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Ramdas : (1884-1963), Vaishnava Bhakta of South India, a devotee of Rama. He established the Ananda Ashram in Kanhangad, Kerala. His wrote In quest of God followed by In the Vision of God.
... But now I could give a very simple answer: Let the Supreme do the work. It is He who has to progress, not you! Ramdas does not at all consider that the world as it is, is good. No, but I know all these people, I know them thoroughly! I know Chaitanya, Ramakrishna and Ramdas thoroughly. They are utterly familiar to me. It doesn't bother them. These are people who live with a certain feeling... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 July 2, 1958 Ramdas 1 must be a continuation of the line of Chaitanya, Ramakrishna, etc ... . ( silence ) Page 171 A subject for this evening ... Something I have never said completely. On the one hand, there is the attitude of those in yesterday evening's film 2 : God is everything, God is everywhere,... position is ahead of the individual's progress. And it is then that you should keep silent and fall on your knees. × Ramdas : a yogi from Northwest India who followed the path of love ( bhakti ). His whole yoga consisted in repeating the name Ram . He founded the Anand-ashram in Kanhargad, Kerala. He was born in 1884 ...
... that Shivaji had no political guidance from Ramdas: Ramdas refused to give any when Shivaji approached him. This is something new. SRI AUROBINDO: What about the ochre-coloured flag? A legend? PURANI: He says that Ramdas gave him advice about the succession to the throne when Shivaji wanted his second son to come to the throne instead of Shambhuji. Ramdas advised him to make his eldest son the rightful... Desai continues to say that Vinoba had differences with Ramdas. Ramdas says the doer is free while Vinoba says he is not. As I said before, according to him we sleep because we are compelled to. In everything we do there is a compulsion. SRI AUROBINDO: One can say one is compelled to be born, at least in appearance. But does Ramdas say one is free? PURANI: He says partially free—in the process ...
... Light etc., it makes a difference to the Consciousness but very little to the Energy at work in this plane which remains of a dark or mixed character. 3 May 1937 Swami Ramdas In the April number of The Vision, Ramdas concludes his editorial letter with the words, "When all are kind to us, we realise God's own kindness, because God dwells in all—God is verily all." 8 But what cogent objection... of the Light in you and others—no longer for the satisfaction of the ego and for the works of the ignorance and darkness. As to the dilemma about the cruelty of things, I do not know what answer Ramdas would give. One answer might be that the Divine within is felt through the psychic being and the nature of the psychic being is that of the divine light, harmony, love, but it is covered by the mental ...
... devotion was further fostered by the san-nyasi saint Ramdas whom he accepted as his guru and at whose feet he was more than once ready to surrender his kingdom. Ramdas influenced the Mahratta mind greatly in those days, as is suggested by the picture, in the poem, of Suryaji Page 351 singing to the hills A song of Ramdas as he smote and slew. Invitation and Mother ...
... I had once an interesting talk with the saint, Sri Ramdas, in his Ashram. He related to me the following incident: He was then living on the top of a hill, in a small hut when, one evening, an intellectual friend sought him out. He had a great many questions seething in his mind, he said, to which he could find no satisfactory answers. Ramdas was scared stiff since he had never cared for those... his intellectual friend who found it all but incredible: the very questions he wanted to ask had been answered by Ram, the questions which he had not even hinted at to Ramdas. These questions, with the answers, are given by Ramdas in his book, At the Feet of God. I shall only select a few from the sheaf: Question: What is the result of self-surrender? Answer: Everlasting bliss. Question:... Wherever your mind wanders, it wanders in me and rests in me.... You cannot reason why it is so; but it is the one great Truth. You cannot comprehend it, but you can realise it. Question: Why should Ramdas not comprehend it? Answer: Because it is a thing beyond the range of the intellect. Question: Then explain, why should there be an intellect at all and what are its functions? Answer: The intellect ...
... poem, of which Ramdas and the famous Kural of Tiruvalluvar are the chief representatives, and the philosophic and devotional lyrics are not the creation or meant for the appreciation of a cultivated class, but with few exceptions the expression of a popular culture. The Ramayana of Tulsidas, the songs of Ramprasad and of the Bauls, the wandering Vaishnava devotees, the poetry of Ramdas and Tukaram, the... trader and artisan and peasant. The bulk of the work done in the regional tongues falls under one or other of these heads, but there are variations such as the religio-ethical and political poems of Ramdas in Maharashtra or the gnomic poetry, the greatest in plan, conception and force of execution ever written in this kind, of the Tamil saint, Tiruvalluvar. There is too in one or two of these languages... intensity of feeling: Maratha poetry on the contrary has from the beginning a strong intellectual strain. The first Marathi poet is at once a devotee, a Yogin and a thinker; the poetry of the saint Ramdas, associated with the birth and awakening of a nation, is almost entirely a stream of religious ethical thinking raised to the lyrical pitch; and it is the penetrating truth and fervour of a thought ...
... SHIVAJI Not for myself I fought and ruled, but for God and the Maharashtra dharma, the religion of Hindu nationality which Ramdas enunciated. I offered my head to Bhavani and She bade me keep it to scheme and plot for the greatness of the nation. I gave my kingdom to Ramdas and he bade me take it back as a gift from God and the Mahrattas. I obeyed their commands. I slew when God commanded me, plundered ...
... the idea is that if the liberation has come, it will all drop off at death. The only change wanted is to get rid of the idea of ego and realise as true only the supreme Self, the Brahman. Swami Ramdas I have not read Ramdas's writings nor am I at all acquainted with his personality or what may be the level of his experience. The words you quote from him could be expressions either of a simple... of the Light in you and others—no longer for the satisfaction of the ego and for the works of the ignorance and darkness. As to the dilemma about the cruelty of things, I do not know what answer Ramdas would give. One answer might be that the Divine within is felt through the psychic being and the nature of the psychic being is that of the divine light, harmony, love, but it is covered by the mental ...
... only face-value reading. Vivekananda himself knew and felt and said that he was only one of hundreds of Vivekanandas that his simple and, modest-looking Guru could create if he chose. Even so a Ramdas. Ramdas was not merely a spiritual adviser to Shivaji, concerned chiefly with the inner salvation and development of his disciple, and only secondarily with the gross material activities, the things of ...
... and illumining every cell and in that light there grows the spiritual consciousness and one becomes open to all or many of its workings and realisations. Appositely, I have a review of the book of Ramdas entitled 'Vision' before me in which he describes such an experience, got by the repetition of Rama mantra, but, if I understood rightly, after a long and rigorous self-discipline: 'The mantra having... belong to Him and not to yourself and just go on whether in light or in darkness, in joy or in sorrow as He wills. But stick to it. Since your Gurudev sanctions, take a holiday, go to Ramana Ashram or Ramdas or anywhere else but do not for one moment entertain the thought of ever going back to your old life: that is gone for ever and thoughts of it can only bring trouble. These things come sometime or ...
... of 1857, behind most of the bands of the insurgents, there were Gurus or religious leaders as the source of inspiration and direction. What could Shivaji have achieved without his Guru, the Yogi Ramdas? There was spiritual power behind the creation and organisation of the Sikh militia. In this connection, the following historical account makes interesting reading: In 1772, in Rangpur, a district... Brahmanical duty of saintly sufferance is to preach varna- sankara. {ibid.) "The sword of the warrior is as necessary to the fulfilment of justice and righteousness as the holiness of the saint. Ramdas is not complete without Shivaji. To maintain justice and prevent the strong from despoiling and the weak from being oppressed is the function for which the Kshatriya was created. 156 'Therefore', ...
... ply the charkha or go to prison, can he be called an escapist ? Ramdas, the great saint of Maharashtra, was a great Page 11 patriot and wanted to remove the Mughal yoke. But he did not take to political organisation as his own work-he only prepared the ground and Shivaji organised the politic, activity. Was Ramdas an escapist ? Ramakrishna after a long and arduous life of Tapasya ...
... bullets thronged Through the too narrow mouth and hurled those down Who entered.... The Mogul rout began. Sure-footed, swift Shouting aloud and singing to the hills A song of Ramdas as he smote and slew. 44 But Shivaji himself stands silent by Baji's prone body, and a vision - terrible and inspiring at once - overwhelms and sustains him: But Shivaji beside the dead... and Rajput hordes. There is the further suggestion that, behind Shivaji's incomparable leadership of the Marathas, there was also Ramdas's spiritual power of personality. Suryaji sings a song of Ramdas while smiting and slaying the enemy. In his moment of victory, Shivaji is humble before Baji's dead body but is reconciled to the event by the Vision that is vouchsafed to him. Baji Prabhou is ...
... ancient India was the outstanding figure with the hero just behind, while in later times the most striking feature is the long uninterrupted chain from Buddha and Mahavira to Ramanuja, Chaitanya, Nanak, Ramdas and Tukaram and beyond them to Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and Dayananda. But there have been also the remarkable achievements of statesmen and rulers, from the first dawn of ascertainable history ...
... 218 psychology, 198 Puranas , 69 , 96, loolln), IOS, 110 R Rajagopalachari, Chakravarti, 166, 237-238(fn) Rama, 238 Ramakrishna, 76 , 102 Ramakrishna Mission, 112 Ramayana, 98(fn) Ramdas. 46 Ramprasad, 146 Rao, S. R. , 101(fn) rationalism , 55 , 85, 140 reason, 1,85,201 -202 reform sure formers, 89-90 religion, 49 , 101 , 129 -130, 169 , 182 , 190, 20 1, 207 aggressive ...
... This is the first and most important work which the Karmayogin sets for itself, to popularise this knowledge. The Vedanta or Sufism, the temple Page 20 or the mosque, Nanak and Kabir and Ramdas, Chaitanya or Guru Govind, Brahmin and Kayastha and Namasudra, whatever national asset we have, indigenous or acclimatised, it will seek to make known, to put in its right place and appreciate. And ...
... every cell and in that Light Page 489 there grows the spiritual consciousness and one becomes open to all or many of its workings and realisations. Appositely I have a review of a book of Ramdas (of the Vision ) before me in which is described such an experience got by the repetition of the Rama mantra, but, if I understand rightly, after a long and rigorous self-discipline. "The mantra having ...
... tales and Smiles and Sir Arthur Helps took their place as an instructor of youth, the gospel of Philistinism in its naked crudeness was beaten into the minds of our children when most malleable. Thus Ramdas was following Shivaji into the limbo of the unreturning past. And if God had not meant otherwise for our nation, the Sannyasin would have become an extinct type, Yoga been classed among dead superstitions ...
... rule to all actions, or takes a word and tries to fit all human life into it. The sword of the warrior is as necessary to the fulfilment of justice and righteousness as the holiness of the saint. Ramdas is not complete without Shivaji. To maintain justice and prevent the strong from despoiling and the weak from being oppressed is the function for which the Kshatriya was created. Therefore, says Sri ...
... or by a struggle between nationalism and separatism. But we do not understand Hindu nationalism as a possibility under modern conditions. Hindu nationalism had a meaning in the times of Shivaji and Ramdas, when the object of national revival was to overthrow a Mahomedan domination which, once tending to Indian unity and toleration, had become oppressive and disruptive. It was possible because India ...
... national vitality. I think rather it was its spirit. I am inclined to give more credit for the secular miracle of our national survival to Shankara, Ramanuja, Nanak & Kabir, Guru Govind, Chaitanya, Ramdas & Tukaram than to Raghunandan and the Pandits of Nadiya & Bhatpara. The result of this well-meaning bondage has been an increasing impoverishment of the Indian intellect, once the most gigantic ...
... g and illumining every cell and in that Light there grows the spiritual consciousness and one becomes open to all or many of its workings and realisations. Appositely, I have a review of a book of Ramdas (of the "Vision") before me in which is described such an experience got by the repetition of the Rama mantra, but, if I understand rightly, after a long and rigorous self-discipline. "The mantra having ...
... men of eminence including such contributors as Mahatma Gandhi, Romain Holland, Rabindranath Tagore, Aldous Huxley, Pandit Nehru, S. Radhakrishnan, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and others. Papa Ramdas and Mother Krishnabai visited Dilip's ashram, found him and Indira Devi completely absorbed in intense sadhana and blessed them. 25 April 1958 At Khandala, he had a beautiful vision ...
... Swami, 60 Ramamurti's ("the modern Bhima Sen"), 276, 300-01 Ramana Maharshi, 16 Ramanuja, 9, 416,448, 498, 564 Ramayana, The, 5, 50, 69, 80ff, 140, 250, 341 Ramdas,9,118,280 Ranade, M. G., 16, 57, 60 Ranade, R.D.,511ff Rakshasas, The, 169 Rao, B. Shiva, 412 Rao, G. V. Subba, 534 Ratcliff, S. K., 223 Raymond ...
... with Sri Aurobindo 3rd January, 1939 There was hearty laugh over the thesis of a Marathi writer with Socialistic tendencies who tried to prove that Swami Ramdas was a socialist! Disciple : Some of the Sadhaks seem to become too delicate, – a small cut or even smell of burning ghee upsets them. Sometimes other people who cannot understand this say this ...
... Nasik on Swaraj: the favourite theme - Swaraj was amrta, Swaraj was mukti, and this was true as much for the individual as for the nation. Hadn't Shivaji, inspired by the gospel of Tukaram and Ramdas, led the country to freedom? That miracle could be re-enacted once more. On the 26th at Dhulia, the subject being Swadeshi and Boycott. At Amraoti on the 29th, the meeting commenced with the singing ...
... bullets rained, And in a quick disordered stream, appalled, The Mogul rout began. Sure-footed, swift The hostile strength pursued, Suryaji first Shouting aloud and singing to the hills A song of Ramdas as he smote and slew. But Shivaji by Baji's empty frame Stood silent and his gaze was motionless Upon the dead. Tanaji Malsure Stood by him and observed the breathless corpse, Then slowly said ...
... depend upon you because the sons of Maharashtra were brave soldiers a short while ago. You enjoyed Swaraj when you were harassed by Mahomedans. A similar commandment was conveyed to you through Tukaram, Ramdas and others, Page 835 and in obedience to this commandment all Marathas joined. Shivaji, the warrior, came from you, and Swaraj was established in Maharashtra. The poor were rescued from ...
... look back to it with pride & admiration but it is to be feared that it did not proceed upon a sufficiently intellectual basis. Had the movement of thought & intelligence expressed in the writings of Ramdas, Tukaram, Moropunt been allowed first to fulfil itself & the Mahratta development refrained from transferring itself too hastily into the sphere of political action, the result might have been more ...
... the universal energy which moves the stars, made individual. It is the East that must conquer in India's uprising. It is the Yogin who must stand behind the political leader or manifest within him; Ramdas must be born in one body with Shivaji, Mazzini mingle with Cavour. The divorce of intellect and spirit, strength and purity may help a European revolution, but by a European strength we shall not conquer ...
... Bhartrihari and Jayadeva and the other rich creations of classical Indian drama and poetry and romance, the Dhammapada and the Jatakas, the Panchatantra, Tulsidas, Vidyapati and Chandidas and Ramprasad, Ramdas and Tukaram, Tiruvalluvar and Kamban and the songs of Nanak and Kabir and Mirabai and the southern Shaiva saints and the Alwars,—to name only the best-known writers and most characteristic productions ...
... belong to Him and not to yourself and just go on whether in light or in darkness, in joy or in sorrow as He wills. But stick to it. Since your Gurudev sanctions, take a holiday, go to Raman Asram or Ramdas or anywhere else but do not for one moment entertain the thought of ever going back to your old life.... "There can be no going back for us, Dilip: that which we have left behind us has perished ...
... the Light in you and others—no longer for the satisfaction of the ego and for the works of the ignorance and darkness. As to the dilemma about the cruelty of things, I do not know what answer Ramdas would give. One answer might be that the Divine within is felt through the psychic being and the nature of the psychic being is that of the Divine light, harmony, love, but it is covered by the mental ...
... "Your poems are well enough—but for both J and yourself, what has to be seen is whether it comes to something original and substantial. At present what both are doing is only prentice-work." 16. Ramdas: a great devotee of Ram and saint of Kanhangad near Mangalore, who got spiritual inspiration from Raman Maharshi and attained a great spiritual height by becoming a Sannyasi and repeating Ram mantra ...
... its methods & experiences. But the Indian mental atmosphere tends always, by a return upon that which is most vital in it, to bring out great souls who, like Buddha, like Chaitanya, like Nanak, like Ramdas, like Ramakrishna, belong to no school, owe their knowledge to no spiritual preceptor, but go back to the Source of all within themselves and emerge from it with some perfectly realised truth of the ...
... samadhi cannot be prolonged into the waking state. Ramakrishna had the siddhi himself before he began giving to others—so had Buddha. I don't know about the others [ Vivekananda, Ramatirtha, Ramdas, Mahavir, Shankara ]. By perfection of course is meant siddhi in one's own path—realisation. Ramakrishna always put that as a rule that one should not become a teacher to others until one has the full ...
... And in a quick disordered stream, appalled, The Mogul rout began. Sure-footed, swift The hostile strength pursued, Suryaji first Shouting aloud and singing to the hills A song of Ramdas as he smote and slew. Page 27 But Shivaji by Baji's empty frame Stood silent and his gaze was motionless Upon the dead. Tanaii Malsurè Stood by him and observed the breathless ...
... SRI AUROBINDO: We have none. NIRODBARAN: Charu Dutt won't be surprised. He says the Marathis are practical people. SRI AUROBINDO: So Yogis are unpractical? And can a people influenced by Ramdas be of an unyogic nature? SATYENDRA: They are said to be very provincial. They will go only to Marathi saints. SRI AUROBINDO: That would be rather queer. Yogis are above province or country. Yogis ...
... means the heart. And that again is a sign of his action working through the vital being. : SATYENDRA: Some of the people who go to see him are not impressed. Others feel a sense of love towards him. Ramdas also acts through love; he mixes with people and serves them out of love: he has no mission, while Meher Baba claims to have a mission. PURANI: Nirodbaran was wondering what you meant by saying ...
... Proteus, 274 Prussia, 88 Puranas, the, 71 Pythagoras, 150,211,219 QUANTUM MECHANICS, 316 RACINE, 197 Raghus, the, 55 Ramayana, the, 217 Ramdas, 396 Raphael, 176-8 Red Cross, 104 Reichenbach, Hans, 315 -Atom .& Cosmos, 315n Relativity, 141 Renaissance, 21, 52, 130, 145, 149, 152, 163, 206-8 ...
... Sepoy mutiny of 1857 had a number of sadhus and gurus as motivators too. Spiritual backing of armed conflict was always present in the Indian tradition. Shivaji had as his inspiration the great Yogi Ramdas. The Sikh militias were raised in the bosom of spiritual power. No wonder that Hem Chandra Kanungo, whom Sri Aurobindo initiated into revolutionary activities and was sent for training ...
... Swaraj can be acquired only in Swaraj. Among the means of winning Swaraj, he said, the first and greatest was faith in God. For, God 137 commands and inspires us to conquer our freedom. Tukaram and Ramdas spread the gospel of freedom, and Shivaji conquered it. God's will was working through the youth of the country. He delivered another lecture there, but we have not been able to get any authentic ...
... Rome, Egypt and Assyria; but the Aryan race... was saved by the rejuvenating flow of heavenly nectar which gushed from time to time from the ancient source. Shankara, Ramanuja, Chaitanya, Nanak, Ramdas and Tukaram brought back to life a moribund India by sprinkling her with that divine nectar. However, the current of rajas and tamas was so strong that by its pull, even the best were altered into ...
... effort of the Indian political mind to form the foundations of a new life under the old conditions, but neither proved to be of a kind that could solve the problem. The Mahratta revival inspired by Ramdas's conception of the Maharashtra Dharma and cast into shape by Shivaji was an attempt to restore what could still be understood or remembered of the ancient form and spirit, but it failed, as all attempts ...
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