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Ramatirtha : Swami Rāmatirtha (1873-1906), known for the highly personal & poetic manner in which he illustrated the divine nature of man through Practical Vedanta.

7 result/s found for Ramatirtha

... much Page 164 less a thing like that—unless it was as the trikaldarshi Yogi that he spoke? 7 July 1937 Swami Ramatirtha From the standpoint of sadhana Vivekananda has never attracted me—he was more of a missionary. As far as I have studied Ramatirtha, he seems to have been on a higher level. That can be judged from the personal experience only—not from the books which are... are too highly mentalised to give any indication of the full achievement in the lower part of the nature. 2 December 1933 Ramatirtha used to say that all beings were himself in different forms and to address others as "myself in the form of ...". This sounds a little fantastic! It is fantastic. Can this not be called an example of the transformed mind and vital, for he seems to have been ...


... saints and holy men. Thus the love of good life inculcated by my father found rich nourishment in the school and at the young age of fourteen I had imbibed the inspiring influence of men like Swami Ramatirtha, Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Inspired by the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, at the age of sixteen I started the practice of meditation. During the long school vacation, I would... This incident silenced my sceptical mind ever prone to doubt and filled me with the ambition to cultivate strength of mind and spirit. When, after repeated readings of the teachings of Swami Ramatirtha, Swami Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, I started practising meditation, my mind would often sink into total silence and remain in that condition for many hours. Man is a slave of his ...

... gained in samadhi cannot be prolonged into the waking state. Ramakrishna had the siddhi himself before he began giving to others—so had Buddha. I don't know about the others [ Vivekananda, Ramatirtha, Ramdas, Mahavir, Shankara ]. By perfection of course is meant siddhi in one's own path—realisation. Ramakrishna always put that as a rule that one should not become a teacher to others until one ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... blessings. 1962 Mother, Somebody connected with the Ashram wants to publish a diary (not for commercial purposes) with quotations from your writings along with the writings of Vivekananda, Ramatirtha, etc. I have said that it is not good to make this khichri [mixture]. Better don't put Mother's things. Is it all right? Page 218 You are quite right. About 1962 I hear that ...


... cord of the psycho-spiritual Page 499 realisation. He has also his supramental station above the heartcentre and mind-centres and can descend from there if He wants to do so. Swami Ramatirtha I think Ramatirtha's realisations were more mental than anything else. He had opening of the higher mind and a realisation there of the cosmic Self, but I find no evidence of a transformed mind ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... critics of Indian writing in English. For one thing, some of them tend to lump together as spiritual poetry all outpourings in verse on any "spiritual" theme or topic. Thus, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Ramatirtha, Swami Shivanand, J. Krishnamurthy, Rabindranath Tagore and Sri Aurobindo, are all categorised as "spiritual" poets by virtue of the themes of their poetic compositions. The epithet "spiritual" in ...


... such as there used to be in the old times. In India there was also the traditional line of culture handed down from Gurus to disciples. Then the talk took a sudden turn. Someone began to speak Ramatirtha who could recite "Om " in such a wonderful way in meeting that people were entranced by it. But after staying some months in the plains, he used to run away to the mountains saying that he was losing ...
