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Smith, Joseph : (1805-44), progenitor of Mormons, he founded their Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints.
... English Literature (Orient Longman, Madras), 1965. Shakespeare, W. King Henry the Fifth, Act III, Scene 1. Swinburne, A. C. William Blake (Chatto & Windus). Wickstead, Joseph H. Blake's Innocence and Experience, A Study of the Songs and Manuscripts (London), 1928. Williamson, George A Reader's Guide to T. S. Eliot (London), 1955. Witcutt, W. P. ... the National Book League by Longmans Green & Co., London, New York, Toronto), 1951. Rajan, B. Paradise Lost and the Seventeenth Century Reader (London), 1947. Rosenthal, M. L., Smith, A. J. M. Exploring Poetry (The Macmillan Company, New York), 1957. St. John First Epistle Gospel Page 268 The Revelation St. Francis of Assisi: ...
... Apocalypse (Sri Aurobindo Circle, Bombay, 1949). The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo (Sri Aurobindo Circle, Bombay, 1947). Smith, Jay. (Ed.) Pioneer of the Supramental Age (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Delhi Branch, 1958). Smith, G.C. Moore. (Ed.) Essays and Studies, Vol. VIII (The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1922). Spurgeon, Caroline E. Mysticism in English Literature... Sanskrit Literature, with English translation and Notes (Luzac, Londan, 1951). Buchanan, Scott. Possibility (Kegan Paul, London, 1927). Bullett, Gerald. The English Mystics (Michael Joseph, London, 1950). Page 486 Camoens, Luis Vas De. The Lusiads, translated by William Atkinson (Tenguin Books, London, 1952). Cassirer, Ernst. Language and Myth... Blackwell, Oxford, 1954). Stevens, Wallace. Collected Poems (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1957). Opus Posthumous (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1957). Stoudt, John Joseph. Sunrise to Eternity : A Study in Jacob Boehme's Life and Thought (University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1957). Strachey, Lytton. Biographical Essays (Chatto Windus ...
... was nudism, which the Canadian Government didn't like and so they got into trouble with it. Then there were the Mormons, who became famous in the United States. The name of their founder was Joseph Smith—a prosaic name for a prophet! But it was Brigham Young, a most remarkable man, who really made this commune. Curiously enough, one of their tenets was again unacceptable; it was polygamy. Their ...
... not like and they got into trouble. (with a smile) They had at least solved the weaving problem ( laughter) . Then the Mormons were famous in the United States. The name of the founder was Joseph Smith, a prosaic name for a prophet. But Bringham Young was a very remarkable man, who really made the commune. Curiously enough one of their tenets, again, was polygamy. Their religion was based on ...
... become if the Third Reich had been victorious.” 1065 The intellectual responsible for the implementation of Hitler’s anti-intellectualism was Dr Joseph Goebbels. “He gave a voice to the madness”, writes Guido Knopp, 1066 and Goebbels saw himself as “the smith of the German soul”. Ambassador François-Poncet found him “one of the most redoubtable Hitlerians” whose mind had “something perverse and diabolical... was an art. “[The Jew] speaks to hide his thoughts, or at least to disguise them, and what he really means is not to be found in what he says but between the lines”. 1061 His own language and that of Joseph Goebbels, the mouthpiece picked by him with such amazing discernment, soon spun Naziland into a cocoon of total illusion. It was as if Germany, in a very short while, became isolated from democratic ...
... Satanic, starry, 173,174,241,244,251 William Blake, 4 fn. 10,23 fn. 8,146 fn. 35 "William Blake and Modern Psychology", 141 fn. 8 Williamson, George, 41 Wickstead, Joseph H., 132,136 fn. 21 wings, 49,50,51,92,93-96,105,106, 120,224-26 Witcutt, W.P., 141 fn. 8,225,282 Word, the, 43 Wordsworth, 131 "work", 29,30,31,62,63,110,222 Workman... 180-81 Shakespeare, 40 Shelley, 14 "shoulder", 10,119,122 shoulder-art, 10,120 Signatura Rerum, 182 "skies", 12,13,14,16,77,88,92 Smart, Christopher, 42,43,256 Smith, A.J.M., 22,33-35,41 snakes, 5 Sola Pinto, Vivian de, 53 fn. 2 Son and Father, 43 Songs of Experience, The, 57,131,137, 163,206,231 Songs of Innocence, The ,139,206 ...
... Shantimayi Jatti, B.D. 817, 821 Jawaharlal Nehru 404, 457, 595-6, 624, 716 Jay Holmes Smith 547-8, 589 Jaya Devi 233-4, 236, 239, 242 Jayantilal Parekh 691 Jesus Christ 180, 317, 482, 762 Jinnah, M.A. 446-7, 451, 458, 463 John of the Cross, Saint 41, 112 Jones, William 497 Joseph Szarka 674 Jotindranath 285 Juliana of Norwich 62 Kafka, Franz 483 Kamalaben... 772 place of religion 786 qualities needed 756, 777, 788 administration 757, 787 Matrimandir 726, 763, 791-4, 803 Baha Ullah 40-1 'Bangavani' 679 Bapat, Senapati 682 Baptista, Joseph 199 Barindra Ghose 200, 209, 215-6, 235, 241, 247, 339 Baron, C.F. 571, 662 Page 898 Becharlal Bhatt, Dr 400 Beethoven 304 Bejoy Nag 91, 131, 201, 211, 213, 217, 233 Bhakti... behind the legend 830 Sri Aurobindo's Action 788-9 Sri Aurobindo Society 685-6, 717, 726 Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library 788 Srinivasachariar, Mandayam 85, 220 Sri Prakasa 596 Stalin, Joseph 395 Standard Bearer, The 79, 205 Still-sitting movement 153, 175-6, 194, 221, 302 Subbarao, G. V. 222 Subramaniam, C. 716 Sudhir Ghose 488 Sundaram (Tribhuvandas Luhar) 691 Sunil Bhattacharya ...
... × Luc Ferry: L’Homme-Dieu , p. 136 (footnote). × Joseph Papp and Elizabeth Kirkland: Shakespeare alive!, p. 10. × Christiane Collange: Merci, mon siècle... scientist of worldwide renown would be one of the chief contenders. It goes without saying that this small string of quotations is only meant to be illustrative. For the full picture we turn to Huston Smith: “The reductionistic moment has not abated. Beginning with consciousness, we find Daniel Dennett telling us that ‘materialism in one form or another is the reigning orthodoxy among philosophers of the... of physical Nature have behind them a supraphysical factor, a power and action mental, vital or spiritual which is not tangible to any outer means of knowledge.” 25 Compare this with what Huston Smith writes in his book Forgotten Truth: “Ninety per cent of the scientist’s universe (some say ninety-nine per cent) is at present invisible; no instruments pick it up, but calculations require that it ...
... that threaten the dignity, independence and individual value of the human person. His is the protest of the personal against the impersonal. He protests against the naturalist's assertion: 6. Joseph Wood Krutch, "The Mode View of Man", in Man's Right to Knowledge, p. 28. Page 187 "You are a transitory resultant of physical process"; he protests again against the absolutist... he is made to believe that: 1.A character in Jean-Paul Sartre's play, Le Diable et le Bon Dieu. 2.Sigmund Freud, The Future of an Illusion, quoted by G. Grisson and C.H. Gibbs-Smith in Ideas, p. 334. Page 184 "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the kindliness of a heartless world, the soul of souless circumstance. Religion is the opiate of the... is not, after all, his own — a kingdom whose ways are not man's ways and whose thoughts, if it 3. Karl Marx, Introduction to a Critique of Hegel's Philosophy, quoted by Grisson and G. Smith, op. cit.. Page 185 has any thoughts, are not man's thoughts. For man, the world into which he is born without his leave being asked is a world that, for him, is meaningless and ...
... teachers and prophets (as also intellectuals, scientists, artists, poets, etc.)—these are at the greatest Vibhutis, but they are not Avatars. For at that rate all religious founders would be Avatars—Joseph Smith (I think that is his name) of the Mormons, St. Francis of Assisi, Calvin, Loyola and a host of others as well as Christ, Chaitanya or Ramakrishna. For faith, miracles, Bijoy Goswami, another ...
... a witness to prove a certain tender having been made. Joseph Jekyll, whose wit excelled in making impromptu epigrams, remarked: "Garrow, forbear! that tough old jade Can never prove a tender maid." 61 Page 49 Example 3: (A deep play on the word "perfection", also on "to bring to"): A lady showing Sydney Smith round her garden pointed out some plant saying, "Isn't... Let us not bother about the mistaken notion of the generality of common men. For, all connoisseurs of higher scholarship recognise that "learning should be bright and luminous, as cheerful as Sydney Smith, as optimistic as Leonardo da Vinci: gloom, like that of Carlyle, mostly means indigestion!" 4 Be it that laughter is decried by the self-styled serious Page 21 people, but even... us to say with delicacy things which would never do if said outright. ... Pun is a form of polite satire where direct attack would be uncivil and displeasing." 54 Example: The Rev. Sydney Smith said to his fellow-canons of St. Paul's Cathedral who were animatedly discussing the question of a wooden side-walk round the edifice: "Come, gentlemen, lay your heads together and the thing is ...
... in the Abyss (Urizen's world). In a few details I shall disagree - 'And did those feet in ancient time' are universally taken to be those of Jesus, who according to legend visited Britain with Joseph of Ari-mathea, who planted the legendary 'Glastonbury Thorn' which blooms at Christmas. Not that it matters. Jerusalem remains his 'bride'. You have certainly shown that Blake and Milton's mythological... 'humanized' only in Jesus, and is not the Tyger one of the 'dehumanized' denizens of the Forests? But you may well be right, that fire is Urizen's enemy, and Los, who 'kept the divine vision' is the Smith who dared 'seize the fire' - the agent of Jesus the Imagination. I am bound to admit that I did not give enough Page 269 place to Paradise Lost as a source - laziness, lack of thoroughness ...
... 530 Bandopadhyaya, Upendranath, 285, 286, 288,289, 321 Banerjee, Jatindranath, 62ff, 189,208, 281 Banerjee, Surendranath, 14, 190, 205, 220, 226, 269ff, 349 Baptista, Joseph, 521, 523, 531,727 Basanti Devi, 48 Bases of Yoga, 598 Basu, Arabinda, 752 Baudisch, A., 753 Beachcroft, C.P., 325,328,329 Bengalee, The, 34,183... 257 Singh, Karan, 47fh, 256fn Singh, Prithwi (Nahar), 578 Singh, Sardar Ajit, 234, 235, 242,269,376 Sircar, Mahendranath, 13 Siva, Subramania, 299, 375 Smith, Jay Holmes, 753 Songs of the Sea, (Sagar-Sangit), Tiff; Sri Aurobindo on Sagar-Sangit, 77-78; and Childe Harold and Perse's Amers, 78; symbolism of the sea, 78 Songs to Myrtilla ...
... in the first place, applied their precepts. 4 Kuntaka, Vakroktijivita, UI.2. 5 Ulrich Weisstein, Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, Bloomington, London, 1973, p. 32. 6 Joseph T. Shaw, "Literary Indebtedness and Comparative Literature", in, Newton P. Stallknecht and Horst Frenz, (eds.), Comparative Literature: Method and Perspective. University of South Illinois Press... ascending order through adaptation, imitation, and influence to the original work of art." 17 In every case of influence all these steps are not necessarily 13 Herbert Grierson and J. C. Smith, A Critical History of English Poetry, Harmondsworth, 1960 (Repr.), p. 437. 14 Supplement, SABCL, Vol. 27, pp. 150-51. 15 Ibid ., p. 149. 16 Ibid ., p. 150. 17 Ulrich Weisstein, ...
... als, scientists, artists, poets, etc.) — these are at the greatest Page 319 Vibhutis, but they are not Avatars. For at that rate all religious founders would be Avatars — Joseph Smith (I think that is his name) of the Mormons, St. Francis of Assisi, Calvin, Loyola and a host of others as well as Christ, Chaitanya or Ramakrishna. For faith, miracles, Bejoy Goswami, another ...
... Aurobindo, Vol. 5, p. 293 7. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 16, p. 307 8. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 5, p. 61 9. The Yoga and Its Objects (1921), reprinted (1931), p. 5 10. Letter to Joseph Baptista, dated 5 January 1920. See Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 26, p. 430. (Also in Purani, The Life, p. 168) 11. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 1, p. 654 12. Milton, Comus, II. 73-5... Page 810 20. Bulletin, August 1958, pp. 85-86 21. The Advent, February 1952, pp. 8-9 22. Mother India, August 1970, p. 398 23. Quoted by Jay Smith in Mother India, July 1957, p. 51 24. S. N. Jauhar, Pioneer of the Supramental Age (1958), pp. 14-15 25. Ibid., pp. 57-60 26. Melville de Mello's AIR broadcast on ...
... also intellectuals, scientists, artists, poets, etc.)—these a Page 92 at the greatest Vibhūtis, but they are not Avatars. For at that rate all religious founders would be Avatars—Joseph Smith (I think that is his name) of the Mormons, St. Francis of Assisi Calvin, Loyola and a host of others as well as Christ, Chaitanya or Ramakrishna. For faith, miracles, Bejoy Goswami,44 another ...
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