess the divine or become divine, but is possessed by it or by a luminous reflection of it so long as it remains in...pure passivity ...

... their perfect significance. The impartial equality of soul of the selfless worker and knower is transformed by the magic touch of divine Love into an all-embracing ecstasy and million-bodied beatitude. All things become bodies and all movements the playings of the divine Beloved in his infinite house of pleasure. Even pain is changed and in their reaction and even in their essence things painful alter;... profound oneness of the soul with the Divine can harmonise with a play of relations that only makes the oneness more perfect and absolute. The power of Love supramentalised can take hold of all living relations without hesitation or danger and turn them Godwards delivered from their crude, mixed and petty human settings and sublimated into the happy material of a divine life. For it is the very nature of... claimed for a spiritual conquest and divine transformation by the integral Yoga. Abandoned altogether by the more ascetic disciplines, accepted by others only as a field of temporary ordeal or a momentary, superficial and ambiguous play of the concealed spirit, this existence is fully embraced and welcomed by the integral seeker as a field of fulfilment, a field for divine works, a field of the total se ...


... objectively be what he has always subjectively been and experience that which is the stake of the whole Play: pure, divine Love. We are the growing Godhead. ‘Brahman, sir, is the name given by Indian philosophy since the beginning of time to the one Reality, eternal and infinite, which is the Self, the Divine, the All, the more than All … In fact, sir, you are Brahman,’ 9 wrote Sri Aurobindo in meaningful... which it can as it were unfold itself to its own view. ‘Its self-limitation is itself an act of omnipotence.’ That is how the great Play of the manifestation originated, the Play of Ananda, a Play called Lila in Sanskrit. ‘The transcendent God is playing his material Play in Himself, by Himself and with Himself.’ This unfolding, this self-manifestation of the Brahman is infinite just like the Brahman... the two qualities without which a divine expression of Ananda is impossible — and the Mother, the great Creatrix, of course executed his decision. After the formation of the fundamental divine Joy and Freedom, the Mother created four Beings. Because from these Four there had to evolve everything else of the exteriorization, they were the incarnation of the divine attributes, the original fountainheads ...


... This cannot be the end of the mysterious upward surge of Nature. There is something beyond, something that mankind shall be. 89 The world is not either a creation of Maya or only a play, lilac, of the Divine, or a cycle of births in the ignorance from which we have to escape, but a field of manifestation in which there is a progressive evolution of the soul and the nature in Matter and from... outlast these religions and manifest themselves anew in whatever way or form the Divine Wisdom chooses. You cannot shut up God in the limitations of your own narrow brain or dictate to the Divine Power and Consciousness how or where or through whom it shall manifest; you cannot put up your puny barriers against the divine Omnipotence. These again are simple truths which are now being recognised all over... other law of conduct than the moral. The law of action of the spiritual consciousness is higher not lower than the moral,—it is founded on union with the Divine and living in the Divine Consciousness and its action is founded on obedience to the Divine Will." 2 September 16, 1935 (A disciple:) It is rather depressing to hear about the atrocities committed by some Mohammedans on Hindu ...


... unison with the will of the Divine. The unsatisfying surface play of our feeble egoistic emotions must be ousted and there must be revealed instead a secret deep and vast psychic heart within that waits behind them for its hour; all our feelings, impelled by this inner heart in which dwells the Divine, will be transmuted into calm and intense movements of a twin passion of divine Love and manifold Ananda... in the catholic and faultless play of a shadowless divine illumination which shall culminate in the end in a natural self-existent Truth-consciousness free from groping half-truth and stumbling error. Our confused and embarrassed ego-centred small-motived will and action must cease and make room for the total working of a swiftly powerful, lucidly automatic, divinely moved and guided unfallen Force... sides separated from the other, but rather a harmony of the inner and the outer life made one in fullness and transfigured into a play of something that is beyond them which Page 91 will create the form of a perfect living. A Yoga of works, a union with the Divine in our will and acts—and not only in knowledge and feeling—is then an indispensable, an inexpressibly important element of an integral ...


... pure existence through the play of Consciousness-Force and Bliss and the creative medium of Supermind into cosmic being; we ascend from Matter through a developing life, soul and mind and the illuminating medium of supermind towards the divine being." (The Life Divine, p. 264). Page 235 to effectuate a resultant change of consciousness has now been superseded. Indeed, "in man... achievement. For "the body is not only the necessary outer instrument of the physical part of action, but for the purposes of this life a base or pedestal also for all inner action." 2 So a full play of divine life demands as its essential prerequisite a totally transformed physical body which will as a supple and flawless and transparent instrument respond fully to each and every call of the sel... Matter shall reveal the Spirits' face. Then man and superman shall be at one And all the earth become a single life. .... The Spirit shall take up the human play, This earthly life become the life Divine." (Savitri, Bk. XI . C . l , pp.709, 711.) Page 242 ...

... tremendous shocks of the divine activity, the divine knowledge, the divine [?vision]. The mortal system would break down under the intense touch of the immortal powers, [?sink] back into disintegration, darkness & suffering more intense than the ordinary [?conditions] of mortality. But with a strong & rapturous vital energy & activity supporting the play of a joyous divine energy in the mind, the Solar... knowledge are separated from each other and can be joined or disjoined; in divine knowledge & divine nature the two go always together and are one entity. When God acts, each act is a play of effective self-knowledge. When He creates Light, He conceives of Himself as a Light & Light becomes. The action of creation is really a play of self-conception. He knows at the same time the whole conception of Light... Beatitude, rises into the free play of the infinite Tapas of the divine Existence. In that Tapas the sacrificial activity of Agni in man, the kratu, becoming Godward will finds its manhaná, its absolute fullness & fulfilment. Sat, Tapas, Ananda, Vijnana, Manas—this is the Indian ladder of Jacob by which one descends & ascends again to heaven. Man the Doer, the Manu, the Krana, perfecting himself by works ...


... faith that it is done by the Divine Power" — that is the important point. Now we come to a different field of activity altogether, one whose place in Yoga will be strongly challenged, especially when the Mother herself used it as a means of sadhana: her playing tennis. I won't discuss the issue, for the quotation cited above gives the answer. Before she started playing tennis the Mother joined our... our young group in playing table-tennis. When a young boy asked her if he could install a table in his house for the game, the Mother replied, "Why not at Nanteuil? 4 then I can come and play too." He was much surprised and delighted at the divine proposal! She must have found it a good light exercise as well as an admirable means of contact with the young set which was gradually increasing; it was... atmosphere with a divine energy and quietude. She would hold one end of the tape at the terminus in the running competitions. She had even gone out to watch our team playing friendly matches with outside clubs. Twice she witnessed the Calcutta Mohan Bagan football team's display and was so impressed by it that she changed her opinion of the game. She had considered it a rough, vital play where one was ...


... “The Mother’s consciousness and mine are the same,” wrote Sri Aurobindo, “the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for the play.” 43 He wrote “Divine Consciousness” with capital letters. And there is for example the following statement of which we cannot even sound the depth: “It is only divine Love which can bear the burden I have to bear, that all have to bear who have sacrificed... “An Avatar, roughly speaking, is one who is conscious of the presence and power of the Divine born in him or descended into him and governing from within his will and life and action; he feels identified inwardly with this divine power and presence. A Vibhuti is supposed to embody some power of the Divine and is enabled by it to act with great force in the world, but that is all that is necessary... gradually exalted him into a divine being, one in essence with God the Father, therefore omniscient and omnipotent, capable of doing anything also while in the human body. A similar belief exists in some forms of Hinduism about its divine incarnations. Sri Aurobindo countered such notions quite forcefully. “The Avatar does not come as a thaumaturgic magician, but as the divine leader of humanity and the ...

... undivine but divine, not something utterly delusive or diabolical, not the kingdom of a lower spirit or an aberration in knowledge, but God's movement, mahimanam asya, the manifest might, the apparent extension in Itself of the Brahman. Life here is God, the materials of Life here are God. The work is not separate from the worker nor the thought from the thinker. All is the play of a divine Unity. ... Neither will events bring to him grief or disappointment, fear or disgust with things, because he follows that divine will & purpose in himself & in others, in the inner world & the outer, watching everywhere the play of the Self. He has divined God's movement. Disgrace & dishonour, obloquy & reproach cannot move him. He is equal in soul to honour & dishonour, respect & insult, mana & apamana, because both... all creatures. Not only does he feel himself or perceive himself to be in all creatures as the divine presence in them & around them, but he is they,—he is each bhuta. The word bhuta means that which has become as opposed to that which eternally is & it includes therefore name & form & play of mind & play of action. The last barrier is broken; ahankara, the sense of separate self, utterly disappears ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... my Bagdad, yet Haroun's eyes defrauded Of seeing it? JAAFAR The girl takes up the lute. HAROUN Now if she play and sing divinely, Jaafar, You shall be hanged alone for your offence, If badly, all you four shall swing together. JAAFAR I hope she will play vilely. HAROUN Wherefore, Jaafar? JAAFAR I ever loved good company, my lord, And would not tread my final road... Plays Plays Collected Plays and Stories The Viziers of Bassora A Romantic Comedy Persons of the Drama HAROUN ALRASHEED - Caliph. JAAFAR - his Vizier. SHAIKH IBRAHIM - Superintendent of the Caliph's Gardens. MESROUR - Haroun's friend and companion. MOHAMAD BIN SULYMAN ALZAYNI - Haroun's cousin, King of Bassora. ALFAZZAL IBN SAWY -... not in too early anxious And mar the game. AMEENA Trust me. IBN SAWY Go, call my son, Harkoos; let him not know that I am here. Exit Harkoos. Go, Ameena. Exit Ameena. Plays oft have serious fruit, 'Tis seen; then why not this? 'tis worth the trial. Prosper or fail, I must do something quickly Before I go upon the Caliph's work To Roum the mighty. But I hear him come ...


... and violently perturb without effectively changing the basis of the world-order; for none of them have in their mental or vital Page 996 play the divine power to replace this dark original principle and organise a totally new world-order. A transformation of human nature can only be achieved when the substance of the being is so steeped in the spiritual principle that all its movements... the highest power, of the lower hemisphere; although its basis is a cosmic unity, its action is an action of division and interaction, an action taking its stand on the play of the multiplicity. Its play is, like that of all Mind, a play of possibilities; although it acts not in the Ignorance but with the knowledge of the truth of these possibilities, yet it Page 987 works them out through... connected or massed together in a play of waves of what might almost be called in the Sanskrit poetic figure a sea or mass of "stable lightnings". When this original or native Intuition begins to descend into us in answer to an ascension of our consciousness to its level or as a result of our finding of a clear way of communication with it, it may continue to come as a play of lightning-flashes, isolated ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine