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64 result/s found for Subliminal self

... what a small and fragmentary portion of our being is covered by our waking self-awareness. We arrive at the knowledge that our waking mind and ego are only a superimposition upon a submerged, a subliminal self,—for so that self appears to us,—or, more accurately, an inner being, with a much vaster capacity of experience; our mind and ego are like the crown and dome of a temple jutting out from the waves... rises successfully to the surface of our life. To know our inner being is the first step towards a real self-knowledge. If we undertake this self-discovery and enlarge our knowledge of the subliminal self, so conceiving it as to include in it our lower subconscient and upper superconscient ends, we shall discover that it is really this which provides the whole material of our apparent being and... what is its fundamental nature? Ordinarily, we speak of a subconscious existence and include in this term all that is not on the waking surface. But the whole or the greater part of the inner or subliminal self can hardly be characterised by that epithet; for when we say subconscious, we think readily Page 577 of an obscure unconsciousness or half-consciousness or else a submerged consciousness ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... A Greater Psychology 7 The Inner Being; the Subliminal (Self) The Subliminal Distinguished from the Subconscient ...subliminal is a general term used for all parts of the being which are not on the waking surface. Subconscient is very often used in the same sense by European psychologists because they do not know the difference. But when I use the... Life Divine, p. 223fn. Ordinarily, we speak of a subconscious existence and include in this term all that is not on the waking surface. But the whole or the greater part of the inner or subliminal self can hardly be characterised by that epithet; for when we say subconscious, we think readily of an obscure unconsciousness or half-consciousness or else a submerged consciousness below and in... more in possession of itself and things than that which wakes upon our surface and is the percipient of our daily hours; that is our inner being, and it is this which we must regard as our subliminal self and set Page 72 apart the subconscient as an inferior, a lowest occult province of our nature. In the same way there is a superconscient part of our total existence in which there ...


... of our daily hours; that is our inner being, and it is this which we must regard as our subliminal self and set apart the subconscient as an inferior, a lowest occult province of our nature." 27 Sri Aurobindo states further the nature of the subliminal self as follows: "There is a 'subliminal' self behind our superficial waking mind, not inconscient but conscient, greater than the waking... waking mind, endowed with surprising faculties and capable of a much surer action and experience, conscient of the superficial mind, though of it the superficial mind is inconscient." 28 "Our subliminal self is not, like our surface physical being, an outcome of the energy of the Inconscient; it is Page 39 a meeting-place of the consciousness that emerges from below by evolution and the... being retire when they withdraw from the surface activities whether by sleep or inward-drawn concentration or by the inner plunge of trance." 29 Page 40 Sri Aurobindo has called the subliminal self the inner being as distinguished from the outer or surface being. Thus he states: "There are, we might say, two beings in us, one on the surface, our ordinary exterior mind, life, body co ...

... is nothing here of the assured clearness and firmly-grounded positivism of the physical method. Yet facts emerge and with the facts a momentous conclusion, — the conclusion, that there is a "subliminal" self behind our superficial waking mind not inconscient but conscient, greater than the waking mind, endowed with surprising faculties and capable of a much surer action and experience, conscient... all and that from which creatures are born and into which they depart." It answers, therefore, closely enough to the modern idea of the Inconscient corrected by the other modern idea of the subliminal self; for it is inconscient only to the waking mind precisely because it is superconscient to it and the mind is therefore only able to seize it in its results and not in itself. And what better... that this psycho-analysis of Freud seems to know, — and even of that it knows only a few ill-lit corners, — is no more than a restricted and very inferior portion of the subliminal whole. The subliminal self stands behind and supports the whole superficial man; it has in it a larger and more efficient mind behind the surface mind, a larger and more powerful vital behind the surface vital, a subtler ...


... although this Sleep self is said to be an infinitely greater Intelligence, omniscient, omnipotent, Prajna, the Ishwara. Psychic science calls this hidden consciousness the subliminal self, and, here too, it is seen that this subliminal self has more powers, more knowledge, a freer field of movement than the smaller self that is on the surface. But the truth is that all this that is behind, this sea of which... is all that this psycho-analysis of Freud seems to know—and even of that it knows only a few ill-lit corners,—is no more than a restricted and very inferior portion of the subliminal whole. The subliminal self stands behind and supports the whole superficial man; it has in it a larger and more efficient mind behind the surface mind, a larger and more powerful vital behind the surface vital, a subtler ...


... question about the same subject. Perhaps so you will understand. Is the subliminal self the same thing? That, my child, if you begin to ask me things like this, you must ask the gentleman who is seated behind you [Nolini], because these things I forget. Where is the subliminal self mentioned here? "The subliminal self stands behind and supports the whole superficial man..." Page 109 ...


... separative form it is a property of the lesser supraphysical planes of mind; it is or can be an element in all that is supraphysical. It is the main instrumentation of our subliminal self, its central means of awareness; for the subliminal self or inner being is a projection from these higher planes to meet the subconscience and it inherits the character of consciousness of its planes of origin with which... observable sense-intervention or otherwise exercise powers supernormal to our ordinary capacity; but these capacities are occasional, rudimentary, vague. Their possession is proper to our concealed subliminal self and, when they emerge, it is by a coming to the surface of its powers or operations. These emergent operations of the subliminal being or some of them are now fragmentarily studied under the name ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... although this Sleep-self is said to be an infinitely greater Intelligence, omniscient, omnipotent, Prajna, the Ishwara. Psychic science calls this hidden consciousness the subliminal self, and here too it is seen that this subliminal self has more powers, more knowledge, a freer field of movement than the smaller self that is on the surface. But the truth is that all this that is behind, this sea of which... what a small and fragmentary portion of our being is covered by our waking self-awareness. We arrive at the knowledge that our waking mind and ego are only a superimposition upon a submerged, a subliminal self, — for so that self appears to us, — or, more accurately, an inner being, with a much vaster capacity of experience; our mind and ego are like the crown and dome of a temple jutting out from ...


... process when one begins to realize that our waking mind and ego are only a superimposition upon a submerged, and subliminal self or inner being, which has a much vaster capacity of experience. This impels a journey of self-discovery in which we begin to enlarge our knowledge of the subliminal self, corresponding to yogic dream-state, and, at first, we conceive it as something that includes in it what is... necessities of our obscurest parts of nature." 34 This description of subconscious shows how the subliminal is clearly distinct from the subconscious. In contrast to the subconscious, the subliminal self is in full possession of a mind, a life-force, and a clear subtle-physical sense of things. It has the same capacities as our waking being, a subtle sense and perception, a comprehensive extended ...


... is submerged or subliminal.—The subliminal self perceives, remembers, understands, uses all that we fail to perceive, remember or use. It provides all the material of our surface being which is only a selection from its wider existence and activity. It is only the physical and vital part of our existence which is, properly speaking, subconscient; the subliminal self is the true mental being and in ...


... breaking of the limits of the physical consciousness and the material existence. The Synthesis of Yoga, pp. 844-46 The psychical consciousness is that of what is now often called the subliminal self, the subtle or dream self of Indian psychology, and its range of potential knowledge, almost infinite... includes a very large power and many forms of insight into both the possibilities and... observable sense-intervention or otherwise exercise powers supernormal to our ordinary capacity; but these capacities are occasional, rudimentary, vague. Their possession is proper to our concealed subliminal self and, when they emerge, it is by a coming to the surface of its powers or operations. These emergent operations of the subliminal being or some of them are now fragmentarily studied under the ...


... different from the outer mentality, but only acting below the surface, unknown to the waking man, in the same sense if perhaps with a deeper plunge and a larger scope. But the phenomena of the subliminal self far exceed the limits of any such definition. It includes an action not only immensely superior in capacity, but quite different in kind from what we know as mentality in our waking self. We... subconscient, a range of conscious faculties and therefore an organisation of consciousness which rise high above that psychological stratum to which we give the name of mentality. And since the subliminal self in us thus rises in superconscience above mentality, may it not also sink in subconscience below mentality? Are there not in us and in the world forms of consciousness which are submental, to ...


... subjective character, a pressure of ideas, suggestions, emotional formations, impulsions to sensation, action, dynamic experience. However large a part of this pressure may be traced to our own subliminal self or to the siege of universal Mind-forces or Life-forces belonging to our own world, there is an element which bears the stamp of another origin, an insistent supraterrestrial character. But... be inherent in the very nature of the manifested universe. A secret continuous action of the higher powers and principles from their own planes upon terrestrial being and nature through the subliminal self, which is itself a projection from those planes into the world born of the Inconscience, must have an effect and a significance. Its first effect has been the liberation of life and mind out of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... knowledge or vision of past, present and future begins with the opening of the psychical consciousness and the psychical faculties. The psychical consciousness is that of what is now often called the subliminal self, the subtle or dream self of Indian psychology, and its range of potential knowledge, almost infinite as has been pointed out in the last chapter, includes a very large power and many forms of... is the possibility of mental constructions and mental images interfering with the true truth of things in the presentations of the psychical experience. The coming of the intimations of the subliminal self to the surface and the activity of the psychical consciousness tend to Page 896 turn the mind of ignorance, with which we begin, increasingly though not perfectly into a mind of se ...


... of consciousness which is aware of the stream, but of which the stream is unaware; for this sum of surface energy is a selection, an outcome from all the rest that is invisible. That sea is the subliminal self, the superconscient, the subconscient, the intraconscient and circumconscient being, and holding it all together the soul, the psychic entity. The stream is the natural, the superficial man. In... could not have thrown himself into the stream of Time with that movement of subjection to its flux from moment to moment which is the nature of his present living. Living in his superconscient or subliminal self, he could not have worked out from the knot of his individual Page 611 mentality the relations which he has to ravel and unravel with the world about him, or would have to do it in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... there is nothing here of the assured clearness and firmly-grounded positivism of the physical method. Yet facts emerge and with the facts a momentous conclusion,—the conclusion, that there is a "subliminal" self behind our superficial waking mind not inconscient but conscient, greater than the waking mind, endowed with surprising faculties and capable of a much surer action and experience, conscient of... which creatures are born and into which they depart." It answers, Page 181 therefore, closely enough to the modern idea of the Inconscient corrected by the other modern idea of the subliminal self; for it is inconscient only to the waking mind precisely because it is superconscient to it and the mind is therefore only able to seize it in its results and not in itself. And what better proof ...


... what a small and fragmentary portion of our being is covered by our waking self-awareness. We arrive at the knowledge that our waking mind and ego are only a superimposition upon a submerged, a subliminal self,—for so that self appears to us,—or, more accurately, an inner being, with a much vaster capacity of experience; our mind and ego are like the crown and dome of a temple jutting out from the waves... the first step towards a real self-knowledge. Sri Aurobindo The Life Divine - I: The Boundaries of the Ignorance If we undertake this self-discovery and enlarge our knowledge of the subliminal self, so conceiving it as to include in it our lower subconscient and upper superconscient ends, we shall discover that it is really this which provides the whole material of our apparent being and ...


... by a process of concentration. It is a power, not a state of preoccupied knowledge of things. But that doesn't mean that he knows everything. NIRODBARAN: When one gets into contact with the subliminal self, one can know whatever he wants without any concentration. SRI AUROBINDO: How? NIRODBARAN: Isn't the knowledge there automatic? SRI AUROBINDO: What do you mean by automatic? NIRODBARAN:... can know everything. Isn't it so, Nirod? NIRODBARAN: No, no, I must read the chapter again. SRI AUROBINDO: What I have said in The Life Divine is that when you get into contact with the subliminal self, you get into contact with a greater source of knowledge. But it is not all pure and correct knowledge because the subliminal is also mixed with Ignorance and it has many parts and depths. PURANI: ...


... although this Sleep-Self is said to be an infinitely greater Intelligence,Omniscient, Omnipotent, Prajna, the Ishwara. Psychic Science calls this hidden consciousness the Subliminal self and here too it is seen that this Subliminal self has more- powers, more knowledge, a freer field of movement than the smaller self that is on the surface. But the truth is that all that is behind, this sea of which ...

... Sadhaka : Should I try to locate the psychological functions in different centres of the body ? Sri Aurobindo : Yes, yoga means growing more and more conscious, Even the movement of the subliminal self must be felt and experienced. The centre of vision – and will – is between the eye-brows. The centre of the Psychic being is in the heart – not in the emotional being but behind it. The vital being... once the relation is established. Man is not confined to the physical body. The real Soul has almost nothing to do with the physical man. It is not necessary for me to give my thought to you, the subliminal self can give the necessary help even without the thought-mind knowing anything about it. Sadhaka : So I can go to my place now ? Sri Aurobindo : Keep writing about your experiences and ...

... from the outer mentality, but only acting below the surface, unknown to the waking man, in the same sense if perhaps with a deeper plunge and a larger scope. But the phenomena of the subliminal Page 93 self far exceed the limits of any such definition. It includes an action not only immensely superior in capacity, but quite different in kind from what we know as mentality in our waking self... subconscient, a range of conscious faculties and therefore an organisation of consciousness which rise high above that psychological stratum to which we give the name of mentality. And since the subliminal self in us thus rises in superconscience above mentality, may it not also sink in subconscience below mentality? Are there not in us and in the world forms of consciousness which are submental, to which ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... although this Sleep self is said to be an infinitely greater Intelligence, omniscient, omnipotent, Prajna, the Ishwara. Psychic science calls this hidden consciousness the subliminal self, and, here too, it is seen that this subliminal self Page 203 has more powers, more knowledge, a freer field of movement than the smaller self that is on the surface. But the truth is that all this that is behind ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... as "the pure thinker in us", the immediate origin of both of which Sri Aurobindo in this context traces to the subliminal. In Chapter XI of Part II of The Life Divine 4 he says: "The subliminal self... has the same capacities as our waking being, a subtle sense and perception, a comprehensive extended memory and an intensive selecting intelligence, will, self-consciousness; but even though... surface mind is hardly a true mentality, so involved, bound, hampered, conditioned is it by the body and bodily life and the limitations of the nerve-system and the physical organs. But the subliminal self has a true mentality superior to these limitations; it exceeds the physical mind and physical organs although it is aware of them and their works and is, indeed, in a large degree their cause ...

... outer Page 118 mentality, but only acting below the surface, unknown to the waking man, in the same sense if perhaps with a deeper plunge and a larger scope. But the phenomena of the subliminal self far exceed the limits of any such definition. It includes an action not only immensely superior in capacity, but quite different in kind from what we know as mentality in our waking self. We have... subconscient, a range of conscious faculties and therefore an organisation of consciousness which rise high above that psychological stratum to which we give the name of mentality. And since the subliminal self in us thus rises in superconscience above mentality, may it not also sink in subconscience below mentality? Are there not in us and in the world forms of consciousness which are submental, to which ...

... is nowhere and at no time unconscious. What we call unconsciousness is simply other-consciousness; it is the going in of this surface wave of our mental awareness of outer objects into our subliminal self-awareness and into our awareness too of other planes of existence. We are really no more unconscious when we are asleep or stunned or drugged or "dead" or in any other state, than when we are ...


... shall see if I can get a few minutes for revising your English translation. But you seemed to have progressed greatly in your English verse. How so quickly? Yogic force? Internal combustion? The subliminal self? Raihana's letter and drawing which have unaccountably turned up again with me. Poltergeist? Your inadvertence? Mine?" This extraordinary freedom which Dilip enjoyed in his relations with ...


... shall see if I can get a few minutes for revising your English translation. But you seem to have progressed greatly in your English verse — (How so quickly? Yogic Force? Internal combustion? The subliminal self?) Raihana's letter and drawing which have unaccountably turned up again with me. Poltergeist? Your inadvertence? Mine?" "O Guru," I wrote, "I could not meditate of late, thanks to mountains ...


... memory from dream to dream, from state to state, till the whole is once more before us. A coherent knowledge of sleep life, though difficult to achieve or to keep established, is possible. Our subliminal self is not, like our surface physical being, an outcome of the energy of the Inconscient; it is a meeting-place of the consciousness that emerges from below by evolution and the consciousness that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... was", is nowhere and at no time unconscious. What we call unconsciousness is simply other-consciousness; it is the going in of this surface wave of our mental awareness of outer objects into our subliminal self-awareness and into our awareness too of other planes of existence. We are really no more unconscious when we are asleep or stunned or drugged or "dead" or in any other state, than when we are plunged ...


... guess, nor even a surprising coincidence. It is a convincing and indisputable prophecy. Its appearance in the automatic writing can only be explained either by the assumption that Mr. Stead has a subliminal self, calling Page 45 itself Julia, gifted with an absolute and exact power of prophecy denied to the man as we know him,—a violent, bizarre and unproved assumption,—or by the admission ...


... is all that this psycho-analysis of Freud seems to know—and even of that it knows only a few ill-lit corners,—is no more than a restricted and very inferior portion of the subliminal whole. The subliminal self stands behind and supports the whole superficial man; it has in it a larger and more efficient mind behind the surface mind, a larger and more powerful vital behind the surface vital, a subtler ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... all that this psycho-analysis of Freud seems to know,—and even of that it knows only a few ill-lit corners,—is no more than a restricted and very inferior portion of the subliminal whole. The subliminal self stands behind and supports the whole superficial man; it has in it a larger and more efficient mind behind the surface mind, a larger and more powerful vital behind the surface vital, a subtler ...


... is no more than an instrumental part and a phenomenon, a selective formation for a specific and delimited surface use. "Our waking mind and ego are only a superimposition upon a submerged, a subliminal self, — for so that self appears to us, — or, more accurately, an inner being, with a much vaster capacity of experience; our mind and ego are like the crown and dome of a temple jutting out from ...

... right hand, made a gesture as if to say, "Don't know what to make of it all." PURANI: My presence seems to act as a catalytic agent without one's knowledge. SRI AUROBINDO: That is how the subliminal self acts—without knowledge. Sri Aurobindo started taking his short walk in the room. When the walk was finished, Purani took up the thread of a past conversation. PURANI:: Between Hegel and Kant ...


... shall see if I can get a few minutes for revising your English translation. But you seem to have progressed greatly in your English verse - How so quickly? Yogic Force? Internal combustion? The subliminal self? Raihana's letter and drawing which have unaccountably turned up again with me. Poltergeist? Your inadvertence? Mine? 18 IV. Humorous alliteration and sound-sameness: 1.AK: In ...

... contacts of that delight. When it opens to universal delight, it is the delight of the Satchidananda, really speaking. In the mind, there is a surface mind, the ego and so on, and the subliminal Page 215 self. In the life also, there is an outer vital personality and an inner vital being, you can say, a subliminal vital being. There is a subtle physical body behind this gross physical body ...


... What is the cause of the laughter. Disciple : My presence acts as a catalytic agent, so I myself do not know the cause nor what is the joke. Sri Aurobindo : That is how the subliminal self acts, without your knowledge, while your surface consciousness is ignorant about it. Disciple : But to return to N's question. If one takes the standpoint of reason and wants to decide ...

... subjective character, a pressure of ideas, suggestions, emotional formations, impulsions to sensation, action, dynamic experience. However large a part of this pressure may be traced to our own subliminal self or to the siege of universal Mind-forces or Life-forces belonging to our own world, there is an element which bears the stamp of another origin, an insistent supraterrestrial character. But ...


... The Life Divine - I: The Ascending Series of Substance A secret continuous action of the higher powers and principles from their own planes upon terrestrial being and nature through the subliminal self, which is itself a projection from those planes into the world born of the Inconscience, must have an effect and a significance. Its first effect has been the liberation of life and mind out of ...


... evidence to disprove these charges which the officials impugned have Page 392 not tried and the Anglo-Indian journals have not been able to disprove. No, the inner consciousness, the subliminal self of Mr. Garth has assured the outer barrister in him of the innocence of Messrs. Clarke, Loghman and Co., and they are acquitted. Mr. Garth is equally cocksure that the Mahomedans did not begin ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... then there was always a greater subjective force working behind individuals, policies, economic movements and the change of institutions; but it worked for the most part subconsciously, more as a subliminal self than as a conscious mind. It is when this subconscious power of the group-soul comes to the surface that nations begin to enter into possession of their subjective selves; they set about getting ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... centres of the subtle nervous system and by the opening one escapes from the limitations of the surface consciousness bound to the gross body, and great ranges of experience proper to the larger subliminal self, mental, vital, subtle-physical, are shown to the sadhaka. When the Kundalini meets the higher consciousness, as it ascends through the summit of the head, there is an opening to the higher su ...


... access to the superior gradations of our conscious existence. There is first a movement inward by which, instead of living in our surface mind, we break the wall between our external and our now subliminal self; this can be brought about by a gradual effort and discipline or by a vehement transition, sometimes a forceful involuntary rupture,—the latter by no means safe for the limited human mind accustomed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... currents and wave-circuits pouring upon us from the universal Mind, universal Life, universal subtler Matter-forces. These, unperceived by us on the surface, are perceived and admitted by our subliminal self and turned into formations which can powerfully affect our existence without our knowledge. If the wall that separates this inner existence from the outer self were penetrated, we could know and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... Page 633 action in which he lives, a range of experience of which it is only a frontal scheme or a narrow superficial selection. By this intuition he stands upon the threshold of a subliminal self with a more extended possibility than this superficial mentality opens to his self-knowledge. A last and greatest intuition is an inner awareness of something which he more essentially is, something ...


... awakened by the practice of Pranayama. In its expansion it opens up all the centres of our psychological being in which reside the powers and the consciousness of what would now be called perhaps our subliminal self; therefore as each centre of power and consciousness is opened up, we get access to successive psychological planes and are able to put ourselves in communication with the worlds or cosmic states ...


... above, from its own plane, of that Power already self-realised in its own higher natural province. In all these previous stages there has been a division between surface self and consciousness and subliminal self and consciousness; the surface was formed mainly under the push of the upsurging force from below, by the Inconscient developing a slowly emergent formulation of a concealed force of the spirit ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... conscious experience. But in fact there are immense ranges behind of which we could be aware if we opened the doors of our inner being. These ranges are there already in action and known to a subliminal self in us, and much even of our surface consciousness is directly projected from them and without our knowing it influences our subjective experience of things. There is a range of independent vital ...


... tion of the superficial powers and action of the mind and psychic parts and the life, but it manifests and transforms also those rarer powers and that larger force and knowledge proper to our subliminal self that appear now to us as things occult, curiously psychic, abnormal. These things become in the supramental nature not at all abnormal but perfectly natural and normal, not separately psychic but ...


... there is in consciousness the power of self-oblivion. This self-oblivion is the primary phenomenon of material existence. But as [in] the sleeping or unconscious or self-oblivious man there is a subliminal self which neither sleeps nor forgets itself nor is unconscious, so in what appears to [be] inconscient form worked by an inconscient force or power of being there is, discoverable by extending knowledge ...


... and at the back of Art there is inspiration, what is the region of psychological being from which these phenomena appear?" 2   We are all familiar today with terms like "subliminal self" and "unconscious mind". Psycho-analysis has had to posit a complex working of mental process behind and beyond our known thoughts, feelings, desires and volitions. This process is usually called ...


... something of its own archetype - the innermost's and the uppermost's outermost, so to speak: the "subtle body" and the "causal body" inherently belonging to them and waiting to manifest along with the subliminal self and the self that is superconscient. I know that the archetypal-physical is beyond our capacity to realise in any true sense at present, but a distant feeling of it is not ruled out and such a ...


... than our surface existence. But both belong to the inner realm of our being of which our surface is unaware, so both are jumbled together in our common conception and parlance." 9 "The subliminal self stands behind and supports the whole superficial man; it has in it a larger and more efficient mind behind the surface mind, a larger and more powerful vital behind the surface vital, a subtler ...

... forehead)... images, poetry: That has a more direct access to the inexpressible." 6 What a vibration it was, that came through with all the immediacy and impetuous driven force of the subliminal self behind it! We can see this first poem, called Seated Above, as representative of a new voice in poetry, despite its imagery drawn from ancient Indian tradition: Seated above in ...


... omniscient, omnipotent, the inner control, the womb of all and that from which creatures are born and into which they depart." It answers, therefore, closely enough to the modern idea of the subliminal self; for it is inconscient only to the waking mind, precisely because it is superconscient to it and the mind is therefore only able to seize it in its results and not in itself. And what better ...


... that goes on turning round and round whatever thoughts occur in it. Page 341 The Inner Being (The Subliminal) Behind the outer being is the inner being, also called the subliminal self. There is an inner as well as an outer consciousness all through our being, upon all its levels. The ordinary man is aware only of his surface self and quite unaware of all that is ...


... of extending our consciousness beyond its present limits. Access to the superior gradations of our conscious existence becomes possible when we break the wall between our external and our subliminal self. What we then discover are the secret parts of ourselves—an inner being, a soul, an inner mind, an inner life which are more plastic, more powerful, more capable of a manifold knowledge than ...

... deal with them. But I shall see if I can get a few minutes for this translation—you seem to have progressed greatly in your English verse (how so quickly? Yogic force? internal combustion? the subliminal self?) and perhaps much rehandling is not needed. I send you Raihana's letter and drawing which have unaccountably turned up again with me (Poltergeist? your inadvertence? mine?). Page ...

... Canto I, p. 711. 2 Savitri, Book X, Canto IV, pp. 648-49. Page 126 By the first movement of inward penetration, we seek to break asunder the wall separating our subliminal self from our present surface existence, leave the surface consciousness and live entirely in the realm of our inner mind, inner life, inner subtle-physical and finally in the inmost soul of our being ...

... s of "dosing".] This is a medical spelling. Probably in order that your waking mind might not interfere. Dozing is often a form of semi-samadhi in which the waking mind retires and the subliminal self comes bobbing up. Have you finished with Jatin's long letter regarding dreams, sleep-walking etc.? The reply is overdue, Sir! I have often tried to begin that, but it is a long affair and ...

... He had broken the veil between the mental and the vital planes, opened himself to the worlds behind them, and he was unable to bear all that followed. There I used the word in the sense of the "subliminal self". Disciple : Is the activity of the psychic being mainly in , the inner mental,, the inner vital  being or is it subconscious ?                         Sri Aurobindo : Everything ...

... subliminal dreams are a class apart. But before we try to observe something of their nature and function, let us turn to the subliminal itself and have a cursory view of its vast terrain. "Our subliminal self is not, like our surface physical being, an outcome of the energy of the Inconscient, it is a meeting place of the consciousness that emerges from below by evolution and the consciousness that ...


... 97 See also Atman; Self Subconscient (subconscious), the, 6, 12, 13, 21, 33-40, 72, 307, 337, 349-51, 362-63 becoming aware of, 39-40 control of, 39-40 and dreams, 233-36 passim and the return of things, 34, 36 and the subliminal, 72 Subconscious (inner) mind, 4, 290- 91, 337 Subliminal (being, self), the, 4, 12, 13, 23,... as a concrete certitude, 190 cf. Brahman; Sachchidananda Dream Self, 75, 79 Dream-State (svapna), 206-09 ordinary and yogic, 214 Dreams, 231-42, 351 remembering of, 238-39, 240 and the subconscient, 233-36 passim and the subliminal, 235-36, 240, 242 and visions, 242 symbolic, 235-36 Ego (self), 21, 25, 100, 120, 124-36 passim, 305, 361, 365-67, 374, 380-84, 386-87... mind an instrument, 259 and Matter, 6 mechanical, 47 physical, 54-55, 81, 341 and the Self, 122 and sense, 51-54, 247 a sixth sense, 82 and spiritual truths, 180-81; see also Intellect, and spiritual truths subliminal, 53 sub-planes of, 43 thinking, 47, 48-49, 55-56, 64 vital, 47-48, 55, 65, 341 and vital d ...


... into the subliminal consciousness,—and consequently this lower part of his being is much less sure of itself, much less confident of the directions of his nature, much more groping, errant and fallible in its larger scope than that of the animal in his lesser limits. This happens because man's real dharma and law of being is to seek for a Page 795 greater self-aware existence, a self-manifestation... it is therefore by a development of an intuitive mind that we can make the first step towards the self-existent spontaneous and direct supramental knowledge. All the physical, vital, emotional, psychic, dynamic nature of man is a surface seizing of suggestions which rise out of a subliminal intuitive self-being of these parts, and an attempt usually groping and often circuitous to work them out in the... action, one uncertain and ignorant of the surface consciousness and the other subliminal implying a secret subconscient direction. The surface consciousness is full of a groping and seeking which increases rather than diminishes as life rises in its scale and widens in the scope of its conscious powers; but the secret self within assures in spite of the groping of the vital mind the action of the nature ...
