Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
On The Mother [1]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [2]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
On The Mother [1]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [2]
Slough of Despond : first used by Bunyan in his The Pilgrim’s Progress.
... before you get it. Perhaps they are wiser than your desire. As to meditation it was for two reasons that I discouraged it, first, because it was through your impatience dropping you into the slough of despond instead of bringing you nearer to peace—next, because there was some chance if it bore fruit Page 310 of its bringing emptiness and silence—and then you would have stood numb with... only pointed out that most seekers start with crumbs, proceed with slices and then get the whole loaf, and it is not good spiritual politics to be dissatisfied with what comes and jump into the slough of despond because you can't get the whole loaf straight off. I have no objection to your getting the whole loaf at once— Page 312 provided it does not give you indigestion as it or something ...
... success) but because of my need for the Divine. And yet you rest in repose, sequestered in your ivory-tower of God-knows-what consciousness and look calmly on while we sink in this relentless slough of despond! "But although I am determined to end such a sterile relationship which can be of little use to you and a source of pointless suffering to me, I cannot bring myself to depart unless you ...
... new trials at every turn insomuch that one often feels like giving up in despair. At such crises it is only the Guru's direct help and sleepless guidance that can lift one out of the perilous slough of despond. Only the trouble is that the Guru's help can hardly be fully effective without the co-operation of the disciple who is, generally, too apt to rely more on miracle than on sadhana . That is why ...
... the liberated Vibhuti. ( Essays on the Gita , SABCL, Vol. 13, p. 362) Page 22 When the battle was about to begin Arjuna had succumbed to an unusual infirmity, had fallen into the Slough of Despond; in that state of dolour he wanted to renounce everything, flee from the terrible action of killing his own kith and kin and his elders and his preceptors who had taken their positions in the ...
... obstacle to the divine union? As for despondency, it is surely a terrible burden to carry on the way. One has to pass through it sometimes, like Christian of The Pilgrim's Progress through the Slough of Despond, but its constant reiteration cannot be anything but an obstacle. The Gita specially says, "Practise the Yoga with an undespondent heart", anirviṇṇacetasā . I know perfectly well that pain ...
... again, and questioned the propriety of Sri Aurobindo's "staying thus in deep purdah". Apparently, the ready accessibility of the Mother wasn't enough! Dilip's was of course a cry from the Slough of Despond, and he asked his Guru to terminate the "sterile relationship". Sri Aurobindo wasn't offended, yet he declined to let Dilip go: I had thought that the love and affection the Mother and ...
... obstacle to the Divine union? As for despondency, it is surely a terrible burden to carry on the way. One has to pass through it sometimes, like Christian of The Pilgrim's Progress through the Slough of Despond, but its constant reiteration cannot be anything but an obstacle. The Gita specially says, "Practise the Yoga with an undespondent heart", anirviṇṇacetasā . I know perfectly well that pain ...
... general experience. The Gita says expressly, "Yoga should be practised persistently with a heart free from depression"— anirviṇṇacetasā . Bunyan in The Pilgrim's Progress symbolises it as the Slough of Despond, one of the perils of the way that has to be overcome. It is no doubt impossible to escape from attacks of depression, almost all sadhaks go through these attacks, but the principle is that one ...
... and soulless organisation. The safety of Asia lies in the recognition of the material mould and mental conditions in which that aim has to be worked out, otherwise she will sink deeper into the slough of despond of a mental and physical incompetence to deal with the facts of life and the shocks of a rapidly changing movement. It is not any exchange Page 143 of forms that is required, but an ...
... new metres and writing inspired poetry but he was also inspiring others. Moreover, in 1936, although his swings of mood continued they became a little less frequent and a bit less long in the slough of despond. He was shaping up to become the later Dadaji'. In 1937, with Sri Aurobindo's and Mother's full consent he went to Calcutta. And... and there he found the voice... as though the new melody ...
... obstacle to the divine union? As for despondency, it is surely a terrible burden to carry on the way. One has to pass through it sometimes, like Christian of the Pilgrim’s Progress through the Slough of Despond, but its constant reiteration cannot be anything but an obstacle. The Gita especially says, “Practise the Yoga with an undespondent heart, anirvinnacetasa.” I know perfectly well ...
... towards the Divine, but the Mother never gave us up. Tirelessly she would tolerate our shortcomings, be sensitive to our needs and keep ever ready to pick us out of our trough of inertia or our slough of despond. But though she never stopped attending to us she would Page 126 rarely lose a chance to correct us. There was no compromising with small desires. At the beginning of my ...
... experience. The Gita says expressly, "Yoga should be practised persistently with a heart free from depression"— anirvinnacetasā. Bunyan in The Pilgrim's Progress symbolises it as the Slough of Despond, one of the perils of the way that has to be overcome. It is no doubt impossible to escape from attacks of depression, almost all sadhaks go through these attacks, but the principle is that ...
... brightness of a thousand suns put together. Not only that; to him was disclosed the secret of secrets, guhyatma guhyam , the secret of life in the great Spirit’s freedom. Arjuna had fallen into the Slough of Despond, as some unmanly and awkward clumsy weakness had overtaken him. But by the occult power of the words of the Teacher all this ineptness and all this ignorance got dispelled; that unnatural infirmity ...
... organisation. The safety of Asia lies in the recognition of the material mould and mental conditions in which that aim has to be worked out, otherwise she will sink deeper into the slough of despond, of a mental and physical incompetence to deal with the facts of life and the shocks of a rapidly changing movement.... The message of the East to the West is a true message, "only by ...
... flowers. ( Her voice quavers and eyes glisten, but she quickly masters her emotion and resumes ) Sires, only those who have trudged on leaden feet Life's tortuous ways and sloughs of dark despond; Who have borne the cruel flails of Destiny And bled through stabs of traitor Calumny; Page 117 Who staked their all at one throw of the dice, Then lost all to be jeered ...