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... him satisfy it first in the other places he thinks of visiting or the other experiments he wants to make. Here only those should come who feel a definite call and are sure that here lies their spiritual destiny and nowhere else. 16 January 1929 Page 567 He says he wants to come here for his sadhana, but for what sadhana? The Yoga here is of a special kind and everybody is not called to... by the Yoga. For them the stay here in the atmosphere, the nearness are indispensable; to depart would be for them a renunciation of the opportunity given them, a turning of the back upon the spiritual destiny. Their difficulties are often in appearance greater than the struggle of those who remain outside because the demand and the pressure are greater; but so also is their opportunity Page 575... would be no conquest. One day it will give up coming of itself, as it has done with others, when the external vital nature has got as convinced as the inner being of the imperativeness of its spiritual destiny. 23 October 1933 I do not understand the meaning of the complaint in your letter. I am not aware that there was any maltreatment of you by us or any lack of true love and care. In your spiritual ...
... and when the heart is purified, other things which seemed impossible before become easy—even the inner surrender which now seems to you impracticable. I at any rate will go on trusting in your spiritual destiny until the performance of what you describe as "the miracle". March 13,1936 I am glad the cloud is lifting and hope to find it lifted altogether soon. It is the usual experience that... certain results may still last on for a time, but there is no longer the same inevitability. This would seem to show that there is or can be a higher power or higher plane or higher source of spiritual destiny which can, if its hour has come, override the lower-power, lower-plane or lower source of vital and material fate of which the stars are indicators. I say vital because character can also be indicated... aim; these are simply incidents which none is called out to imitate. So you need not be anxious; solitude is not demanded of you, for an ascetic dryness or isolated loneliness cannot be your spiritual destiny since it is not consonant with your svabhāva [essential character or inner nature] which is made for joy, largeness, expansion, a comprehensive movement of the life-force. And, as for stern ...
... like her going—and asked her to reconsider her decision. For it is . g not mine. You know that I dislike anyone who has a psychic call going away from here, because it is throwing away their spiritual destiny or at least postponing it. For I don't suppose Nalina, if she persists in going, will remain always under the illusion of the family bonds—but the risk is there and the postponement is there.... powerless—otherwise how could so many progress under our influence? If this is first established, then the doubt and denial, the refusal off faith boils itself down to a refusal of faith in your own spiritual destiny and that of Nalina and some others—does it not? I have never told you that the power that works here is absolute at p resent, I have on the contrary told you that I am trying to make it abso ...
... away from the path to return to the attack, and it prevents the speedy conversion of that dissatisfied part of your vital which is kicking against the pricks—the pricks of your soul and of your spiritual destiny. However sad the prospect may seem to this dissatisfied vital fragment, your destiny is to be a Yogi and the sooner it reconciles itself to the prospect the better for it and for all the other... stable foundation for a lasting Bhakti and Ananda. In that new consciousness there would be a new basis for relations with others; for an ascetic dry ness or isolated loneliness cannot be your spiritual destiny since it is not consonant with your svabh ā va [essential nature] Page 260 which is made for joy, largeness, expansion, a comprehensive movement of the life-force. Therefore ...
... factor, the Page 509 Divine Grace, the help of a higher Divine Force other than the force of Karma which can lift the sadhak beyond the present possibilities of his nature. One's spiritual destiny is then the divine election which ensures the future. The only doubt is about the vicissitudes of the path and the time to be taken by the passage. It is here that the hostile forces playing on... may still last on for a time, but there is no longer the same inevitability. This would seem to show that there is or Page 516 can be a higher-power or higher-plane or higher-source spiritual destiny which can, if its hour has come, override the lower power, lower-plane or lower-source vital and material fate of which the stars are indicators. I say vital because character can also be indicated ...
... embodiment in Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose." These few discerning estimates of Sri Aurobindo's role in inspiring his countrymen with an urgent spirit of nationalism and a new sense of the spiritual destiny of India indicate, to a certain extent, how profound, how radical and abiding was the political work he did in the short span of only three or four years. The prophet or pioneer preaches his gospel... speeches and writings of the post-Surat period of Sri Aurobindo's life between the lines, we cannot fail to notice in them a more emphatic, a more insistent and prophetic expression of the spiritual destiny of India and the real work to be done not only for her political emancipation, but Page 263 for the fulfilment of that destiny. Not that this note was absent from his previous ...
... either revolts or remains dully discontented or only pretends to acquiesce. It is only by making the whole being turn whole-heartedly to the Divine that one can enter fully into the Yoga. Spiritual Destiny When someone is destined for the Path all circumstances, Page 30 through all the deviations of mind and life, help in one way or another to lead him to it. It is his own psychic... the idea that it will be all right some other time—one cannot be so sure of the other time. Besides, these things leave a mark and at the place of the mark there can be a recurrence. The spiritual destiny always stands—it may be delayed or seem to be lost for a time, but it is never abolished. Capacity for Yoga All can do some kind of Yoga according to their nature, if they have the will ...
... very clearly. After the wave of rebelliousness this morning, I was seized by a great sadness, a great bitterness, as though I were being confronted with a profound injustice. There is a spiritual destiny in me, but there are three other destinies so intimately bound up with it that I cannot cut off any one without mutilating something of my living soul—which is why, periodically, these suppressed... and from finding that life is dry and from saying, 'Why this outer manifestation if all life is in the inner realms?' But neither can I stifle this with reasoning. So there remains the pure spiritual destiny, pure interiorization. That is what I have been trying to do for the last five years, without much success. There are good periods of collaboration, because one part of my being can be happy in ...
... the height of her mission and proclaim the Truth to the world.' -Nov 24 Inspires an exhibition in the Ashram Library on the Spiritual Destiny of India. - Dec 1 Presentation, under her personal direction, of scenes from The Story of India's Spiritual Destiny - 'The personages chosen here... brought in a new light and power, initiated a new movement of consciousness in the history of India's ...
... and practicable thing and to have searched out all the possible paths to this spiritual way of perfect existence. Indian thought has made this great thing the common highest aim and universal spiritual destiny of the soul that is in every human creature. The value of the Indian conception for life must depend on the relations and gradations by which it connects this difficult and distant perfection ...
... Ashramite, the Ashram could not provide such a guarantee. But she added an assurance, “Have trust that in the end, everything will work out for the good of your soul and the fulfilment of your spiritual destiny.” Then she closed with her blessings. I proceeded to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Delhi where I explained the problem to Mr. Jauhar, the man responsible for the Ashram there. He told me not to ...
... questions. She was in a warrior mood. She marched out with such determination as if to show us how one is to move forward. The second instance was around 1956 during a rehearsal of the play “The Spiritual Destiny of India”, in the Ashram school. The Mother had taken a keen interest in the play and had given her directions for the smallest details. She was talking to the organizers and said, “And what shall ...
... inner being, if you accept it, can of itself make certain your liberation and the change of your external nature. Accept this divine possibility in you; have faith in your inner being and its spiritual destiny. Make its development as a portion of the Divine your aim in life, for a great and serious aim in life is a most powerful help towards getting rid of this kind of disturbing or disabling nervous ...
... psychic is constantly or usually in front or if one has a natural spirit of faith and surrender or a face turned habitually towards the sun or psychic predisposition (e.g. a faith in one’s spiritual destiny) or acquired the psychic turn. That does not mean that the sunlit man has no difficulties; he may have many, but he regards them cheerfully as “all in the day’s work “. If he gets a bad beating ...
... attack, and it prevents the speedy conversion of that dissatisfied part of your vital which is always kicking against the pricks — Page 70 the pricks of your soul and of your spiritual destiny. However sad the prospect may seem to this dissatisfied vital fragment, your destiny is to be a Yogi and the sooner it reconciles itself to the prospect the better for it and for all the other ...
... have brought us here to do the Divine’s Work.” 31 She called them les bien-né : “the well-born”, or “the few”, “the predestined”, “the pioneers”, “the avant-garde”, “those who have in them a spiritual destiny and are born to realise the Divine”. “To follow the path of spiritual experience”, she said, “one must have within oneself a ‘spiritual being,’ 32 one must be ‘twice born’, as it is said. For ...
... in the aforementioned paragraph, the key to all things spiritual, is the essence and ground of our being; it is the divine spark in us which grows as the psychic being in whatever may be our spiritual destiny. It is the presence of the Divine in his manifestation. Because of our soul we are not only the Sons and Daughters of Man but also the Sons and Daughters of God. Read the Western philosophers ...
... Indian culture and its classical literature; and we know of his crucial role as an Indian politician and freedom fighter. In all these years Aravinda Akroyd Ghose, who would revolutionize the spiritual destiny of the world, was an “agnostic,” to use his own term. 1908 was an axis year in his life. In the beginning of this year he met the yogi Vishnu Bhaskar Lele and had with him his first great spiritual ...
... world domination. 92 He saw that Hitler’s ultimate aim, however far-fetched this may seem to the academic student of history, was the conquest of India, because it was the guardian of the spiritual destiny of the world. ‘It is a very simple thing to see that Hitler wants world domination and that his next move will be towards India,’ Sri Aurobindo said on 23 May 1940. He thereby confirmed his words ...
... service; it is quite as it should be; you have no reason to feel worried about it. Don't be diffident and don't be too easily discouraged. More resistance in difficulties and more faith in your spiritual destiny." 16-9-1944 "As regards Krishna and devotion, I think I have already answered that more than once. I have no objection at all to the worship of Krishna or the 'Vaishnava' form of devotion ...
... with the Light. Still the something within is something central in the being and therefore the experience is in a way definitive and decisive. For it comes as a decisive intimation of the spiritual destiny and an indication of what must be reached some time in the life. Once it has been there, something is bound to happen which will open the way, determine the right knowledge and the right attitude ...
... of our social existence can only become clear to us when we have discovered not only, like modern Science, what man has been in his past physical and vital evolution, but his future mental and spiritual destiny and his place in the cycles of Nature. This is the reason why the subjective periods of human development must always be immeasurably the most fruitful and creative. In the others he either seizes ...
... create or reveal in our conscious nature and being and can grow into it, and so to create or reveal in ourselves individually the Godhead and grow into its universality and transcendence is our spiritual destiny. Or if this seem too high for the weakness of our nature, then at least to approach, reflect and be in secure communion with it is a near and possible consummation. The aim of this synthetic ...
... stable foundation for a lasting Bhakti and Ananda. In that new consciousness there would be a new basis for relations with others; for an ascetic dryness or isolated loneliness cannot be your spiritual destiny since it is not consonant with your Swabhava which is made for joy, largeness, expansion, a comprehensive movement of the life-force. Therefore do not be discouraged; wait upon the purifying movement ...
... keep the reliance that it will come. Do not let the difficulties you feel or meet from outside overcome or depress you. Keep this one thing in your mind that to come to the Divine is your spiritual destiny and since you have been here and been accepted by us that can be taken as the seal upon it. If it takes a little longer time than you could wish for it to materialise, this should not make you ...
... nature can be more serious causes of delay, but they too do not last for ever. The length of your period of dullness is also no sufficient reason for losing belief in your capacity or your spiritual destiny. I can look back to periods not of two but of many months of Page 661 blank suspension of all experience or progress. I believe that alternations of bright and dark periods are almost ...
... justify hopelessness. But you must train yourself to overcome this reaction of depression, calling in the Mother's force to aid you. All who cleave to the path steadfastly can be sure of their spiritual destiny. If anyone fails to reach it, it can only be for one of two reasons, either because they leave the path or because for some lure of ambition, vanity, desire etc. they go astray from the sincere ...
... the Divine is also a sine qua non of the spiritual life, and spiritual pride, arrogance, or vanity and self-assurance press always downward. But confidence in the Divine and a faith in one's spiritual destiny (i.e. since my heart and Page 42 soul seek for the Divine, I cannot fail one day to reach Him) are much needed in view of the difficulties of the Path. A contempt for others is out ...
... India? Is this a teaching of the Ashram? No, certainly not; it is a sheer misinterpretation of my views. I have written clearly that the coming of so many religions to India was part of her spiritual destiny and a great advantage for the work to be done. 17 November 1932 If the sadhaks here remain Hindus, which in the end turns out to be their very aim and zest, what an utter fool I would be ...
... Calling on God to do everything and save one all the trouble and struggle is a self-deception and does not lead to freedom and perfection. 22 30 May 1927 Page 107 Does our spiritual destiny mean the fulfilment of "the aim of our endeavour", which you mentioned at the beginning of The Mother? 23 Yes. It means to find your true self, the Divine, and become in the Nature a conscious ...
... powerless—otherwise how could so many progress under our influence? If this is first established, then the doubt and denial, the refusal of faith boils itself down to a refusal of faith in your own spiritual destiny and that of X and some others—does it not? I have never told you that the power that works here is absolute at present; I have on the contrary told you that I am trying to make it absolute and ...
... is written down, organised, arranged into fixed laws and ceremonies, it becomes a religion. Can one realise the Divine by this method [of religion]? Those who carry within themselves a spiritual destiny and are born to realise the Divine, to become conscious in Him and live Him, will arrive, no matter what path, what way they follow. That is to say, even in religion there are people who have ...
... him! Anyway, he seems to be in fine health and is a personality. SRI AUROBINDO: He is a fine-looking man. PURANI: A was anxious to know what your impression of him was, and also of his spiritual destiny. He feels that S is stuck. But can't he be helped out? SRI AUROBINDO: It is very difficult to help people who are self-satisfied with their condition, and, unless he gets rid of his ambition ...
... The Destiny of the Body Part Two THE SPIRITUAL DESTINY OF THE WAKING STATE Chapter I The Bane of Oscillation Obviously if one has not the Brahmisthiti in the waking state, there is no completeness in the realisation. (Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, p. 109) How is it, O Great One ...
... inner Divine and not bother oneself with the possibility or otherwise of an integral terrestrial realisation. Also the body, although initially a necessary instrument for the realisation of our spiritual destiny (śarīramādyaṁ khalu dhar-masādhanam), may be allowed to disintegrate once that goal is achieved. (Cf. Sri Ramakrishna: "Take out the thorn with the help of a thorn"; and Yoga-Vasishtha: ...
... collective living. Let us listen to him: "...if an evolution of being is the law, then what we are seeking for is not only possible but part of the eventual necessity of things. It is our spiritual destiny to manifest and become that Supernature, - for it is the nature of our true self, our still occult, because unevolved, whole being. A nature of unity will then bring inevitably its life-result ...
... parts of his being. Thus there are for him operative at the same time (i) a physical destiny, (ii) a vital destiny, Page 123 (iii) a mental destiny, (iv) a psychic destiny, (v) a spiritual destiny, and others. Thus, the whole thing presents the picture of a highly intermingled complexity which makes it impossible to foresee and foretell what exactly is going to happen to a person ...
... of making constant progress. "Am I not a child of the Divine Mother? How can I then accept ignoble defeat at the hands of my nature's foibles? I must always advance on the path of my spiritual destiny — come what pay" — such an attitude of self-confidence and resolution has to grow up in the sadhaka' s heart. Here is the Mother's instruction to her children in this regard: "What is ...
... self-discipline and hence become a destabilising factor for the whole collectivity? There should no doubt be in the Ashram for all its members total freedom to grow in consciousness and realise their spiritual destiny in their own way. But that does not mean that there should Page 62 be licence for any member to injure the interests of the group, to disturb others in their effort at self-perfection ...
... confusion and depression; nay, he may even cut short his journey and leave the Path altogether; or, what is worse, he may be led into an alluring side-track which can seriously threaten his spiritual destiny. But what are these requisites after all which the sadhaka has to provide himself with before he can hope to travel on the Path without being buffetted at every step with all sorts of ...
... important role that he was to play in the Master's and the Mother's Work of Physical Transformation. What began in 1941 as a mission guiding the youth towards a vision of a greater India became a spiritual destiny of the body's journey on uncharted paths of Physical Immortality - a work embracing the whole of humanity. One day I received an unexpected letter from the new secretary of the club, ...
... certain results may still last on for some time, but there is no longer the same inevitability. This would seem to show that there is or can be a higher power or higher plane or higher source of spiritual destiny which can, if its hour has come, override the lower power, lower plane or lower source of vital and material fate of which the stars are indicators. I say vital because character can also be ...
... would like to remain confined to the limits of safety, I would like to remain human for "Human I am, human let me remain". This mind of man does not want to accept any higher possibility, any spiritual destiny for man: "To think that God lives hidden in the clay And that eternal Truth can dwell in Time "This wizard Gods may dream, not thinking men." Savitri turned to the spirit and ...
... by the yoga. For them the stay here in the atmosphere, the nearness are indispensable; to depart would be for them a renunciation of the opportunity given them, a turning of the back upon the spiritual destiny. Their difficulties are often in appearance greater than the struggle of those who remain outside because the demand and pressure are greater; but so also is their opportunity greater and the ...
... calendars 707-8 descent of the Power of Ananda 597-8, 790 advice to the Unity Party 602 message to the French Institute 603 (see also 571) 'No child of mine can be a zero' 605 stages 'The Spiritual Destiny of the Earth' 606 not a poet: 'content with doing' 607 distributes her saris to sadhikas 613 experiences the Supramental Manifestation 614-20 changes her way of working: restricts interviews ...
... But since this Eternal and Infinite, our greater Self, is also the universal being, man in the universe is inseparably one with all the rest of existence, not a soul working out its isolated spiritual destiny and nature while all other beings are nothing but his environment and means or obstacles,—that they are indeed, but they are much more to him,—which is the impression cast on the mind by the thought ...
... order to detect anything false that comes masquerading as the Mother's Force and the divine Truth, and keep too the power of rejection that will throw away all mixture. Keep faith in your spiritual destiny, draw back from error and open more the psychic being to the direct guidance of the Mother's light and power. If the central will is sincere, each recognition of a mistake can become a stepping-stone ...
... the aim; these are simply incidents which none is called on to imitate. So you need not be anxious; solitude is not demanded of you, for an ascetic dryness of isolated loneliness cannot be your spiritual destiny since it is not consonant with your swabhava which is made for joy, largeness, expansion, a comprehensive movement of the life-force. And, as for stern gravity and the majesty of a speechless ...
... Confidence in the Mother Have confidence in the Mother and be sure that the liberation from these things will surely come. What the soul feels is the sign of the spiritual destiny as of the spiritual need. What opposes is a remnant of the nature of the human ignorance. Our help will be there with you fully to overcome it. 27 February 1935 ...
... in the Mother's force and to refuse steadily all the suggestions whether against yourself or against the Mother. Preserve your calm always, keep an entire faith in the Mother and in your own spiritual destiny. Reply always that whatever it may say, you are the Mother's child and cannot fail in the sadhana. 5 November 1933 These suggestions are what we call hostile suggestions—they come from a ...
... otherwise certain results may still last on for a time, but there is no longer the same inevitability. This would seem to show that there is or can be a higher-power or higher-plane or higher-source spiritual destiny which can, if its hour has come, override the lower power, lower-plane or lower-source vital and material fate of which the stars are indicators. I say vital because character can also be indicated ...
... There comes in a new factor, the Divine Grace, the help of a higher Divine Force other than the force of Karma which can lift the sadhak beyond the present possibilities of his nature. One’s spiritual destiny is then the divine election which ensures the future. The only doubt is about the vicissitudes of the path and the time to be taken by the passage. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: Fate ...
... and when the heart is purified, other things which seemed impossible before become easy—even the inner surrender which now seems to you impracticable. I at any rate will go on trusting in your spiritual destiny until the performance of the "miracle". The Meaning of Purity Purity is to accept no other influence but only the influence of the Divine. It [ purity ] is more a condition than a ...
... the path to return to the attack, and it prevents the speedy conversion of that dissatisfied part of your vital which is always kicking against the pricks—the pricks of your soul and of your spiritual destiny. However sad the prospect may seem to this dissatisfied vital fragment, your destiny is to be a Yogi and the sooner it reconciles itself to the prospect the better for it and for all the other ...
... consonance with the Light. Still the something within is something central in the being and therefore the experience is in a way definitive and decisive. For it comes as a decisive intimation of the spiritual destiny and an indication of what must be reached some time in the life. Once it has been there, something is bound to happen which will open the way, determine the right knowledge and the right attitude ...
... inner being, if you accept it, can of itself make certain your liberation and the change of your external nature. Accept this divine possibility in you; have faith in your inner being and its spiritual destiny. Make its development as a portion of the Divine your aim in life,—for a great and serious aim in life is a most powerful help towards getting rid of this kind of disturbing or disabling nervous ...
... order to detect anything false that comes masquerading as the Mother's Force and the divine Truth, and keep too the power of rejection that will throw away all mixture. Keep faith in your spiritual destiny, draw back from error and open more the psychic being to the direct guidance of the Page 501 Mother's light and power. If the central will is sincere, each recognition of a mistake ...
... the psychic is constantly or usually in front or if one has a natural spirit of faith and surrender or a face turned habitually towards the sun or psychic predisposition (e.g. a faith in one's spiritual destiny) or if he has acquired the psychic turn. That does not mean that the sunlit man has no difficulties; he may have many, but he regards them cheerfully as "all in the day's work". If he gets bad ...
... concealed and from which it has to unfold itself, if an evolution of being is the law, then what we are seeking for is not only possible but part of the eventual necessity of things. It is our spiritual destiny to manifest and become that supernature,—for it is the nature of our true self, our still occult, because unevolved, whole being. A nature of unity will then bring inevitably its life-result of ...
... and Gnosticism with all their considerable consequences to the philosophical thinking of the West." 16 Again, observing how the Greek intellectuals give by their philosophy "some light on the spiritual destiny of man," 17 Sri Aurobindo tells us: "Plato who was influenced by Heraclitus, tried to do this...; his thought sought after God, tried to seize the ideal, had the hope of a perfect human society ...
... profound in its place; though not himself a pure rationalist, he prepared the way for philosophic rationalism. But even without religion philosophy by itself can give us at least some light on the spiritual destiny of man, some hope of the infinite, some ideal perfection after which we can strive. Plato who was influenced by Heraclitus, tried to do this for us; his thought sought after God, tried to seize ...
... quite what it should be; you have no reason to feel worried about it. Don’t be too diffident and don’t be too easily discouraged. More resilience in difficulties and more faith in your spiritual destiny! * Page 82 June 24, 1943 (Written on a letter received by Dilipda from a friend who says, “(...) If I am not yet ready to enter the Ashram, may I not be ...
... service; it is quite as it should be; you have no reason to feel worried about it. Don't be diffident and don't be too easily discouraged. More resistance in difficulties and more faith in your spiritual destiny." 16-9-44 "As regards Krishna and devotion, I think I have already answered that more than once. I have no objection at all to the worship of Krishna or the Vaishnava form of devotion ...
... Mother, the Mahashakti. The four central petals are the four aspects of the Mother—and the twelve petals, Her twelve attributes. It was still raining. The dance-drama "The Story of India's Spiritual Destiny", directed by the Mother, was supposed to be staged on December 1st, but torrential rain made it impossible. Instead we saw it on the 3rd, despite a steady drizzle. It was a magnificent composition: ...
... What is very important is to maintain very alert the will to live and to be what one knows to be the truth. Then it is impossible to stop and even more to fall back. All human beings have a spiritual destiny which is near or far depending on each one's determination. One must will in all sincerity. 11 April 1965 All depends upon the choice of the force that you allow to make use of you ...
... young boy, through all the four were great leaders in India's for freedom. At that time, Amrita hardly knew that this spontaneous adoration was a mysterious presage to his great spiritual destiny - a close and life-ling association with Sri Aurobindo, beginning in 1969 when he joined Sri Aurobindo after completing his studies, to 1969 when he passed away after rendering ...
... 32 Ibid, Canto 6. 34 Ibid, p. 179. Page 284 And keep him as her cherished prisoner That never they may part again in Time. 35 This insight into its spiritual destiny turns out to be a mixed blessing, since it has no key to the understanding of the ultimate mystery and of the spiritual reality. The harder it tries to realise its potential, the more does it ...
... future. In all this one reads his firm commitment to the ideals set by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, his sober assessment of the present position of the Ashram, and his unshaking faith in the spiritual destiny of the Ashram. While considering all things that present themselves in the proposed study of the Ashram, its raison d' ê tre, its Yogic grounding, its past phases and present status and ...
... after being aware, how one is going to evaluate the situation and decide on his course of action and reaction, that is the most important element and will be determinative of the sadhaka' s spiritual destiny. Therefore, along with exercising a spirit of constant vigilance, the sadhaka of the Integral Yoga will have to conduct another psychological sadhana at every moment of his daily life. This is ...
... happenings. Some sadhaks and sadhikas are behaving erratically; some others are manifesting unhealthy trends. But we should not be unduly worried about that nor should we give up hope about the spiritual destiny of our community. For, whatever the individual aberrations, the core of the Ashram is still very sound. And individual aberrations and wayward behaviour are not peculiar to the present-day Ashram ...
... various subtle introspective processes,...under the guidance of a wise teacher...who has himself passed through the experience and achieved 'freedom' of subtle body from gross body." 1 The spiritual destiny for the individual soul is, of course, attained when it can effectuate its permanent release from this gross terrestrial body and depart to a desired supraterrestrial world of existence and ...
... the only possible line of supernormal spiritual experience: the withdrawal from all participation in the world-existence and the immergence or extinction into the Unmanifest is not the only spiritual destiny decreed for the human soul. A supreme divine return from the verge of Nirvana into the world-play is equally possible and this with the undiminished splendours and potencies of all the spiritual ...
... deliberate co-operation of the species called man. Man should not therefore be satisfied with the leading of a gloriously opulent intelligent animal existence. He should become awake and aware of his spiritual destiny. An enlightened aspiration, will and seeking should actuate all his movements. He should offer his participating will to the urge of the indwelling Spirit to come out into the open in full glory ...
... In his message Sri Aurobindo expresses the hope that India will have a leading role to play in these movements — the message is indeed his call to the 'new and free' India to be true to her spiritual destiny. To disregard and ignore this call would be a fatal tragedy. The aftermath of independence was a period of grave crisis for India — I need not go into details for you all know of the horrors ...
... factor, the Divine Grace, the help of a higher Divine Force other than the force of Karma, which can lift the sadhak beyond the present possibilities of his nature. One's spiritual destiny is then the divine election which ensures the future. 201 Savitri is herself the manifestation of the Divine Grace, and it— becomes her duty—the law of her nature—to defy fate ...
... The deeper purpose, however, of this discipline is not merely a unification of the personality, but a heightening also, lifting it to a level of consciousness from where it can envisage its spiritual destiny and seek to realise it. Page 196 ...
... the subconscience, etc. There is so much parallelism in Mother's practising the yoga of the Gita in Paris! The two were widely separated by space, custom, culture, and yet they had the same spiritual destiny. 321 'Siddhi' means perfection, completion. In yoga, it means attainment of mukti or liberation, enlightenment. For Sri Aurobindo, the Siddhi day is November 24, 1926, when he attained ...
... The deeper purpose, however, of this discipline is not merely a unification of the personality, but a heightening also, lifting it to a level of consciousness from where it can envisage its spiritual destiny and seek to realise it. Page 272 ...
... Truth and the Truth shall make thee free' is one common aspect of their message... he has created a synthesis between her past spiritual achievement and modem European thought, so that the future spiritual destiny of India and the future destiny of Europe are inescapably the same destiny.... We are at the turning-point in the spiritual history of man.... Because Aurobindo is in this world, the ...
... There comes in a new factor, the Divine Grace, the help of a higher Divine Force other than the force of Karma, which can lift the sadhak beyond the present possibilities of his nature. One's spiritual destiny is then the divine election which ensures the future. 77 Page 603 And more pointed still, and verily ambrosial, is the promise conveyed - albeit mixed with some Aurobindonian ...
... admonishing, encouraging, enlightening or exhorting the sadhaks, amidst all these and other anxieties and preoccupations she found time besides to direct the programme for 1 December on the spiritual destiny of the earth from the beginnings of creation up to Sri Aurobindo. It was a gorgeous piece of unrolling tapestry, at once informative and edifying; and the scenes illustrative of the past epochs ...
... certain results may still last on for some time, but there is no longer the same inevitability. This would seem to show that there is or can be a higher power or higher plane or higher source of spiritual destiny which can, if its hour has come, override the lower power, lower plane or lower source of vital and material fate of which the stars are indicators. I say vital because character can also be indicated ...
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