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English [233]
A Centenary Tribute [3]
A National Agenda for Education [2]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
A Vision of United India [3]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [4]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
By The Way - Part II [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [2]
Champaklal Speaks [2]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [2]
Children's University [1]
Classical and Romantic [1]
Collected Poems [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [5]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Early Cultural Writings [3]
Education For Character Development [2]
Education at Crossroads [2]
Education for Tomorrow [1]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Gods and the World [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [12]
I Remember [2]
India's Rebirth [3]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [1]
Innovations in Education [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [5]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Living in The Presence [2]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [1]
Moments Eternal [3]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [2]
Nala and Damayanti [2]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
On The Mother [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [4]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [5]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [3]
Record of Yoga [1]
Reminiscences [1]
Savitri [2]
Selected Episodes From Raghuvamsam of Kalidasa [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [3]
Sri Aurobindo - 'I am here, I am here!' [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [7]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [3]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [2]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [3]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [4]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Future Poetry [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Mother (biography) [2]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [5]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Secret of the Veda [14]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [3]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [6]
Visions of Champaklal [2]
Wager of Ambrosia [2]
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English [233]
A Centenary Tribute [3]
A National Agenda for Education [2]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
A Vision of United India [3]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [4]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
By The Way - Part II [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [2]
Champaklal Speaks [2]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [2]
Children's University [1]
Classical and Romantic [1]
Collected Poems [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [5]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Early Cultural Writings [3]
Education For Character Development [2]
Education at Crossroads [2]
Education for Tomorrow [1]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Gods and the World [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [12]
I Remember [2]
India's Rebirth [3]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [1]
Innovations in Education [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [5]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Living in The Presence [2]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [1]
Moments Eternal [3]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [2]
Nala and Damayanti [2]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
On The Mother [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [4]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [5]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [3]
Record of Yoga [1]
Reminiscences [1]
Savitri [2]
Selected Episodes From Raghuvamsam of Kalidasa [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [3]
Sri Aurobindo - 'I am here, I am here!' [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [7]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [3]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [2]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [3]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [4]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Future Poetry [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Mother (biography) [2]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [5]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Secret of the Veda [14]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [3]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [6]
Visions of Champaklal [2]
Wager of Ambrosia [2]

Saraswati Saruswathi : Vedic goddess of Inspiration. In Puranas, she accompanies Brahma as the goddess of speech, poetry, learning, arts & crafts. (2) The river which joined the Gungā & the Yamuna at Prayāga. [See Dravidians, Drishdāwati, Dwārkā etc.]

233 result/s found for Saraswati Saruswathi

... in the Punjab. The psychological significance of Saraswati carries with it a psychological significance for the whole symbol of the Vedic waters. 2 Saraswati is not only connected with other rivers but with other goddesses who are plainly psychological symbols and especially with Bharati and Ila. In the later Puranic forms of worship Saraswati is the goddess of speech, of learning and of poetry... Veda Bharati and Saraswati are different deities. Bharati is also called Mahi, the Large, Great or Vast. The three, Ila, Mahi or Bharati and Saraswati are associated together in a constant formula in those hymns of invocation in which the gods are called by Agni to the sacrifice. Iḷā sarasvatī mahī, tisro devīr mayobhuvaḥ;     barhiḥ sīdantvasridhaḥ. "May Ila, Saraswati and Mahi, three... hither awakening our consciousness (or, knowledge or perceptions) in human wise, and Saraswati,—three goddesses sit on this blissful seat, doing well the Work." It is clear and will become yet clearer that these three goddesses have closely connected functions akin to the inspirational power of Saraswati. Saraswati is the Word, the inspiration, as I suggest, that comes from the ṛtam, the Truth-C ...

... Hymn to Saraswati WHITE-hued — white as the Kunda flower or the moon or the snow-range, robed in white She bears in her arms the marvellous vina, seated on the lotus. She is ever adored by Brahma and Vishnu and Shiva and all the Gods. May Saraswati save us, the Goddess, may she wipe out all our slothness unto the last. Oh Saraswati, thou art the great... Oh Goddess, give us the Knowledge, I bow to thee. May she dwell on our tongue—she holds the Vina and the Book, The consort of the Supreme, the Mother Divine, gleaming white, O Saraswati! Page 58 ...

... is no reference to Saraswati and it is improbable that she should be meant. It is true that in the Vedic writings Saraswati is spoken of as the secret self of Indra,—an expression, we may observe, that is void of sense if Saraswati is only a northern river and Indra the god of the sky, but has a very profound and striking significance if Indra be the illumined Mind and Saraswati the inspiration that... understand what Madhuchchhandas means when he says that Saraswati by the constant action of the inspiration awakens the Truth to consciousness in our thoughts. But this line may, so far as the mere grammatical form of it goes, be quite otherwise translated; we may take maho arṇas in apposition to Saraswati and render the verse "Saraswati, the great river, awakens us to knowledge by the perception... supramental Page 101 Truth. But it is impossible to give Saraswati so important a place with regard to the other gods as would be implied by interpreting the phrase mahnā mahato arṇavasya in the sense "by the greatness of Saraswati". The gods act, it is continually stated, by the power of the Truth, ṛtena , but Saraswati is only one of the deities of the Truth and not even the most important ...

... Motakaka. One day, he told me that the JIPMER doctors wished to organise Saraswati Puja. On that occasion, they wanted to organise a programme of music at night. He asked me if I would be willing to organise this with the help of Ashram artists and Page 187 go and present it in the evening at the venue of the Saraswati Puja-celebrations. This proposal had come to me from Motakaka quite some... musical instruments, etc. So some of the singers and a couple of doctors helped me to transport these instruments home. The two doctors told me then that the following year too, they would organise Saraswati Puja and requested me to prepare a similar programme for the occasion.     The following year, they asked the Mother through Motakaka if they could organise this celebration at the Ashram... the dress- rehearsal for both the play and our music programme took place in a happy, harmonious way with the help of our Ashram Page 188 technicians. As far as I remember, this Saraswati Puja by the JIPMER doctors took place at the Ashram Theater for two years. And as per the Mother's wishes, I gave them all the help I was capable of, even conducting singing classes for the doctors' ...

... in the divine hearing. Saraswati gives the divine name and Ila gives the divine form to the truth. Under the inspiration of Saraswati the truth casts aside all untruths. Hence she is called Pavaka (the Purifier). Above the mind there abides the vast ocean of Truth. We have neither any knowledge nor any experience of it. In a sense, we are quite unconscious of it. Saraswati raises the intelligence... infallibly. The body, life and mind which are the different levels of the being are each a stream of truth and these areimagined as river or water. Page 102 The fourth group: Saraswati, the wealth of the fulles inspiration of the complete Truth, signifies speedy and rhythmic truth. She is the divine hearing. No doubt, we see and meet the Truth with our divine vision, but to make ...

... mothers and seven fostering cows. Saraswati Saraswati is prominently described as the one connected with these seven rivers and as one of the seven rivers. Madhuchhandas describes Saraswati 39 to be that power of Truth which can be called inspiration, since it is inspiration from the Truth which purifies by getting rid of all falsehood. Saraswati is thus pāvaka, the purifier, and she... difficulty. Ila, Mahi and Saraswati The attainment of Savitri is also connected with other rivers or goddesses who are plainly psychological symbols. In Rig Veda Mandala I in the thirteenth hymn, Ila, Mahi or Bharati and Saraswati are associated together: Iiā Saraswatī Mahī tisro devīr mayo bhuvah, barhih sīdantvasridhah "May Ila, Saraswati and Mahi, three goddesses who give... of the sacrifice ( yajnam dadhe ); she is dhiya vasuh, rich in substance of thought. Saraswati is the impeller of truths and awakener of thoughts in accordance with that which is Page 35 beneficent. It is by constant awakening and impulsion that results in divine perception, ketu, that Saraswati brings into active consciousness of the human being the great flood ( maho arnah ) , the ...

... Mandala. Madhuchchhandas, son of the famous Visvamitra, is the seer; Saraswati is the goddess; the last three riks of the hymn constitute the indicative passage. In Saraswati we have a deity with subjective functions—the first desideratum in our enquiry. Still, there is a doubt, a difficulty. Saraswati of the Epics & Puranas, Saraswati, as she is worshipped today throughout India is, no doubt, a purely... admission of Saraswati’s double rôle in this Sukta is the expression maho arnas, the great water, of the third rik. Only in her capacity as a river-goddess has Saraswati anything to do with material water; an abundance of liquid matter is entirely irrelevant to her intellectual functions. If therefore we accept arnah in a material sense, the entrance of the river into the total physiognomy of Saraswati is imposed... the Veda also there is a Saraswati who is the goddess of speech; in the Veda also there seems to be an ancient river Saraswati, although this stream is placed by Vedic scholars in the Panjab and not in the vicinity of Prayaga and Ayodhya. Were these two deities,—for every river and indeed every natural object was to the Vedic Rishis a divine being,—the same goddess Saraswati? Sayana accepts, even in ...

... 1000 B.C., nearly a thousand years after the Saraswati went dry! Moreover, hundreds of Harappan sites have been found along its course (many more than along the Indus), further confirming the Vedic nature of the Harappan civilization. Indeed, some scholars are now suggesting that the Indus Valley or Harappan civilization would be better named the 'Saraswati civilization.' Let us now pay a visit... picture that emerges of India's ancient past is one of continuity through the ages: the Vedic Age maturing before 4000 B.C., followed by the Saraswati civilization which was its natural outgrowth, and by the Ganges civilization after the drying up of the Saraswati. India's ancient past has been delivered from the straitjacket of the invasionists. No doubt, much has to be integrated into the new perspective... by the prestigious Max Muller (whose research work, interestingly, was commissioned and generously paid for by the East India Company) than to India's own savants and seers. Swami Dayananda Saraswati was perhaps the first to reject the Aryan invasion theory, emphasizing that the word arya referred in the Veda to a moral or inner quality, not to any race or people. Swami Vivekananda followed ...

... material river. The first passage in which Saraswati is mentioned, is the third hymn of the first Mandala, the hymn of Madhuchchhanda Vaisvamitra, in which the Aswins, Indra, the Visve devah and Saraswati are successively invoked—apparently in order to conduct an ordinary material sacrifice? That is the thing that has to be seen,—to be understood. What is Saraswati, whether as a Muse or a river, doing at... the weaver of the Riks? The passage devoted to her occupies the three final & culminating verses of the sacred poem. Pavaka nah Saraswati vajebhir vajinivati Yajnam vashtu dhiyavasuh. Chodayitri sunritanam chetanti sumatinam Yajnam dadhe Saraswati. Maho arnas Saraswati prachetayati ketuna Dhiyo visva vi rajati. Now there is here mention in the last verse of a flowing water, arnas, whether sea or river... different level and are mentioned without the names of their mates if they have any and seem to enjoy an independent power and activity. They are Ila,Mahi&Saraswati, the three goddesses born of Love or born of Bliss, Tisro devir mayobhuvah. Saraswati is known to us in the Purana,—the Muse with her feet on the thousand leaved lotus of the mind, the goddess of thought, learning, poetry, of all that is ...

... devoted to Saraswati, the divine Word, who represents the stream of inspiration that descends from the Truth-consciousness, and thus limpidly runs their sense: "May purifying Saraswati with all the plenitude of her forms of plenty, rich in substance by the thought, desire our sacrifice. "She, the impeller to happy truths, the awakener in consciousness to right mentalisings, Saraswati, upholds the... before it, in movements of three stanzas, the first addressed to the Ashwins, the second to Indra, the third to the Vishwadevas, the fourth to the goddess Saraswati. In this hymn also we have in the closing movement, in the invocation to Saraswati, a passage of clear psychological significance, of a far greater clarity indeed than those that have already helped us to understand the secret thought of... the sacrifice. "Saraswati by the perception awakens in consciousness the great flood (the vast movement of the Ritam) and illumines entirely all the thoughts." This clear and luminous finale throws back its light on all that has preceded it. It shows the intimate connection between the Vedic sacrifice and a certain state of mind and soul, the interdependence between the offering of the clarified ...

... Durga-puja, Lakshmi-puja and Kali-puja, the Meditation Hall was tastefully decorated for Saraswati-puja as well. The Mother would bring down the Mahasaraswati aspect on this day. We received a special flower-blessing then. When the Mother came down, I was naturally overcome with memories of celebrations of Saraswati-puja in Feni when school-children and all the little ones from the locality participated... participated with so much fanfare. There was a competition between the schools and colleges of every locality to see whose depiction of Ma Saraswati was the most beautiful. How lovely those depictions of Ma Saraswati used to be, really! It was as if this goddess robed in white had come and installed herself within us on this day. With all our devotion, faith and love we would make offerings at her feet. For... with these flowers. On this Saraswati-puja day, Parichand-da and Jatin-da used to get us huge quantities of these flowers. After coming here I found out that these flowers were meant for decorating the Mother’s chair and the space around it. The spiritual significance of the palash , the Mother has said, is ‘Beginning of the Supramental Realisation’. Without Ma Saraswati the work of the other goddesses ...

... England and Baroda (1883-1898) England and Baroda (1883-1898) Songs to Myrtilla Collected Poems Saraswati with the Lotus ( Bankim Chandra Chatterji. Obiit 1894 ) Thy tears fall fast, O mother, on its bloom, O white-armed mother, like honey fall thy tears; Yet even their sweetness can no more relume The golden light, the fragrance heaven rears ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Once X said about Y that the Mother had said that she was a "Vedic Goddess"—that is, Saraswati or another. I never heard of this Vedic Goddess affair before. There was a time when the Mother was trying to bring down certain powers in the sadhaks here, but there was never any question of the Saraswati power in Y . 6 October 1934 Come down, Sir,—for heaven's sake give us something and ...

... they were no longer living. The civilization that developed along the banks of the Saraswati had something different in it. The Vedic Rishis heard and saw and explored the mystery of creation. It was the sublime gift of the Saraswati. The Rishis were great travellers. The hymns sung on the banks of the Saraswati spread to the banks of Ganga and Narmada, of Godavari and Krishna, of Kaveri and Tamra-parni... down the mountainsides. Great rivers flowed across continents. One of the greatest rivers was the Saraswati. Born on the high Himalayas, she traversed long and wide plains—at places she flowed ten kilometres wide—to fling herself on the breast of Pashchima Payodhi. 2 On the banks of the great Saraswati grew up one of the most ancient and enduring civilizations. The Vedic Rishis hymned her in exalted ...

... knowledge, cleave to my sacrifice as its upbeareres." "May purifying Saraswati with all the plenitude of her forms of plenty, rich in substance by the thought, desire our sacrifice. "She, the impeller to happy truths, the awakener in consciousness to right mentalisings, Saraswati upholds the sacrifice. "Saraswati by the perception awakens in consciousness the great flood (the vast movement... is a hymn of the Soma sacrifice. It is composed in movements of three stanzas, the first addressed to the Ashwins, the second to Indra, the third to the Vishvadevas, and the fourth to the goddess Saraswati. When these verses are translated in their esoteric sense, as we find them in Sri Aurobindo's translation, they read as follows: "O Riders of the Steed, O Ashwins, swift-footed, much- enjoying ...

... 1961 My Savitri work with the Mother 21 January 1961 On the 21st morning on Saraswati Puja-day the Mother came to the Meditation Hall downstairs to distribute folders. She looked grand in her sari. People filed past her to receive them. When my turn came I saw her eyes enormous, shimmering lakes of sympathy and love. I opened the folder and found five ...

... A Centenary Tribute The Gift of Goddess Saraswati     CHAKRAVARTI Rajagopalachariar described the English language as the gift of Goddess Saraswati to India. There was, of course, a time towards the end of our independence struggle and in the first decade after becoming free when English teachers were worried whether the pro-Hindi leaders would oust... loves unity.. . 2   But the Spirit of India had added English to its rich repertoire of languages, and no temporal power could reject this gift of Goddess Saraswati. For, even during these 'thirties and 'forties, Mother Saraswati's gift was giving shape to the greatest English epic of our times, Savitri.     2. Quoted in K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar, Indian Writing in English , New Delhi:... attainments in material sciences and technology, has not significantly impaired that great edifice of India's spiritual civilisation.   It was a gift of Saraswati for the West when Kathleen Raine was born; and Amal Kiran is a gift of Saraswati for us to remain firmly anchored in the Aurobindonian world, taking around the candles he has lit for bringing light and delight into common lives. Bless this ...

... vision. Parvati-Shankara It is probably the realm of the dynamic creative Spirit on the highest mental plane which you saw as the world of ParvatiShankara. Narayana, Vishnu, Brahma, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ananta Narayana is usually taken as a name of Vishnu—to the Vaishnavas he is the Supreme as Shiva is to the Shaivas. Both are Page 155 cosmic Personalities of the Divine and both like... have their original plane in the Overmind, although they take different forms to the human consciousness in the mental, vital and subtle physical planes. Lakshmi is usually golden, not white. Saraswati is white. The snake is simply a symbol of Energy or Power. Narayana in your dream is clearly Vishnu as is shown by the presence of Lakshmi and the single many-hooded snake. Vishnu or Narayana ...

... in Sicilian olive-groves no more Or seldom must my footprints now be seen, Nor tread Athenian lanes, nor yet explore Parnassus or thy voiceful shores, O Hippocrene. Me from her lotus heaven Saraswati Has called to regions of eternal snow And Ganges pacing to the southern sea, Ganges upon whose shores the flowers of Eden blow. Page 37 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... where the ancients bathed their souls in harmony and light. A few examples will show what the gulf is and how it was created. When we write in a recognised and conventional imagery, "Laxmi and Saraswati refuse to dwell under one roof", the European reader may need a note or a translation of the phrase into its plain unfigured thought, "Wealth and Learning seldom go together", before he can understand... familiar phrase would have been as meaningless in India as in Europe. Some infallible commentator or ingenious scholar might have been proving to our entire satisfaction that Laxmi was the Dawn and Saraswati the Night or that they were two irreconcilable chemical substances—or one knows not what else! It is something of this kind that has over taken the ancient clarities of the Veda; the sense is dead... remains. Therefore when we read "Sarama by the path of the Truth discovers the herds", the mind is stopped and baffled by an unfamiliar language. It has to be translated to us, like the phrase about Saraswati to the European, into a plainer and less figured thought, "Intuition by the way of the Truth arrives at the hidden illuminations." Lacking the clue, we wander into ingenuities about the Dawn and the ...

... in the darkness". PURANI: There was an article about Saraswati in a magazine, saying that it was a river that flowed both into the Bay of Bengal and the Bay of Cambay. SRI AUROBINDO: What? Saraswati going through both Bengal and Cambay? That would be possible only if the inspiration ran riot. PURANI: I have tried to show that Saraswati of the Veda may after all be the flood of inspiration. ...

... life. Pain inflicted on the heart very early in life seems to be the lot of almost all extraordinary beings. For our Subbiah was no ordinary child. He seems to have come with a special blessing from Saraswati, the goddess of Art and Learning. Even before his thread ceremony—he came from a high-caste Brahmin stock—he composed verses in Tamil. At school he was the headache of his teachers. If any... Pandit, very respected, very learned, rose and extolled Subbiah for his sagacity, his eloquence and his felicitous delivery. He conferred on Subbiah the title 'Bharati,' which is another name of Saraswati. From then on we got our Bharati. But dark clouds were gathering over Bharati's life. The textile mill at Ettayapuram had to be closed down owing to heavy losses. Misfortune, as is well known... structure. He wanted to change the social bias against women and bring about an equality of the sexes, and became deeply interested in women's education. Once he even assembled a goodly audience on a Saraswati Puja day, and delivered a lecture in Tamil on women's education. After completing his studies, Bharati managed to get a teaching job ... at Rs. 20 a month! Remember that he was not living alone ...

... and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mounting Darshan Photographs 1952-02-12 It was Kamala's birthday. Mother gave her a silver dish with a picture of Saraswati playing the Veena and said: “I am here.” She also gave a kerchief saying it was used by Sri Aurobindo in last August's Darshan. Nolini had brought a German magazine 1 sent from London, containing ...

... Philosophy (2 Vols.) George Alien & Unwin, London. —— Principal Upanishads, George Alien & Unwin, London, 1953. Renou, Louis, Bibliographic Vediaue, Adrien Maisonneure, Paris, 1931. Saraswati, Swamy Dayanand, Satyartha Prakash, Translated by Durga Prasad, Jan Cyan Prakashan, New Delhi,1970. Satprem, The Revolt of the Earth, Institute of Evolutionary Research, New York. Sri ...

... Dass, Delhi, reprint, 1992. Dasgupta, S.N., History of Indian Philosophy (5 Vols.), Cambridge University Press. Dayanand Saraswati Swami, Satyartha Prakash, (tr.) Chiranjiva Bharadwaja, Sarvedeshika Arya P. Sabha, N. Delhi, 1975. Dayanand Saraswati Swami, Satyartha Prakash, (tr.) Durga Prasad, Jan Gyan Prakash, New Delhi, 1970. Derrida, J., La Voix et a Le Phenomene, Presses... McQueen, G, A Study of the s'ramanya phalasutra, Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1988. Madhusudan Saraswati, Adaivaita Siddhi & Siddhanta Bindu, Govemment Oriental Series, Bombay, 1962 . Magee, B. , Popper, Fontana,Collins, London, 1973. PAGE–147 Madhusudan Saraswati, Giidhartha-dipika (on Bhagavad Gita), Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prathishthan, Delhi, 1992. Mahadevan, T ...

... regularly. Will not the Lord fulfil our prayer? We love the Mother. We have all felt Her, sometimes as Mother Aditi Herself, sometimes as Maheshwari, at other times as Mahakali, Mahalakshmi or as Maha-saraswati. Standing next to a fire, how can our body not be touched by its warmth? And in spite of our untransformed, ignorant condition the Mother’s Grace has so spontaneously blessed us in all Her forms.... The Mother sweetly smiled and said a little mysteriously: “Why, haven’t you ever seen the Feet of gods and goddesses?” I was flabbergasted. Sure! The Feet of Mother Durga, Mahalakshmi, Maha-saraswati resembled Hers. All those sculptors who have made images of gods and goddesses must have had a vision of the Mother in some subtle world. That is why they were inspired to carve these images. I was ...

... be created in us that true thinking of thine. Page 200 × Or, in the river Drishadwati, in Apaya and in Saraswati. × Or, himself a begetter; ...

... been a good deal further east than the Indus... 4 Turvaśas were the common enemies of the Srinjayas and Bhāratas... 5 The Bhāratas... were settled, in the Rigvedic age, in the region between the Saraswati and Yumunā. The Bhāratas appear prominently in the Rigveda in relationship with [King] Sudās and the Tritsus... 6 Among the tribes who were hostile to Sudas, the Druhyus, Turvasas and Anus lived... Aryan kings hailing from Madhyadeśa, well to the east of the Indus, upon peoples west of the Ravi. There is a martial movement from more towards less inland India. It is from "the region between the Saraswati and Yamunā", which is east of Harappā, instead of from the north-west or at least the west of the city. The relative positions of Abhya-vartin Chāyamāna and the Vrichīvants, those allies of the Turvasas ...

... called you, for the drinking of the Soma (wine), O Indra, O Fire. आहं सरस्वतीवतोरिन्द्राग्न्योरवो वृणे । याभ्यां गायत्रमृच्यते ॥१०॥ 10) I choose the protection of Indra and the Fire with Saraswati at their side, for whom the sacred song breaks into light. 3 Page 345 × Or, you who have the riches ...

... they carry forward our span of life. (3) With the ancient mantra we invoke them all – Bhaga and Mitra and Aditi and the unstumbling Daksha, Aryaman too, and Varuna and the twin Aswins. May Saraswati, Mother of bliss, create happiness for us. (4) That healing draught, creative of Delight, may the Wind blow over to us; may Earth the mother and Heaven the Page 7 father ...

... connection with, अर्धं कृणुतादिंद्र गोनां 7 ‘The Patron—यो मा सुन्वंतमुप गोभिरायत् = the god or inner power—of the Sacrifice’ ‘तमन्’ to be darkness or inertia cf तंन्द्रन् 8.9.10. “The Enemy” Saraswati “मरुत्वती” slays the enemies of whom the chief is that famous वृषभं शंडिकानां, evidently Vritra, slain by Indra. Page 472 Brihaspati makes visible, manifests or else discerns, distinguishes... hearing, inspiration, knowledge”. II.30. 1 Savitri—Indra Ahighna, the Waters 2 Vritra, Aditi, the Waters. 3 Indra, Vritra. 4 Brihaspati, Indra, Vritra. 5 Indra 6 Indra, Soma 7 Indra 8 Saraswati Marutvati, Indra 9 Brihaspati or Indra & Brihaspati. 10 Brihaspati. 11 Maruts. Page 473 II.31. 1 Image of the birds around the nest with double meaning वयः—“birds” and “births... Sinivali the creator in force. इंद्राणीं. Not Indra force for increase, Varuna force for the “good-state” (1) Dyavaprithivi 2. (1) Indra. 4. (5) Raka. 6.7. Sinivali (8) Gungur, Sinivali, Raka, Saraswati, Indrani, Varunani. 33. 1 सूर्यस्य “संदृशो” clear instance of संदृक् = sight, vision and not form or appearance. cf स्वर्दृक्, स्वर्दृशे and ज्योतिषः प्रवसथानि अभि अर्वति क्षमेत not ...

... Philosophy and Religion, Motilal Banarasi dass, 1987, Delhi. Das Gupta, S.N., Yoga Philosophy in Relation to other Systems of Indian Thought. Motilal Banarasidass, 1974, Delhi. Dayanand Saraswati (Swami), Satyartha Prakash, tr. Durga Prasad. Hiriyanna, M., Outline of Indian Philosophy, Alien and Unwin Ltd, 1948, London. Kapali Sastry, TV., Collected-works, Dipti Publishers, 1971 ...

... inspired word, and the agency that brings the inspiration is Saraswati. The seers of the Veda speak of Saraswati as one who impels the Words of Truth and awakes to right thinkings or as one opulent with the thought; Saraswati is also spoken of as the goddess who makes us conscious of the Great Ocean and illumines our thought. Along with Saraswati is also Mahi or Bharati who makes our consciousness vast ...

... obstruction in the stream or of imperfection in the mind which the waters have chosen for their bed and continent. In India we have the same idea; Saraswati is for us the goddess of poetry, and her name means the stream or "she who has flowing motion". But even Saraswati is only an intermediary. Ganga is the real mother of inspiration, she who flows impetuously down from the head of Mahadev, God high-seated ...

... the Mothers bellowing rush forth, heavy with milk they are. Like a warrior king you take lead in the outpouring when you drive forward all these streamings. (5) O Ganga and Yamuna and Saraswati! O Shutudri with thy companion Parushni! Cling to this hymn to you. O Marutbridha with thy companion Asikni, O Arjikiya with thy companion Vitasta and Sushoma lend your ears to me. (6) ...

... the reality of the gods. You have interpreted Agni as representing Tapa Shakti, etc. SRI AUROBINDO: If I have spoken of Agni as representing Tapa Shakti, it doesn't mean that he is not a god. If Saraswati is represented as a symbol of learning, does it mean she is not a goddess? Where have I said that the Vedic gods are unreal? PURANI: Sri Aurobindo has nowhere said that; on the contrary, he has ...

... haven't gone beyond this condition, you are unfit for yoga. Because truly, no one in such a rudimentary state is ready for yoga. A short while later: I am going downstairs on the 21st, for Saraswati Puja. 2 They have prepared a folder with a long quotation from Savitri and five photos of my face taken from five different angles. The title of the folder is the line from Savitri that... all is exactly as it should be—exactly as the Supreme wants it to be. That is Omnipotence.' × Saraswati represents the universal Mother's aspect of Knowledge and artistic creativity. On this occasion, Mother would go down to the Meditation Hall and the disciples would silently pass in front of her to ...

... Pitampura, Delhi- 110 034. Tel. 721 8331. Page 87 DR. JAYATI SINGH: Scholar, 149, Vaishali, Pitampura, Delhi-110 034. Tel. 745 6495. DR. JAYNARAYAN KAUSHIK: Scholar, C-605 Saraswati Vihar, Delhi-110 034. DR. KAMLA ARORA: Scholar, 1152, 'Sai Krupa' 12th Main, H.A.L. II Stage, Indira Nagar, Bangalore. Tel. (080) 528 0155, 529 2165. PROF. KEWAL KRISHAN MITTAL: Formerly... Professor of Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Studies, Dept. Delhi University, 8/216 A, Sector III, Rajendra Nagar, Sahibabad-201 005. (U.P.) Tel. 863 0769. DR. KRISHAN GOPAL RASTOGI: Scholar, E-923, Saraswati Vihar, Delhi-110 034. PROF. K.D. GANGRADE: Formerly Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Delhi University, Sushita Bhavan, 156, Vaishali, Pitampura, Delhi-110 034. Tel. 724 0642. DR. K.K.JAIN: Dept. of ...

... पत्रमुर्वी | लिखति यदि गृहीत्वा शारदा सर्वकालं         तदपि तव गुणानामीश पारं न याति || “Even if the whole of the black mountain is dissolved into the sea as in an inkstand and the Goddess Saraswati, holding the branch of the wish-fulfilling heavenly tree as her pen, writes all the time on the earth-surface as paper, then too, O Lord! She cannot fathom your glory!” The echo of Babaji's voice ...

... richness, of their substance, Ratna is the wealth of their delight. Agni is the energy of consciousness, Varuna is the vast-ness of consciousness, Mitra is the harmony. Ila is the revelation, Saraswati inspiration, Bharati is the Goddess, of the Divine Word. In the mental world we meet abstractions, lifeless ideas, forms without a soul. In reality, however, all movements in man, all forces ...

... the richness of their substance, Ratna is the wealth of their delight. Agni is the energy of consciousness, Varuna is the vastness of consciousness, Mitra is the harmony. Ila is the revelation, Saraswati inspiration, Bharati is the Goddess of the Divine Word. In the mental world we meet abstractions, lifeless ideas, forms without a soul. In reality, however, all movements in man, all forces in ...

... prolongation of life, not the knowing of the date of death. That many people know. Kasherao Jadhav's father died according to the exact date and moment predicted by an astrologer. PURANI: Dayananda Saraswati also had control over his death. He was poisoned by his cook at the instigation of a Maharaja's concubine. Dayananda was the Guru of this Maharaja and he rebuked the Maharaja for his passion and his ...

... 36 Objectives of Children's University 1.Objectives of the university would be formulated in the light of the guidance that we can derive from Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, and Sri Aurobindo and also many other pioneering educationists of Gujarat, India and the other parts of the world. 2.Ideal of nationalism which ...

... no more Have joy of the cool wind nor green delight, But live thy guilty leaves in fire, so long As Aryan wheels by thy doomed shadow vast Thunder to war, nor bless with cool wide waves Lyric Saruswathi nations impure." He spoke, and the vast tree groaned through its leaves, Recognising its fate; then smouldered; lines Of living fire rushed up the girth and hissed Serpentine in the unconsuming... beautiful Love! But if by strength is possible, of body Or mind, battle of spirit or moving speech, Sweet speech that makes even cruelty grow kind, Or yearning melody—for I have heard That when Saruswathi in heaven her harp Has smitten, the cruel sweetness terrible Coils taking no denial through the soul, And tears burst from the hearts of Gods—then I, Making great music, or with perfect words ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... hey MADE me remember! There was Saraswati saying, 'What about my sitar?' And Krishna, 'What about my flute?' ( Mother laughs ) There was another one also, I don't remember who. They were really upset! They told me right away, 'What are you talking about! We LOVE music.' All right. 'Fine,' I said ( Mother laughs ). It's true—Krishna is a great musician, and Saraswati is the perfection of expression ...

... Crab, Varuna (Poseidon) the Lion, Aditi, called also Savitri or Sita (Astarte, Aphrodite) the Girl, Yama (Hades) the Balance, Aryama (Ares) the Scorpion, Mitra or Bhava (Apollo Phoebus) the Archer, Saraswati called also Ganga (Nais) the Crocodile, Parjanya (Apis) the Jar, Nara (Nereus) the Fish. All these gods have their own character and tend to imprint it on their protégé. Or it would be truer to say ...

... Mother Consciousness, Adya Shakti, Aditi—consciousness-power, who again in her forward creative urge expressed herself in the first four major Emanations (Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Maha-saraswati). But this free urge, free to separate itself and proceed in an independent movement of self-expression and evolution precipitated itself immediately, almost as a logical consequence of its career ...

... call for the vast protection. That eternal breast of yours yields supreme delight; with that you nourish all desirable things. That establishes felicity, discovers treasures, gives lavishly: O Saraswati; that do thou here affirm. Rig Veda 1.164.52 , 1.164.49 Translation by Nolini Kanta Gupta CWNKG Vol. 5, pp. 139-138 Prayer O Lord, Thou hast decided to test the quality ...

... there came the figures of three female energies, Ila, Saraswati Sarama, representing severally three out of four faculties of the intuitive reason, revelation, inspiration and intuition. Two of these names were not well known to me as names of Vedic Goddesses, but were connected rather with the current Hindu religion or with old Puranic legend, Saraswati, goddess of learning and Ila, mother of the Lunar... form of Agni, is spoken of as performing the functions of the Gods. In IV. 40.5-the last Rik; Dadhikravan is so openly symbolic as to leave no •doubt in the minds even of the most reluctant. Saraswati, either the river or goddess, or both, is Sadhayanti Dhiyam nah " perfects our intelligence "; Usha the goddess Dawn is Yuvati pnrani the " semipiternal young beauty ", and Agni, the god of ...

... ordinary consciousness holds and prepares all that the Dawn brings out into conscious being. × Ila, Saraswati, Mahi; their names are translated in order to give the idea of their functions. × Or, who are not ...

... have a narrowing effect ... One must at least have an idea of the possibility (at least) of the supermind to understand what I need ... As for your arrival here, the day you mentioned is the Saraswati Puja—I will go downstairs to give blessings. If you arrive on the previous day, the 11th—I will arrange to see you at 10 o'clock, and then you can begin your mantra on the 12th. Page 278 ...

... तूयमेत्विळा मनुष्वदिह चेतयन्सी । तिस्त्रो देवीर्बर्हिरेदं स्योनं सरस्वती स्वपसः सदन्तु ॥८॥ 8) May Bharati come swiftly to our sacrifice, Ila awakening to knowledge here like a human thinker, and Saraswati, the three goddesses,—may they sit, perfect in their works, on this sacred seat of happy ease. Page 436 य इमे द्यावापृथिवी जनित्री रुपैरपिंशद् भुवनानि विश्वा । तमद्य होतरिषितो यजीयान् ...

... period, on the day of Saraswati puja, I used to organise a programme at home with my friends of Saint Margaret school. The worship-platform in the house turned into our stage. Spectators sat in the open Space in front and in the long corridors on the two Sides. Once two very well-known singers of Calcutta, Santosh Sengupta and Jaganmoy Mitra came to sing on the occasion of Saraswati Puja. On another occasion ...

... He is not thinking of the Nature-Power presiding over the outer element of fire or of the fire of the ceremonial sacrifice. Or he speaks of Saraswati as one who impels the words of Truth and awakes to right thinkings or as one opulent with the thought: Saraswati awakes to consciousness or makes us conscious of the "Great Ocean and illumines all our thoughts." It is surely not the River Goddess whom... from the head of Zeus, the Sky-God, Dyaus of the Veda, has in classical Greece a higher function and was identified by the Romans with their Minerva, the Goddess of learning and wisdom; similarly, Saraswati, a river Goddess, becomes in India the goddess of wisdom, learning and the arts and crafts: all the Greek deities have undergone a change in this direction—Apollo, the Sun-God, has become a god of... ocean, salilam apraketam , in which the Godhead is involved and out of which he is born by his greatness; it speaks also of the great ocean— maho arṇas , the upper waters which, as one hymn says, Saraswati makes conscious for us or of which she makes us conscious by the ray of intuition— pra cetayati ketunā . The seven rivers seem to be the rivers of Northern India but the Veda speaks of the seven Mighty ...

... that is hidden in it, we at once think of the intuition. For Sarama is not Saraswati, she is not the inspiration, even though the names are similar. Saraswati gives the full flood of the knowledge; she is or awakens the great stream, maho arṇaḥ , and illumines with plenitude all the thoughts, dhiyo viśvā vi rājati . Saraswati possesses and is the flood of the Truth; Sarama is the traveller and seeker ...

... 383 Prahlad, 183 Pururavas, 390-1 RADHA, 134-5, 183, 297 Rakshasa, 250 Ramakrishna, 85n, 379 Russia, 196 SAHARA, 141, 313 Sankhya, 182, 186, 279 Sarama, 330 Saraswati, 189 Sati, 184 Satyavan, 242-6 Savitri, 242-6, 252-3, 307 Shakespeare, 228, 386, 391 – Hamlet, 386n – Julius Caesar, 386n – King Lear, 391n Shankara, 104-5, 309, 344 ...

... Similarly the West also preserves its tradition; the Punjab is typified by its wide acceptance of such crude, but practical & active religions as those of Nanak Page 153 & Dayanunda Saraswati, religions which have been unable to take healthy root beyond the frontier of the five rivers; Gujarat & Sindh show the same practical temper by their success in trade & commerce, but the former has ...

... Kansia to Patan. We hired two bungalows belonging to a businessman, outside the Fatipal Gate on the way to the famous Kali Temple. Near our ashram, but on the other side, along the road leading to the Saraswati, was a Jain hostel for students in charge of a certain Fulchandbhai, who was interested both in the works of Sri Aurobindo and in our ashram. He had deep respect and affection for Dikshitbhai and ...

... education that we need: I. We have rich crop of valuable results of pioneering experiments which have been carried out by five leading educationists of the country: Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati, Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo The results of the experiments conducted by them remain as yet to be pooled together and the conceptions behind ...

... Kashyap (SK) Deptt. of Communication & Jounalism SubEditor, Indian Express, Loksatta Bhavan, Nagarwada, Baroda-390 001. 9. Swamini Swaprakashanandaji (SS) (Swami Dayanand Saraswati Mission) Krishna Niwas,Brahman Falia, Shankar Tekri, Baroda-390 001. 10. Mrs. Thrity Vaswani (TV) Reader, Deptt. of Social Work, M.S. University of Baroda, Opp. Fatehganj Post ...

... [sacrificial] fire. You have assigned to God the consequences of your Karma —you did not pray for any reward. Worldly pleasures and comforts could not bring you to spiritual ignorance. O favorite son of Saraswati! Lakshmi, choosing you as one of her own, wanted to put the mark of ease on your sacred forehead—you wiped that off, and voluntarily sought out the cottage of the poor. How few choose poverty like ...

... itself in a much mightier movement which because of its greatness & perfection is called in the Rigveda mahas and in the Vedanta vijnana. This is what [is] meant in the Veda by Saraswati awakening the great ocean. Pavaka nah saraswati maho arnash chetayati. This is the justification of the demand in our own Yoga that desire shall be expelled, the mind stilled, the very play of reason & imagination silenced ...

... worshipped twain, O divine priests of man's call, arrive on the path of the wind to this our sacrifice. इळा सरस्वती मही तिस्त्रो देवीर्मयोभुवः । बर्हिः सीदन्त्वस्त्रिधः ॥८॥ 8) May Ila, Saraswati, and Mahi, 5 the three goddesses who create the bliss sit on the sacred seat, they who never err. शिवस्त्वष्टरिहा गहि विभुः पोष उत त्मना । यज्ञेयज्ञे न उदव ॥९॥ 9) O maker of forms,... × Or, the riches × Ila, goddess of revelation; Saraswati, goddess of inspiration; Mahi, goddess of the Vast Truth, Mahas or ṛtaṁ bṛhat . × Or, O master ...

... serves as an intermediary, but then he likes to have fun!) So he was quarrelling with one of the goddesses, I no longer recall which one, and he told her ... (Ah, yes! The quarrel was with Saraswati.) Saraswati was telling him that knowledge is much greater than love (much greater in that it is much more powerful than love), and he replied to her, 'You don't know what you're talking about! ( Mother ...

... Richard, King, 59 Roy, Dilip, 189 Rudras, the, 144-5   SAGAR, 56 St. Helena , 22 Saraha, 273, 278, 281-2 Sarama, 271 Saraswati, 138 Satyavan, 26-30 Savitri, 27-31, 112 Shabara,288 Shakespeare, 38n., 58, 59n. –Hamlet, 22 –Macbeth, 38n. –Ruhard the Third, 59n ...

... to the reflection of the descending divinity in the vast waters. And what, from the viewpoint of India's spiritual visionary tradition, could be more apt? Does not this tradition speak always of Saraswati rising on a lotus-throne, with her various instruments of inspired concord, from the depths of the ocean? You write: " told that the Mother is coming and that it is best to be in or near ...

... English and Sri Aurobindo was concretely, almost palpably, present. Now it has gone away. ( silence ) Oh, another little example. You know those photos I distributed on the 21st for the Saraswati Puja) Amrita told me he was going to send them to X, 1 I but I told him, 'No, don't bother.' (The 21st was a terrible day for me. All the dasyus of the world were in league against me, trying ...

... generally called the modern Page 85 period of Indian history. It was at the beginning of this period that there arose a galaxy of great personalities like Raja Rammohun Roy and Dayananda Saraswati, Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, who filled India with a new breath and sowed the seeds not only of a new spiritual awakening but also of social and political awakening. The great Indian fighters ...

... arnah sarasvati pra cetayati ketuna dhiyo visva vi rajati. (1.3.11,12) "She, the impeller to happy truths, the awakener in consciousness to right mentalisings, Saraswati, upholds the sacrifice. Page 72 "Saraswati, by the perception awakens in consciousness the great flood (the vast movement of the rtam) and illu­mines entirely all the thoughts." (Translated by Sri Aurobindo)... so much so that he provokes our laughter as well as a sense of pity. We know Saraswati as the Deity of knowledge. So it is natural that the words dhiyavasuh (one whose wealth consists of pure intellect), dhiyo visvah (universal intellect), or words like sumati (right movements of thought) should be applicable to Saraswati. The word dhi (pure intellect) is well-known. But such an obvious meaning does... Translated by Sri Aurobindo. Page 84 s ubtle realisation. And this subtle realisation has its different levels, classifications and variations which the Vedic seers have termed Ila, Saraswati, Sarama and Dakshina. These four names have been plausibly interpreted as sruti (Reve­lation), smrti (Inspiration), bodhi (Intuition) and viveka (Dis­crimination). We are not going to probe further ...

... Usha, the divine Dawn, who is the bringer of illumination. I shall suggest that Dakshina like the more famous Ila, Saraswati and Sarama, is one of four goddesses representing the four faculties of the Ritam or Truthconsciousness,—Ila representing truth-vision or revelation, Saraswati truth-audition, inspiration, the divine word, Sarama intuition, Dakshina the separative intuitional discrimination. ...

... I was too young to join it. In those days there were no nursery schools for children. Besides, the then prevailing custom was that at the age of five, not before, ceremonies were performed on a Saraswati Puja day, and the child was initiated in the art of learning. Well, Noren told us that once a month, in the school kitchen, all the students and teachers too, even the day students like him,... of superstitions, barbarous and benighted. Their descendants are today's 'secularists.' We were lucky to have some true great reformers; those who could think for themselves. Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, and others. Free thinkers, they looked at the degraded forest of Indian society. They looked closely at the myriad 'age-old' customs clogging the river of life. Were they really ...

... Spirituality is an intrinsic part of Indian culture and life. Every Indian home is adorned with a poojaa shrine containing a picture of Lord Krishna, Shri Ganesh, Lord Shiv, the Goddess Lakshmi, Saraswati, or some other deity surrounded by candles and incense and garlanded with a maalaa. It is here that people stop for a praanaam to the devi or devtaa, or to ring a bell and sit with ...

... 267 Reminiscence 203 Renewal 580 Revelation 209 The Rishi 220 The River 575 Rose, I have loved 180 Rose of God 564 A Rose of Women 22 Saraswati with the Lotus 22 Science and the Unknowable 598 The Sea at Night 211 Seasons 219 Seer deep-hearted 677 Self 620 Page 738 The Self's Infinity ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... 237 Cripps' proposal, 224(11), 237 culture. see under Indian culture Curzon, 17 Czechoslovakia , 23 I D Danton, 24 Das, Chillaranjan, 13,47, 159, 185,216, 221,223,242 Dayananda Saraswati, 116 ·118, 170 democracy, 61, 62, 103 ,104, 149, 174,214 Indian conception of, 39 parliamentary, 93, 172,214,221 in the West, 103 see also political systems destruction, 21, 91 , 123,124, 128... -Nagpur ( 19 20), I 49(fn), 155 -Surat (1907), 35 and World War 11,227,231 Indo-Afghan race , 96, 107 Indo-Saracenic architecture, 168 Indra , 116,117 Indu Prakash (Bombay daily), 9 Indus-Saraswati civilization, 1oo(fn) industry, 14,43,78, 127, 154 ,216,221 institutions, 9,7,72 , 136 , 141,219 intolerance, 147, 167 Islam, 32 , 44, 53, 129, 143, 158, 167, 170, 217,223 see al so Muslim ... ns, 176, 2 17 S samata , 206 Samurai, 29 , 44 Sanaana dharma, 49-50, 5 1, 69 , 93, 94, 145 see also Hinduism Sannyasin, 69 , 106,219 Sanskrit, 12, l00 (fn), 107, 109 , 118, 157 Saraswati (river), 10 1(fn) Satyagraha, Satyagrahi, l SI , 166, 180, 209 Satya Yuga, 91 Sayana, 94 -96, 105, 116 scholarship, in Europe, 12, 80 , 95 -96, 97 (fn), 98(fn), 107 , 115, 116 in India, 12 ...

... to be slain or routed so that their riches may be ravished from them and devoted to the higher life. "Thou who didst sever the Pani in his continuous ranks, thine are these strong givings, O Saraswati. O Saraswati, crush the obstructors of the gods" (VI.61). "O Agni and Soma, then was your strength awakened when you robbed the Pani of the cows and found the one Light for many" (I.93.4). When the gods ...

... there came the figures of three female energies, Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, representing severally three out of the four faculties of the intuitive reason, — revelation, inspiration and intuition. Two of these names were not well known to me as Vedic goddesses, but were connected rather with the current Hindu religion or with old Puranic legend, Saraswati, goddess of learning and Ila,Page - 93 mother of the ...

... over Sri Aurobindo to the gentleman as already arranged." SRI AUROBINDO: I don't remember about all that; it may be true. I know that I was to be handed over to somebody in whose house there was Saraswati Puja. PURANI: "Then I drove back home and informed my wife of the whole affair. She asked, 'The coachman didn't know?' 'No', I replied. 'A serious thing,' she said; 'then a thief might take the ...

... recovery of the stolen cattle, (VI.54); "Let Pushan follow after our kine, let him protect our war-steeds.... Pushan, go thou after the kine.... Let him drive back to us that which was lost." Even Saraswati becomes a slayer of the Panis. And in Madhuchchhandas' hymn (I.11.5) we have this striking image, "O lord of the thunderbolt, thou didst uncover the hole of Vala of the cows; the gods, unfearing,... sacrifice and the fiery god Agni is the flame, the power and the priest of the sacrifice;—by the Word, and Brihaspati is the father of the Word, the Maruts its singers or Brahmas, brahmāṇo marutaḥ , Saraswati its inspiration;—by the Wine, and Soma is the god of the Wine and the Ashwins its seekers, finders, givers, drinkers. The herds are the herds of Light and the Light comes by the Dawn and by the Sun ...

... powers of the Truth-consciousness, - Mehi or Bharati, the vast Word which brings all things out of the divine source; Ila, the strong primal word of the Truth who gives us its active vision; Saraswati, its 4. A History of Sanskrit Literature (William Heinemann Ltd. , London,1928), p. 151. 5. Op. cit, p. 132, fn. 1. 6. Op. cit., p. 15, col. 1. 7. Mohenjo-daro and the Indus... makes possible the advent of Sūrya and the other divinities. Prithivī is there too, the Earth-Goddess, co-parent with Dyau, Heaven, of everything. Goddesses also are the Rivers who are sisters of Saraswati, making with her a divine septet. "They are figured," says Sri Aurobindo "as fostering cows (dhenavah), mares (aśvah), they are called sapta vānīh, the seven Words of the creative Vak - Speech ...

... Sri Aurobindo's thought in Gujarat. He also acquired renown as a proven writer of Gujarati prose. And again we find Pujalal, coming from a meek background, becoming a spontaneous voice of Saraswati, ringing with lucent rhythm and expression in Gujarati and Sanskrit verse and even sometimes in English. His was the work of an accomplished Page 230 prosodist. ...

... according to the custom of our Moddh Chaturvedi Brahmin caste, we have a ceremony of changing our sacred thread. I recollected everything. Early morning we all used to go together to bathe in our Saraswati river for changing our Yagnopavit (sacred thread). The river was very broad. It was in an open area with small shrubs here and there adorning the place. There were small heaps of beautiful shining ...

... ; plays and novels (many of them written while in jail) flowed abundantly from his pen. His historical novels in particular gave life to the epic of the ancient Aryans, living on the banks of the Saraswati in Vedic times. Agastya and Lopamudra, Vasishtha and Arundati, Vishwamitra and kings and gods all became characters of flesh and blood. His novel in English, Krishnavatara, based on the life of ...

... bird in a cage, Attain that world of Freedom whose vision Draws the Adept of the highest Yoga from age to age? Even at the very commencement of his immortal epic, Meghnadbadh he invokes Saraswati the white-armed Mother of knowledge. The feeling or firm conviction is that the Mother of Knowledge is also the giver of liberation. That is why the poetry that is a help and a means to attain liberation ...

... of the Hindu nation again spreading over the whole world." Bankim Chandra, greatly appreciative, wrote: "Let there be a shower of flowers and sandal on the pen of Rajnarain Babu." Dayananda Saraswati (1824-83), the founder of the Arya Samaj, was a great reformer in the theological and social fields. A visit to Calcutta at the end of 1872 made a deep impression on him; for Calcutta was then a cauldron ...

... eleventh day of the bright phase. See the sleepless moon Sailing alone on her dream-boat." (Rabindranath Tagore) No, it was not the 'eleventh' day: that would have occurred on the 20 th . For Saraswati Puja, which is always held on the 5 th day of the waxing moon, was performed on the 14 th . But analyzing newspaper reports we find that Sri Aurobindo was no longer in Calcutta on the 19 th , for ...

... ajānan; vidad gavyaṁ saramā dṛḍham ūrvaṁ, yenā nu kaṁ mānuṣī bhojate viṭ . These are evidently not the waters of the Punjab, but the rivers of Heaven, the streams of the Truth, 2 goddesses like Saraswati, who possess the Truth in knowledge and open by it the doors of the beatitude to the human creature. We see here too what I have already insisted on, that there is a close connection between the finding... opening doors of our divine home are the doors of the felicity, rāyo duraḥ , the divine doors which swing wide open to those who increase the Truth ( ṛtāvṛdhaḥ ) and which are discovered for us by Saraswati and her sisters, by the seven Rivers, by Sarama; to them and to the wide pasture ( kṣetra ) in the unobstructed and equal infinities of the vast Truth Brihaspati and Indra lead upward the shining ...

... passage becomes not only ennobled in sense, but clearer & more connected in sense if we give them that deeper significance. Gomatir ushasah in Kutsa’s hymn to the Dawn is certainly the luminous dawns; Saraswati in the third hymn who as chodayitri sunritanam chetanti sumatinam shines pervading all the actions of the understanding, certainly does so because she is the impeller to high truths, the awakener... thoughts, clear perceptions and not because she is the impeller of things auspicious—a phrase which would have no sense or appropriateness to the context. Mahi is one of the three goddesses Ila, Saraswati and Mahi who are described as tisro devir mayobhuvah, the three goddesses born of delight or Ananda, and her companions being goddesses of knowledge, children of Mahas, she also must be a goddess ...

... tremendously, many times its original size, and the epic as it is known today (110000 shlokas —or, as some people prefer to count, 220000 lines) contains a great number of later interpolations. Dayananda Saraswati remarked that it resembles a camel to whose burden people kept adding.* Thus the epic is seven-fold greater in bulk than the Iliad and Odyssey taken together. Vyasa is said to have taught the... Vaishampayana, in his turn, recited the epic to Janamejaya, grand-son of Abhimanyu. It would be hazardous to assign a date to Vyasa's birth or to the. _______________________ Dayananda Saraswati, Satyarthaprakash. Page 65 composing of the Mahabharata. According to Indian tradition the events described in the epic, the great war fought between the Kauravas and the Pandavas ...

... 3 a.m.—I came out of it with that 1 ; it was the first contact. I had forgotten to mention this to you because it took on importance only very recently. ( A little later, concerning the Saraswati Puja photos that Mother first refused to send to X on the 21st, then decided to send on the 25th, with a kind of imperative 'cubic certainty'. ) X has replied. He said something like this, which ...

... visible," he told Motilal. "They are as significant as the lipi and want to communicate something, which I endeavour to discover." Among the divine Forms he saw at Chandernagore were those of Ila, Saraswati and Sarama, Vedic goddesses of revelation, inspiration and intuition. But by solitary meditation, I don't mean to say that Sri Aurobindo was completely out of touch with the world. Not at all ...

... came the figures of three female energies, Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, representing severally three out of the four faculties of the intuitive reason,—revelation, inspiration and intuition. Two of these names were not well known to me as names of Vedic goddesses, but were connected rather with the current Hindu religion or with old Puranic legend, Saraswati, goddess of learning and Ila, mother of the Lunar ...

... 40, LP. Extn., Delhi 110092 42.Datta, P. Principal, Kulachi Hansraj Model School Ashok Vihar, Delhi - 110052 43.Dayal.J.N. Former Director of Education A-62 Saraswati Vihar Pitampura, Delhi -110034 44.Dayal, Shiv Chitrakut, H-175, Ashok Vihar-I Delhi -110052. 45.Deepti Super School Sri Aurobindo International Institute of ... Art and Architecture Sector 55 Gurgaon-122003 156. Rao, Srinivasa Editor, National Open School A-38, Kailash Colony New Delhi -110048 157.Rastogi, KG. E -923 Saraswati Vihar New Delhi- 110034 158.RathiRekha 29 Sadhana Enclave New Delhi 110017 159.Ravindran Head, Tamil Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literature... Rector, Jawaharlal Nehru University Speakers (15 minutes each): Professor Jaidew Vedalankar on "Educational Philosophy of Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati" Shri Sunil Kumar (Ramakrisha Mission) on "Educational Philosopy of Swami Vivekananda" Page 762 Professor Ramjee Singh, Former ...

... comprehend and describe it.” But Jnaneshwar feels confident; for, he has been touched by the fabled stone which can transform a base metal into lustrous gold. There is no doubt that by the favour of Saraswati the dumb gets the siddhi of speech. And, in the same way, does not ambrosia bring back the dead to life? Such is the power of the Guru’s grace and hence he need not harbour apprehension, argues the ...

... effected in the Puranas partly by the substitution of other divine names and figures, but also in part by the same obscure process that we observe in the evolution of Greek mythology. The river Saraswati has become the Muse and Goddess of Learning; Vishnu and Rudra of the Vedas are now the supreme Godhead, members of a divine Triad and expressive separately of conservative and destructive process ...

... years. The virtue of courage of a heroic person cannot be obliterated though he be worried; though pointed downwards, the flame of fire does not point to the ground. Page 147 Saraswati (Halebid), photo Olivier Barot, Auroville Character above all Better if this body falls from the lofty peak of a high mountain against some rugged surface and is shattered to pieces in the ...

... wealth, object of the sacrifice. Therefore Agni, Indra, Brihaspati, Soma are all described as winners of the herds of the Sun and destroyers of the Dasyus who conceal and withhold them from man. Saraswati, who is the stream of the Word or inspiration of the Truth, is also a Dasyu-slayer and winner of the shining herds; and they are discovered by Sarama, forerunner of Indra, who is a solar or dawn goddess ...

... to see figures of three Goddesses at the time of meditation. They were seen going away at the end. It was later when he went to Pondicherry that he knew them to have been Ila, Mahi (Bharati) and Saraswati, the Vedic goddesses. Sri Aurobindo did not meet anyone at Chandernagore except Motilal and one or two people who attended on him for his needs. After his departure many anonymous letters were ...

... his head thrown back, he would look up at the sky trying to draw inspiration. He might have seen now and then the flight of a wedge of cranes from the distant Manasarovar honking some message from Saraswati. A good singer, Bharati could lose himself in Nature's concert: the buzzing of bees, the chirping of birds, the sough of wind in the trees. The melody would make him doze. It was in such a half doze ...

... Although many of the hymns are addressed to gods other than Agni - that is to say, Indra, Surya, Mitra, Varuna, Savitri, Soma, Brihaspati, the Ribhus, Usha, the Aswins, the Maruts, the Vishvedevas, Ila, Saraswati, Mahi, and so on - yet Agni is somehow the dominant deity in the Rig Veda. In the various Mandalas, the Suktas addressed to him are placed first, even Indra only following Agni. The very first Sukta... whom functions so vast and profound are ascribed?" 25 In one Hymn (II.i), Agni is addressed as Indra, Vishnu, Brahma, Rudra, Varuna, Twashtri, Pushan, Savitri, Bhaga, Ribhu, Aditi, Bharati, Ila and Saraswati! In another, again, there is this multiple-identification: Thou art Varuna, O Fire, when thou art born, thou becomest Mitra when thou blazest high; in thee are all the gods, O son of Force... beloved with his happy chariots to protect us.... Swing wide, O divine doors; be easy of approach that you may be our guard: lead further further and fill full our sacrifice.... May Ila, Saraswati, and Mahi, the three goddesses who create the bliss sit on the sacred seat, they who never err.... O Tree, there where thou knowest the secret names of the gods make rich our offerings. ...

... five powers of the Truth-consciousness,—Mahi or Bharati, the vast Word that brings us all things out of the divine source; Ila, the strong primal word of the Truth who gives us its active vision; Saraswati, its streaming current and the word of its inspiration; Sarama, the Intuition, hound of heaven who descends into the cavern of the subconscient and finds there the concealed illuminations; Dakshina ...