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Sandhya : evening newspaper started on 16 December 1904, edited by Brahmabāndhav Upādhyāya, prosecuted for sedition in August 1907. After his death Pandit Makhoda Charan Samadhyāya became its editor & general director. The Govt. killed the paper in January 1909 by outlawing its Press & printer.

42 result/s found for Sandhya

... Sedition Case. In 1907 the Government began 'seditious' proceedings against the Press, targetting in the main the three extremist newspapers running in Bengal: Yugantar, Sandhya, 1 an eveninger, 1. Sandhya, a Bengali daily, made its debut in 1904, that is two years before Page 356 and the Bande Mataram. Between them they practically revolutionized the political... necessarily be, in the way of our National development." He also boasted, "No foreign government can imprison me." True to his word he died on 27 October 1907 at Campbell Medical Hospital while the Sandhya Page 357 same monotonous investigation and after a laborious search Lahiri afterwards stepped out of the room and paced the corridor heroically, carrying in both of his hands a... does not even profess to give voice to the policy of the paper,—that is the second and third; and there is no other. The Yugantar was prosecuted on articles expressing its essential policy; the Sandhya has been proceeded against on articles expressing its views on important matters; but it was sought to crush the Bande Mataram partly for a technical offence and partly on a side issue.... Sanction ...

... Sri Aurobindo Ghose, pursued a strange career. Exasperated, frightened, almost maddened, the Government were after Sri Aurobindo: his sinister hand was seen everywhere - in the Yugantar, in Sandhya, and of course in the Bande Mataram. And how extensive were the tentacles that shot out of these "organs of public opinion"! and how uncannily they sought out converts or victims - who became... Nationalism who had referred to Sri Aurobindo as Aurobindo, the lotus of immaculate whiteness, the hundred-petalled lotus in full bloom in India's Manasarovar - was arrested as the editor of Sandhya on 31 August, but he was to trick the authorities and die, after a ort illness, in the Campbell Hospital before the case against him could be concluded. Who, then, was most likely to throw light ...

... dhoti and looking nowhere with his upward gaze. His lips were repeating the gayatri mantra and his feet were speeding towards the puja room, where he would soon perform his daily worship of ritual sandhya and havan, recitation of Vedic hymns and sacrifice by lighting fire in the tinders and offering to it the oblations of clarified butter and fragrant materials, herbs and grains. None was expected... will had become feeble and my courage had left me. I perceived that my feet were turning towards the puja room, where by the usual custom of the family, every member was expected to join the daily sandhya and havan. In ordinary orthodox brahmin families, women are not allowed to have access to these rituals, but my father was a progressive brahmin, and, recalling that some of the great Rishis of the... "Father, I'll go back to Ahmedabad today itself; and father, I have given up eating any cooked food and have been living on fruits for the last two months. And...father, I'll not join you in sandhya and havan, because I am convinced that these are external routines without any force of truth." I had thrown a bombshell, and immediately I began to wonder if there was any other alternative ...

... got Swaraj, he replied that he would again be a professor of mathematics. NIRODBARAN: We heard about one paper, Sandhya. SRI AUROBINDO: At that time three extremist papers were running in Bengal, the Jugantar, Sandhya and Bande Mataram. Brahmabandhav Upadhyaya, editor of the Sandhya, was another great man. He used to write so cleverly that the Government couldn't charge anything against him. As ...


... Aurobindo. But he did not allow his name to be announced as the editor, because he had not yet given up the Baroda Service. At first, for about two months, it was published from the office of the Sandhya, the vernacular paper edited by Brahmabandhava Upadhyaya, and afterwards on the 8th October its office was shifted to No.200, Cornwallis Street. Its office was again shifted on November 1 86 to... Freedom is the life-breath of a nation. If freedom is lost, the nation decays and dies in spite of the utmost care and solicitude of its masters to keep it alive. Brahmabandhab Upadhyaya's paper, Sandhya, also lent its virile voice to the rousing of the nation to an urgent sense of freedom. But Yugantara soon fell a victim to the Page 232 wrath of the Government. Its manager, Abinash... point-blank to give evidence or take any part in the prosecution, and was sentenced to six months' simple imprisonment on a charge of contempt of court. Brahmabandhab Upadhyaya, editor of the Sandhya, was arrested on the 31st August, but, as he had predicted, he escaped the penalty of the British Law by departing from this life after a short illness. Thus the British Government strove to gag ...

... about independence, guerrilla warfare, day after day in a paper. It wanted safety first. At that time three papers were running in Bengal 1. "Jugantar" 2. Bande Mataram 3. And Sandhya. Brahma Bandhava. Upadhyaya editor of Sandhya was another great man. He used to write so cleverly the Government could not charge him; and our financial condition was so bad and yet we carried on for five to six years. ...

... secret revolutionary organisation, whose aim of course was to make the programme adopted by the Congress and the nation as a whole. The magic word 'Swaraj' was later popularised by the Bengali paper, Sandhya, edited by Brahmabandhab Upadhyaya. At the Calcutta Congress (1906), Dadabhai Naoroji - "in an inspired moment" - described "self-government" as swaraj, at once conferring official recognition... self-indulgent inertia and ignorance of her sons. But if we could awaken the God within, if everyone - "from the Raja on his throne to the coolie at his labour, from the Brahmin absorbed in his Sandhya to the Pariah walking shunned of men" - if everyone could manifest the living God, then indeed the whole nation would be able to enact Almighty Power here and now. Again, India must shake off ...

... was by no means the only newspaper organ of the associates. There were others, such as the Sandhya, which proclaimed abroad: 'We want complete independence.... Swadeshi, boycott, all are meaningless to us, if they are not the means of retrieving our whole and complete independence.' " The editor of Sandhya was Brahmabandhab Upadhyay. According to the Rowlatt Committee both these vernacular newspapers ...

... enough, like Garibaldi, to take it. Not altogether happy is their lot who, like Napoleon or Mazzini, outstay the lease of their appointed greatness. Mirabeau ruled the morning twilight, the sandhya of the new age. Aristocratic tribune of the people, unprincipled champion of principles, lordly democrat,—a man in whom reflection was turbulent, prudence itself bold, unflinching and reckless, the ...


... true indication of the political mind and genius of the Indian people. But again amid all the mist of confusion there is still the possibility of a new twilight, not of an evening but a morning Yuga-sandhya. India of the ages is not dead nor has she spoken her last creative word; she lives and has still something to do for herself and the human peoples. And that which must seek now to awake is not an ...


... whole nation stands committed to a policy of self-development and passive resistance. The Press a few months ago was, with the exception of a few Mahratti weeklies, one journal in the Punjab and the Sandhya and New India in Calcutta, almost entirely Moderate. The increase of Nationalist journals such as the Balbharat and Andhra Keshari in Madras, the Aftab in the North and ourselves in Calcutta ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... will be well understood by those who are constant readers of the Nationalist journals in Bengal, whether the Bande Mataram or New India or vernacular journals like the Yugantar, the Nabasakti or the Sandhya. 1 Whatever their differences of temper, tone or style, however the methods they recommend may differ in detail, they are united by a common faith and a common spirit; a common faith in India, not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... when a force ceases to conquer, it ceases to live—that which remains stationary and stands merely on the defensive, that which retires into and keeps within its own kot or base, as the now defunct Sandhya used graphically to put it, is doomed to defeat, diminution and final elimination from the living things of this world. Hinduism has always been pliable and aggressive; it has thrown itself on the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... too in a little corner of it. On its eastern bank was a banyan tree; at a distance from that a peepal tree. In the evenings the Brahmins of our village in order to perform their evening rites (sandhya-vandanam) would start from the village, cross the mango-grove, amalaki-grove, tamarind-grove, date-palm forest, etc., wade through the small stream flowing with a soft murmur, climb the sand-hill ...

... to him: “The concentration at the Playground was excellent. I do not know why.” Sri Aurobindo did not say anything. C: The period between the end of the day and the beginning of the night, sandhya , is very favourable for concentration. Mother: “On the contrary, today it was still daytime!” Nirod: “Perhaps the boys and girls were tired after play.” Mother: “Perhaps.” C: “Mother, ...


... Brahmabandhab Upadhyaya and others, he stood for a new party, the Nationalist, which was opposed to the moderate policy of the Congress. Upadhyaya was successfully conducting the Bengali evening daily Sandhya. But the need for an all-India organ was keenly felt. Bepin Chandra, with great courage but hardly any financial support, decided to launch the paper. The first issue of this new journal, Bande Mataram ...


... to Pondicherry also you heard a voice ? Sri Aurobindo : Yes.  It is quite true. 30-7-1926 Disciple : Is there any truth in the belief that the three times prescribed for the sandhya are more favourable for meditation ? Sri Aurobindo : Yes, they are. These transitional times – especially the evening times – are times when you Page 167 are most likely to ...

... balanced, 508; balance upset in later times, 508; organisation of Government, 508; close participation of all the "four orders", 508; three-tier Government, 508; unity of spirit and culture, 509; Yuga Sandhya of a new India, 509; renaissance in India, 509; compared with the Celtic & Japanese, 510; a future for India, 510-1 Fraser, Sir Andrew, 246fn Fry, Christopher, 147 Fuller ...

... spark hasn't been extinguished, and a new India re-enacting her past glory though in conformity with the exacting conditions of today is not quite an impossibility. Sri Aurobindo saw the morning Yuga-sandhya over fifty years ago, and at the present moment when the twilight is lost in the new dawn, the noon of the future cannot long be denied to our aspirations and strivings. But we might find it all Darkness ...

... 39 Outpourings of Sympathy The collapse of the Bande Mataram Sedition case put the nose of the bureaucracy out of joint. B. B. Upadhyay's Sandhya commented gleefully, "The Bande Mataram newspaper has pulled you by both your ears, and slapped both your cheeks and made fools of you in the midst of the market place." In its hour of trial ...

... which have been the most violent in their recent utterances. This pleasant news opens the way to a most interesting line of speculation and we would suggest that one of our contemporaries, say, the Sandhya , might start a plebiscite or a prize-competition for the correct list of the fortunate victims. The prize would of course be given to the competitor who got the right names in the right order. It ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... does not even profess to give voice to the policy of the paper, that is the second and third; and there is no other. The Yugantar was prosecuted on articles expressing its essential policy; the Sandhya has been proceeded against on articles expressing its views on important matters; but it was sought to crush the Bande Page 688 Mataram partly for a technical offence and partly on a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... inspiration from one or two great orators. It has embraced the whole educated Page 396 class with one unquenchable flame. If Srijut Bipin Chandra Pal were deported, and the Bande Mataram, Sandhya and other Nationalist journals suppressed, the fire would only become silent, pervading, irresistible. A hundred hands would catch the banner of Nationalism as it fell from the hands of the stand ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Vivekananda sought to shake the world? It is this that in every one of these three hundred millions of men from the Raja on his throne to the coolie at his labour, from the Brahmin absorbed in his sandhya to the Pariah walking shunned of men, GOD LIVETH. We are all gods and creators, because the energy of God is within us and all life is creation; not only the making of new forms is creation, but ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... poison passed out of the national system and the blood began to circulate freely in our veins. Once more we stood up as men and not as gibbering spectres of a vanished humanity. The attitude of the Sandhya and Yugantar , consistently maintained in the dock, stood for a revival of Indian sincerity, truthfulness, manliness, fearlessness; it was the resurgence of the Arya, the ideal of honour and quiet ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... too in a little corner of it. On its eastern bank was a banyan tree; at a distance from that a peepal tree. In the evenings the Brahmins of our village in order to perform their evening rites (sandhya-vandanam) would start from the village, cross the mango-grove, amalaki-grove, tamarind-grove, date-palm forest, etc., wade through the small stream flowing with a soft murmur, climb the sand-hill ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... Traditional Learning and Champaklal As you know, every Brahmin must learn certain rituals after his upanayana [sacred-thread ceremony]. My father taught me sandhya [worship at dawn, noon and dusk] but I was never interested in this ritual. My elder brother, Sunderlal, who was brought up under the same sanskaras was just the opposite. My father sent us both ...


... beholding her believed that some heavenly damsel had descended amidst them. 45 But the Tantra texts deal extensively with the different ages of the Mother. A one-year old girl is called Sandhya, a two-year old is Saraswati, when she is seven years old she is called Chandika, a sixteen-year old is Shodasi. Shodasi's Mantra is made of sixteen syllables. The Tamil culture has perfected a type ...

... —give up all observance of caste, take food from Pariahs and are served by them, associate and eat with Mahomedans, Christians, Europeans, cease to practise temple worship or Page 411 Sandhya (daily prayer and mantras), accept a non-Hindu from Europe as their spiritual director. These are things people who have Hinduism as their aim and object would not do—they do it because they are obliged ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... —give up all observance of caste, take food from Pariahs and are served by them, associate and eat with Page 700 Mahomedans, Christians, Europeans, cease to practise temple worship or Sandhya (daily prayer and mantras), accept a non Hindu from Europe as their spiritual director. These are things people who have Hinduism as their aim and object would not do—they do it because they are obliged ...


... enormous influence on the young men of Bengal and helped to turn them into revolutionaries. The word was taken up as their ideal by the revolutionary party and popularised by the vernacular paper Sandhya edited by Brahmabandhab Upadhyaya; it was caught hold of by Dadabhai Naoroji at the Calcutta Congress as the equivalent of colonial self-government but did not long retain that depreciated value. Sri ...


... biography of Garibaldi mentioned is J. Theodore Bent's The Life of Giuseppe Garibaldi (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1882). [2] On 7 June 1907 the editors of the newspapers Jugantar , Sandhya and Bande Mataram were warned by the Government of Bengal that they would be prosecuted if they continued to publish inflammatory articles. On 5 July police arrested Bhupendranath Bose, whom they ...


... week later, Tuesday the 14 th , Abhay-da was no more amongst us. I did not realize then, that this was to be our last meeting. Kiran-ji had sung a Rabindra Sangeet too, that evening— aajie anando sandhya... Our meeting with Abhay-da was since last year, when we visited the Ashram, as per reference of Sanjay Dugar of Kolkata, and though it was for a very brief period on both the occasions. He ...


... the God you are portraying, must come to life by sheer will-power and concentration, and this is possible only if you are completely lost in the rhythm of the moment." In my dance of Siva's Sandhya-nritta-murti, the dance that Siva per forms at the setting of the sun, 'He, Lord of the evening dance', I could not help feeling in this purely personal dance creation of mine, in which I used the ...

... philosopher, theologian, mystic, politician and journalist, Brahma- bandhava was held in high esteem and considered one of the outstanding personalities of his time. Through his Bengali paper, Sandhya, he roused Bengal to fight for freedom. 181. His mother, to whom he was passionately devoted, confirmed him in his decision when she said to him: "Why do you worry? Take up Sri Aurobindo's ...

... Vivekananda sought to shake the world? It is this, that in every one of these three hundred millions of men, from the Raja on his throne to the coolie at his labour, from the Brahmin absorbed in his Sandhya to the Pariah walking shunned of men, god liveth. We are all gods and creators, because the energy of God is within us and all life is creation; not only the making of new forms is creation, ...


... Krishna and the reputed veena-player, Chitti Babu. There were also some semi-classical musicians who have left unforgettable memories in our hearts like A.T. Kanan (Bhajan), Purushottam Jalota (Bhajan), Sandhya Mukherjee, Pradeep Chatterjee, Chhobi Bandopadhyay, Pankaj Mullick, Hemant Mukherjee, Harendra Khurana, etc.     By coming in contact with these celebrated, gifted artists, I have experienced ...


... or torch bearer of the Divine, Sri Aurobindo had travelled far a field indeed, but only along the same road and always towards the same goal. As early as 1906, Brahmabandhab Upadhyaya wrote in Sandhya about Sri Aurobindo: Our Aurobindo is a rare phenomenon in the world. In him resides the sāttvika divine beauty, snow-white, resplendent. Great and vast - vast in the amplitude of his ...

... remained untraceable for about a week —at least for over three days. Now, who was Lele? And why did Sri Aurobindo meet him? When the Government cracked down on the press, and after the Sandhya-Yugantar-Bande Mataram cases, Barin and company decided that mere verbal attacks on the foreigners were not going to lead them anywhere. That pushed, them to start the Maniktola garden where the inmates ...

... Vivek-ananda sought to shake the world? It is this, that in every one of these three hundred millions of men, from the Raja on his throne to the coolie at his labour, from the Brahmin absorbed in his Sandhya to the Pariah walking shunned of men, GOD LIVETH. We are all gods and creators, because the energy of God is within us and all life is creation; not only the making of new forms is creation, but ...

... should repeat as a mantram the words contained in the enclosed paper (which he should not reveal to others) after concentrating on the sign above it. He should repeat three times a day (the three Sandhyas), twelve times in all, and also whenever attacked. Information should be sent from time to time about his condition. Page 828 ...

... constant state of meditation in works, repose, sleep, there was no need for regular, fixed hours of meditation. So too Sri Ramakrishna says, 'One who is uttering the name of Kali at all the three sandhyas, where is his need for fixed hours of worship?' Indeed, in the course of only a few months, Sri Aurobindo had gone far beyond the depth of an experienced yogi like Lele. Barin had another purpose ...