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... Sri Aurobindo and the Mother! V Like Dilip, Vasudha, Sahana Devi also - whose music used to send Rabindranath Tagore into the seventh heaven of rapture - arrived in Pondicherry in November 1928. At that time the women inmates - the sadhikas - numbered hardly a dozen. What immediately struck Vasudha, Sahana Devi when she came to the Ashram on the morning of 22 November was that the... the Siddhi Day, there came - some for the first time, some for good - ardent spirits such as Dyuman, Janet and Vaun , McPheeters, Daulat and K. D. Sethna, Chandulal Shah and his sister Vasudha, Sahana Devi and Dilip Kumar Roy, J. A. Chadwick, Miss Maitland, Rishabhchand, and a host of others, most of whom were to make the Ashram their permanent home. With regard to many of those who thus made... Tagore's "In the steps of the Dance", the Mother herself gave Vasudha, Sahana the idea of a dance on Radha, along the lines of her own Radha's Prayer. And so with the march of the years Vasudha, Sahana Devi made unfaltering progress in the sadhana, never halting, never taking things for granted, but ever with her eyes on the Vision yonder, ready and eager always to fare forward towards the Goal. ...
... upon earth, dispel all evil, all untruth. Victory, Victory to the giver of victory, We bow down to the Supreme Ruler of the worlds, the Mother! SAHANA DEVI THE SWAN-BOAT The swan-boat On its two wings – its twin oars – Moves afar towards the far Where the last shade of the horizon... On its two wings – its twin oars. SAHANA DEVI THE DREAM-JOURNEY The first tremor of the Light, 10 the dream-journey! Night's desire is now appeased, she feels the Sun within her... the sun-flower, Hymns limned in her petalled gold! Darkness massed on darkness has burst all on a sudden: Eyes once closed open to the Lightning's flare! SAHANA DEVI AN ETERNAL MIRACLE.POWER An eternal miracle-power gleaming in infinite beauty Drew an arabesque on Time's wide forehead And hid within ...
... a clean sweep of all this undesirable overgrowth of the past, and make all work equally an offering to the Divine. "The Mother was moulding our entire life for a God-oriented existence," says Sahana Devi, "a birth into a new consciousness, an inner life." 3 And the best way this could be done was to entrust each sadhak with a piece of work - be it ever so seemingly insignificant or ever so crushingly... the sadhaks could see and receive the blessings of both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. And throughout the year, the Mother was accessible to the sadhaks. Here is the grateful acknowledgement of Sahana Devi, who had been a sadhika for over six decades: The Mother... usually kept apart about four hours every day for such meetings. If the need was urgent and a meeting was asked for it was granted... man climbed up a palm-tree and brought down some fruits, clove them with a big knife and brought out the kernels which Pavitra peeled and gave to each one of us. That was our picnic. 15 Sahana Devi also remembers those quite long evening drives, the walks and the relaxed sittings enjoying the scenery around: "How pleasant it was with the Mother!" The Mother used to carry sweets with her ...
... of some untoward results it produced. In the meantime there had been fresh accessions to the Ashram community: Vaun and Janet McPheeters from the U.S., Daulat and K. D. Sethna from Bombay, Sahana Devi and Dilip Kumar Roy from Bengal, Miss Maitland from the U.K. and others. Among the old-timers, Nolini was Secretary of the Ashram, silent and efficient as ever, and Amrita was its manager. Pavitra... on Sundays. The meeting place was Dilip's house, and among those who attended were Nolini, Pavitra, Vaun and Janet McPheeters (Janet had been given the name "Shantimayi" by Sri Aurobindo), Sahana Devi, Duraiswami Aiyar, Miss Maitland, Kapali Sastry and of course Dilip. The procedure at these meetings was very simple: At the commencement the Mother used to meditate with us; at times she ...
... Kiran, Harindranath Chattopadhyaya, Nishikanto, Arjava, Dilip Kumar Roy, Nirodbaran; painters such as Jayantilal, Krishnalal, Nishikanto, Sanjiban, Amal Kiran; and singers like Dilip Kumar Roy, Sahana Devi, Bhishmadev Chattopadhyay, Venkatraman, all enriching with their art forms a small community of some one hundred inmates. To come back to "A.E.", I do not think that the poet and painter ...
... being done and will continue to be done with mine.” 1 × See the 'soup ceremony' described by Mrityunjoy and Sahana Devi in their articles in Breath of Grace , 1972, pp. 57-61,112-13,120, and by K.D. Sethna in his Light and Laughter , pp. 63 ff. ...
... a musical soiree that had been organized in the Ashram Theatre on 29 October where three songs of Nishikanto set to tune by Dilip Kumar were sung by the Ashram students under the supervision of Sahana Devi. (When asked how did he like the songs, Nishikanto replied: “Quite nice but it would have nicer if I had not remembered the voice of Dilip Kumar who had sung these songs to me. His voice is unforgettable ...
... are indicated within brackets: 1. Chunibhai Patel alias Dyuman (1927); 2. K.D. Sethna alias Amal Kiran along with his wife Daulat alias Lalita (1927); 3. Dilip Kumar Roy (1928); 4. Sahana Devi (1928); 5. John Chadwick alias Arjava (1930); 6. Rishabhchand (1931); 7. Margaret Woodrow Wilson alias Nishtha (c.1938); 8. Nirodbaran (1933); 9. Nishikanto (1934); 10. Kapali Shastry (1930) ...
... Anger 726, 744, 756, 778, 792-3 Romen Palit 268-9, 311, 365, 708 Roy, M.N. 404 Roy, Motilal 49, 89, 100-3, 107, 118, 127, 132-3, 149ff, 203-5, 213, 241, 281 Ruud Lohman 803-4 Sahana Devi (Gupta) 255, 262ff. 281, 285, 287, 289, 296-7, 335, 349, 356, 359, 364, 371, 691 Salvador de Madariaga 534 Samir Kant Gupta 12 Sanat Banerji 241 Sanyal, Dr see Prabhat Sanyal Satprem 719 ...
... Morisset) Prasad, Narayan Pujalal Purani, A.B. Reddy, Madhusudan Rishabhchand Rishabhchand and Shyam Sunder Romen Palit Roy, Dilip Kumar Roy, D.K. and Indira Devi Sahana Devi Sarkar, Mona Sastry, Kapali Satprem Sethna, K.D. (Amal Kiran) Sethna, K.D. and Nirodbaran 12 vols. (1977 to 1992) Breath of Grace (1973) Champaklal Speaks ...
... released prisoners reached their house, what joy there was! A jubilant welcome was given to the guests. After which the ladies of the house went to the kitchen. The young men out of 1 Sahana Devi, C.R. Das' niece, was a great singer in those days. I met her first in Pondicherry in 1935. Such an affectionate nature is hard to find. Page 271 the jail took an enthusiastic bath ...
... people who could be considered in cultural and literary fields equal of any of the greats in those spheres outside. To name a few: Nolini, Pavitra, Amrita, Anilbaran, Dilip Kumar Roy, Sahana Devi, Amal Kiran, Nishikanto. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have hinted that in their past lives some of these sadhaks had been great historical figures, and now in this life they have been drawn ...
... prose made him one of the undisputed voices of Gujarati genius. With the thirties came Dilip Kumar, Nirodbaran, Nishikanto, Arjava, Amal Kiran, Harindranath, Behari, Jyotin, Jyotirmoyee, Sahana-devi, Tehmi, Madhav Pandit, and others, followed by Jugal Kishore, Kishor Gandhi, A. S. Dalal, Peter, Deshpande and others. It will be difficult to go into their special contributions and the merits ...
... but a corner and start a poet. One could not take a step without brushing against a famous poet or painter or musician or thinker or scholar. Nolinikanto, Nishikanto, Dilip Kumar, Bhismadev, Sahana Devi, Monod-Herzen, Sanjivan, Jayantilal, Krishnalal, Sundaram, Purani, Nirodbaran, Anilbaran, Rishabchand, Indra Sen, Sisir Mitra and many more were all so palpably present. However, in 1946 ...
... published in The Mother: Paintings and Drawings. Vasudha would become her personal assistant till illness prevented her from carrying out her duties any longer. Together with Dilip K. Roy came Sahana Devi, ‘whose music used to send Rabindranath Tagore into the seventh heaven of rapture.’ (Iyengar). At that time the women members of the Ashram numbered ‘hardly a dozen.’ It is, however, important to ...
... you last time how I had looked. (laughter) Now to come back to the people, all — the undamned all who were there in the Ashram. Very soon after my coming Dilip Kumar Roy came with Sahana Devi. They came and settled down. And, soon after that, I saw the face of my friend Nirod. It was of course an unforgettable face, (laughter) I think he had come straight from England or via some ...
... and greater understanding. Only now, after so many years, I have started to know her by the touch of her Grace. × Sahana Devi, a famous singer of Bengal, settled in the Ashram in 1928. × A poem written in a new metre by Sri ...
... Kishor Gandhi, all seasoned apostles and beloved children of the Mother, Champaklal, Pranab, Vasudha, Kamala, all constant and dedicated in their ministrations to the Mother, senior sadhak like Sahana Devi, Duraiswami, Rishabhchand, Prithwisingh, Chandradip, Sundaram, Jayantilal, Indra Sen, Pujalal, Mrityunjoy, and yesterday's school-children who were today's sadhaks like Paru, Tara and other "flaming ...
... still they will not be miracles thwey will only be the law at that level of consciousness. What is said above may be illustrated by a series of happenings towards the end of November 1930. Sahana Devi has recorded how the Mother came one day to visit a house on the sea-front in Pondicherry where Sahana's sister Amiya and her two sons were staying. On learning that they intended to sail shortly ...
... statement of one's experiences, doubts and difficulties was a help to the Guru, for he could then know what exactly was happening, and give the necessary guidance and help. Thus Sri Aurobindo told Sahana Devi: "It is absolutely necessary to write everything and write daily." 6 On the other hand, if people wrote merely because it was the fashion to write even when they had nothing to write about ...
... down, although still convalescing, to accept Pranam and prepare the disciples for the afternoon's Darshan. It was a blissful occasion for the sadhaks. Speaking for the Ashram community as a whole, Sahana Devi thus recalls the occasion: All this while we were very heavy of heart. When we again met her at Pranam what a joyful day it was! The intensity of our feelings was as thrilling as when we had ...
... Meditation House where the Darshan was to take place came to be decorated with loving care, and for the Ashram they were festive days as also days of fulfilment. "Each Darshan in our life," wrote Sahana Devi, "was an experience, nearly a supra-realisation." From Darshan to Darshan the heart yearned once again for the mystic face, the magic touch, and when another Darshan day dawned over the Ashram, there ...
... Universal Consciousness. No doubt, a very important state realised for a shorter or longer period, but one that has been undergone by a number of sadhaks. We find it indicated, for instance, in Sahana-devi's correspondence with Sri Aurobindo—but as far as I remember, never so explicitly featured, as in Nagin's exchange of letters. To go through the whole bulk of this exchange is to acquire a special ...
... Sri Aurobindo: Letters to a Young Disciple , was brought out in three volumes in 1974, 1976 and 1987. Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo came out in two volumes in 1983 and 1984. Sahana Devi's correspondence came out in 1985 in a book entitled At the Feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother . Prithwi Singh's correspondence came out in 1988 as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to Prithwi Singh ...
... Sri Aurobindo: Letters to a Young Disciple , was brought out in three volumes in 1974, 1976 and 1987. Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo came out in two volumes in 1983 and 1984. Sahana Devi's correspondence came out in 1985 in a book entitled At the Feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother . Prithwi Singh's correspondence Page 817 came out in 1988 as Sri Aurobindo and ...
... Young Disciple , was brought out in three volumes in 1974, 1976 and 1987. Nirodbaran's Correspondence Page 505 with Sri Aurobindo came out in two volumes in 1983 and 1984. Sahana Devi's correspondence came out in 1985 in a book entitled At the Feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother . Prithwi Singh's correspondence came out in 1988 as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to Prithwi Singh ...
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