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43 result/s found for Relations with the Divine

... guiding view of life, his rule of inner existence and his inspiration for external work, but he regarded it as even more, the word of eternal Truth on which man's knowledge of God and his relations with the Divine Being and with his fellows can be rightly and securely founded. This everlasting rock of the Veda, many assert, has no existence, there is nothing there but the commonest mud and sand; it ...


... , if the mind still needs the more familiar mental conception, it can be kept so long as it is needed; only do not let the soul be bound by it and do not let it limit the inflow of other relations with the Divine and larger forms of experience. 12 December 1929 Those who consciously carry in them ideas about becoming equal in status with the Divine or with their guru may be detained long, if ...


... illumines the consciousness and prepares it for the future—it realisation. Spiritual teaching is above religions and strives towards a global Truth. It teaches us to enter into direct relations with the Divine. 12 February 1972 The aim of education is not to prepare a man to succeed in life and society, but to increase his perfectibility to its utmost. Do not aim at success. Our ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... takes in certain forms of spiritual askesis the turn of a strain towards the abolition of all individual being and a casting away, in the trance of immersion, of all individual or universal relations with the Divine, in others it becomes an absorbed dwelling in him and not in this world or a continual absorbed or intent living in his presence, sāyujya, sālokya, sāmīpya mukti . The way proposed for the ...


... of spiritual life; even the Yogas which seek most to use the vital/ like certain forms of Vaishnavism,, yet insist on the purification and the total offering of it to, the Divine—and the relations with the Divine arc an inner realisation, the soul offering itself through the emotional being. The soul or psychic being is not something unheard of or incomprehensible. I may say that I am not responsible ...

... fulfilled in all himself; but even before that he can attain to something of it all, grow in it, live in it, once the Supermind has descended upon him and has the direction of his existence. All relations with the Divine will be his: the trinity of God-knowledge, divine works and devotion to God will open within him and move towards an utter self-giving and surrender of his whole being and nature. He will ...

... feelings into feelings of love and devotion for the Divine in all beings and all things. The relations of life will not be abolished, but become widened and illumined figures of our infinite relations with the Divine, the diverse ways of our meeting and embracing Him in all. Similarly the descent of the Supermind into the human life will liberate it from all desire and craving, and convert it into ...

... but even before that he can attain to something of it all, grow in it, live in it, once the Supermind has descended upon him and has the direction of his Page 563 existence. All relations with the Divine will be his: the trinity of God-knowledge, divine works and devotion to God will open within him and move towards an utter self-giving and surrender of his whole being and nature. He will ...


... future – it illumines the consciousness and prepares it for the future realization. Spiritual teaching is above religions and strives towards global Truth. It teaches us to enter into direct relations with the Divine.’ 44 She strongly resisted all traces of dogmatism and said on a certain occasion, when somebody quoted Sri Aurobindo to corroborate a point: ‘Sri Aurobindo did say that, but he also said ...

... that truth of the Divine be approached in that stage of the developing human consciousness and be helped forward; they are condemned, because to persist always in these crude conceptions and relations with the Divine is to miss that closer union towards which these crude beginnings are the first steps, however faltering. Page 558 All life, we have said, is a Yoga of Nature; here in this material ...


... path of devotion. Where external worship changes into the inner adoration, real Bhakti begins; that deepens into the intensity of divine love; that love leads to the joy of closeness in our relations with the Divine; the joy of closeness passes into the bliss of union. Love too as well as knowledge brings us to a highest oneness and it gives to that oneness its greatest possible depth and intensity. It ...


... knowledge of self and the world that is still needed if the soul is to throw off its natural ignorance and staying its steps on a right use of knowledge, of life, of works and of its own relations with the Divine in these things ascend into unity of being with the eternal Spirit of existence. The essence of the Gita's ideas in these matters has already, anticipating the final evolution of its thought ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... kind of spiritual life; even the Yogas which seek most to use the vital, like certain forms of Vaishnavism, yet insist on the purification and the total offering of it to the Divine—and the relations with the Divine are an inner realisation, the soul offering itself through the emotional being. The soul or psychic being is not something unheard of or incomprehensible. Absence of love and fellow-feeling ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... measure of truth and right. Most men do that—almost all practically; but to do Yoga you must free yourself from that altogether. You are concerned only with yourself and the Divine; in your relations with the Divine you are concerned not with the Divine's satisfaction of your personal desires, but with being pulled out of these things and raised to your highest spiritual possibilities, so that you may ...

... , if the mind still needs the more familiar mental conception, it can be kept so long as it is needed; only do not let the soul be bound by it and do not let it limit the inflow of other relations with the Divine and larger forms of experience. Surrender to the Guru Because through it [ surrender to the Guru ] 1 you surrender not only to the impersonal but to the personal, not only to the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... round what he is doing or that his work is the most important thing that has ever been done. His personality counts no longer; he is an agent, a channel, his art a means of expressing his relations with the Divine. He uses it for that purpose as he might have used any other means that were part of the powers of his nature. But does an artist feel at all any impulse to create once he takes up Yoga ...


... realisation will become for him, too, more full, more perfect; for the wide uniformity of a universal and impersonal Love will be lit up and vivified with the colour and beauty of all possible relations with the Divine. Page 75 ...


... round what he is doing or that his work is the most important thing that has ever been done. His personality counts no longer; he is an agent, a channel, his art a means of expressing his relations with the Divine. He uses it for that purpose as he might have used any other means that were part of the powers of his nature. But does an artist feel at all any impulse to create once he takes up ...


... ordinary life, as ordinary relationships, one becomes incapable of feeling them exactly as the Divine can give them. And usually, most people, even those who have a living soul, seek these relations with the Divine only after they have had the most bitter and disappointing experiences in their search for human relationships. This makes them lose much time and wastes a lot of energy. And usually, they ...


... illumines the consciousness and prepares it for the future realisation. Spiritual teaching is above religions and strives towards a global Truth. It teaches us to enter into direct relations with the Divine." (Ibid.) (10) Question: "Why are we here in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram ? " Page 90 The Mother's Answer: "There is an ascending evolution in nature which ...

... roots of those workings and of the relations of the divine consciousness with human will and human action; Sri Krishna went farther and showed the integral method of combining that integral knowledge with motivation of complete surrender to the divine consciousness, the surrender of human will and human action so that they may be uplifted, transformed and so divinized that the resultant would be fullness ...

... our works, he is, that is to say, the original and the manifested indwelling Self or Divine, the One that inhabits all. All the relations of the divine soul with God or its supreme Self and with its other selves in other forms will be determined by this comprehensive self-knowledge. These relations will be relations of being, of consciousness and knowledge, of will and force, of love and delight. Infinite... of one infinite harmony. In its relations with its supreme Self, with God, the divine soul will have this sense of the oneness of the transcendent and universal Divine with its own being. It will enjoy that oneness of God with itself in its own individuality and with its other selves in the universality. Its relations of knowledge will be the play of the divine omniscience, for God is Knowledge,... Light. Its relations of will will be there the play of the divine omnipotence, for God is Force, Will and Power, and what with us is weakness and incapacity will be the holding back of will in tranquil concentrated force so that certain forms of divine conscious-force may realise themselves brought forward into form of Power. Its relations of love and delight will be the play of the divine ecstasy, for ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... both concerned with the same grand problem, the winning of the state of Immortality, the relations of the divine, all-ruling, all-possessing Brahman to the world and to the human consciousness, the means of passing out of our present state of divided self, ignorance and suffering into the unity, the truth, the divine beatitude. As the Isha closes with the aspiration towards the supreme felicity, so the ...


... infinite Grace. The Divine is indeed what you expect of Him in your deepest aspiration. And when you enter into this consciousness where you Page 175 see all things in a single look, the infinite multitude of relations between the Divine and men, you see how wonderful all that is, in all details. You can look at the history of mankind and see how much the Divine has evolved according... as human consciousness widens itself. Everyone is free to choose. The perfection of this endless variety of relations of man with God through- out the history of the world is an ineffable marvel. And all that together is only one second of the total manifestation of the Divine. The Divine is with you according to your aspiration. Naturally that does not mean that He bends to the caprices of your... concrete manner and they who have a subtle vision can see me. In a general way my Force is there constantly at work, constantly shifting the psychological elements of your being to put them in new relations, defining to yourself the different facets of your nature so that you may see what should be changed, developed, rejected. But that apart, there is a special personal tie between Page 173 ...

... realisation of the transcendent Brahman. They are, to paraphrase Shankara's description, mines of all knowledge, knowledge on all the planes of consciousness, and do fix the conditions and relations of the divine, the human and the animal element in the being. I do not claim that mine is the first attempt to give an adhyatmic interpretation of the Veda. It is an attempt—the first or the hundredth ...


... through personal relations of the Divine with the human, that too we shall not deny ourselves; we shall admit both the play of the love and the delight and its ineffable union. By knowledge we seek unity with the Divine in his conscious being: by works we seek also unity with the Divine in his conscious being, not statically, but dynamically, through conscious union with the divine Will; but by love... So too this God-lover will be the divine worker, not for the sake of works or for a self-regarding pleasure in action, but because in this way God expends the power of his being and in his powers and their signs we find him, because the divine Will in works is the out-flowing of the Godhead in the delight of its power, of divine Being in the delight of divine Force. He will feel perfect joy in the... the blossoming of a flower because the Divine is in him and the joy of the Divine, and as that joy expands in him, soul and mind and life too expand naturally into their godhead. At the same time, because he feels the Divine in all, perfect within every limiting appearance, he will not have the sorrow of his imperfection. Nor will the seeking of the Divine through life and the meeting of him in ...


... knowledge, but even in a later period, we have Sankaracarya’s view that the Vedas are mines of knowledge, knowledge of all the planes of consciousness, and that they fix the condition sand relations of the Divine with the human and the animal element in the being. Moreover, we have in recent times, the two great interpretations of the Veda which bring us to the deeper profundities of the Vedic knowledge... supermind where the One and Many meet and our being is freely open to the revealing light of the Divine Truth and the Inspiration of the Divine Will and Knowledge. If we can break down the veil of the intellectual, emotional, sensational mind which our ordinary existence has built between us and the Divine, we can then take up through the Truth-mind all our mental, vital and physical experience and offer... the infinite Existence in forms of a Divine knowledge, will and delight to be imposed on our mentality, vitality, physical existence till the lower is transformed into the perfect vessel of the higher. This was the double Vedic movement of the descent and birth of the gods in the human creature and the ascent of the human powers that struggle towards the Divine knowledge, power and delight and climb ...


... and activities of the supreme Divine, and although in all the dynamic activities its individuality is retained and maintained, it would enjoy the divine status of immobility and mobility as also inmost identity with the Supreme. In its relations with its supreme Self, the individual Jivātman will have the sense of oneness of the transcendent and universal Divine with its own being. As Sri Aurobindo... the universality. Its relations of knowledge will be the play of the divine omniscience, for God is Knowledge, and what is ignorance with us will be there only the holding back of knowledge in the repose of conscious self-awareness so that certain forms of that self-awareness may be brought forward into activity of Light. Its relations of will will be there the play of the divine omnipotence, for God... concentrated force so that certain forms of divine conscious-force may realise themselves brought forward into form of Power. Its relations of love and delight will be the play of the divine ecstasy, for God is Love and Delight, and what with us would be denial of love and delight will be the holding back of joy in the still sea of Bliss so that certain forms of divine union and enjoyment may be brought in ...


... beginning take into itself something of the hues of the other relations, since he follows too knowledge and works and has need of the Divine as teacher, friend and master. The growing of the love of God must carry with it in him an expansion of the knowledge of God and of the action of the divine Will in his nature and living. The divine Lover reveals himself; he takes possession of the life. But still... we look on the things of physical Nature, in them we have to see the divine object of our love; when we look upon men and beings, we have to see him in them and in our relation with them to see that we are entering into relations with forms of him; when breaking beyond the limitation of the material world we know or have relations with the beings of other planes, still the same thought and vision has... on us for his own whether at first we will or no. Even, he may come to us at first as an enemy, with the wrath of love, and our earliest relations with him may be those of battle and struggle. Where first there is love and attraction, the relations between the Divine and the soul may still for long be chequered with misunderstanding and offence, jealousy and wrath, strife and the quarrels of love, hope ...


... higher and higher until we reach the highest motiveless devotion, which is that of divine love pure and simple without any other demand or longing. The relations which arise out of this attitude towards the Divine, are that of the divine Father and the Mother with the child and that of the divine Friend. To the Divine as these things the human soul comes for help, for protection, for guidance, for... the Divine himself the object of the human soul in its religious living. These crudities have served their turn in the slow education of the human mind, but they are of no utility to the Yogin who knows that whatever truth they may represent belongs rather to the external relations of the developing human soul with the external law of the universe than any intimate truth of the inner relations of the... protection and love over all his creatures, and from that grows between the soul and the Divine the relation of father and child, a relation of love, and as a result the relation of brotherhood with our fellow-beings. These relations of the Divine into the calm pure light of whose nature we have to grow and the Master whom we approach through works and service, the Father who responds to the love of the ...


... Indian Bhakti has given to this divine love powerful forms, poetic symbols which are not in reality so much symbols as intimate expressions of truth which can find no other expression. It uses human relations and sees a divine person, not as mere figures, but because there are divine relations of supreme Delight and Beauty with the human soul of which human relations are the imperfect but still the... beginning take into itself something of the hues of the other relations, since he follows too knowledge and works and has need of the Divine as teacher, friend and master. The growing of the love of God must carry with it in him an expansion of the knowledge of God and of the action of the divine Will in his nature and living. The divine Lover reveals himself; he takes possession of the life. But still... we look on the things of physical Nature, in them we have to see the divine object of our love; when we look upon men and beings, we have to see him in them and in our relation with them to see that we are entering into relations with forms of him; when breaking beyond the limitation of the material world we know or have relations with the beings of other planes, still the same thought and vision has ...


... Immortality, but it is more specific about the relations of the divine, all-ruling and all-possessing Brahman, to the world and to the human consciousness; it is also specifically concerned with the means of passing out of our present state of divided self, ignorance and suffering into the unity, the truth, the true knowledge, integral knowledge and divine beatitude. The Upanishad closes with the aspiration... therefore been regarded as epic-hymns of self-knowledge and world Page 5 knowledge and God-knowledge. The utterances of the Upanishads contain the vision of oneness and self in a universal divine being, and they are couched in expressions that have great revealing power and suggestive thought colour Significance of the Age of the Upanishads It is instructive to observe that... aspiration towards the supreme felicity. The Kena Upanishad is also concerned with the state of Immortality, it is also concerned with Ignorance and Knowledge with the relationship between the divine consciousness and the world and human consciousness. Like the Īśa Upanishad, the Kena Upanishad also closes with the definition of Brahman as the Delight and the injunction to Page 8 adore ...

... Indian bhakti has given to this divine love powerful forms, poetic symbols which are not in reality so much symbols as intimate expressions of truth which can find no other expression. It uses human relations and sees a divine person, not as mere figures, but because there are divine relations of supreme Delight and Beauty with the human soul of which human relations are the imperfect but still the... soul of the bhakta yearns; for the source of all life is not an idea or a conception or a state of existence, but a real Being. Therefore in the possession of the divine Beloved all the life of the soul is satisfied and all the relations by which it finds and in which it expresses itself, are wholly fulfilled; therefore, too, by any and all of them can the Beloved be sought, though those which admit... idea of the Divine in himself or of the Divine in ourselves. In the former case it becomes in habit of feeling and outer act an imitation of the Divine, in the latter a growing into his likeness in our nature. What inner adoration is to ceremonial worship, this growing into the divine likeness is to the outward ethical life. It culminates in a sort of liberation by likeness to the Divine, 1 a liberation ...


... arduous way, "narrow and difficult to tread as a razor's edge." Not by denying all relations, but through all relations is the Divine Infinite naturally approachable to man and most easily, widely, intimately seizable. This seeing is not after all the largest or the truest truth that the Supreme is without any relations with the mental, vital, physical existence of man in the universe, avyavahāryam... richer, completer, more intimate union. This Godhead is the fulfilment of all relations, father, mother, lover, friend and refuge of the soul of every creature. He is the one supreme and universal Deva, Atman, Purusha, Brahman, Ishwara of the secret wisdom. He has manifested the world in himself in all these ways by his divine Yoga: its multitudinous existences are one in him and he is one in them in... dependence on the ever unmanifested and ineffable reality of the transcendent Godhead. But at the same time the divine Transcendence is not a negation, nor is it an Absolute empty of all relation to the universe. It is a supreme positive, it is an absolute of all absolutes. All cosmic relations derive from this Supreme; all cosmic existences return to it and find in it alone their true and immeasurable ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... law by which the divine Will and Wisdom work out the spiritual evolution of mankind and its circumstances and results in the life of the race. Dharma in the Indian conception is not merely the good, the right, morality and justice, ethics; it is the whole government of all the relations of man with other beings, with Nature, with God, considered from the point of view of a divine Page 171 ... life, orderings of relations of every kind in the world. Dharma 1 is both that which we hold to and that which holds together our inner and outer activities. In its primary sense it means a fundamental law of our nature which secretly conditions all our activities, and in this sense each being, type, species, individual, group has its own dharma. Secondly, there is the divine nature which has to... law of the inner workings by which that grows in our being. Thirdly, there is the law by which we govern our outgoing thought and action and our relations with each other so as to help best both our own growth and that of the human race towards the divine ideal. Dharma is generally spoken of as something eternal and unchanging, and so it is in the fundamental principle, in the ideal, but in its ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... the tranquil heart of psychic emotions, radiant and rhythmic in its self-expression. All its emotions are waves of love and joy, deploying infinite variations and even embracing all human relations, but divinely secure against any deformation or degradation by desire. This psychic heart has to be released into expression, and its emotions of love and joy must take the place of the normal, agitating... our being—the central will, one yet multiple, and attuned to, or more precisely, an individual self-formation of, the universal divine Will. To destroy the distortions and preserve the will, the real motive power of our swabhāva, and unite it with the self-revealing divine Will, is then the whole method and aim of our dealing with prāṇa and its desires. And that goes a long way in purifying the... forces of darkness. For, nothing must be left, not the least vestige of the primitive cravings, that could prolong the action of the Ignorance. All the boundless energy of desires must go to feed the divine Will revealing itself more and more in the being as it undergoes Page 252 the psychic change. It is to be remarked here that' m the Integral Yoga there is no question of killing or ...

... to him the One in many forms or rather in many aspects and poises, Brahman acting upon Brahman, one Page 366 Nara-Narayana 3 everywhere. In that larger play of the Divine the joy of the relations of divine love also is possible without the lapse into the ego-sense,—just as the supreme state of human love likewise is described as the unity of one soul in two bodies. The ego-sense is not... and substance of both these manifesting powers of the divine Essence and the divine Nature. Whatever the path, this must be for him the goal. The Yoga of Action also is not fulfilled, is not absolute, is not victoriously complete until the seeker has felt and lives in his essential and integral oneness with the Supreme. One he must be with the Divine both in his highest and inmost and in his widest being... n there can be no divine culmination and deliverance. A certain purification from egoism is the condition even of ethical progress and elevation, for social good and perfection; much more is it indispensable for inner peace, purity and joy. But a much more radical deliverance, not only from egoism but from ego-idea and ego-sense, is needed if our aim is to raise human into divine nature. Experience ...


... can feel His infinite Grace. The Divine is indeed what you expect of Him in your deepest aspiration. And when you enter into this consciousness where you see all things in a single look, the infinite multitude of relations between the Divine and men, you see how wonderful all that is, in all details. You can look at the history of mankind and see how much the Divine has evolved according to what men... consciousness widens itself. Each one is free to choose. The perfection of this endless variety of relations of man with God throughout the history of the world is an ineffable marvel. And all that Page 75 together is only one second of the total manifestation of the Divine. The Divine is with you according to your aspiration. Naturally that does not mean that He bends to the caprices... The Mother The Mother Words of the Mother - I Relations with Others "I am with You" Mother gives always to each one the love he needs. 11 January 1933 I am always seated in your heart, consciously living in you. 2 September 1935 Open your heart and you will find me already there. Don't be restless, remain quietly concentrated ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... inner, not to a physically embodied Divine and had a reference to certain states and reactions of the inner consciousness in its seeking after the Divine. In the relations with the embodied Divine manifestation, or, I may add, of the disciple with the Guru, such things might rise as a result of human imperfection, but they were not made part of the theory of the relations. I do not think they formed a regular... authorised part of the relations of the bhaktas to Chaitanya or of the disciples at Dakshineshwar towards Ramakrishna! On the contrary, the relation of the disciple to the Guru in the Guruvada is supposed always to be that of worship, respect, complete happy confidence, unquestioning acceptance of the guidance. The application of the unchanged vital relations to the embodied Divine or the Guru may lead... realisation of the inner Divine,—nothing less but also nothing more. I believe his sentence about the claim of the sadhak on the Divine for whom one has sacrificed everything was the assertion of an inner and not an outer claim, on the inner rather than on any physically embodied Divine: it was a claim for the full spiritual union, the God-lover seeking the Divine, but the Divine also giving himself and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... human relations. Page 216 The Message of Divine Humanism We thus come to the inevitable conclusion that the true solution for the problem of harmony can intervene and human relations can be based on a secure and perfect basis, only if we transfer the roots of our relations from the mind, life and body to a greater consciousness above the mind. All relations must be... From Man Human to Man Divine IX The Problem of Human Relations "All problems of existence are essentially problems of harmony." (Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, p. 2.) The Dream of Harmony Ever since the dawn of human history, man has been actuated by a persistent dream of triple harmony: harmony within man himself, social... Aurobindo, The Life Divine, pp. 591-92. Page 212 a mysterious transcendent something of which his sense of personality gives him an obscure and egoistic representation. Otherwise he has missed his goal, the problem set to him has not been solved, the divine work for which he accepted birth has not been done." 25 Now if we look at the problem of human relations from this perspective ...

... done in that world are his works, but even when they serve some temporary universal end, their main purpose for us is to make outwardly dynamic or give inward power to our relations with Page 257 this immanent Divine. Many seekers ask for no more or see the continuation and fulfilment of this spiritual flowering only in heavens beyond; the union is consummated and made perpetual in an eternal... trance of peace or an ecstasy of divine Love. But our more difficult problem is to liberate the true Person and attain to a divine manhood which shall be the pure vessel of a divine force and the perfect instrument of a divine action. Step after step has to be firmly taken; difficulty after difficulty has to be entirely experienced and entirely mastered. Only the Divine Wisdom and Power can do this for... Friend, Lover, Teacher, our Father and our Mother, our Playmate Page 256 in the great world-game who has disguised himself throughout as friend and enemy, helper and opponent and, in all relations and in all workings that affect us, has led our steps towards our perfection and our release. It is through this more personal manifestation that we are admitted to some possibility of the complete ...


... roots of those workings and of the relations of the divine consciousness with human will and human action; Sri Krishna went farther and showed the integral method of combining that integral knowledge with motivation of complete surrender to the divine consciousness, the surrender of human will and human action so that they may be uplifted, transformed and so divinized that the resultant would be fullness... from a special standpoint, — the standpoint of the relationship between Purusha and Prakriti, and the precise relations between the supreme Page 23 Purusha (Purushottama),¹¹ the immutable Self (Akshara Purusha),¹² and the mobile Self (Kshara Purusha), as also the intimate relations between Purushottama and the higher nature, Para Prakriti, which manifests multiplicity of individual souls... come to know the Divine, not in the form in which he can be approached or known through inferior formations, human powers, angelic powers or godly powers, but of the Divine directly who is behind all inferior formations but who transcends them all, the divine in Himself, both in his essence and in his divine manifestations; they are jnāni; they are knowers and who adore the Divine. The Gita recognizes ...

... necessary to the Divine nearness; on the contrary, a sense of closeness and oneness with others is a part of the divine consciousness Page 258 into which the sadhak enters by nearness to the Divine and the feeling of oneness with the Divine. An entire rejection of all relations is indeed the final aim of the Mayavadin and in the ascetic Yoga an entire loss of all relations of friendship... inner, not to a physically embodied Divine and had a reference to certain states and reactions of the inner consciousness in its seeking after the Divine. In the relations with the embodied Divine Manifestation, or, I may add, of the disciple with the Guru, such things might rise as a result of human imperfection, but they were not made part of the theory of the relations. I do not think they formed a regular... application of] the unchanged vital relations to the embodied Divine may lead and has led to movements which are not conducive to the progress of the Yoga. Ramakrishna's Yoga was also turned only to an inner realisation of the inner Divine,—nothing less, but also nothing more. I believe his sentence 1 about the claim of the sadhak on the Divine for whom he has sacrificed everything ...